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Well Here's A Top Example...

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#91 Eternyte

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Posted 29 June 2005 - 07:54 AM

Atlast a post worthy of a comment.

If a class or any idea is worth implementing, it should be thoroughly tested by everyone, not just 1/2 people who wont try to abuse it, the majority of NM players abuse anything at the first chance.

A simple idea for the amount of gold is to add durability on items. The better or rarer the item, the more it costs to repair. Perhaps quest items could be unrepairable, then be rereleased after they disappear so everyone has a chance to own them and thus nerfing their insane value.

An alt restriction needs to be added to NM1, granted a 1 alt rule would not work in this instance. However, a limit based upon computers and internet is daft. Make a limit of say 8. Personally I can log on over 25 characters and use them which means others can do the same.

Pandilex has brought up some valid points which I hope will be rectified in NM2. However, there are no excuses for the state which the current game has been allowed to slide into and fault lies firmly with the staff team. Things should have been changed a long time ago.

I could go on forever with what is wrong with the game and point fingers and blame, but this does not solve anything, so I'll leave it short and sweet.

p.s. theft should be dealt with in NM2, and sharing should be stopped.
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#92 Gaddy

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Posted 29 June 2005 - 07:58 AM

Even though I'm an alt #####, I think those ideas are pretty good.
A problem though- Fewer crits = fewer items to run out of, and more people sitting on 5 zerks and 3 clerics or the sort....with unlimited the biggest damage isn't always the best addition. Limitation just seems to lead back to less to do and such.

Questies aren't used that much. I doubt the owners would use them up to the point where they'd lose all durability anyway, but if normal items aren't lost when fixed, quest items should probably work the same.
Atleast, with them in Jess, Jen, and Ryan's hands on them, we don't have people blabing about them all the time.

Edited by Gaddy, 29 June 2005 - 08:07 AM.

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#93 Gèñúíñê Õút£ãw

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Posted 29 June 2005 - 08:00 AM

Sharing won't be such a problem due to real cash being involved. And any other kind of theft usally is delt with when its not at the account level.
To all the people ive offended, Yeah f*** you to. To all the friends I used to have, Yo! I miss my past, But the rest of you assholes can kiss my a**

#94 Gaddy

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Posted 29 June 2005 - 08:08 AM

Sharing won't be such a problem due to real cash being involved. And any other kind of theft usally is delt with when its not at the account level.

Sharing will be more of a problem then. People could share and pay less by only having to pay half as much for sharing with a second person.
Wisdom is the principle thing. Therefore, get wisdom, and in all your getting, get understanding.
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#95 Gèñúíñê Õút£ãw

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Posted 29 June 2005 - 09:58 AM

Hmm, maybe your right, but if so... i'd say the staff should bother less w/ the typical type of stupidity account theft...
To all the people ive offended, Yeah f*** you to. To all the friends I used to have, Yo! I miss my past, But the rest of you assholes can kiss my a**

#96 MysticStorm

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Posted 29 June 2005 - 02:19 PM

Ok.. I'm gonna throw a few things out there... Clans.. if players have sooo much money, why is it that the #1 top clan has 51 rooms to their house? I would think that with 600+ members, a clan would have more rooms than 51. The rooms are rather useless unless you turn the empty ones into something like a sauna and such. There is my major flame ^_^. I had to flame about something.

Clans have no real purpose in this game. The clans we have are awesome, don't get me wrong and I own a clan myself. The only fun part is trying to get a clan to #1, but after awhile, that goal sounds boring. As someone says, no one can die. I don't see any real clan wars going on. THere should be a thing where if a clan declares war, a crit that is killed shouldn't be able to log back on for at least 24 hours or whatever. This way then, it also puts clan's alliances and enemy's into more of a perspective. Shows how true a clan's ally is. Right now, having clans, alliances, and enemies are rather useless besides the fact that the green and red shows who will pk ya and who won't. That is what is majorly killing the entertainment in this game for me. Then again, I'm used to text based role playing where if a clan war is going on and your character dies, your dead unless you butt kiss a god well enough to ressurect you.

Clans should be in the top 10 for their pk'ing abilities, their war abilities, how rich the clan is as a whole, as well as how big their house *or castle as I love to call them* is. Only time a pk applies to status is for individual crit and doesn't boost the clan at all. (I may be wrong about this too so correct me if I am wrong)

There should be events for clans as well. Have like a 2 alt limit per real life person in clans. Reward the clans for even existing. Make them have more purpose other than the fact that they are just there.

Oh yeah, would love to see role playing in the game too besides in the forums. I'd love to see the type of storylines that could come out and see the crits more involved with each other other than besides "You're gay! Your mother's a homo!" or my personal favorit "You're a nub, noob.. etc." (yes I'm a newb and damn proud of being one. Beats being old in something and I learn new things every day.)

