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Still Recruiting For Mysticshadows

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#31 draykill

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Posted 18 April 2006 - 02:47 AM

Woot keep it up guys!

#32 Lappa

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Posted 18 April 2006 - 02:49 AM

if how fast you can run away from a pk'ing party half your size is your idea of good, then you've got some serious rethinking to do... im not trying to get gold off ya, im making you not train, and everytime i pk 3-4 crits and u take off, i dont see your alts logged on til im not on, which is how i like it... so quit claiming people cry about you running, and how good you are at running, the goal was accomplished the minute u leave the place your training in to sit safe and not do anything. on that note, (quoting cal) Happy Hunting
-Lappa or Woodstock-

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#33 Josh00089

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Posted 18 April 2006 - 03:43 AM

the little sailor and jer keep your mouths shut for 2 seconds, go bump your posts on UP, and dynasty


#34 Da_J_Mooney

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Posted 18 April 2006 - 03:48 AM

Very relaxed with rules

Haha, i asked to join but a founder wouldn't let me before they talked to you because of the spies. Why make a post to recruit and then not recruit. Besides nice first encounter with people who want to join, a founder who doesn't dare to walk before she has an oke from the chairman.

No flamming, just an uhmm.....review.

Actually, if a leader thought that, they need to learn how to read. We stated that we wanted the leader to ask the clannies that were online if they cared if someone joined, instead of just inviting them.

If you still want to join, hit me up.
Aequitas In-Game

#35 Lappa

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Posted 18 April 2006 - 04:40 AM

the little sailor and jer keep your mouths shut for 2 seconds, go bump your posts on UP, and dynasty


if you had any intelligence you'd know marines arent sailors...

and the good clans dont need to ask for members, the people come to us... being the reason we dont have posts
-Lappa or Woodstock-

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#36 MysticStorm

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Posted 18 April 2006 - 04:03 PM

Haha, i asked to join but a founder wouldn't let me before they talked to you because of the spies. Why make a post to recruit and then not recruit. Besides nice first encounter with people who want to join, a founder who doesn't dare to walk before she has an oke from the chairman.

No flamming, just an uhmm.....review.

One, I am the chairwoman of MysticShadows. If the founder at the time you approached *and I'm assuming you approached Enchantress because she's the only female founder that I have in my clan.* felt the need to wait till she talked to me because of the clan spy problem, then hey, congrats, she's doing her job being protective of my clan and I give all kudos to her. I'm sorry that this happened to you on first passed, but please understand that we are all a little jumpy and this problem will be solved soon.

if how fast you can run away from a pk'ing party half your size is your idea of good, then you've got some serious rethinking to do... im not trying to get gold off ya, im making you not train, and everytime i pk 3-4 crits and u take off, i dont see your alts logged on til im not on, which is how i like it... so quit claiming people cry about you running, and how good you are at running, the goal was accomplished the minute u leave the place your training in to sit safe and not do anything. on that note, (quoting cal) Happy Hunting

First off Lappa, half the size my arse. You outnumbered my crits on our first passing. So please get off of your highhorse because you aren't all that. Keep crying because as I said, you aren't that good of a pk'er if you can't keep up with me and you can't. And for your info, you only nailed 2 crits of mine in the dessy so keep your wishful thinking.

Second of all, you are not the reason that I haven't been training. I haven't been training because I haven't wasn't on all day yesterday but for 15 minutes. And I won't be on today. After the time in dessy, I was still training as I was Sunday Night. Oh but that's right, you didn't know that I had other crits that aren't even in my clan. So hate to ruin your little party, but you failed miserably at getting me to not train cause I'm training reguardless and no, never on paci's. How else would I be sitting MysticStorm at SGH? So oops, you be proven wrong again.

Oh, one more thing Lappa, If you're gonna put a clan spy in my clan, don't tell one of my founders this: A memo from Bleach on 04-18-2006 01:34:00 saying It's for sure, there's a spy. "[Friend] Lappa: they aint gettin removed from clan over leaking cc"

The minute I find out who it is, which I have a pretty good idea who it is now, they will be getting kicked. I promise you that.

