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The Current Reduction Of Csotw(and Alternatives)

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#61 Pureza


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Posted 25 March 2013 - 05:04 PM

Sword of Existence, Soul Ripper, Twin Axes of Li Kwei, Assassin's Tear, Joy to the World, Silent night just a small list of the weapons on main that can be used in place of a cobalt. The first 3 are higher base but lower vamp than cobalt, the third is a zerk only with a dex mod. Assassin's Tear is a 31bd dagger for thieves, Joy to the World is a multi class weapon 25ish bd +1 wis, Silent night is another multi class item with stat mods that I can't remember off hand atm, I think it's dex and char but not positive. By all means Nerf the cobalt on main, or flat out remove it as long as we receive compensation for it. As it stands I think I've only got 4, maybe 5 cobalt or cobalt variants on my main party.


On another note though, 1-alt players asked that the cobalt be nerfed or removed from that server. Main players have a different mentality. For the most part we're happy that the game is still up and running and we can do stuff when we want. We don't ask to have things changed i.e. Cobalt nerf, shades, dotw and only staff knows what else 1 alt players have wanted changed. Main players are happy with what we've got. And as sad as it is to say, there's probably more cooperation on the main server than there is on the 1 alt server.

Jaded ingame.

#62 Chronic

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Posted 25 March 2013 - 11:12 PM

If 1alt recieved any of those items you stated besides SoE cuz its trash on the 1alt server then yeah people wouldnt complain about it and i dont think anyone does anymore.. Training alone is still an option its just alil harder to do so now and some bosses. On main you never have that problem as you can just log 4 clerics and run 30bd weps all day long till your mana runs out. On 1alt no one really likes to run clerics anymore and even when they did when you party up with them theres like on place to go.. 2nd floor. For the most part if you see a cleric on then some sort of boss is happening.

Solstice 1a

#63 Chronic

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Posted 25 March 2013 - 11:41 PM

I cant edit for some reason :(


Anyways, im happy it was nerfed.. i just wish we had more weapons that could actually compete with the cobalt..as we dont have much besides pure training items(dmg modifiers) that unless with a cleric is sorta pointless besides for example Corrosion blade that can rape bats that have 0ac killing them before they can ever hit you. Im all for 29-30bd .1 vamp weps :D but i dont ever see it happening as the best we got next to cobalt is 26bd .1vamp questies.. yes lower vamp and bd leaving nothing to make you wanna use it on a regular basis over cobalt. Maybe i should play main and shut it down heh.





As far as Cooperation on 1alt server compared to main.. Yeah i can imagine it would be alot harder to cooperate as you have 10-15 different people wanting different things and sometimes even drama but after its all said and done we get what we want done so i guess that says something. Also not hard to cooperate with you, yourself and a buddy right? or is it o.0

Edited by Chronic, 26 March 2013 - 09:24 AM.

Solstice 1a

#64 Pureza


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Posted 26 March 2013 - 08:34 PM

On main it doesn't even have to be a buddy. Anyone that asks me to go somewhere is always welcome to tag along. As long as they can keep themselves alive.

Jaded ingame.

#65 Adultery

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Posted 27 March 2013 - 07:51 PM

the nurf was nothing, however main still needs mass nurfs and main players need some talent.


heres another issue. if we paid for a 10 million gold item and then have it nurf'd, the sell back price should remain the same and the new retail value of said item should be slightly lowered to accomidate for such losses.


price up's/price downs are the way of the retail world.


ps. jake is still a talentless hobo.

Adultery - Diabolic-Clorox

#66 Peacemaker

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Posted 27 March 2013 - 10:25 PM

Doesnt take talent to run one crit. Come run 20 of them at once. See if you can even effectively kill bosses or players, my guess is you cant do either and thats why you was never a main server player. 

Peacemaker both servers.

#67 Pureza


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Posted 28 March 2013 - 02:18 AM

the nurf was nothing, however main still needs mass nurfs and main players need some talent.



Jaded ingame.

