Staff's Judgement
Posted 20 February 2005 - 10:26 PM
Ed, Bill, and Di admit to taking kev's account. Let me put this into a real life situation for you.
Many people hide keys to their house in case they are locked out. Lets say Steve goes on vacation, and tells Mary where the key was hidden, so she could go inside everyday to feed his cat. Mary remembers an old argument with Steve, and decides to tell Joe where the key is hidden. Joe proceeds to go inside the house and steal Steve's TV and car keys, and drive's away with Steve's car.
Joe gets out of his cab, goes inside his house, and finds the TV gone and his car stolen out of the garage. Joe calls Steve and says "Haha you goy pwnz0red by Joe!" Steve then calls the police, and says "Joe Schmoe stole my car!" What do the police do?
A. Take Joe into custody for theft.
B. Do nothing, because Steve trusted Mary with the key, so it's Steve's fault.
combusta said
deimos the noob said no
Posted 20 February 2005 - 10:30 PM
We do want you to enforce "permanent" bans. Why take the hours that you already spent long ago in sorting through logs and conversations that resulted in these bans and throw that time away? Why would you now allow them to be lifted?
Edited by Trevayne, 20 February 2005 - 10:30 PM.
Posted 20 February 2005 - 10:40 PM
Trevayne, on Feb 20 2005, 10:30 PM, said:
Cause Pandilex told him to unban them. JLH is no more then Pandilex's puppet. He does what he says. That has been proven time and time again.JLH -
We do want you to enforce "permanent" bans. Why take the hours that you already spent long ago in sorting through logs and conversations that resulted in these bans and throw that time away? Why would you now allow them to be lifted?
All these comments about who is banned and who should be banned should be directed towards Simon. But as many who post already know he is part of the problem. He is the one who overturned Ed/Bills ban.
So we can all sit here ranting and raving over how we think the game should be, but in all reality the game is the way Simon wants it to be. He is the brains behind the project. He believes that in order to have a balanced world/game you need both good and bad. So get on the side of the fence you choose to rep and play the dang game.
I choose to be a thief to those outside my circle. Anyone who is not inside this circle who gives me information about thier accounts will get jacked. Those who trust those inside my circle, but are not inside my circle will get jacked. Hence the reason Ed is 2 Baron's Bracelets short.
Forget your morals and values when you log on NM. NM is the darkside of gaming. It is where thieves spawn hourly and are left to florish in this environment.
Posted 20 February 2005 - 10:41 PM
jurian, on Feb 20 2005, 05:02 PM, said:
i always thought that jlh and pan made thier decisions to be less involved in these disputes because if they were any more involved they might as well tell everyone to share as much as they like and post thier passwords publicly, because they'll clean up the mess everyone makes.Stigmata, on Feb 20 2005, 04:51 PM, said:
but pandi is the only person that doesn't see how this mooses up the game. i'd sure would like to know his reasoning for letting them stay.
Momba, on Feb 20 2005, 04:07 PM, said:
JLH lacks the driving ambition to bother questioning Pandilex.I am always way off on my views, but I think JLH lacks the balls it takes to override Simons decision to ban Ed/Bill and Simon is to stubborn to admit he was wrong in allowing them to come back.
Another way to look at it. They just don't give a moose. What better way to control the population on a server that is maxed out. Put it in autotheft mode and like a soap opera watch the story unfold.
I say steal what you can while the getting is good. Thier is still plenty of fresh meat out there.
2 Baron's Bracelets Me. 0 items and gold lost to other thieves.
They are friends in real life - and if it was the same for me i'd probably go with my real life friend's decision too.
and why aren't we allowed to read the convo between jen and simon? if he has a valid point in his reasoning for letting them stay then wouldn't it be a good thing to let the players read the convo?
not being allowed tor ead that convo just makes me think that simon knows how stupid it is to let them play.
not banning a few numbskulls wouldn't seem like the end-all. at this point, no one has any excuse. so who cares about the conversation, what really makes the game screwed isn't the decisions of our two administrators, it's the decisions of our hundreds of players.
