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#91 Gnarkill



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Posted 12 October 2012 - 05:06 AM

I don't bother with many reps any more.. with MoP came account wide mounts.. most are rideable on any toon you're on except class/faction ones on other classes/factions and some others and account wide "battle pets" its basically like pokemon you can battle and capture(and sell) and have 3v3 battle pet teams lol... its crazy wierd.

and the talent system is no longer a big tree with points .. is a "pick this ability out of 3" every so many levels.

I'm kind of lost lol haven't had the time to figure everything out!

edit: took the time to level 85-86 tonight after work and I'm not sure how much I like the new areas lol they'll probably grow on me with time.

Edited by Gnarkill, 12 October 2012 - 05:08 AM.

Gnarkill- Multi and 1a

#92 Exor

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Posted 13 October 2012 - 02:49 AM

Mmm I really disagree about WoW being THAT hardcore now. It used to be for sure. Back when I first got it in 2004 I remember how insane it was to be a top raider. I was raiding 6 out of 7 nights a week with my guildies just to keep our guild number 1 on the server and we weren't even top 10 in the world or anything so I can't imagine the dedication they put in to it back then.

Now a days though the game has gone uber casual. Epics are a dime a dozen, rep grinds aren't near important like they used to be either. Hell I remember in 2006 when you had to get exalted with Argent Dawn just to get a free attunement into Naxxaramas. We had a grand total of 3 people in our guild (of 50 raiders) that were exalted with Argent Dawn too. Now reps aren't required to do anything in end game like raids or PVP which is nice.

Same goes for PVP. If you played in vanilla WoW you saw how hardcore it was to get PVP gear and be the best. I made it to rank 12 of the old PVP system and got standing 1(on my server) every week for 8 weeks to do it which was insane. This was back when the most honor you got a week the further you moved up the rank ladder. It would take literally months upon months of grinding battlegrounds every day for a minimum of 8 hours to get from rank 1 to rank 14 back then. Now you can drop into some battlegrounds and spend a weekend PVPing and you'll have the majority of the basic PVP gear. Then its just a matter of doing arenas or RBGs every week to get the rest. I'd say thats the least hardcore aspect of the game now. Unless of course you go for Gladiator each season.

PVE is more accessible than ever now too. Back before WotLK came out you had to do old raids to get enough gear just to get into a guild that's working on the current raid tier. Not anymore. By the time a patch comes out all that gear from the old raid is now available from farming Justice Points via 5 man dungeons. Plus now with the LFG system that puts you into a random 5 man heroic it's quicker than ever. Oh and then they added the Looking for Raid system before MoP so you can even do easy mode raids for gear that's just a little worse than the normal raid gear.

I think over all some of the changes to WoW over the past years have been bad and others great. One aspect of WoW that I really miss is community. Once they added paid server transfers realms weren't unique anymore. Then they added the Looking for Group system so you didn't even have to ask around in town on your server for folks to do heroic 5 mans with. While both these changes are great they diminished the community and social aspect of the game greatly.

But yeah I just went back to WoW myself this week. Haven't played it for a yearish so it's all new to me again in a way. MoP is the first expansion I haven't got to see for myself in beta too so this will be really cool and new for me since I usually know every new zone like the back of my hand from doing it on the beta by the time it comes out.

If any of you guys playing again want to friend me you can either add my real ID by adding the email exorblade@hotmail.com or you can add my battletag Drain#1713 - I'm playing on the server Sargeras now as Alliance this time around. Not that it matters for friending me since you can do it on any server now with real ID emails or battletags, but yeah.
-Mark aka Exor aka Android_20 aka Illidan

#93 Exor

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Posted 22 October 2012 - 12:30 AM

If anyone else adds me to your WoW real id or battletag from Nightmist please say you're from NM in the invite incase I don't recognize the name. I get some random friend invites from people I don't really know from Reddit and I don't want to block someone from NM by accident. Already happened once, lol.

But yeah again do feel free to add me. A lot of my old friends from WoW have moved on so I'm always looking for new folks to play with. Especially now that you can do so many things in game together via cross server provided you're on the same faction and on each others friend list.

My real ID email again is exorblade@hotmail.com and my battletag is Drain#1713

I'm currently on the server Sargeras as Alliance with most of my characters including my main, but I've got my old main on Illidan as Horde that I plan to play as well.

http://us.battle.net...s/draine/simple - Theres my new main on Sargeras.
http://us.battle.net...n/Velias/simple - And that's my old main that I've played pretty much since Vanilla 2005. He's able to transmog the old rank 14 set like a bossssssss!
-Mark aka Exor aka Android_20 aka Illidan

#94 Exor

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Posted 10 June 2015 - 12:16 AM

God damn that was some nostalgia reading the front page again.


 I remember how pumped I was for the game and playing the open beta excitedly with Alex(Vivi/Malavon). I also then remember how sad I was to learn come launch US players weren't able to play with EU players so we couldn't play together. Same with Charon.


