Adventure In A Strange Land
Posted 16 January 2008 - 02:10 AM
"May I?"
He watches as the fairy bows before her and attempts to help the creature by explaining things to her more suited to her understanding.
"Thats a fairy, a loyal companion bound to you at birth, but separated until you come of age, he's here to make sure that you're ok. He helped save you when you passed out a while ago. He's to be trusted completely, for there is nothing a fairy will do to harm its betrothed."
He catches her comment about not having a spirit animal as she hesitantly tries to pass up his lesson. Then begins talking to her as she starts rapidly eating half the plate of food before setting it aside.
"Nonsense, everyone has a spirit animal, some mythical, some natural, its all determined by one's thoughts and feelings. Here, close your eyes and quickly think about an animal creature and tell me the first that comes to mind."
He smiles as she sets the plate aside then watches the small fairy flit over and start to fall asleep on her shoulder then whispers, unheard by Ayame, but still loud enough that the tiny fairy will hear his words.
"Little one.. You're approach was a tad direct, and sampling her food before introducing yourself may have been the key mistake there, but I believe that if you give her time and try a different approach to your loyalties, she will accept you quickly and without hesitation."
Avis continued, watching the sun slowly rise over the treetops as he raced amongst their limbs.
Its taking far too long having to cut through everything on the run.....
He stopped, drew Druidsbane from its sheeth and stood facing the direction of that heavy burst of energy where the mutated foliage was the thickest and focused his energies into Druidsbane until it glowed with a bright emerald light, he pulled it back over his shoulder.
"Tsunami Wind Scar!"
He sweeps it forward and slashes at the air infront of him, sending off arcs of energy that cut through the foliage ahead of him until they flicker and fade.
"That should help me catch up.."
He dashed through his newly carved pathway through the dense foliage, racing towards where the power had abruptly faded.
Here I come Ayame... Visa...
"Slow Your Roll" << Sobe Cap
Posted 18 January 2008 - 11:38 PM
As he explained about the ‘bug’ her mind became ensnared by one single word, ‘betrothed’ and she began to panic, “BETROTHED?!?!?!?!,” she shrieked, “no freaking way am I getting married to some, some BUG! No, nuhuh, no way, no how! Nope! Not in this lifetime! No. Don’t even go there bub! The day I get married to a bug is the day moths learn to swim! No! nono! No no nononononononononononono! Absolutely not! No way am I…,” her voice trailed off as she began searching around as if for a way to escape from the bug’s presence, slumping dejectedly when she realized, if she couldn’t escape from her kidnapper how in the world was she supposed to escape from the bug.
Reaching back she worriedly began fussing with her hair drawing the long bluish tresses over her shoulder, she began to braid them tightly, unnoticing of the bug now eating from the half finished remains of her dinner. She did as he asked and closed her eyes, giving great thought to animals. Two came instantly to mind. One a silver and copper furred wolf, the other a tiger, it’s fur all white except for the black stripes adorning it. Her eyes popped open and she responded, “there are two that I saw, a tiger and a wolf.”
Frost opened one vibrant green eye and stared at the thing for a moment as he considered what was being said. Too worn out to really acknowledge it’s explanation his eyes drifted fully closed as he fell into deep slumber.
Sweet_Purity/Bunnie on 1-alt and Queue/Raj/Sweet_Purity on main.
Posted 23 January 2008 - 07:54 AM
He buckles the necklace and takes a step back, then walks around infront of her and squats down.
"A tiger and a wolf.. Which one is more vivid in your thoughts?"
Visa settles there as her eyes stay closed, and starts slowly forming hand signs with his own, one after another then clasps his hands together, fingers entwined and curled over the back of the other hand, then separates them, placing each hand on the ground as he hunches over, his form changing, his silver hair receeding back into his scalp as his black gi and baggy cloth pants tighten to his form and start growing a thick coat of short shiney black fur.. A panther now looked at Ayame as she sat with her eyes still closed, thinking about her spirit animal, The only distinctions that decorated the panther and made him stand out, was the silver stripe that started at the middle of his muzzle and went up between his eyes and over his head, then down his back to his haunches, starting and ending in a point, the silver stripe gleaming agains the rest of his black coat. He stood before her, then settled on his haunches and sat, looking at her, waiting for her to open her eyes.
"Slow Your Roll" << Sobe Cap
Posted 28 January 2008 - 11:25 PM
(ooc: sorry it's so short, but you didnt give me much to work with >.<)
Sweet_Purity/Bunnie on 1-alt and Queue/Raj/Sweet_Purity on main.
Posted 06 February 2008 - 07:12 PM
"We can work out the misdirection of which animal later, now that you have an idea of how to choose the animal. Now for the prospect of actual morphing, to do this, you bond yourself with the spirit animal and focus on taking its form. Concentrating on the animal and its physique."
Visa stood again and walked back to the fire and put it out, then gathered his things and packed them all back up in his satchel, shouldering it, then returning to where Ayame sat, and placing it down beside him.
Avis dashed through his clearcut path until he came upon the end where the trees were thick and more dense than before. Standing back a ways he draws Druidsbane and readies another strike of his tsunami wind scar to continue carving a path when the blade glows a florescent green. He reaches out and presses his hand against what is seemingly nothing, but the solid surface will not let his hand continue.
I've found them at last...... I've got to get Ayame out of there and as far away from him as possible.. Visa if you've hurt her.... I'll kill you...
He draws back his hand and firmly grasps the handle of Druidsbane and draws it back to his side and jumps back a ways, then dashes forward and slashes Druidsbane up from his side crashing it against the barrier with a flash of blue sparks and small trails of energy as the two opposing forces collide.
"I'm coming....."
He draws back Druidsbane and thrusts it forward, piercing and dispersing the shield, then sheeths Druidsbane and slowly slips into the treeline around the clearing, no sound whatsoever coming from his direction...
Spotting Ayame sitting next to Visa he curses inwardly and sits for a moment, thinking..
I'm only going to have one shot at this....
He formulates his plan, then silently leaps from the treeline straight for the pair of them, he flexes his arms and shakes back his sleeves, brandishing his clawed armguards, then crosses his arms infront of him as he collides with Visa and tumbles away with him into the opposite treeline, then stands quickly and draws Druidsbane and holds it at the ready. Casting a glance over to Ayame.
Visa was unaware that his shield had fallen or Avis had slipped silently through until he was struck in the back and tumbled with Avis to the other side of the clearing, drawing Desertbane as he stands.
"You made a grave mistake brother, this clearing will be your grave!"
He lunges forward, swinging Desertbane infront of him, clashing it off Druidsbane and being repelled by the force of the two blades.
She can run... I'll still be able to find her with that necklace around her neck....
Catching himself on his feet he lunges forward again clashing swords with Avis time and again, neither having an opening for anything more than a sword strike.
"Desert wind!"
Visa jumps back and slashes Desertbane in mid air.. releasing a triple arc of sand imbued energy streaking towards Avis.
Avis leaps back and sends off a trifold of his own energy clashing against the sand arcs, then stands, breathing a bit heavy as he readies himself to defend against Visa's next attack.
This may be the end of me if he keeps that up...
"Slow Your Roll" << Sobe Cap
Posted 07 February 2008 - 12:13 AM
Sensing her summons the large astral cat padded towards her. Glancing back at the wolf he spoke softly, “now you will have to guard her for I am being summoned.”
The wolf growled, frustrated with this turn of events before responding, “I will guard her with my very soul. I will not allow astral harm to come to our future queen,” before he faded into the background.
Ayame’s form shimmered as the astral tiger padded up to her. Her skin shimmered….the blue becoming much lighter, black and white stripes start to appear upon her skin; the most noticeable being the ones on her face. Coming up from her jaw line a white stripe slashes across her cheek, stopping just short of her left eye. Another black one slashes down from the opposite side of her forehead and across her right eye stopping just at the tip of her nose. A third one, black this time, slashes down from the left side of her forehead and intersecting with the one coming up from her jaw in an X pattern almost. Down her body black and white stripes took form, the white ones causing her scars to show clearly the dark blue standing out against the whiteness starkly. The scars covered by black stripes became almost incandescent against the blackness lending themselves a glow within the blackness.
As astral and physical merged more completely her silver blue hair took on the black and white stripes as well. Little tiger ears poked up out of her hair, even as her natural born ears remained making the black and white striped ears somewhat redundant but totally cute none the less. The final merger brought out one more single change, a black and white striped tail that emerged and flicked back and forth beneath her robes.
Opening her eyes the lavender stood out even more now against her even paler blue skin. One sitting in a sea of black, the other the same as before. She glanced around, her tiger ears flicking around to catch sounds unnoticed by her before. Lifting her hands to eye level she stared at the stripes on her skin, grinning in delight at the way it looked. She turned her gaze to Visa and nodded when he asked if she understood, “ohh I think I get it” she stated as she sent a large smile his way.
Shocked and startled by Avis’s sudden appearance it took her a moment to respond to his command. Turning she dashed into the thick foliage, her power lending it’s self to her usage without her active control. She ran for what seemed like a very long time before slowly coming to a halt and sitting down to rest and catch her breath. Glancing back towards the way she came she felt the power flowing from the two in battle. Her eyes shown with concern for both of them before she sighed and sat down on the branch.
Feeling the barrier fall he focused on the girl and watched her mad cap flight through the dense vegetation. Smiling an evil smile he watched as she came to rest upon a branch, waiting until she was as relaxed as he figured she was going to get before conjuring a portal to open up just behind her. Moving stealthily he grabbed her suddenly around the waist with one arm, “scream all you want little girl there’s no one to hear you. Those brothers will destroy each other and never know you have been taken,” with those words he pulled her into the swirling purple portal, “and to ensure I have ample time to drain your power,” he wrapped her in a yellowish glow, sealing her power to her skin and allowing none to escape and leave a trail.
Dragging her through the portal he willed the portal closed and dropped the seal around her, “they’ll never find you here. This whole place has been especially sealed just for you. Dark energy negates your light energy, nulling your output,” noticing the necklace, “looks like that foolish elf took a liking to you. Doesn’t matter. Those two will be dead I’m sure,” a knock on the door interrupts him, “enter.”
A bloodied up demon opened the door and entered the chamber, “My Lord,” he wheezed, “we found this at the entrance to our lands on a dead thief. It looked as though,” his words were cut off as with a flash he died as though shredded by a massive blade.
Holding the girl aloft, he ignored the gruesome corpse and exited the chamber. Stalking down the hall he pushed open another door and entered. The room was elegant. The bed large and canopied. There were wall to wall books, a reading chair, a writing desk, “everything a scholar like you needs to continue your studies, is it not my dear,” he placed his right hand on her cheek and began to draw her power from her slowly, relishing her screams of agony, “oh soo sweet. That blessed sound,” his power began to fill the room as he drained her of hers, growing exponentially until he was distracted as she fell limp, slumped over the arm he held her with, “ooh I must be more careful! Cant have you run dry now can I? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA,” high on the power he took from her he tossed her onto the bed, uncaring whether it injured her or not.
Exiting he saw his scuttling little minion, “from this day forth you will serve her,” and kicked him out of the way and returning to his chamber. Only a pile of ash remained of the demon, in place of the corpse was a sword embedded into the ground, “well now,” he laughed silently before stepping closer to the blade, “you will serve me now deathsbane after all you’ve been searching for me for a long long time have you not,” and with that he grabbed the handle and yanked the sword from the ground, grinding his teeth at the burning sensation as his palm grasped the hilt, “the ultimate sword. The ultimate power. The ultimate GOD!! MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! AND THE OTHER GODS WILL COWER BEFORE ME JUST BEFORE I STRIKE THEM DOWN WITH MY BLADE OF DEATH!”
The small fairy tumbled off Ayame’s shoulder, his presence forbidden from entering the portal and the rejection causing him harm he fluttered to the branch bleeding and burnt from the burst of energy that repelled him from entering after his mistress, “Lady A-A-Ayame,” his voice faded off as consciousness left him.
Sweet_Purity/Bunnie on 1-alt and Queue/Raj/Sweet_Purity on main.
Posted 07 February 2008 - 01:00 AM
"I think not little brother.."
Visa stabs Desertbane into the ground and watches a small circle envelope him and the sword. Using his magics combined with the sword he cast forth lashing tentacles of sand that defended against the salvo of energy then lashed Avis out of the air, sending him crashing down into the earth.
"I told you this would be your end, didnt I brother...."
He lunged forward in the same spiral formation Avis had just attempted dashing straight for Avis as he picked himself up off the ground.
Avis picked himself up and jumped to the side just in time to avoid his brothers lunge.
"Thats not going to work on me brother.... Not when I know the ins and outs just like you..."
Knowing the technique and its weaknesses he sent another salvo of energy arching towards Visa, then landed and stabbed Druidsbane into the earth and cast forth an attack with lashing vines, binding Visa as the salvo of energy collided with him and slashed at his robes and flesh.
"I will not die here.... not today.... not against you....."
