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Back To The Camp Bows Again...

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#61 Rodeo

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Posted 02 March 2016 - 11:48 PM

I always like seeing games reset. Been through at least 2 if not 3 with RoK.

#62 Peacemaker

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Posted 03 March 2016 - 01:50 AM

Sure get rid of what everyone has worked so hard for just for a test because you dont like how the current game is. I wouldnt be returning thats for sure. After 10 years on here im not starting over.

Peacemaker both servers.

#63 Element

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Posted 03 March 2016 - 03:25 AM

Argue for staff all you want fact of the matter is the game has been dieing for a while and no one seems to care. There's no effort made to get new players and even when new players came and suggested things nothing was done.

Enjoy your online single player game I guess..,

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#64 Terron

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Posted 03 March 2016 - 05:23 AM

I don't think staff have anything to do with it lol, there isn't staff there's A staff.  Sorry to say it staff/player/forum mod/tester/developer/builder isn't a job , its a whole community.  Stig has done enough for us, we can encourage more but it isn't likely to be instant.


its really not a comparison 1a is shat on, albeit unintentionally, and still draws a larger player-base.

 "they are different games"  um  NO...just because 1 server has a pink sword and the other an orange one doesn't make them different. the only real differences are 1a doesn't have pacifists and bosses designed for a large party are instantly buffed to need 8+ in party once completed with fewer(probably why there's no pacifists).  main shouldn't have a 40-60 alt 3 person top tier boss slain by 1 character, wasn't it made hard for a reason? if not why even have multi player bosses in general. 


make the games different or don't and stop saying they are. 


 or just flop all areas and items onto both servers who cares if 1a never has 45 gm zerks to kill a boss. its there. main gets training weapons..yay more stuff to buy and a lesser number of laps on 4th floor.  best part is we can all stfu lol.



P.S. the only thing 1a lacks is the ability to yell through ears full of wax.  1a player will suggest something and the first fkin response will be some multiserver noob screamin'. look at every thread lol.  now look at the multi alt suggestions, notice there is no responses from 1a players like "yo fk you mainer".


 1a could use some real advisor's, not some tool that bought all his characters from me for pretend at greatness.  some advisors to help stig do minor balancing on crates, bosses, monsters in a chat/email setting outside of mainers.  we don't need a green forum name to help make our server better.

"Wake Up!!" 

#65 Peacemaker

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Posted 03 March 2016 - 06:03 AM

Did you ever think about all the years that main was left out while one alt got everything? Guess not. Now the staff plays the server that he prefers and mainly does stuff for it. Shoe is on the other foot now. Also on main we dont bash our staff we appreciate and encourage the stuff he does. I have seen numerous people on one alt bash staff over and over. Why would they wanna put the time into stuff that isnt appreciated? Last time i seen them make attempts it was not appreciated and people werent happy. I have seen some one alters directly bash staff over stupid stuff. Yet then turn around and be like why arent you helping us and stuff like that. Maybe try being nice to staff and give them a simple suggestion that doesnt fk up the entire game. You should also make the suggestion useful as well. Not just whining bout what you do and dont have.



Also thinking bout the gothmog boss. It must have taken him sometime to do that boss. He also done it with a lvl 40 pacifist. I would assume that he took a nuts ton of gold as well to be able to survive the boss. With enough gold and emergency nightshades and pots i imagine it took him around 4 hours or so. Maybe less but couldnt have been much. I know i was part of the grandmaster party that went before and its when i had my grandmaster zerks with balts. I know that 4 was lost then. I think i lost one or two not sure. 



So to clear it up. Be nice. Suggest stuff. Dont be a tool cause its not accepted. Suggest more. All the changes made ingame were suggested at one point by players. So just suggest some more and keep at it.

Peacemaker both servers.

#66 Terron

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Posted 03 March 2016 - 06:34 AM

why are you condoning tier 5 bosses on 1 sever be stretched past the fullest extent of the playerbase, and the opposite on another server.  makes no gd sense whatsoever  i played main for 12 years and 1a for 9.  I dont recommend nerfing the main server lightly, i still play there.  its not a bash on gareth killing a boss in 2-3 hours its an honest logical question.  "that boss takes 50 gm's or theres deaths in party" it was said right ^up^ there lol.  but it obviously doesn't take that, it takes 1 unhittable character.  if andy or me did that sh!t on 1a you'd whine like a b!tch.  as a main server player I don't understand it period.


main got nopk and extra stam during that period. some would say for a do it yourself server that is the most epic implement possible. and it is.  hakuna matata means no worries ................ yeah you got it.


that was a nice post defending staff and trying to eradicate continual bs from forums.


what do you want for 1a? besides the focused players to give their stuff to you because we didn't earn it and you did?  Ill tell you right now we have gave and gave and gave to you cuz you aint farmed me seals and keys for bossing in the last 9 years and you still attend when you're on.


lemme quote ya a sec "thats why to this day ive never trained a crit to arch from level 1, it takes too much time"   so that gives you the right to declare yourself staff worthy earlier?  we want advisors that know things other than the for sale forum.

"Wake Up!!" 

#67 Gaddy

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Posted 03 March 2016 - 07:36 AM

Terron, you spend so much time tearing down other people and trying to rally AGAINST efforts that it is hard to dig through for any useful, positive suggestions. If it wasn't always a heated bash-fest, I think you'd have a lot of productive ideas that got support.

Instead, it seems like anyone who disagrees or even tweaks your suggestions gets insulted or pulled into different discussions rather than being productive on the topic at hand. At least, that is my experience when reading or posting threads where you are active.



