Re-enable Pking?
Posted 08 November 2008 - 10:03 PM
Posted 10 November 2008 - 01:18 AM
-Proverbs 4:7
Posted 10 November 2008 - 03:09 AM
But being that won't happen a lower alt limit and pking back would be okay.
Posted 10 November 2008 - 04:47 AM
deadman, on Nov 9 2008, 10:09 PM, said:
Honestly, id like to see a reset of main server a 5-6 alt limit and pking on. Encourages teamwork plus gets rid of the whole overload of high level characters, gold, and cobalts and everyone starts fresh not having the noobs and new players left in the dust.
oh you just say that cause you don't have any high levels
Posted 10 November 2008 - 06:06 AM
Hell I'd even support 1alt being reset, and rebalanced + set up the way it should have been before being released. Both ideas would get more people to play the game. Some would quit, but some would stay probably the same amount we got right now anyway, and new players would be on the same level not be destroyed by the higher ups.
Posted 11 November 2008 - 06:32 AM
If you're 'left in the dust' by other players, it doesn't matter that much right now.
You can currently take down the majority of bosses with mid-level characters, and there are not many people on the server to compete with, so it doesn't matter that other players have high level characters.
You also have the goal of reaching those high levels due to the extremely difficult areas- Resca and Dvergar Stronghold, along with Tirantek and Imhotep.
So, if you want to play main, then play.
-Proverbs 4:7
Posted 29 November 2008 - 08:26 PM
On a side note, you could turn 1a into 2 or 3a and get better results out of it.There ya go, nuff said.

Love is a 36' carbon tip chainsaw and rib spreaders....nuff said.
Posted 29 November 2008 - 08:44 PM
Retired... Now I know how it feels to quit NM and troll forums.
Posted 29 November 2008 - 08:50 PM
Posted 29 November 2008 - 09:53 PM
Before the multi-alt server lost its PK status, most players were content to team up or otherwise respect each other's privacy, even if they were in enemy clans. The threat of PKing kept most people from misbehaving; with it gone, people can kill-steal and perform dishonourable acts with no fear of retribution, and Pacifists have lost much of their appeal because their special protection now applies to all classes, although admittedly I find the ability to harm Pacifists with Fire Bombs and the like a little controversial.
Main crits:
Don't kill the
Posted 29 November 2008 - 10:55 PM
And Pacis are no longer the threat they were before..

Meeting you was fate,
Becoming your friend was a choice,
But falling in love with you was beyond my control..
Posted 30 November 2008 - 12:38 AM
Posted 30 November 2008 - 01:38 AM
Sausage, on Nov 29 2008, 04:44 PM, said:
That stupidity you speak of, is actually competition.
Singleing out someone to pk off the server is no competition, it is pure stupidity. Pking someone and laughing at them for being a nub, is not competition.Pking someone and telling them to uninstall because they are a sad excuse for a gamer is not competition. That is pure stupidity on the persons part. 1a has turned into a sewer, take the nopk off main and guess what happens....*gasps* main turns into a sewer as well. People leave main like they did 1a/The server once again goes to crap and the server falls out of want again. Pk is on 1a, go there, keep it out of main.
As far as paccies being a threat, they where never a threat to start with. How much harm could a paccie actually do to another? Justice Zone a square, and people just stand there till the paccie runs out of mana. Greater Pact on a low lvl crit to protect them from others for a short period of time? I've never really seen a paccie do those things often.(Although some people did.) The paccie was used to make gold, and with the removal of pk most of their spells went to crap anyway because they are a defensive class. Paccies where and never will be a threat, they might be a nusiance to pkers, but where never a threat.
Again, go to 1a to pk, leave main for the people who want to chill and enjoy the game without the garbage alright.Ty
Edited by Ghost_Wolf, 30 November 2008 - 01:41 AM.
Love is a 36' carbon tip chainsaw and rib spreaders....nuff said.
Posted 30 November 2008 - 02:15 AM
Posted 30 November 2008 - 05:22 AM
shomer, on Nov 30 2008, 02:15 AM, said:
main still had pk on when 1a was first out anyway and people still played 1a instead
Thats a good point. I was one of the few that stayed on main while one alt came out. I only left it after being nopk for a while since it made my thieves useless to me and took away my best thrill.
On a side note. Neph not everyone will pk you and talk noise. I simply if i pk you just take what you drop and if i run by you in town maybe give ya a smile or even a friendly lick.
Edited by Peacemaker, 30 November 2008 - 05:24 AM.
Posted 30 November 2008 - 08:56 AM
shomer, on Nov 30 2008, 02:15 AM, said:
main still had pk on when 1a was first out anyway and people still played 1a instead
1a was a new challenge and thrill. That is why when it came out people played it. It was a new competition to be the best. Now, people still choose 1a because it is still the only competition to be the best. Main has its best, and with nopk there really is nothing to prove except how you trained all those crits really high to kill a boss, that could be done with 20 lvl 30's (-Some of the new areas). Like people said above, the only way main will strive again is to be reset and maybe even alts knocked down. And of course re-enable pking. As for just re-enabling pking, it would probably drag a few players back or maybe some from 1a but in the end no real jump in population will occur. A shift might, especially now that people have a hate thing going on on 1a. They will load up there 20 and go vs the other persons 20 on main. This would bring 2 different competitions instead of the one. Problem with that now is that the people who have poured all there time into 1a wouldnt see the point in playing main where they have nothing. Same as the people on main to 1a. Unless of course there was cross server trading which would probably double if this happend. To fix Nightmist as a whole, would be to shut both down, decide which one is better for the game, as in 20 alts 15 alts 10 alts 1alt etc, and then balance the game for that many and reopen one server.
Posted 30 November 2008 - 09:44 PM
Posted 30 November 2008 - 11:12 PM
«¤ºxXl3úÐXxº¤», on Nov 30 2008, 04:44 PM, said:
It was never about bringing people back to main. It would drag a few players yes i'm sure. That would be nice. However it was more just a request for the people that play already. You hardly ever run into anyone on main, and some times it would be nice to pk them. Or boss wars would be fun. Right now i can walk in on a boss and own it. I wouldn't nearly no one does, because the people that play main now have a mutual respect for each other.
exactly what i was gonna say
Posted 03 December 2008 - 01:48 AM
Anyways, one reason against not doing it would be that there are several high lvl chars that got a big jump because people 'wasted time'(obviously not) training them past the required 250mill exp mark like tony said, but that was their option, so thats your problem... 2nd issue would be that the map is to large for the pk aspect of the game... i dont see how that is at all relevant, because if you dont have a chance at getting pk'd period people are going to be less likely to venture far off to avoid pk's... they arent asking for a mosh arena, they just want a little spice to the game...
Posted 03 December 2008 - 04:05 AM
Posted 03 December 2008 - 10:27 PM
The best thing about it we are all begging for it back and aint even getting no way. That just comes to show how much the Admin/Staff care about the real players of the game eh? Nightmist lost alot of respect/players on the main server when PK was turned off, the glamour of the game just disappeared along with alot of good players.
This is my personal view of this subject.