#37 draykill

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Posted 18 April 2006 - 04:47 PM

the little sailor and jer keep your mouths shut for 2 seconds, go bump your posts on UP, and dynasty


Your quite the witty one eh? Get back to taco bell and make me my tacos.

If you know the area good, well it's not to hard to run to safety, so yeah you got skills to run away from pkers and brag about it, rock on, wish I was a coward and ran from pks to.

Edited by draykill, 18 April 2006 - 04:48 PM.


#38 Angelus

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Posted 18 April 2006 - 05:11 PM

One, I am the chairwoman of MysticShadows. If the founder at the time you approached *and I'm assuming you approached Enchantress because she's the only female founder that I have in my clan.* felt the need to wait till she talked to me because of the clan spy problem, then hey, congrats, she's doing her job being protective of my clan and I give all kudos to her. I'm sorry that this happened to you on first passed, but please understand that we are all a little jumpy and this problem will be solved soon.

A founder should be able to make the decisions for a chairman. But then again, it's your choice and that of the founder to decide what she will and won't do.

The thing that disturbed me tho is that you make this nice opening post and then after one page of me I alreay get an answer that is in contrast with half which was said in the previous post.

But hey, give me a few nights and i'll get over it ;)
Angelus ingame.
Back into the shadows once again...

#39 Da_J_Mooney

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Posted 18 April 2006 - 10:14 PM

One, I am the chairwoman of MysticShadows. If the founder at the time you approached *and I'm assuming you approached Enchantress because she's the only female founder that I have in my clan.* felt the need to wait till she talked to me because of the clan spy problem, then hey, congrats, she's doing her job being protective of my clan and I give all kudos to her. I'm sorry that this happened to you on first passed, but please understand that we are all a little jumpy and this problem will be solved soon.

A founder should be able to make the decisions for a chairman. But then again, it's your choice and that of the founder to decide what she will and won't do.

The thing that disturbed me tho is that you make this nice opening post and then after one page of me I alreay get an answer that is in contrast with half which was said in the previous post.

But hey, give me a few nights and i'll get over it ;)

The founders do what they want -most of the time- There was just chaos going on in the clan a couple nights ago, and everyone was a bit sketchy on who to invite. Like I said before, they were only supposed to talk to the members on and see if it was cool, not wait for Karla to log on.
Aequitas In-Game

#40 MysticStorm

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Posted 18 April 2006 - 10:51 PM

A founder should be able to make the decisions for a chairman. But then again, it's your choice and that of the founder to decide what she will and won't do.

The thing that disturbed me tho is that you make this nice opening post and then after one page of me I alreay get an answer that is in contrast with half which was said in the previous post.

But hey, give me a few nights and i'll get over it

My founders do make decisions for me. They also listen to me. The current situation about asking other members or waiting for me online was stricktly temporary. I'm sorry that I didn't make a post letting the NM community know, but this was decided 2 nights ago and since then, I haven't been around due to IRL situations.

However, the situation is now under control and we will be allowing people into the clan as normal. I'm sorry that you weren't understanding enough to deal with what we were going through to want to wait. Which is fine to. So you told my founder that you weren't going to wait, you were going to find something else. Good luck in whatever clan you joined and if you ever wish to join my clan, you're more than welcomed to.

#41 Gnarkill



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Posted 19 April 2006 - 12:03 AM

We Don't need a spy to tell us if your alts are on to check the pyramid or dessy for you , thats mostly where I have seen your alts and besides monster kills tells us where people are ....we have been playing long enough to know the check these things k thanks.

Edited by Gnarkill, 19 April 2006 - 12:07 AM.