#68 Crane


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Posted 28 March 2013 - 04:23 PM

Multi-alt and 1-alt require different skillsets.  On 1-alt you can watch over your character more closely so you can time attacks better, use a healing potion when you need to or even just log off or retreat (if you can) if you suspect you are not going to survive, but you do have to rely on your allies being kind and attentive, especially the person using the Cleric during boss fights, and passing them extra mana when they need it.

On multi-alt it is much, much harder to micromanage your party, especially during a major fight, where you have to pass mana to your Cleric when they run low, and some of the tougher bosses make simple macro-spamming very cost-prohibitive.  For example, the Drider Warlord has a 10-point poison... while this is not much at the Grandmaster levels, it causes you to waste heals where you really need to use it to heal characters who have been hit for 100 damage (and the boss attacks 3 targets at once at a fairly rapid rate).  Sleeping actually discovered it's one of the few times where Circle of Healing is useful.  To give another example, monsters with high poison are tricky to deal with because it's awkward to check the whole party to see who is poisoned while you are in the middle of a firefight and casting Cleanse on them while healing everybody else.


The overall themes/requirements... multi-alt requires self-sufficiency, and 1-alt requires diplomacy (albeit a pretty twisted form of it these days).


In a way, multi-alt is easier because there is a lot more to do by yourself, but you have to put in quite a lot of investment first, which can take many months or years.  Nevertheless, there are still opportunities for teamwork, like letting a lower-level or lesser-skilled player tag along with you on desert trips, and certain high-end bosses like Resca, the Stone Dragon and Woobie do require teamwork just because the damage output is so much higher than anything else in the game, whether it be multi-alt or 1-alt.  Woobie, for example, can hit for 350 damage, has invisibility, has a 50-point poison, incredibly high dexterity and, to top it off, self-heals - the incentive is that she drops 50,000 gold and the Assassin's Tear, a 30bd dagger.

The increase in levels from 30 to 40 did tip the balance a bit.  Tirantek and the Pyramid of the Mortal God were originally designed with teamwork in mind, and back in the early days, very few players could solo the areas (for a long time, Trevayne was the only player who could solo Imhotep), so everyone had to up their game, not just in crit count but also the spells used, spells like Consecrated Embrace and Almighty Retribution just so players could survive the opening volley from Imhotep and his two Mummified Priests.  In an unfortunate way, Tirantek is what pushed players to use 20 crits, sometimes even more before the limit was put in.


Two good thing that come from the increased levels though... you could get to level 30 very quickly with the best equipment, with no real way of proceeding, while level 40 can take many years and certainly something to boast about.  Secondly, at the Grandmaster levels, Dexterity modifiers don't have as much impact, so other stats like Strength and Wisdom, for example, become more appealing instead.

Finally, on multi-alt, you have to spread the costs over your entire party, so while you get more gold, you ultimately spend a lot more too, and buying a Cobalt Staff for each and every hitter is no easy feat.  While the high vamparic rating makes things pretty easy, the effects don't have as much impact compared to 1-alt due to the macro-spam nature of Clerics, which is why the Sword of Existence and, later, the Soul Ripper and Twin Axes of Li Kwei, are appealing for Berserkers... greater damage output, while the reduced HP regain is already largely covered by Divine Restoration.

Other minor differences... on multi-alt, Constitution modifiers are practically useless because Thieves are almost never party leaders, while on 1-alt they can very easily make a Thief overly powerful.  Similarly for Charisma modifiers on Rangers, since Hypnotise is seldom used.

The Crane Temple Chairman

Main crits:

Don't kill the messenger mathematician!