Posted 20 February 2005 - 10:44 PM
Edited by Consumed, 20 February 2005 - 11:09 PM.
Posted 20 February 2005 - 11:13 PM
Zephie, on Feb 20 2005, 04:30 PM, said:
consider some new staff members ? (maybe people that arn't known or accociated with game creators and current staff)I think the biggest problem with staff right now is that none of us really play the game anymore. I still have somewhat of an idea of what's going on in the nightmist community. I believe there are some players (Ed, Bill) who are just malicious and only want to cause harm to the rest of the player base. I have no idea why they are still around and don't agree with Pandilex's reasons to keep them around. I just finished having a long conversation with Simon about this and I would post it here, but I don't have his consent.
I guess I just want to say to everyone who thinks staff don't care or don't want to help. I do care, I do want to help and I know some other staff members feel the same way, there are just some things beyond our power that we cannot change.
Edited by Perfection, 20 February 2005 - 11:13 PM.
Posted 20 February 2005 - 11:20 PM
Consumed, on Feb 20 2005, 10:44 PM, said:
The logs are several gigabytes in size, I'm sure. It would be impractical to send them over an Internet link.i would be glad to check logs if it was possible... but as u said logs are on your server and no1 else has access :/...
How do you define "known and associated" to other staff? Wes (Oracle) is real-life friends with JLH and he is one of the best staff members in Nightmist, in my opinion, while others from overseas know the staff over the Internet (at least I think so) and developed a friendship that way.
Main crits:
Don't kill the
Posted 20 February 2005 - 11:55 PM
Crane, on Feb 20 2005, 05:20 PM, said:
/nod...thus it would be nearly impossible for me to do it... like i said...if it was i would be glad to...Consumed, on Feb 20 2005, 10:44 PM, said:
The logs are several gigabytes in size, I'm sure. It would be impractical to send them over an Internet link.i would be glad to check logs if it was possible... but as u said logs are on your server and no1 else has access :/...
How do you define "known and associated" to other staff? Wes (Oracle) is real-life friends with JLH and he is one of the best staff members in Nightmist, in my opinion, while others from overseas know the staff over the Internet (at least I think so) and developed a friendship that way.
maybe people stole from can pay postage and jlh can send discs lol

Posted 21 February 2005 - 12:24 AM
Crane, on Feb 20 2005, 11:20 PM, said:
point was more that staff don't play much or are online much^^Consumed, on Feb 20 2005, 10:44 PM, said:
The logs are several gigabytes in size, I'm sure. It would be impractical to send them over an Internet link.i would be glad to check logs if it was possible... but as u said logs are on your server and no1 else has access :/...
How do you define "known and associated" to other staff? Wes (Oracle) is real-life friends with JLH and he is one of the best staff members in Nightmist, in my opinion, while others from overseas know the staff over the Internet (at least I think so) and developed a friendship that way.
Posted 21 February 2005 - 03:44 AM
ScarletMuse 03/2/2005 11:20am
Posted 21 February 2005 - 04:50 AM
all i say is problem with helping is evry1 else who got jacked will want 2 b help
a while ago when all of us didnt share i gave pass 2 dan so he could train a low lvl and he gave pass 2 david...i pissed david off and he jacekd somthing from me...no1 helped..nt like i care was a long time ago and i didnt hold a grudge next time i saw him we were cool again....this is different cuz ppl jacked others they dont know IRL
in any case this hole ordeal can go both ways....bt still it all comes down 2 staff wont help so lets all stop crying
JLH, on Oct 8 2005, 06:13 AM, said:
ah the intelligence of combusta, the envy of all nightmist players...
Exodia, on Jul 7 2006 04:26 PM, said:
o shut up tony
Posted 21 February 2005 - 05:17 AM
NM needs more Staff present and involved in the game on a daily basis, during all hours. There is no mediation or monitoring by staff most of the time.
Why can't there be someone regularly available to at least oversee things?
and in the real world "permanent ban" means forever as in endless as in infinite!!
Jlh needs to find some people to be NM guides, hosts, whatever you want to call them.......Delegate JLH it works !!