Visa snarled in a mix of anger and pain as he slashed his way free of the tentacles, the scars from Avis's latest energy burning and bleeding. He slashed another salvo of his sand energy arcs towards Avis's feet, turning the ground beneath him into a sand pit sinking into it, then swong an arm to the side, causing the tentacles of sand to lash out and bind Avis pulling him from the sand pit then crushing him in their grip.
"You will die brother..... and i will have Druidsbane.."
He looked up at Avis, held within the tentacles of sand that now bound him, gripping tighter and tighter as he reached out towards him, hand open, then slowly closed it as the sand slowly squeezed him, crushing him slowly.
Avis screamed out in pain as the sand bound him tighter and tighter feeling the sand crushing him slowly, then focused on the thickest tree roots in the ground and erupted them upwards, bursting through the sand coffin and pulling him free of it, more roots emerging and chasing Visa.
"Brother.. You shall never hold my blade.. not so long as my heart still beats...."
He lunged down from atop the high standing root straight for Visa, slashing his sword in a large arc.
Visa turned about and slashed away the incoming roots.
"Thats exactly why you shall die here brother.."
He turned to face Avis and conjured up another sand tentacle that ensnared Avis midair and slowly crushed him as the over sand tentacles added their own pressure, wrapping around the others and binding tighter.
He slowly lowered Avis, bound almost completely in sand except for his head and neck.
"Now you die brother.."
Visa turned, looking over his brother as he spoke, then reached towards him and closed his fist, the sand immediately responding and crushing him. He knelt forward and picked up Druidsbane, drawing it from within the sand tomb then staggered back as the swords energy purified the darkness that had settled over him, Desertbane returning to its golden sandy glow. He knelt back down over his brother...
"What have I done......"
Avis screamed in pain as the sand crushed his body, feeling his ribs crack and break, the wind leaving his body as he struggles for breath before unconsciousness and shallow breathing steal over him.
"Slow Your Roll" << Sobe Cap
Posted 08 February 2008 - 02:52 AM
Pushing to her feet she swayed back and forth, her knees nearly buckling beneath her meager own weight. Carefully she moved towards those small windows, “I am so very tired. He must have taken a lot from me,” leaning heavily against the wall she stood on pointe to glance out the high windows, “I can’t tell day from night in this horrible place! Those clouds are so dense and the eerie red light reflected in them doesn’t lend it’s self for distinguishing day from night,” her fingers clasped her pentagram, “I hope Avis is all right. I wonder, will he come for me? And the other, Visa, will they kill each other,” she voiced her quiet worries to the silent, empty room before releasing the necklace and pushing away from the wall.
She took two steps and her legs buckled. Silent tears dripped down her cheeks as she cried out her fear and frustration, unnoticing of the door opening and admitting the small scuttling demi-demon.
“Missstresss I brought food for you missstresss,” the dishes on the tray clattered as he walked, his movements stunted and rough, “it’sss food for you. And water. And a sweet for you tooo missstresss,” he rambled on, approaching her cautiously. He set the tray down in front of her carefully afraid to anger her, “eat? Missstresss is hunnggrryy yess? And thirrsssty,” he gestured towards the food and water on the tray. Raising his eyes from the tray he was startled to see water leaking from her, “you have waters leaking from you missstresss,” he stated in wonder having never seen someone crying before. His misshaped finger touched the liquid tentatively, his eyes wide and wondering, “what isss thisss missstresss?”
She looked at the poor creature and said tearfully, “they’re tears. It’s a natural reaction to sorrow,” she sniffled a little, “haven’t you ever seen anyone cry before?”
“Cry? What isss cry? Isss it food? Cann I eat it,” his voice was full of curiosity as he stared at her wide eyed awaiting her response.
A small tearful laugh escaped her at his unusual response, “no it’s not food. It’s an emotion. I cry when I’m sad. Or when I’m hurting too bad inside and it feels like nothing will be ok, surely you’ve cried sometime.”
He shook his head, “no missstresss. Cova does not cry. Cova does not feel. Cova is not like you. Even if Cova feels bad he can not do this cry thing.”
“How odd,” her tears began to recede as this puzzle caught her attention. Extending her hand she gently touched his cheek sensing the instant she did that she could heal him of his deformities, the urge to do so was almost overwhelming. The power she had regained began to well but she pushed it back, suppressing it, ‘I could easily heal him, but would he be better for it I wonder or is he better like this? I think I shall wait a while and see.’
He stilled under her touch, unused to a gently hand he awaited his punishment for his curiosity and was surprised when no punishment came, “missstresss will eat now, yesss?”
Removing her hand she lifted the food up, staring at the unappetizing brown lumpy stuff in the bowl and instantly deciding not to try it, “no I don’t think I shall,” but she lifted the tankard full of water and drank it down. The water was stale but otherwise fine and eased her thirst, “but if I could have more of this please,” she requested of Cova watching him as he moved with amazing speed to and out the door. Feeling a little steadier, she glanced around then pushed herself up. She walked more steadily upon her feet towards the books lining the myriad shelves along the one wall reading through the titles until one title caught her eye Conjurations of Illusions and Other Advanced Magical Skills. Lifting it proved a difficulty as it was a thick book and quite heavy.
She made it to the chair in front of the desk, her mind churning with ideas on how to flee from this place, ‘it wont be a simple matter to escape. I have to somehow though. I must stop Avis and Visa from battling,’ her eyes reflected a new determination as they stared at the first of many new spells to learn.
When the door opened and he scuttled in, he discovered a new sight. Ayame was bent over a text so completely absorbed in the tome that she wasnt aware of his entrance. He scuttled over in his one hand the tankard and in the other some fruit he had found in the kitchen. He set both silently beside her and moved over to the bowl she had refused and consumed it swiftly before scuttling over to her and laying down near her feet.
His rousing snores earned her attention for a few moments as she rose and walked over to the bed, removing the top blanket and one of the pillows. Walking back over to him she covered him and gently placed a pillow under his head before returning to the tome she had taken an interest in.
Sweet_Purity/Bunnie on 1-alt and Queue/Raj/Sweet_Purity on main.
Posted 08 February 2008 - 05:31 AM
"I was wrong brother.... Wrong to have hated you, you really were the better swordsman..."
He looked once more at Avis, then started to think faster as his mind raced.. He needed to find someone, something to save Avis... Immediately his mind snapped to Ayame and he sensed the faint trace of energy from the necklace he fastened around her neck. He sheethed both swords and started dashing in the direction of the faint energy trace, coming to a stop as the energy signature disapated.
Where is she? The energy trail stops here.. I dont understand.... Huh? Whats this?
He knelt down and picked up the charred fairy and healed him as he picked him into his hand, then gently eased him into his pocket, when he felt the other energy..
"The Demon... Ive been double crossed!"
Visa snarled in rage and draw both swords then held them at his sides, then jumped above the treeline and snarled again in rage and unleashed a relentless barrage of sand and emerald energy waves, slicing through the forest, leaving a circular area, roughly 500 yards in diameter with him at the center...
He sat back down on a nearby treestump, the rest of the tree laying on its side and started to plan his actions, mentally calculating and formulating everything he would need to make his plans work, and compared it to what he had. Dashing back to the clearing he ignored Avis's shallow breathing and fetched both satchels and emptied them, stacking their contents on the ground in piles, seeing the vials in Avis's bag full of random petals, leaves. stems, and roots, he uncorked one of the more plesant smelling petal vials and tipped one petal from its contents and drew the fairy from his pocket and edged the fairy to eat the petal, setting it within its grasp as he returned the fairy to his pocket and corked the vial, then grabbed the two empty satchels and returned to where he had found the fairy, focusing on the demon's energy signature, he drew both blades and crossed them infront of him as they started to glow, then started chanting in elven, using the demon's remaining energy to reopen the same portal. Altering its end location to a shot away from him, in another empty room of the demon's stronghold he focused and created another portal, then stepped through it.
The inside of the demon stronghold was lit soley by torches that ran along the walls, he adjusted his head and gathered Ayame's unique energy trail from her necklace then slithered into her room and closed the door behind him, noticing the demon minion on the floor at her feet as Ayame sat at the desk pouring into one of the heavy tomes that lined the far walls.
"Ayame... Lets get you out of here... Mk?"
He looked at the minion and threw it the two satchels,
"You want out with us.... fill those with as many of his texts as you can fit....."
He turned back to Ayame quickly.....
"Avis isnt dead, hes back at the clearing, Alot has happened...... He's close to death, we need to move quickly. Lets go."
"Slow Your Roll" << Sobe Cap
Posted 09 February 2008 - 05:15 PM
The minion snorted and muttered his eyes opening and widening as he realized he was covered up and his head was resting on the soft pillow. With a swiftness he moved doing as he was ordered and filling the satchels asking a simple question as he worked, “whatt isss out,” as he grabbed books and shoved them in the bags until both were bulging and almost too full to close. Glancing around he wrapped the pillow inside the blanket and began stacking the remaining books onto the pillow until the shelves were nearly empty then he gathered the blanket’s edges together and turned it into a giant sack. He turned his eyes to Ayame awaiting her order.
She barely moved when he spoke, just raising her right hand and waving it in a subconscious acknowledgement as she poured over her new favorite book. The movement of the little demi-demon did however catch her attention as he filled the blanket with books, “what in the,” she asked, completely mystified at his actions. Glancing about the room she finally noticed Visa but frowned, “where is Avis,” she asked with concern moving swiftly as he answered, but stumbling in her haste and exhaustion. Walking to the bed she proceeded to remove the lacy white canopy from where it hung over the bed, then stripped the bed of it’s sheets before glancing over to the Cova and asking, “can you go and find a couple more satchels Cove? But be careful and don’t let anyone notice what you’re doing,” pointing at the now empty tankard, “take that and fill it, use it as the reason why you’ve left me alone if you’re questioned,” she watched as he put down the make-shift blanket sack, grabbed the tankard and raced out the door.
He raced down the hall to do her bidding, slipping into the supply room and grabbing four large satchels and setting them into a darkened corner before proceeding to the kitchen and refilling the tankard of water at his more sedate pace. Once leaving the kitchen he came slowly back down the hallway, ensuring it was clear before slipping into the supply room once again. Glancing around he grabbed up a fifth bag and began to fill it with stuff sitting on the shelves, not really knowing what to take he took something of everything until that particular bag was full with everything from rope to several different types of cloth and thread, three medium sized flasks full of mysterious liquids, vials of stuff, even several simple white robes and hunks of cheese and bread. Closing the flap he looked around, his eyes landing on a strange satchel that looked smaller than the ones he had but he knew it held more than it looked like it held. Glancing around he grabbed up the plain green satchel and tossed in the full one and the empty ones before closing the flap. He picked up the full tankard and hid the magical satchel beneath his meager clothing, hunching down to hid the minimal bulge before darting out into the hall with the tankard. Just as the door swung shut a sentry came down the darkened hall. He shied away from the guard, giving him plenty of room before continuing on down the hall to her door, opening it, and stepping inside.
Seeing him with just the tankard she watched as the door clicked shut, feeling a sort of disappointment that he hadn’t done as she asked. She watched him as he came and handed her the water. Accepting it she laid a gentle hand on his head, “thank you Cova,” she said kindly, her eyes widening as he pulled out the satchel then widening even more as the others, even a full one were pulled out and laid on the ground at her feet. Leaning down she hugged him, overjoyed with his cleverness, “oh Cova! This is wonderful! You did so well,” leaning down she hefted the first satchel he pulled everything out of for a moment before grabbing an empty normal one and shoving the bedding inside. Staring down at the mattress she debated attempting to shove it in the magical satchel for a moment before glancing to Visa and seeing the impatience on his face. Handing the magical satchel to Cova she said hurriedly, “fill this with the full bags Cova, hurry!”
He rushed to do her bidding, shoving all the full bags including the blanket and pillow make-shift one. One by one the other sacks he had brought became full as she sorted through the desk choosing what should be taken and what should be left behind. The tome she had been reading was the last to be packed, it’s bulk taking up one of the packs all on it’s own. He took that last pack from her and struggled to put it in the magical sack, “sack fulll,” he stated and looked to her as he closed it, even packed full it didn’t bulge.
Ayame lifted the satchel, her eyes widening, “why it’s so light,” she said in wonderment to Visa, “lets go please,” adrenaline giving her the energy she needed to do whatever, her excitement to escape causing her to be almost jittery.
A ways down the hall in a darkened room he rested, his palm upright and showing the mark it now bore. The blade lay beside him, a terrible dark glow pulsing from the blade. No fire burned in the hearth to give off even a modicum of light or heat and yet the room was warm. The door was ajar but the light that would have lit the room up was sucked up by the sword’s terrible power.
Sweet_Purity/Bunnie on 1-alt and Queue/Raj/Sweet_Purity on main.
Posted 10 February 2008 - 06:19 PM
"Cova, thankyou for taking care of her."
Visa turned towards Ayame as he sized up her looks, her robes starting to become tattered and frayed at the seams.
"We may have to see if we cant find you an outpost soon, you look a shade worse for wear, maybe we can find you new robes at an outpost or something. But anyway, lets hurry, you two finish up, I'm going to scout ahead, we need to find a place that isnt so thickly guarded by magic. From there, we'll just have to find a way to make a portal back to the forest. I think I can handle it.. And before i forget... I have something of yours Ayame."