#69 Peacemaker

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Posted 28 March 2013 - 08:31 PM

No offense piddy but if you take 60 characters on only 4 clerics and them characters dont have vamp weapons then they are gonna get trashed and you will be left with the 20 or if you got higher lvl 24 crits that you can manage and heal. Also crappy hitters on main can effect you. I remember going and trashing Banshee with my zerk or ranger party before, then trying on my lvl 30 thieves who were off statted and couldnt get past slight. Clericing on one alt to me is not very hard. I have done it lots of times. I remember even using a pally to cleric at Giant Chameleon back when nobody hardly had any clerics. As far as solo clericing Imhotep, tell me how many members in that party have vampiric weapons cause i would highly suspect 90% or more making it alot easier. Also mages can round some things yes. Only up to a certain lvl and only certain classes. All classes are not equal. I know at lvl 37 a 37fighter vs a 37 mage that the fighter can put on enough wis and absorb mods that he still have hp left over after a full round of beams that hit. High lvl clerics and druids give mages a fit, paladins to. Zerks on one alt are like the almighty. I think only a spelled fighter or another zerk or maybe a spelled druid can do effective damage to them. Ya you can still shade a zerk with a thief, may take you a couple but its possible. Yet if zerk hits when you are attacking and lands then you are dead. (this is all that was directed to you piddy)


In all if you look at everything here is what needs to be looked at.


On one alt you are killing the same monsters as on the main server. Gold is practically the same in all areas. Some vary a lil. For a cobalt on one alt it is 10 mil. For a cobalt on main its 10mil. Solo killing allows you to concentrate your exp and gold on one crit. Multi makes you have to pay attn to who is getting where and if you wanna level up your whole party which is like lvling up your 1alt character then for first 5 lvls after lvl 30 it costs you close to what it is on one alt on some classes. Some classes until alternatives were introduced costed even more. Now post lvl 35 main server is way more expensive to lvl. Yes you can do on your own, but it'll cost you a mil per crit to lvl them. 20 mil for 5 lvls on 20 crits sounds expensive to me. Thats alot more monsters killed then it takes to get the gold to lvl up one crit on one alt.


Also if you base it on talent. How hard is it to run one character and put multi sets of macros on it? Try running 20 of them with different sets of macros? Try making enough to be able to heal, enhance, and cleanse a party of 20 on 4 cleris with only 12 macro sets each. I know before cleanse i already have 9 of them used. Cant use f10 cause it takes you off screen so really 11 of them. Try fighting with someone crits vs crits and see the difference. Trying to monitor all your crits health at once. Then see who is still alive and yet still try to get rid of the other persons crits as you may have to hit and run or scroll each crit to a different spot after every attack. Compare that to monitoring your one crit while someone is trying to pk you. Where on one alt all you gotta do is save extra stamina and do /spy here and there. Or even where you can do /who on one alt and get a warning where as to main you have to go to web site and look in someones to find them.

Peacemaker both servers.

#70 Gnarkill



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Posted 28 March 2013 - 09:33 PM

Everything always turns into people comparing 1a to multi... its apples to oranges. They're two different games(playstyles) based off mostly the same landscape/story. I don't expect alot of the pro 1a people to see multi's side and I don't expect the pro multi people to see 1a's side in any argument simply because I honestly don't know anyone that excels highly at both servers.. some people that are good at 1a couldn't hack it at multi and some of the good multi users can't hack it on 1a(not meant as an insult.. I happen to be one of them because I didn't like having to rely on others on 1a). What works for 1a might not work for multi and vice versa... it seems like wasted time to constantly compare them against each other and say "it happened to us why not them!?".


What RJ said holds true.. people often work together on multi even if they don't get along and whenever multi gets a change they mostly thank staff either way and go on about thier buisness or work together to figure it out.. and as stated I think most active people wouldn't even care if vamp items were nerf'd on multi.

Edited by Gnarkill, 28 March 2013 - 09:37 PM.

Gnarkill- Multi and 1a

#71 Peacemaker

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Posted 28 March 2013 - 09:47 PM

I agree on your last part for sure. On the whole cleric thing though, ya anyone that is just on ONLY those 4 clerics can maybe handle that party depending on the boss. Im referring to using a whole party yourself included. I have played both main and one alt and i have been effective at both. I have been there when Nepharious and them was around, when he was gone and MD ran the place, through Last Stand and when MD fell and Pande took over with Walt leading, and all the uprising here and there along the way. Been on main since i came back in 06 as well. I have server jumped a few times here and there as well. One alt has become way more greedy and stuff then i can remember it ever being, maybe comparing to Jordan how he used to run MD would be a good example. Do as i say or go your own way is basically how it is when it comes to possibilities of high end items dropping. Normal bosses ya no one cares and just kill whenever. 


