Double stam regain rate effectively doubles the power of crits, this makes cobalt unneccessary. As long as monsters aren't touched, crits will be able to dispatch them more quickly. Less time with a mob means you take less hits, Stam over cobalt +1. You'll make gold faster, and be able to spend more on pots/mana without complaining to high hell that you NEED a cobalt. Stam over cobalt +2
As well, bosses would only need half the people, very helpful in this dwindling playerbase. Wouldn't you love to go kill Kunal with just 6 people? Stam over cobalt +3
This also allows for even STRONGER areas in the future, if we get bored with what we have already. I still think Coldmonger needs more raping! Stam over cobalt +4
Rick, you are a moron who cannot connect two strings. I want blah blah blah because I'm a "tool bag?" I say you are the tool bag who wants to keep this game out of whack! You give no reasoning for me being a tool bag, so I don't need to give a reason for you being one, you simply are

Rick needs to gain competency +1
Now, doubling the power of crits without touching their hp? That'll make PvP crazy (well, not really. Instead of either clicked or die in 10 seconds, it's clicked or die in 5 seconds). Even still, I'd say increase armor and absorb spell to counteract this. The increased armor will also help PvM, making cobalt even less needed. Durrrrrr. Infact, I say increase armor/absorb so much, to the fact that PvP isn't a "rounding" game, and crits can't really do more than 30-50 damage a hit to each other (with spells!). Some may think this will make duels take forever, but guess what? You regain stam twice as fast, so it'll be more fast paced AND strategic, even if it does take a little longer (doubtful, since both won't have cobalts anymore lololol>?!?a1/a1??!wdeklf ewbj) kty.
Note: Increasing armor to an amount where characters are dealing such small damage to each other, mobs will be doing such absolute crap! Sadly the max armor of crits has been decently balanced with the strength of mobs related to their pod, so increasing armor would make some higher pod monsters a bit too easy (desert comes to mind). Thankfully, just thankfully, most strong mobs that have pod that matter have magic attacks anyway.
Doubling stam regain and making stronger mobs with higher pods, may make getting to 40 kinda quick, so I say keep max pods around the same for even harder mobs, 90-110. How do we make them more appealing then easier mobs of the same pod? Well, my first choice would be reduce the pod of really easy mobs by 10 to 20, before adding anything to the stronger mobs that don't even exist yet!
How are my suggestions nerfing at all? If anything, my suggestions will make a 1a scenario much more feasible PvM. If anything I'm only nerfing crits PvP, which should've been done when 1a came out.
Any questions?
Edit1 for off topicy stuff: I still suck <3
Edit235: I'd log more, but working 60 hours a week in a fabrication shop is tough nuts!
Edit43: The basic concepts of how this game works are freakin easy, true, and they've not changed much in the last 12 years. Now, getting into the exact numbericals of how the different statistics relate, best I could do is guess and check, for that'd require experience.
Edit skeet skeet skeet: How can people (or just Rick I guess) think me to have an agenda when I don't even really play? My highest level is a 23! I have no bias in how the classes of this game turn out, I truely just want whats best for the game. I always have, and most people who play know me for that, and my idiocy <3
I hate myself, I need to grow up. My immaturity knows no boundsssssssssss
Edited by Cruxis, 15 December 2012 - 10:53 PM.