Gnarkill- Multi and 1a

#42 Lappa

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Posted 19 April 2006 - 12:07 AM

agreed, ryan wasnt always there to tell us where you were. we just happened to find you half the times, when you mix things up and not go to the same place, you make it harder, but like dj said, by checking ur monster kills, is ez
-Lappa or Woodstock-

Property of Jessica

#43 Lappa

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Posted 19 April 2006 - 12:40 AM

First off Lappa, half the size my arse. You outnumbered my crits on our first passing. So please get off of your highhorse because you aren't all that. Keep crying because as I said, you aren't that good of a pk'er if you can't keep up with me and you can't. And for your info, you only nailed 2 crits of mine in the dessy so keep your wishful thinking.

riiiight, i killed 4, and you werent training alone, hence why u lost 2 not 4, ur buddy lost some as well, and i think it was isolation
-Lappa or Woodstock-

Property of Jessica

#44 MysticStorm

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Posted 19 April 2006 - 12:44 AM

Yeah well Ryan got caught and he removed himself from the clan and we booted what crits he didn't get. I just find it kinda sad Lappa and Gnarkill that you had to have a clan spy in my clan to tell you just about everything. Shows how much of sucky players you both are and how low your clan is. And no, I didn't use Ryan/Joe for clan spies to your clan either because I and another founder told Ryan along time ago to remove all crits from your clan and he did at the time and we let it slide with the crit Spectra being he was supposed to quit but we now know he didn't. So either way, Ryan was gonna have to make the choice eventually again to choose clans and we see how much loyalty he had to this clan and now he sees how much you backstabbed him at the same time to confirm it all on this thread. So you might be able to pk people all the time, but you're no better than an account jacking thief. And you both totally lost all respect that I did have towards you as players of the game which I did have a lot of and no didn't show it in game, which is natural and didn't care if it was returned back.

So let this be a lesson that if you're trying to clan spy in my clan, you will be caught and removed. I just find this very amusing that a clan so great like Unpredicted Retribution was so desperate to try and knock me down in game that they had to use clan spies. Man did you fail so miserably at that. And if you thought I had an ego before, oh this whole thing just raised my ego just so much higher. Sucks that I lost a friend in all this, but now I know Ryan wasn't my true friend.

You know what though, that's ok. Ryan will eventually betray Unpredicted Retribution to eventually. He did it to Desperate Housewives, he did it to mine, he'll do it to yours eventually.

#45 Elrik

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Posted 19 April 2006 - 01:16 AM

I just wanted to sneak in a comment that you guys should cut her some slack. She works 10 times as hard as any of you; how else would she have gotten the clan up to rank two? If I remember correctly, unlike many players, she donates all or most of her earnings to the clan bank, rather than spending it on herself. At least I can rest easy that theres at least one hard working player on this game...
Don't think I'm trying to kiss up to her, but I'm just defending/stating the facts. Anyways, Keep it up Karla. You'll take down The Resistance soon enough (/wink).

#46 Spectra

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Posted 19 April 2006 - 01:23 AM

lol karla i think the reason ryan left not because he was spying or got caught from it
(as gnarkill pointed out most of UR clan already know where u usually train and have checkers for such places) they wouldnt need ryan for that
the reason ryan left he felt offended u guys question his loyalty
it's sad lol after all these times he's been in ur clan n help u guys alot u guys would think that (he's been in ms even before most of the new founders n leaders were-yes even before broc, bleach and others) sad for u to think he's spyin'

and as for me i dont train/pk/kill boss much what is it for u to judge me if i should quit or not
im usually on for events/quests/moshes only

Edited by Spectra, 19 April 2006 - 01:26 AM.

"For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Live as children of light-for the fruit of light consists in all Goodness, Righteousness and Truth"

#47 Gnarkill



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Posted 19 April 2006 - 01:46 AM

Lol um if you checked before hand I personally was pking you in the pyramid BEFORE Joe and Ryan were in clan and have seen you in SS on my own accord so before you talk realize what your talking about I had been training in the pyramid when It was first made before scarabs exp was cut and trained over in the forest of silence before alot of people and just happened to see you on the way. I dont need anyone to tell me where you are because your simply predictable If you have your alts OutKast ect ect on that means ur in pyramids usually. you have always trained there and I knew that well before they joined our clan. so before you accuse me of needing spies to find you get your facts right. You know I knew you were in there well before they were in my clan infact when they were in dhw/ms with thier crits me and joe/ryan battled it out a few times because I knew ms would be training in there.

