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The Current Reduction Of Csotw(and Alternatives)

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#31 Adultery

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Posted 13 December 2012 - 12:51 AM

Used too, past tense.

nice try to correct me and yes he "used to*" play more.

but seriously... how much has 1a changed since he played? It hasn't even changed much since I played over there other than a new area or two. Just because someone isn't on all day currently doesn't mean they have no clue how the game works. It doesn't take much to grasp NM lol.

you are 100% correct. but who has time to play all day?!? how lack-luster does someones life have to be to sit and click macros all day?!?
god damn! I feel like a complete badass when I enjoy an hour a day on this damn thing! or better yet! A sunday!

Adultery - Diabolic-Clorox

#32 Gnarkill



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Posted 13 December 2012 - 06:32 PM

Theres a few who play most of the day. I used to be addicted and be logged on all day but the past year or 2 maybe more its just a drag.

Alex is awesome so just bow down to him.

Same lol I used to be on pretty much all day on multi when I had nothing other than a job Djing 4 nights a week at local clubs/bars. Now with everything going on in life and work I'm lucky if I can log on and train for 30 mins before I have to afk or log :lol: I miss it sometimes cause I do find NM fun and a wonderful escape from stress but the lack of a playerbase bothers me.. mostly because I don't get along or don't want to get along with 90% of the people that are left lol

Sadly I'm on the forum more than I am on the game these days I think :lol:

Gnarkill- Multi and 1a

#33 Gaddy

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Posted 14 December 2012 - 05:20 AM

Lag reduction efforts?
Wisdom is the principle thing. Therefore, get wisdom, and in all your getting, get understanding.
-Proverbs 4:7

#34 Perfection

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Posted 14 December 2012 - 06:24 AM

still a great weapon, the best in game even with changes..

buy vampire blood potions

use a higher base damage weapon and team with a cleric

random solutions for you all :lol:
Pulsar, Gremlin or Old_Dog in game. (multi alt only)

#35 Apocalypto

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Posted 14 December 2012 - 03:32 PM

Or better yet, keep using cobalt. You will still stay healthy in a good portion of the map if you pay attention. God forbid you mifht have to drink a potion.

#36 Cruxis

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Posted 15 December 2012 - 10:02 PM

Double stam regain rate effectively doubles the power of crits, this makes cobalt unneccessary. As long as monsters aren't touched, crits will be able to dispatch them more quickly. Less time with a mob means you take less hits, Stam over cobalt +1. You'll make gold faster, and be able to spend more on pots/mana without complaining to high hell that you NEED a cobalt. Stam over cobalt +2

As well, bosses would only need half the people, very helpful in this dwindling playerbase. Wouldn't you love to go kill Kunal with just 6 people? Stam over cobalt +3
This also allows for even STRONGER areas in the future, if we get bored with what we have already. I still think Coldmonger needs more raping! Stam over cobalt +4

Rick, you are a moron who cannot connect two strings. I want blah blah blah because I'm a "tool bag?" I say you are the tool bag who wants to keep this game out of whack! You give no reasoning for me being a tool bag, so I don't need to give a reason for you being one, you simply are :lol: Rick needs to gain competency +1

Now, doubling the power of crits without touching their hp? That'll make PvP crazy (well, not really. Instead of either clicked or die in 10 seconds, it's clicked or die in 5 seconds). Even still, I'd say increase armor and absorb spell to counteract this. The increased armor will also help PvM, making cobalt even less needed. Durrrrrr. Infact, I say increase armor/absorb so much, to the fact that PvP isn't a "rounding" game, and crits can't really do more than 30-50 damage a hit to each other (with spells!). Some may think this will make duels take forever, but guess what? You regain stam twice as fast, so it'll be more fast paced AND strategic, even if it does take a little longer (doubtful, since both won't have cobalts anymore lololol>?!?a1/a1??!wdeklf ewbj) kty.

Note: Increasing armor to an amount where characters are dealing such small damage to each other, mobs will be doing such absolute crap! Sadly the max armor of crits has been decently balanced with the strength of mobs related to their pod, so increasing armor would make some higher pod monsters a bit too easy (desert comes to mind). Thankfully, just thankfully, most strong mobs that have pod that matter have magic attacks anyway.
Doubling stam regain and making stronger mobs with higher pods, may make getting to 40 kinda quick, so I say keep max pods around the same for even harder mobs, 90-110. How do we make them more appealing then easier mobs of the same pod? Well, my first choice would be reduce the pod of really easy mobs by 10 to 20, before adding anything to the stronger mobs that don't even exist yet!