He reaches into his pocket and pulls out the small slumbering fairy and hands him to her, settling him into her hands.
"I believe he was scortched when the demon warped you to his castle... I found him and did my best to heal him, when he awakens, make sure you have him eat that petal that I've tucked into his arms, it will speed his healing process."
He stopped a moment in thought..
Portals are a very tricky magic, but maybe with both druidsbane and desertbane, I can gather enough energy to create one....
With that, Visa slipped out the door silently then sneaks along the cooridor, hearing the footsteps of an approaching guard, he slips into a supply closet, the door left ajar, then silently waits as the guard passes, then slips out and continues along the cooridor, after wandering around a corner and down another cooridor a little ways, he sensed the magical presence of the shield lift a bit and found an empty room close enough to the lightened security.
Perfect... this will be easy to use, we cant be seen, and if I put up an enchantment, we wont be heard either.
He closes his hands together and uses the same incantation within the room that he used back when he first abducted Ayame. Then slithered back out of the room and started to return to Ayame's room when he felt the presence of a severely dark magic force along side that of the demon's that he had senced upon entering the castle, but it was stronger now, closer, alongside this new heavily dark magic.
What in the... I'd better at least get a look at this....
He crept slowly down the cooridor and around another corner until he found another door ajar, crouched low, he peers into the room, only to find almost complete darkness, accompanied with a heavy heat, though there is no fire burning in the hearth.
I can barely see a thing...
He crept back slowly up the hallway a ways to another supply closet and slipped inside, then pulled a bottle of sand from his satchel and poured the enchanted sand into his hand, closing one eye, he used his energies to mould the sand into an eyeball, swiveling around as it hovered in midair, he slowly guided it back out of the supply closet, keeping it close to the ceiling and out of direct eyesight, into the dark room, its enchanted magics able to pierce the darkness and give him a better view of the source of all that dark energy...
What in the world... No..... Thats... We have to leave.. Now!
Quickly he summoned back the enchanted sand eye and opened his own, undoing the enchantment as he opened the bottle and watched the sand swirl neatly back into it, corked the bottle, then returned it to his pocket, then silently crept back to Ayame's room. Turning to her and Cova as he reentered.
"Ive found us a place to leave. We have to get going.... I dont know how he found it, but he has something that could prove quite menacing if we cant get out of here and back to Avis, We'll need him if we hope to take on the demon when he eventually finds out that you are gone."
Deathsbane...... So the trilogy is united..... the cursed sword deathsbane, and its two breathren, druidsbane and desertbane, united at last....
Edited by Shapeshifter, 10 February 2008 - 06:20 PM.
"Slow Your Roll" << Sobe Cap
Posted 11 February 2008 - 06:07 PM
Cova stared up at Ayame adoringly, his usually dull blue eyes bright and shining. While Visa was out scouting Cova headed out of the room once again, shutting the door silently behind him and scuttling back to the supply room glancing around subtly to ensure that no one was coming and the hall was all clear. Entering the supply room he scuttled to grab yet another satchel, which he proceeded to fill with the spare tunics and trousers, everything from his size up. Hearing voices coming down the hall he slipped in and hid among the shelves as the door was opened and a light shone around the room.
“Did you hear? Our Lord now has a most powerful weapon! This world will fall to his rule easily now, and with the girl to supply him all that extra power,” the conversation was cut off as the door closed and the room fell to darkness again.
He waited until he could no longer hear even their muffled voices or footsteps before coming out of his hiding place. His head whipped around as he looked for other things that would serve his mistress well, and his eyes landed on the boots lined up. He grabbed several pairs, one of which was brimming with power, another that had faint magical power subtly emanating from them, and the rest that were just plain boots. He turned towards the last area and started swiftly glancing through the cloaks and capes the tailors provided for the upper generals and other servants of the Lord. A small one, green in color, he grabbed right off as it was his own. He sifted through, grabbing only the nicest, lightest ones for his mistress to choose from. He grabbed half a dozen and proceeded to shove them and the boots into the satchel and having to really shove hard as the bag was near to bursting now.
That done he glanced around for anything else she could use, his eyes landing on something sitting in the corner that he had been curious about for a long time. He hesitated only a moment before grabbing the long slender object. His palm curled around it carefully before he grabbed up the bag and moved to the door. He opened it a little and peeked out, making sure the coast was clear before moving out into the hall with his new burdens.
Swiftly he moved down the hall, past the kitchen and back towards her room, attempting to avoid the patrols and ducking into empty rooms here and there. One such room was very finely decorated and as he glanced around he saw a cupboard. Moving to it he opened it and saw finely sewn gowns. One a sparkling shimmering silvery blue one drew his attention. Grabbing it he pulled out his cloak and put it on, thus making enough room for the lovely gown he had found although even removing his cloak, the gown proved a challenge to put in the bag since the cloth wanted nothing to do with being packed in snug quarters. He had no idea whether it would fit her, size being difficult to tell with that kind of frilly gown but he thought she would like it and that was more important to him than what size it was. Moving to the door, he stepped out into the hall once he noted the guards far down the hall, their backs to where he was.
He raced down the hall and through the corridors to her room, pushing the door open he swiftly entered the room, the full to bursting satchel in one hand, the long round beautifully carved medal cylinder in his other. He set the heavy satchel down long enough to close the door behind him. Then he dragged it over to the bed and shook the sleeping girl to wake her up, “missstresss I found clothesss missstresss,” he continued to shake her until her eyes opened and she blinked at him dazedly, “missstresss, clothesesss for youuu.”
She stretched as she sat up, taking the heavy satchel from him and sliding it to her. Opening it plumes of the beautiful gown’s cloth came billowing out and she fingered the fabric for a moment before pulling the enormous gown out of the bag, “this is,” she hesitated a moment before continuing, “beautiful Cova,” she stood and pressed the gown against herself to size it up, finding that it was far too long as she had her arms fully extended above her head and it was still trailing the floor, “I think this will need a little work before I can wear it, however, I can perhaps put it to another use temporarily,” she strung up the very large gown across a large section of the bed, creating a small sheltered dressing area for herself. She continued to pull stuff out of the bag, the cloaks being stubborn for a moment and not allowing themselves to be removed but she gave a good yank and out they came. She set them beside her, deciding to sort through them in a bit. The boots she pulled out one pair at a time. The black pair that emanated power were the first ones to be pulled out and she gasped in pain as she touched them before her innate powers broke the surface and surrounded them, protecting her hands from the darkness. Her power coming in contact with the boots, even though it was a very small amount of power, caused an unusual reaction. Her power flared and sparked against the boots, the thin coating of power being enough to cause the blackness of the boots to lighten to a dark green color, purifying the dark energy contained in the boots and bringing out the beauty of their craftsmanship. Her fingertips traced the intricate stitching before, with a sigh she sat the too big boots aside and pulled out the another pair.
These were a deep lavender and at her gentle touch the boots magic flared, “I don’t know who your previous owner was,” she mumbled to the boots, “but I’m sure you didn’t belong to anyone in this compound,” just by looking she could see they were just about her size so she set them to the other side and pulled out the rest of the boots judging by look alone whether they would fit her or not. She handed a small plain pair to Cova, “here these should fit you well enough,“ she said before she continued sifting through the sack, pulling out tunics of varying shades and sizes. Judging one to be just about the size of the Cova she handed it to him, “put this on,” then sifted through the rest of them as he took off the cloak and put on the tunic. Finding a white tunic that was about her size she set it aside and set the others down on the growing pile of stuff that was not her size. She pulled out the pile of trousers, noting that the sack now looked very deflated and proceeded to sort through those as well, finding a pair close to her size. The others were all too large for her and would have to be mended to fit at some future date. She placed the ones that were her size on the pile of clothes, “Cova put the rest of these clothes and boots back into the satchel please while I change,” picking up the pile of clothes she moved behind the make-shift screen and removed her robes and shift, staring at the black and white stripes that now covered her from head to toe, “oh wow,” she gasped, “I’m striped all over,” and giggled at the thought as she stepped out of her robes and kicked them out from the curtain, “put those in the sack too,” and she tossed the shift out and the white tattered boots as well, “they may be of some use yet,” she broke off for a second in thought, ‘hmm well the boots wont really be of use I suppose, they’re quite worn out,” aloud she said, “not the boots though. Stuff them beneath the mattress to hide them.”
She donned the tunic, noting that it was a bit long as the hem hit just about mid-thigh. The trousers were just a bit too large and as she took down the large dress she noticed a gold cord running along the edge of the canopy holder. Reaching up she removed the cord from it’s hooks and smiled, then proceeded to thread the cord through the small fastenings at the waist of the trousers and tying it at the side. The cord was long though and it hung down along her left thigh well past the knee, “I’ll have to shorten this somehow,” she stated with a shrug, “the excess would be good for binding my hair out of the way as the fastener that keeps it back is also worn out,” she gave a sort of hop and allowed herself to drop down, her butt landing on the mattress and giving her a small bounce before settling down to stillness. She grabbed the boots and tossed them on, tying them securely as they seemed to now fit her feet perfectly, “odd. I thought they looked just a little big for me,” she gave a shrug, “well they fit me just fine now,” her eyes turned and she watched as Cova repacked everything back into the sack. Reaching over she sifted through the cloaks and capes and found one she liked. It was a bluish green one, the fabric was silky yet sturdy. She tossed it over her shoulders and fastened it, pulling the hood over her head for a moment before pushing the hood back and admiring the intricate detailing of the embroidery along the hems, “the rest can be packed away,” she stated, smiling at the small creature gratefully.
She glanced to the door as it swung inwards, “you took long enough,” she stated teasingly, her mood reflected clearly in her voice, “Cova went foraging again and look what he found,” she stood and swirled around, “I have all new clothes, well the tunic is just a bit long and the pants just a bit too large, but they fit well enough. The boots fit perfectly though,” she giggled happily not really noticing Visa’s grim demeanor, “yes lets go,” she stated happily as she reached down and lifted the magical satchel then watched as Cova hefted the clothe filled one. She then turned her eyes to Visa and waited for him to take the lead.
Sweet_Purity/Bunnie on 1-alt and Queue/Raj/Sweet_Purity on main.
Posted 12 February 2008 - 03:58 PM
"I see that... Nice outfit, the colors do you justice, though you may want to shorten that rope a bit before you tangle it in your knee and trip, but i guess that saves us time from stopping at a small outpost. But nevermind that now, gather your things and lets go, we have to get moving, I'll tell you why on the way. We shouldnt have a problem with guards, Ive already taken out the ones that would bar our path. Now lets move before we're noticed."
With that Visa strode over to the door and opened it, peered around the door and down the hallway then motioned them forward and started down the corridor towards the empty room he had enchanted before.
Slowing his pace a bit he leveled back with Ayame and decided it's best she knew why they were in a rush. Speaking to her without turning his head or casting a glance he began.
"He has Deathsbane.... The third of the three legendary swords, it had another past, but it fell into the hands of a foul darknight who's magics corrupted and cursed the sword. That sword specifically chooses its master, if it doesnt like someone that tries to claim it, it will slay you first chance it gets. But the demon's power is attractive to the blade, and it has bonded with him, branded him with the curse mark, similar to the mark Avis and I bear for our respective swords. The sword feeds on the strength of its wielder and grows stronger, thus making its wielder stronger. Nothing we have now could stop him if we were caught. Even myself and the other two swords wouldnt be enough.. With strength like that, we'll need Avis. Thats another reason we are hurrying, we need to get back to the clearing so I can put up another barrier to bar his entry until Avis can recover.... Here it is..."
He finished as he held out his arm to stop Ayame and Cova, throwing open a door to another sparcely lit room, he hurried them both inside before closing and sealing the door with a few paper explosives from his pocket. Casting another glance around the room he spoted a trophy case in the far corner, and within it an interestingly designed dagger, serrated on both edges, with a triangular ruby encrusted into a triangular cut out near the base of the blade, a flat, circular stock sepparating the blade from the slightly curved handle, and beneath it sat the sheeth of the blade. He forced open the doors of the trophy case and grabbed the dagger and sheeth, sliding the dagger into it and buttoning the lock flap over the stock, he tossed the sheethed dagger to Cova.
"Here, you may find this usefull Cova. Take it as a welcoming gift from me to you, and a thankyou for taking care of Ayame."
He turned to Ayame and strode across the room nearer to her.
"I suppose you know how to create portals? I can teach a few things, but I cant provide you with an example. I need you to focus on Avis, and the clearing where I brought you, then focus on creating a portal from here to there, Concentrate on that area and this room, and create a linked portal between them. Do you think you can do that?"
We need to hurry back to Avis and help him back to a speedy recovery, it's not going to take long for the demon to realize we are gone. I can buy us some time by putting up another barrier and sealing away our position so he cant find us without scouring the area. But I can't do that and make a portal back, so lets hope she can do it.
He paused a moment.
"Where's your fairy... Frost, I believe he said his name was?"
Edited by Shapeshifter, 12 February 2008 - 03:59 PM.