1. Pacifists are blocked from several areas that they can abuse. The kill on Gothmog isn't a case of abuse.

I'd go on---but why bother. You want to rant and tear down the Main server efforts from staff and players because you're upset about a change made to Red Dragon or whatever on 1-Alt.

Why tear down Gareth's efforts as staff or player instead of saying what you mean? You want to be able to do stuff with fewer characters on 1-Alt. That's a fair idea and push that most people would support. Instead, you've got everyone rallied against you for pulling against the Main server or Stig. Why not stick on the productive path?



2. Main got NOPK and extra stam in that period?

What NOPK? If you mean behavior of the playerbase, that's quite different, and a PvE mentality is something you could probably help to rally into 1-Alt. 1-Alt suffers much greater punishment in exp loss upon death and needs teamwork far more - so it seems like that is the thing leading players would try to encourage.





Anyway, I shouldn't even be posting here, but you've managed to pull another 1-Alt topic into grasping at straws about the Main server activity. If you don't like other players' input, why not help explain why your suggestion needs to be done rather than detracting from ideas or deflecting to something else to be against?

Wisdom is the principle thing. Therefore, get wisdom, and in all your getting, get understanding.
-Proverbs 4:7

#68 Cadabra


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Posted 03 March 2016 - 09:16 AM

You're a broken record of the made up logic, "if you do what people are asking, more people will play the game or not quit."
Doing whatever people ask doesn't make the game better, and I don't think there is any consistent route for retaining players except for the actual playerbase being welcoming, friendly, and forming a good community of players.

Something I never see is 1-Alt players offering to help a person accomplish something like crafting a Cobalt Bow.
There was a huge struggle with even getting enough people to help a guy level his thief.
Now, I think those would be frustrating facets of the game and could be improved for 1-Alt, but the lack of support and community of the playerbase is what costs Nightmist players the most often. But a game like Nightmist needs people to enjoy or be motivated by interacting with each other, and the 1-Alt server seems toxic. Main isn't 'great', but most active players have most other active players on their friend list.
It would be nice if /togglewho was disabled at this point though...


Maybe you should have a read at the posts before this post. The topic was casual. You caused it with your bs like you always do. Topic went off topic but you created the bigger problem. 



Main and 1-alt are the same but main is balanced. The problem with 1-alt is we dont have nice items. Endgame bosses dont drop endgame items. 


Since vamp weapons were decreased, you cant even survive a beetle in RG. This is a problem and doubles the time it should require to achieve things. (No it should not be that bad)


Gareth created Stonewhisper and its impossible to do. 8 Hitters and 3 Clerics lasted 2 minutes. That's the whole server coming together.


Main doesn't need any fixes all it needs is additions. For years 1-alt has needed ALOT more than additions but additions have been used to cover the main issue up. That is the reason people of the server don't take it too lightly when ignorance spoils development. 

Nightmist is like Pringles, once you pop you just cant stop.

#69 Terron

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Posted 03 March 2016 - 09:54 AM

lol who am i tearing down?


i just want a 1a server that i can train every class on 400 diverse monsters instead of a server where some classes can only kill 30 monsters period. if it takes 3 stat items then it does, if it takes +15 to stat items then it does , if it takes a few code changes and no items then it does.  Im not the staff that get to pick which path to take.  Youre also forgetting the most major thing about it all, i'm still playing because the game still has the potential to be better.


staff made multi server NOPK, then added the extra stamina to main lol how can you deny that? or did you honestly forget? seems unlikely. I didnt forget I was more of a multi alt player at that time.  1a absorbed most of mains player-base and all the pkers.  then staff later made item and coin systems to upgrade items and level characters with items that 80+ other people farmed during their multi days.  All the items funnelled down into very very few accounts.  then they come back older players with life obligations and cant kill bosses and hound spawns 14 hours a day, and wishing they had those 12 bots  25 sgs and 20 ed's they used to own that "gaddy"(you're my scapegoat this time) probably used to lvl up.  It isn't hard to notice you are just blind apparently.


i am not listing the gothmog kill as abuse, you cant read very well, thats the problem. the fact that staff make a boss on main that takes 50 GM's  is awesome, it seems more of a work around that it can be solo'd by 1 crit.  not because it can be solo'd  Its the fact that main has 4 multiple player required bosses and any player can solo it on a paci seems directly against the whole reason those bosses exist.  merely on principle of, if it takes 2-3 parties why can 1 person kill it. why isn't it just a 20 gm boss then?


As far as the Red Dragon subject, yes it is a little upsetting,(reminds me of you and telatin) because stig has never directly talked to me craig or alex about killing it with 3 people. noone else knows a gd thing they just whine out their anus.  but he will listen to whiners who play main 80% of the time and leave town 5x a year on 1a about how "andys acct" kills things w/o anyone else when andy wasn't even there.. if you leave town 5x a year that isn't even considered a player, its like an email account you check bi-monthly.


you talk about teamwork, we invited the entire server, always do, its been a clan rule since 2009 when i ran pandemonium noobs(literally noobs) and myself vs a world of cheaters that botted auto trained used scripts to pk and multipced at will , pretty much the whole book.


the RD trip was 6 people to attempt a boss that we typically die on with 5 and less and 3 were noobs w/o vamp or GMs. before even making it to dragon we had 4 left in party. we attempted it not to succeed but because stig implemented a nice druid/zerk dragon mod 1.5 weapon the previous week and I had finally made one and let alex use it on his legendary half orc berserker.  mike died 1/2 second on boss square, infact he was dead so fast the first 3 lines of text were   treant smashes him in the face , some flavor text dragon: RAAWWWRRRRR, followed by a wave of inferno. yay, less lag. that was a tastey ranger.   PARTY: thanks for the pots we have 37 full heal potions and 25 500 mana potions sitting on the floor now. (now if we were intending to run that many potions with 3-4 people it would have costed near 200k in keys (shop 25k a piece) and a mandatory death to exit area each trip (-35 million xp * 7 deaths*3 characters= nearly 900m exp loss.) i dont believe that calls for spawns that also hit for 200s lol


this post is long enough , have a good night 

"Wake Up!!" 