How are my suggestions nerfing at all? If anything, my suggestions will make a 1a scenario much more feasible PvM. If anything I'm only nerfing crits PvP, which should've been done when 1a came out.

Any questions?

Edit1 for off topicy stuff: I still suck <3

Edit235: I'd log more, but working 60 hours a week in a fabrication shop is tough nuts!

Edit43: The basic concepts of how this game works are freakin easy, true, and they've not changed much in the last 12 years. Now, getting into the exact numbericals of how the different statistics relate, best I could do is guess and check, for that'd require experience.

Edit skeet skeet skeet: How can people (or just Rick I guess) think me to have an agenda when I don't even really play? My highest level is a 23! I have no bias in how the classes of this game turn out, I truely just want whats best for the game. I always have, and most people who play know me for that, and my idiocy <3

I hate myself, I need to grow up. My immaturity knows no boundsssssssssss

Edited by Cruxis, 15 December 2012 - 10:53 PM.

#37 ice_cold

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Posted 16 December 2012 - 01:57 AM

1) Jlh does not want armor to increase.
2) I would like to see hp increased on 1-alt characters. around x2.5 (1.5 for zerks).
3) Quicker stamina would destroy most monsters and bosses already in game and would create double the gold production (which is quite a bit actually).
I read somewhere that ostrichs hide their heads under the sand because moles watch porn.

ScarletMuse 03/2/2005 11:20am

#38 The Joker

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Posted 16 December 2012 - 04:59 AM

+1 to Stamina time halved. In a world where time is money and people hate to wait, and with a weak player-base it would be ideal to start making the games major bosses do-able by a 6-7 man team, instead of like 15-20. When there are 15-20 people online, half aren't even level 30. What's wrong with faster leveling? What would be wrong with making level 40 actually achievable to people who don't play as much as others.

Upping armor's not going to happen if JLH doesn't support it, obviously he knows of some flaws that would cause. Mainly for druids. I'm sure he'd have to re-work to much nuts to make that happen. Not really needed if we can get increased HP. Which it sounds like ice_cold's got the right idea.

Edited by The Joker, 16 December 2012 - 05:00 AM.

"LeTs PuT a sMiLe oN tHaT fACe!"

                SErVer: 1aLt

                                    nAMe: Joker

#39 Cruxis

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Posted 16 December 2012 - 07:16 AM

I don't see a problem with increased gold, as long as it is given a use and isn't constantly piling up in the hands of maxed out characters. It doesn't matter what the gold rate is, it's going to happen eventually when these people hit "end game." All that can be done is to give them more to spend it on. I suppose making the problem arise faster wouldn't help though.

Quicker stamina would destroy most bosses ingame, yes. But everything in this game is either destroyable, or killed once a month. I'd rather have them all destroyable, and allow for the content in this game to flourish! The drop rates of some of the harder bosses are balanced toward dying daily (or hourly) as well. As said before, this allows for even harder bosses in the future, and Hornet queen would still take 8 35+ characters (probably 7 if you got all zerk attackers), not always an easy amount to gather, but atleast decently possible every day.

This could attract some older players back, I know I'd log more like I used to. Could double stam rate be a problem if we suddenly got pushed to 30 weekly active players?

I say no, because I don't believe it should take 70% of a whole game to take down certain bosses. What other game even closely compares to that? Then again, our playerbase is small, but that just means it should be even more catered to! Not everyone agrees with one another, and though most can stomach their pride and enjoy the game, that isn't always the case. I'd actually like to have 4-5 main clans instead of 2, but that would depend upon players really.

Increased hp works just as well as increased armor, maybe better, since armor reducing abilities wouldn't need to be altered to accommodate. This would almost make clerics seem less effective, but mobs aren't doing more or less damage, the healing necessary in any given situation would be the same. Even if stam rate isn't halved, I still see this being very useful, no character should die in one hit by another of the same level.

Ice_Cold, The Joker, thank you for giving input without any unneccessary hostility, you have my respect as human beings :lol:

Edited by Cruxis, 16 December 2012 - 07:34 AM.

#40 Pureza


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Posted 16 December 2012 - 07:14 PM

Armor really can't be increased much. At 255ac a crit becomes unhittable. With that much armor all attacks on said crit will either be dodged, blocked, or fully absorbed. Meaning that even if a hit does manage to connect, it's going to do 0 damage.
Jaded ingame.

#41 Cruxis

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Posted 16 December 2012 - 08:33 PM

Well damn, I wasn't thinking anything near that much! More like 130-180s (thief/ranger on lower end, fighter/paladin on higher), but then AR could always boost that above 200. I'm pretty sure a fully decked mage/druid, coupled with a cleric, is the only way to even come close to 250 atm. Increasing armor by about 50% per class wouldn't bring them too close either, except druids, they do get armor so easily, having fighter like equipment besides a helmet and shield.

