Prophet, on Feb 23 2005, 08:46 AM, said:
Exilus, on Feb 22 2005, 06:28 AM, said:
OH and Simon as to your rising above your Standing you keep Usning I think i will one last tme, the person who talked to me on msn using tevloks MSN account you didn't get off fast enough I had your IP address, andyour home address before i sad it, Identy theft is punishable up to 3years in prison, I am forwarding that address and the convo of you claiming to be and person who lives in germany, with an engliand IP to the authorities in your country, and yes i know who you are. I'll let Simon or John know if they decide to ask.
Good Day
may the fires of Sol burn forever.
First off check the English law, use of an alius is not illegal in England, it only becomes illegal after a crime is commited under that alius, and since the person didn't commit any crime you'll find the authorities that your forwarding it to will just dismiss it. Once again I have to correct you on the law, just like the GNUGPL, sadly you weren't listening then and I doubt your listening now. So go ahead and waste your time reporting him.
You will find i did check the English law, you will also find that they did comit a crime, when they logged into a real persons, MSn and Used their real name and claimed to be that person, that is Identy theft a crime with in itself, by doing so they gained access to his personal money, as his paypal info goes to that account, his personal buesness as does his Ebay and school records. also you wothless peice of Shyte, Direct from moonripper, YOU need to check yourself before you wreck yourself, he has looked at my code, and will happily tell you that it is not copied, and then if you would like to send a letter to Chris kremer and tell him that you think i have copied his code go right ahead.
You can tell him also in that letter that Exilus said to tell him hello, as well did moonripper, and moonripper wants to know when he is going to contact him, as we have an idea for a new game type.
Next im going to correct you on something right now as well, this is NM forum not the FOS forum, if you wish to continue this go right ahead. but I gained your address from your msn, when you were talking to me not to mention im sure that the two people involved yestarday who you are determined to get introuble, will happily tell you when i say authorities, Im talking about how im going to sue your parents since you are under age for 10,000 pounds for slander, what is that here let me tell you.
Direct from a England court law book.
SLANDER - A false defamation (expressed in spoken words, signs, or gestures) which injures the character or reputation of the person defamed; distinguished from libel.
The defaming a man in his reputation by speaking or writing words which affect his life, office, or trade, or which tend to his loss of preferment in marriage or service, or in his inheritance, or which occasion any other particular damage. In England, if slander be spoken of a peer, or other great man, it is called Scandalum Magnatum. Falsity and malice are ingredients of slander. Written or printed slanders are libels.
Here it is proposed to treat of verbal slander only, which may be considered with reference to, 1st. The nature of the accusation. 2d. The falsity of the charge. 3d. The mode of publication. 4th. The occasion; and 5th. The malice or motive of the slander.
Actionable words are of two descriptions; first, those actionable in themselves, without proof of special damages and, secondly, those actionable only in respect of some actual consequential damages. Words of the first description must impute: - 1st. The guilt of some offence for which the party, if guilty, might be indicted and punished by the criminal courts; as to call a person a "traitor," "thief," "highwayman;" or to say that he is guilty of "perjury," "forgery," "murder," and the like. And although the imputation of guilt be general, without stating the particulars of the pretended crime, it is actionable.
Edited by Exilus, 23 February 2005 - 06:35 PM.
The rebirth is coming, is he god or devil? The fires of Sol are burning. May they burn your fingers.