"Slow Your Roll" << Sobe Cap
Posted 13 February 2008 - 02:44 AM
Cova followed behind Ayame, ensuring that when the door was closed, opening it again would be difficult. Grasping the cylinder just before the door clicked shut he brought it to his chest clutching the metal cylinder to him, unwilling to part with it for some reason unbeknownst to him. His scarred little hand gripped it tightly, and the metal shone faintly with a gently white glow as if overjoyed with being held by the small creature. He silently strode down the hall after the two, his eyes adoringly attached to Ayame, prepared to help her should she have any need.
Ayame sighed as she listened to Visa explaining about the other sword, “we should definitely hurry then. Best we deal with him at a later date then here in his place of power,” she thought to herself, ‘no need to let him know that I was totally drained of power and am still trying to recover, but it’s not really all that important I guess,’ than said, “we should definitely hurry out of this place.”
She stepped into the empty room and gave a look around, watching as Visa tossed a dagger towards Cova. She snatched the dagger out of the air just before Cova could catch it, unsheathed it and pulled out the hanging cords. She sliced them cleanly to her preferred length then re-sheathed the dagger and tossed it to Cova, “take good care of this,” and with swift deft movements laced her hair up with the remnants of the golden cord as Visa proceeded to attempt to tell her how to create a simple portal.
Hearing his name, the little fairy’s head popped out of the pocket on the bag for a moment blinking sleepily before burrowing back into the pack with a mutter and going back to sleep.
Her hair done, she stepped up to the nearest wall. She placed her hand on the wall and shook her head, “no not here,” then moved on to the next wall. Resting her hand on the wall she nodded and muttered to herself, “this will do,” then backed away releasing her shields and allowing the power she had left to fill the space playing it off like it was a measured amount instead of it being her total power level. Standing in the center of the room she focused on the wall, envisioning Avis in the forefront of her mind, “losva, setmest, crouveda, lesunda, shevani,” she chanted the words in the old language, the one that had been created long before realians had created their own language, a far purer magical language; ensuring that the spell would work just right.
A small hole began to form in the wall that showed Avis lying on the ground, and began to enlarge until the hole was more than large enough for a person to fit through. Without looking back at the other two she stepped through and out near Avis moving swiftly to him, not bothering to put her magic back behind her shield. Raising her hands over him she began to heal his wounds, uncaring of the amount of time passing and unnoticing of the area around her as her focus zeroed in on Avis and his injuries.
She came back to herself swaying, sinking down to her knees she rested her hand on the skin of his arm to strengthen the magical contact, allowing her flagging power to work more efficiently. She sighed with relief as she sensed that his injuries were healing swiftly, continuing with her ministrations the healing continued until, drained to an extreme her eyes drifted closed and she passed out, falling to the side.
Cova snapped the dagger out of the air with the hand that wasn’t holding the metallic cylinder, nodding at her order to care for the dagger. He watched as she opened a portal, hesitating only a second before following her through the portal and staying close behind her as his eyes flew around, taking in everything around him. Watching her heal as time passed by he got tired, sitting down he rested his head on his arm as his eyes began to lower slowly until his chin was resting on his chest and snores were pouring out of his mouth.
Sweet_Purity/Bunnie on 1-alt and Queue/Raj/Sweet_Purity on main.
Posted 13 February 2008 - 03:46 AM
She has alot of talent, I'll give her that.
Visa closed his palms together and once again created an enchanted barrier around the clearing, sealing it off with many more advanced magics than the previous one, making it almost impervious, even to deathsbane's might.
"There.... thats done...... How is he doing?"
He turned and strode over to Ayame, carefully walking around Cova as he began to snore and fall asleep. Then nestled down beside her and looked at her, then Avis, watching his quick recovery and her amazing healing ability. Feeling her power wain, he turned and caught her around the shoulders as she passed out from exhaustion, then picked her up, cradling her in his arms for a moment, he wandered over to the old contents that were stacked neatly on the ground and kicked over one of the rolled up sleeping blankets and kicked it open, then layed Ayame upon it and covered her over with another, then pulled a pillow from one of the other satchels and slid it beneath her head, then strode back over and balanced near Avis, drawing druidsbane from his side, undoing the clasp of the sheeths buckle and laying the sheethed blade across Avis's chest, watching as the blade glowed, even within the sheeth at its return to Avis, then wandered over towards Cova and settled down himself, sitting and sending himself into a tranced meditation, his ears moving and catching every sound as he gained rest.
Avis stirred, feeling an odd melting and burning sensation in his chest as his ribs were mended and his body was slowly healed, he didnt need to open his eyes to know whom it was. Feeling her presence in her magicks he lay there unmoving as Ayame cast her magicks and healed him.
After what seemed like hours he awoke with a start, not noticing druidsbane until it fell into his lap, then scanned the area, spotting Visa over by an unknown creature. Noting Visa's tranced state and diminuativeness towards the creature, he understood that it wasnt a threat, then looked over to where a bed fixture had been made up and noted Ayame laying amongst the bundle of blankets, taking note of her new appearance.
Well well, I wonder what happened, that certainly is new.... she's never had ears atop her head before. I wonder what else is different.. I'll have to ask her later...
He then stood and refastened druidsbane to his side and strode over behind Visa and sat back to back with him, a few inches away so not to make contact, then sent himself into a similar tranced slumber, his ears twitching at every sound.
"Slow Your Roll" << Sobe Cap
Posted 15 February 2008 - 08:43 PM
He awoke with a start, glancing rapidly around he started to yell, “where am I? Let Me Out! Right NOW I mean it,” his loud shouts were muffled by the dense fabric in the cloth and not realizing this he cast an enchantment on his voice thinking that he was being deliberately ignored and yelled, “LET ME OUT THIS INSTANT VAGABONDS! I WANT OUT NOW,” then tapped his foot for a moment before shouting even louder, “OUT OUT OUT I WANT OUT NOW NOW NOW NOW,” sighing he got ready to scream even louder when the flap of the pocket opened and the words he was about to scream out died swiftly upon seeing that it was her, “ohh My Lady,” his words were cut off abruptly as she admonished him for being too noisy when others were sleeping. As her words began to slur together he looked at her with alarm fluttering out of the pocket just in time to see her pass out and land in the dirt.
Puzzled he alit on her arm his eyes going even wider at the changes that had taken place in her. He frowned as he sensed some strange foreign energy attached to her aura, “what is this,” he muttered, “so black. An abnormal darkness surrounds her aura,” he walked down her arm to her hands, “here it’s strongest,” he flittered and landed on the ground near him, rising to his full height, leaving his miniature form, his body rose up, his wings growing in proportion to his body height until he towered over Ayame. Glancing over he muttered, “it’s so subtle I almost didn’t catch it, so no way would they have. Well I don’t think they would have caught it,” bringing his palms together he compressed his magic into them before resting them lightly just above her body, immersed in her aura. A faint yellow glow made it’s way just over her and just under her aura, glowing brighter and brighter as it fused with and was made to rise up into the darkened stain, “she was close to something very very evil. I haven’t felt a darkness like this in centuries,” for a moment the blaze of yellow dimmed and then brightened until it was almost blinding. For an instant a darkness could be seen outlined by the blinding golden light before it was burned away, “darkness can not stand in light. The greater the light pressed against the darkness the harder the darkness has to work to survive. However cut off from it’s source, this darkness can not and will not be allowed to thrive.”
As the last remnants of darkness burned away he heaved a sigh of relief before his power ebbed, receding back within him. Staring down at her he noted that subtle lines of distress that had been on her face had eased and she rested easier. He noted her appearance, “soon, very soon now, Your Highness, they will be drawn to you. Your Knights will come,” he whispered against her skin as he lifted her and hugged her close to him and carried her back over to the bed that he assumed she had stumbled out of.. Setting her down gently, he covered her and backed away. Walking around the camp he stopped before the odd looking creature, setting his hand upon it’s skin caused a silent exclamation to leave him, “not truly a demon, elfin by the feel and very young at that little more than a child I would say, though his form is badly warped and his aura is severely contaminated. Far more than what I can cleanse,” he whispered to himself, “and I see his weapon has found him, though what form it’ll take we shall have to see I suppose,” moving on he stood just in front of and just between them, “odd energy here to be sure, but I still sense it. Yes, yes. Their counter parts haven’t found them yet though. Two in one perhaps. A sigil split. Odd, very odd though there have been twins before long long ago,” his muttering changed to disdain as he moved away from them, “cant be too bright if the missed how low on power she was though. HIGHLY irresponsible of Queen’s Knights. Yes, yes. I shall have to watch her FAR more closely from now on. She can not be so careless with herself,” as he spoke to himself he shifted form back to his minute size, uncaring if anyone saw.
Cova snorted in his sleep and slid sideways, coming to rest against Visa. He mumbled in his sleep, “yes missstresss. Right away missstresss as he slumbered on through all the noise.
Meanwhile in the stone fortress:
The Fallen God awoke with a start, sensing something amiss, "assemble," was all he shouted, his power along with that one word a summons that could not be ignored.
Edited by LostMagicianGrl, 15 February 2008 - 08:44 PM.
Sweet_Purity/Bunnie on 1-alt and Queue/Raj/Sweet_Purity on main.
Posted 18 February 2008 - 03:50 AM
Visa's eyes opened and shifted to Frost and paused in amazement as he watched the fairy, now his size, shrink back down into its miniscule form, then turned his attention to Cova leaning against his side. He smiled softly and pulled out a pillow and slid from beside him, letting him gently slide onto the pillow, then turned and looked at Avis.
"I'm glad to see that you're alright Avis..."
Hearing his name Avis turned from the fairy, standing before his brother as he watched Visa rise to his own feet.
"Many thanks brother.. though you were the one that nearly killed me.."
Feeling the guilt of Avis's words Visa turned his head to the side, breaking eye contact with his brother.
"I know.... and I was wrong... Times change, and so should our attitudes towards eachother. My sincerest apologies, I am forever in your debt."
Avis thought only for a moment, taking in Visa's words, then nodded to him and smiled warmly.
"Nay, should you not have found Ayame and brought her back here, Id be dead now, thankyou. And its nice to have you in our midst brother."
Visa turned and smiled back, raising his hand and taking Avis's within it and nodded.
"Its nice to be at your side again."
He shook Avis's hand then released and turned towards the fairy, now miniscule and perched near Ayame.
"Looks like there's more to that fairy than meets the eye...."
"Agreed... Should we have a word with him?"
Avis returned then turned again towards the fairy. Walking over to he and Ayame, Avis and Visa settle on either side of him. Avis starts the conversation as he reaches forward and gently nudges the fairy awake.
"Will she be ok?"
He glanced at Ayame, then turned his attention back towards the fairy. Only for Visa to follow up quickly with another comment of his own.
"Looks like theres much more to you than meets the eye Frost.. I didnt know you could alter your size."
Avis sat for a moment, fixed on Frost, thinking back to the low tone he heard while he was sitting behind Visa a few moments ago.
"What's this sigil you spoke of?"
Visa, his memory cued by the thought of the sigil, also commented.
"And what weapon were you reffering to?"
Both brothers brushed off his comments about their awareness and their perception, more curious to fill in knowledge of Frost's words. Visa broke the silence after a few moments.
"Avis... the demon lord has Deathsbane..."
Avis's appearance seemed to hang as his mind slumped..
"So the three have been found...."
Visa nodded simply and sat, the legend of Deathsbane running through his memory as well as Avis's as they both sat, still curious about Frost's words, yet also thinking about the legend of Deathsbane, and what its finding may yet hold in store for them, and Ayame.
"Slow Your Roll" << Sobe Cap
Posted 21 February 2008 - 02:29 AM
With a sigh, Frost stood up and paced a little before answering Avis, “she will be. She was drained far more than she should have been for just a simple healing. It is very irresponsible of you to allow her to put herself in such danger! Do you realize,” his face goes red, his eyes bug out as he attempts to not yell in consideration of Ayame sleeping, “she could have died! You two are a couple of magicless numbskulls! How could you NOT know! You two are the WORST Queen’s Kn,” he broke off, covering his mouth at his blunder, his eyes widening at the major error he just made.
The astral wolf paced, his anger building and transforming into rage and from rage to fury, ‘that stupid CAT,’ he thought to himself, ‘filthy stinking cat,’ his pacing increased.
Ayame turned to her side, murmering in her sleep for an instant as her hand came up and curled under her cheek, her other hand coming to rest against her chin as she heaved a deep sigh and slipped into a deep restorative slumber.
The astral wolfs fury reached breaking point as he bounded to the sleeping Ayame snapping and snarling, ‘I’ll protect you My Lady even if I have to kill that worthless cat,’ and he leapt.
Ayame’s eyes flared open, her mouth open in a silent scream as her power flared white, instinctively purifying the evil filling the wolf, her power blazing pure white and filling the area with flashing, flickering, blinding white light. Her power pulled power from all in the clearing, to make up for her lack and for an instant a different energy was released and upon her skin marks became apparent, intricate in design and many interweaving. parts appeared on her right cheek, her left front shoulder just over her heart, her lower back, and her upper right thigh. The one on her cheek a very intricate double helix and winding arrow design. The one over her heart almost resembled a lightning bolt. The one on her lower back was small, twisting string-like intertwining swords. On her upper right thigh a mark like a two small trees grown together in spots and apart in others. Surrounding all five marks were words in an ancient language.
