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#91 Maesse

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Posted 06 October 2004 - 10:31 PM

Well, this was a plesent surprise.

I only log onto the game at most 1-2 times a week and usually not for very long amounts of time. However seeing this thread on the forums was a nice change. Good luck Ste. I know you will succeed in what you do. It seems you have most of the nightmist population and staff behind you and I add my support. I hope to be able to enjoy new ideas that you can help implement into the game in the future. :P
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#92 Vër§íðñ 1.0

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Posted 06 October 2004 - 10:37 PM

Told you in game that I supported it, and I guess I might aswell post here that I support it.

I only log on to check memos, and rare chat. See you all on the other side.

#93 Da_J_Mooney

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Posted 06 October 2004 - 10:44 PM

I support it :P
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#94 Lich

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Posted 06 October 2004 - 10:52 PM

Everyone makes mistakes i say give the guy a second chance. Now i have seen sum fairly decent arguments on here but Lich if dan has his opinion let him have it. By posting what you posted you just put yourself in teh same spot. The nm community is smart enough to make there own decions and make there own comments even if they don't show it all the time. :P

He has opinion and he has a right to post it and so do I, I never once said it wasn't my opinion and i admit openly im a loud mouth. But at the same time I'm not gonna sit here and post a deliberate abusive post and claim its a test. I said what i said to Ste you don't agree so be it and noted. But I said what I said to ste and no offence not to you.
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#95 Xlithan


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Posted 06 October 2004 - 10:53 PM

Everyone makes mistakes i say give the guy a second chance.

not many people said that when i told everybody to die :P They still hate me for it to this day, so why should Stigmata get a 2nd chance and be all loved and worshipped? People on this game can make the tinyest mistake and get flamed for the rest of the time they spend here. If a staff member makes a mistake it's a different matter, as they are here to be fully supportive and follow ALL the rules whether they are on a mortal crit or staff crit. If Stigmata broke the rules as a staff member, then i don't think he should get a second chance.

Sorry Ste, but you asked for opinions and you got one from me. I just don't think it's right, no biggy.

#96 Lich

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Posted 06 October 2004 - 10:56 PM

He never broke the rules Ste2 thats the point. He left because he felt it was better but he never broke the rules.
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#97 Aidon

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Posted 06 October 2004 - 10:57 PM

The point is he didnt break rules, he quit because people accused him repeatedly for doing so.

#98 Lady_Maha

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Posted 06 October 2004 - 10:57 PM

He never did break rules. His only mistake was to quit after too many false accusations.

Edit: Whoa, simultanious posting of 3 people!

Edited by Lady_Maha, 06 October 2004 - 10:58 PM.

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#99 Bun

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Posted 06 October 2004 - 11:18 PM

What case am I pleading? I'd usually associate someone pleading with them doing something wrong.....I didn't do anything wrong that warranted my demise from the staff team. I did make a few mistakes obviously (the main one being that I continued to play my mortal characters), which is a process everyone must go through, no matter what it is you are doing. I didn't get fired I left. I'm now wanting to come back on to the team (2 years later may I add) to help with the development.

I'm sorry you didn't like some of the changes I tried to get added, like the exp circles etc. If you would like to discuss that matter further feel free to talk to me in the game and i'll try and explain my reasoning for it.

As for Jahanna, well to be honest the way your addressing the matter is quite surprising from you......I never claimed to be a genious, and i don't appreciate the sarcasm.



and since u cant 3 on 3 no more just aswell be a staffer /wink

I never went to asia this year i fly by and gave them a big wave.

#100 All_Evil

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Posted 06 October 2004 - 11:19 PM

If he didnt do anything wrong and has the blessings from Pandilex, JLH & other staff to return y is this an issue ?. I dont know the whole situation i suppose only wot i have read on posts but ultimately it should be up 2 the ppl who he works with to decide not the whole nm public.

#101 Lady_Maha

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Posted 06 October 2004 - 11:53 PM

If he didnt do anything wrong and has the blessings from Pandilex, JLH & other staff to return y is this an issue ?. I dont know the whole situation i suppose only wot i have read on posts but ultimately it should be up 2 the ppl who he works with to decide not the whole nm public.

