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Staff's Judgement

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#91 Magoo

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Posted 21 February 2005 - 06:58 PM

Limit, on Feb 21 2005, 03:58 PM, said:

Then why waste your time trying to fix or find the answers to the problems.

Solution to theft issues. Ban the thieves and leave the person who was stolen from nothing. Leave their account locked. Then people learn not to give their passes out and the thieves learn not to steal. killing 2 birds with 1 stone. Ive learned my lesson.

exactly what i think .. if you dont wanna take the time to go through logs and see what whose is whose then u should atleast ban the account cus then noone makes out on the deal and then everyone has nothing .. (then you can run quests wit their stuff or something so it dont all get deleted)
Skills pay the bills and ur dead Broke

#92 jurian


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Posted 21 February 2005 - 07:15 PM

well looking at jlh's reply and there not being a reply from simon i'm assuming nothing will happen and the game will steadily get worse.

edit: on a side note notice that htere haven;t been any donations in 4 months :unsure:

Edited by jurian, 21 February 2005 - 07:56 PM.

Even in death my hate will go on

#93 »¤~§ûߣîMîñ⣠Âû±hô®î±¥~¤«

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Posted 21 February 2005 - 07:56 PM

well... i guess i was hoping that some people might agree but i guess if not even the staff don't give 2 nutss then they players might as well not either cuz we can't to anything but look to you so bend over nightmist here comes bubba
They say that the good die young, thats why think that you should have fun, cuz time don't wait for no one.

#94 Pandilex



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Posted 21 February 2005 - 08:00 PM

jurian, on Feb 21 2005, 07:15 PM, said:

well looking at jlh's reply and there not being a reply from simon i'm assuming nothing will happen and the game will steadily get worse.

If you, or anyone else, has direct questions they want to ask me, they can e-mail me, and post my response onto the forum.

I respond to all e-mails and/or forward them to JLH if necessary.

With regards to some of the fuzzy issues raised in this thread:


Ed, Bill, and Di admit to taking kev's account. Let me put this into a real life situation for you.

Many people hide keys to their house in case they are locked out. Lets say Steve goes on vacation, and tells Mary where the key was hidden, so she could go inside everyday to feed his cat. Mary remembers an old argument with Steve, and decides to tell Joe where the key is hidden. Joe proceeds to go inside the house and steal Steve's TV and car keys, and drive's away with Steve's car.

Joe gets out of his cab, goes inside his house, and finds the TV gone and his car stolen out of the garage. Joe calls Steve and says "Haha you goy pwnz0red by Joe!" Steve then calls the police, and says "Joe Schmoe stole my car!" What do the police do?

A. Take Joe into custody for theft.
B. Do nothing, because Steve trusted Mary with the key, so it's Steve's fault.

You're welcome to take this scenario, but unfortunately it doesn't apply to Nightmist. Because there is one rule that is different in Nightmist than to real life. And that is if you fail to adequately protect your property, then we are not liable.

In real life, if you leave your front door open and someone walks in and takes everything, they can go to jail.
In nightmist, the rule is that you shouldn't have left your door open in the first place, so nothing will be done (at the administrator's discretion).

If you need to ask why, just look at the amount of effort that has been put into stopping people hurting themselves. Take clans as a prime example. Originally, clans had just Members and Leaders. But the amount of stupidity that came along from people appointing random fools (rather like giving strangers the keys to your house) meant we decided because of the sheer volume of stupidity, to create founders. Founders, the idea was, would mean one person (the original creator) was always in control. However, there would be cases when people would want to create a clan together - so multiple founders came about.

However, suprise suprise, people started appointing random strangers as founders, and the whole situation started over. So to reduce the problem even further, yet another tier (all tiers bar leader completely unneccessary if people only promote those they trust) was created - chairperson. As you can see, only by creating one, immovable member was the problem rectified. Anything less, and people would screw themselves over with their own stupidity. And it wasn't just one, or two people, it was enough for us to have to put this system in just to lower the ridiculous amounts of completely unnecessary complaints.

Remember pre-trade system? People always screwed themselves over by not trading with staff supervision. The trade system took a very long time to write, and was unneccessary to stop thefts (despite it being very useful) if people only listened.

And so the third topic is approached - people gave out their clans, their items, and now their account details! When does the stupidity end?