Posted 21 February 2005 - 08:57 AM
or some totally unrelated person managed to force the window open and steal the TV?
And who in Nightmist has a cat that needs feeding? If you go away, Stay away. If you come back, crit restore works a charm.
Accounts need to get bound to an IP, Email address, AND Mac address.
Therefor if you plan on buying a new computer, Tell JLH.
If you fubar up your hard drive, make a new account. Im sure JLH Wouldnt mind emailing the email address + Checking the mac address.
Dont share, and you wont get stolen from. If you do share, you put your account at risk. YOU put your account at risk. Its your own fault lol. And if you share with a "Known Thief" then your just F**king stupid.
Also JLH doesnt really "Have" to do anything about anything. If he wanted to he could decide to delete the top 50 valuable account and be like "So what?"
Or he could decide to delete everything and say "New start, Now work for your items and characters".
Posting on the boards about theft due to your pc becoming key logged or giving out your password are STUPID. Yes you feel wronged, but maybe you should just feel stupid for letting it happen.
Say bill comes on msn, And sends you a file called "Keylogger.exe" You accept it, and the next day your account is gone. then you go "OMG JLH BILL STOLE MY STUFF". Seriously now, its just plain stupid.
This isnt actually me siding with staff, as i really dislike a couple of them, but lets be honest, If your password for msn is "123456" or your account pass is 1234567890 or you give out your password, Or dont protect your computers security, You really are plain stupid.
I mean, if you got keylogged, I think someone might like those juicy credit card details aswell as your nightmist account lol.
make a random, ten digit password, 5 letters, 5 numbers, change it every 1 or 2 months, dont use same pass for msn and nightmist, write it down and stick it on the top of your monitor.
ke73nd2h20pw <---if someone guesses a pass like that,in a shorter time span to what it would take to actually earn the items in game, they deserve to have your account lol.
ps. That isnt my password. And sorry for the long post.
- Khemere
Posted 21 February 2005 - 09:39 AM
Momba, on Feb 20 2005, 10:40 PM, said:
Jim that is utter bullnuts... what happened to the old Jim who used to try to expose thieves in posts? Act your age not your turnip size.Trevayne, on Feb 20 2005, 10:30 PM, said:
Cause Pandilex told him to unban them. JLH is no more then Pandilex's puppet. He does what he says. That has been proven time and time again.JLH -
We do want you to enforce "permanent" bans. Why take the hours that you already spent long ago in sorting through logs and conversations that resulted in these bans and throw that time away? Why would you now allow them to be lifted?
All these comments about who is banned and who should be banned should be directed towards Simon. But as many who post already know he is part of the problem. He is the one who overturned Ed/Bills ban.
So we can all sit here ranting and raving over how we think the game should be, but in all reality the game is the way Simon wants it to be. He is the brains behind the project. He believes that in order to have a balanced world/game you need both good and bad. So get on the side of the fence you choose to rep and play the dang game.
I choose to be a thief to those outside my circle. Anyone who is not inside this circle who gives me information about thier accounts will get jacked. Those who trust those inside my circle, but are not inside my circle will get jacked. Hence the reason Ed is 2 Baron's Bracelets short.
Forget your morals and values when you log on NM. NM is the darkside of gaming. It is where thieves spawn hourly and are left to florish in this environment.
Posted 21 February 2005 - 10:47 AM
Thunderja, on Feb 21 2005, 09:39 AM, said:
The old Jim left shortly after the thieves began to use the forums as a place to brag about thier theft, after many of my friends left after pleading with JLH and Simon to correct the problem, after players previously banned for theft were able to return with everything they had stolen to begin with.Momba, on Feb 20 2005, 10:40 PM, said:
Jim that is utter bullnuts... what happened to the old Jim who used to try to expose thieves in posts? Act your age not your turnip size.
Trevayne, on Feb 20 2005, 10:30 PM, said:
Cause Pandilex told him to unban them. JLH is no more then Pandilex's puppet. He does what he says. That has been proven time and time again.JLH -
We do want you to enforce "permanent" bans. Why take the hours that you already spent long ago in sorting through logs and conversations that resulted in these bans and throw that time away? Why would you now allow them to be lifted?