The point being that Pandilex wanted to see what the players think of the idea before making his decision, hence this thread.
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#102 Oracle



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Posted 07 October 2004 - 12:29 AM

I think it would be great to have such a good all round staffer on the team again.

#103 All_Evil

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Posted 07 October 2004 - 01:15 AM

point taken howeva all i am saying is it should be the opinions of ppl he works with that matter and should be consulted not every tom turnip and harry. I mean if we had a negative response here from the nm public and a positive response from the staff would that mean he shouldnt be reinstated ? If he had done wrong by players thats a diff story ........ the opinions of everyone should be heard. The only issue is do the rest of the staff have a problem with him returning ?

#104 Stigmata

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Posted 07 October 2004 - 01:19 AM

In reply to that I think it's always been a great concern of the staff what the playerbase think about some of the definative changes that happen in the game - hence why Pandilex suggested I post - not because he mainly wanted to get the staff's opinion (although he obviously listens to it) but because he wanted to see, in general, what the players feelings were towards me.
Ste - Pengant - Stigmata

#105 Spill

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Posted 07 October 2004 - 03:04 AM

1)Why should he get a chance? Well because as said by 3 other people and maybe more what did he do wrong? If you think he did show sum proof or shush. Also why should he be a staff over anyone else.

C)Has a good knowledge of the game, areas, and how the game functions
D)Alot of people obviously trust him to bring a quality to the game that is currently absent.

2)If you say why him over anyone else your just being selfish. You can't say well i'm qualifyed to be staff cuz maybe your not. How do you know what the staffing job requires. The staff may have saw that he can still be of value to the game as a staff member and just wanted to know what qualitys other people might or might not see in him.
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#106 Thunderja


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Posted 07 October 2004 - 03:07 AM

Can't hurt unless you are a retarded nazi mooseer who sucks turnip.

If you are not, then supported
I wouldn't mind stabbing you in the face, if that's cool with you?

#107 Actaeon

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Posted 07 October 2004 - 05:08 AM

we need some changes i dun care who makes em might as well be you.

true dat lol

#108 Element

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Posted 07 October 2004 - 05:19 AM

i agree the game needs something new and another staffer whould be able to provide that im all for you becoming staff again you know the game both as a player and a staffer pretty well i belive some of the current staffers dont really know what its like to be a player and what needs to be added to make the game work better.

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#109 Deval

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Posted 07 October 2004 - 07:51 AM

I'm still not convinced that a staff character is needed to design and add area's. I know that testing/tweaking is needed when the area is built, there were hundreds of grid commands available even when I last built something, there's probably thousands now - but I covered that in my last post anyway. Like I said earlier in the thread, it could be done with an offline building tool, using the exact same system you'd build an area on in the current game - not much work would be needed on JLH's part, it could be practically the same as the current client, only with a few changes made to make it a builder's edition. (removal of current map/default map being 'bare', option to save output so that builders can send their final area design to JLH for approval, etc.)

The reason I'm against it is simple. I can see a multitude of reasons for not hiring/rehiring any staff members (many of these I or other people have already pointed out in this thread), but I can't see a single viable reason for it other than for yet another builder, and if area's are needed so badly then you don't need to look any further than the above suggestion. That being said, a lot of people seem to support you, and this is only my opinion. If you do get it, then good luck, but I still get the feeling that in a few months time you'll be in the midst of a player concocted drama hell, and I'll be biting my tongue to stop myself from saying 'told you so'.  :P

An offline developer does exist, and it takes into account alot of esoteric grid stats that people believe might be hard to implement. I should know, I was using it for the RG extension before I got caught up in life. Crane also used it to make a reasonable, if not initially faulted area.

Now, my 2 cents, for what it's worth (which isn't much seeing as I no longer play). After being informed of the thread via msn and taking a look, I feel as though I deserve an opinion having I had played the game for a long time.