I have to agree though, we shouldn't complain when something new is given out as long as it is game related. But if you create something new, you have to make it available for every one no matter how it is recieved be it *it is bought or a new boss drop* yadda yadda.

NM2, not gonna touch, as I said, I'm an adult, I work for a living, but can't afford p2p games. Don't know why we even talk about NM2 for as I think Pandilex stated, it may take years to come out anyways. We need to keep the player base going for this game for the success of NM2 anyways, so you should concentrate on this game as well as you (pandilex) stated that JLH rather do.

Sounds to me Pandilex that you and JLH should sit down and have a heart to heart about what to do with this game and NM2 and get on the same page. Because right now, I am just seeing an inferiority contest going on and it's not good for this game and definately won't be good in launching NM2 when it does come out. Same as to the players to lighten up on Pandilex and JLH. They are doing the best that they can do with what they have at this point. Be a little more greatful when they do things and more importantly, give them time.

#97 Gaddy

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Posted 29 June 2005 - 02:44 PM

The cost of clan rooms goes up a whole lot as the clan house gets larger. To get the 52nd room costs over 5,000,000 gold.
600 members is probably around 12-15 large members. Maybe half a dozen people who donate to the clan, and then their past members who've quit.

Umm...clans have a whole lot of purpose if you are in a good one. You get help training, and have people backing you up any time you need it, but that's only if you join a clan where people can help and back you.

You can't prove that a single clan is better at fighting than another clan, but you can prove that one has done a good job bye member count and clan house value...though sometimes it can be kind of dumb.

I agree, JLH and Pandilex really should figure out what each of their goals are, and what they would need to do to reach those goals. Then, if they're willing to follow through, figure out what the playerbase prefers on some stuff.
I'd rather have their hearts in it, and them really wanting to mess around and fix up the game, than have everything be exactly how sects of players want it.

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#98 MysticStorm

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Posted 29 June 2005 - 03:43 PM

Don't get me wrong, it's just ideas. But in a game that has clans, in general, they really don't have any other purpose besides the obvious of which you stated gabby.

The whole buying rooms thing, yes I know that each room you buy goes up. But as pandilex said, everyone has a ton of money and people claim that "Well after you reach lvl 30, you can't buy anything more. So it was an example on what arch crits can do with their money. Investing in the clan that they are in.

My ideas about clan's were just that. Yeah, some clans can prove that they are better with fighting. Some can prove they are better in other areas. I just mean, add more things in order for clan's to get top 10 other than member count and number of rooms they got. Anyone can make like 100 alts and add them to a clan in order to get into the top 10. The majority of players have an average of at least 10 crits per account. And I'm giving a very low number here considering there are a lot of older players. It's just something that I would like to see to liven the clan's up a bit.

#99 Stigmata

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Posted 29 June 2005 - 04:16 PM

As for it being impossible to add variation to the game - Rubbish simon.

In my time on staff I was able to get JLH to add lots of things to the game that could bring variation, which I must say have been completely under utilized. Has no one ever considering using moving monsters/bosses apart from me? anyone else tried to get npc's to talk to each other?

Are you actually aware of the problem here? You tell me how a few moving monsters and talking NPCs keeps 1,000+ players entertained every day and improves the game? Would you be impressed if Nightmist 2 was virtually identical to Nightmist 1, with just a few walking and talking monsters?


And there was me thinking of putting hundreds of complex ideas in such as tens of thousands of new items, completely revise the class structure to make every player unique, and add various skill charts, to name only a couple of the ideas planned.

I think I'll scrap those though and just make the monsters walk around and randomly repeat the same things over and over.

Very amusing!

Had you took the time to read on from that (instead of trying to blindside the post by simply attacking one part of it) you may have realised I was simply giving an example of how it is infact possible to get variation into the game contrary to what you believe! (as you claimed in your other posts). Did I say adding a few walking monsters and talking npc's would keep 1000's of players entertained every day? No - so why act like I did?

I was staff for what 3 weeks before I got JLH to add those changes that allowed me to develop areas with more variation, and you've been admin for over 4 years yet you can't pull your finger out and really make the effort. I know you say JLH is busy, but he always has been. If he's especially busy now, then how do you ever expect to get things done on NM2?

Lmfao at your 'teaser' paragraph! Tens of thousands of new items and stuff? Will everyone of those be dropped by you at the Nm2 SGH?

Read my posts properly next time to save yourself some embarassment.
Ste - Pengant - Stigmata

#100 Pandilex



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Posted 29 June 2005 - 05:31 PM

Thanks for your contribution everyone, especially ideas. All of them are welcome. I often browse the suggestions forum looking for good ideas, and anthing that is good I keep a note of. Often I'll adapt them or just use parts of them for future ideas, but there's always a tiny part at the center that stemmed from someone's idea.