Simple, don't touch druids armor! They have a 5 minute spell that is pretty much always on that gives them ~+30 armor, so I consider their max armor more like 125 than 95 anyway. x2.5 is alot to multiply armor by, mages can't be given much without easily pushing them past the edge. I'd say increase mages base armor and lower AoPs affectiveness to about 2.0!

Any of my numbers are estimates, I don't currently even know the potential max armor of classes! I know what it's not though.

Sucks that I want to see the base armor raised, thus helping out the "individual, solo" aspect of the game, but grouping up, they may become too resistant to damage with cleric spells. Armor just works the way it does. 23 wis cleric, only at lvl 30, can give almost 60 armor with AR, nuts. It does cost quite alot though, and isn't really used. Not sure if increasing levels on the cleric (31+) also increases AR, I never tested it personally.

I would rather see more hp honestly, but either idea could work better than what we have!

I faintly remember Gaddy nearing 250 on his druid, his rangers were doing 0 damage I'm sure, his zerks not breaking single digits. Edit: I never saw a smite or assassination attempt on such armor, do you know if even they would be 0 damage? Just asking, for science!

Most of my suggestions would take JLH, and aren't balanced well without the others being implemented as well. Getting one code change is hard enough, one of these, plus my others from above? I freakin wish. I can dream though, and hope for the best for this game!

Edited by Cruxis, 16 December 2012 - 08:57 PM.

#42 Adultery

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Posted 16 December 2012 - 10:12 PM

Double stam regain rate effectively doubles the power of crits, this makes cobalt unneccessary. As long as monsters aren't touched, crits will be able to dispatch them more quickly. Less time with a mob means you take less hits, Stam over cobalt +1. You'll make gold faster, and be able to spend more on pots/mana without complaining to high hell that you NEED a cobalt. Stam over cobalt +2

As well, bosses would only need half the people, very helpful in this dwindling playerbase. Wouldn't you love to go kill Kunal with just 6 people? Stam over cobalt +3
This also allows for even STRONGER areas in the future, if we get bored with what we have already. I still think Coldmonger needs more raping! Stam over cobalt +4

Rick, you are a moron who cannot connect two strings. I want blah blah blah because I'm a "tool bag?" I say you are the tool bag who wants to keep this game out of whack! You give no reasoning for me being a tool bag, so I don't need to give a reason for you being one, you simply are :lol: Rick needs to gain competency +1

Now, doubling the power of crits without touching their hp? That'll make PvP crazy (well, not really. Instead of either clicked or die in 10 seconds, it's clicked or die in 5 seconds). Even still, I'd say increase armor and absorb spell to counteract this. The increased armor will also help PvM, making cobalt even less needed. Durrrrrr. Infact, I say increase armor/absorb so much, to the fact that PvP isn't a "rounding" game, and crits can't really do more than 30-50 damage a hit to each other (with spells!). Some may think this will make duels take forever, but guess what? You regain stam twice as fast, so it'll be more fast paced AND strategic, even if it does take a little longer (doubtful, since both won't have cobalts anymore lololol>?!?a1/a1??!wdeklf ewbj) kty.

Note: Increasing armor to an amount where characters are dealing such small damage to each other, mobs will be doing such absolute crap! Sadly the max armor of crits has been decently balanced with the strength of mobs related to their pod, so increasing armor would make some higher pod monsters a bit too easy (desert comes to mind). Thankfully, just thankfully, most strong mobs that have pod that matter have magic attacks anyway.
Doubling stam regain and making stronger mobs with higher pods, may make getting to 40 kinda quick, so I say keep max pods around the same for even harder mobs, 90-110. How do we make them more appealing then easier mobs of the same pod? Well, my first choice would be reduce the pod of really easy mobs by 10 to 20, before adding anything to the stronger mobs that don't even exist yet!

How are my suggestions nerfing at all? If anything, my suggestions will make a 1a scenario much more feasible PvM. If anything I'm only nerfing crits PvP, which should've been done when 1a came out.

Any questions?

Edit1 for off topicy stuff: I still suck <3

Edit235: I'd log more, but working 60 hours a week in a fabrication shop is tough nuts!

Edit43: The basic concepts of how this game works are freakin easy, true, and they've not changed much in the last 12 years. Now, getting into the exact numbericals of how the different statistics relate, best I could do is guess and check, for that'd require experience.

