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#31 Sublime

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Posted 02 October 2012 - 02:49 PM

I admit that i never agree with what Jordan has to say, ever. But, supported anyway. It would literally take no time to change the monster stats on a couple of the token bosses, and no serious coding needed for a new level system from 35+, even with my limited experience and powers that i had on the 1a2 server even i could have put together an entire system (granted it is very time consuming work), and let JLH do the final coding.
Sublime - 1a.

#32 Freek

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Posted 02 October 2012 - 06:58 PM

When JP agrees with me you know something is seriously wrong. I agree with what ryan and JP said.. changing demi/gristle to non healing take no time at all and that is the MAJOR issue right now. I don't expect the rest of the stuff like 36+ zones anytime soon. But just knowning that you are planning on it and maybe a release every 4 months or so would keep heads high and motivation flowing.

I already respect what you have done for 1a and quite frankly annoyed that you are being held back by people who do not care what happens to 1a.
Freek ingame.

#33 Justice

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Posted 02 October 2012 - 09:05 PM

^"Like" button?
...Añd Jústícè Fòr All

#34 Apocalypto

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Posted 03 October 2012 - 01:03 AM

fixing whats actually broken is more important in the long run than shutting people up 3x a year with a new area or a couple drops. if you want people quiet dont give them reasons to whine. treat no class better than the rest. dont make rediculous items that make previous bests 4x worse, like anubis mask. dont destroy the hardest crafts ingame by making them drop from bosses and even add classes to use the dropped one and not the craft...theres just so many things that need more help why add even more for yourselves.

anyway thanks for your time and effort but i dont see any good in it if the "Core" problems are constantly avoided for public appeasement.

Totally agree with this. The whole idea that people will complain about any addition is ludicrous. We complain because what needs done is ignored, and instead something is added that completely under-minds what the server has to work towards. Dropping items with the same stats as stuff that takes ages to get with a lot of co-operation doesn't solve anything. The effort is appreciated, and gets people to shut up for a minute, but it doesnt fix anything. And to me, only makes the co-operation aspect that the "hidden "staff"" have always been gun-hoe about less appealing.

#35 Wozlan

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Posted 03 October 2012 - 10:52 AM

Well I'm glad that so many also find the level 35+ training and leveling pointless and boring.

I Should have leveled Nin to legendary ages ago but there is simply not enough motivation to do so. An area for GM chars only with new and higer pod/gold monsters could help a bit on that.

About the tokens i agree that no coli boss should take more than 5 chars to kill so agree on removing the healing, just add a bit more hp/damage to the boss instead. Cleric boss needs changed to. Unlogical that clerics main purpose healing is not used to kill the boss.

I also agree on making an alternative item system for 35+ but not with the same items that is used 30-35.

Either make monsters in a new GM only area drop them (would be logical) or give some of the excisting nm monsters new item drops.

I also support the complaint about the characters being leveled up for no real benefit at level 40.

There could be lots of options for doing something cool.

Spell duration could be increased every time the caster gained another stam. So a 8 stam mage would have a longer haste, invisibility etc than a 4 stam mage. For melee chars new skills could be intoduced at higher levels maybe first at level 36 (just like fighters got cs)

I still think an unique level 40 spell or skill would be cool and a good reward for achieving the last level.

Examples could be:

Rangers: Stealth: When activated is works like covert with a 2 min duration. Then when visable again you need to wait 10 min to use it again.

Paladins: Protection from undead: Undead monsters on square can't damage paladin for 1 min(regular monsters will)10 min till it can be reused.

Mage: Town portal: The mage can teleport to any town or place where you can be localed. If the mage is party leader it works on party too.

Mage: 2nd option: Increased mana regen: mage regen full mana in a period of 1 min if no enemy on square. 15 min reuse time.

There could maybe be 2 skills/spells for each class reaching level 40 where you then have to chose between the 2 to get your unique spell/skill.

I also support that the xp loss by death get a cap on for example 3-5 mil xp.

People would explore more and fight more pvp if the consequence of dying is less fatal.

About bosses. Yes they should drop more gold since they are harder that regular monsters. They should also be unrobable so the people making the work killing them actually got the gold.

If a few major things is changed on the 1A server it could actually be fun playing.

#36 Apocalypto

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Posted 03 October 2012 - 06:29 PM

I really think its being over analyzed. If the tokens were made easier(doable), and maybe the EXP per death dropped, people would probably level their characters to 40.

