Well Here's A Top Example...
Posted 27 June 2005 - 06:34 PM
Posted 27 June 2005 - 07:12 PM
Posted 27 June 2005 - 07:15 PM
cheersInstead, we get to see a player known for helping with stealing one of the better accounts

Posted 27 June 2005 - 07:37 PM
Posted 27 June 2005 - 08:01 PM
That's what friends are for.personally I think that perhaps 2 alts would be better then a 1 alt limit but certainly the monsters would have to be lowered a touch or items shouldent cost as much
it just seems better to have say a cleric or whatever and a ranger
for example a monster such as the captain that takes about 14 rangers and 1 cleric to beat would be nearly impossible if a 1 alt limit were put in

Posted 27 June 2005 - 09:17 PM
hate to break it to you really but almost no one is going to want a cleric for their main reallyThat's what friends are for.personally I think that perhaps 2 alts would be better then a 1 alt limit but certainly the monsters would have to be lowered a touch or items shouldent cost as much
it just seems better to have say a cleric or whatever and a ranger
for example a monster such as the captain that takes about 14 rangers and 1 cleric to beat would be nearly impossible if a 1 alt limit were put in![]()
and a cleric wouldent make much gold either so

Posted 27 June 2005 - 09:19 PM
dno what u talkin bout but clerics always been my mainhate to break it to you really but almost no one is going to want a cleric for their main really
That's what friends are for.personally I think that perhaps 2 alts would be better then a 1 alt limit but certainly the monsters would have to be lowered a touch or items shouldent cost as much
it just seems better to have say a cleric or whatever and a ranger
for example a monster such as the captain that takes about 14 rangers and 1 cleric to beat would be nearly impossible if a 1 alt limit were put in![]()
and a cleric wouldent make much gold either soI dont picture many people wanting to be the guy sitting out
Posted 27 June 2005 - 10:02 PM
in a 1 alt game your going to want to make gold by doing 15 damage at a time ? loldno what u talkin bout but clerics always been my main
hate to break it to you really but almost no one is going to want a cleric for their main really
That's what friends are for.personally I think that perhaps 2 alts would be better then a 1 alt limit but certainly the monsters would have to be lowered a touch or items shouldent cost as much
it just seems better to have say a cleric or whatever and a ranger
for example a monster such as the captain that takes about 14 rangers and 1 cleric to beat would be nearly impossible if a 1 alt limit were put in![]()
and a cleric wouldent make much gold either soI dont picture many people wanting to be the guy sitting out
Posted 27 June 2005 - 11:07 PM
Posted 27 June 2005 - 11:29 PM
That's a bit unfair, isn't it? Pandilex has made some pretty good points on the previous page regarding the gold problem and such. Whether or not the Dancing Boots were made deliberately to test how players would react, or it just being a side-effect to generosity, I am not sure; either way it has confirmed a lot about what he thinks of what Nightmist, its playerbase and its economy is nowadays.Just another example of how clueless Pandilex really is. He reminds me of bush.
Main crits:
Don't kill the
Posted 28 June 2005 - 06:15 AM
Posted 28 June 2005 - 07:19 AM
<3 Simply said. Awesome.Quit then.
Posted 28 June 2005 - 07:54 AM
KuMiko in game.
Posted 28 June 2005 - 08:28 AM
Posted 28 June 2005 - 08:45 AM

Posted 28 June 2005 - 12:36 PM
Already ban from the game.. Supprising you don't remember those you perminanly ban.Quit then.
Posted 28 June 2005 - 03:05 PM
This will be one-alt, Mr. "I-sit-on-a-cleric-until-someone-vulnerable-comes-along-then-I-load-big-alts-and-kill-them-then-logs-off-big-crits-and-claims-he-uses-cleric-as-main."dno what u talkin bout but clerics always been my main
Poker in-game.
Posted 28 June 2005 - 06:43 PM
lol you can call it harsh but I just don't agree. Sure Pandilex sounds he like knows what he is talking about, he is a smart guy no denying it, but when it comes down to it he simply does the thinking after he's acted and tries to justify himself by throwing a well constructed post at the masses (who let's face it will pretty much buy anything he says, including you).That's a bit unfair, isn't it? Pandilex has made some pretty good points on the previous page regarding the gold problem and such. Whether or not the Dancing Boots were made deliberately to test how players would react, or it just being a side-effect to generosity, I am not sure; either way it has confirmed a lot about what he thinks of what Nightmist, its playerbase and its economy is nowadays.Just another example of how clueless Pandilex really is. He reminds me of bush.
As for it being impossible to add variation to the game - Rubbish simon.
In my time on staff I was able to get JLH to add lots of things to the game that could bring variation, which I must say have been completely under utilized. Has no one ever considering using moving monsters/bosses apart from me? anyone else tried to get npc's to talk to each other? - Now i'm sure that you hold more sway when talking to JLH about adding changes/upgrading things and this is your only excuse for not getting things done.
Sure JLH may be busy, but when has he never been busy? If you tested your ideas properly before releasing them then maybe JLH would have time to work on other things, yet you waste his time with a half hearted rushed class like the pacifist.
I'm not holding anything back because I feel it needs to be said, however don't get the impression that Pandilex is a complete wack job, as sometimes his decisions may be too brilliant/complex/crazy/stupid for even me to understand.
Edited by Stigmata, 28 June 2005 - 06:44 PM.
Posted 28 June 2005 - 10:03 PM
aww someone deleted my posts, stop cryin alreadyThis will be one-alt, Mr. "I-sit-on-a-cleric-until-someone-vulnerable-comes-along-then-I-load-big-alts-and-kill-them-then-logs-off-big-crits-and-claims-he-uses-cleric-as-main."dno what u talkin bout but clerics always been my main
Posted 28 June 2005 - 10:45 PM
There's that Spirit of Ariat fellow that wanders around the swamps, as well as the Mosquitos, pretty sure Cyric did that areaHas no one ever considering using moving monsters/bosses apart from me?