Edit skeet skeet skeet: How can people (or just Rick I guess) think me to have an agenda when I don't even really play? My highest level is a 23! I have no bias in how the classes of this game turn out, I truely just want whats best for the game. I always have, and most people who play know me for that, and my idiocy <3

I hate myself, I need to grow up. My immaturity knows no boundsssssssssss


Edited by Adultery, 16 December 2012 - 10:14 PM.

Adultery - Diabolic-Clorox

#43 Pureza


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Posted 17 December 2012 - 01:44 AM

I've gotten my druid over the 255 ac mark with all cleric and druid armor spells. All hits either missed or were doing 0's. As far as smite, it ignores armor(on main, not sure about 1a) and even with all the armor the druid can still be clicked. With the current equipment on my druid, with all armor spells from druid and cleric, he sits at 247 ac. And at 247 ac he was clicked by a lvl 40 half-elf berserker.
Jaded ingame.

#44 BerserkedFrenzy

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Posted 21 December 2012 - 02:00 PM

Just as the world was about to end, I decided to check Nightmist forums for anything interesting. The best thing I've ever seen is cobalt nerfed in 1a. The main reason I don't play 1a is all those players skedaddling around saying "I'm one of the best lulz" when they have cobalts and all the boss drops and don't help others out. This is one of the great changes made by Stig. I believe Stig continues to do a great job in improving the gameplay of Nightmist. Love you, man!

To those who moan and groan, SUCK IT. It's Nightmist. Learn how to play better, please. Thank you for reading.

Edited by BerserkedFrenzy, 21 December 2012 - 02:01 PM.

Våg®åñt §ºùl

#45 ketchup

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Posted 21 January 2013 - 05:11 PM

spider staff ftw. Fear teh noob /flex....

1alt : Titan / Viper / Exellency / Rampage. Main : Predator / Frostie

#46 Gaddy

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Posted 22 January 2013 - 06:03 AM

I faintly remember Gaddy nearing 250 on his druid, his rangers were doing 0 damage I'm sure, his zerks not breaking single digits. Edit: I never saw a smite or assassination attempt on such armor, do you know if even they would be 0 damage? Just asking, for science!


Yea, I can get a little over 240ac, and damage goes down to 1-3 per rapid fire and berserk.  However, smite and assassinate still work the same - they really do ignore armor.

Wisdom is the principle thing. Therefore, get wisdom, and in all your getting, get understanding.
-Proverbs 4:7

#47 Freek

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Posted 07 March 2013 - 02:39 PM

basically smite and assassinate eliminate the possibilities of armor absorbing anything.  however you can grab your thief or zerk go smite asps til you can accurately pinpoint a max damage.  then you can go grab your 240 ac  druid or whatever you want, and hit it.  provided you arent using a gm zerk(makes testing impossible since they will click on any hit lol) you will notice that your smite or assassinate max is lowered by 240 damage to the character.


as far as topic.


i got some pretty nice memos from people saying yay you got what you wanted with balt.  my reply to those memoes is thus: i wanted leech and vamp removed completely so therefor, I did not. I do not think any character should be 95% unkillable by another class by equipping a single weapon.


as far as the reduction it'll add more balance mostly in pvp terms, as far as pvm, you may want to think on which classes this affects most. as far as i see it the complaints about zerks arent warranted because it didnt affect the class at all. you may have to be slightly less afk before you click the next mob. I belive druids and thieves and fighters are hurt the most with this pvm and druids hurt most with this in pvp but it may be a decent trade off with other classes vamping less.. but thats just me.


as far as cobalt bow, the lower vamp was definitely warranted, 2 cheated cjs and the rest were basically a handout.  the weapon , honestly doesn't belong ingame yet.

Don't forget about those tokens from the coli :P

Freek ingame.

#48 LostMagicianGrl

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Posted 07 March 2013 - 08:54 PM

I agree with the nerf of CSoTW. Its always been overpowered and over-relied on. Its a level 25 weapon in a game where level 25 isn't even top-dog anymore....or really ever. It was fine when Arch was top level. But now lvl 40 is top level. Having an over-powered level 25 weapon that the 'top dogs' rely on almost exclusively for training and staying alive out in the wilds is silly (Yes yes stupid word but I'm a girl and therefore I'm allowed to use it!) plus it takes away any real challenge to a game that should be challenging.