Thanks Ste too for your two suggestions, which you say won't keep players entertained. Keep trying and you might come up with something useful in the end!

PS: There will be no gatehouses in Nightmist 2.
If you build it, they will come.

#101 Gaddy

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Posted 29 June 2005 - 05:49 PM

lol, both of those posts are pretty funny at some points. Have to agree though with Ste on several points though. If JLH is too busy to add in things that other staff want in NM, how the hell do you expect him to code an entire game?
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#102 Pandilex



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Posted 29 June 2005 - 06:04 PM

Uni is over for both of us now.
If you build it, they will come.

#103 PureMourning

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Posted 29 June 2005 - 06:12 PM

Pandi is da bomb.
Cogito, ergo sum; I think, therefore I am.

#104 Stigmata

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Posted 29 June 2005 - 06:46 PM

lol Si - Are you serious?

My original statement involving those 2 ideas (as examples of two under utilized abilities) was simply to point out that things can still be added to give more variation - all you need is a little creativity. I didn't suggest anything really. I agree that those two things alone would not keep 1000's of players happy everyday (where did I say they would) but you were simply missing the point, either deliberately or because you just didnt read it.

If I recall you loved Windia when I first made it, and I even remember you being completely confused/amazed about how I got a normal monster to look like it was using rapid fire - My point is that with what you have there to work with, could still suprise/entertain/amaze the players if used correctly, but I really doubt you've ever really experimented with it the majority of the commands.

I mean there is no reason why you cannot create an area with a constantly walking boss that the players must keep up with through a monster filled section, an NPC that says the password to a certain room but constantly moves and goes invisible to keep the players guessing where it is - I'm not saying something like that would keep the players entertained every day, but it would bring variety and definitly would lead on to greater concepts which would bring more enjoyment overall than one or two massive changes in my opinion.

Edited by Stigmata, 29 June 2005 - 06:48 PM.

Ste - Pengant - Stigmata

#105 Gaddy

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Posted 29 June 2005 - 07:09 PM

WOOT! For that.
Wisdom is the principle thing. Therefore, get wisdom, and in all your getting, get understanding.
-Proverbs 4:7

#106 Exilus

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Posted 29 June 2005 - 08:24 PM

Reads this thread and wonders why is it when I say this the same people who are saying it all now flame me.. Shrugs ... Stigmata you will understand what i mean when i say we will just have to show them. My showing devise will open next friday, good luck on yours...

Simon I don't say this often but i agree with you on one thing, the game needs changing but im not sure that its a whole new game, the old one is good, its already long coded and there are ways to keep the original going. But if you want to do a new one i agree with gaddys last question. Why arent you coding it? You at your own words you are skilled in C++ and VB.net, both are capable of probally making a game far better than VB could. But oh well it so doesn't matter. OHHHHHH YEA one peace of news you will throw a party at , FOSR opens next friday so you are finaly free of me pointing things out to you, in my OHHHH so polite manner. So good bye.
The rebirth is coming, is he god or devil? The fires of Sol are burning. May they burn your fingers.

#107 Momba

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Posted 29 June 2005 - 10:03 PM

I just can't stand not being part of such hot topics.

Hi everyone. ^_^

Nice points Gadster and Stiggy. I agree the current version of NM does need some changes. But being one that is so looking forward to the 1 alt wonder we call NM2 I personally am willing to see things overlooked until it's launch.

/t Simon Get off your lazy azz and help JLH code that thing. I mean what is gonna happen if he breaks his wrist masterbating? You need to know what is going on. I am soon to be a paying customer. I exspect, like with my cable connection to have uninterupted service...lol

/t Shawn Good luck with your game. After Friday will you no longer be hating on the NM forums? Not trying to flame ya, but if you read over your posts in the last 6 months not 1 is anything positive at all. I know ya don't like Simon, but really if NM and Simon suck so bad don't you think after 6 months of not playing it is time to move on and cut all ties with the game?

I'd also like to give a shoutout to all the little peoples out there. Don't read to much into what is posted on these forums. Matter of fact log off em. You will find that Nightmist is really one of the coolest FREE online games there are. What you will find on these forums is a bunch of people who have grown tired of the game. Like any other game you play at some point it becomes boring. However unlike most games, you can't kick this one. NM is unlike the FF7 game that consumed you for a few months then when you bored of it you walked away. The one thing in common that all the players who are posting on these forums saying how bad the game sucks and needs improved are, is that they are still playing today.

/t JLH Nucca keep serven that Internet Crack big pimp daddy.

Edited by Momba, 29 June 2005 - 10:06 PM.

My inner child is a mean little f*ucker

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