Meanwhile in the stone fortress..
He paused for an instant as he felt deathsbane pulse, the energy the sword emitted altering drastically and causing agonizing pain to engulf him for such a short period of time that, glancing down at the sword he sighed as it appeared normal then shrugged off the strange sensation as being nothing buy a hallucination.
Striding down the hall he headed through the twisting corridors towards the meeting room, pausing at the door to Ayame’s room. Deciding he needed a little taste of her power he attempted to open the door, surprised when it resisted. Growing impatient he used his power to blast the door off it’s hinges, his eyes widening at the barrenness of the room. The books, the bedding, all of it gone.
He roared in inarticulate rage and stormed out of the room.
Cova shrieked as the purifying light, the combined power taken from the surrounding area and turned into a single pure force, encased him; filling him with light until he almost glowed, the dark magic that had twisted him into the misshapen creature he had become. His form became for a moment insubstantial as the purification commenced. As the darkness that stained him was drawn out, his body reformed until as the light in the clearing faded an elfin child stood on shaky legs. The metallic cylinder gleamed a pale blue, answering the call that was sent out and waking fully to it’s masters hand, as it shimmered into the form of a small bow, little bigger than his upper body and light enough weight so as to not be a burden to the child. Down the shaft of the bow intricate and ancient letters adorn it.
As the wolf met her power he writhed in agony, howling as the evil contained within him was ripped from him and purified. As he passed through her aura and into her body the cat dwelling within attacked, causing him to attack back.
Ayame shrieked, writhing in pain as the two beasts fought within her. Her hands flailing, mimicking the cat’s battle against the wolf. Her fingers curling in on themselves, forming to claws, fur sprouting in a partial transformation as she flailed.
Sweet_Purity/Bunnie on 1-alt and Queue/Raj/Sweet_Purity on main.
Posted 21 February 2008 - 06:01 AM
Avis's eyes shot to her face, her mouth open in a silent scream as she writhed in pain. He turned to Visa. "What the hell is going on here!!" He knelt down beside Ayame as she thrashed and writhed in pain. "Its a spirit merge... shes morphing, again.. She'll die!.."
Before Avis even finished, Visa knelt down on the other side of Ayame and closed his hands, palms together and laced his fingers together as he focused his energies into his now closed eyes, muttering an enchantment in elvish. He snapped open his eyes, now purely the color of sand he gazed over her and saw the spiritual wolf trying to force its way into Ayame. He snarled and focused his energies into his hands, parting them as they began to glow with his sand colored aura. He reached forward, grabbing the wolf by the scruff at the back of his neck and heaved, standing and flung the spirtual wolf away from Ayame then strode over her, putting himself in the path of the now charging wolf, swinging around with his other hand, curled into a fist, he connected with the beast's muzzle and sent it flying back again, then with another quick hand sign, trapped it within a net of his energies.
He turned to Avis. "Place the seal!"
Avis looked over to Visa as he gathered his energies, then shuffled around to Ayame's head, placing it in his lap he pinned her flailing arms as he gathered his own energies into his eyes to watch as Visa wrenched the wolf spirit from her and flung it back, then as he stepped over her, he released her arms and drew a strip of paper and ink brush from his satchel and scribbled a seal, placing it on her chest, sealing the wolf from reentry. He slid around to her side and immediately sealed off her powers and slowly echoed the pulsing energies back into her, feeding more energy into her as he changed the energy's wavelength signature in the space between his palms and her body, allowing the energy to assimilate as quickly as possible. Glancing over her body as he poured energy into her, watching for the color to return to her skin, the metamorphosis reverted back to her new feline mixture, he admired the new striped patterns and noticed the other markings, circled in an ancient elven text..
Elvish markings.... But I thought she wasnt an Elf? What's going on here?
Visa crossed his arms and twisted the energy cords eminating from his fingertips, sealing the energy net, then turned, noticing for a moment the small Elf boy standing with the bow. The spiritual wolf completely immobilized within the net. He paused looking at the small boy...
Avis stood and strode over to Cova, then turned, feeling the tug and sudden lightening at his hip, then noted not only Druidsbane, but Desertbane as well, hovering, crossed over Ayame.
"Visa.. What's going on here?"
"Your guess is about as good as mine Avis..." Visa said, studying the scene, the swords hovering crossed over her protectively. Then just as suddenly, with a flash, the two swords returned to their propper sheeths as if they had never left.
Visa was the first to recover from the sight. "Frost... What was that...?"
"Slow Your Roll" << Sobe Cap
Posted 22 February 2008 - 04:12 AM
Giving the wolf his full attention he began to grow in form, his body rising, the wings enlarging in proportion to the changes happening. He whispered on the wind to Visa, “now.”
The rest of her body struggled once her arms were pinned, the half formed paws now immobilized temporarily, as she shrieked in pain when the wolf was torn free. Her lavender eyes watched as Visa soundly punched the wolf, sending it flying backwards before they began to flutter shut, her whole body shivering as she slowly sank into shock even as her paws reverted to her normal delicately boned hands. Before her eyes closed completely her eyes moved to Avis, an odd recognition and realization filling her eyes, just for an instant, before her dark blue lashes settled against her cheek and she heaved a deep shuddering breath.
Cove stared dazedly at the weapon in his right hand as he popped his thumb in his mouth and after a few moments walked over to where Ayame was laying, standing on the other side of her and across from the person sitting beside her, and watched as the seals were placed. He watched as energy was siphoned back into her his bright blue eyes curious. He smiled angelically as he saw her pale skin regain color and, popping his thumb out of his mouth, he leaned down and reached out touching the mark on her cheek, the matching one on his cheek flaring as he touched it’s twin on her face.
He nodded silently at Visa’s inquirey, rising up from his crouched position he stared up at Avis, his eyes following the older person’s movements until he was looking at the weapons crossed over Ayame. His eyes widened as the swords hovered there, his thumb coming to his mouth and he sidled over to Avis and leaned against his leg, resting his now silver haired head against Avis’s lower thigh. His pale silver skin no longer the reddish black from the dark magic and the ancient marking of the Illyarian Elves painting small tracing lines identifying him as the last prince of his kind standing out against his oh so pale shining silver skin.
Sweet_Purity/Bunnie on 1-alt and Queue/Raj/Sweet_Purity on main.
Posted 23 February 2008 - 07:54 AM
Avis watched as Cova walked around Ayame and noticed the mark that appeared when he touched her cheek...
He watched curiously as Frost enlarged, then made the request to release the beast. "Im not sure.." he took another look at the now fully enlarged fairy, "Alright.." then watched as Visa cut the connections and the net faded, his eyes locked on the beast as it still lay very still. He switched his gaze as Visa strode toward them, then walked a short ways away, still keeping his senses tuned, and one eye glanced at the wolf periodically. "Yes Visa?"
"The elvish city is over the next rise, and judging by the clouds we'll make it to the outskirts just before the seasons change.. Father isnt going to be happy seeing me. But if we are to continue to help these two, we should stop in the city and beseach the king's help, especially with the demon now wielding Deathsbane. Who knows what havoc he could wreak.. That and we should stock up on other items we'll need for travelling in the rain season."
Visa turned, then paused and gestured towards Cova.. "And you should see father about taking him on as your apprentice.... Once we enter father's lands, he wont let Cova leave without being an apprentice... Ayame either for that matter, I'll beseach father for that. Cova seems to have taken to you."
He turned again then walked towards the fairy. "Frost, what did you mean by Queens Knights? And what do you plan to do with this?" He gestured towards the wolf, at the same time casting a few strands of energy from his fingertips to bind the beast around the neck and hold it at bay as it awoke and started to shake itself awake.
Avis nodded. "Aye, we need to get to the village fast, and stock up, we'll need to move quickly if we are to banish this demon. I'll take Cova under my wing. You can take charge of Ayame's teachings now..."
He wandered back towards Ayame and Cova then sat beside them. He looked to Cova, seeing Ayame slumbering peacefully. "Cova. How would you like me to teach you, show you how to become strong, nimble, fast, and give you need to know to protect Ayame?"
Shapeshifter walks along the castle halls, looking for something to do. Not really liking the cramped confinement of the castle, the strolls through the front glade, then jumps into the trees and takes off for town, no fancy ornaments or decorations to show his royal status, but everyone knows him and his position, and treats him no different, unless an added touch of revered respect. He jumps down onto the rooftops and pauses for a moment, stretching...
"God that palace is cramped. This is so much better.... huh?" He wheels around, hearing the scuffle behind him, his hands clenching around his torashuko handgrips, bearing the long slender blades above his knuckles, still hidden by his long sleeves. He crouched, ready to attack, most rogues didnt bother, little could harm the king, only because little could get near enough, crouching ready, waiting, until Fang jumped from the branches and landed with a soft thud on the rooftops, then followed with a loud, throaty bark.
"I should have known better to come to the village without you... You'd follow me to the ends of the earth, wouldnt you." He crouched down and scratched Fang behind the ears, then jumped down to the street and secured his cload more securely about him. His dragon skin vest, made from the finest dragon hide over the top of his long sleeved emerald green tunic, and matching pants, flowing, but fastened tightly at the ankles. but none of this showed, under his midnight black cloak fastened around his neck, hood back. His age was hardly catching up with him, still looking younge, but having a destinct aged personality. He wandered the streets of the village with Fang at his heels.
A while later, after wandering the streets and bazaars, a messenger from the pallace caught up with them and summoned the king back to his meetingroom. "Well, I got out of that stuffy place for a little while." With that he lept back to the rooftops and treeline, then raced back to the castle, stopping at the front gate to flash his insignia on his gauntlets.
"I wonder what the council wants of me?
Edited by Shapeshifter, 23 February 2008 - 07:55 AM.
"Slow Your Roll" << Sobe Cap
Posted 23 February 2008 - 02:13 PM
“But his mate was murdered at the hands of a mortal shortly thereafter and her soul was lost. It is said his rage was so great that the weapon would always carry the taint. Any chosen by this weapon die horrendous deaths. It was supposed to be sealed away until Mogron The Black’s rage cooled but it was stolen before the sealing could be placed,” he heaved a heavy sigh, “over time it has been found and attempts have been made to purify it, however it can not be done.”
“We can only hope that this weapon never be found again, that it stays out of the hands of evil. The only form it will never take is that of a sword and we do not know why. We do know that the weapon simply known as Mogron prefers mortals of pure heart to take over and destroy. Never has it chosen an immortal in it’s long history of malfeasance. As for the others,” he returned to the main topic with a heaving sigh, “Asrodo was sealed, and his mate Vealia join him upon her death, they took the name Drovias,” he jestured to the weapon in Cova’s hand, “Broa was a seasoned Dragon warrior. Her grievous injury and her people’s wish for her to continue in some form rather than be lost forever brought about her sealing. Her mate, Lynlyar joined her soon after. That weapon’s name in Brylar and it’s form is mutable. It is whatever is best needed at the time.”
“Krystor was well versed in strategy and rarely spoke, always deep in thought. He chose to separate his soul from his body and have it sealed, so that he could best protect his daughter. Her mother lived long, though she pined for her beloved. Eventually after her grandchildren were born she sickened and died, her soul would not leave the weapon’s side and so Aleria the Gentle was sealed. This weapon seems to always prefer the form of a stave, or staff though there have been instances of deviation,” he muses for a moment, “perhaps it just gets bored with the simple forms,” before continuing on, “throwing knives, a walking stick,” a funny look crosses his face, “a doll.”
“It’s name is Krala. Starla died accidentally,” he laughed as he remembered her, “she, ahem, flew herself into the side of a mountain while showing off to the younger dragons. They were going to chose another but the youngsters made such a fuss about the whole thin that the council of six finally just gave in. One of the brighter of the younglings thought to contain her soul just as she died. Her mate was named Vravra and was just as foolish as she. He died when somehow (and we’re not entirely sure how) he drowned on a drop of water. They are called Vrasa and have yet to chose a ‘normal’ weapon type.”
“Last there is Vamdo,” sorrow was reflected a moment in his eyes before a taunting sneer was aimed at the now fully awake wolf, “he adored mortals. He chose to wander among them unawares, always changing shape and form. One day a cat, another a human. He met his mate Leelya that way. She could easily blend with her environment,” sighing, “she was so beautiful. Delicate and graceful. She didn’t ever waste even a single movement she knew him for what he was right from the start and didn’t mind. They would have lived a very long time had the liquid metal that would house them not been made. It was the only real fight they ever had. He wished for her to continue living. And she could not bear being apart from him. Just the thought caused her agony. The argument ended when she fell ill and could not be healed. He chose for them both. An immortal life together than a life without her. At that time a Blue had not been chosen. Their name is simply Avissavi; it means ‘Loved Beloved’ in the old Dragonish. It suited them perfectly. You never really know when the weapon will turn up. Or if it will even be in the form of a weapon. All save for Mogron have the ability to chose either weapon or armor.”