EDIT: btw if you need proof that I can find where you train check your scarab kills on each crit, go training then check them again , if it stays consistant gains of kills theres only 2 places in game u can kill scarabs point rested, thanks

Edited by Gnarkill, 19 April 2006 - 01:50 AM.

Gnarkill- Multi and 1a

#48 MysticStorm

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Posted 19 April 2006 - 01:46 AM

Yeah but they help from Ryan as Lappa already stated. And he can be offended all he wants to. It's funny though how you were trying to talk as if you were ryan trying to blame Joe for the removal of the crits not 5 minutes ago and now you're trying to talk as joe. Here are the facts as another reason why Seraphim would have been booted tonight:

A: He lied to me and the founders when he said that you and him didn't share accounts no more and that neither had access to each others account. I already knew that was a lie from 2 nights ago.

B: When asked if he had other alts in Unpredicted Retribution, he stated he only had 1. That's a lie because he had 22 which he tried at the last minute to cover up but got caught.

C: The fact that he had crits in Unpredicted Retribution when he was told when Spectra *Joe* joined that clan to remove all crits from that clan or be booted from MysticShadows. Ganja as witness because Ganja told you both at the same time. Ryan did but Spectra stayed under the assumption that you were quitting for aboslute good. Another lie obviously.

So if it hadn't been on clan spy, Ryan was going to be removed from the clan. I gave Ryan a choice. Either choose MysticShadows and remove all alts from Unpredicted Retribution or leave MysticShadows. So you two can work your lies with Unpredicted Retribution because you will no longer lie to me.

/t Gnarkill Yeah but lately, neither your or lappa was pk'ing me in pyramids. Lappa only found me in desert, Not in pyramids. The only person that had been pk'ing me in pyramids was Ste. So please try to cover your tracks a little bit more. You're as worse of a liar than Ryan/Joe is.

By the way, I also train in the zeum. So the whole looking up my kills for scarabs on each crit is inaccurate considering I could be at either place.

Edited by MysticStorm, 19 April 2006 - 01:52 AM.

#49 Gnarkill



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Posted 19 April 2006 - 01:53 AM

now you just don't make sense blaming me , if I haven't been pking you lately where does me gettin spies fit into your talking? if i had people spying would'nt I be pking you on a regular basis? when man I dont think I have pk'd you since maybe even before they were in the clan. I kinda thought of it a waste of time.

Edit: and I said that leaves there only 2 places to check... meaning the pyramid and zeum.

Edited by Gnarkill, 19 April 2006 - 01:55 AM.

Gnarkill- Multi and 1a

#50 MysticStorm

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Posted 19 April 2006 - 02:04 AM

Who said anything about you pk'ing me lately? No one. But you are so eager to quickly to justify how you knew where I was at but no one said anything about you. This whole thing is Lappa. I figured if you were gonna defend it, you can take the fall right with him. By lappa's own admission to what he said to several people in his friend chat and to one of my founders, he didn't even know where I was before to pk me because Seraphim was demoted as a founder for awhile.

So now I'm done with all this. Seraphim was removed from my clan. Ryan and Joe can lie to you and backstab your clan now. Cause now I find it funny how all of a sudden Seraphim *well he paged me on dracon not more than 10 minutes ago* is having an identify crisis on game and on forums thinking I won't put two and two together and think I would believe him that it was all Joe's doing now. First it's "Joe removed my crits not me" and now it's "Ryan left because he felt betrayed". So now your clan can figure it out.

