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Staff Nominations

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#91 Shaginator



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Posted 30 January 2006 - 10:04 PM

I nominate Gaddy.

I would have fit the categories nicely, but I was hanging with a few friends one night on here, which I don't hang with them anymore, and we stole Lindz' stuff (Eilonwy before it was jacked or w/e... idk story). Anyway, we stole like 1m gold & 28 archies I believe. She called and we sorted everything out because I felt bad (not lieing). Kalypso may remember? I gave everything back and now we're friends irl :ph34r:

Don't steal kids, things might not always happen like they did to me :(

cute story. really.
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#92 Crane


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Posted 30 January 2006 - 10:17 PM

Let's try to keep accusations of theft and such off of this topic. We're here to nominate staff members and give reasons for it, not blacklisting them and giving reasons for it.

I should add, I don't want my sudden return to affect these nominations in any way. I may not be staff again, and if being staff means these nominations will close down, then I won't become staff again.
The Crane Temple Chairman

Main crits:

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#93 Perfection

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Posted 30 January 2006 - 10:45 PM

We are hiring staff again!

Principal duties include events as much as possible (so that I don't have to run them all the time) and general helping out of players.

We have a few ideas of who we think would make good staff, but we've decided to let you guys nominate and discuss people who you think would be good for staff.

If you have been involved with theft, you've got no chance, so that removes about half the player database to start with :(
So don't even nominate people who've been involved with theft, and you can't nominate yourself.

Ultimately, we may hire no-one, or we may hire someone who isn't even mentioned, this thread bares no guarantee on what may happen!

edit: think about contributions to the game they have made too

In addition, please post reasons why along with your nominations otherwise they have no value to us.

just to refresh things

may be no one at all :ph34r:
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#94 Aries

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Posted 31 January 2006 - 12:36 AM

I nominate Regan (Painless). I think she would be a great staff member, she always helpful and fits the requirements needed for a staff member. :(

#95 Dark


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Posted 31 January 2006 - 01:12 AM

I nominate Regan (Painless). I think she would be a great staff member, she always helpful and fits the requirements needed for a staff member. :(

Her attitude needs adjustment.

#96 Fyara

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Posted 31 January 2006 - 02:22 AM

i also think regan aka Painless would be a good staff (i wonder if i could say stuff about myself for helpin players hmmm ) she does help people when they need etc
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#97 Regan

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Posted 31 January 2006 - 02:23 AM

Well, i guess if i had to pick neone it would be Fyara(Ben) because he has help'd me out before and i think he would be a decent staffer. :(
Painless Ingame

#98 Stigmata

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Posted 31 January 2006 - 02:59 AM

I'd vote Amy for staff, as she has all the qualities required for being a brilliant member of any development team. She is impossible to fall out with unless your a total jerk, wouldn't cause staff-player problems and I know she's a good writer/developer.

Maybe she'll talk to me regarding a certain position on a certain project......

Edited by Stigmata, 31 January 2006 - 02:59 AM.

Ste - Pengant - Stigmata

#99 fallen

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Posted 31 January 2006 - 07:00 AM

Gaddy and Mono, in no particular order.

And steve's right, thats why he's the only one that mentioned my name...I'd distract everyone because I'm so sexy.

lol mike ur the man
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#100 Azza

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Posted 31 January 2006 - 08:31 PM

i reckon Emo

I wanna change mine.

I say who ever Squee is from the forum shud be staff if not already

#101 Despair

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Posted 31 January 2006 - 09:55 PM

I vote for myself because then I can abuse my staff powers and kill random people who I don't like, I would also fully equip all my crits and power train the ones that aren't 30!!!

Anyone who also votes for me I will love forever and stuff :(
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#102 SxcMonMon

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Posted 31 January 2006 - 10:35 PM

I would like to nominate Regan. She is a very faithful person and i think she would do a very good job. Good Luck to all Nominee's! :(

#103 bobwitdabob

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Posted 31 January 2006 - 11:50 PM

I nominate Painless becasue she has always been really cool and helpful to me back when i was a noob :( she rocks and is knowledgeable (spelled wrong lol) about the game, so shes awesome and should be a great staff member!

#104 Quartz

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Posted 01 February 2006 - 02:07 PM

I vote Aeryn or Mono for staff. I would be voting for Gaddy but I don't know if he'd even want the job or have time for it. Mono knows nightmist inside and out and Aeryn is just a nice guy and more than qualified for the job.

PS I'd be in full support of Despair being staff but only if he auto trained my crits to arch for me :(

Edited by Quartz, 01 February 2006 - 05:33 PM.

#105 Pureza


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Posted 01 February 2006 - 05:12 PM


Jimmy just cuz he said he'd love me forever if I voted for him. And Joe because he is probably the most knowledgeable player ingame atm and is quite helpful w/o giving everything away at the same time. Makes you work for stuff the same way he has had to.
Jaded ingame.

#106 Matty

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Posted 01 February 2006 - 07:19 PM

Mono. Mono has a vast knowledge and knows all.
Tio in game.

#107 acehardware

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Posted 01 February 2006 - 11:23 PM

bill because he is the most helpful/nicest person in all of nightmist! and he would do away with thiefs for good!
chuck norris > all

#108 VampressMisty

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Posted 02 February 2006 - 12:47 AM

I Nominate Painless/AKA Regan.

I have known her a while. In game and out. Lots of people in this game come and leave and return but she has stuck it out.

She is honest and will not show favortism to this person or that person. But will approach the game with an open mind for each person in it.

Also shes cute.

#109 Deval

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Posted 02 February 2006 - 01:37 AM

Does Squee still play? If so, I nominate him. That guy is a very creative and intelligent, not to mention very pleasant fellow. I've only ever seen him approach other players with the utmost respect, has suggested many many well thought out suggestions to the games, and is very articulate and well spoken.