When i referred to spying i was talking about just running a character on one alt in general. Yes you dont spy all the time and you dont do /who and dont care, but i can tell you a majority of the one alt players start doing /who and /spy when i log crits on. Yes some dont care and others know to be wary.



Back to subject. Point im making is that its alot easier to be attentive on one crit then it is on 20.

Peacemaker both servers.

#72 Adultery

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Posted 29 March 2013 - 01:31 AM

i was never a main server player? I owned the top clan in game for a long time buddy and had an account back in the day that woulda made your momma drool lol. your right. I only ever ran 3-5 crits at a time. but hey what could you really do with a pentium 2 and a dial up modem?


maybe you forgot i was karla's account partner for years lol.


im sure it takes some serious talent to hit the F1 - Alt/Tab combo lol


skills that kills bro!

Doesnt take talent to run one crit. Come run 20 of them at once. See if you can even effectively kill bosses or players, my guess is you cant do either and thats why you was never a main server player. 

Adultery - Diabolic-Clorox

#73 Adultery

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Posted 29 March 2013 - 12:24 PM

the counter arguement for that fact is that mainers have to work on 20 crits at a time. an arguement that gets tireing.


piddy is 100% correct. staff have had their hand up 1alt's arse for years. its my personal beliefe that stig simply wishes 1alt would close so that he would only have to "work" one server lol


nurf after nurf was given to the server and told to like it or go to main. and yet we all still play 1alt? maybe its because we dont respect what the staff have done to main?  hell i personally dont respect what crane has done for 1alt either. he's a horrible staffer. great area and item dev. but a terrible admin.


and lets be honest. playing the game with people like rj and jake? lol id rather suck homeless man turnip tbh lol

Adultery - Diabolic-Clorox

#74 Peacemaker

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Posted 29 March 2013 - 04:03 PM

Everything gets nerfed cause people abuse it. Lesson here is dont abuse stuff and it wont get nerfed. Main server like it or not is the most balanced of the two. Its got new areas as well as one alt so cant say one alt has the coolest areas. Stig is just trying to make an even balance for things. Before then thieves ruled the 1alt community and you used to whine about thieves killing you. Now thieves are garbage pkers and in return you get a less vampiric cobalt cry cry cry. The way some of you act on that server i think yall should be thankful that you have a server to play on. Also yes i do know some of them can run a 20 alt party on main and are effective at it. Scott can do it, Sarah can do it, and a couple others that i cant think of atm. Majority though i can tell you that you werent capable of doing it or very effective when you tried. Yet you can solo on one crit easily. I can tell you the majority dont wanna come over to play it cause they have nothing and to roll a full party is alot harder then to roll one character. Or the thought of not being in the top 10 players or etc is something their ego cant handle. Still need a measuring stick on which server is easier?


The only difference between one alt and main besides class changes (nerfs etc) are the fact that in one alt to get anything real valueable you have to cooperate with others and on main you dont have to unless you are doing some of the new areas which require more then one party.

Peacemaker both servers.

#75 Sarah

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Posted 29 March 2013 - 04:55 PM

Everything gets nerfed cause people abuse it. Lesson here is dont abuse stuff and it wont get nerfed. Main server like it or not is the most balanced of the two. Its got new areas as well as one alt so cant say one alt has the coolest areas. Stig is just trying to make an even balance for things. Before then thieves ruled the 1alt community and you used to whine about thieves killing you. Now thieves are garbage pkers and in return you get a less vampiric cobalt cry cry cry. The way some of you act on that server i think yall should be thankful that you have a server to play on. Also yes i do know some of them can run a 20 alt party on main and are effective at it. Scott can do it, Sarah can do it, and a couple others that i cant think of atm. Majority though i can tell you that you werent capable of doing it or very effective when you tried. Yet you can solo on one crit easily. I can tell you the majority dont wanna come over to play it cause they have nothing and to roll a full party is alot harder then to roll one character. Or the thought of not being in the top 10 players or etc is something their ego cant handle. Still need a measuring stick on which server is easier?


