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#31 Sandy

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Posted 08 February 2012 - 04:29 AM

I think I would like to step in and point out that because I am a cleric, I get invited to go on plenty of "Boss" Trips. If the whole point is to get the playerbase together to do some "bossing", I must say that it does infact happen a lot. Several times I have been on trips where MD, Pande and OD have went bossing together and this was recent. I go w/ multiple people from different clans just to train and help them level. Like Piddy said "No one ever mentions Kunal." People want to go to Banshee, Cappy, 3 eyed Jack, GsW or HL.

Also, I think that changing up the game might be good for people. It will give them other things to do other than hardcore train. What works on Multi alt doesn't necessarily work on 1alt. Its just a shield. A shield that helps players and now is craftable. People will still get together and their Nightmist lives will go on.Btw, Kunal is still there for people to try and get the shield to use as a key to get CJ and Cobalt Bow drops. In the end..Its still worth going to even though no one ever wants to go ..O.o

Happy Nightmisting! :lol:
EDIT: I would also like to give Kudos to staff for the wonderful work i have seen all of u implement in these past few months. <3 <3 <3

Edited by Sandy, 08 February 2012 - 04:31 AM.

#32 Apocalypto

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Posted 08 February 2012 - 04:29 AM

lol we all went on a server trip recently. but it went kind of like piddy said. but if it was more organized it would work easily. and why are you always trying to act like a punk? seriously annoying.

#33 Adultery

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Posted 08 February 2012 - 04:31 AM

i have no moosing idea what this post is about... so im just here to trololol! lol

I love you all!

Adultery - Diabolic-Clorox

#34 Silk

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Posted 08 February 2012 - 04:35 AM

lol we all went on a server trip recently. but it went kind of like piddy said. but if it was more organized it would work easily. and why are you always trying to act like a punk? seriously annoying.

To put it in plain english, save a few people MD is the proverbial poo stain on the underwear that is nightmist.

#35 Apocalypto

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Posted 08 February 2012 - 04:39 AM

and you blame other people for not being able to cooperate.

#36 Autek

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Posted 08 February 2012 - 05:01 AM

Sort of getting off topic, but I hope people don't lump even most of MD in the 'poo stain' category, LOL. I think the majority of those active in the clan anymore don't harbor any ill feelings towards anyone else who plays the game. I think most of us just want to have fun when we put time aside to play Nightmist, and even those who were into the PvP and trash talk etc. of the past would rather move on than perpetuate the bickering between old/current enemies.

Edited by Autek, 08 February 2012 - 05:02 AM.

Autek in game.

#37 Cruxis

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Posted 08 February 2012 - 07:13 AM

^so true.

I'd come back for that.

#38 ice_cold

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Posted 08 February 2012 - 09:59 AM

Whats spawn rate on seams? hourly? whats drop rate?

They have different spawn times, some over 4 hours to respawn.

I would be more then happy to bring you down to coldmonger caverns so you can click "mithril seams" all day and try to leave. More mithril for me. I've offered numerous times to bring people to the area wether to trip or to leave them down there to get mithril, no one wants to do it, yet they want to complain? even getting a party to kill mine marauder is like pulling teeth, some days i ask for hours and never get the ammount needed to go, sometimes i can make 3 or 4 trips.

That being said, anyone is welcome to go to coldmonger caverns with me, hit me up, we'll make a party of it :lol:

Edit: In reference to the staff of tranquility: No one yet has to kill the boss on this server legally. There's is no shamans mask and there is no staff of tranquility or any other drops from the boss. People all day can say this ruins this or that ruins that, but unless people get the items, nothing ruins anything. who's to even say the staff of tranquility hasnt been a boss drop since the area opened? so now its been out 6 months and no ones gotten it? there's more gem encrusted staffs, which i feel the only hard part to making it is the golden staff in tirantek, then staff of tranquility. boss drops dont ruin crafting items and crafting items dont ruin boss drops unless they are uncompariably different to get and are comparibly the same. the shield is certainly different at 2 more levels and isnt a key to the most sought after box, cradenza, and the staff is comparibly hard to get as no one has yet to get one.