Also, Delbia up in Sarka, does that count? Made by...Medora?

it's plausible that the SOB hasn't spawned
¯¨:·»Gently spamming the forum since 2003«·:¨¯
Posted 28 June 2005 - 11:17 PM
Posted 29 June 2005 - 01:58 AM
Posted 29 June 2005 - 03:54 AM
Posted 29 June 2005 - 04:23 AM

What we all have to realize, is that even if people make mistakes, or do things we don't agree with, everyone is human. The game belongs to JLH and Pandilex. I don't know about everyone else, but with the varied opinions and wants of everyone in game, I surely wouldn't want the job of keeping everyone happy at all times. Give em a break guys... Although there are areas and times that things may seem unfair to some, they do the best they can.
Onto another point, I agree, the swamps are great. Many areas have been developed in game by ex-staff that did an awesome job, at times though, people must move on. Doesn't mean the game is ruined, and doesn't mean that there won't be great areas made by other developers in the future.
Wouldn't it be great though, if all of us players could be part of a solution in the game as far as making it more fun for all? instead of part of the problem that makes people want to leave?
Good day,
Edited by Amy, 29 June 2005 - 04:29 AM.
Posted 29 June 2005 - 05:36 AM
-Proverbs 4:7
Posted 29 June 2005 - 06:33 AM
Are you actually aware of the problem here? You tell me how a few moving monsters and talking NPCs keeps 1,000+ players entertained every day and improves the game? Would you be impressed if Nightmist 2 was virtually identical to Nightmist 1, with just a few walking and talking monsters?As for it being impossible to add variation to the game - Rubbish simon.
In my time on staff I was able to get JLH to add lots of things to the game that could bring variation, which I must say have been completely under utilized. Has no one ever considering using moving monsters/bosses apart from me? anyone else tried to get npc's to talk to each other?
And there was me thinking of putting hundreds of complex ideas in such as tens of thousands of new items, completely revise the class structure to make every player unique, and add various skill charts, to name only a couple of the ideas planned.
I think I'll scrap those though and just make the monsters walk around and randomly repeat the same things over and over.
Posted 29 June 2005 - 06:45 AM
lolol. Pandilex is owning this thread, But talk is cheap I have to say, I know it's not an overnight project but I am interested to see what will happen with Nightmist 2Are you actually aware of the problem here? You tell me how a few moving monsters and talking NPCs keeps 1,000+ players entertained every day and improves the game? Would you be impressed if Nightmist 2 was virtually identical to Nightmist 1, with just a few walking and talking monsters?As for it being impossible to add variation to the game - Rubbish simon.
In my time on staff I was able to get JLH to add lots of things to the game that could bring variation, which I must say have been completely under utilized. Has no one ever considering using moving monsters/bosses apart from me? anyone else tried to get npc's to talk to each other?
And there was me thinking of putting hundreds of complex ideas in such as tens of thousands of new items, completely revise the class structure to make every player unique, and add various skill charts, to name only a couple of the ideas planned.
I think I'll scrap those though and just make the monsters walk around and randomly repeat the same things over and over.
If everyone would just stfu and stop antagonizing the situation I'm sure good things could happen. Like Amy said the players themselves are part of the problem, they whine and cry about this and that, but supply no true alternative and instead just harass and prolongue the situation.
Someone should make a Failed Ideas thread.
Ashton - Explosion - Chaosbringer
Posted 29 June 2005 - 07:19 AM

Posted 29 June 2005 - 07:44 AM
That's something I was wondering. If they're your ideas, and they do seem quite well off as ideas, why don't you code them into a game?
Pointing the finger at JLH isn't exactly fair, how much can one man do alone with a schedual of his own?
And, NM2 won't be entertaining to everyone either. No game is entertaining to everyone, most aren't even entertaining to their entire playerbase. WoW and D2 aren't entertaining to everyone who sits on it, but it's something to do. The same applies to NM, but there are fewer staff members and more we're all more closely linked.
NM (and NM2 for that matter) shouldn't be focused on entertaining everyone. It ought to try entertaining the people who play though. Adding new areas more than once a year or two would make the game WAY more entertaining. I know it takes time and things must be checked, but it still seems that additions basically never come along.
Temporary solution? Obviously, but temporary works out well when they're added for a while, and then players will remember the old areas they haven't done anything with in a while---I recently re-discovered Chronos and another area becaue Dungeons started being a bit less worth wild as far as just heading somewhere to train and kill something big.
-Proverbs 4:7
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