The only difference between one alt and main besides class changes (nerfs etc) are the fact that in one alt to get anything real valueable you have to cooperate with others and on main you dont have to unless you are doing some of the new areas which require more then one party.


Okay. I quit 1-alt and played main for a good 6 months, and had no problems running 20 characters effectively, so there's no need to throw around insults. Most people that have played 1-alt originally learned the game from multi. We have all done the alt-esc dance. It's not rocket science. Yes, it takes some thinking and reflexes. I'm real tired of either server thinking they are superior, though. Like Crane said, each takes a different kind of skill set.


Also, since when is using the best possible equipment/character/training spot abusing it? I have to put 4.86 billion exp on my character, and just because I choose to go to, say, drow archers with cobalt, because it's the best weapon I can find, and kill them for 8 hours a day for 6 months, that's abusing them? Sounds more like efficiency to me. I think what Piddy is saying is why are we trying to kill that? When you play on ONE character for 2 years, and you look at one damage every 10 seconds, every 1 stat mod, every .1% vamp, every 1 ac, every 1 base damage makes a huge difference in the amount of time it takes to level. And time is currency on nm.

Corinne in-game.

#76 Gnarkill



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Posted 29 March 2013 - 05:25 PM

Rick my comments weren't directed at you or anyone else specifically(didn't mean to offend anyone if I did) about not being able to play multi highly effectively as I know some can but there is a good chunk on both servers that can't just jump over and be a pro... its just a different playing style to get used to.. I'm not trying to flame.. I personally don't excel at 1a.. heck even though I can run 20 effectively on multi I'm best(and prefer) when I am running 10ish crits myself.. 20 seems like overkill most of the time.


 I remember you sharing with Karla and I think there was another sharer at the time and his name was Brian? he might have been before you shared with her though not sure.. his main crit started with a "th" i think if I remember correctly... but I do remember you sharing with Karla because it was our guild that I chair'd at the time(UR) that was warring on forums and in-game with MS alot for that top spot during that "era" before I stepped away for a while... we both held #1 but it was after the server playerbase declined on multi a bit ..not as bad as it is now but it had a decent drop off in players back then.. we weren't #1 chairs during nm's most popular days sadly.. UR even had to wait for TR to go mostly inactive before we moved up from the #2 spot. That was a good rivarly between MS and UR and probably one of the most fun on-going wars I experienced in NM aside from the old arilin 4 way and sewer camping days.

Edited by Gnarkill, 29 March 2013 - 09:32 PM.

Gnarkill- Multi and 1a

#77 Peacemaker

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Posted 29 March 2013 - 10:49 PM

Everything gets nerfed cause people abuse it. Lesson here is dont abuse stuff and it wont get nerfed. Main server like it or not is the most balanced of the two. Its got new areas as well as one alt so cant say one alt has the coolest areas. Stig is just trying to make an even balance for things. Before then thieves ruled the 1alt community and you used to whine about thieves killing you. Now thieves are garbage pkers and in return you get a less vampiric cobalt cry cry cry. The way some of you act on that server i think yall should be thankful that you have a server to play on. Also yes i do know some of them can run a 20 alt party on main and are effective at it. Scott can do it, Sarah can do it, and a couple others that i cant think of atm. Majority though i can tell you that you werent capable of doing it or very effective when you tried. Yet you can solo on one crit easily. I can tell you the majority dont wanna come over to play it cause they have nothing and to roll a full party is alot harder then to roll one character. Or the thought of not being in the top 10 players or etc is something their ego cant handle. Still need a measuring stick on which server is easier?


The only difference between one alt and main besides class changes (nerfs etc) are the fact that in one alt to get anything real valueable you have to cooperate with others and on main you dont have to unless you are doing some of the new areas which require more then one party.


