Simulation, on Aug 10 2005, 11:11 PM, said:
More or less, Simulation's pretty much right. Intelligence refers to reasoning and analyzing while wisdom refers to common sense and "intuition." Elves are wiser than gnomes because they simply live longer and their experience helps them make decisions.Lifespan doesn't have much to do with it. Elves are spiritual creatures, and gnomes aren't. Gnomes are intelligent creatures, and Elves are not.
Elves, however, are not stupid (an elf would bend your ear over ten times if you ever called him/her an unintelligent creature). Combined with their wisdom (from living such long lives), they are also fiercly intelligent compared to younger races. Just like gnomes, elves are inquisitive and many are often plagued by a lust for knowledge.
Basically, what I am saying is that lifespan can factor for both wisdom and intelligence. If you spend the majority of your time in meditation or studying philosophy, you're going to be a little wiser than others. If you spend the majority of your time, reading tome after tome by candlelight, you will most likely be more intelligent than others
It all depends on the background story of your character (but when was the last time anyone in Nightmist rolled a character with a backstory in mind?).
since Nightmist has done very little to develop stories or personalities of the races, it is near impossible to deal with this from a RP aspect. So yes, I have just wasted like 10 minutes of my time on a useless post. Good day.
(PS. I'm not an RP expert. Stop calling me one. xD)