#70 Gaddy

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Posted 03 March 2016 - 01:22 PM

Main isn't NOPK. I have honestly forgotten if it was ever NOPK - perhaps you are referring to players grieving by constantly harassing select individuals? That was deemed anti-social by some staff, including the only active staff. There is vast a difference between NOPK and not allowing harassment to attempt to make certain people quit the game.

Anyway, if you mean true NOPK - Main isn't and there are not rules against attacking other players. Harassment has always been deemed bannable - though not enforced in any consistent manner by any staff or team of staff, ever.


I'm not a good scapegoat in the item collection case, except with purchase of mass numbers of Crystal Rings and Spider Gauntlets (which don't feed into the Platinum Coin system), but I'm tired of re-hashing the boss availability and leveling system challenges.




It took him 1 pacifist to kill Gothmog, not to perform the entire route to the boss. Mike already outlined the key and warrant process.

That is one of the 3 current grandmaster bosses possible, and it is the only one that a pacifist has solo killed. Woobie is not undead, and Shadow Drake has a time limit - might be possible with paci, Jaguar Potion, and lots of mana if done exceptionally well, but pacifists might be blocked from that section of Cauldron of Shadows. So Gothmog can be done by 3 large parties teamed up, but Europa proved it can also be done by 1 very well handled, grandmaster pacifist.

Stig didn't say he designed each of the grandmaster bosses to require 3-person efforts or teamwork. He designed grandmaster areas and bosses. Multi-player is how we looked at it because honestly considering using a pacifist isn't how most of Main plays. That doesn't mean it's poorly designed or unfair. To me, that's incredibly flexible design enabling grandmaster players to choose their own style for even the most outlandish boss in-game.

Why would grandmaster bosses be limited only to the normal party system and exclude pacifists? That seems in poor form since pacifists only exists on the Main server.






As for 1-Alt, as I have said on repeat, I can't speak competently about the 1-Alt server.

I agree that 1-Alt seems really frustrating. It should have gear helping players to play solo on ALL classes.

However, staff do not have the ability to edit code, and JLH hasn't been open to updating the game for years. As I've said before, it isn't like staff own the game - they steward and add, but in a very limited fashion. Staff cannot add stamina, adjust base character stats, improve HP gains, invent special potions, or alter character abilities -- so it comes mainly down to equipment, monsters, and player ingenuity. 

The whole staff/sysops/advisor team wants 1-Alt exp loss to be reduced, JLH has said no. We want a non-roller character creation option, it never gets comment.

JLH doesn't owe staff anything, just like staff don't owe Nightmist production - Main or 1-Alt.



Player ingenuity and drive is key - so I agree that it'd be really frustrating to have an area or boss changed because you managed to complete it or to feel that your input is ignored so you are unmotivated to chase new areas, but throwing Main or staff under the bus doesn't help 1-Alt. Doing so drives more negative attitude toward 1-Alt and pushes Stig away from trying to work on 1-Alt.

My posts about Harabec Dungeon did the same thing - I didn't get my way, and Stig felt abused. He deleted the new drops he created, but that wasn't at all what I took issue with and my questions were never answered. However, I stopped when I realized Stig felt attacked because Nightmist doesn't need me and hardly needs Harabec Dungeon, but Nightmist needs Stig. So Main players and I don't re-hash Harabec changes in multiple posts about different subjects.


1-Alt is seeing first-hand how the game devolves without someone pushing it forward. And it isn't fair when people cite the whole 1-Alt server as toxic because a few players are unkind. However, Stig has commented that 1-Alt insulted and complained throughout his Halloween quest, and every change he tries to work into the 1-Alt server is met with unrelenting negativity.

So fewer actions are taken. Now the issue is neglect, but he cannot recode or vastly alter the 1-Alt server - so what is he left to do?

It seems that currently he's picked to focus on Main where the game allows him to create content instead of trying to recreate the game through limited capacity. I can understand backing away in that sense. Staff don't get sway over coding or game updates, and there is no benefit to the staff role aside from getting to create - Stig doesn't owe Main or 1-Alt his effort.




Main Server and "Advisor" / Me:

It's frustrating to have people who don't play Main on a regular basis try to claim they understand the economy, boss availability, and player issues based on forum commentary. Just like you don't like me citing a toxic server based on the way people from 1-Alt attack each other on the forum, and just like you take issue with other 1-Alt players who make claims about your Red Dragon trip or adjustments since despite not going (which is how I view the claims that bosses cannot be found on Main).


It's not like me or any other player can stop an idea or suggestion. My advisor status is meant to help advise because as former staff, I know more about game mechanics and implementing grids, monsters, items, etc. 

I don't make the final decision and there isn't a vote in the Staff Discussion section. When I challenge suggestion, I'm trying to help guide it toward something that is more implementable or citing why I don't think it is reasonable, just like every other forum account.

So if you think I'm stopping 1-Alt updates, you are wrong.