#37 Freek

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Posted 04 October 2012 - 05:31 AM

And this is about the time these post go ignored. Already know these "behind the scene" staffers are lurking about due to the disappearance of other post, yet have heard no response. Keep your fingers crossed and spam bump it I guess and maybe we might break through their stubborn skulls.
Freek ingame.

#38 Freek

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Posted 04 October 2012 - 03:20 PM

things would get done faster if we went on main and "abused" their server. ill farm the shades :lol:

Sounds legit. I'll start training 40 thieves.
Freek ingame.

#39 Peacemaker

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Posted 04 October 2012 - 08:59 PM

Easy fix here. Remove healing from coliseum bosses. Put a 1mil cap on deaths from pks, tbh you could even remove exp loss from pks but i think that requires some coding. I think losing all you had on you is a price as it is.

Or make one of the other coliseum bosses say Lone Gladiator a lil harder and make it drop lvling tokens for all classes. Another thing is it would be nice to not have to gather up 4 or 5 people to go to tirantek to go lvl. Maybe make a place in coliseum to lvl at.
Peacemaker both servers.

#40 Apocalypto

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Posted 04 October 2012 - 09:41 PM

Think you should definitely lose exp from dieing. And way more than 1 mill. Especially with the amount of pking going on right now. Also is pretty easy to get to ttk. doesnt even take 5 people if you really need to get there.

Edited by Apocalypto, 05 October 2012 - 06:03 AM.


#41 Gnarkill



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Posted 04 October 2012 - 09:49 PM

Pipe dreams.. I has them.

Copy everyones accts(chars/items/bank/vaults/clans ect) to multi server, shut down 1a, set multi to 3-5 alts max then most can be done solo except the hard stuff which would still require teamwork if you can only run 3-5.. then balance and incorporate 1a exclusive areas/items and introduce them to the 3-5 alt multi server wether it be for events or as new areas.. maybe even toss some different bosses/drops in them to keep it interesting and fresh for the 1a players that have played them.

This is a drastic and big move.. but it puts the entire playerbase/staff on one server making the game as a whole less dead, multi system is cheaper leveling 35+, people don't have to rely on everyone that plays if a single person can log 3-5 alts..you would only need a friend or two to accomplish most(aside from the very very hard areas) meaning maybe the PKing/boss fights/clan wars pick up as people aren't forced to play nice with the whole server.. exp loss per pk wouldnt matter as much if you have your own mini party to train and if I remember right multi isn't as big of a loss/per death as 1a.

Also the want to multipc should be ALOT less for people who do currently.. as they could log a party of 3-5 legally.

Otherwise if 1a people are invading multi for fun.. I might log when i have the time and join in.. its been a while :lol:

Edited by Gnarkill, 04 October 2012 - 09:57 PM.

Gnarkill- Multi and 1a

#42 Gnarkill



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Posted 04 October 2012 - 10:05 PM

I was actually tempted to say just shut em both down and let everyone start from scratch on a newly opened 3-5 alt server with the multi specs and some 1a exclusive areas added.. but I figured it would cause more whining from both servers than saying to copy over the 1a stuff lol. :lol:

I'd gladly start from scratch myself.. but I don't have half as much as alot of people... just a handful of 5 stats that I've bought/rolled over the years and a clan and a Bone Skewer lol.

Edited by Gnarkill, 04 October 2012 - 10:06 PM.

Gnarkill- Multi and 1a

#43 Apocalypto

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Posted 04 October 2012 - 10:07 PM

i personally wouldnt touch the game again if that happened. But if both servers were deleted and everything started over with a 1-3 or 1-5 alt limit i would probably spend way to much time on nightmist.

#44 Gnarkill



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Posted 04 October 2012 - 10:14 PM

i personally wouldnt touch the game again if that happened. But if both servers were deleted and everything started over with a 1-3 or 1-5 alt limit i would probably spend way to much time on nightmist.

I would become a habitual player again I think too lol

Gnarkill- Multi and 1a

#45 The Joker

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Posted 05 October 2012 - 12:08 AM

I like the idea of a new server.

Edited by The Joker, 05 October 2012 - 12:09 AM.

"LeTs PuT a sMiLe oN tHaT fACe!"

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#46 The Joker

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Posted 05 October 2012 - 02:06 AM

I would. Although.. I didn't play the last 10 years, so I'd say there would be a few people that would be a little salty about that.

"LeTs PuT a sMiLe oN tHaT fACe!"

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#47 Freek

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Posted 05 October 2012 - 03:44 AM

Let's not get off topic...

