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Explanation On Mine And Kevs Actions

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#61 PureMourning

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Posted 15 December 2004 - 03:18 AM

You have experience as a staffer on both games and chatrooms?! Wow... it'd be interesting to see what qualifications those administrators were looking for prior to hiring you. Now, I will admit, I'm no connoisseur when it comes to dyslexia, but if you have as much familarity with chatting as you claim, you'd think you could tell the difference between 'know' and 'no'.

Now would you be as so kind to explain to me with more elaboration how exactly.... I'm wrong? My dispute was simply geared towards people not including everyone in their blame and grief, to a result of Bun’s actions. Then you turn around and say that they should? That’s next to saying that you routinely know everyone’s feelings towards the issue at hand, when obviously that shouldn’t be assumed. Especially when a hand full could care less.
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#62 AnEskimo

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Posted 15 December 2004 - 03:36 AM

I think it was very stupid and not funny at all that this happened, but telling them to burn in hell because they played a stupid F*cking joke (very stupid) on a text-based game? lol thats kinda extreame...I think they should be punished (aka banned) but I'd say leave the insults and punishment sh*t to ingame lol...

but let me say again, I do agree with the fact that this was not funny at all.
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#63 Limit

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Posted 15 December 2004 - 03:52 AM

Personally im not up for wasting anymore time with this thread or the people involved but my reasoning for my hostile post being I for one dont enjoy getting phonecalls about someone ive know for yrs being dead.. and the fact it wasnt true is enough for me. I honestly hope neither of you are banned. I hope you have enough dignity to leave on your own, you wont be welcomed back i can assure it.
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#64 DemonSkys

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Posted 15 December 2004 - 04:21 AM

Kev the lil "joke" was deplorable. And I hope you're throughly happy with what all it has cost.

Bun I hope you're also happy with what you now get with flaming for others. But let me make something clear to you


Death is a cruel reality that faces us all as we grow older. It's something we all will do when and as we grow from the day we're born. If you want death. Go to a nursing home and look around you. See what Death truely is. And see if you'll joke about it then.
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#65 Exilus

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Posted 15 December 2004 - 06:15 AM

You have experience as a staffer on both games and chatrooms?! Wow... it'd be interesting to see what qualifications those administrators were looking for prior to hiring you.  Now, I will admit, I'm no connoisseur when it comes to dyslexia, but if you have as much familarity with chatting as you claim, you'd think you could tell the difference between 'know' and 'no'.

Now would you be as so kind to explain to me with more elaboration how exactly.... I'm wrong? My dispute was simply geared towards people not including everyone in their blame and grief, to a result of Bun’s actions. Then you turn around and say that they should? That’s next to saying that you routinely know everyone’s feelings towards the issue at hand, when obviously that shouldn’t be assumed. Especially when a hand full could care less.

As i said i will comment no more on this, you shold have paid attention to what i said after, because i did answer you, and so you know i wasn't attacking you i was stating a fact that you choose to ignore, people saying that everyone doesn't matter, i was talking about your comment that people will forgive in a game like this.

And with dislexia your lucky you got knnow, where no should have been and not gibberish you straight couldnt understand.

Edited by Exilus, 15 December 2004 - 06:19 AM.

The rebirth is coming, is he god or devil? The fires of Sol are burning. May they burn your fingers.

#66 Therion

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Posted 15 December 2004 - 06:48 AM

I actually found it quite hilarious, maybe because I didnt believe it for a second?

Reasons why no-one should have believed it:
-No obiturary...ok hard to believe but ill go with it
-It came from Bun, theres the clincher!

If you people take things that seriously that you cannot just look past things, you need to unwind. Yes i realise that it was a case of a 'friend' dieing. But at the same time, you have to look at the probability of the situation happening...Yeah, it does happen, and yeah lots of people die from it. But all of you took this whole thing far too seriously.