Wisdom is the principle thing. Therefore, get wisdom, and in all your getting, get understanding.
-Proverbs 4:7

#71 Peacemaker

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Posted 03 March 2016 - 02:39 PM

why are you condoning tier 5 bosses on 1 sever be stretched past the fullest extent of the playerbase, and the opposite on another server.  makes no gd sense whatsoever  i played main for 12 years and 1a for 9.  I dont recommend nerfing the main server lightly, i still play there.  its not a bash on gareth killing a boss in 2-3 hours its an honest logical question.  "that boss takes 50 gm's or theres deaths in party" it was said right ^up^ there lol.  but it obviously doesn't take that, it takes 1 unhittable character.  if andy or me did that sh!t on 1a you'd whine like a b!tch.  as a main server player I don't understand it period.


main got nopk and extra stam during that period. some would say for a do it yourself server that is the most epic implement possible. and it is.  hakuna matata means no worries ................ yeah you got it.


that was a nice post defending staff and trying to eradicate continual bs from forums.


what do you want for 1a? besides the focused players to give their stuff to you because we didn't earn it and you did?  Ill tell you right now we have gave and gave and gave to you cuz you aint farmed me seals and keys for bossing in the last 9 years and you still attend when you're on.


lemme quote ya a sec "thats why to this day ive never trained a crit to arch from level 1, it takes too much time"   so that gives you the right to declare yourself staff worthy earlier?  we want advisors that know things other than the for sale forum.

First off i havent been that active in the last few years. When one alt came out and for the first 5 or 6 years i was highly active. I have done my fair share of farming and saved up a ton over the years. True i have never done 1-30. So what. Mad that i took the smarter less time route? Jealous maybe? I have leveled up crits that were over lvl 31 and done quite a few. If you dont believe me you can ask Jc my former sharer. He can tell you of the hundreds of millions of exp i put on crits we owned and traded off at one point for other stuff. Also i rarely attend anything anymore. Although the last thing i did attend wasnt for me as i already had the item. I dont just do stuff solely for myself. I do help others. I've tried to get more people on that server myself before but the morons that want it to be just them ran them off. Even last night i asked a player who was coming back what class he would like as i had something of every class for him to have yet he declined as he dont have the time to play.


As for the whole staff thing? Wow. I suggested i would do it. Yet i claim im qualified(insert sarcasm for douchebags). I suggested as i would do it to run events and even help get a quest going every year as my time schedule would allow for me to. Yes i know stuff about both servers. Yes i have managed to do a ton on both. No i dont know everything. No i dont take someones side because of who they are. No you wont get your way with me by manipulation like you try with current staff. It was a half hearted suggestion. No wonder you get no staff. Also i think you think yourself to be qualified yet you have prolly exploited more stuff then anyone else ingame. I do remember it being you running back and forth on traps on a druid because you didnt want people to go somewhere before. Im sure there are tons of other things you have exploited as well just that i cant think of them atm.


Another thing to answer. Yes i did help with the Red Dragon edit. As much as you give me credit for? No. Stig was already going to make it more difficult on his own. All i did was help with what type of mob to be added. Basically the name Kitsune as we was talking bout them one day from when i was watching Teen Wolf. Then we went into all the types of them etc. As for them being as difficult i dont think that was the intention. I think the intention was to make it around a 5 to 6 man boss. As one of the quests has taught me that if a single acct can do a boss then alot of times they will do it and wont invite others.


Addressing another thing. Gothmog i believe is the only grandmaster boss you can get to with a pacifist. Yet like Mike said it takes a ton of other keys from other bosses that you have to have a party of grandmasters and one that even a grandmaster party alone cant do. Also i think Europa and maybe one other pacifist could have pulled that off. I seriously doubt a lower lvl can even attempt it due to the lack of stamina and hp etc.


Also i know you arent referring to me as a cheater. I have never botted. Never autorolled. I even helped point out a ton of cheaters myself. As far as im concerned the only thing im guilty of is trading over and over to get what i want. No rules against that. Cant say i rip people off either. I just paid a cobalt and 3 mil for a lvl 35 mage that only had basics.




Basically all that needs to be said is " Stop whining and play the FREE game you are given, nobody owes anyone anything"

Peacemaker both servers.

#72 Terron

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Posted 03 March 2016 - 06:24 PM

jake the last time i was jealous of you was in 2005 when you rolled a first 5 stat , It was short-lived with the almost daily asking Plz take me to hedge maze i just cant seem to figure it out - good times   glad to see you caught on enough to stay and become a player.


no jake you don't cheat you're barely on. quote //First off i haven't been that active in the last few years.//quote on the multi side i havent been active in 3 years either since i sold my parties to scott, you, and a few others, aswell as asking mary and jen if it was kool if i sold the TR ch everyone is in after holding it for mutual frenemies for half a decade.


"you talk about teamwork, we invited the entire server, always do, its been a clan rule since 2009" "has taught me that if a single acct can do a boss then alot of times they will do it and wont invite others."- those 2 quotes directly conflict each other not to mention thats the only discrepancies the server has had in years was people doing that, which usually resulted in a clan "timeout". sorry if I didn't catch them all. that is what newer players do, like the ones that acquire a new sharer from main and start hitting shadow wraith w/o the others, hmm i kinda recall that was you in that mix up.  You already know why they do it, its because they genuinely need the items.  the moral is to stay logged in for longer than 5 minutes and you will normally get invited to something, when u pop on type # and see no bossing and log off that doesn't help us get a grasp on the numbers to try better bosses. so we go with the actives which ironically are 2 accts. also ironic, those are the only 2 accts that have farmed seals and keys for those big bosses in the past 7 years. also ironic, those are the accts that the 3 players that cleric 90% of trips live in. also ironic,  the irony of it all.