Games like Nightmist need players like him, so who better to make staff?
"PK'ing has just become a battle of superior numbers." ~ Goldfish.

#110 Chii

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Posted 02 February 2006 - 02:28 AM

There are a few people I think would be perfect for staff and most of them tbh aren't exactly the most "known" players. Anyway the people I nominate I believe are the most helpful and the most fair.

1. Jimmy(Despair)- Because he seems to be most concerned with helping people, being fair, honest, and keeping the game fun. :(
2. Josh(Outlaw)- Because he was one of the first people to step out and lend me a hand when I first started playing and helping noobs is something most players think is just plain silly. :ph34r:
3. Juan(Trance_Steel)-Who i haven't seen in a while so I'm not really sure he's still playing but even so I think that he would make a good member of staff. He is an honest person with a good heart and a strong will. :ph34r:

#111 Vodka

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Posted 02 February 2006 - 04:23 AM

I'm gonna cheat and add more people to my list.

I think Jimmy/Despair would be a perfect staff member. He always has a great attitude towards players. He's not biased. He has a lot of experience with the game (he's been playing since before reset).. so, I'm sure he could add a lot of great ideas. I don't think he has any anti-social skills at all.

Cris/Sera as well would be a good addition to the staff team. She's always willing to help out players when they need it. She has given up items/gold without asking anything in return. She's also has been around forever. She works well with others.
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#112 Sneaky

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Posted 04 February 2006 - 05:00 AM

I don't really understand why there isn't a actual application process for this...were the former staff positions filled based upon the results of popularity contests?

Edited by Sneaky, 04 February 2006 - 05:00 AM.

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#113 JLH



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Posted 04 February 2006 - 03:28 PM

because anyone can write anything they like about themselves
i feel that since the game players will have to deal with the staff, that they should get some say as to who they want.
let's face it, you guys know a lot more about each other than i ever could, so if someone's been up to something you like/dislike, you'll be sure to let us know :(
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#114 Piggy

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Posted 04 February 2006 - 03:58 PM

Have you got anyone in mind yet? Or are you not bothering since Crane is back?

If you dont want to say who you got in mind, just say "someone"

Piggy Or Derlok ingame

#115 Äññöÿäñcë

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Posted 04 February 2006 - 04:10 PM

My vote would have too go to either Aeryn, Mono, or Snoopy (In no particular order.)

Aeryn -- Everyone else has pretty much said it in their posts, but he is an all round good guy and help's new people, he doesn't just go DND 'busy' when you ask him for a hand with something.

Mono -- Joe's just a legend, and same above.

Snoopy -- I'm suprised Lew hasn't got any votes yet, but he abides by the rules of the game, plays the game honestly and fairly, and also he's not scared to try new things. He may say he's evil but he's not, promise. He's an honest and trustworthy guy to sum it up, and he's just totally awesome. Lew knows alot about the game itself and is an all round good guy to fill it up, and I know he wouldn't abuse his privelages if he got them.

I would also say Gaddy, but no offense to him but he isn't the nicest of all people to the newer players in our society. :(

Edited by Äññöÿäñcë, 04 February 2006 - 08:03 PM.

Disaster ingame.

#116 JLH



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Posted 04 February 2006 - 07:14 PM

we will still be hiring staff even though crane is back.
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#117 Foxie


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Posted 04 February 2006 - 07:19 PM

Snoopy -- I'm suprised Lew hasn't got any votes yet, but he abides by the rules of the game, plays the game honestly and fairly, and also he's not scared to try new things. He may say he's evil but he's not, promise. He's an honest and trustworthy guy to sum it up, and he's just totally awesome. Lew has also been playing the game almost since it began, like 4 years anyway, and he knows alot about the game itself.

since it began? i think you mean since me and him got together which was not even three years ago yet.
On main Azure/Foxie in game.
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#118 Sneaky

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Posted 04 February 2006 - 07:22 PM

because anyone can write anything they like about themselves
i feel that since the game players will have to deal with the staff, that they should get some say as to who they want.
let's face it, you guys know a lot more about each other than i ever could, so if someone's been up to something you like/dislike, you'll be sure to let us know :(

What about some of the players that aren't as well known... they may be more qualified but you're excluding them because they don't know a lot of people in game.
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#119 Thunderja


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Posted 04 February 2006 - 08:44 PM

Snoopy -- I'm suprised Lew hasn't got any votes yet, but he abides by the rules of the game, plays the game honestly and fairly, and also he's not scared to try new things. He may say he's evil but he's not, promise. He's an honest and trustworthy guy to sum it up, and he's just totally awesome. Lew knows alot about the game itself and is an all round good guy to fill it up, and I know he wouldn't abuse his privelages if he got them.

I voted for Lew actually :(. Just there was 4 or so more people who I nominated with him.
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#120 Sneaky

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Posted 04 February 2006 - 08:47 PM

I didn't provide reasons earlier, so i'm re-doing it.

Mono- as said many times, great knowledge of items in game, so i'm sure any areas of his would be completely balanced and extremely difficult. He's a very nice guy and very respectful to those player's that aren't extremely anti-social (all that can be expected). He's on the game a lot too, so he'd be available to run events. He's also from a different time zone than all of the current staff, so he'd be available for help to players when no one else is.

Fearless- might as well call him Mr. Fairplay. Again, he's extremely nice to those players that aren't complete jackasses and rude. Mono is more of a nomination for a developer, where Fearless I think would be better for keeping the game clean and fun for everyone. An extremely unbiased guy and a great friend, he's always there to give people a helping hand. And I don't think he'd think twice to ban a friend if they deserved it.
Chuck Norris wears Jack Bauer pajamas.

deimos the noob said no

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