You'll notice so far I haven't used any reference to thievery. That's because there is none. The rigid policy of Nightmist is that we don't have to do ANYTHING, we have no liability whatsoever for the above three situations. You'll also find this is the policy of other MMORPGS, such as Eve Online where someone documented one of the greatest in-game money scams I have ever seen in my life, because there was no liability.

Thievery is just a replacement word the community here has created to switch the blame from the stupid person to the recipient. It is a relabelling of the word 'Stupidity'.

I think whatever happens to these stupid people is punishment enough for doing it in the first place. Occasionally, it happens to tear apart greater friendships. Too bad. All I can say is, don't share in the first place. It isn't condoned or recommended by staff.

Next issue: "You're so biased why do this, why do that, etc."

Right. From where myself and JLH sit, we can see the entire game, its past, its present, its future, and everything that goes on behind the scenes.

There are many things I have done in the past, the present, and will continue to do so that will get me huge amounts of abuse from people on the forum. Sadly these things are very necessary. Unfortunately by their very nature, revealing why I have done and do certain things will completely destroy their effectiveness. So it is unfortunate that some things which I get abuse over are the very things that are saving the people who are complaining against me.

Due to the nature of it, I don't really want to give any examples out because it would compromise their existance, so unfortunately you'll just have to continue slating me on this issue, and I'll just have to keep ignoring you.

However, with regards to this particular case, see above: Staff don't have to lift a finger because of people's stupidity. While both myself and JLH would almost always actively help people who lost their things this way, the sheer volume of it and stupidity caused us both to help less and less (more so in my case, where I have simply given up entirely).

Next issue: Relationship between JLH and myself

Firstly, I'd never do anything to make the game worse. That aside, everything I do, I justify it to JLH. If I don't, I assure you he will ask me and bring up every possibility. He is a great person and he puts a huge amount of effort into this game. Everything major is generally discussed and I assure you he will not allow anything he disagrees with. Anything you might think about 'puppets' is assuredly false. One thing I will say is that because of his fanatisicm for helping Nightmist means that rather a lot of suggestions get added, and there are lots of them that I disagree with, or think should be tweaked slightly. It just goes to show his passion, I think.

Note : Logs contain passwords (relevent? who knows)

Next issue: Desired measures

Rather like the whole clan member/founder/chairperson and the trade system, you would like us again to cut off the part of people that makes them stupid. Essentially, hold their hands, or perhaps bind them would be a better analogy, to prevent them hurting themselves again.

Unfortunately this is one thing we cannot do. There's nothing that can be done to stop you from giving out your password.

IP addresses change and are not consistant. MAC addresses do not exist unless you're on dialup, and even then can be changed easily. E-mail addresses can be terminated or lost sometimes, resulting in complete inability to restore accounts. Computer IDs are lost on formats. All of the above bar e-mails stop you playing at your friend's house. None are possible. E-mail is the exception, but is compromised when passwords are given out, and thus is completely redundant.

Nothing can be done to stop people being stupid in this way.

Next issue: Current affairs

You can brand a few people who seem to be the people on the rather more lucrative side of these acts of stupidity, but it won't detract from it. People will be stupid, someone will replace them, and at the end of the day, they're doing nothing wrong. Turn around and blame the thieves, not these people.

Next issue: Belief

If you disbelieve anything here feel free to e-mail JLH, and ask his opinion. Rather than publically run your mouth off about issues, contact him if you feel I'm biased or won't reply (although I always do).

If you think staff don't care about something, why don't you ask us, rather than post the very informative and intellectually stimilating "staff sux n dont care" messages.

I think you'll find many other people would simply lay down the law, and go through and ban everyone that makes the slightest suggestion they disagree.

Final thought:

You're the minions, we're the lords. Don't act above your position, but do what anyone with leaders should do, and question motives you do not understand or disagree with. Do so DIRECTLY, rather than ramble on in a forum post, with slurs and other nonsense that you've made up just to directly insult people.

Good day.
If you build it, they will come.

#95 Lifeless Void

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Posted 21 February 2005 - 08:39 PM

*Claps to Pandelix*
How the hell would I know?

#96 Exodia



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Posted 21 February 2005 - 08:56 PM

I do not know why I am singled out, when was the last time i committed a theft, not just went along with what you people say... I DO NOT EVEN PLAY.. what do i do.. sit online at sgh. and OCCASIONALLY contribute to a conversation. I don't even talk to Simon/Pandilex anymore... due to ppl questioning his integrity because he simply enjoyed my 'company'.

2nd issue.