if they stopped sharing or used seperate accounts would bosses get changed to be weaker? lol cuz thats about fkin dumb


by which quest are you referring? probably gaz's quest with the multiple areas where matty and I found different quest areas almost at the exact same time, and 20 players left me for dead at ktps because ranger thief pally area sounded like more fun than the fighter/cleric one i was stuck dieing in? yeah i remember it very well.  Guess who came to help me out? a wild guess? Andy, Craig, and Rick.  then while exitting area to merge with danny and mattys party, we were left behind, even after directly communicating we'd be out in 30 seconds and brt and with replies that you were in pub. we get there and party wasnt even there they were already deep in the area at the boss rofl. didnt really think we needed to use clan loc to shift through lying cow-turds for a purple cap.  then for the first time ever andy and I decided. fk it. anything with a cleric is better off and we went to farming treats. infact we farmed the most treats by almost triple.  20 players that suck running a party on 1a vs the best and most organized did you think it would go the other way?



Gaddy multi server was made entirely NOPK for 3 and a half years, during that time items were so easy to find you could buy items from people in groups of 20 for cheap because there was a surplus of several 100's of items. During which time stamina was increased bombs were set to 0 damage etc.  the fact that you can try to state i know nothing of the multi economy when i have played it almost every week except the last 3 years.  the last 3 years have only contributed to the mass item loss.  yes i have never seen any 3 party boss.  doesn't mean that i cant think its flawed development that a 3 party boss can be slain by 1 character - because it is. but its ultimately not up to any of us.  theres little to no point in trying to bring comparisons of other bosses or your p.o.v. because  its just my opinion.



edit: from my standpoint, there is almost nothing needed on multi alt, maybe areas and newer types of characters to play. so i generally suggest 1a things.  because id like to see 2 great servers.

Edited by Terron, 03 March 2016 - 06:30 PM.

"Wake Up!!" 

#73 Stig

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Posted 04 March 2016 - 03:41 PM

Okay, to clarify a few things about Gothmog.  He can be soloed by a Pacifist who is hitting and running, but one fizzle on Greater Pact, or using too much stamina by mistake and being stuck on his square as it wears off, and you're guaranteed to die because he does a heap of damage even if you have Subdue cast, not to mention he has a regular Balrog reinforcing him, and 3 Balrogs on the square before.  It took me about 2 hours to kill him with just Europa, along with tributing 25,000 gold on top of the Lodestones, Climbing Gear and the Anchor Stone (the area's key) that I brought in.  That's the other thing... Europa is a Legendary Protector who sports a heap of Charisma modifiers from the quests over the years, so he's doing to do a lot more damage than most others, but he is by all definitions a glass cannon with average Dexterity and very low Constitution (he only has 344 HP at level 40).

The Grande Inquisitor I am able to solo, but that's because I have a large number of level 40s and four Clerics with 6 stamina.  Even then you really have to be on point with what you attack, especially when he starts spawning Inquisitors... not to mention that for the first part of the fight, you have a pair of Paladins of the Inquisition, one of which is specifically attacking your healers relentlessly.  I actually find the Marshal harder, even if the fight is shorter, if just because he tends to dish out more flat damage overall (and a double attack on my Mage instantly kills it, regardless of HP, because it amounts to 400 damage).

And as has been mentioned, there's a lot of investment to get to Gothmog and then to actually defeat him.  It's a very high risk for a reward that you might not always get... bear in mind that Gothmog's most common drop is a Sentant Stone.

There's only so much I can do for 1-alt.  If I'm right in thinking, not all of the drops from the Katahdin Tundra have been obtained yet.  But there's only so much I can do without changing the game's internals, something I cannot do.  There's little incentive to be a Cleric user if the boss isn't undead - you have to rely on player honour and honesty if you want a chance at a drop, and once someone has obtained said drop, there's also little incentive to help others, and if a player wants to be selfish and greedy, there's little that can be done sometimes.

Multi-alt does have very different mechanics to 1-alt, and is much more focused on PvE, I've found.  The hardest stuff requires teamwork, which can be fun in itself rather than a chore, but a lot you can do by yourself without too much fear.  You know, you can actually relax and enjoy yourself.  True, some of the bosses that are meant to require multiple players, like Gothmog, Resca and the Sleeper, can theoretically be soloed by a single player, but it requires literally years of investment and a degree of skill and close attention.


I was one of those people who wanted the Cobalt Staff of the Winds removed from 1-alt before one was actually bought, and in fact, reducing its vamparic rating was a way to test the water with it.  Predictably, there was uproar.  The trouble is, with such a powerful shop-bought item, it makes it unappealing to kill bosses in order to get Sovereign Swords, for example.

For the Kitsunes, they are meant to be glass cannons that are easy to kill if the party is relatively large (around 7 or 8 or so)... someone can easily switch their attention to kill them before they do their high-damage spell (generally, a single 4-stamina round will slay it), otherwise they just do relatively insignificant scratch damage; with a smaller party, one is more likely to survive long enough to really hurt and possibly kill a character.

Really, reading these posts are giving me a headache.  I'll take another look at Stonewhisper at some point though, but such areas are not meant to be done by such few players.


P.S. Shadow Drake is inaccessible to Pacifists because they are blocked from entering the Temple of Sun and Shadow.  Even if they could, they would have to land about 1,000 hits of Depurate Undead within 5 minutes, all while moving, healing, trying not to lose it as it sprints ahead or accidentally fall into a death trap (and yes, it actually flies over one at one point, forcing you to go around).