Pay your respects and leave it at that, there is no need to get 'angry' at something that never took place, and was set up as a joke. If you stand back and look at it, it is absolutly fkin priceless, maybe its my twisted sence of humor, or possibly the fact that I didnt really care, i talked to kev on occation...But anyone that is met online in a GAME, should never really get that close where you make a spectacle over nothing.

This is all messed up, so feel free to post your arguements and ill clerify and will be happy to make you look like a fool.

#67 Deval

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Posted 15 December 2004 - 09:51 AM

I really couldn't care less about all that has happened, however I also knew it was a pile of crap. I'm not offended in any way shape or form but I have this to say to those of you who find this hilarious. brilliant, and/or golden: How easily are you amused? This whole escapade never even warrented a smirk from me, let alone being classed as a 'golden prank'. Amatuers.
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#68 Raylen


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Posted 15 December 2004 - 12:26 PM

Hehe, to quote Bart Simpson (kinda)... Bun i have as much respect for you now as i ever have done, or ever will do B)

Also, he tried telling me before that Tom and Alex died in Florida in one of the hurricanes, so this one was always likely to be untrue.

Anyhow, if this was my game i'd perm ban the lot of ya, but then i am not as tolerant as JLH :unsure:
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#69 alone

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Posted 15 December 2004 - 01:27 PM

The only part I found even vaguely amusing, was how easy it was for everyone to believe a kid.

Other than that, just be glad this isn't my game :unsure:
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#70 Perfector

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Posted 15 December 2004 - 01:31 PM


....or not

#71 Tom

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Posted 15 December 2004 - 03:44 PM

i cant believe some tossers are saying ban the lot of us, me and alex had nothing to do with this at all you need to get your mooseing facts right nob jockeys.
Feck Off

#72 Ryuku


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Posted 15 December 2004 - 03:58 PM

I took it seriously, and was very sad (x.x) but I'm just happy Kev isn't dead.

*Still Buns friend*

#73 Stodge

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Posted 15 December 2004 - 05:34 PM

i cant believe some tossers are saying ban the lot of us, me and alex had nothing to do with this at all you need to get your mooseing facts right nob jockeys.

This is so stupid the fact bun is dumb enough to lie about a mooseing serious subject like death!!! and i agree with tom why shld we get banned whn we bought the truth out and wer quite darn upset about the whole thing, i know i was it made my day feel like complete crap and i sat alone at school just thinking!
Bun is one of my best mates irl but this has to be the most mooseing stupidist thing he has ever done and i agree he should be punished, if thats wots going to happen thn let him be punished!

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#74 Aidon

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Posted 15 December 2004 - 06:19 PM

If you havent seen the 328768579234694945794509795747502975487598724758497509475
threads about morons sharing with other morons who get banned, thus screwing up all who shared, I suggest you take a look through the Discussion Boards, along with the old forum. *Remembers a certain post by a JLH*

Just like in real life if you are friends with people who are pieces of trash and are intelligentally declined, then their actions will naturally rub off on those considered to be thier close friends.

As for the whole situation, I find it funny that with all this going on Kev still hasn't posted. Notice has Bun takes it on himself to just make up what Kev would be saying. I would think even if I were working 14 hours a day as Bun said Kev was, that if I knew I had caused this much trouble I would take 5 to make a post explaining myself. Personally I think Bun did this on his own, STILL hasn't notified Kev who is working much and hasn't checked the forums. I find it very hard to believe one word out of Bun, which is why I doubted anything had actually happened to Kev. As for those who are saying that nothing should happen to those involved, because people shouldn't have believed them, It doesn't matter if noone should believe a crap face like Bun, or his friends, some people actually have more human compassion than those like us, which believe it or not, ISNT a downfall. Personally, I see playing with those peoples emotions, especially in such a drastic way, as severe harassment, and warantable for a drastic ban, because we don't need that type of trash plaguing our game.