I'm glad CSoTW has been nerfed. It allowed too many people to sit on their butts and say, "Na. Don't need to do that. Gotta go make my gold back," every time a run of any sort was suggested. It never should have gone into the game in the first place. Should have been nerfed back at the beginning, when it was put in the game, since it's a level 25 weapon that's way overpowered. With that in game and so powerful that it overshadowed everything else there was no ROOM to really bring in level 30+ endgame weapons. Back in the day CSoTW WAS the end of game weapon basically. Because of it's price tag it's been, annoyingly, (in some cases) the most sought after weapon when it's no better, overall, than any other level 25 weapon. Nerf the weapon. Nerf the price. Maybe it's time people started playing for MORE than themselves again, hmm?


FYI #1 I have one cobalt: Cobalt Birthday Cake. I wasn't ever interested in getting a CSoTW because, honestly, my thiefy would look LAME wielding a non-slice-and-dice type weapon. Even if thieves hadn't been nerfed I still wouldn't bother with a CSoTW simply because it's such an overpriced hunk of junk that it's a total waste in gold. Especially when, if people would get off their asses (excuse the language mods) and work together we'd have a whole new range of BETTER than CSoTW weapons in game.


FYI #2 the reason 1 alt was implemented was to bring the PLAYERS together. To make them WORK together to get stuff done. 1 alt wasn't meant as a solo-able game. When it was implemented the hope was that it would bring the players together for bossing, training, and such. But since the day (practically) it came out people have been griping about how hard it is, how no one works together, how nothing can get done because no one will cooperate. 

Example: (As in this is an EXAMPLE not an actual conversation! Some of you take things too literally....you KNOW who you are!)

Smart Person: We should all team up since there are a lot of us on server right now and do some major bossing! TK, HL, CG, GCH, SK, BD, Banshee, Cappy, Imhotep, LM...we could take them all down! There's plenty on here right now to do all of that and then some!


Pinkie McPinkerton: Why should we team up with MD (Insert any other opposing clan name in here)? Pande is teh best and we have plenty of people to boss with by ourselves.


Smart Person: -sighs- It would be fun?


Purple Flowerchild: If we teamed up with Pande they'd only pk us once we got out into the wilds. We'll do our own thing...oh wait...lets go find some Pande members to pk!

Smart Person: If we worked together we'd all gain something...like a first time boss run....

Pinkie McPinkerton: Na. Pande doesn't need any help from MD (Insert any other opposing clan name in here...)




Smart Person: Lets all get together to go Bossing today! (<-- multiple times suggested)


Pinkie McPinkerton: I can't boss today. I have to make the gold back that I spent on my new Cobalt. You guys go ahead without me. (<-- Multiple times responded back with.)


Smart Person: Don't you want to try out your new toy on a boss?


Jelly Beansniffer: Or use it on the MD (insert any random clan name here) members we find along the way -sly smile-


Pinkie McPinkerton: Hmm na. Need to make that gold back. Jolly McMorcenstein want's a Cobalt too.... (<-- yes was an actual excuse used at one time.)




Its always been like that. (Yes I know there has been SOME cooperation on server. However it's always short lived and always mostly ends with people sniping at each other because so-and-so got such-and-such a drop, or didn't get, whichever the case may be.) Even now days, when the player base has shrunk. Everyone blames everything else on THAT happening when it comes down to one major thing: Jerkiness and the unwillingness to help the other players. Hell I've brought new players to the game that got run OUT of Nightmist because some players are immature and rude and rottenly mean to the core to newbies. So now days, if the player base is too small for most boss runs, that's why. Most of us are now adults but you really couldn't tell by some of the actions that certain players take. Yes I realize that some of this is a bit of a rant but it's a truthful one at least even if I've added a bit of a humor element to things.

As for the bow's nerf....I understand the WHY of it. However if you're going to mod the vamp, give something else back in return to compensate and allow the bow, which is really hard to make, to keep it's 'special' status.

Sweet_Purity/Bunnie on 1-alt and Queue/Raj/Sweet_Purity on main.

#49 Adultery

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Posted 08 March 2013 - 01:18 PM

we still give a hoot about this topic? lol


however whoever sweet purity is knows nothing... hate to say it.


clearly youve never touched a cobalt. lol it wasnt a toy lol it was "THE" weapon of nightmist. either make one better or /destroy game. whatever. ;)


HOWEVER! cause were all nurfing balts and stuff. which no one cares about anymore! why not nurf it on main... but instead of .2 how about .1.5?





remember! I will fist fight you! Then slap your mom for having you!

Adultery - Diabolic-Clorox

#50 Pureza


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Posted 13 March 2013 - 02:44 AM

You could nerf it on main. No one would really care. They get a lot less use now that there's other weapons out there. Giving some variety other than cobalt variants.

Jaded ingame.