Fix 35+ please.
Freek ingame.

#48 brewcrew

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Posted 05 October 2012 - 05:33 PM

I would like to add that for druids (as I am a druid player) I posted an idea that people liked for druids to level to legendary. As of right now there is no real reason to level a druid past 37 (because no stam gain etc..) but to do things like at level 40 give them a new "legendary" morph. I understand that it might not be possible to just rename and repic a morph because it is an ability, but surely it is not nearly as hard as creating an entirely new one (Critical Strike). It would be a fairly easy thing to implement (I think) without changing the game. .....

And FYI i posted that here because you said fix 35+, and I feel that this could maybe be something that initiates players who have druids to level them. I also totally agree with making Coliseum bosses not heal.
Prophet 1a #1 pande pwning clan!

#49 Apocalypto

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Posted 05 October 2012 - 07:25 PM

I agree that that would be a pretty easy addition. Would just take jlh a few minutes if staff asked him to do it if/when he got a chance.

/t stig Any though on taking away the healing aspects of the demilich and gristle? Doesn't seem logical to have classes that can get their tokens very easily vs other classes that have a very hard time getting tokens to lvl. It would be a very easy change that would be much appreciated.

#50 Freek

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Posted 05 October 2012 - 10:19 PM

I agree that that would be a pretty easy addition. Would just take jlh a few minutes if staff asked him to do it if/when he got a chance.

/t stig Any though on taking away the healing aspects of the demilich and gristle? Doesn't seem logical to have classes that can get their tokens very easily vs other classes that have a very hard time getting tokens to lvl. It would be a very easy change that would be much appreciated.

Not to mention the classes that get them easiest are also some of the easiest classes to train already. Yet classes that are a pain to train (clerics, rangers, mages) also have a hard time getting thier tokens..
Freek ingame.

#51 Exor

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Posted 06 October 2012 - 12:31 AM

Pipe dreams.. I has them.

Copy everyones accts(chars/items/bank/vaults/clans ect) to multi server, shut down 1a, set multi to 3-5 alts max then most can be done solo except the hard stuff which would still require teamwork if you can only run 3-5.. then balance and incorporate 1a exclusive areas/items and introduce them to the 3-5 alt multi server wether it be for events or as new areas.. maybe even toss some different bosses/drops in them to keep it interesting and fresh for the 1a players that have played them.

This is a drastic and big move.. but it puts the entire playerbase/staff on one server making the game as a whole less dead, multi system is cheaper leveling 35+, people don't have to rely on everyone that plays if a single person can log 3-5 alts..you would only need a friend or two to accomplish most(aside from the very very hard areas) meaning maybe the PKing/boss fights/clan wars pick up as people aren't forced to play nice with the whole server.. exp loss per pk wouldnt matter as much if you have your own mini party to train and if I remember right multi isn't as big of a loss/per death as 1a.

Also the want to multipc should be ALOT less for people who do currently.. as they could log a party of 3-5 legally.

Otherwise if 1a people are invading multi for fun.. I might log when i have the time and join in.. its been a while :lol:

Oh man I'd totally play NM again if they did this. It really is pretty much the stupidest thing ever to have two separate servers in a game this tiny. I don't know why anyone would think dividing an already miniscule playerbase in half is a wicked smaht idea.

There'd be so many people complaining though and wanting free stuff to compensate but in reality they shouldn't get any. Balancing the game and community should be above anything else.

It's too bad this will never happen but, a fresh reset for this game could do so much good. Put an alt limit on it from the start so it could be played the way it was meant to be played. JLH and the veteran staff NEVER intended or thought Nightmist would become a game about using mass alts. For the longest time no one ever used more than one character at a time even when the option was there. I know there would be people who claim they'd quit if there was a reset and they lost all their stuff, and some might but most wouldn't. I mean those people that have been playing this game for near a decade obviously have nothing else to do so it's a pretty safe bet they'd start from scratch and do it again. People claimed everyone would quit before the old reset too when we all lost our stuff, but no one did. In fact the game grew immensely. Now obviously that can't be expected today because these types of games aren't nearly as popular, but it has the best chance of growing if there is a reset. It's near impossible for a brand new player to become anything in this day and age and catch up to the folks who've played for a decade. Which is why so many games have ways to reset the economy and characters by letting folks get on an even footing every couple of years.

But yeah it's just wishful thinking at this point.

Edit: Sorry I suppose this kind of talk is better suited in a new thread so I apologize for taking it further off topic.