#51 Gnarkill



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Posted 19 April 2006 - 02:07 AM

Yeah well Ryan got caught and he removed himself from the clan and we booted what crits he didn't get. I just find it kinda sad Lappa and Gnarkill that you had to have a clan spy in my clan to tell you just about everything. Shows how much of sucky players you both are and how low your clan is. And no, I didn't use Ryan/Joe for clan spies to your clan either because I and another founder told Ryan along time ago to remove all crits from your clan and he did at the time and we let it slide with the crit Spectra being he was supposed to quit but we now know he didn't. So either way, Ryan was gonna have to make the choice eventually again to choose clans and we see how much loyalty he had to this clan and now he sees how much you backstabbed him at the same time to confirm it all on this thread. So you might be able to pk people all the time, but you're no better than an account jacking thief. And you both totally lost all respect that I did have towards you as players of the game which I did have a lot of and no didn't show it in game, which is natural and didn't care if it was returned back.

So let this be a lesson that if you're trying to clan spy in my clan, you will be caught and removed. I just find this very amusing that a clan so great like Unpredicted Retribution was so desperate to try and knock me down in game that they had to use clan spies. Man did you fail so miserably at that. And if you thought I had an ego before, oh this whole thing just raised my ego just so much higher. Sucks that I lost a friend in all this, but now I know Ryan wasn't my true friend.

You know what though, that's ok. Ryan will eventually betray Unpredicted Retribution to eventually. He did it to Desperate Housewives, he did it to mine, he'll do it to yours eventually.

read the underlined please. I was only defending the fact noone spied for me.

the fact is I dont care who or what is in your clan or where you train you can't get it out of your head and are paranoid about me, from now on maybe ill just log a alt and run to find you to say "boo" or jsut take out a cleric and leave to show you the fact taht your pointing your finger the wrong way saying I need a spy.

Edited by Gnarkill, 19 April 2006 - 02:10 AM.

Gnarkill- Multi and 1a

#52 Dracon

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Posted 19 April 2006 - 02:09 AM

Lol um if you checked before hand I personally was pking you in the pyramid BEFORE Joe and Ryan were in clan and have seen you in SS on my own accord so before you talk realize what your talking about I had been training in the pyramid when It was first made before scarabs exp was cut and trained over in the forest of silence before alot of people and just happened to see you on the way. I dont need anyone to tell me where you are because your simply predictable If you have your alts OutKast ect ect on that means ur in pyramids usually. you have always trained there and I knew that well before they joined our clan. so before you accuse me of needing spies to find you get your facts right. You know I knew you were in there well before they were in my clan infact when they were in dhw/ms with thier crits me and joe/ryan battled it out a few times because I knew ms would be training in there.

EDIT: btw if you need proof that I can find where you train check your scarab kills on each crit, go training then check them again , if it stays consistant gains of kills theres only 2 places in game u can kill scarabs point rested, thanks

/eyes u want more proof?
why would i spy for a clan that i've been in since i started playin? even though the clan itself contains almost every players in this game who has low levels in it to check what the clans up to, not that i'm calling all of them spies...
why would i want to tell UP where MS trains, when everytime i log on MS, i see at least 20 MS crits getting popped everyday, either by tC/UP/Dynasty/etc... so why would i wanna spam myself some more deaths?
i had so much respect for u karla, but until u had to let the new members(except broc n maybe a couple of people) intoxicate ur mind...
It's not how hard you punch, but how deep that matters! ¤»IñÐømîñåߣ뫤


#53 Rappy_Ninja

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Posted 19 April 2006 - 03:05 AM

I just wanted to sneak in a comment that you guys should cut her some slack. She works 10 times as hard as any of you; how else would she have gotten the clan up to rank two? If I remember correctly, unlike many players, she donates all or most of her earnings to the clan bank, rather than spending it on herself. At least I can rest easy that theres at least one hard working player on this game...
Don't think I'm trying to kiss up to her, but I'm just defending/stating the facts. Anyways, Keep it up Karla. You'll take down The Resistance soon enough (/wink).

well just one question

if she works so hard why is it probly even one crit of mine (beatrix has 30m in eq alone) is worth more than her acct and her clan alone ?
Page/Memo Beatrix

