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#61 Peacemaker

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Posted 28 August 2012 - 02:24 AM

He is trying to make trades and pick up players and such, everyone wanna be pricks and say no to giving up a QB even if they have 4. You are one of the people that have 4 yourself so when in a position of privelege say no to help others, but if you had gotten the shaft you would be whining for your gold back and you know it, we all know you well enough to know you would. Also on a side note the draft was delayed an hour. Yall chose what time to set it, we all could have easily chose for 10 cause all of you was still around then.

Also one more thing about this vote thing. 6/10 players in the league are sharing. If we arent allowed to trade with each other then i better not see any other sharers trade with each other or drop and pick up players simultaneously to try and get around it. Otherwise im sure i speak for Mike to that we would want our gold back and we will drop out of the league and yall can have it.
Peacemaker both servers.

#62 brewcrew

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Posted 28 August 2012 - 03:19 AM

a bet is a bet, and with a double qb ppr league its in your best interest to have at least 3 qbs possibly 4. No telling who gets hurt + with 2 starters on each team, they end up being more important. Also, if anyone should whine about "people who share on nm having teams" it should be me, one of the 4 out of 6 that does not have a sharer.

On a side note, sharers only have 2/8 votes for each of their trades so its up to US collectively to allow trades. From what I have seen, if a trade is accepted then it gets put up for a vote....I have not seen one put up for league vote yet.
Prophet 1a #1 pande pwning clan!

#63 brewcrew

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Posted 28 August 2012 - 03:22 AM

On another note, it is COMPETITIVE, NOT CHARITY. It is a competition that we put gold on, why would we try to help out anyone? The NFL doesn't do trades based on, "oh look at jacksonville, they have Gabbert, lets give them Drew Brees since they are so down and out." The whole model of fantasy sports is to act as GM/Head coach, try to make trades that fit someone elses needs but fits yours better.
Prophet 1a #1 pande pwning clan!

#64 Woodstock

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Posted 28 August 2012 - 03:44 AM

i think i can make it work if i can pull off one of the like 14 trades i have in.

Edited by Woodstock, 28 August 2012 - 04:02 AM.

When life slips you a Jeffrey, stroke the furry walls.

Lappa/Woodstock on Multi
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#65 Peacemaker

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Posted 28 August 2012 - 04:02 AM

Tbh i wasnt aware of the voting system being in this league and i know i for sure did not agree to it. I think the voting is stupid. Whaaaa Whaaaa dont let him trade that to him his team he will beat all of our teams, everyone reject it. Thus making it where only trades that arent any good will be approved of. GM's dont vote on whether the other GM's can trade or not. I dont like this whole voting thing. You shouldnt need the other members of league to approve a trade. Obviously if they think you are getting the better deal they wont approve it. Remove the voting, thats not how a league is supposed to be. Or give me my gold back and yall can start your league over and redraft.

Edited by Peacemaker, 28 August 2012 - 04:08 AM.

Peacemaker both servers.

#66 brewcrew

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Posted 28 August 2012 - 04:41 AM

The voting is a great idea, it keeps trades fair, and keeps people from trading off all of their good players for crappy ones to give another team an edge.....Which was exactly what Mike had planned on doing according to his post. How fair would that be to the rest of us?. I don't know why you are so mad, you have more power than I do. You basically have 2 votes to my 1, and you can quit if you want but you put your gold in fair and square and you were on for the draft. So if you don't want to play then you can forfeit your gold. Or stick it out like the rest of us

Edited by brewcrew, 28 August 2012 - 04:43 AM.

Prophet 1a #1 pande pwning clan!

#67 brewcrew

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Posted 28 August 2012 - 04:49 AM

Actually Jake, GM's in sports DO vote or veto trades, just look at the whole Chris Paul /Lakers debacle..... the vote is there to protect the integrity of the league, to keep people from giving unfair advantages to a friend once they are deemed "out of the race". Just be smart with your trades and if they look fair to the rest of us then we will vote yes, we aren't all turnips who just veto trades because of who is asking. To be honest there has not been a trade that has even gotten to the point of a vote, which means that the owner of the team didn't want that particular player for what they were asking.
Prophet 1a #1 pande pwning clan!