Do not insult me, or my character, if you do, your an ignorant asshole. Over 3/4 of the NM community do not know me, yet publicly slander me. So please get off your high pedastool and come back to the REAL WORLD. I am so sick of you uneducated, egotistical fools blasting me on the forums and in-game. I do not bother anyone, and I would like my name left out of your feeble conversations.

I will not comment on anything else on this thread.. Except most of you need to go back to English class. If English is a second language.. learn more of it before you type it.
Primex ingame

#97 Simulation

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Posted 21 February 2005 - 09:23 PM

Exodia, on Feb 21 2005, 08:56 PM, said:

I do not know why I am singled out, when was the last time i committed a theft, not just went along with what you people say... I DO NOT EVEN PLAY.. what do i do.. sit online at sgh. and OCCASIONALLY contribute to a conversation. I don't even talk to Simon/Pandilex anymore... due to ppl questioning his integrity because he simply enjoyed my 'company'.

2nd issue.

Do not insult me, or my character, if you do, your an ignorant asshole. Over 3/4 of the NM community do not know me, yet publicly slander me. So please get off your high pedastool and come back to the REAL WORLD. I am so sick of you uneducated, egotistical fools blasting me on the forums and in-game. I do not bother anyone, and I would like my name left out of your feeble conversations.

I will not comment on anything else on this thread.. Except most of you need to go back to English class. If English is a second language.. learn more of it before you type it.


#98 Consumed


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Posted 21 February 2005 - 09:34 PM

Raylen, on Feb 21 2005, 10:51 AM, said:

Fine words. However, it is a generally acknowledged fact that actions speak louder than words.

This is you only the other day trying to get people to bid higher on an item your friend(?) was selling by posting fake bids. I would not think to talk about such things as "dignity, pride, and trust" when you yourself run these three into the ground by your deeds.

Of course, if i am wrong about you, you have my full apology :unsure:

it isnt smart to do sometimes but people even do things to this nature at auctions irl and sometimes screw themselves over lol
-Alias ingame-

#99 Tom

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Posted 21 February 2005 - 09:52 PM

just all quit job done

Edited by Tom, 21 February 2005 - 09:54 PM.

Feck Off

#100 Crane


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Posted 21 February 2005 - 10:58 PM

A fine speech, Pandilex. As he has already said, and I have said a few times before, YOU as the player can take steps to prevent yourself from being stolen from... if you need a list of obvious steps, here it is:

- Don't share, especially with someone who you don't know that well.
- Choose a password that is NOT obvious (1234567890 is easily guessable).
- Don't give out your password to anyone.
- It is a wise idea to change your password periodically, especially if you suspect that someone might know what it is.
- Be careful what you download from other players, especially EXE files and such.
- Invest in Antivirus Software and a Firewall... those you really do need these days to ensure reasonable protection.

Really... it does not take that much effort. As for those who already share, pray that your account partners are trustworthy. And even if you do share, it is nice to keep some crits in your own private account for your personal use... something that is your own identity.
The Crane Temple Chairman

Main crits:

Don't kill the messenger mathematician!

#101 Limit

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Posted 22 February 2005 - 01:04 AM

If i may say ... judgeing by an educational aspect... Bill your the least educated person whos posted here... considering you dont have anything to show for yours. Although i applaud you at your attempt to use a somewhat intelligent usage of words.

Bold = Spelling/Grammar mistakes. Check your own word usage next time :unsure: --Pandilex
The difference between stupidity and genius is that genius has its limits. - Albert Einstein

#102 Sneaky

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Posted 22 February 2005 - 01:31 AM

Simon, please allow your friends who dropped out of high school to defend themselves.
Chuck Norris wears Jack Bauer pajamas.

combusta said

deimos the noob said no

#103 menardi

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Posted 22 February 2005 - 02:15 AM

Limit, on Feb 22 2005, 01:04 AM, said:

If i may say ... judgeing by an educational aspect... Bill your the least educated person whos posted here... considering you dont have anything to show for yours. Although i applaud you at your attempt to use a somewhat intelligent usage of words.

Bold = Spelling/Grammar mistakes. Check your own word usage next time :unsure: --Pandilex

it seems that usage and although are fine i dont know what you are talking about..
Electron/Excuse in game~~ÐÎVΧÎØÑ


#104 Perfection

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Posted 22 February 2005 - 02:21 AM

so lifting perm. ban is all cool .. staff like the people so dun matter what they do they will still be allowed to play :unsure:
Pulsar, Gremlin or Old_Dog in game. (multi alt only)

#105 Tyrelline

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Posted 22 February 2005 - 02:58 AM

:unsure: I agree with Mike. And the game has lost its touch because some of the dishonest people that play. if it werent for the few good people that DO play... I would have quit a long time ago.