It makes me sad all those old pics I posted are long gone. I don't have many pics saved from WoW 10 years ago, but I've got a few like my first time seeing Ragnaros in MC. And man I forgot how mooseing amazing WoW was in it's infancy. Must like Nightmist was. And now, they're both hollowed out husks of their former selves. Although at least the people who created WoW still give somewhat of a nuts about the game. Ba Dum TING!(I'd post a link to the rimshot website here, but last time I did that Stig decided it was pornographic and warned me then refused to undo it. Thankfully Pandilex came to the rescue cause Pandilex is smart and realizes a rim shot is a noise and not a porno website or something similar. JUST SAYING)

Edited by Exor, 10 June 2015 - 12:17 AM.

-Mark aka Exor aka Android_20 aka Illidan

#95 Gnarkill



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Posted 10 June 2015 - 12:34 AM

I still enjoy WoW!!


I've turned into an altoholic on there and now have at least one level 91+ of each class on both factions scattered around different US realms! I think I have trained 9 or 10 of them to 100 thus far.. workin on the rest slowly. A guy can only be online so much in summer without losing it!  :lol:


I've also ran into someone recruiting for a guild named "Unpredicted Retribution" once.. which I got a kick out of because I was a founding member of UR and its Chairman for the early portions of its life on NM! turns out it upon asking it was someone from NM that had the guild on WoW!! It was a while back on a realm I had eventually transferred off of though so I can't recall who it was.

Edited by Gnarkill, 10 June 2015 - 12:34 AM.

Gnarkill- Multi and 1a

#96 xxx

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Posted 10 June 2015 - 10:03 AM

If i could afford wow id so play again. i miss it so much

#97 Gnarkill



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Posted 10 June 2015 - 08:23 PM

They actually implemented "wow tokens" that you can purchase either with real $$ and sell on the ah(soulbound unless on ah) for wow gold...




You can also purchase the "wow tokens" off of the AH with wow gold when others sell them.


These "wow tokens" are good for 1 month of added subscription time for your acct when you use them.


So really if you are able to grind gold each month you would only have to pay for that first month or two(and expacs) and then go on from there with wow gold. Its pretty easy to make the gold each month with the new garrison stuff alone if you keep on it and have some treasure hunter followers and a salvage yard.


So far the market is stable as they made a set market for these tokens alone and they are always available all you have to deal with is the changing prices. Lowest I've seen is 15k .. highest was 30k. They're normally around 16k-22k from what I've noticed.

Edited by Gnarkill, 10 June 2015 - 08:36 PM.

Gnarkill- Multi and 1a

#98 Exor

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Posted 10 June 2015 - 10:12 PM

I still enjoy WoW!!


I've turned into an altoholic on there and now have at least one level 91+ of each class on both factions scattered around different US realms! I think I have trained 9 or 10 of them to 100 thus far.. workin on the rest slowly. A guy can only be online so much in summer without losing it!  :lol:


I've also ran into someone recruiting for a guild named "Unpredicted Retribution" once.. which I got a kick out of because I was a founding member of UR and its Chairman for the early portions of its life on NM! turns out it upon asking it was someone from NM that had the guild on WoW!! It was a while back on a realm I had eventually transferred off of though so I can't recall who it was.

Haha wow that's amazing. The only time I was surprised by a Nightmist player on WoW was when Aidon came on my server and messaged me in the middle of MC. He had told me he did something crazy on Nightmist and was done with it. I had no idea just what crazy thing he did though until awhile later. He said he was going to roll on my server, but never did get past like level 10.


But yeah I haven't really played WoW in ages. I came back for WoD all excited, but then IRL came knocking and I had to quit. I just came back though last month and was getting ready to start raiding in 6.2, and then my long time guild of 10 years finally died right before killing Mythic Blackhand. Was like welp so much for that. Couldn't believe they finally died after being together for nearly 10 years. So now I'm just messing around, mostly playing Hearthstone, Diablo 3, and starting some Heroes of the Storm action.


I also was really saddened to hear Blizzard today announce that they're caving into the complaints and bringing back flying for 6.2. No flying was one thing that made me so excited for WoD. I always hated flying really, but I understand so many loved it.

-Mark aka Exor aka Android_20 aka Illidan

#99 Gnarkill



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Posted 10 June 2015 - 10:49 PM

HAH! Justin(Aidon) was in my guild when all of that happened! He used to play halo 2 with me and Rob(Astinus) all of the time on xbox live.. then we lost touch! don't know what he's up to these days! miss that guy! he was a good friend and hilarious to play online games with. We used to have such a blast on Xbox live.


I read that today about the flying as well.. pretty bummed about the caving in.. I was really enjoying not having flying but it is what it is I'll still play regardless lol I really don't understand the whining and pining for it... theres literally FPs everywhere you need to go or very close to! 