#74 Terron

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Posted 04 March 2016 - 08:01 PM

ty stig for the post. 


i only had the discrepancies because i dont see how a crit should be equally as powerful as a party of 50 gms - 2 hours or not. even if its a single character on a 20 character server.  but its relatively the same thing as taking a 6 stam pacifist and 500k to imhotep and getting 4-5 kills. only difference is imhotep takes 12 gms not 50.  just the simple math would suggest you would need 2-3 pacis.  w/o major lag or monster attack speeds of 1 attack every .000001 seconds there is almost no way a pacifist dies.  but its whatever. grats on the kill.


other than that, both servers are about PVE because pvp doesn't exist and the race/class scenario leaves the best pvp characters, also the best at PVE. 

take ranger for example - as a game developer you see 95% of the rangers ingame are halfling some other race like dwarf should be unlocked to even that sh!t out.


and kitsunes are frail yes, but they very often get summoned and hit 200s right away. summons seem to happen alot faster with larger parties, dunno maybe he rolls a summon chance vs every player in party until it succeeds.. a few trips ago nighthawk was murdered by 3 quick summons and all hit 200 damage on him before our 2 clerics even regened stamina. it was a party of 11 so it was bad luck,but either way losing 35m exp for a 95% drop rate of a dragonstone, coupled with a 9% chance of winning a random if a drop even happens, isn't even worth the trouble. 9% chance of random * a 5 % drop rate is 0.0045 chance at an item.

id rather kill sk since he always drops and craft 4 ac rings. 4 ac rings are as much endgame material as Red Dragons drops.  which is why we typically ignore that boss lol.

"Wake Up!!" 

#75 Rodeo

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Posted 04 March 2016 - 08:47 PM

As small as both servers are player wise the main developer should make a effort to communicate with all players reguadjng bosses, areas, items and features. As a developer of a game that has a player base of 10 you no longer need advisors yoy can simply ask the players who actually play the game.

I understand the mentality that this game had 400 players at its peak and that some things were not ment to be discussed with players.

But when you say you have two games and one developer and you have one game (main) that is complete(balanced). Then you have another that is incomplete (1a). It makes alot of sense for you to focus your time on balancing 1a and asking the main players who get nuts done advise on things.

What I get is the feeling that someone has some hate for the Main people holding 1a together through one account and when they do the unthinkable or undoable it gets changed without even consulting the players who achieved the feat. How in the hell does that seem fair?

If it's so much work for ya stig have your fellow players make some areas items or even bosses and even test these things and see what's broken before letting people advise you on what's broke when it really isnt.

#76 Rodeo

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Posted 04 March 2016 - 08:50 PM

This is in no way a bash just how I see things.

#77 Cadabra


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Posted 04 March 2016 - 09:19 PM

The cobalt has been .2 for a long time and still nobody wants sovereign swords. Why not change it back? It's hard to survive with certain characters.

I don't really care about Gothmog and I think killing it solo on a pacifist is a great feat. I thought Ganymede was a drag on a Pacifist. So congratulations!

1-alt is practically PvE now and has been since everyone went to DA. Ok there's a chance it could change but it would be nice to actually get some good mod drops. I love the stat rings even though they are pretty rare to get.(Like they should be)

Stonewhisper does need some attention tho however. That place just doesn't fit the current player base and I don't see it rising.
Nightmist is like Pringles, once you pop you just cant stop.

#78 Banishment

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Posted 04 March 2016 - 10:59 PM

I agree that the vamp should go back to .3, most mobs that are needed for leveling are difficult as fk to do on your own so why would you use a non vamp weapon over an end game one that wont force you to run hundreds of potions somewhere.  It also costs 10mil, have you tried golding 10mil with 1 character on 1a?


So far the only weapon i would consider using over a cobalt is sword of light, only because it has quite a few useful mods and a pally can already heal itself.

"Rules for thee but not for me."

#79 ice_cold

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Posted 07 March 2016 - 09:16 AM

 1a could use some real advisor's, not some tool that bought all his characters from me for pretend at greatness.  some advisors to help stig do minor balancing on crates, bosses, monsters in a chat/email setting outside of mainers.  we don't need a green forum name to help make our server better.

You always give me a mighty laugh when I stop by. I would like to point out how the 3 characters I used included a crappy Paladin I leveled from 1-35 myself, a cleric that nicole was going to sell to you but I decided I was going to level it instead from 27 to whatever level its at right now, and a thief that was leveled by Holly. But lets not let facts get in the way of our crap slinging right?

To think you would try to throw me in with those lowly, book-buying, bird-loving, antique-buying, sucktoasts who use their hard garnered gold they earned in game to buy characters is such an insult I haven't a clue what I'm going to do with myself, I'm shaking with the amount of anger flaring inside of me right now.

I read somewhere that ostrichs hide their heads under the sand because moles watch porn.

ScarletMuse 03/2/2005 11:20am

#80 Terron

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Posted 08 March 2016 - 02:41 AM

hi danny


im pretty sure most, if not every player knows where the crits come from , its not like we have new players to try and pull fast ones over.. the cleric was 32 when corey sold it.. and i was not going to buy it, i was going to lower the amount of gold nicole owed me for lending her millions of gold to level up.  the thief angel was 25 when i bought it for holly, it was violate, the crit i rolled and sold to matty.  stuff happened when you were an annoying potion gathering dust at ngh.


 It was nice that you could level a paladin to 35 and put some levels on a cleric. is that the only classes you have advised? and shouldn't it be a prerequisite to be able to actually succeed at using a class before giving advice on it?  you were a horrible player and it showed.


great job on that art folder tho, there's a few no-pics left if you want to demonstrate that nm talent you picked up over 15 years

"Wake Up!!" 