#75 Bun

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Posted 15 December 2004 - 06:31 PM

talk about over reacting

Edited by Bun, 15 December 2004 - 06:32 PM.


I never went to asia this year i fly by and gave them a big wave.

#76 Prophet

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Posted 15 December 2004 - 06:40 PM

You just don't joke about stuff like this though.
Si Senior!

#77 Exilus

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Posted 15 December 2004 - 06:51 PM

I don't do this often Aidon, Damn i agree with everything you just said... ok well said today,
The rebirth is coming, is he god or devil? The fires of Sol are burning. May they burn your fingers.

#78 Tom

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Posted 15 December 2004 - 07:02 PM

/t aidon true actully for all you lot know he could be dead.... harsh if ya think about it.
Feck Off

#79 PureMourning

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Posted 15 December 2004 - 07:42 PM

I honestly still don't see the connection between our posts, and the relevance in some of the responses of my original points. I usually don't target one person and go after them often, and I will say I'm sorry if I pushed any buttons. I don't see any potential of any of this being non-vague. The whole situation is so messy.

I'll step away from this thread, as of you.
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#80 Shera

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Posted 15 December 2004 - 08:05 PM

I have a pretty sick sense of humor but I didnt find this remotely funny and I didnt take it that seriously considering it was Bun that said it. Couldnt you have at least come up with something original? The whole fake death thing was done before and not many found it funny then, did ya really think that would have changed? Like since it was you doing it that it was somehow magically become funny to everyone?!? I had an Aunt (my mothers only sister) die in a car accident when I was younger, she left behind 3 children, one of them only 6 months old. I've also lost a couple friends in car accidents, so to me the whole "death by car accident joke" is gosh.

I do not and will never understand how the thought of causing someone else pain gives other people pleasure. Because that is what happened Bun, like was already said, you saw how people were reacting on the forums about it so you knew what you were doing. I applaud you for coming clean though, that did take some guts. Grow up Bun. If you are going to play a "joke" you have to know your audience and either do not or you are lying about not knowing what kind of reaction you would get.

To the people that are making fun of others for having emotions and believing Bun: you are just as bad as Bun is in this situation. You are being judgmental and arrogent. It is VERY arrogent to assume just because you did not get emotional or chose to play the game a certain way that others do the same. Imo, not that it matters to any of you, you are some sad people and I hope one day you actually become a mature person. Just in case I have to spell it out, yes I'm saying you are immature.

Edited by Shera, 15 December 2004 - 08:06 PM.

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#81 Malavon

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Posted 15 December 2004 - 08:12 PM

i cant believe some tossers are saying ban the lot of us, me and alex had nothing to do with this at all you need to get your mooseing facts right nob jockeys.

I don't really like any of you, so I'd be more than happy if all of you got banned and decided to moose off.

#82 Sneaky

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Posted 15 December 2004 - 08:13 PM

Very well said, Aidon.

Alex, Tom- perm ban because you share with him, and from what I understand you're all best mates and bun could easily go over to one of your houses to play.
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#83 deadman

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Posted 15 December 2004 - 08:30 PM

I agee with Aidon in every aspect of his post..

I still go by ban them all each one of them had a fault in this matter.
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#84 Exor

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Posted 15 December 2004 - 08:42 PM

I agee with Aidon in every aspect of his post..

I still go by ban them all each one of them had a fault in this matter.

or not
-Mark aka Exor aka Android_20 aka Illidan

#85 Vodka

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Posted 15 December 2004 - 08:49 PM

I'm still waiting on the deceased one to post . . .
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#86 EvilDognapot

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Posted 15 December 2004 - 08:50 PM

explain why in the hell jlh should ban these guys from the game? it doesn't make sense to me, i'll try and explain why...

1. no one benefitted from exploiting any game or forum mechanics.

