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Account Stolen

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#31 Xian

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Posted 27 May 2004 - 10:29 PM

Medora your argument is true and technically, yes it is allowed.. but for someone who states they don't especially like being called names, you're not exactly avoiding abuse very effectively by stealing the main account of a popular player are you?

Personally, I'd expect more from staff.
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#32 Kazul

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Posted 27 May 2004 - 10:29 PM

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#33 Medora

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Posted 27 May 2004 - 10:35 PM

You can think of me as you will. At least I stood up for my actions by admitting what I had done. Instead of sitting back in a quiet corner and assuring that no one ever knew. I could have done that. Im not like that. If you have the courage to do it today, dont regret it tomorrow.
I dont trust anyone, and I especially dont trust people's motives.

#34 Rappy_Ninja

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Posted 27 May 2004 - 10:36 PM

banned for theft not for annoyance he never did and most of ppl on nm trash talk  so acording to you guys its all good  :)



acording to tevlok could be true maybe isnt

but he DID hack but not the server

I recall him saying something to the effect of him hacking afew of staffs accts but he didnt change pass/log on staff crits

who knows maybe a lie ? dunno
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#35 Kazul

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Posted 27 May 2004 - 10:37 PM

I just honestly don't know what to say to you Kim. I never really knew what happened between you and ryan, but i felt you were better than this, regardless of whether or not you were staff. Yet as staff i believe you should pride yourself on integrity, as well as what others think of you. You can ask around this game and i'll be impressed if you can find a person that can honestly say i have ever cheated them out of anything. All you have done today is steal the hard work of a person who has never done the same to anyone. Regardless of what happened between you and ryan.

BTW you have also stolen all Mindi/Demonskys alts since pretty much everything she has is in our account right now. So two people that have nothing to do w/u and ryan's problems have to be screwed over so u can have your revenge.
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#36 Despair

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Posted 27 May 2004 - 10:38 PM

acording to tevlok could be true maybe isnt

but he DID hack but not the server

I recall him saying something to the effect of him hacking afew of staffs accts but he didnt change pass/log on staff crits

who knows maybe a lie ? dunno

Doesn't really matter thats all in the past all I was doing was showing you that Tevlok wasn't banned for stealing 'according to JLH himself'
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#37 Medora

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Posted 27 May 2004 - 10:39 PM

Mindi will most definately get everything thats hers back. No matter how this situation resolves, she will not be affected.
I dont trust anyone, and I especially dont trust people's motives.

#38 Kazul

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Posted 27 May 2004 - 10:40 PM

and that will make what you have done today right?
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#39 Rappy_Ninja

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Posted 27 May 2004 - 10:46 PM

acording to tevlok could be true maybe isnt

but he DID hack but not the server

I recall him saying something to the effect of him hacking afew of staffs accts but he didnt change pass/log on staff crits

who knows maybe a lie ? dunno

Doesn't really matter thats all in the past all I was doing was showing you that Tevlok wasn't banned for stealing 'according to JLH himself'

"The new penalty for attempting to steal from a player via a trade is PERMENANT BAN. That means you'll never, ever be able to play nightmist again."

what medora did wasnt a trade but still :)

Edited by Rappy_Ninja, 27 May 2004 - 10:46 PM.

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#40 Thunderja


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Posted 27 May 2004 - 10:51 PM

I believe in playing this game fair and right, and no matter how much you try to justify yourself that was not right.

However, you are sharing an account? why? So many people have misplaced ego's on this game, when they are using other peoples strongest crits with their own, try getting your own crits and items and this won't happen.
I wouldn't mind stabbing you in the face, if that's cool with you?

#41 Epic

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Posted 27 May 2004 - 10:51 PM


EDIT: "what medora did wasnt a trade but still" - Rappy Ninja

But still what..its not the same and there is not "but still"

"and that will make what you have done today right?" - Kazul

I dont think she thinks that, she just doesnt want to do someone else wrong is what im thinkin

Edited by Epic, 27 May 2004 - 10:55 PM.

#42 BadAngel

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Posted 27 May 2004 - 10:55 PM

Well, when i found out that my so called "best friend" was the one that gave dennis/snoopy,,, my password when will/anarchy and i shared.. .. I took her account too.

Didnt want her shyt just had to prove point. And, Jlh gave her the account back. She had given me the password and she got the account back w/ no questions asked. It was all handled real quietly. But how many other ppl get thier stuff taken in the exact manner and nothing is ever ever done? LOADS.

So, I agree with Epics point that staff does indeed choose if/when/how/why/why not/and mostly Who they will help.