"suddenly i heard a tapping, as of someone gently rapping, rapping at my chamber door"


Tyrelline - Main

Tyrelline, Desire, Holy, Agony- 1A

#106 deadman

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Posted 22 February 2005 - 03:30 AM

/nod Trey
Contact Unforgiven on 1a.

#107 Ryuku


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Posted 22 February 2005 - 03:35 AM

I say if people admit to it, they should be punished, because staff only don't do it because it would be too much work and they can't help everyone. If people admit it, almost no work is needed for staff, just ensure that the person stolen from gets stuff back, and the person who stole gets their Atleast that way, theft will still happen, but people won't brag about it (a way to admit it) which makes me sick they brag about something so wrong and stupid.

#108 Consumed


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Posted 22 February 2005 - 04:26 AM

that will solve one or 2 thefts...then people will just simply stop admiting it...
-Alias ingame-

#109 Exilus

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Posted 22 February 2005 - 06:28 AM

Pandilex, on Feb 21 2005, 08:00 PM, said:

You'll notice so far I haven't used any reference to thievery. That's because there is none. The rigid policy of Nightmist is that we don't have to do ANYTHING, we have no liability whatsoever for the above three situations. You'll also find this is the policy of other MMORPGS, such as Eve Online where someone documented one of the greatest in-game money scams I have ever seen in my life, because there was no liability.

You're the minions, we're the lords. Don't act above your position, but do what anyone with leaders should do, and question motives you do not understand or disagree with. Do so DIRECTLY, rather than ramble on in a forum post, with slurs and other nonsense that you've made up just to directly insult people.

Good day.

To these two statements not that I truly care, you may want to do some research on eve online, a coutr of law ruled that they did have Liability, and were only allowed to stay open in a plea agreement. the person who commited the act was jailed for 5 years for, the following offences, Fraud, money laundering, and Idendenty theft, as well as since most the thefts accured in the United states while he lived in another country, he was deported to the United states after that country deemed he was guilty of a crime.

To the second to quote the judge in that case, when you open a buesness online. such as a rpg game you are taking on a responsability, that responsabilty to protect and guard your customers, even if you deem their actions are stupid, and should make them responsable, in the end YOU are the one who is responsable for the events that accure in your Buesness, Not the customer, not god, YOU.

OH and Simon as to your rising above your Standing you keep Usning I think i will one last tme, the person who talked to me on msn using tevloks MSN account you didn't get off fast enough I had your IP address, andyour home address before i sad it, Identy theft is punishable up to 3years in prison, I am forwarding that address and the convo of you claiming to be and person who lives in germany, with an engliand IP to the authorities in your country, and yes i know who you are. I'll let Simon or John know if they decide to ask.

Good Day
may the fires of Sol burn forever.

Edited by Exilus, 22 February 2005 - 06:30 AM.

The rebirth is coming, is he god or devil? The fires of Sol are burning. May they burn your fingers.

#110 EvilDognapot

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Posted 22 February 2005 - 07:45 AM

Exilus, on Feb 22 2005, 06:28 AM, said:

Pandilex, on Feb 21 2005, 08:00 PM, said:

You'll notice so far I haven't used any reference to thievery. That's because there is none. The rigid policy of Nightmist is that we don't have to do ANYTHING, we have no liability whatsoever for the above three situations. You'll also find this is the policy of other MMORPGS, such as Eve Online where someone documented one of the greatest in-game money scams I have ever seen in my life, because there was no liability.

You're the minions, we're the lords. Don't act above your position, but do what anyone with leaders should do, and question motives you do not understand or disagree with. Do so DIRECTLY, rather than ramble on in a forum post, with slurs and other nonsense that you've made up just to directly insult people.

Good day.

To these two statements not that I truly care, you may want to do some research on eve online, a coutr of law ruled that they did have Liability, and were only allowed to stay open in a plea agreement. the person who commited the act was jailed for 5 years for, the following offences, Fraud, money laundering, and Idendenty theft, as well as since most the thefts accured in the United states while he lived in another country, he was deported to the United states after that country deemed he was guilty of a crime.