To me at least it seems gaming has shifted more to the entitled "give me this now I don't want to grind for it" people.. which is good for them and casuals but for me at least it takes a bit out of the exploration and sense of accomplishment in general. I guess I'm just an old dinosaur! LOL 


One thing I would have enjoyed that brought back a sense of community to WoW would be if they had made Guild Garrisons instead of personal garrisons. Could have had raid achieves and harder achieves to unlock or upgrade buildings and made them like a mini guild town. The garrisons are very enjoyable but when I have so many alts it starts to be a chore because I am worried about missing out on a bit of gold or mats or whatever if I don't do my daily garrison chores lol.

Edited by Gnarkill, 10 June 2015 - 10:51 PM.

Gnarkill- Multi and 1a

#100 Exor

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Posted 10 June 2015 - 11:16 PM

Haha wow. Small world there. When did you start playing WoW btw? And yeah man it sucks losing touch with friends like that. There's so many Nightmist and now old WoW friends I'd love to get back in touch with, but have no idea how to. I was trying to find Ste(Stigmata) awhile back because I found a picture I printed out from like the year 2001 when him and I shared accounts. I for some reason took a screenshot of our mage on Nightmist pre-reset and I printed it out rofl. Was gonna scan it and send it to him for nostalgia purposes since I thought he'd find that pretty cool like I did. I found the picture itself in a box with old video games, was crazy.


But yeah man, I agree with you entirely regarding the flying situation. I even sent out a tweet to Ion Hazzikostas on twitter, and he replied surprisingly. And now I've been getting tweets with people threatening me for my point of view on flying, no joke rofl. Crazy folks.


Garrisons really should have been a guild thing like you said. I liked them at first, but not so much now.. The whole follower and item level nuts is so annoying too. I don't know how altaholics can stand it knowing they'd have to do the follower nuts all over again on every character they start. Like you just said, lol.


You playing Heroes of the Storm at all now that it's officially out? I was surprised to find out that I like it so much. I couldn't get into Dota 2, and I haven't played League since 2011 so it's nice to just play a moba again every now and then.


Oh you should friend me on battle.net btw! Drain#1713 is my btag.

-Mark aka Exor aka Android_20 aka Illidan

#101 Exor

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Posted 29 September 2016 - 07:35 AM

So any of you still playing or playing now that Legion is out? I figured I'd post since I was just talking to Vince the other night who got WoW for the first time ever!

I'm playing again, and actually having a lot of fun. Mythic+ 5 mans are good times.
-Mark aka Exor aka Android_20 aka Illidan

#102 Cadabra


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Posted 29 September 2016 - 07:21 PM

I was thinking of buying again. I haven't played since 2010 maybe. Was still level 80 then and ToC hadn't been out long. Is it even any good still? I heard you get a level 90 when you buy now?

Nightmist is like Pringles, once you pop you just cant stop.

#103 Exor

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Posted 02 October 2016 - 10:13 AM

Yeah man if you havent played since 2010 then you pretty much missed the worst and can come back for good stuff. Legion made the game fun again after MoP and WoD nutsting all over it. 2010 was what, Cataclysms launch? I forget. But yeah you missed Pandaland and Garrisons which sucked big time so its a good time to come back now. They revamped classes and specs to make them feel unique and like they should. Got rid of a bunch of crap that was added over the years. Some people didn't like the abilities being removed, but I did. My fondest memories were in the first few years so anything to get back to that playstyle of sorts works for me. You should give it a try again if you got any interest. Nows a good time since Legion just dropped, and so many folks came back.


And yeah you get a free instant level 100 when buying Legion. I do -not- advise you use it though at first. Level up something to 100 to get a feel of how things how now first IMO, and then see what class you'd want to play before using the level 100 boost. I see too many folks use their 100 boost instantly then theyre either overwhelmed or they hate their class lol


Edit: Oh jesus I just realized you said you quit when ToC was out. Guess I was off in my time line, lol. So many people quit then. Going from Ulduar to ToC was like... ugh

Edited by Exor, 02 October 2016 - 10:14 AM.

-Mark aka Exor aka Android_20 aka Illidan

#104 Payne

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Posted 06 October 2016 - 12:39 PM

I'm playing again as well, got me a Horde Resto/Feral Druid. It's deff more fun. I'm getting addicted to it again lol.
Astinus on 1alt Only

#105 Angelus

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Posted 12 October 2016 - 11:48 PM

Just been playing a week again (quit when BC came out). So much has changed. Colleagues been playing forever so thought I'd check it out again. All the way up to WoD and a month of play time for only 7,50 euro. Not sure if I'll continue into Legion yet, just having fun leveling and checking out how the world has changed.

Angelus ingame.
Back into the shadows once again...

#106 Exor

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Posted 16 October 2016 - 08:15 AM

Woah the game must feel so different to you if you haven't played since TBCs launch. Legions been fun, im still enjoying it. I'm a casual kazzak though these days so I'm not playing like I did once upon a time. 

-Mark aka Exor aka Android_20 aka Illidan

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