World Of Warcraft
Posted 15 May 2005 - 02:59 AM
Jehran 60 Rogue eu Deathwing
Bun 32 mage eu Vashj
I never went to asia this year i fly by and gave them a big wave.
Posted 15 May 2005 - 03:09 AM
BS...Tiger 60 druid eu Deathwing
Jehran 60 Rogue eu Deathwing
Bun 32 mage eu Vashj
Picture of your Character Screen Plz?

Posted 15 May 2005 - 08:22 AM
For those who don't know.. MC =VERY END GAME for World of Warcraft.. It takes 40 people to do. You determine if you get phat lewt at MC by DKP..
How the system works:
3 points if you show up!!!
3 points if you if you stay till the end!!!
4 points for every purple item you see!!!
If no purples drop at all for the entire run, you get a bonus 4 points as a consolation prize! ( = to 1 epic drop falling

Bonus for killing certain bosses!!! (varies-- none for onyxia since there is only one boss there lol)
You use your points when an item you want drops by adding a number of points to your roll. For example:Player A has 30 points, player B has 60 points.
Player A rolls 75, Player B rolls 50.
Player B realy wants the item, and uses the min he can to beat player A. 50+56 points = 106
Player B wins the item, and spends his 56 points which are deducted. Player A keeps his 30 to save for next time.
Its been tweaked a bit b ut thats how it works.. By the way, this system is Totally PLAYER made up. ALl the guilds use it to Run mc, or all the good guilds anyways hehehe ;p
anyways to the pics...

Soo.. we get to garr (the rock dude in one of the pics) and http://www.thottbot.com/?i=28233 Drops@!!@@ Aurastone Hammer
Binds when picked up
One-Hand Mace
78 - 162 Damage Speed 2.70
(44.6 damage per second)
+10 Stamina
+10 Intellect
Requires Level 60
Equip: Restores 5 mana every 5 sec.
Equip: Increases damage and healing done by magical spells and effects by up to 25
so i'm like omgogmgomgomg I'll take it.. so .. i'm sitting there thinking about it.. I have enough DKP for it.. but decided not to take it.. b/c know my luck... Some freakign Great Armor i would use would drop next week, and i need it and be like oh noez i used all my dkp on this mace..

Posted 26 May 2005 - 11:25 AM
I've been thinking about possible trade skill combos I can use instead of tailoring/enchanting, and the only other one I can think of is tailoring/engineering - how useful is engineering going to be as a human mage on a pvp server? tailoring is a must have imo, so I don't really want to replace that which rules out alchemy (no herbs), and enchanting would be expensive and hard to get up as my first character. Having said that, would it just be better not to bother with either until i'm higher level and just stick with tailoring, then go to enchanting when I can afford it?
Edit: Oh, and if anyone is interested... i'm creating on frostwhisper as Malavon, a human mage (its one of the newest servers so there wont be as many high level people as on the older servers)
Edited by Malavon, 26 May 2005 - 11:28 AM.
Posted 01 June 2005 - 01:33 AM

Posted 01 June 2005 - 04:06 PM

I'll post some of my "uber" equip up later

Posted 01 June 2005 - 08:59 PM

Posted 01 June 2005 - 09:13 PM
p.s first post on nm forums for yonks!
Posted 01 June 2005 - 10:56 PM
Posted 01 June 2005 - 11:12 PM

Edit: useless imageshack... ill try and sort it

I'm also going to get round to sorting out my interface tommorow, it's got to the point where I have too many spells and stuff, so I might as well get it sorted. Especially as I want to start doing some PVP soon (have 20 HKs so far

Edited by Malavon, 01 June 2005 - 11:15 PM.
Posted 01 June 2005 - 11:44 PM
I knew bun was lieing when i asked for a pic of his character selection page and he said "Where do your screen shots go" -even though- in your world of warcraft folder there is a folder called "Screen shots" so LOLOLOLOLERZSKATES45 rogue now, and that stuff bun said is bs (surprise) hes got 34 NE druid and a 35 UD mage.
p.s first post on nm forums for yonks!
Posted 07 June 2005 - 05:23 AM
I am considering maybe making a priest, or paladin. I am going to give the Rogue a little longer. I don't like it much.
Why couldn't backstab be facestab?
Posted 09 June 2005 - 09:56 PM
1st attempt;
got to level 10 then bored.
2nd attempt;
level 6 deleted and bored.
3rd attempt;
level 4 and all momentum is gone.
wow really looses its spark when uve got 1 high level character.
Posted 10 June 2005 - 07:25 AM
withs bgs out, instnaces, mc. The games just starts at level 60, level 1-59 is pregametried making a team of 3, now buns brother has got wow...
1st attempt;
got to level 10 then bored.
2nd attempt;
level 6 deleted and bored.
3rd attempt;
level 4 and all momentum is gone.
wow really looses its spark when uve got 1 high level character.
Posted 18 June 2005 - 03:46 PM
Posted 18 June 2005 - 10:46 PM
hhaha nice52 now, + bumping this up so i dont have to scroll down to look for it.
Posted 19 June 2005 - 07:10 AM
so now i gots a lv 19 orc rogue on dunemaul