#54 MysticStorm

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Posted 19 April 2006 - 03:15 AM

/t Dracon For the same reason why you decided to leave MysticShadows for Unpredicted Retribution. So they wouldn't kill you if you had left them and that you're place in Tirantek was a little bit more safer. Fact of the matter is, you were going to get booted either way and it was all on you. All that I posted in previous of the lies you told.. That was all TODAY! Not yesterday, not over a period of months, but you lied to me and founders of this clan all that, in one day and it was today. You told me how I was all of a sudden "Questioning your loyalty." Look at the lies you told to me and founders today. YOU gave me reason to question your loyalties and you confirmed it.

/t Rappy Read the post more carefully:

If I remember correctly, unlike many players, she donates all or most of her earnings to the clan bank, rather than spending it on herself

Because I donate all my gold towards my clan and hardly spend any of it on my crits. So shut up and go back to the retirment home Rappy. Oh wait, you only said you quit but never actually did.

Moderators, if anymore from Unpredicted Retribution or any other negative post comes up, please delete them. This matter is closed.

Anyone not in enemied clans to MysticShadows may join if they wish. Ask a founder or myself to join.

#55 Dracon

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Posted 19 April 2006 - 03:20 AM

[quote name='MysticStorm' date='Apr 18 2006, 10:51 PM' post='159068']
[quote]... Good luck in whatever clan you joined and if you ever wish to join my clan, you're more than welcomed to.

/me logs on a lvl 10 alt and pages Karla...'Hello I am new at this game, may i join ur clan?'

i wonder how many people have done that...
It's not how hard you punch, but how deep that matters! ¤»IñÐømîñåߣ뫤


#56 Da_J_Mooney

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Posted 19 April 2006 - 05:38 AM

Alright, here's where I actually stop agreeing with Karla. I saw Ryan as a great guy, before and after this whole thing. It was never 100% confirmed that he spied for UR, but I know 100% that he spied for MS. I didn't learn this until today, and he only used it to his advantage most of the time, I guess, because he almost never told the clan. I'm more hurt knowing Ryan lied to me about only having 1 crit in UR (to spy, was his reason) than him spying for UR.

Karla, it's a game. This is one of the first times I've ever disagreed with you, but you've got to think. You and I always talk about not getting worked up over a game. There's no point in getting an ego boost. There's no point in getting arrogant and talking trash to another. You don't get along with most/all of UR. Neither do most of our clannies, but it doesn't mean trash talking needs to come into play. They want to talk, let them. There's no point in arguing over an online game.

I'm pretty chill with Lappa, and I've talked to Gnarkill once or twice before, and I don't have a problem with him. Actually, I have, from what I can see, no problem with ANYONE in any of our enemied clans. I really don't know where I'm going with this, but I'm way too lazy to erase it all. Bottom line, everyone can be pretty cool once you start talking to them. I'd know, some of my worst enemies from when I first started are my closest friends, like Paul (Melancholic) ;). I used to not get along with Mike. The first day we met we had prolly a 30 minute or so argument. I enjoy talking to him now, even if it's just saying hey.

Karla, I admire that you're strong willed and that you believe in yourself, and I respect you so much for it, but sometimes too much is too much. We have enemies we need to worry about, outside of this game. This game is somewhere for people to get away from reality and have fun, not argue and get angry over. I know it won't happen, everyone is too full of themselves to say "Hey, I'm sorry, let's start over" or something corney like that, but if someone's bothering you, leave them alone, don't talk to them. No one's forcing you to talk to him and yell back. You get killed, big deal, go somewhere else. They killed me, repeatedly actually, and I lost about 10mil on my new Slayer, but I was the one calming down the rest of the clan, not getting upset.

I don't know if it'll happen because I didn't start the post. but if this topic could be locked, please do. There's been enough arguing on both topics. Maybe we'll make another one day, when enemied clans have the decency to just not post if they dont like us.

Edit: Bleh, most this is just rambling, but I think I get my point across.