2. no one was intentionally hurt. you may say that death is serious bidness or they intended to toy with everyone's emotions but let's be serious about relationships here. if they didn't think you'd mind that much, then it's obviously your problem for not accurately evaluating your relationship with these guys.

3. if you go through the stages of mourning in less than 24 hours you obviously don't care that much either. if it was really someone close to you then you would most likely be just leaving 'denial'.

4. harrassment is not reading a post willfully. that's reading a post willfully. asking someone to hit you in the face is not assault. it's just what you chose.

this is social engineering. i remember when social engineering applies to account stealing jlh won't do anything because you made the choice on your own. even though the other person was clever and you thought you guys were like super-family, you can be wrong. deal with it. just because death is a button issue doesn't mean we have to respond with knee-jerk reactions. once again, deal with it.
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#87 Aidon

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Posted 15 December 2004 - 08:59 PM

1. Not all bans are from exploitation of mechanics, hence cussing, spamming, player abuse, etc.

2. Whether he says it or not, and whether he is a kid or not, Bun new very well that some people would be hurt by it. Hes a dumba**, not a 3 year old.

3. Stages of mourning dont apply to someone who isnt dead. And as I imagine you know not everyone goes through all stages of mourning anyways, its a generalized rule.

4.Forgetting he also told the lies in game, where people didnt "willfully" listen?

#88 EvilDognapot

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Posted 15 December 2004 - 09:24 PM

it's not harrassment unless you're told to stop, or know your meanderings are unwelcome and persist anyways. this doesn't qualify as spamming, which is very similar to harrassment. in game, on forum, it really looks like everyone made it clear that they didn't want to hear anything other than "ohmigod he deadX0r?!?11?" every person who held doubts that i saw was criticized by the grief-hungry mob. people holding out for reason there were closer to harrassing folks than our village idiot here.

also, people who don't go through the stages of mourning didn't mourn. if there wasn't any denial, bargaining, etc. then where's the grief at all? people who go through those stages don't need a person to be dead, it's the perception that they are. thus, i don't see the point you make.

i just see a big curve towards insano-stupidity starting at bun's first death post and can't fathom why everyone must follow it so zealously.
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#89 Shera

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Posted 15 December 2004 - 09:43 PM

explain why in the hell jlh should ban these guys from the game? it doesn't make sense to me, i'll try and explain why...

2. no one was intentionally hurt. you may say that death is serious bidness or they intended to toy with everyone's emotions but let's be serious about relationships here. if they didn't think you'd mind that much, then it's obviously your problem for not accurately evaluating your relationship with these guys.

First off I dont think Bun should be banned. I think he should be able to play nm just so he can see on his comp screen just how people feel about him. IMO banning would just give people a chance to cool off about their anger/hurt towards him. And no I'm not angry or hurt by what he did, I find it sick but I never trusted him enough to believe him in the first place.

Bun posted on his thread I think more then once. Even if he did not he saw how people were taking his joke. So he saw clear and convincing evidence that many people minded a lot. He chose to ignore it until now. IMO that proves that people were intentionally hurt. As soon as he saw that his joke was not being taken as a joke he could have stopped it right then and been like "sorry this is a joke but it went too far, I'm sorry kev is not dead, and I apologize for being a brat" But he did not do that. He let it continue. Letting it continue=hurt some people=how could it have been unintentional at that point?

EDIT: I'm not commenting on Kev's role in any of this if he did even in fact play one until and IF he posts about it. Innocent until proven guilty I say.

Edited by Shera, 15 December 2004 - 09:49 PM.

The only reason some people get lost in thought is because it's unfamiliar territory. - Paul Fix

#90 Bun

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Posted 15 December 2004 - 10:29 PM

ive spoken to kev about this matter its upto him weather he admits it or not i know u guys wont take my word for anything so ill go with whatever kev should be on at 11:30 althought i think he will only speak to me jlh and wes tom and alex about the matter because it dosent concern any of you

I never went to asia this year i fly by and gave them a big wave.

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