and i believe the quote for you goes something like: "quit. reroll paly"
Julius 1 alt
Posted 19 June 2005 - 05:20 PM
Creator of All Things Fluffy
Posted 21 June 2005 - 06:17 PM

oo and bun got his 1st mount (in a non sexual sense

Edited by Tom, 21 June 2005 - 06:20 PM.
Posted 21 June 2005 - 06:46 PM
Yeah, he's still waiting for thatoo and bun got his 1st mount (in a non sexual sense

I've pretty much given up now, it just got too boring. I'll stick to 1.6

Posted 22 June 2005 - 12:27 AM
Posted 23 June 2005 - 01:34 PM

I'm getting fed up of level ?? rogues waiting until ive just finished a hard fight (this was on my 23 warlock), where I have half hp and no mana and then ambushing me for 600 damage, killing me instantly.
Posted 23 June 2005 - 03:18 PM
- 38 Dwarf Hunter
- 18 Tauren Warrior
- 27 Undead Rogue
- 14 Nightelf Druid
- 18 Human Paladin
- 26 Gnome Mage
- 6 Troll Priest
- 15 Human Priest
- 15 Human Mage
- 26 Dwarf Paladin - (First crit!)
- 19 Undead Warlock
13 Dwarf Cleric (current alt)
I got the game the first day it came out and got it all pre-ordered and stuff (Nov. 23rd) - so I know I'm a noob for not having higher levels. But I did just come back from a solid 2 month break, and even before that I was fading out of it. That 13 Dwarf Priest is what I'm going to try and stick with and raise to 60. He's by far my fav. one.
P.S. - forgot to mention my level 7 NE Druid on Suramar - lol.
Edited by PureMourning, 23 June 2005 - 03:21 PM.
Posted 23 June 2005 - 04:41 PM
i do that must be annoying for everyone else o wellI'm getting fed up of level ?? rogues waiting until ive just finished a hard fight (this was on my 23 warlock), where I have half hp and no mana and then ambushing me for 600 damage, killing me instantly.

Posted 24 June 2005 - 04:29 AM
Im getting bored with alot of the stuff in game. The battlegrounds was a let down for me. Warsong Gulch was great until blizzard nerfed the honor points you got for doing it. Now no one even bothers to do it

The real fun is at 60 if you get in a guild who can do Molten Core/Onyxia. Thats the only thing im having fun doing now. Only thing left to do is run MC/Onyxia and do a little pvp for me hehe. And wait for Blackwing Lair to be released =p
Heres a list of my characters atm
Burning Legion Server. (Alliance)
Drain - 60 Human Paladin
Draine - 40 Dwarf Priest ftw
Drainy - 20ish Night Elf Warrior
Boulderfist (Horde)
Roseanne - 25 Undead Mage. havent played her in forever =p
Illidan (Horde)
Skeeter - Level 22 Troll Mage
Magtheridon (Horde)
Cobalto - Level 19 Troll Mage.
^^^^ First character ever. Never wanted to delete it =D
Posted 24 June 2005 - 03:13 PM
(worst ratio on EU realms apparantly, 3.1 ally : 1 horde)
I've found a rather fun thing to do of late is toggle /pvp on and wander around in neutral areas, particularly money grind spots, and see how many allies come a-running to kill me. My max so far is 11 ^^
Somewhat more if I do that at Crossroads lately as the Alliance have returned after a very generous two week break, but thats just the Alliance showing their disgust that we can't get Alterac Valley open, and that they capped the number of warsong grounds that can be open at once (as before there was always room for everyone)
Afterall... sadly Crossroads is rather close to Warsong ^^
Warsong... is awful :x
How can you say you liked it before the honor cap... its a grind spot. An honor grind spot... and its... its not as fun as it could or should have been.
Maybe thats because our allies aren't very challenging though