All these comments about who is banned and who should be banned should be directed towards Simon. But as many who post already know he is part of the problem. He is the one who overturned Ed/Bills ban.
So we can all sit here ranting and raving over how we think the game should be, but in all reality the game is the way Simon wants it to be. He is the brains behind the project. He believes that in order to have a balanced world/game you need both good and bad. So get on the side of the fence you choose to rep and play the dang game.
I choose to be a thief to those outside my circle. Anyone who is not inside this circle who gives me information about thier accounts will get jacked. Those who trust those inside my circle, but are not inside my circle will get jacked. Hence the reason Ed is 2 Baron's Bracelets short.
Forget your morals and values when you log on NM. NM is the darkside of gaming. It is where thieves spawn hourly and are left to florish in this environment.
NM has evolved. It has evolved into a land of thieves. NM was once a place where you would log on the forums to see someone had create a post bragging they had arched a crit. Oddly enough the response was one where others players would give props for a job well done. You could get a drop as simple as a crystal ring and at the sgh players would give you grats for fending off the pkers and sticking to your guns to earn the reward.
Now NM is full of pacis, punks and thieves who want nothing more then to belittle players for such accomplishments. If you arch a crit now God forbid it doesn`t have the highest hps ingame or you will get smoked for evening bringing it up in conversation. Oh and don't tell anyone you got a crystal ring drop at the sgh. Our NM thieves will brag that in a single account jacking they got 15-20 and didn`t have to leave the sgh risking anything to do it.
I play NM because I am able to adjust. I still find the game enjoyable because of the few friends who have stuck it out. I still find many areas challenging and fun. I will jack an account in a minute if you give me information to that account. And like Robin Hood I will give it all away. Because unlike most players I could care less about rare items, gold, or exspensive crits. It's all about the friends to me.
If you don't like what I have become email JLH or Simon. Tell them I have slipped to the darkside. Don't exspect a response tho. We haven`t gotten one...
Posted 21 February 2005 - 11:39 AM
Pandilex, on Feb 21 2005, 11:37 AM, said:
Sorry gonna keep this on topic. No more posts for me...lolNo-one ever e-mails lol.
Simon that should read, "No-one ever e-mails YOU"
Edited by Momba, 21 February 2005 - 11:47 AM.
Posted 21 February 2005 - 12:22 PM
Khemere, on Feb 21 2005, 03:57 AM, said:
Best post EVER.Personally what proof does the police have that mary didnt steal it all, and joe wanted to pretend he was a cool oceans 11 thief and rang up steve for a joke?
or some totally unrelated person managed to force the window open and steal the TV?
And who in Nightmist has a cat that needs feeding? If you go away, Stay away. If you come back, crit restore works a charm.
Accounts need to get bound to an IP, Email address, AND Mac address.
Therefor if you plan on buying a new computer, Tell JLH.
If you fubar up your hard drive, make a new account. Im sure JLH Wouldnt mind emailing the email address + Checking the mac address.
Dont share, and you wont get stolen from. If you do share, you put your account at risk. YOU put your account at risk. Its your own fault lol. And if you share with a "Known Thief" then your just F**king stupid.
Also JLH doesnt really "Have" to do anything about anything. If he wanted to he could decide to delete the top 50 valuable account and be like "So what?"
Or he could decide to delete everything and say "New start, Now work for your items and characters".
Posting on the boards about theft due to your pc becoming key logged or giving out your password are STUPID. Yes you feel wronged, but maybe you should just feel stupid for letting it happen.
Say bill comes on msn, And sends you a file called "Keylogger.exe" You accept it, and the next day your account is gone. then you go "OMG JLH BILL STOLE MY STUFF". Seriously now, its just plain stupid.
This isnt actually me siding with staff, as i really dislike a couple of them, but lets be honest, If your password for msn is "123456" or your account pass is 1234567890 or you give out your password, Or dont protect your computers security, You really are plain stupid.