#68 Peacemaker

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Posted 28 August 2012 - 05:08 AM

Fine but if trades go to getting veto left and right i want my gold back. Me and Mike arent trading our stuff with each other to make one team dominant. If we do make any trades it will be of what we think is equal value, but that dont mean any trade we make is to be vetoed. Also the only reason why im mad is that i wasnt told of this voting thing. I honestly would have never joined if i would have heard of that cause something like this would happen. Tbh i feel like i have been decieved to put gold into something that i didnt know all the statistics to. The last nightmist league we had didnt do this for trades or anything. So i was expecting league to be the same way. Also one last thing. Football GM's dont veto trades. Basketball is a different sport all together. Oh i forgot to add something as well. According to the league that a trade only needs 4 votes to be vetoed. Thats not even half the league. How fair is that?

Edited by Peacemaker, 28 August 2012 - 05:09 AM.

Peacemaker both servers.

#69 Apocalypto

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Posted 28 August 2012 - 08:26 AM

Also a salary cap so people don't stack a team as easy.. I'm sure if yall do a trade everyone is mature enough to use good judgement as to wether its legit or not.. the feature isn't to make you not able to trade, but rather to keep you from din everyone else over by unbalanced trades..

#70 Sausage


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Posted 28 August 2012 - 12:14 PM

Part of me wishes I had joined the league just to veto Jake.


Retired... Now I know how it feels to quit NM and troll forums.

#71 brewcrew

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Posted 28 August 2012 - 01:51 PM

Almost EVERY league has a voting system, if not then they at least have a commissioner who vetoes trades on behalf of the league. I would be in favor of the commissioner having said power if people are mad about votes. But all leagues need this type of checks and balances as to not let other teams have an unfair advantage
Prophet 1a #1 pande pwning clan!

#72 Apocalypto

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Posted 28 August 2012 - 03:41 PM

Also, i couldnt have waited until 10, and i wasnt around. I was at work.

#73 IXThunderDomeXI

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Posted 28 August 2012 - 07:44 PM

Sorry Jake but you could have read the complete rules/scoring system before or anytime after you joined the league, I do recall telling everyone on Nightmist to checkout the rules so they didn't get jipped on points...

Go ahead and complain though, lets be honest, you guys would have found something else to complain about after I owned you anyways. :lol: Haha

Edited by IXThunderDomeXI, 28 August 2012 - 07:59 PM.

Angry_Anarch/Matityahu in game.

#74 Peacemaker

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Posted 28 August 2012 - 11:24 PM

You are right so thats my fault there. I should have read the rules. Not gonna argue anymore. May the best team win.

Edited by Peacemaker, 28 August 2012 - 11:58 PM.

Peacemaker both servers.

#75 brewcrew

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Posted 29 August 2012 - 11:28 PM

Honestly Jake, I just want to have fun and play in a competitive league, so I would never veto a trade based on "psh he will pwn me with that so no". My vote would be based on, does that player's value come close or equivalent for what was proposed. Most everyone here is the same way, Ryan is a nub but he wouldn't stoop that low.
Prophet 1a #1 pande pwning clan!

#76 Woodstock

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Posted 30 August 2012 - 01:07 AM

do people in our league even participate?

this is one problem i forsee with voting... is every trade going to wait the maximum of just over 2 days so it can garner 'votes'? Thats kind of gay seeing we only require 4 votes... and 4 people havent logged on in over 24 hours...(if they did, my trades would be finalized...)

Its going to blow if im in another 'inactive' league again and you are pretty much stuck if an inactive player has something people want and isnt even participating.
When life slips you a Jeffrey, stroke the furry walls.

Lappa/Woodstock on Multi
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#77 Apocalypto

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Posted 30 August 2012 - 06:32 AM

They will go through today at 350 and 750ish... it gives everyone a chance to veto it. not vote it through..

Whether you're in a standard or prize-eligible league, there is now a 48-hour trade review period after a trade is accepted which allows team owners the chance to review a trade after it's accepted. This is done to prevent unbalanced trades from processing or collusion between two teams. After the trade offer is submitted, the system will display a pending move on your team page, as well as on the other owner's page. In addition, the owner may receive an email informing them of the proposal had you selected that option during the trade offer process. That team owner can then go to his/her team page to review the deal, and either accept or decline it. If no action is taken within the specified number of days, the system will automatically cancel the trade offer. The pending move will then disappear on both team pages.

Free leagues: During the trade review period, if four (4) of the ten (10) team owners vote to veto a trade it will be cancelled. A link on the main League Office page allows you to view pending trades and submit your veto should you so choose.