#51 Peacemaker

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Posted 18 March 2013 - 01:17 AM

I dont even use a cobalt on main, but i honestly wouldnt like to see it nerfed as bosses on there are alot harder then one alt. Main characters get less stamina and stuff. Yet honestly i dont think it would matter. I do however find it funny that someone who has no skill on main or no characters would refer for it to be changed there just out of spite. Kind of like a little kid saying well you did it to me so why dont you do the same to him. Kind of like crying unfair treatment, yet one alt has recieved way more new weapons and stuff etc. Like i said i dont even use one though so wouldnt hurt me none.

Peacemaker both servers.

#52 Sarah

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Posted 18 March 2013 - 03:04 AM

I dont even use a cobalt on main, but i honestly wouldnt like to see it nerfed as bosses on there are alot harder then one alt. Main characters get less stamina and stuff. Yet honestly i dont think it would matter. I do however find it funny that someone who has no skill on main or no characters would refer for it to be changed there just out of spite. Kind of like a little kid saying well you did it to me so why dont you do the same to him. Kind of like crying unfair treatment, yet one alt has recieved way more new weapons and stuff etc. Like i said i dont even use one though so wouldnt hurt me none.

Is this guy serious? This is completely opposite of everything that is true. Do you even play, bro?

Corinne in-game.

#53 Adultery

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Posted 18 March 2013 - 12:21 PM

I dont even use a cobalt on main, but i honestly wouldnt like to see it nerfed as bosses on there are alot harder then one alt. Main characters get less stamina and stuff. Yet honestly i dont think it would matter. I do however find it funny that someone who has no skill on main or no characters would refer for it to be changed there just out of spite. Kind of like a little kid saying well you did it to me so why dont you do the same to him. Kind of like crying unfair treatment, yet one alt has recieved way more new weapons and stuff etc. Like i said i dont even use one though so wouldnt hurt me none.


lmao you still amuse me, getting told im crying from a dude who cried his way out of pande lol.


however since RJ brought the topic up, we should lower vamp on all new items in game. increasing value of smaller piss on items again ie. SoE. would help mains already blown out economy get more blown out! cause everyones all about the coinz! even tho the cost of lvling in nearly gifted too you (main) ;)



back to jake ;) anytime your finna loose your exp on that mage or on them thieves, come see me.

(an offer I keep offering) = No Results cause he gate sits and hides. then goes and pk's someone much lower lvl, like a BOSSS lol

Edited by Stig, 18 March 2013 - 12:35 PM.
No sexual insults

Adultery - Diabolic-Clorox

#54 Peacemaker

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Posted 21 March 2013 - 01:29 PM

I dont even use a cobalt on main, but i honestly wouldnt like to see it nerfed as bosses on there are alot harder then one alt. Main characters get less stamina and stuff. Yet honestly i dont think it would matter. I do however find it funny that someone who has no skill on main or no characters would refer for it to be changed there just out of spite. Kind of like a little kid saying well you did it to me so why dont you do the same to him. Kind of like crying unfair treatment, yet one alt has recieved way more new weapons and stuff etc. Like i said i dont even use one though so wouldnt hurt me none.

Is this guy serious? This is completely opposite of everything that is true. Do you even play, bro?

Try to solo any boss on main and see how long it takes you compared to one alt. Check all updates and events and quests since one alt came out and see if im not correct that one alt has recieved more.

Peacemaker both servers.

#55 Sarah

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Posted 21 March 2013 - 10:18 PM


I dont even use a cobalt on main, but i honestly wouldnt like to see it nerfed as bosses on there are alot harder then one alt. Main characters get less stamina and stuff. Yet honestly i dont think it would matter. I do however find it funny that someone who has no skill on main or no characters would refer for it to be changed there just out of spite. Kind of like a little kid saying well you did it to me so why dont you do the same to him. Kind of like crying unfair treatment, yet one alt has recieved way more new weapons and stuff etc. Like i said i dont even use one though so wouldnt hurt me none.

Is this guy serious? This is completely opposite of everything that is true. Do you even play, bro?

Try to solo any boss on main and see how long it takes you compared to one alt. Check all updates and events and quests since one alt came out and see if im not correct that one alt has recieved more.

Any boss on 1-alt takes 10x longer just because you have to account for 10 different players pushing buttons at different times, taking forever to get ready, etc.  Versus on main you have 1 player spamming attack on 20 crits (when's the last time we saw a party of 20 on 1a) as soon as every crit gets stamina. Anyone who has clericed (or even been at hitter at) a high difficulty boss on 1-alt can tell you that its much more difficult on 1-alt... But I guess you wouldn't know that lately since nobody wants to party with you.
Also, main has gotten a ton of extremely powerful equips lately; platinum coin items, cobalt alternatives, questies, etc. (including stat modifier items, which would be too OP for 1-alt) compared to 1-alt, which is lucky to get a new weapon during quest time. To prove my point:


You could nerf it on main. No one would really care. They get a lot less use now that there's other weapons out there. Giving some variety other than cobalt variants.