I mean, if you got keylogged, I think someone might like those juicy credit card details aswell as your nightmist account lol.
make a random, ten digit password, 5 letters, 5 numbers, change it every 1 or 2 months, dont use same pass for msn and nightmist, write it down and stick it on the top of your monitor.
ke73nd2h20pw <---if someone guesses a pass like that,in a shorter time span to what it would take to actually earn the items in game, they deserve to have your account lol.
ps. That isnt my password. And sorry for the long post.
- Khemere
"Maybe they're supposed to run wild until they find someone just as wild to run with."
Posted 21 February 2005 - 02:35 PM
Khemere, on Feb 21 2005, 08:57 AM, said:
I'm sure your wrongIm sure JLH Wouldnt mind emailing the email address + Checking the mac address.
Posted 21 February 2005 - 02:43 PM
- Khemere
Posted 21 February 2005 - 02:59 PM
Posted 21 February 2005 - 03:28 PM
JLH and Pandilex are not going to spend hours trying to fix a problem for someone that is most likely the instant result of them being foolish.
I know there are exceptions to this.
I'd personally try and develop something to prevent account theft. I have an idea for something fool proof, that I told JLH about, which would allow safe sharing for more than 2 players. But he probably forgot about it, so i'm going to save it for another game

Posted 21 February 2005 - 03:47 PM
- Khemere
Posted 21 February 2005 - 03:58 PM
Solution to theft issues. Ban the thieves and leave the person who was stolen from nothing. Leave their account locked. Then people learn not to give their passes out and the thieves learn not to steal. killing 2 birds with 1 stone. Ive learned my lesson.
Posted 21 February 2005 - 03:59 PM
edit: and do what limit sais

Edited by jurian, 21 February 2005 - 04:00 PM.
Posted 21 February 2005 - 04:01 PM
Pandi-Again he has his own reasons and thinking. Yet allowing people back to the game that have been proven to have been theifs befor, and now that they have returned are back at it again with other people to help them.
Summary: Stealing is Stealing. If it be by breaking trust and stealing your acc partners crits, or just plain strait up stealing it should be delt with the same way. With a perm bann that is perm and nothing less.
Players:These days does anyone really care what happens? Sure a little forum post comes up a few words are said back and forth and then its left in the dust never again to be brought up. People say its pointless to fight back and demand these people get banned because it won't happen. Yet is it really ever pointless to fight for a good cause? Why not stick it out stand up and say over and over again this is wrong and needs to be delt with. Tbh half the reason staff don't do anything is because why should they when it seems as if the player base don't care? Why should jlh take the time to figure out who did what if it will all just get thrown right back in his face. Why should pandi care what you think or even infact read what you have to say when half the time its about how your better... than some one else or any stupid thing. Start actling like human beings and commit to a cause... a cuase long over due. Some thing needs to be done about this and if we all stand up together and show them that we care and want it change for real then it will happen. Think about it... sure this will take loyalty, time, work, and cooperation. But think of the out come it will bring dignity, pride, trust, and maybe even some of them old players back that left because they played so long and it just unbearable to see some thing they once charrished turned into a hell hole.
Posted 21 February 2005 - 04:51 PM
This is you only the other day trying to get people to bid higher on an item your friend(?) was selling by posting fake bids. I would not think to talk about such things as "dignity, pride, and trust" when you yourself run these three into the ground by your deeds.
Of course, if i am wrong about you, you have my full apology

Crane said
it's plausible that the SOB hasn't spawned
¯¨:·»Gently spamming the forum since 2003«·:¨¯
Posted 21 February 2005 - 05:51 PM

Posted 21 February 2005 - 06:02 PM
Posted 21 February 2005 - 06:10 PM
»¤~§ûߣîMîñ⣠Âû±hô®î±¥~¤«, on Feb 21 2005, 05:51 PM, said:
And there is no rule against removing crits from an account once you have the password...and as for moral...What does trying to boost the price of an item have to do with anything? It is imo completely moral and fine... its not stealing? there is no rule against it, and its off topic, stick to the point plz

Crane said
it's plausible that the SOB hasn't spawned
¯¨:·»Gently spamming the forum since 2003«·:¨¯
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