I just can't bring myself to go there.
Alterac on the other hand was awesome.
New area, new quests, actually having a reason to slaughter the allies as they pounded on our graveyard repetitively and a small group of us went and wiped out theirs behind them...
And there were elite trolls too... everyone loves trolls

Sadly Alterac opened I think three times before it ground to a halt, because people couldnt afford to stay the length of the battle (and so their bonus points were lost), and people who were after honor still know that they can get far more in less time if they Warsong their hearts out.
You say on your server warsong is gone... on our server people are raving about it... they just won't stop playing :x
Not even to form a small five man group to help me do attunement so I can join the 29 who do our MC runs :'(
As for dear AV... You need 30 horde to open the zone (against the continual queue of allies which of course lets 40 in) but only 10 to maintain it.
Running around 10v40 is sure as hell a tricky business... me and a warrior friend still managed to destroy Ivus though, which we were highly proud of

Nice set of shoulders... shame I died afterwards and rezzed and ended up inside the Rock of Durotan which was kinda under seige... was a tricky business escaping from there too, but I did it... ^^
Alterac was great. It was strategic. somehow being horrendously outnumbered wasn't the be all and end all it should have been...
The strategy was great, the teamwork...
We split in teams, five defended our base and five of us mounted an assault on their graveyards and that horrid bridge...
Then one had to leave and we got hit by the five minute countdown

But do people want to do that great if bugged and rigged against us battleground? No... well probably for those reasons, but its a shame

Grinding my mage to 60 is my newest task, have hit 42 with her so far

Making a killing from selling kingsblood and engi schematics for extortionate prices >: )
Grinding is insanely dull late at night

Have abandonned my dwarf priest on deathwing at whatever level she ever managed to reach as the people I spoke to are away for a while, and it gets sorta lonely :x
Think she only reached about 10 though, I never did pay much attention to her ^^;
Have started a troll priest and rogue on Al'Akir... not really at the right levels to participate in fun pvp stylage yet though, and my guild disbanded

Likely to abandon one or the other in favour of a mage though.. I've really come to like the playstyle of the mage. And no I don't just nuke the hell out of things. Not all the time anyway

I guess I'll probably be returning to Burning blade at some point now that my friends from Wowra finally have the game, with the hope of sneaking in with them... probably means im going elf though. Druid or rogue...
Alex - your rogues wait until you're done fighting? Lucky guy

From 25ish I would recommend Thousand Needles. Yes Thalanaar is unnaturally close to it, but needles is so big your chance of meeting allies is low.
Or it is if you avoid the Kolkar camps... I understand on most pvp servers, allies like those places as gank spots.
Shimmering is also a good grind spot if you stay off the main route. Or even stay on it... people normally go there alone rather than in groups, so its pretty safe.
Probably the safest route to gadget also, with the windrider ganking. Which still happens even with the introduction of guards :x
And playing with the US... game over for now :'(
Revelant part in bold;
Link to said articleWorldofwar.Net: Will Blizzard allow transatlantic play, as was mentioned during the European launch?
Blizzard: Our current focus is still on maintaining excellent realm stability for each region in which the game has launched, and of course on providing even more content for our player base. Also, on the technical end, we just launched in China and are working steadily toward launching in Taiwan later this year. With all that in mind and with us making the most of our resources to provide a high-quality overall game experience for players, it’s unlikely that we will be able to open realms to transatlantic play anytime in the near future. It’s extremely important to us to ensure that the populations on each realm remain manageable, which in turn translates into smooth gameplay for our players. With the worldwide player population having so rapidly grown to the immense size that it is for World of Warcraft, this must take priority.
Edited by Charon, 24 June 2005 - 03:34 PM.
Posted 25 June 2005 - 10:12 AM
This dudes harddddddddddd

GG majorhomo =p

Wiped on 65%. When the sons of flame came we had like no DPS left >.>
Not bad for our first try though I spose =P
My ears bleed during that fight. Everyone yelling on vent when they died and having to hear ragnaros say TASTES THE FLAMES OF SULFURON!! DIE INSECT! over and over and over lmao
Have you gotten to try MC out yet Charon?
Posted 25 June 2005 - 06:59 PM

So no

Edited by Charon, 25 June 2005 - 07:00 PM.
Posted 27 June 2005 - 07:27 PM

p.s rank 8 sinister strike... job done

Edited by Tom, 27 June 2005 - 07:30 PM.
Posted 09 July 2005 - 05:58 AM
nice.......54 (troll rogue) now such a drag seeing as im trying to help little clans up, rarely see allys and when i do they die so easy now, maybe im overpowered *shrugs*
p.s rank 8 sinister strike... job done
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