Not if 4 people accept it.

Prize-Eligible leagues: During the trade review period, all team owners now have a 48-hour period to review the deal, and should they feel the trade is not fair or balanced, submit a formal protest to the ESPN trade panel. Within 12 hours following the trade review period, the final decision registered by the ESPN experts will cause the deal to either process or be vetoed.

With that i also assume if a trade that was fair was vetoed, you could protest that as well.

KNOWLEDGE IS POWER. and just for the record i voted yes for both

#78 Woodstock

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Posted 30 August 2012 - 02:25 PM

its not really the vote system, its the delay it causes that bothers me. Long delays. So regardless it means now 6 people have to log on and approve. I know they will go thru 'unapproved' after so long. My issue is that it seems half our league signed up for a draft and then they think fantasy football is something you check the day before a game or something... At the beginning of a season people make the most moves to get ready.

Another reason this rule should have been announced is so people know to log on more than just before their games... like every other day to see if you need to approve/disapprove something.
When life slips you a Jeffrey, stroke the furry walls.

Lappa/Woodstock on Multi
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#79 Gnarkill



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Posted 30 August 2012 - 05:13 PM

to clarify something:

I've had a couple mad messages apparently thinking I was flaming this FF league and trash talking you all when I said "nah, thanks for the offer but I'll pass" on my other post.

One of the first years this was done(walt or jp did it I think).. I got a CRAP team in auto draft.. and ended up winning the league.. mostly because half of the league stopped doing thier weekly rosters except 3-4 of us after 5 weeks into the season.

That and the lack of organization is why I didn't join in the festivities this year. Its nothing against any of you.

Gnarkill- Multi and 1a

#80 Apocalypto

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Posted 30 August 2012 - 05:49 PM

Most of us were active the year after that. And i would assume having a chance at winning gold instead of bragging rights will make a difference as well. Unless people keep crying and make everyone not even want to deal with it like nightmist.

#81 Gnarkill



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Posted 30 August 2012 - 08:34 PM

yeah I was just clarifying so the messages would stop! lol.. It def looks like you guys got more organization than both the past 2 years! good luck to everyone! hopefully ya'll have a fun year of FF!

Gnarkill- Multi and 1a

#82 Apocalypto

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Posted 30 August 2012 - 09:59 PM

it will be fun for me. everyone else will be out 125k :lol:

#83 Sublime

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Posted 31 August 2012 - 04:33 AM

Quick question, why on earth is it a 2 qb league? whoever set that up caused a stupid amount of problems, and i dunno how often you guys watch football, but, im pretty sure there is only 1 qb per team on the field. So why do we have 2? Your setting everyone but the lucky 1 or 2 people who get high enough draft picks to be able to acquire 2 qb's. Hell my team is garbage, i got stuck with jake locker and carson palmer, neither of who would be a starter on any fantasy team that i have had in recent years, so yeah, league setup plays a big part in this.

Edited by Sublime, 31 August 2012 - 04:36 AM.

Sublime - 1a.

#84 Woodstock

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Posted 31 August 2012 - 05:17 AM

Quick question, why on earth is it a 2 qb league? whoever set that up caused a stupid amount of problems, and i dunno how often you guys watch football, but, im pretty sure there is only 1 qb per team on the field. So why do we have 2? Your setting everyone but the lucky 1 or 2 people who get high enough draft picks to be able to acquire 2 qb's. Hell my team is garbage, i got stuck with jake locker and carson palmer, neither of who would be a starter on any fantasy team that i have had in recent years, so yeah, league setup plays a big part in this.

just wait til bye weeks come... it makes things very messy...
When life slips you a Jeffrey, stroke the furry walls.

Lappa/Woodstock on Multi
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#85 Apocalypto

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Posted 31 August 2012 - 07:54 AM

There are several types of leagues with dual qbs. Also if you did any research prior to the draft you would know that quarterbacks are drafted first in most leagues because there are fewer that have stellar performances year after year. While running backs/wrs that produce steady numbers on the other hand, arent as hard to come by. Thus, you should have set your autodraft accordingly. But instead, you didnt touch it at all and are complaining about the results.

#86 Apocalypto

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Posted 31 August 2012 - 08:00 AM

League has been setup, it's on ESPN.com

The League name is Nightmist Football League and the password is Nightmist101

It's a dual QB/PPR league, when you join you can checkout the full details, I mostly kept it standard.