Edited by Wind, 03 December 2008 - 10:28 PM.
Character Name: Wind on both servers!
Posted 04 December 2008 - 09:17 PM
Ryan, on Dec 2 2008, 08:48 PM, said:
ok... 10 people tops play main... gaddy/scripto(think trev might too) who are staff as well, and matty/shomer/crane/cody... ok.. matty shomer crane and cody all want pk... gaddy didnt say he wanted it, but did say he didnt appose it...same with mark... trev i havent heard from in a long time, but he was strongly apposed to it because new areas and w/e... dont get how not pking effects these areas at all tho... /shrug
Anyways, one reason against not doing it would be that there are several high lvl chars that got a big jump because people 'wasted time'(obviously not) training them past the required 250mill exp mark like tony said, but that was their option, so thats your problem... 2nd issue would be that the map is to large for the pk aspect of the game... i dont see how that is at all relevant, because if you dont have a chance at getting pk'd period people are going to be less likely to venture far off to avoid pk's... they arent asking for a mosh arena, they just want a little spice to the game...
you forgot about me playing main

Posted 04 December 2008 - 09:53 PM
Posted 06 December 2008 - 04:52 PM
Desendent, on Dec 4 2008, 09:17 PM, said:
Ryan, on Dec 2 2008, 08:48 PM, said:
ok... 10 people tops play main... gaddy/scripto(think trev might too) who are staff as well, and matty/shomer/crane/cody... ok.. matty shomer crane and cody all want pk... gaddy didnt say he wanted it, but did say he didnt appose it...same with mark... trev i havent heard from in a long time, but he was strongly apposed to it because new areas and w/e... dont get how not pking effects these areas at all tho... /shrug
Anyways, one reason against not doing it would be that there are several high lvl chars that got a big jump because people 'wasted time'(obviously not) training them past the required 250mill exp mark like tony said, but that was their option, so thats your problem... 2nd issue would be that the map is to large for the pk aspect of the game... i dont see how that is at all relevant, because if you dont have a chance at getting pk'd period people are going to be less likely to venture far off to avoid pk's... they arent asking for a mosh arena, they just want a little spice to the game...
you forgot about me playing main
In that case he forgot about me playing

Character Name: Wind on both servers!
Posted 06 December 2008 - 11:11 PM
Posted 07 December 2008 - 11:25 AM

Love is a 36' carbon tip chainsaw and rib spreaders....nuff said.
Posted 07 December 2008 - 06:24 PM
shomer, on Dec 6 2008, 11:11 PM, said:
shhhh you don't play either..logging on for 30 seconds doesn't count as "playing"
Who logs on for 30 seconds I have been playing, so it just goes to show how much you really know Jay.
Character Name: Wind on both servers!
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