Okay. I quit 1-alt and played main for a good 6 months, and had no problems running 20 characters effectively, so there's no need to throw around insults. Most people that have played 1-alt originally learned the game from multi. We have all done the alt-esc dance. It's not rocket science. Yes, it takes some thinking and reflexes. I'm real tired of either server thinking they are superior, though. Like Crane said, each takes a different kind of skill set.


Also, since when is using the best possible equipment/character/training spot abusing it? I have to put 4.86 billion exp on my character, and just because I choose to go to, say, drow archers with cobalt, because it's the best weapon I can find, and kill them for 8 hours a day for 6 months, that's abusing them? Sounds more like efficiency to me. I think what Piddy is saying is why are we trying to kill that? When you play on ONE character for 2 years, and you look at one damage every 10 seconds, every 1 stat mod, every .1% vamp, every 1 ac, every 1 base damage makes a huge difference in the amount of time it takes to level. And time is currency on nm.


Umm i actually quoted you as one of the people that can run a 20 alt party effectively. So im not sure where this arguement comes from.

Peacemaker both servers.

#78 Justice

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Posted 29 March 2013 - 11:18 PM

so....how about them cobalts? how about the topic? lol
...Añd Jústícè Fòr All

#79 Adultery

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Posted 30 March 2013 - 02:46 AM

Rick my comments weren't directed at you or anyone else specifically(didn't mean to offend anyone if I did) about not being able to play multi highly effectively as I know some can but there is a good chunk on both servers that can't just jump over and be a pro... its just a different playing style to get used to.. I'm not trying to flame.. I personally don't excel at 1a.. heck even though I can run 20 effectively on multi I'm best(and prefer) when I am running 10ish crits myself.. 20 seems like overkill most of the time.


 I remember you sharing with Karla and I think there was another sharer at the time and his name was Brian? he might have been before you shared with her though not sure.. his main crit started with a "th" i think if I remember correctly... but I do remember you sharing with Karla because it was our guild that I chair'd at the time(UR) that was warring on forums and in-game with MS alot for that top spot during that "era" before I stepped away for a while... we both held #1 but it was after the server playerbase declined on multi a bit ..not as bad as it is now but it had a decent drop off in players back then.. we weren't #1 chairs during nm's most popular days sadly.. UR even had to wait for TR to go mostly inactive before we moved up from the #2 spot. That was a good rivarly between MS and UR and probably one of the most fun on-going wars I experienced in NM aside from the old arilin 4 way and sewer camping days.

i agree with you 100% the days of UR and MS wars were the shizz!


and yes brian did share with us. it was her boyfriend irl, i guess they broke up and he took off and left us his crits, tbh i dont remember alot of the details from back then. it was years ago. however i remember loading and seeing page after page after page of lvl 30 crits and about 10 cobalts lol which for the time was amazing. lol I remember karla being pissed at me when she found out i was seeing someone lol (now my wife) tho i believe were still on good terms. she did memo me a long while ago and was like HOLY nuts YOU PLAY STILL?!?!?! WHEN ARE YOU ON?!?! lol but that was the last i spoke to her. poor womans got a rough life I believe.

Adultery - Diabolic-Clorox

#80 Pureza


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Posted 31 March 2013 - 04:53 PM

i was never a main server player? I owned the top clan in game for a long time buddy and had an account back in the day that woulda made your momma drool lol. your right. I only ever ran 3-5 crits at a time. but hey what could you really do with a pentium 2 and a dial up modem?


Doesnt take talent to run one crit. Come run 20 of them at once. See if you can even effectively kill bosses or players, my guess is you cant do either and thats why you was never a main server player. 

With a Pentium 2 and a dial up modem I ran 20 alts and solo'd the blue dragon. Lagged out all to hell most of it but it still got done. So you can't say that your system couldn't handle it. Next excuse k

Jaded ingame.