Corinne in-game.

#56 Peacemaker

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Posted 22 March 2013 - 03:22 PM

Tbh clericing a party on one alt is very easy and even requires less cleric to crit ratio then it does on main. I have seen one cleric for parties of 10-15. Try that on main and see what happens. Im also speaking without cobalts or vamp weapons in this use. Cause if all had them then cleric not needed for most bosses. I will agree it does take less time to go to your boss on main. Difficulty of the bosses are different though. Parties of smaller sizes can take out bosses that if tried on main with same amount would not even come close. Also only recently since Stig took over has main had extra stuff. Before then it was all one alt with nothing for main what so ever.


On a side note of people partying up with me. If i wanted to party up with people and go do bosses then i would have played along with the lil clan bs that everyone on one alt does to get chances at bosses. Instead i would rather not bother with other people and just log on and kill them here and there whenever i feel like it. I have had many instances recently where i havent even touched you when i seen you on that server training out in open ready to be plucked for an easy pk. Yet i refrained as you werent part of the nonsense that made me not want a part in that clan. In no way am i stating that you are lucky and blah blah blah and you are gonna get pked cause of this and such. Im am simply defending a statement you have made towards me. 


Main and 1-alt are two different servers and staff have said it many times to not include both servers in modifications as both servers arent ran the same.


Also just to point out something on the lvling system people say is so easy. On one alt people say it is outrageously expensive. Oh its 7 mil to lvl my character that i run. Yet on main you can run 20 and its 1 mil a piece after lvl 35. Thats 20 mil for every lvl. You can say well i have more then one character. Which may be true, yet it is your choice to run more then one character. Yet you can only run one at a time. Some people on main have 3 or 4 parties or more. Thats 60-80 mil or more. For one lvl. So you figure 4 parties on main is worth like 4 characters on one alt. So for 5 lvls you are charged on main. Thats 400 million. 4 characters on one alt cost how much? I bet its not even half. Who's got the cheap deal now?

Peacemaker both servers.

#57 Peacemaker

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Posted 22 March 2013 - 03:27 PM

I dont even use a cobalt on main, but i honestly wouldnt like to see it nerfed as bosses on there are alot harder then one alt. Main characters get less stamina and stuff. Yet honestly i dont think it would matter. I do however find it funny that someone who has no skill on main or no characters would refer for it to be changed there just out of spite. Kind of like a little kid saying well you did it to me so why dont you do the same to him. Kind of like crying unfair treatment, yet one alt has recieved way more new weapons and stuff etc. Like i said i dont even use one though so wouldnt hurt me none.


lmao you still amuse me, getting told im crying from a dude who cried his way out of pande lol.


however since RJ brought the topic up, we should lower vamp on all new items in game. increasing value of smaller piss on items again ie. SoE. would help mains already blown out economy get more blown out! cause everyones all about the coinz! even tho the cost of lvling in nearly gifted too you (main) ;)



back to jake ;) anytime your finna loose your exp on that mage or on them thieves, come see me.

(an offer I keep offering) = No Results cause he gate sits and hides. then goes and pk's someone much lower lvl, like a BOSSS lol

Also as for you. I pked your sharer the other day and he's same lvl as you. So there goes your theory of only lower lvls. Train in the open more often and i promise you will get what you ask for. Lately i have been working so i havent had time. Im off for a week now though so if you are feeling brave then go train somewhere that doesnt need a key or a door to hide behind and you can lose some exp yourself.

Peacemaker both servers.

#58 Sarah

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Posted 22 March 2013 - 04:42 PM

Tbh clericing a party on one alt is very easy and even requires less cleric to crit ratio then it does on main. I have seen one cleric for parties of 10-15. Try that on main and see what happens. Im also speaking without cobalts or vamp weapons in this use. Cause if all had them then cleric not needed for most bosses. I will agree it does take less time to go to your boss on main. Difficulty of the bosses are different though. Parties of smaller sizes can take out bosses that if tried on main with same amount would not even come close. Also only recently since Stig took over has main had extra stuff. Before then it was all one alt with nothing for main what so ever.


