They are a made up class, and don't really exist, so how would you know whether they feel pain or not? Did they tell you?Berserkers don't feel pain at once they are in berserk, but before that they do feel pain. And because I said that was just to make my point about berserkers being unique. What makes berserkers unique is that they can go on until the opponent is killed even if the berserker dies right after that. MEANING: Berserkers does have a high stamina as they can go on for a very long time. That is why I told about the pain. And if you didn't know about this, go read some rpg books.

Another thing;
Because they are made up Nightmist can make the different classes whatever they want them to be just because it has the same name doesn't mean it has to follow the rules. The whole idea of nightmist is to get balanced(not same) classes otherwise one class would not be used other than to roleplay which a fair majority of nm does not do. Therefore, if it is required that they be tweaked to 'balance' them then it should be.