Edited by Exor, 06 October 2012 - 12:33 AM.

-Mark aka Exor aka Android_20 aka Illidan

#52 Exor

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Posted 06 October 2012 - 04:19 AM

lol more than half the players left last time it was reset so it was a way for players that wanted a fresh non alt server to play and maybe get some oldies back w/o losing players.

I don't know if were remembering two different things or what, but I know during the big reset very few players quit. I can only think of two major players as well that quit during that time and that was Ebony and Anthrax, but I don't recall many at all. I know though more than half didn't quit though for sure. If more than half quit that would have meant we'd only have had like 10 players on max and that clearly wasn't the case. Arilin was jam packed during the first week.
-Mark aka Exor aka Android_20 aka Illidan

#53 Wozlan

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Posted 06 October 2012 - 10:56 AM

Why talk about resetting things when 1a server has never been fully explored.

Leave 1A server and make a limit on 1-5 chars on main server.
Start with the small fixes on 1A like the 35+ levelling.

Resetting is not too fun just makes people do the same stuff over again and makes years of work wasted.

If ever touching the 1A server it should max be increased to a 2alt limit since everything can be done with current player base.

But preferable just make a few changes on 1A so it fits playing with 1 character.

#54 Gnarkill



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Posted 06 October 2012 - 04:02 PM

Why talk about resetting things when 1a server has never been fully explored.

Leave 1A server and make a limit on 1-5 chars on main server.
Start with the small fixes on 1A like the 35+ levelling.

Resetting is not too fun just makes people do the same stuff over again and makes years of work wasted.

If ever touching the 1A server it should max be increased to a 2alt limit since everything can be done with current player base.

But preferable just make a few changes on 1A so it fits playing with 1 character.

Because combining them would put everyone(players/staff) on the same server and make 1 decently populated server that we can promote to new and old players and it would look more attractive.. and staff can focus on making one realm awesome for us instead of splitting time between 2 deadish ones and maybe just maybe that means events/quests if they have time.

Out of the stuff not explored 1a how much of it is because there isn't enough people to accomplish it online at any given time?

NM IS just the same thing over and over no matter what you have wether there is a reset or not.. think about it.

I understand people don't want to lose thier work.. thats why I asked about copying stuff over from whichever server so people wouldn't lose everything if its possible. Myself I could care less if I lose my stuff if its in the event of a reset.. I can rebuild thats part of the fun for me.

Another point I'd like to make is think of the economy straightening out with a reset. stuff would be worth something again and all those bosses people complain about "not being worth it to kill anymore" are suddenly fought over for stuff like CRs, SGs, Hallys, Spyglass ect ect.

Sorry for the off topic again.. as for 35+ I personally wish they kept it level 30 max but its too late to turn back to that lol. If a reset doesn't happen(which by all means I don't think it will but I hope for one) atleast take away the self healing on demilich and gristle on 1a. That would be a major improvement for the ones on 1a that need those tokens.

Edited by Gnarkill, 06 October 2012 - 04:20 PM.

Gnarkill- Multi and 1a

#55 Woodstock

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Posted 06 October 2012 - 07:21 PM

i concur with this entire thread.
When life slips you a Jeffrey, stroke the furry walls.

Lappa/Woodstock on Multi
Dubs/Cold on 1a

#56 brewcrew

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Posted 07 October 2012 - 06:03 PM

Also, one thing to maybe take some pressure off of Stig....employ the services of some of our playerbase as non staff area developers. Or have a competition to see who can make the most creative and balanced areas for 35+ so that you don't have to be a one man band.
Prophet 1a #1 pande pwning clan!

#57 Justice

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Posted 07 October 2012 - 10:43 PM

^"like" button.
...Añd Jústícè Fòr All

#58 Freek

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Posted 09 October 2012 - 05:04 PM

Bump.. Status? Updates? Thoughts?

Still haven't heard from the people who don't want to change the system.. Akward...
Freek ingame.

#59 Apocalypto

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Posted 09 October 2012 - 09:50 PM

Ya, atleast when they pretended to still care about main they would post their irrational opinions on the forums. Now that they just chill behind the scenes they just shoot down every idea brought to light without any explanation. Or atleast i assume thats the case, considering all the deleted posts.

#60 Exor

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Posted 10 October 2012 - 12:35 AM

I cannot fathom why the opinions of staff that don't do anything or quit long ago actually matters. Used to JLH would remove staff that quit. Kinda weird thats not how it is anymore..
-Mark aka Exor aka Android_20 aka Illidan

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