Edited by ice_cold, 08 February 2012 - 01:38 PM.

I read somewhere that ostrichs hide their heads under the sand because moles watch porn.

ScarletMuse 03/2/2005 11:20am

#39 Tietsu

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Posted 08 February 2012 - 11:35 AM

Not Supported.

#40 Tietsu

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Posted 08 February 2012 - 11:37 AM

I do, however support Mr. Pirate. There's no reason to be felt left out. If you catch me on at the right time, I'll do a run with no malice toward any player.

#41 Silk

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Posted 08 February 2012 - 05:17 PM

Sort of getting off topic, but I hope people don't lump even most of MD in the 'poo stain' category, LOL. I think the majority of those active in the clan anymore don't harbor any ill feelings towards anyone else who plays the game. I think most of us just want to have fun when we put time aside to play Nightmist, and even those who were into the PvP and trash talk etc. of the past would rather move on than perpetuate the bickering between old/current enemies.

I cant tell if this id genuine or not, IMO it honestly sounds like some people realised they dont have the numbers for much and are deciding if they want shiny things they are gonna have to play nice. (though autek has always been a PvM type player)

I will add that most of you regular everyday people in pande are prob ok i wont name names cause thats not nice, but i will say with some deep certainty that people dont trust your founders. and your founders would only be going for their own personal greed. and if they dont go they will just use locs to stab people.(thats where i hold some ill will, seeing as i have friends in MD that i cant train with in any area but the most mundane)

#42 Apocalypto

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Posted 08 February 2012 - 05:38 PM

Im sorry that people perceive us that way, but i havent pkd since i have been back and im pretty sure the only pks that have resulted in any manner were initiated by jordan. I will also tell you straight up that right now if you want to train with anyone in md no current founder is going to use their location to pk you. I myself, and cody, have passed on a few pks on neo(only a few because we werent hunting and just happened to see someone). It isnt our goal to pk and i honestly dont see anyone on the server with that mentality right now. To comment on the fact that you dont trust us on a trip, that is nonsense and hopefully you all can realize that so we can do some good bossing.

edit: and if anyone wants to go just for a chance at shiney items, thats fine by me too... im down to play nice with anyone no matter their motive if we can get nuts done

Edited by Apocalypto, 08 February 2012 - 05:42 PM.


#43 Silk

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Posted 08 February 2012 - 05:54 PM

Straight up i can tell ya that sarah would. and why are you all about doing nuts? this doesnt make sense to me i think nightmists nut variety is like 1 or 2

i was in MD before back in the day and it had all of the same basic founders, i still remember what it was like bossing there, i cant imagine the mentality has changed that drastically

if you all think that being buddy buddy is gonna help the game tho ill give it a whirl, guess it cant hurt to try.

Edited by Silk, 08 February 2012 - 06:07 PM.

#44 Apocalypto

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Posted 08 February 2012 - 06:08 PM

honestly dont see sarah playing much.. and for me personally, my mentality has changed because i dont take the game very serious anymore. just wanna complete stuff on 1a /shrug.. talking with members and the people i have talked to think that the events that rob has been running can be enough competition.. other than that i guess you'll have to give it a chance to see, or not, up to you obviously.

#45 Gnarkill



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Posted 08 February 2012 - 08:22 PM

I will log on if someone wants to line it up ahead of time and borrow me a char(and I have the free time for trips).. thats not a problem. I don't mind helping anyone on the 1a server as long as the party kicks me back my % of the gold made between everyone on the trip.. I just don't have the time to level a character lately. I think if you ask around you will find that even though I can be a butt sometimes.. I'm pretty trustable. I've taken many training jobs and borrowed chars/items from countless people over the years and never kept any of it or got any of it banned.