To the second to quote the judge in that case, when you open a buesness online. such as a rpg game you are taking on a responsability, that responsabilty to protect and guard your customers, even if you deem their actions are stupid, and should make them responsable, in the end YOU are the one who is responsable for the events that accure in your Buesness, Not the customer, not god, YOU.

OH and Simon as to your rising above your Standing you keep Usning I think i will one last tme, the person who talked to me on msn using tevloks MSN account you didn't get off fast enough I had your IP address, andyour home address before i sad it, Identy theft is punishable up to 3years in prison, I am forwarding that address and the convo of you claiming to be and person who lives in germany, with an engliand IP to the authorities in your country, and yes i know who you are. I'll let Simon or John know if they decide to ask.

Good Day
may the fires of Sol burn forever.

i'm not a punctuation or spelling king, but woah! you just said a mouthfull, or said something with your mouth full. i can't remember how that phrase works.

anyways, kudos to pandilex for calling nightmist players stupid! i can usually count on astute observations from pandilex.

Edited by EvilDognapot, 22 February 2005 - 07:45 AM.

Evil report carries further than any applause

#111 Pandilex



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Posted 22 February 2005 - 11:43 AM

menardi, on Feb 22 2005, 02:15 AM, said:

Limit, on Feb 22 2005, 01:04 AM, said:

If i may say ... judgeing by an educational aspect... Bill your the least educated person whos posted here... considering you dont have anything to show for yours. Although i applaud you at your attempt to use a somewhat intelligent usage of words.

Bold = Spelling/Grammar mistakes. Check your own word usage next time B) --Pandilex

it seems that usage and although are fine i dont know what you are talking about..

You shouldn't start a sentence with Although, you should use a comma.

You can't say "Use of usage" either.


so lifting perm. ban is all cool .. staff like the people so dun matter what they do they will still be allowed to play  :unsure:

Another very intelligent comment, obviously didn't read what I said...


I say if people admit to it, they should be punished, because staff only don't do it because it would be too much work and they can't help everyone. If people admit it, almost no work is needed for staff, just ensure that the person stolen from gets stuff back, and the person who stole gets their Atleast that way, theft will still happen, but people won't brag about it (a way to admit it) which makes me sick they brag about something so wrong and stupid.

Thought I explained there's no such thing as theft? Go read again.


that will solve one or 2 thefts...then people will just simply stop admiting it...

Again, people just don't get it...


Pandilex, on Feb 21 2005, 08:00 PM, said:

<Stuff about theivery & liability>

To these two statements not that I truly care, you may want to do some research on eve online, a coutr of law ruled that they did have Liability, and were only allowed to stay open in a plea agreement. the person who commited the act was jailed for 5 years for, the following offences, Fraud, money laundering, and Idendenty theft, as well as since most the thefts accured in the United states while he lived in another country, he was deported to the United states after that country deemed he was guilty of a crime.

Perhaps you can back up your statements with a link to the case? Because according to Eve Online's Support Base what you said is utter nonsense. Which figures.

Is it really that bad that people have to start making things up?


OH and Simon as to your rising above your Standing you keep Usning I think i will one last tme, the person who talked to me on msn using tevloks MSN account you didn't get off fast enough I had your IP address, andyour home address before i sad it, Identy theft is punishable up to 3years in prison, I am forwarding that address and the convo of you claiming to be and person who lives in germany, with an engliand IP to the authorities in your country, and yes i know who you are. I'll let Simon or John know if they decide to ask.

Again in English please...
If you build it, they will come.

#112 speedy

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Posted 22 February 2005 - 01:05 PM

man ppl are just outright dumb. i admit i share but it is with someone i know irl and,the ppl who know my account/password i know personally,those who i've known and trusted and i've never been stolen from its very simple you dont wanna get stolen from dont give out your password how hard is that? jlh and staff work there butts off for this game with there FREE TIME theres prolly about 6million things they can be doing but they choose to try and better this game but all the ever get is flamed about theft its getting annoying to log on and hear ppl cry about being stolen from so why doesnt every one give it a break already omg how do u ppl interact with ppl irl are you babies and cry irl like you do on this game my god ppl grow up already. and jlh keep up the good work :unsure:

Edited by speedy, 22 February 2005 - 01:06 PM.