#81 Terron

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Posted 08 March 2016 - 03:28 AM


I agree that the vamp should go back to .3, most mobs that are needed for leveling are difficult as fk to do on your own so why would you use a non vamp weapon over an end game one that wont force you to run hundreds of potions somewhere.  It also costs 10mil, have you tried golding 10mil with 1 character on 1a?


So far the only weapon i would consider using over a cobalt is sword of light, only because it has quite a few useful mods and a pally can already heal itself.


the vamp is irrelevant.


just break it down into classes


mage - no vamp -  have the possibility to kill around 95% of the monsters available to them ingame

ranger - can kil any monster that doesn't resist hypno vamp or not 

cleric- can kill almost every monster ingame, the extent reaches as far as the monsters don't round them, or make their stam insufficient with all self healing, some monsters may prove difficult but id say that 75% of monsters can be killed by this class 

druid with damage Spells- can kill alot of monsters probably 80%, lots of mana and pathetic damage.

paladin-same extent as cleric except their armor, damage, healing, and buffs suck, can kill maybe 45% of the monsters available to them ingame.

druid with morph, fighter, zerk ,thief -  No vamp? forget it.  every .1 vamp rating barely adds 10 monsters to the killable list for these classes  and even with 100 vamp the hps and specs of characters and mobs wouldn't make that much difference in an overall perspective.


the only way to be successful obviously is to be unhittable (hypno invisibility/camo, *pacifist) or to have armor, buffs, stamina and healing spells that surpass the monsters overall power.  point taken is a paladin heals for 70 ish and even with 100 vamp it would be rare to see these classes vamping 70 hps per stamina. all it does is make you hit weaker monsters only because there is only 1 tank ingame, and that is simply a cleric. 


needless to say the vamp isn't the problem its monsters that hit 100s of damage and attack 3-6x every stamina regen, and the fact that most of those mobs do enough damage to kill a lvl 40 in 1-2 rounds.  the whole problem is nothing can tank 3000 hp monsters that hit 6x for 75-100 every 10 seconds.  


we tried to get development to balance classes for a dozen years already. its a no-go people, ,better just hope for weaker monsters and more internal hps.

"Wake Up!!" 

#82 Cadabra


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Posted 08 March 2016 - 01:55 PM

You attempted to smite a Modern Art Sculpture but failed and caused 466 points of damage.
A Modern Art Sculpture attacked you with its Flailing Pieces for 34 points of damage.
A Modern Art Sculpture attacked you with its Flailing Pieces for 37 points of damage.
A Modern Art Sculpture attacked you with its Flailing Pieces for 31 points of damage.
A Modern Art Sculpture attacked you with its Flailing Pieces for 31 points of damage.
You attempted to smite a Modern Art Sculpture but failed and caused 359 points of damage.
A Modern Art Sculpture attacked you with its Flailing Pieces for 32 points of damage.
A Modern Art Sculpture tried to attack you with its Flailing Pieces but you dodged the blow.
A Modern Art Sculpture attacked you with its Flailing Pieces but your armor blocked some of the blow for 22 points of damage.
A Modern Art Sculpture attacked you with its Flailing Pieces but your armor blocked some of the blow for 24 points of damage.
A Modern Art Sculpture attacked you with its Flailing Pieces for 30 points of damage.
Calculator: 34+37+31+31+32+22+24+30 = 241   Damage to me.
Now i had a Blood Axe which is .1:
Calculator: 36+47 = 83hp return giving me 153 HP loss for 1 kill...
With a Cobalt:
Calculator: 36+47*2 = 166   Even with cobalt you make a 75hp loss at .2 per kill.
Also point out i was on a 38 H-Orc Berserker.

Edited by Cadabra, 08 March 2016 - 01:56 PM.

Nightmist is like Pringles, once you pop you just cant stop.

#83 ice_cold

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Posted 08 March 2016 - 02:56 PM

hi danny


im pretty sure most, if not every player knows where the crits come from , its not like we have new players to try and pull fast ones over.. the cleric was 32 when corey sold it.. and i was not going to buy it, i was going to lower the amount of gold nicole owed me for lending her millions of gold to level up.  the thief angel was 25 when i bought it for holly, it was violate, the crit i rolled and sold to matty.  stuff happened when you were an annoying potion gathering dust at ngh.


 It was nice that you could level a paladin to 35 and put some levels on a cleric. is that the only classes you have advised? and shouldn't it be a prerequisite to be able to actually succeed at using a class before giving advice on it?  you were a horrible player and it showed.


great job on that art folder tho, there's a few no-pics left if you want to demonstrate that nm talent you picked up over 15 years


I'm glad you know where my characters came from better than me... oh wait... you don't. On that note, which is it? did I get all my characters from you or did I not? Seems like you haven't a clue what you're talking about as always.

As stated, I leveled the cleric from 29 up.
Paladin 1-35
Thief was leveled by Holly from what ever level to 35. If you're stating you were involved on some huge scale because you got it for her at level 25...

I would advise you look at the exp from 25 to 35. It also sounds like other then buying it for her you had no involvement in it what so ever. I would also like to point out even if the cleric came from Corey at 32, that still has absolutely nothing to do you with you right? 

There's a word for people like you Piddy, it's called Meglomania. Not everything involves you, not everything is based solely off your own opinions, and your part in the large scheme of things is relatively small. Every post you come up with "everything is horrible, staff are horrible, this game is horrible, all these other games are better with more people and cooler stuff". 

So why are you here?