On a side note of people partying up with me. If i wanted to party up with people and go do bosses then i would have played along with the lil clan bs that everyone on one alt does to get chances at bosses. Instead i would rather not bother with other people and just log on and kill them here and there whenever i feel like it. I have had many instances recently where i havent even touched you when i seen you on that server training out in open ready to be plucked for an easy pk. Yet i refrained as you werent part of the nonsense that made me not want a part in that clan. In no way am i stating that you are lucky and blah blah blah and you are gonna get pked cause of this and such. Im am simply defending a statement you have made towards me. 


Main and 1-alt are two different servers and staff have said it many times to not include both servers in modifications as both servers arent ran the same.


Also just to point out something on the lvling system people say is so easy. On one alt people say it is outrageously expensive. Oh its 7 mil to lvl my character that i run. Yet on main you can run 20 and its 1 mil a piece after lvl 35. Thats 20 mil for every lvl. You can say well i have more then one character. Which may be true, yet it is your choice to run more then one character. Yet you can only run one at a time. Some people on main have 3 or 4 parties or more. Thats 60-80 mil or more. For one lvl. So you figure 4 parties on main is worth like 4 characters on one alt. So for 5 lvls you are charged on main. Thats 400 million. 4 characters on one alt cost how much? I bet its not even half. Who's got the cheap deal now?

Anyone who says clericing on 1-alt is easy has never solo clericed Imhotep, or any other high level boss. If you tried to go anywhere besides HL or CG with just vamp weapons (which still not everyone has) without a cleric you would be screwed.
Yes, on 1-alt a smaller party can take out bosses that the same sized party on main couldn't. That's how it should be--the server was intended for cooperation, and we all know the playerbase is smaller, if you required 20 people for every decent boss, they would never get done. However, requiring less people doesn't make it less difficult. If anything it makes it more difficult. You have damage spread out to half the crits there would be, and the cleric (singular) has to keep up with that. Its not hard to get 1 person on 20 crits to kill something, while we struggle to get 10 people together on a regular basis.

The problem is you're judging difficulty by how many characters it takes. Anyone can alt-esc their way through 20 characters and spam macros. It takes some strategy and skill to keep 10-15 people alive with 1 cleric and kill a boss in a reasonable amount of time.


Back to the original topic, I'm happy with the reduction of csotw, if it means we get more cool weapons. Like RJ said, there are plenty of alternatives to use. Yes, I admit it does suck on a low level zerk, but imo zerks should never have been as much of a solo class as they are.

Corinne in-game.

#59 Adultery

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Posted 23 March 2013 - 10:37 PM


I dont even use a cobalt on main, but i honestly wouldnt like to see it nerfed as bosses on there are alot harder then one alt. Main characters get less stamina and stuff. Yet honestly i dont think it would matter. I do however find it funny that someone who has no skill on main or no characters would refer for it to be changed there just out of spite. Kind of like a little kid saying well you did it to me so why dont you do the same to him. Kind of like crying unfair treatment, yet one alt has recieved way more new weapons and stuff etc. Like i said i dont even use one though so wouldnt hurt me none.


lmao you still amuse me, getting told im crying from a dude who cried his way out of pande lol.


however since RJ brought the topic up, we should lower vamp on all new items in game. increasing value of smaller piss on items again ie. SoE. would help mains already blown out economy get more blown out! cause everyones all about the coinz! even tho the cost of lvling in nearly gifted too you (main) ;)



back to jake ;) anytime your finna loose your exp on that mage or on them thieves, come see me.

(an offer I keep offering) = No Results cause he gate sits and hides. then goes and pk's someone much lower lvl, like a BOSSS lol

Also as for you. I pked your sharer the other day and he's same lvl as you. So there goes your theory of only lower lvls. Train in the open more often and i promise you will get what you ask for. Lately i have been working so i havent had time. Im off for a week now though so if you are feeling brave then go train somewhere that doesnt need a key or a door to hide behind and you can lose some exp yourself.


you pkd a ranger?!? man youve got some pair on you son! lmao, are you saying a door or a key area worries you? lolll i guess that means dont let me catch you poking at doors :lol:


also i agree with sarah. if we get cool new items in game, its a good nurf.


however. it still needs to be nurfd on main. as well as all vamp based weapons. 20 alt is the big EZ.

Adultery - Diabolic-Clorox

#60 Gnarkill



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Posted 23 March 2013 - 11:01 PM

I mostly played multi over the course of the time I was active and I honestly don't think I would have cared if vamp weapons were nerf'd or even removed from multi. They are great for training don't get me wrong and I've gotten good use of them lol.. but once you hit the higher levels there are other options now. Plus being able to use multiple clerics in your own party and camp mana holders I would prefer BD over vamp with my bigger parties.

Gnarkill- Multi and 1a

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