I guess initially, I am against the idea, which is probably releated to completely selfish reasons. However, I also believe that should a staff position become available, the opportunity to join the team should be made available to everyone and anyone interested in the job. I believe a staff member should write extremely well, and whilst Ste isn't bad, I do feel there are many many others who are equipped with greater ability. I personally would like to see people like Amy, Squee, Charon and Alone, amongst many many many others given the opportunity to show what they have to offer Nightmist. Sure Ste was staff in the past, and sure he got things done fast, however, I would have been more than willing to sacrifice a little extra time to see an outstanding, eloquent result, than a slapped together speed job using mundane storylines and tired cilché fantasy ideas. I dont believe that simply because he was staff in the past means he should get any preference over other players. When taking on a new staff member, the slate should be wiped clean, and approached with an open mind, giving Nightmist the opportunity to grow through weeding out and finding the truly great minds of Nightmist. A great mind needn't be the greatest player, and great mind needn't be a well known player.

If there is a position becoming available shortly, sure, give Ste the chance at the job, give everyone the chance at the job. If Ste's application happens to be best and he gets the job, then we can be sure that he has been hired for the right reasons. Create a criteria of what skills and values you are looking for in someone joining the team, and then give the rest of the realm an opportunity to give what they have to offer back to Nightmist.

My final opinion is: No.

Sorry Ste.
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#110 Cule

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Posted 07 October 2004 - 09:21 AM

I think this is a sad attempt to get back a staff position and i do not support this since, like harky said, too much drama involved.

#111 Crane


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Posted 07 October 2004 - 10:52 AM

To Deval: Nobody's perfect, and it was my first attempt. Still, I have learnt quite a bit, so if I made a new area it hopefully should lack the flaws that initially existed in the Pacifist-only area.

There are a few areas made by non-staff players, and though the skill itself probably does increase your chances to become staff, it should not be the only deciding factor, although I am probably completely contradicting my last post! If Stigmata can run events and help players out and such, and there is a position open for staff, I do not see too much of a problem.
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#112 Bun

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Posted 07 October 2004 - 11:11 AM

JLH (Game Programmer), total online time is 204 days, 10 hours and 25 minutes. Last logon was 10-07-2004 11:14:58.
Oracle (Tree of Knowledge), total online time is 103 days, 5 hours and 3 minutes. Last logon was 10-07-2004 01:19:35.
Stotic (Area Developer), total online time is 34 days, 2 hours and 15 minutes. Last logon was 10-07-2004 00:00:11.
Aidon (Area Developer), total online time is 29 days, 9 hours and 51 minutes. Last logon was 10-07-2004 06:13:44.
Zephie (Dungeon Mistress), total online time is 30 days, 6 hours and 48 minutes. Last logon was 10-03-2004 23:48:31.(nearly missed you :P )
Medora (Fairy Goddess), total online time is 61 days, 11 hours and 46 minutes. Last logon was 10-06-2004 08:25:17.
Havanor (Writer / Dungeon Keeper), total online time is 17 days, 18 hours and 9 minutes. Last logon was 10-07-2004 03:47:36.

theres only 7 it gets less and less i think there should be another krillick figure brought in he was great

I never went to asia this year i fly by and gave them a big wave.

#113 Pandilex



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Posted 07 October 2004 - 11:26 AM

So far I'm inclined to agree with Harky a bit, but that could be mainly due to the fact everything he says seems to come true :P

We've not had any new staff for a long time, and I'm completely disregarding anything to do with new area creation and focusing on events and entertainment, and trying to weigh up if this would be more hassle than it's worth to me.
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#114 Eternyte

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Posted 07 October 2004 - 11:39 AM

If your looking for a quest master to run events and hold entertainment. Try opening up applications for a staff member.

The challange would to be to come up with a concept for an event and plan it out thoroughly. An easy place to start would be with Halloween, since it is up and coming. Although, this might be far to short notice. So perhaps Christmas might be a better idea to start from.

It is very long overdue that some fresh thinking was brought to Nightmist, and as Deval said...it's not only the well known, or 'best' players that have an imagination, or have a certain finesse with words.

Edited by Eternyte, 07 October 2004 - 11:40 AM.

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#115 Xlithan


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Posted 07 October 2004 - 01:06 PM

Since nightmist 2 is in development, what's the point of even having new staff for NM 1 (Or classic as it would be called) anyway?