I read somewhere that ostrichs hide their heads under the sand because moles watch porn.

ScarletMuse 03/2/2005 11:20am

#84 Terron

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Posted 08 March 2016 - 05:18 PM

hey danny


i owned finale after corey dumbass, who do you think sold it to tony? it was 32 kthnx.  angel was trained by holly and me :o  long nights with a capped thief on gnoll guards bro. safety first , pking scribe each hour so no-one could come down there.  you obviously don't know much of your inherited account.


man we love you and need you to come back tho, need your expertise.


point is you've trained next to nothing. and the 9 active forum accounts left, aren't NEW people so they already know you as an idiot.  you succeeded at that for sure..



/t matty that's devastating. that monster is one of the weakest monsters in-game and you struggle.  so .3 vamp would help on that monster and probably 4-5 others,  rune staff would add a small handful more.  

the point is you could have staff feeding you vampire blood potions, and you still wont kill as many available monsters as those unhittable classes, not even close lol.

secondly almost every monster added since 1a started is just making that fact more and more.  love the additions but hey aren't really friendly to vamp dependant classes and definitely not to crappy vamp substitutes.


it just is what it is.  id come up with an idea to help change it, but it would be thrashed by mods and mainers, and frankly they just look at you like a d-bag for even suggesting the game could be better.  so instead i gave myself some advice in the form of "Don't even bother."

"Wake Up!!" 

#85 Sneaky

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Posted 08 March 2016 - 06:23 PM

right, this thread's full of posts of you not even bothering. 


I'm curious, do you go into Chipotle and bang on things because they refuse to make you a burger, or is it just on the internets that you demand the impossible for a good/service that you don't pay for? 


Stig has mentioned that he's trying, but pointed out that there's little support from admin. He can only do so much, and drama on the player base prevents good development -- some of ya'll hate each other, which leads to no co-operation (No incentive to cleric if the boss isn't undead; unwillingness to go on boss trips after you get the item), which is devastating to a server that relies on cooperation. 

Chuck Norris wears Jack Bauer pajamas.

deimos the noob said no

#86 Peacemaker

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Posted 08 March 2016 - 07:04 PM

Just to clear up the thief thing. Name was Violence. It was trained by me up to lvl 25. It was around the time Don played and we all ran around in swamp in Animosity. I sold it to Holly for 1 blade of time on main server. 

Peacemaker both servers.

#87 Terron

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Posted 08 March 2016 - 07:04 PM

i don't eat out, i cook at home.  so yes i beat on things with dull knives and a meat mallet.


nothing is impossible, the fact that staff have added nearly 1/3 of the game to 1a in the past 4 years is great.  it took alot of time.  it would just be faster to balance the monsters.  sure, there doesnt need to be 2000 small snake clones, but there doesnt need to be 2500 hp monsters that outdamage most bosses either. its faster because 1/2 the characters cant even use the majority of ingame content as it is.  so why add more they cant even use?


we dont hate each other, we hated danny. hes gone.  next after that we hate players who play main entirely and scream about 1a monsters and changes. i play both and you dont hear me screaming that multi alt monsters should attack 20x as fast or do 20x the damage.

 main is fine, 1a isn't.  a fked up 1a has more players than main.  wrap your mind around how 1a's playerbase would tower over mains if 1a was as balanced as multi. not that 15 isnt already towering over 8.



edit : you are correct jake.  but i swapped her violate for violence because of hps and i was going to reset for a low lvl pker.  old violence was reset to a zerk by me, it was named rhododendron, im not sure what nick has done with it.

Edited by Terron, 08 March 2016 - 07:10 PM.

"Wake Up!!" 

#88 Rodeo

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Posted 08 March 2016 - 08:00 PM

I hate seeing Danny posting. I vote for Danny to be banned from the forums.

#89 Banishment

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Posted 08 March 2016 - 09:18 PM

right, this thread's full of posts of you not even bothering. 


I'm curious, do you go into Chipotle and bang on things because they refuse to make you a burger, or is it just on the internets that you demand the impossible for a good/service that you don't pay for? 


Stig has mentioned that he's trying, but pointed out that there's little support from admin. He can only do so much, and drama on the player base prevents good development -- some of ya'll hate each other, which leads to no co-operation (No incentive to cleric if the boss isn't undead; unwillingness to go on boss trips after you get the item), which is devastating to a server that relies on cooperation. 


May i ask why you all assume to think that 1a players dont cooperate with eachother? Most of us get along fine and boss whenever we have the damage to do so.


Piddy and Andy dont really even need/want the drops and even step out of randoms most the time, yet they are still the main people who lead/cleric bosses and even farm seals/keys just so the server can boss.

Edited by Banishment, 08 March 2016 - 09:22 PM.

"Rules for thee but not for me."

#90 Sneaky

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Posted 08 March 2016 - 09:38 PM

May i ask why you all assume to think that 1a players dont cooperate with eachother? Most of us get along fine and boss whenever we have the damage to do so.


Piddy and Andy dont really even need/want the drops and even step out of randoms most the time, yet they are still the main people who lead/cleric bosses and even farm seals/keys just so the server can boss.



The bickering on this thread, along with the # of Cobalt Bows to be crafted on 1a, plus the frequency of Ku'nal / Credenza trips on that server, are the basis for my assumption. Fair question, though. 


In my time playing 1a, I saw many instances of players expressing no interest in boss trips because they already had the drop they needed.


Rodeo, you are a troll -- "piddy for president"; "danny sucks"; "make the game easier for me" sums up your forum post history. 

Chuck Norris wears Jack Bauer pajamas.

deimos the noob said no

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