Edited by Da_J_Mooney, 19 April 2006 - 06:11 AM.

Aequitas In-Game

#57 Raylen


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Posted 19 April 2006 - 09:35 AM

Ignore Tony, he says that about every nub friendly clan. Give it one year and he'll be claiming that he "thought we were cool" everytime you come close to attacking.

All the best guys, you remind me of my old clan which I sold and now wear on Stella's feet. Gl on reaching number 1.

Lol. Anyway...

If you want to be "the best clan" you need to think like the best clan. Enemies are there to be destroyed, not there to scare you away from your training spots.

Once you make the switch from small clan to big clan mentality, you'll probably find that people will be asking to join you, rather than you having to ask.

And yeah, all the best ;)
+1 post count ggpwnedkthxbai

it's plausible that the SOB hasn't spawned

¯¨:·»Gently spamming the forum since 2003«·:¨¯

#58 Wind


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Posted 19 April 2006 - 11:54 AM

Ignore Tony, he says that about every nub friendly clan. Give it one year and he'll be claiming that he "thought we were cool" everytime you come close to attacking.

All the best guys, you remind me of my old clan which I sold and now wear on Stella's feet. Gl on reaching number 1.

If you want to be "the best clan" you need to think like the best clan. Enemies are there to be destroyed, not there to scare you away from your training spots.

Alan you need to tell your own clan that bro ;)

Sorry for Flaming

Gl with everything :wub:
Cry me a river!

Character Name: Wind on both servers!

#59 MysticStorm

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Posted 19 April 2006 - 01:21 PM

If you want to be "the best clan" you need to think like the best clan. Enemies are there to be destroyed, not there to scare you away from your training spots.

Oh they never scare me from training spots. I keep going back to them, just depends on my mood. Here lately, I haven't had time to train in the last 3 days. I'm not stressing over them. Believe me, they won't scare me away from anything.

And Da_Ja_Mooney catch me in game. I don't know who you are forum name wise. All I know is that the founders who were around the whole time was convinced enough he was a clan spy and supported the decision. Even if.. and I mean really huge IF, wasn't the clan spy, he'd still had to make a decision as for what I stated in other posts for the other reasons he possibly could have been booted for. I gave him the chance to prove himself by telling him either my clan or UR. He chose UR. Plain and simple. I didn't kick him, I simply made him choose between clans. If he had chose MS, then he could have helped resolve the matter. Instead, he chose to tell lie after lie and then walked out.

I don't hate anyone in this game. I don't honestly dislike anyone. I don't even know anyone for real in this game to say who I like and who I don't like. I am far from being worked up over this game. So far from it. But argue with me and I will argue back. Don't like it? Don't start an argument with me.

#60 Wind


    Kevbear <3

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Posted 19 April 2006 - 03:03 PM

If you want to be "the best clan" you need to think like the best clan. Enemies are there to be destroyed, not there to scare you away from your training spots.

Oh they never scare me from training spots. I keep going back to them, just depends on my mood. Here lately, I haven't had time to train in the last 3 days. I'm not stressing over them. Believe me, they won't scare me away from anything.

And Da_Ja_Mooney catch me in game. I don't know who you are forum name wise. All I know is that the founders who were around the whole time was convinced enough he was a clan spy and supported the decision. Even if.. and I mean really huge IF, wasn't the clan spy, he'd still had to make a decision as for what I stated in other posts for the other reasons he possibly could have been booted for. I gave him the chance to prove himself by telling him either my clan or UR. He chose UR. Plain and simple. I didn't kick him, I simply made him choose between clans. If he had chose MS, then he could have helped resolve the matter. Instead, he chose to tell lie after lie and then walked out.

I don't hate anyone in this game. I don't honestly dislike anyone. I don't even know anyone for real in this game to say who I like and who I don't like. I am far from being worked up over this game. So far from it. But argue with me and I will argue back. Don't like it? Don't start an argument with me.



Mysticstorm for Staff
Cry me a river!

Character Name: Wind on both servers!

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