So... if its lined up ahead of time.. theres an offer for a extra body for any trip, with anyone, to anywhere as long as I have the time...get ahold of me and we can try to schedule something around my work schedule if anyone would like.

I'd prefer NOT to cleric.. as I suck at it.. but if its an easier trip to cleric and I don't have to lead.. I may not mind. I mainly just hate hectic healing(until I am less fat fingered on clerics) and leading.

Edited by Gnarkill, 08 February 2012 - 08:26 PM.

Gnarkill- Multi and 1a

#46 Chronic

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Posted 06 April 2012 - 11:21 AM

Sure you might have been going there for 3 months but dude u have gotten how many mithril circlets? now a shield, and prob working on the next item. I honestly dont see crafting ANY of these items hard.. I could just run solstice in and sit on one square owning the seam until i get 14 ores and leave.. i dunno if u were just being greedy and going out of your way to get ores and getting ownt by ice wraiths or w/e but damnn 500m? ur doing something wrong lol. Maybe making the area l2l would fix these problems with only 2 ppl being able to kill and make it a group effort so in the end you random the mithril or however u wanna go about it. l2l would atleast make it harder to get all the mithril u need since u would have to keep killing maurader to get the key to go back, or just take lots of food/water and sit and do nothing all day lol.. that is of course if u have a few ppl willing to help u kill maurader day in and day out for you.

Whats spawn rate on seams? hourly? whats drop rate?

Alot of things to consider but overall i see the shield as a high lvl equip that was well needed for pallys/fighters.. leaning more towards pallys but fighters are lucky to benefit aswell. I wish pallys would get their own gear so when staff start nerfing stuff on fighters they dont fk with pallys aswell example: warrior tunic

As for the crafting recipe.. it is alittle weak and very easy to obtain with 2 shaft keys

To quote Stig: You craft one then

Long story short i kept my word and I DID craft one.. i maped and crafted sheild in 6-7 days and died once cuz i was careless. was fun but alittle easy for a renamed kunal drop but like i said b4 its well needed for those classes.

Edited by Chronic, 06 April 2012 - 11:53 AM.

Solstice 1a

#47 ice_cold

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Posted 06 April 2012 - 02:51 PM

Sure you might have been going there for 3 months but dude u have gotten how many mithril circlets? now a shield, and prob working on the next item. I honestly dont see crafting ANY of these items hard.. I could just run solstice in and sit on one square owning the seam until i get 14 ores and leave.. i dunno if u were just being greedy and going out of your way to get ores and getting ownt by ice wraiths or w/e but damnn 500m? ur doing something wrong lol. Maybe making the area l2l would fix these problems with only 2 ppl being able to kill and make it a group effort so in the end you random the mithril or however u wanna go about it. l2l would atleast make it harder to get all the mithril u need since u would have to keep killing maurader to get the key to go back, or just take lots of food/water and sit and do nothing all day lol.. that is of course if u have a few ppl willing to help u kill maurader day in and day out for you.

Whats spawn rate on seams? hourly? whats drop rate?

Alot of things to consider but overall i see the shield as a high lvl equip that was well needed for pallys/fighters.. leaning more towards pallys but fighters are lucky to benefit aswell. I wish pallys would get their own gear so when staff start nerfing stuff on fighters they dont fk with pallys aswell example: warrior tunic

As for the crafting recipe.. it is alittle weak and very easy to obtain with 2 shaft keys

To quote Stig: You craft one then

Long story short i kept my word and I DID craft one.. i maped and crafted sheild in 6-7 days and died once cuz i was careless. was fun but alittle easy for a renamed kunal drop but like i said b4 its well needed for those classes.

only took you 2 months to get it after first post, not bad. grats on shield
I read somewhere that ostrichs hide their heads under the sand because moles watch porn.

ScarletMuse 03/2/2005 11:20am

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