He stopped explaining for a moment as the wolf began to charge him, it’s jaws snapping and it’s fur standing on end. Gritting his teeth he made rapid, complex runes into the air just in front of him creating an odd barrier just as the wolf struck then hung suspended before him, trapped in the barrier.
Frost spoke quietly to the wolf, “there is a task set to you. Your duty is to your niece Ret Thel Son. You have been purified and will take your true form right now,” at his words the wolf’s celestial for changed to that of a blue skinned man in full warrior garb. His long dark violet hair tied back to drape down his back, “you have been set free of your burden by her majesties will. You are finally free to chose, will you serve her or will you move on to be reborn?”
The stately spirit spoke his answer to the fairy, the only one capable of hearing him, “I choose to serve. As I have always chosen to serve.”
The fairy nodded then wrote ancient Dragonic runes in the air. As they took shape a marking just above the fairy’s jaw appeared and tore its self from his skin. Blood splattered and was caught in the barrier, lit up like a sunlit ruby for a moment before it gravitated towards the spirit, “by blood I call you from the barrier and bind you with invisible strings,” frost chanted as his blood seemed to touch and then sink into the spirit as the spirit stepped from the barrier, “forged in blood these strings by which you are bound are both a seal and a release,” now marks formed on the visible skin of the spirit, “no longer bound by mortal laws but sealed by the promise you have spoken,” his voice became power, “choose shape, create form. So have I commanded, so mote it be,” with those final words the spirit moved forward and sank into the weapon, fading as two separate entities became one.
After a few moments once the integration was complete, the plain metal clump began to move and shape it’s self. Curving gracefully the metal became a beautifully shaped bow, an intricate design forging upon it’s surface above ancient letterings. Once fully formed it floated over to Frost, settling into the fairy’s hand as it was clasped.
“The spell is wrought, the seal placed. The promise you made you must surely keep lest the seal disappear and with it both you and the weapon. Return to her hand if lost, come to her call when she has need, save her life and your promise fullfilled,” grasping the beautiful long bow firmly, he carried it over to Ayame and set it down beside her then retook his small form rapidly.
He flitted over to Avis and Visa, giving a glance towards Ayame, “she will know in time. It is not time yet for me to tell her all she should know. The knowledge lies dormant within her and will waken on it’s own time.”
Not really understanding Avis’s meaning Cova nodded his eyes on Ayame as she slept, his thumb now returned to his mouth and the weapon clutched against himself.
Ayame yawned a little while later, stretching and glancing groggily around, noting that the bug was over with Avis and Visa, she reached out and ruffled Cova's hair a little, "so there was more to you then what was on the surface," she stated as she yawned again and said sleepily, “anything interesting happen while I was sleeping,” a slightly puzzled look on her face she directed towards Avis, “I had the weirdest dream.. and judging by him," she gestured towards the child, "not just a dream.”
Sweet_Purity/Bunnie on 1-alt and Queue/Raj/Sweet_Purity on main.
Posted 23 February 2008 - 03:46 PM
He jogged over to another pile of odds and ends cookwear and started packing things away, looking periodically over his shoulder to Cova to see if he took to the game, trying to pace himself so Cova could think he was in the lead if he tried to look towards him.
Visa turned as Ayame stirred and started to wake. "Good to see you awake Ayame, did you sleep well?" He walked over and sat down beside her. "Tell me about your dream?" He turned to her, semi curiously wanting to know just how much she saw, wanting to uphold Frost's wish to let her knowledge bloom on its own. "We need to get up and around, looks like Avis and Cova have started packing up. Lets get you up and around so we can get ready, the grand city of Llanowar is just over the next rise, and if we hurry, we can get there before the rainy season starts, the city is protected by enchantments that ward away the rain. The skies remain, but the rain never falls in the city."
He stood and walked around to her feet and crouched down, offering her a hand up. "Lets go, cant let them do all the packing, there is a small pool over there if you want to take a dip and clean up, everyone else will be preoccupied with packing, you should be ok."
Shapeshifter lept from the treeline into the main grove of the castle and wandered up the front steps, shaking his cloak back over his shoulders and flashing his insignia as he went, the guards bowing out of the way and opening the castle doors. He wandered through the halls until he stepped into the meeting room with the council and took his place at the head of the table. "What's the emergency?" He started as he took his seat and looked around the table. One of the council members to his left began. "There is word among the elders that there is a great disturbance, none the like since the reign of Argon the Terror, while he had Deathsbane at his hand." He council member finished, looking back to Shapeshifter. He looked over the council as he spoke. "So you all believe that Deathsbane has surfaced again? Could it be Visa?" "That we don't know your excellency. All we do know, or presume, is that Deathsbane has surfaced again, under whom we don't know." the council responded, "We reccomend we keep this news away from the city, but fortify our borders and guards with another few knights, and send a few of your special class operatives out to gather more information." With that, three of the kings elite druids seemingly dropped from the ceiling. Shapeshifter chuckled softly, "I take it that you three heard your assignment then," the three nodded, "Then go, gather intelligence and report back as you find out information." The three nodded and lept back into the air and vanished.
He turned back to the council. "If that is all, then I call this meeting adjourned." He turned and strode from the room as the elders chairs scraped slowly as they stood and filed out the door after him. He wandered back towards the throne room and lept into the high rafters and sat amongst them instead of his plush throne.
Great Goddess.... what does the future hold for my village, and my sons... Please, grant them safe passage back home..
Edited by Shapeshifter, 23 February 2008 - 03:49 PM.
"Slow Your Roll" << Sobe Cap
Posted 24 February 2008 - 06:22 AM
He looked around camp then scrambled up and around, removing his thumb from his mouth and stuffing the bedding into a satchel with his one hand, unwilling to set the bow down for even a moment. He glanced towards Avis periodically, checking to see how far behind or ahead of the older elf he was as he ran from pile of stuff to pile of stuff, shoving it haphazardly into random sacks, giggling at the game and uncaring of what was placed where. After a while he began to grow bored of the new game and went over to Ayame’s side plopping his thumb in his mouth at the same time.
Ayame stood up and walked over to one of the She watched off and on as Cova dashed here and there as she answered Visa’s question, “I slept very well, though I’m still sorta tired,” she said with a slight yawn, “and the dream is sort of hazy really. There was this weird wolf,” her eyes grew puzzled, “and pain, bright light, and I think for a moment Frost was in it. I don’t know,” she shrugged and watched as Cova walked over, “I guess it couldn’t have all been a dream,” she stated as she rested her hand on the young boy’s head.
She brightened up at the thought of a quick bath then glanced up at the darkening sky, “I think I’ll wait. Hot water would be nicer I think,” she glanced around, noting that everything was packed up and pretty much ready to go save for a few odds and ends. Walking to the last pile of bedding she folded it neatly and shoved it into the special satchel and hoisted it onto her back, “I’m ready to go now,” picking up the oddly attractive bow as an afterthought, “hm wonder where this came from,” she mused quietly, “oh well it’ll come in useful I believe.”
Frost sighed and flitted to land on Cova’s shoulder, deeming him the safest person to be around at the moment. Landing on his shoulder he proceeded to get comfortable, then laid down and drifted off into a much needed slumber.
Cove picked up one of the heavier satchels and hefted it onto his back, falling backwards as the weight unbalanced him. He ended up giggling as he laid on his back staring up at the now full of thick gray clouds, unconcerned with how he was going to get upright. He pointed the hand holding the bow upwards at the clouds one by one and named them, “mouse, mouse, mouse,” giggling the whole time.
Meanwhile in the Stone Fortress
The dense stone door was flung open, his magic brimming and filling the room before he entered. Glaring around at the Demonic Generals seated around the table he took his spot on his stone throne at the head of the table, dropping carefully into the dark gray chair ensuring that his new sword didn’t slam into the side of it. Staying silent he waited for one of the fools to speak.
The tension in the room grew as the silence continued. Finally one of the generals spoke into the silence causing all the others to flinch, “My Lord, why have you summoned us back to you?”
He flung his magic around the room his rage feeding his power. As his power struck the generals blood splattered. Any exposed skin was sliced, “how,” he began calmly his voice not reflecting his rage, “in my compound, surrounded by my guards and generals, did that girl escape,” his rage exploded causing the generals to cry out in pain at the punishment, “explain to me how you could fail this badly, he whispered too calmly.
“Amass my army, lay to ruins everything in your path. Living trees? Kill them. Women, children, and the elderly? They die. EVERYTHING! Nothing lives,” he ordered, “destruction will reign down on this world,” he stared at all of them as they writhed in agony, “fail me, and all of you will be replaced.”
Sweet_Purity/Bunnie on 1-alt and Queue/Raj/Sweet_Purity on main.
Posted 27 February 2008 - 05:07 AM
"Brother, We plan on entering father's city, I know not if there is a bounty on your head, or how he will react to seeing you. Its probably best if you wear a hooded cloak to cover your features, and keep desertbane hidden as well. But onto another matter, upon entering the king's city, Ayame and Cova will not be able to leave unless they are under apprenticeship. Our best possible option is for each of us to take one on as our apprentice so we can leave the village. with them. I'll train Cova, he is young, and I have much that I can teach him. You can teach Ayame, there are things that you can teach her that I cannot. With that settled, lets get ourselves together and get moving."
He turns and strides over towards Cova, now on his back with a large backpack, his bow clutched to him, as he points up to the sky and names cloud after cloud 'mouse'. Avis smiles and lays beside him, watching each cloud as it passes, then stands up and walks to Cova's feet and offers him a hand up, and a lighter backpack. "Here, you take this, you'll be able to carry it better, and I'll take that one." He reaches down and helps Cova to his feet and takes the heavier pack and slings it over his shoulders, then hands Cova the smaller one and fits it to him. "Alright, lets go!"
Visa turns as Avis walks up and asks him aside for a moment, he nods himself away from Ayame, watching as she picks up the bow Frost had laid there for her, before turning to Avis and listening. "You have a point brother.... I'll wear my cloak and keep desertbane covered, lest we run into more problems." He stopped a moment as Avis suggested the apprenticeship details. "Agreed, you're much more suited to teach Cova, he seems to have taken a liking to you. And I'll teach Ayame some more advanced magicks."
He watched Avis return to Cova and switch packs, then turned back to Ayame. "All set? Alright then, lets get going."
He closed his hands, palms together and lowered the enchantments around them, then turned to everyone, watching as Frost landed on Cova's shoulder. "Alright everyone, lets move, if we keep moving, we can make it to Llanowar by nightfall." He swung his cloak around his shoulders and fastened it, then threw up the hood, covering his features, then moved his arms, making sure desertbane was completely covered. "Ayame, I presume Avis taught you how to use your energies to run? Alright then, through the forest to Llanowar, stay close together so no one gets lost. Avis, you take Cova on your shoulders so you can keep up."
With that, he turned and started towards the forest.
Avis turned to Cova, plans of his own working through his mind. "Cova, lets race, through that little thicket of trees to the next clearing, ready Go!"
He paced himself to stay just behind Cova for a while, then jumped into the trees and dashed ahead, stopping before the edge of the clearing and looking at Cova run, taking in all the information he could, then jumped down just infront of him as he cleared the treeline. "Nicely ran little one. Here, hop on." He crouched down infront of Cova and gestured for him to climb onto his back. "Hang on, we gotta catch up to Visa and Ayame."
Holding onto Cova so he couldnt slip off, he leaned forward slightly and sprinted through the small clearing into the dense forest and caught up to Visa and Ayame, then smiled and turned to her. "Wow, Cova's just about as fast as you were when you first raced against me Ayame. But Visa's faster than me. Why dont you ask him for a race?" He smiled to Visa and dashed off ahead.
Shapeshifter lept from the rafters and wandered over to the door as one of his elites jumped down behind him. "Report?" he said looking at the elite, then turned and leaned against the wall next to the door as he looked inquizatively at the elite.
"Sir, theres activity to the farthest southern border of the lands, mass armies of scourge demons and demon warriors are cutting through the forest, as if they are searching for something."
"Hm... Very well, thankyou for your report, return to your post and keep me updated if you get any new information." Shapeshifter turned and stepped through the door as the elite jumped into the air and seemingly vanished once more. "He's moving, he must be looking for something... But he already has deathsbane, what more could he want?" He walked into meeting chamber and assigned another platoon of troops to the castle boarders, then sat with his chin perched in his hands, his hands apart, but touching fingertips, his chin against his thumbs, and his nose resting against the tips of his first fingers. He closed his eyes and he lost himself in thought.
"Slow Your Roll" << Sobe Cap
Posted 27 February 2008 - 11:43 AM
The trees and branches seemed to part for the child as he ran swiftly and easily through the dense foliage. Trees and ferns passed by him as he ran, his childish laughter echoing behind him. His hair flared out from the wind to stream behind him as he raced along in Avis’s wake.
Just as the child was beginning to tire, he came to a stop just at the clearing when Avis jumped down and knelt so he could climb his back, settling just above the bulging sack on the older elf’s back. His hands gripped Avis’s shoulders and his face leaned forward, until he was able to see clearly over the man’s shoulder and his chin rested next to Avis’s neck and he was gesturing with the hand that should have been clutching the running elf’s shoulder all the while naming everything he could see, “mouse,” and laughing all the while.