#81 Peacemaker

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Posted 31 March 2013 - 09:07 PM

My computer wasnt even a pentium 2 and i ran 20 alts at a time and fought in pk wars vs 300 and Brock's clan and some of TR at the time. I had worst computer on game from what i was told from when i showed everyone. Had to load up one crit at a time cause if not then they all logged back off soon as you logged them on.


Oh and just sharing with someone doesnt give you their status.

Peacemaker both servers.

#82 Adultery

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Posted 31 March 2013 - 11:27 PM

lmao id love to see that jake really would man. too bad I smell your horse shizz from here. you couldnt master 1alt... how the hell you gonna claim your pro at multy lol


on the up and up. happy easter everyone!


also on a side note. my good friend just had his first baby! so a great big Red Dragons to that!

Adultery - Diabolic-Clorox

#83 Peacemaker

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Posted 01 April 2013 - 12:40 AM

That doesnt even require a proper response. Now you are just talking out your arse. I accomplished more then you on both servers ever end of story.


Also if you think i cant play main very well you are welcome to come and test me.

Edited by Peacemaker, 01 April 2013 - 12:42 AM.

Peacemaker both servers.

#84 Adultery

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Posted 01 April 2013 - 12:22 PM

lmao jake you sir are a hell of a joke on both servers, what did you accomplish on 1alt?


pretty sure bitching and moaning about not getting a drop or that nobody likes you isnt an accomplisment,


ive got a stack of a achievements done on both servers. sadly your list probably doesnt add up

Adultery - Diabolic-Clorox

#85 Tietsu

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Posted 04 April 2013 - 06:37 PM

   Well, to stay somewhat on topic; this is the entire reason there is no playerbase on the 1A Server.  These changes made in the best interest of the game is no in the best interest of players.  How can you make these types of heavy changes with absolutely no regard to the reprocussions?  I would rather have an unbalanced game to play with my friends than a BS move to change hard work made by most of the playerbase who owns such a weapon of mass destruction.


   Stig is 100% to blame for the lack of activity on the 1A Server, he is the only common denominator in all of this and everything he has done since becoming staff should be rolled back.  I have made this point several times.  Stig has done what he believed was in the best interest of balancing the game; which is completely fine WITH A SERVER RESET.  Elsewise, you have just screwed the entire playerbase with several changes with lack of input by players who know this game better than almost any staff.


   Now I know, with a server reset it has completely screwed everyone who worked so hard to achieve what they have to have it taken in a blink of an eye, but it is the only thing that can be done evenly and fairly to every player, rather than targetting certain people.  i.e. Drow Archers - Cobalts - Stam Changes (not sure if they were reverted) - Ankhegs (Not Stig's Fault Far As I Know).  Those changes singled out very specific players, players who stopped playing pretty soon after the changes were made.  There is a larger picture that is not being seen clearly by those who make these decisions.

#86 ketchup

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Posted 05 April 2013 - 06:34 AM

Please dont nerf teh spider staff... I will hunt you down irl .. :) jc

Edited by ketchup, 05 April 2013 - 06:34 AM.

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#87 Chronic

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Posted 05 April 2013 - 06:38 PM

I've been daybanned because I don't know how to take a hint and not post something when given multiple warnings.

Edited by Stig, 06 April 2013 - 01:25 AM.

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#88 Adultery

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Posted 06 April 2013 - 03:21 AM

andy is 100% correct, the players make nightmist not the staff that have a hold on its remaining playerbase's testicals.



heres a sticky wicket! everyone in game has moaned and complained about bad nightmist is. or how unbalanced the classes are or how op the items and weapons are.


heres what you do.., STOP PISSING AND MOANING the game is 12 years old if not older. you cant fix the issues that were made years and years ago now.

unbalancing is simply a part of the nightmist "culture"


what should have been done was serious and harsh testing of high lvl crits and the effect it would have on the game long before ever placeing it in game along with some very OP items and new stams etc etc.        (ommmmggggg the hulk looking man makes sense right?!?!? ) SHIIIIIIZZZZZZZAA!


cobalt nurf edited druids badly. but did help the none exsistant pvp for a few classes. whooopty dooooo!


and now the moment youve all been waiting for! jake... edited!


also piddy none of this is a stab at you man. dont feel that way.