#116 Stigmata

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Posted 07 October 2004 - 01:33 PM

I don't think the fact that i'm a well known player has anything to do with it to be honest, nor that I may have been good at the game.

I'd say my ideas, knowledge, experience and conduct on both the game and forum speak for themselves really.

As for opening up a new staff position for applicants - The only reason Pandilex/JLH are probably even considering this is because I have been staff before (JLH told me once that he'd allow staff 3 chances to return once they left). I don't think they have the time, or want to take the chance of training up a new staff member, although I don't really know in all honesty. I'm not saying this because I want to be the only person with a chance, as I too have seen the skills of certain players with their creative writings etc and agree that some of them would most definately make great additions to any development team. I always tried my best to include the players when I was staff - not many of you probably realise but before I left I got permission from Pandilex to basically search for players to help develop areas, which I did and formed a small team of people that were noticed on the forums for their ideas and conduct.

I would have no problems at all enlisting the help of such players for area/monster descriptions and general brainstorming sessions. I know i'm not the best at writing descriptions as some of you have pointed out, but i feel the difference between me and these players is that my general experience and knowledge (i know ive said this before) will help me to do the best job possible.

/t Cule - Thanks for the comment, really well thought out post there. How is it a 'sad' attempt? What am I doing that is sad?

/t Zelimos - Believe me, you don't know whats happening with that issue, so you can't comment on it.
Ste - Pengant - Stigmata

#117 Cule

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Posted 07 October 2004 - 02:42 PM

blaah ...

Edited by Cule, 07 October 2004 - 02:44 PM.

#118 Stigmata

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Posted 07 October 2004 - 02:43 PM

Ok, I won't justify that with a long response as it doesn't require one.

Read the whole thread!
Ste - Pengant - Stigmata

#119 Eternyte

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Posted 07 October 2004 - 03:21 PM

Nightmist does need a lot of changes, so any way forward can only be good for the game. Which is the priority, I don't mind who becomes staff (if it is even needed) aslong as they improve the game for the better, and make it an enjoyable experience.

I agree to a certain extent with what has been brought up across this thread, that there might possibly be too many staff members. This I might agree with, if all the staff members were constantly active. For instance, I haven't seen Havanor or Medora online for a long time.
Also Oracle mainly just runs the Triplex event (which he does very well), but when this function becomes automated, what purpose will he have on the staff team?

Perhaps we should give the current staff members the full support and abilities to run quests, create items and create monsters. This would aid the experience both new and old players would encounter. Plus they already have the experience, and haven't given up when the going got tough, thus showing loyalty.

If the players can recall a while ago there was a thieves quest ran by Stotic and Zephie, this was a great success. It was also not purely based on strength and numbers, but on intelligence as you were required to solve riddles.

In my opinion staff need to be consistantly active, as a few people have mentioned in game they seem to bring out a single area, then this is all they do until their position on the staff team is threatened or questioned, this should not be the case.

I agree Ste would be a good addition to the staff team, but I don't see any reason why he can't just aid the current staffers. Pandilex has already stated he is not looking at this from an area building perspective, so that can be disregarded. So a well thought out and constructed quest idea could easily be put down into an email, and forwarded to the entire staff team to see which of them would take up the idea, and work in conjunction with the inventor. This would also aid staff-player relations.
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#120 Stigmata

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Posted 07 October 2004 - 03:51 PM

It seems the majority of the players seem to think more staff are required, but obviously it is up to the admin in the end.

If you remember I did organise an event with Zephie to be released a long time ago - it never happened because we never could seem to meet each other online.

Now basically I have no problems helping the current staff at all, but I do have a problem with waiting around for things to get done by other people (who might I add have projects of their own, and lives which will not always match my online times) when I could just as easily get them done myself. Now we had this much trouble releasing a one night event which required little for jen to prepare, simply because of our time differences - Imagine how difficult it would be to get a quest/area developed which would require thought, testing and possibly lots of building. I'm not saying it couldn't be done, but i'm saying it would be an unnessecary hassle for both parties.

Edited by Stigmata, 07 October 2004 - 03:56 PM.

Ste - Pengant - Stigmata

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