Frost awoke as he was jostled and bounced off the boy’s shoulder. Catching himself in the air with his wings he blinked sleepily for a second before giving chase. His wings were almost invisible as he flew after the two distant figures. Grumbling grumpily he looked anything but amused at the childish laughter echoing back, muffled and distorted by the flora and fauna.
He finally caught up when Avis and Cova stopped running. He landed on the boy’s shoulder and cast a small spell so that he wouldn’t fall off again and with a grumpy, “leave me alone,” he closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep.
Ayame’s head turned as Avis caught up to her and Visa as they jogged through the dense green vegetation. She glanced up for a moment as she felt a plop from a raindrop hit her before turning back to Avis, “faster than you? Really,” she asked as he began to race ahead. The wind began to chill and the clouds thicken as they began to drop sprinklings of rain.
Ayame cursed as she began to get chilled, her cloak having been shoved into a random bag with the bedding when Cova was helping to pack camp. Sidling up to Visa she focused her power into her feet and yelled, “I’ll race you,” and without waiting for an answer she raced ahead, her laughter ringing back behind her devilishly as she decided to try and catch up to Avis.
The Generals ported themselves to their respective battalions, ordering the march instantly. Their troops scrambled and were ready to march within the hour.
The Demonic Mage Battalion was ever prepared to march, the camp put up and all in formation within minutes. There was no scrambling, only organized meticulous movement as small spells were cast to hasten things along.
The Demonic Infantry was a scene of ordered chaos. Dawdlers found themselves on the business end of their swords and axes of their superiors rather swiftly as their General had executed three leaders within minutes of his return. Chaos reigned in this camp for a very short time. But finally the demons and demi-demons were formed up and in marching order. The dead were left where they died, a pile of corpses for the giant carrion birds to consume.
The Demonic General of the Mounted Brigade returned in a foul mood and ordered that camp be broken and ready to move within minutes. His troops mounted the Dreva (a cross between a dragon and a horse) that they were assigned to and took to the sky after their General. The handlers broke down the camp and began to march within a two hour time, ensuring that they had enough food for both demon and beast.
And as his generals were scrambling to do his bidding he sat in his stone chair and laughed. Laughed at the agony he inflicted. Laughed in anticipation of finding his little ‘power cell’. Clutching his sword he laughed as madness took him, and the sword fed on him, and fed it’s darkness into him and ensuring the bond was secure.
The rest of his brigades and generals assembled and marched across the woodland, joining their brethren as they began the great march of destruction as it would later be known.
Forests fell to the advancing horde, villages burned. The body count rose exponentially as they flared out from their land wreaking havoc and leaving nothing but destruction in their wake.
Sweet_Purity/Bunnie on 1-alt and Queue/Raj/Sweet_Purity on main.
Posted 27 February 2008 - 05:47 PM
Heh.. Avis.. You'll never cease to amaze me..
He sprinted forward and leveled off with Ayame for a moment, dodging and darting amongst the trees as he ran. "I've always been much faster than Avis, but it seems he may be catching up. Either way, you're no match." He sprinted ahead and glanced back at Ayame in his perripheral vision, always keeping an eye on her whereabouts, lest something happen before they reach the city. Catching up with Avis and Cova he broke ahead and stopped at the edge of the forest looking at the castle walls, now fortified with more troops than usual. He threw out his hands to stop Avis and Ayame, then lowered his arms and started towards the castle gates.
Avis turned, sensing Ayame pick up speed and start to run, he laughed softly as Cova continued to call everything that he could see 'mouse'. He paused as Visa rushed past, then stopped when his brother threw open his arms at the edge of the forest. Looking out over the castle walls he saw the extra troops and fortifications, lowering his voice to a whisper, he turned to Visa. "Alright brother. Keep your head low. Ill move to the front of the group and get us in."
With that Avis jogged to the front of the group as they approached the castle gates, the rain starting to fall steadily, he walked up to the guards and flashed his necklace, upon which sat the crest of the village and the king. Immediately the guards stepped aside and opened the gates, each gesturing the group forward and calling to him. "Master Avis, it is good to see you again, I'm sure the king will be pleased to see you, you should head straight for the castle. The king will make room for your friends."
He nodded in thanks and waited for everyone to go through the gate and for it to close before walking through the town towards the castle. Once there, he flashed his necklace again to the guards at the doors and was gestured inside, stepping through the threshold he lowered Cova from his shoulders and walked up to the middle of the main foyer.
"Alright everyone, let's go meet father in the throne room." He lead them through a door and down a hallway lined with paintings of many different sorts. Stopping at a door emblazoned with the Llanowar seal, a lightningbolt, then knocked and entered at the command.
"Hello Father."
Shapeshifter left the meeting room and ventured back to the throne room and sat upon his throne, shortly before hearing a knock on the door. "Enter" he said turning to the door, then lept from his seat at the sight of Avis and his party. "Avis! So glad to see you, and who are your friends?" He turned looking at Ayame and Cova, then smiled cheerfully and bowed to them. "Welcome to Llanowar Castle. If you give me a moment I will arrange for rooms for you all to stay in as long as you desire." He paused looking at the cloaked figure. "And who might you be, Sir?" he guessed, judging by the figure's stature.
Visa reached up and swept the hood from his face and was only able to say "Hello Father" before he was surrounded by guards all wielding katanas, the points mere inches from his throat.
Avis side stepped, grabbing Ayame and Cova and pulling them back as Visa lowered his hood and stepped forward, immediately surrounded by guards with katanas perched near his throat. He stepped amongs them and spread his arms, backing the guards down. "Father. Visa saved my life in the forest, if it were not for him, None of us would be here right now." He lowered his arms and looked into Shapeshifter's eyes, willing the truth of his words to be seen so he would forgive Visa.
As Visa lowered his hood and spoke, Shapeshifter bellowed "GUARDS!" and ten guards dashed through the doors and circled Visa, their katanas perched mere inches from his throat. "What brought you back to this village?" He stopped as Avis pushed his way through the guards and cast them down, then listened as he told of the goings on in the forest. "So he's not the one wielding deathsbane?" He turned to Visa. My apologies my son, thankyou for securing the welfare of your brother, and returning with him to the castle. He called in a scribe and had an announcement written to be posted out in the town the next day, telling of Visa's gallant return and his actions in the forest. "We can talk about why you're here in the morning, it is getting late, and there's been enough excitement for today. I'll show you to your rooms."
Shapeshifter gestured for them to follow then lead them down another corridor to a door and opened it, inside there was a large sitting room, a guest suite, with two doors on either side. "These will be your rooms. Each has its own washroom and tub, if you decide to freshen up. Dinner will be brought up shortly." With that he turned and strode back out of the room and sent message down to the kitchens to fix a dinner and send it up. Then wandered back to his throne room and sat back upon the throne, only to be interrupted again as all three elite druids lept from the rafters and landed infront of him.
"We have urgent news to report," the first began. We have gathered information that says that the demon's armies are on the move, he has an airborn battalion, a large squad of mages, and an infantry of demons and demi-demons, cutting through the forest and destroying small villages along the boarders, leaving nothing in their wake. Orders?" He finished.
Shapeshifter bowed his head in thought for a moment. "Take an infantry of men and start to evacuate the surrounding villages, bring the people back behind castle walls." He finished, "You have your orders" and the three lept from the room.
Avis and Visa have returned, and the demon is mobilizing his army... Goddess.... What does the future hold for us?
Visa sat in one of the plush chairs in the main room, laying his baggage beside the chair. "Well.. we'd best settle in for the night, get a good nights rest, get cleaned up and refreshed, then talk to father in the morning about what we know." He looked around as the rest of them took a seat. "Hopefully father will understand and help us however he can."
He turned towards the door as someone knocked, then carted in the tray of food to the middle of the room and layed it upon the table. "I'll send word when we are finished, thankyou" he turned and closed the door after the butler then returned to the table and gazed upon the food before sitting down and eating his fill.
"I think its time we all turn in for the night, Avis and I can take these two rooms" he gestured to the two rooms opposite eachother on one end of the room, "Ayame and Cova, you two can take the other." He wandered over to one of the rooms, "I'll be in the bath if anyone needs me"
Avis turned and sat across from Visa in another chair and settled himself, removing the backpack and setting it aside, "Agreed brother, lets get rested and refreshed, and we can talk to father in the morning." He paused as Visa walked to the door and came back with the cart of food. "This looks delicious. Dig in everyone." He ate his fill then nodded as Visa pointed to rooms as everyone finished. "Alright.. I think I'm going to hop into a bath myself."
He left the table and strode into his room for the night.
"Slow Your Roll" << Sobe Cap
Posted 29 February 2008 - 03:23 AM
She followed Avis as he led the way to the castle gates, noticing that there were many guards on patrol, ‘how odd, so many set to guard. Is this normal I wonder,’ she thought to herself.
By the time they reached the gates the rain was a steady downpour and she was shivering from the wet and cold. She observed as Avis did something that caused the guards to step aside and open the gates. Her eyes widened a little at the deferential treatment he got from the guards as they greeted him.
Her eyes widened in wonder as she stepped through the gates into the town, surprised that such a settlement could be so well hidden. Her eyes darted around, taking in the many houses, shops and people bustling around. She absently followed as Avis led the way through the town as she watched with great interest the goings on around her. Houses were both grouped together and scattered, some mixed amongst the shops and others rose up high above the street. Guards Walked the rooftops on patrol as the people within the village talked and laughed with one another.
The sight of the castle stirred to life memories and for a moment she flashed back in time to a particular memory. Her brother laughed as he held her in his arms, then held her out before him, “you see this Aya? One day you will rule here. This is your castle and we are all your people,” he said before cuddling her close in his arms again, “when the day comes, I will serve you my sweet little sister. The true Queen of our people. We will all serve you,” the memory was interrupted as Avis spoke and startled her out of it.
She wore a somber, reflective expression as the entered the hallway and proceeded towards the throne room. Her hands were clasped together behind her back, her mind sunk in deep thought, and her in her eyes a grave seriousness that deepened the lavender to a dark purple. When Avis stopped at a door with the lightning bolt seal, her demeanor changed and she thought to herself, ’I know now who I am and who I am meant to be. For now though, for just a little while longer, I’ll just be Ayame.’
She straightened, her head rising up as she looked forward, her shoulders back and her hands now hanging at her sides. In that instant she looked every part the Queen she was destined to become, whether she realized it or not.
As she followed Avis into the throne room, she came to an abrupt stop as she entered the room. Her eyes gleamed with a sudden subtle vein of power in a subconscious reaction to being in the vicinity of a part of a dragon. This reaction moved from her eyes and lit up every vein in her body, causing them to glow beneath her skin. Upon her hands, growing out from the glowing veins were golden markings, proclaiming her draconic ancestry. Moving along the draconic marking was another set of markings, ancient elfin symbols also marking her ancestry. The lines faded swiftly leaving behind two distinctive intertwining marks. The golden seal of her dragon ancestor and the elfin seal of her ancestress. This went unnoticed by her though as she was busy casting her eyes around the throne room.
Annoyance filled her as Avis pulled her back, until she saw the guards surround Visa. Anger caused her power to ripple out into the room for an instant as Visa was greeted rudely with weapons pointed at his throat. She didn’t really understand why that enraged her but for whatever reason, it did. Her bow was just instantly in her hand, a multitude of energy arrows (OOC: Sort of like the Quincys arrows in bleach, except that the bow is not created of energy but is a real solid weapon.) forming to her will, settled against her fingers, notched and ready to fly.
She lowered the weapon she was surprised to even have in her hands as Avis stepped in and caused the guards to stand down. Her anger dropped barely a notch and she caused her magic to surround the brothers in a dense clear shield, necessity causing her to use her power in a whole new conscious way, as Avis began to explain to the man he called father about Visa and the events and happenings that had surrounded them up ‘til then.
Once all had settled down and everyone had calmed down she allowed the shield surrounding the brothers to fall, the bow returned to her shoulder and the arrows vanished a bit slower than they came since she hadn’t consciously summoned them in the first place and the fact that she was still angry didn’t help with getting them to go away.
It was Cova’s crying that calmed her way down. She turned her attention to the now wailing boy and kneeled down in front of the crying child, “I’m sorry Cova, I didn’t mean to scare you,” she said softly before hugging him close ‘til his crying abated, rose up and took the child’s hand in her own following the group down the hall to the suite that was to be theirs, watching as the boy’s father retreated before relaxing entirely. She sat down for a moment after removing her satchel and bow, nodding her head in agreement with the suggestion of getting rest and cleaned up.
The food was a welcome sight when it arrived, and she took far more than she would normally have. She ate neatly but swiftly, pausing only once to call Cova to task for his bad manners and then showing him the correct way to serve and eat himself before standing and gathering up her bow and the magic satchel even as it was suggested that they all turn in, “Avis I believe you will be having company in your bath,” she spoke as she gestured to the boy, “he is filthy,” pointing out his dirt and food caked skin as she shooed the boy along to Avis’s side before entering her room and shutting the door behind her.