Joel/Ryan are friends of mine so of course i think them having their account messed w/ sux. If i didnt know them though... id be bytching about favortism on part of staff.

As far as Medora is concerned ... shes staff sure and true its disheartening to see staff do something like this but ive come to see that its kinda par for course. Staff being allowed to be Mortal as well doesnt seem to mix imo.

Medora has been, in my opinion, one of the most fair staff ive seen. So atleast if youre going to judge her.. do it on a personal level not involve her position as staff.

blahblahblah :)

#43 Limit

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Posted 27 May 2004 - 10:55 PM

Well first of all id like to start out with 6 months ago when me and Kimmi were close. We had a little fight about something that we shouldnt have. She said some things i said some things, and maybe not all were appropriate. But i for one have never bad mouthed you behind your back kimmi and the things said to you werent very bad, i may have said a cuss word once or twice but i really dont see how u you could still have such a grudge against me for it. Im very sorry if i hurt your feelings with anything said or done. If you want to punish me with taking 3 years of my work into this game away from me for something said i really dont know what to say. Id love to talk to you and straighten things out but you refuse to give me a chance apparently. But hey i appologize for hurting you in every way. Even though we had our difficulties, I have always respected you in every way possible.
Anyhow if your gonna take away all the time ive invested id hope youd have the decency to give joel and mindi back whats theres. If you want me gone from the game just ask because youve just successfully dissapointed me and made my trust for people go from 10 - 1. It really blows to because we went through about 20 passes and mindi just had a trojan so we changed it to an old one, apparently that was the one you had. Anyhow i guess theres not much more i can say unless your willing to talk to me. For now i hope you feel good about what uve done because i never felt good about having problems with you.
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#44 Epic

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Posted 27 May 2004 - 10:58 PM

Here comes the 6 month late apoligizing :) alos..you creeps, stop looking at this page..theres like 20 people on it...

#45 Rappy_Ninja

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Posted 27 May 2004 - 10:59 PM

Here comes the 6 month late apoligizing :) alos..you creeps, stop looking at this page..theres like 20 people on it...

Page/Memo Beatrix

#46 Kalypso

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Posted 27 May 2004 - 11:02 PM

Here comes the 6 month late apoligizing :) alos..you creeps, stop looking at this page..theres like 20 people on it...

but but but..its juicy NM gossip!!!!!

can't stop reading.......
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#47 Rappy_Ninja

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Posted 27 May 2004 - 11:03 PM

Here comes the 6 month late apoligizing  :) alos..you creeps, stop looking at this page..theres like 20 people on it...

but but but..its juicy NM gossip!!!!!

can't stop reading.......

another /csl
Page/Memo Beatrix

#48 Oasis

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Posted 27 May 2004 - 11:03 PM

I truely...truely hope this is a late april fools joke Medora. You are supposed to be a highly respected person being staff, reliable, helpful, and hopefully kind. But what you have done is truely not. I remove my post for voting you for favorite staff, you can eat dirt.

I will give you every penny I own in trade to give Joels stuff back. He has worked to damn hard to be shut down like this this by you, by anyone in that matter. Sure it's legal....but I just don't believe you had the undecency to do something like this. It was a old grudge get over it..please give Joel/Ryan/Mindi their stuff back, they are good people and do not deserve this. Just please.....That is all I ahve to say.

Edited by Oasis, 27 May 2004 - 11:04 PM.

#49 Nocturnal

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Posted 27 May 2004 - 11:05 PM


You'd think people would have gotten the message by now, Geez.

#50 Epic

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Posted 27 May 2004 - 11:08 PM


You'd think people would have gotten the message by now, Geez.

Now why would you think that, were talking about Nightmist people...

#51 Nocturnal

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Posted 27 May 2004 - 11:11 PM

Now why would you think that, were talking about Nightmist people...

lol, Good Point.

<---- :) <---

Thats all the advice from staff going through everybody's head.

If people didn't share however, I'd admit the forums would be a bit, Boring.

#52 Thunderja


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Posted 27 May 2004 - 11:12 PM


You'd think people would have gotten the message by now, Geez.

I wouldn't mind stabbing you in the face, if that's cool with you?

#53 Gaddy

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Posted 27 May 2004 - 11:25 PM

You say that Mindi won't be affected by you stealing her account...that makes no sense at all. You give her the alts that are her's without sharing back or what? Cause you know, that is still highly affecting her, taking away the items, crits, and gold that ARE HER'S, she shares with them, you steal ANYTHING from them and you're stealing the SAME THING from Mindi.