The draft is August 26th at 7:00PM. JP said Sundays work best for him so I went with that.

You kids ready to get rocked?

Also. This. It says it all. Clearly. I myself did 2 drafts live before the nightmist one. Would have been even more pertinent to do something like that if I would have been using the autodraft feature and wanted to have a better idea of how the team ended up. Lack of preparation fellas.

Edited by Apocalypto, 31 August 2012 - 08:00 AM.


#87 Sublime

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Posted 31 August 2012 - 04:26 PM

" Lack of preparation fellas. "

Or the fact that my mother has been in the hospital for a month might have something to do with it, you think?.... Either way, whatever league you have ever been in that's a 2 qb league, is retarded lol, obviously there are 32 starting qb's in the nfl, do the math though, 10 teams with 2 starting qb's each, that makes 20 qb's, leaving it impossible for everyone to get 2, or possibly even 1 soild qb. Then every team in the league has to have a backup qb, so lets add another 10 to that list, leaving a grand total of 2 qb's left in the entire nfl, when i know as well as you do there are well more than 2 teams that are having qb battles and competitions right now. Then dont forget bye weeks, leaving 2 possibilities of qb's in the entire league, people are gonna get so pissed at each other that this league is probably going to fall apart before week 5.

And i have been playing fantasy football every year since it came out, i know qb's go first, you would be stupid not to take a good qb over wr or rb etc, my question is why would you make a 10 team league, with so few options at qb, a dual qb league. Obviously the best way to set up a league would have been to put up ALL information on the forum, for it to be viewed by the public, BEFORE the draft. I would have never even joined if i knew it was gonna be set up like this.
Sublime - 1a.

#88 IXThunderDomeXI

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Posted 31 August 2012 - 05:20 PM

The amount of butt hurt that's going on this topic is hilarious.

I've played in plenty of leagues that are dual QB, last year I was in a league with 16 people and did it, some guy drafted QBs with his first 5 picks, lost the first 4 games but once the bye weeks came in he traded them for mad players, and won the majority of his games after that. I specifically mentioned the league was dual QB, I also told everyone I talked to in game that if you were to autodraft you would get screwed up because of that... Lawl no one listens to me until after the fact I suppose.

On a side note I'm very happy with the team I have, I think I have a good chance of winning it all this year... As long as I beat Raging Ryan and Crying Bill I'll be happy.
Angry_Anarch/Matityahu in game.

#89 PrimeX85

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Posted 31 August 2012 - 05:28 PM

Fine but if trades go to getting veto left and right i want my gold back. Me and Mike arent trading our stuff with each other to make one team dominant. If we do make any trades it will be of what we think is equal value, but that dont mean any trade we make is to be vetoed. Also the only reason why im mad is that i wasnt told of this voting thing. I honestly would have never joined if i would have heard of that cause something like this would happen. Tbh i feel like i have been decieved to put gold into something that i didnt know all the statistics to. The last nightmist league we had didnt do this for trades or anything. So i was expecting league to be the same way. Also one last thing. Football GM's dont veto trades. Basketball is a different sport all together. Oh i forgot to add something as well. According to the league that a trade only needs 4 votes to be vetoed. Thats not even half the league. How fair is that?

thats total bullnuts cause mike whined and bitched the 1st day of the trade and the next day or 2 after sayign thats what yalll were gonna do, he was gonna trade u alll his best players so yall would have 1 great team so yas had a better chance of winning the pot as a team then seperate.. so know the whole story as we told u acouple times thats what mike was gonna try to do...

#90 PrimeX85

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Posted 31 August 2012 - 05:34 PM

its not really the vote system, its the delay it causes that bothers me. Long delays. So regardless it means now 6 people have to log on and approve. I know they will go thru 'unapproved' after so long. My issue is that it seems half our league signed up for a draft and then they think fantasy football is something you check the day before a game or something... At the beginning of a season people make the most moves to get ready.

Another reason this rule should have been announced is so people know to log on more than just before their games... like every other day to see if you need to approve/disapprove something.

and actually ppl usually check the league every day atleast once and try makin moves every week due to if players get injured or arent started for any reason and stuff like that... i dno bout the waitin period cuz i didnt vote for anything yet so im not apart of that, usually if i see a trade ill vote right then and there, but im new to the whole fantasy football leagues on espn, this is my 1st one so i dno where the trade things come up, on yahoo it shows up on the bottom of ur league page

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