Edited by ice_cold, 10 April 2013 - 03:18 AM.
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Adultery - Diabolic-Clorox

#89 Gnarkill



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Posted 06 April 2013 - 08:16 PM

lol u cant balance that crap youre right its to late. break it all. its happening whoever hits first wins, or whoever delivers 6 good stam wins. whatever doesnt matter.



 That bolded part was the case 90% of the time in events even back in the level 30 cap multi days. Nightmist has always been part luck, part macro pressing speed, part timing, and part knowing which class/weap is currently OP compared to others. Now its just different classes in power with the level 40 bump but same thing. whoever hit first or got a great round off won.. the exception back then was cleric vs cleric those would drag on. Pally I really don't know because the only ones that used them for pvp events on a normal basis were Rappy/Ryan. I do know fighters used to beat zerks 95% of the time and zerk users complained about fighters being so powerful back then.



this next part isn't in response to that top quote just a rant lol


Its just a carousel in NM... something is always OP and when people ask for changes and get them it only takes a little bit before a group of others came around and complain about the changes or something else being OP and call out what helpful staff we have left.. and now players are even more disrespectul of staff because they are more lenient than they used to be and the players just don't care if they have to face a ban. JLH and staff have always said they will do "what they think is best for the game" and not whats best for individual players.. "whats best" for each person is different and "whats best" for 1a and multi are different.. people constantly look for the easiest/fastest way to do what they want. Its no one's fault the playerbase has dwindled except the players .. NM is old, doesn't have hardly any advertising(from admin or players..we could all be helping with this too even as players) and with people treating other players(or even newbies) the way they do... we've all run off alot of potential players over the years. Its more our fault and other games' luring people away than staff's fault imo..


If people really wanted Nightmist "fixed and balanced".. then they wouldn't be opposed to a reset and a retool or atleast let Stig do his job without redicule.. but some don't want to lose thier stuff and others are happy playing the way it is and adapt to whatever staff changes.


on topic with the post.. the Cobalt was orignally put in when it was rare for someone to have that kind of gold and grind for it so it was made to be highly OP as I'm sure no one thought people would be buying them in bulk eventually. Now over the years players grinded it out just to afford them and became reliant on them.


If you really think about it.. if people feel that ripped off about the cobalt change how will we all feel about the time we have spent for years on forums, grinding exp and gold, bickering in-game or over analyzing staff/changes instead of just enjoying the game while its still up and running reguardless of how we have to adapt to changes?

Edited by Gnarkill, 06 April 2013 - 08:26 PM.

Gnarkill- Multi and 1a

#90 Gaddy

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Posted 06 April 2013 - 09:11 PM

   Well, to stay somewhat on topic; this is the entire reason there is no playerbase on the 1A Server.
Stig is 100% to blame for the lack of activity on the 1A Server, he is the only common denominator in all of this and everything he has done since becoming staff should be rolled back.  

Stig has done what he believed was in the best interest of balancing the game; which is completely fine WITH A SERVER RESET.

I'd counter that with the primary reason for inactivity arguement of the text-based, annoyingly difficult to start, antisocial game itself. That along with Diablo 3, Xbox, and SNES emulators probably keeps most would-be players away.

So, you contradict yourself a few times in these lines. Also, you strike me as a hypocritical, self-serving person. I assume ignore you because you're the type of dog that bites the only hand feeding.

Staff asked for a reset of the 1-Alt server over and over for years. There are so many documented issues, errors, and incidents of cheating that most just determined it wasn't worth their time. All in fact, except Stig.
So keep whining and accusing the only developer of ruining the game. Keep deluding yourself to thinking Nightmist has some kind of grand potential. Keep pretending it would be all better if nothing new was ever done. Bury yourself.
Wisdom is the principle thing. Therefore, get wisdom, and in all your getting, get understanding.
-Proverbs 4:7

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