In the room she set the satchel down on the bed and settled the bow on a chair in the corner. Then she passed into the washroom and stripped down and eased into the, already full warm waiting, tub. As the dust and dirt was washed away she got to take a closer look at the marks upon her body, “wow,” was her only verbal response to the changes to her skin. Reaching up she undid the ties binding her hair and let it flow free until it was a blue black and white cloud on the water.
She dunked her head and then soaped her hair up into a nice lather before dunking down and rinsing it off. She swiftly washed the grime off herself before stepping out and grabbing a towel to dry off with.
Wrapping it around her she went out and dried her hair as much as she could before rebinding it, “I should cut this a little I think,” she muttered to herself, “it’s really too long to be manageable.”
Once her hair was bound she dropped the towel and slid beneath the covers and drifted off to sleep with a sigh.
Cova laughed as the rain splashed into his face. He found this to be a very fun game. His eyes widened as he saw men walking on the giant wall, “mouse mouse mouse,” he shouted into Avis’s ear as he pointed them out one by one. As they approached the giant gates he shushed, his thumb going into his mouth as he tried grabbing Avis’s shoulder with the hand still clutching the weapon, sending it knocking into the older elf’s ear on accident.
The boy’s curious eyes watched as Avis showed the guards his necklace and they stepped aside, permitting entry. As the gate swung inward his wandering blue eyes watched the children playing in the streets as they made their way through the town to the castle.
At the castle when Avis set him down he moved closer to Ayame, not really paying attention to what was happening. He noticed the guy sitting on the big chair and mumbled around his thumb, “moush.”
When Avis pulled him back he giggled, thinking it was a new game until the guards (aka bad men) came and pointed weapons at Visa. Then he got scared, and then even more scared when Ayame reacted, her magic buffeting him (everyone else in the room was getting buffeted by it too but well he‘s too young to really understand that). He started to cry. He was tired and this was scary. His quiet little tears turned to wailing really quickly.
He was really sobbing when Ayame leaned down and apologized to him. He calmed down when she hugged him, sniffling he cuddled into her shoulder as he calmed down. He smiled a watery smile as she stood and took her hand, walking with her down the hall and into a big room.
He watched everyone else sit down and relax so he mimicked them and did the same. While they talked his eyes swished around the room taking everything in.. kinda. His head swung to the door, his eyes widened and his nostrils flared at the smell of the food.
When the food was placed on the table he climbed up onto a chair and stood looking down on it. Finally he just lunged, grabbing this huge chunk of meat with his tiny hand and started munching. Dropping that onto his plate his fingers dug into the potatoes, grabbing a handful and shoving it into his mouth with a delighted grin, just before Ayame reprimanded him and showed him the proper way to serve and eat the food. After the meal he wandered over to Avis and Ayame, his eyes going to both of them back and forth. The word bath caused him to skreech and take off as Ayame left the room. He wasn’t about to stand around for that. Giggling he raced off screaming, “mouse, mouse, mouse.”
Edited by LostMagicianGrl, 29 February 2008 - 03:31 AM.
Sweet_Purity/Bunnie on 1-alt and Queue/Raj/Sweet_Purity on main.
Posted 01 March 2008 - 07:04 PM
Visa left the table and walked into his washroom, running himself a bath he made quick work of washing up and toweling off, he rustled through one of his satchels and threw something on, his mind questioning for a moment.
Her demeanor has changed, when we entered the castle, she seemed much more rigid. Has something stirred her memory?
He slipped from his room and over to Ayame's door, then knocked once and whispered "Ayame..?" Then, hearing her sounds of slumber, he wandered back over to his room and slipped back in then disrobed and climbed into the covers and was asleep once he hit the pillow.
Shapeshifter finally decided to call it a night after a long day. Walking back to his chambers he smiled cheerfully at his wife, noticing she had returned from her most recent preceedings with another village. Filling her in on the news of Avis and Visa's return he smiled and held her close, then curled up with her and fell asleep.
Avis woke the next morning, he got up and changed into new robes, then walked out his door to find Visa standing there waiting for him. Silently they crept from the room and sought an audience with Shapeshifter, only to find when they walked into the conference room, that both Shapeshifter and their drow mother Draggy, were waiting for them, both overjoyed at seeing their mother, business was forgotten as they greeted her and she them. "Mother! How are you?" they exchanged hugs then they both took their place about the table in the conference room.
Avis began, "Father, we have with us, to our most recent knowledge the next queen of the realian empire, Ayame. We sought your services to that you may help us prepare for whats coming on the horizon. There is a demon lord ammassing his armies, their sole purpose, to capture and return Ayame to him, so he can feed from her magicks and gain more power, to take over our world." He turned in his seat and looked over to Visa, then to Shapeshifter and Draggy.
Visa listened as Avis began telling what they knew, then started where he left off. "The demon is the one that is weilding deathsbane. We can tell you more once Ayame wakes, we just wanted to get things out of the way. Also, knowing the laws of this city, they cannot leave without an apprenticeship, so Avis and I have decided to take them on as apprentices. I will train Ayame, and Avis will teach Cova. Things are going to be much more difficult from here."
Shapeshifter turned to his sons. "We must protect the village here, but I see that you dont look for my armies. I will give you all the equipment you need." He threw a set of keys to Visa and Avis. "Inside the weapons room, you will find two locked boxes with your names upon them. Those will open them, the contents, and anything else in that room, are yours to use.
Visa turned and left the room with Avis, then wandered up the hall to the weapons locker and opened the door, back in the far corner, he spotted the two locked containers and pulled them down. Handing Avis his, he opened his box and was shocked by the contents, he knew the uniform well, it was that of the elite druids, with a few minor alterations, instead of the regulation briar overlay on the tunic, there was a dragon skin replacement, just like their fathers. The gauntlets bore no claws, but fit snuggly over the hand and arm, leaving half of each finger exposed and covered the wrist and half way up the forearm. Another difference lay in the color, they werent the regulation green or tan. Visa's was black and Avis's red.
They each closed the containers and headed back for their rooms to change, then met back out in the main part of the room. Visa turned, looking in one of the mirrors in the main room and realized his duty. To protect Ayame, as one of her loyal knights. Desertbane flashed and floated before him, and from his neck floated the coin he had found with Avis back when they were children. He reached back and unhooked the necklace that held the coin and pulled it free, then let it go, watching as the coin floated forward and merged with desertbane, causing the blade to flash and change, the sheeth changed into a back harness and bore the lightning shaped insignia, the light receeding, he saw desertbane floating, no longer a simple katana, but a large broadsword, bladed on each side and faning out into a wide, pointed tip. Visa reached out and took the handle of desertbane and noticed that it also bore the insignia, then fastened it to his back.
Avis marveled at his own red copy of the elite druid uniform and its dragon hide alteration. He followed Visa back into the room then went to his room and changed, then came back out and looked into another mirror, looking over his appearance he knew what he must do, he muttered to himself. "Protect Ayame with my life.." just then, he saw the flash of desertbane and was resounded as druidsbane did the same hovering before him he removed his own necklace and let the coin float to the sword as he put it back on. then watched as Druidsbane changed into a one sided longsword, the blade arched slightly and arched over the handle a bit before hooking back and forming the handle. Avis reached out and claimed his sword, fastening it to his back then turned and looked solumly at Visa. "This must be like what happened at the clearing. We have realized and accepted our duty as dragon knights." Both closed their eyes and noticed a new spiritual creature standing alongside their own. A drake, twilight black, with red underscales along the underside of its neck, over its chest, and on the underside of its tail, and red folds in the wings.
"The time has come..."
"Slow Your Roll" << Sobe Cap
Posted 05 March 2008 - 02:59 AM
He giggled as Avis washed his hair his hands playing in the bubbles until he was told to hold his breath. He came up out of the water with a big grin on his face and scrambled out of the tub and grabbed a towel and wrapped himself in it until he looked like he was wearing a dress. He followed Avis into the room assigned to him and climbed into bed, his eyes doing the sleepy sleepy blink. His head hit the pillow and he was out like a light, a tiny yawn accompanying his drift into slumber.
Frost didn’t even notice being plucked off of the child’s shoulder or stuffed into Avis’s pocket. He barely blinked as Avis nudged him awake and sent him into Ayame’s room, his wings flittering slowly. Landing on the pillow, his deep green hair and light green skin stood out against the white of the pillow. He curled up, pulling a small section of the pillowcase over his shoulders and drifted back into much needed slumber.
Ayame sighed, not waking when Frost flitted in and made himself comfortable. Late, after everyone had gone to bed she woke, unable to sleep any more though she was tired. With a sigh she walked to the satchel and sorted through the stuff, pulling out a long white tunic she put it on then sorted through the clothes, finding just what she wanted. She pulled out the small trousers and the sewing equipment that Cova had grabbed from the storage room. Setting down the garment she opened her palm and conjured a small orb of white light to light the area faintly without being too bright.
Pulling open the sewing kit she was surprised by the quality of the needle and thread. She started by meticulously cutting the seams before resizing the pants to fit Cova much better. After stitching the resized seams back together she reached up and, using the small cutting knife, began cutting her hair.
She grabbed a fist full of hair and slid her hands down it until it was above her waist by several inches and made the first cut. After the initial hack off she went much faster, grabbing great handfuls and cutting it off until it was just above the middle of her back when she tossed it over her shoulder.
The many strands of cut hair did not go to waste though. She grabbed several strands and twined them together and threaded them through the eye of the needle and began to embroider the reverse lightning bolt that was her family’s symbol down the side of Cova’s new pants.
The sky was just beginning to lighten when she finished. She folded the pants and added a tunic that she judged would fit the child on top of them, then carried them over to his room, placing them neatly upon the chair near the bed. Turning around she tucked the blanket around his shoulders, running her hands gently through his hair and kissing his forehead whispering into his ear, “I adopt you child. Now not a mere servant but a son are you,” before rising up and walking out the door and returning to her quarters. She gathered up the rest of her hair and carefully wound it up and placed it into the sewing kit along with the needle and heavy duty thread. Closing it she placed it back into the satchel and climbed into bed, willing the small orb of light to be doused even as sleep retook her
As night fell the armies made camp. The Generals took to their tents for slumber after ordering their underlings to make sure they were ready to commence operations before dawn.
He slept, the sword at his side, unconcerned about what was happening with his armies sure that his threat was good enough to ensure obedience.
The dark sword gleamed with a shadowed pallor, as it fed from it’s host’s darkness, gaining power.
Cova woke early, his head popped out from the blankets that had completely covered him. Sliding out of bed he went and padded over to the neatly folded clothing laying on the chair and got dressed swiftly. He raced out to the outer suite, surprised to see anyone else awake. He came to an immediate halt as he didn’t immediately recognize Avis and Visa in their new outfits. He eyed them with bright blue eyes and questioned, “mouse?”
Frost awoke early and flitted up, he frowned with dismay as he noted the shorter strands of black blue and white strand of hair flared out onto the pillow. Not wanting to wake her he flew to the door and with a flick of magic opened it, flew out, and closed the door behind him. Flying out into the main section of the suite he paused at the strange sight of the brothers dressed very differently than he was used to. Glancing to Cova he stopped as he noticed the intricate stitching on his pants.
“My Lady,” he sighed as he recognized the ‘thread’ used to embroider the royal insignia upon the boy’s pants, “so that’s how it is then,” he murmered to himself, “child of fortune, son of the queen now,” and flitted off and landed upon the top of a chair his posture and features reflective.
The armies were up and moving before the sun rose. Great axes ripped into living trees by the hundreds and the army advanced.
The sky fliers tore into the rooftops of the slumbering village. Screaming in outrage as they realized the village was empty. Setting fire to the emptied village in outrage they flew on, searching out new targets.
The mages conjured fire to burn the ancient trees. Surrounding themselves in a water shield they continued moving forward even through the fire.
He awoke and watched the workings of his army through the fire orb, his hand caressing the sheathe of Deathbane absently as he smiled evilly at the destruction his troops were dealing out.
It was well after dawn when Ayame finally rose from her slumber. She opened the satchel and pulled out that silvery voluminous dress and the sewing kit. Pulling out the cutting knife she slit the seams and cut out a decent swatch of fabric. Taking much time and care she molded the fabric into a simple dress, carefully stitching it together until it fell in a simple, if elegant line. After a while she stood and removed the white robe she had donned for sleeping and slipped into the dress.
Finding that it fit just fine she took it off and put the white robe back on and sat back down reaching once again for the giant silver fabric. She spent several hours piecing clothing together for her to wear from the large folds. Along with the dress, she made a silver tunic which she embroidered (using the remaining strands of her threads) the reverse lightning bold of the royal family, a pair of silver pants, and with the remaining parts of the dress she made an intricately stitched cloak that fit over her shoulders with amazing precision.
Finally done she glanced up, realizing the light from the day had deepened to mid-afternoon light. Removing the robe she donned the silver dress once again but this time she also donned the silver cloak. She brushed out her hair and allowed it to settle on her shoulders and down her back. She threw on her boots and emerged from the room and walked to the main part of the suite.
Sweet_Purity/Bunnie on 1-alt and Queue/Raj/Sweet_Purity on main.
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