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To Stig

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#31 Gnarkill



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Posted 08 August 2012 - 11:26 PM

I don't see any problems with taking cursing out of the whole game(it wasnt supposed to be there in the first place considering the "rules").. please be consistant and take the time(or hire someone) to monitor chat and administer bans again like the old days for swearing.. it doesn't have to be super harsh just a day ban for those that are offenders and worse punishment for repeat offenders.

Until that is done I don't see how going into someone's clan room and changing thier text is fair.. I understand staff/JLH have the final say and I'm in no way saying Stig was in the wrong.. but I see it this way:

The realm has been in chaos for quite a while... swearing, racist and prejudice comments run rampant in public(and private)chat as well as with harassment of players and the answer we get when reporting such things is "if its in private or we didn't see it there is nothing we can do" ..and to me the clan rooms fit into the "private" section.

Now keep in mind Stig wasn't staff during the times I've personally reported incidents.. so its not his fault coming into something thats running rampant and trying to restore the rules.. I give him props for that.

I would just like to see the rules be set AND inforced from here on out in unison by staff whichever way it goes and not varying between staffers.

Edited by Gnarkill, 08 August 2012 - 11:34 PM.

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#32 Angelus

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Posted 09 August 2012 - 07:48 AM

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#33 PureMourning

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Posted 09 August 2012 - 08:06 AM

Not Speedys fault Andy cheated. Any items loaned to Andy should be returned.

Even if Andy didn't cheat at all, he could very well take the loaned items and never give them back. So the fact he cheated is irrelevant to the point that speedy made a conscious decision to loan the items/give access.
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#34 Chronic

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Posted 09 August 2012 - 08:16 AM

Speedy didnt have access to net for like 6months and during this time that happened.. I just find it funny ppl can multipc and autotrain for a year+ and keep every damn item they got during that time and when found guilty only have their crit deleted and given ALL items back when this wasnt there first offence. I dont understand the difference between multipcing or using a staff item a few days in the week he had it, either way getting items they shouldnt have but he got the ultimate punishment compared to others that should of gotten that punishment along time ago. Everyone knows damn well its speedys

Edited by Chronic, 09 August 2012 - 09:05 AM.

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#35 Stig

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Posted 09 August 2012 - 09:14 AM

As much as I like Stephen Fry, I still don't like swearing and it shouldn't be done in front of children. Also, Stephen Fry knows to conserve his use of swearing to make it more effective - what's called a "Precision F Strike" - rather than just swearing your head off every other word to the point it becomes a garbled, senseless mess (a "Cluster F Bomb") and just comes across as childish... not to mention it does take skill and a wide vocabulary to put such a person down without resorting to foul language. Take for example these exchanges with Winston Churchill:

Housekeeper: “Sir, you are drunk.”
Churchill: “And you madam are ugly, but in the morning, I shall be sober.”

Lady Nancy Astor: “Winston, if you were my husband, I'd poison your tea.”
Churchill: “Nancy, if I were your husband, I'd drink it.”

No swearing, but pretty epic ownage.

Nightmist, like real life, is one of those games where it is nearly impossible to cover every single eventuality with a ruling... that's what judges are for sometimes - at times we have to go by common sense and personal judgement and adapt the rules that already exist. To defend my actions, there don't exist any rules regarding the cleaniness of clan rooms (or even public areas made by staff), but every single room can potentially be seen by multiple players, public or private, so it is best to keep it clean.

#36 Angelus

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Posted 09 August 2012 - 12:48 PM

Everything in moderation of course. Swearing has been proven to be a great pain reliever, unless of course you swear constantly to a point where it loses its effect.

But censorship since adam and eve has had the opposite effect. You tell them something they can not say and that in itself is reason for them to say it. Also I'm pretty sure not being allowed to swear (by someone else, not by own choosing) has a negative influence on your well being, it's part of the whole bottling things inside. I rarely swear since I don't have much need to, but I do experience relieve when I get stressed out and curse.

That was just a general tidbit tho, since NM is not public property, and Stig being the current chief in command means it's pretty much whatever he feels is right is whats allowed (and I'm all for that).

P.s. funny thing, this forum has since the beginning transformed b**ch into pregnant dog to a point where if you call me a pregnant dog I respond in the same manner as if you would call me a b**ch. It's just a change of appearance, which works as long as you're not aware of the meaning behind it. Like substituting flying f**k with flying fig, it's hardly considered friendly swearing if you know the true word it's modelled after.
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