Umm...If you are staff, and you steal, be it legal or not, I do not think you should remain staff. I like you Medora, and you have never been mean in the slightest bit in my direction, but to take an account because he hurt your feelings a long time ago...that is immature and there is no way that a person who would be that against other people in game should be staff. Still being a snob about Ryan not giving you the Ring of Mistletoe that HE got from Evil Santa is all I see here Medora...

I don't feel that staff are separate from their mortal crits, it is a person, not a crit, who changes an account password or chooses to say something or chooses to act however they act.

Staff have to be mature and able to handle themselves without holding grudges, we're all human, but you need to re-assess your actions.

Edited by Gaddy, 27 May 2004 - 11:36 PM.

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#54 Epic

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Posted 27 May 2004 - 11:30 PM

Now now, just because a staff person stole an acct..lets not make any exceptions to the staff member or the victim..and i say this because deep down i think.. (in the words of Dennis Leary) "I'm an as$hole"

Edited by Epic, 27 May 2004 - 11:35 PM.

#55 Limit

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Posted 27 May 2004 - 11:37 PM

Spam all you like guys in all truth you have no real business posting here. And to kimmi your acting like i treated you so bad. If i remember for the most part i stood loyal to you. Remember when you use to train in game? And when you had no cleric so i bought you a very nice one to help you out. Or when people bad mouthed you as a player.. I bashed friends and stood up for you. I hurt people because they talked down to you. We had a small quarrel but you have no reason to come back and hurt me or my friends as if we treated you wrong. If you got into a fight w/ur signifigant other would you go and steal there car? or anything else for that matter.. all im saying kimmy is if you have a problem with me talk to me.. hell if you really want me gone ill quit this game, you can have my comp banned, id drop nm for good just to see my friends get the stuff back.
The difference between stupidity and genius is that genius has its limits. - Albert Einstein

#56 Momba

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Posted 27 May 2004 - 11:43 PM

Man this topic is hot hot hot...

I couldn't even read anything past Medora's first post because I was affraid of being on page 3 instead of page 2.

Anywho. It sucks that Ryan and Joel got Jacked. They are lucky that is was Kimmi and not someone else. Sure you can slam Kimmi cause she is staff and you say she should of known better, but what she did as has been stated was perfectly legit.

She did what almost every player ingame woulda done. She got her feelings hurt for whatever reason. I'm not even going to pretend I know what Ryan said/did, but everyone who knows Ryan knows he gets hot headed at times. It is what allows us to tell who is on. (Ryan/Joel).

The thing that seperates Kimmi from the other players who would of did the same is she had the balls to publically say she did it and stated why she did it. And knowing her she would have given everything back just as it was. Now I don't doubt she would have made Ryan do tricks. Maybe bark like a dog at the southgate house. Or run naked to the crystal giant a few times.

I think because of the fact that is was Kimmi and all things will be returned it is kind of humorous. I feel sorry for Joel to have gotten caught up in this, but he has shared with Ryan long enough to know that there are certain risks.

Now what ya need to ask yourself is, "If Kimmi wasn't staff would this matter?" I think not. She just like Jen, Wes, Simon and the others conducts herself properly when on her staff crit. So drop the, "But she is staff and shoulda known better".

I do hope that JLH activates the account sooner then 1 week. Now that we know who did it and all the details of why there is no reason to have to wait a week. Unless of course you just want to once and for all send a message that sharing is not supported by staff...

*From high atop the Momba Towers located in the TR clan house*
Peace peeps
My inner child is a mean little f*ucker

#57 Kazul

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Posted 27 May 2004 - 11:53 PM

bottom line, i would rather see every alt, amulet, sg, cr, and the cobalt staff delted than see my crits and items in the hands of someone who did not earn it.
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#58 Oasis

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Posted 28 May 2004 - 12:01 AM

Also I have a question, you just RANDOMLY had a icon laying in your desktop convieniently from 6 months ago with auto-login from when you shared with ryan...Not accussing you of abusing staff powers but it is extremly convienent.

#59 Deval

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Posted 28 May 2004 - 12:04 AM

I do hope that JLH activates the account sooner then 1 week. Now that we know who did it and all the details of why there is no reason to have to wait a week.

Hang on a mo, the account is banned sure, but I don't think that Kazul and Limit actually have the current password yet. That's how I understood it anyway, am I wrong?

Not accussing you of abusing staff powers but it is extremly convienent.

I also may be wrong again, but I'm pretty sure it's only admin that have access to account information like account names and passwords.
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#60 Kazul

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Posted 28 May 2004 - 12:06 AM

we do not have the pass, and since according to kimmi she had the pass from ryan, JLH will more than likely not give. So unless Kimmi gives it back herself, which at this time, i dont' see happening, farewell nighmist, it's been fun.
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