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Back To The Camp Bows Again...

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#91 Banishment

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Posted 08 March 2016 - 09:44 PM

The lack of Kunal/Cred is mostly not having enough players/damage, also very time consuming

"Rules for thee but not for me."

#92 Terron

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Posted 08 March 2016 - 10:31 PM

players don't typically want to kill dg cg hl and gsw, tbh its that way on both servers they have killed those bosses so many times we leave the drops on the boss squares.


the bosses on 1a are always pushed to the extent of the playerbase, sure theres 15 players, but when will they always have the same exact timestamp to dedicate for a long boss? especially when the players are across nearly 15 hours of time zones.


stig killed gothmog with 2 hrs 25k and a pile of lodestones,  bypassing the use of  2 other players and/or 49 gms.  the justification given was "its a legendary crit" thats fine! a legendary owns


 but when 3 legendary crits do it on 1a nerf nerf nerf. its not a comparison its the truth.  doesn't matter if it was red dragon's epic nulls or anything else.


 I didnt invent the game, i didnt make a party of 2 zerks and a cleric more powerful than 100 paladins, neither did the players of 1a, if you dont wish it so, then fix it and stop blaming us for "exploiting" the power of zerks and hance. 

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#93 Chronic

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Posted 08 March 2016 - 10:40 PM

Hey sneaky, i spent many of hrs soloing my way to drow journal on a lvl 24 mage just to save us that extra 20mins. I suicided archmage many times but finally got a few on board and it went alot faster. Nonetheless i had a stock pile of keys/seals so the server COULD do cred/kunal when we wanted. And as far as cobalt bow goes... LOL isnt peaches and cream do it yourself on alt. Took me months of asking clan to go to imhotep to get a withering scarab and we went 2-3 times a week and everyone hated the nulls but still went knowing it was the last item i needed. Another thing.. i camped over 200 seals of betrayal and maped out castle.. with me and 1 other person most the time.. yes it was hell. After that i lead every single trip and put 5+ sol's on the server.. i won the last and am down to 20 seals so do the math. With that came TBs that allowed 3 of us to craft cobalt bows mostly due to a quest that droped quite a few CJ's. Credenza and Kunal is pretty much a 2hr trip and most ppl dont have the time BUT bodyguards had their hp reduced since the last trip and that should shave off a good 30mins for us(Thanks Stig :))     It all boils down to the time it takes, the damage we have available, who will cleric, etc. I honestly cant believe u used cobalt bow as an answer.. maybe because of the thread and u wanted to stay on topic but lawl. I did my part as a 1alt player to keep game headed in the right direction and get hated on but its all good :D im still here and mostly for the server as i sit and afk waiting on bosses or players to boss when i need nothing from it. To be fair cobalt bows and the kunal/cred trips were due to the seals i gathered alone or with 2-3 ppl. ill be more then happy to get more once we use our last seal for cred/kunal hopefully this week but idk my cleric and zerks are gonna be camped collecting seals for bd so ppl can get dragon bloods to craft shiny weapons. im such a selfish guy.

Solstice 1a

#94 Chronic

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Posted 08 March 2016 - 10:44 PM

ps i agree with rodeo comment.. get off his nuts!

Solstice 1a

#95 Sneaky

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Posted 08 March 2016 - 11:25 PM

No one's calling you selfish, no one is saying that you (the collective) never farm keys, do bosses, etc....at the same time, though, I played 1a for about a year, had a lvl 36 cleric, and saw one trip to Ku'nal -- in general, there's a lack of cooperation on the server, and the fact that you have to do things like spend hours getting a Drow Journal or suiciding Archmage, which would take maybe 20 minutes combined with a competent party once you're up in TTK, speaks to that lack of cooperation. It's a mentality of "I'll only go on the trip if someone else has done 90% of the work getting the required keys."  And I used the cobalt bow as an example because it's an extremely difficult item that requires significant teamwork to make -- if people got along more and helped each other,  more than 3 of the things would've been crafted over the last 10 years. 



Terron -- I'll admit, I did not think of it from that stance, and I do see the irony that one legendary crit was able to kill an extremely difficult boss on the multi-server, but an extremely difficult boss on the 1a server was changed because it was a small party of high level characters killed it. As a player on the main server, I ain't mad, I'm impressed that he did it, but I think it's a fair point for you to bring up and can definitely see the reason for your frustration. 

Chuck Norris wears Jack Bauer pajamas.

deimos the noob said no

#96 Rodeo

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Posted 08 March 2016 - 11:55 PM

Sure does but all of my ideas are always met with negative feedback. I had one idea for 1a that got implemented to little to late to keep the 15 or so players that came to rok. Who was it that kept me interested in playing NM? Piddy. Who helped me a great deal with how to use classes and teaching me how to navigate through areas? Piddy. Almost all the boss runs I have been on have had mostly the same 3-4 players piddy Andy and craig. 9 times out of 10. They don't need the item at all and are just trying to help the players who try to stick around. On 1a I can't run from one town to another without having a invent full of pots and a vamp weapon. So yea make the game easier on 1a make it so we can actually do things. Not like we can log 20 alts and click endlessly like main. It's not the players fault that nothing gets tested before it's put ingame and the players try to give feedback but it falls on deaf ears or someone that doesn't play 1a or doesn't play at all has a heavy vote I the decision to fix something. Piddy for president 2016 nigga.

#97 Peacemaker

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Posted 09 March 2016 - 12:34 AM

The point everyone is leaving out on the main boss is that it takes a two grandmaster parties to get the keys for the area. Yes he did it on a level 40 pacifist. Yes he got the other keys with his other parties. Congrats on him for taking the time and risk for doing it. This boss does have a null drop as well and could ahve been nothing. He got lucky on drop good for him. With all the efforts it takes for the other parties to get keys then i dont see a problem with it. 

Peacemaker both servers.

#98 Rodeo

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Posted 09 March 2016 - 12:39 AM

Back on topic. More vamp options for rangers on 1a.

#99 Chronic

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Posted 09 March 2016 - 12:40 AM

Lol the selfish part was a bit of sarcasm :P As for the camping of seals it was to take time off trips so it was more managable with players lifes/schedules. And the fact that it was hardly ever done.. like castle so i seeked out to do the impossible much like everything i do on game lol. Isnt a staff of light? well im 77% now and getting closer.. isnt a cobalt ring.. well i got 1 elfstone and if i have to solo archmage to get 19 more then so be it but thats about all i play for lol. lvl 40s, cobalt bow all hard to obtain stuff and idk i just like obtaining it.. reason i play if theres 1 person online or 20.  



But who cares. play the game and make it better ingame cuz forums gets nowhere.. isnt that obvious yet?

Solstice 1a

#100 Rodeo

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Posted 09 March 2016 - 12:51 AM

You are correct bro I am locking this.

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