I think all classes appart from pacifists should be removed, then we can all be hippies and play nice together

Inappropriate Avatar - Crane

#113 Animosity

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Posted 22 February 2005 - 02:45 PM


Complain Complain Complain b!tch b!tch b!tch Moan Moan Moan
Blah Blah Blah

Instead of always complaining about theft, IF you get stolen from, WHY THE HELL NOT PROVE TO THIEVES YOU CAN REBUILD AGAIN. I mean jesus, How hard is it to arch a paci, go to museum/barracks/illuminated tunnels and get gold, i mean damn in illuminated tunnels you damn diety regens your mana for you, meaning you really dont need mana pots.

Second solution

Get a cleric and some berserkers.
Train SONM to level 5.
Train large forest to level 10.
Suicide train in swamps til you can hold your own in there.
Train there to level 20-25
Hit up desert.
Berserkers are the EASIEST thing to train besides paci's.
Jesus christ just get over it. Pandilex made his own decision and who cares.
Live with it, bill and ed aren't going anywhere.
So get over it.
Flame me i dont give a sh!t less.I don't play.

Situation for you Not the exact same with nightmist but simular.

You have a job IRL making 10$an hour.
You get fired. You lose your house/apartment w/e
What you gonna do, be a bum for the rest of your life.
No, if your smart you will find a new job and rebuild what you had.
Hell i got kicked out my house last year. Lived in the homeless shelter for 2-3 months. Now look i got a apartment, a cell phone<First one, A new comp
I lost all my stuff..about 500$worth of crap.
I'm slowly rebuilding

So, like i said flame my post. don't give a damn
You wanna talk Email me Trappedinexile2@hotmail.com.
And staff if you wish to ban me from forums for my statements, fair enough.

With that said. STFU and play the game and rebuild if you get stolen from.
Not that difficult.


ÄñïMö§íTÝ owns you.gg owned thx k bai.
Posted Image

#114 Suzey

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Posted 22 February 2005 - 02:49 PM

Silver_Dragoness, on Feb 22 2005, 02:58 AM, said:

:unsure: I agree with Mike. And the game has lost its touch because some of the dishonest people that play. if it werent for the few good people that DO play... I would have quit a long time ago.

hah,few good people,not on this game

Edited by Suzey, 22 February 2005 - 02:52 PM.

#115 Momba

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Posted 22 February 2005 - 04:07 PM

Well Simon thanks for taking the time to outline your views of the game. Gotta respect the honesty.

In the past you have taken stances on issues only to later go back on what you said. An example is theft. Theft became a big issue about 18 months ago. At that time Tevlok, Ed, and Bill were given perm bans. Later you softened up and overturned those bans only to go back on what you said. Nothing during the time they were banned changed. They still were known NM thieves as you pointed out in your explanation upon banning them in the first place.

Now back to my point. You laid out how you view the current issues in NM. You also pointed out how you personally felt about these issues and how you and JLH are going to deal with them in the future. Just stick with it. If you say, you’re not going to help with stupidity issues then don't. If you say a playing who does on the rare occasion commit theft that they will be perm banned then perm ban em and stick with it.

The biggest thing that NM lacks is consistency. Set the rules and stick to them. I know to some it would appear that I am ungrateful in that I shared with Ryan and lost a cobalt that JLH helped me get back. But if JLH simply told me that because I shared with Ryan who in turn shared with Kazuya that he would not help me I would have dealt with it. I guess looking back now the thing that upsets me about some of the accounts that have been jacked because of "stupidity" is that JLH helped me, so why not help them.

I say the slate is cleaned. Simon has outlined how he is going to deal with issues regarding stupidity, so lets sit back and watch. If you stick to what you say Simon I applaud you. If you go against what you said which has been the case in the past then we are no better off now then we were before you took the time to respond to this post.

/t Exodia You’re singled out because you have used the forums as a tool to brag about having capitalized on the stupidity in NM. That and the fact that you’re an asshole pretty much sums up why you get so much heat from other players. The majority of NM doesn't like you. Only thing we can hope is that one day you will either train so we can own you or just uninstall the game completely.

As for your character. Well Webster defines character as a combination of qualities or features that distinguishes one person, group, or thing from another. You have given the 3/4 of NM who you claim don't know you know reason to believe your character is anything other then what we currently view you as. And that my most hated enemy is an arrogant, wormy little asshole who has nothing better to do but sit on a game he doesn't even play to make the lives of the ones who do enjoy the game miserable.

/t Payne that is Daddy N00b to you. :unsure:
My inner child is a mean little f*ucker

#116 jurian


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Posted 22 February 2005 - 04:19 PM

well i didn't read all replies but i was thinking that we mainly talk about banning thieves and known thieves. and then pandi has a point with calling you guys stupid.

really the ppl that should be banned are the ppl that ruin the game with their behaviour/attitude.

so this would still get ed and bill banned and we would still get a better game.

hmm not we, i uninstalled nm but you guys would :unsure:
Even in death my hate will go on

#117 Exodia



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Posted 23 February 2005 - 07:21 AM

I posted on Exodia - (Ed).. And i don't get where you can call me an asshole, you repetitive pos.. all you do is suck ass ingame and talk nuts on forums, plz get your personalities in check, cuz last time i checked, i had more character then you, to continue arguments with " little kids " as you called me.. so yeah. take a step up on the maturity ladder. and stop startin nuts. jesus christ.
Primex ingame

#118 Limit

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Posted 23 February 2005 - 07:39 AM

lolol bill you get so easily agitated? All those words used up in one paragraph. should have saved some for next time you had a thought. judgeing by character you portray the role as a thief if i am correct lol.. thats a character i do not desire to have... and oh yes you caught me lol all i do is talk crap on forums and suck in game. Where were you last proficiency? Gj anyways. And if youll notice ... i talk crap to almost NO ONE .. except well you for the most part. And to be honest i thoroughly enjoy it. And if im not that great in game.. that just means i have room to improve... i dont think anyone can get enough of that? I guess ill work on it though... hows your theft coming? gaining any more skills/tricks? I cant wait to see who you use to improve your account next. Hopefully it belongs to someone with a high school diploma. =).. maybe even grad school.

lmao simon.. i adapt to my surroundings... i shouldnt have to run a spellcheck or double check my typing on nm. I have no one to impress... and as long as you understand what im trying to say then thats all that matters. oops can you plz correct my punctuation errors as well as my incorrect usage of sentences.

Edit: I havent read half of this thread lol ( now knowing that it wasnt bill posting... i choose to still flame him) lol and well ed.. you did share with bill.. and you are a relative... you know what they say about that. (skimmed the whole thing/missed the details) =p

Edited by Limit, 23 February 2005 - 07:50 AM.

The difference between stupidity and genius is that genius has its limits. - Albert Einstein

#119 Exodia



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Posted 23 February 2005 - 07:54 AM

*Sigh*.. Before trying to act intelligent... Please learn to spell, learn correct grammar, and PLEASE (Caps for emphasis) learn to read. I posted it was Ed in the post before you tried to flame. Sadly though, your not flaming, hell your barely sparking! So get off the preschool jokes and whenever you feel you can step up to the plate... I'll give ya somethin to swing at. Anytime you wanna 3 on 3.. I will be damn glad to turn "Comment: Duels i won for gold: Firewater - 100,000 gold.x7" to "Comment: Duels i won for gold: Firewater - 100,000 gold.x14"

I can always use gold from people who think thier mouth is some type of weapon. The only way its a weapon is when your all up on my nuts one second, then biting down the next.

All in all, please back up off me, find a mirror, and look at how pathetic you are. Just in case you didn't believe everyone telling you how pathetic you were growing up.

JLH should make it illegal to SLANDER my name and SLAG me on forums.. seeing as how I don't start arguments with anyone on forums, and im always involved. JLH, just let em cry, you run a fine game. Unfortunately, I don't play it. lmao

Au Reviour,
Primex ingame

#120 Prophet

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Posted 23 February 2005 - 08:46 AM

Exilus, on Feb 22 2005, 06:28 AM, said:

OH and Simon as to your rising above your Standing you keep Usning I think i will one last tme, the person who talked to me on msn using tevloks MSN account you didn't get off fast enough I had your IP address, andyour home address before i sad it, Identy theft is punishable up to 3years in prison, I am forwarding that address and the convo of you claiming to be and person who lives in germany, with an engliand IP to the authorities in your country, and yes i know who you are. I'll let Simon or John know if they decide to ask.

Good Day
may the fires of Sol burn forever.

First off check the English law, use of an alius is not illegal in England, it only becomes illegal after a crime is commited under that alius, and since the person didn't commit any crime you'll find the authorities that your forwarding it to will just dismiss it. Once again I have to correct you on the law, just like the GNUGPL, sadly you weren't listening then and I doubt your listening now. So go ahead and waste your time reporting him.
Si Senior!

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