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#31 Throwback

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Posted 27 May 2009 - 03:48 PM

Summer is approaching, will I return!!!???? No, I won't. As for everything Walt says, it's 100% right, except like 98% of it. So he is 100% right 2% of the time. Congrats on the long running reign at number 1, We all know how much MD cheated, it's retarded, all the quests were rigged in our favor, we had countless weapons made just to make our characters better and there was even added teleport squares that Pande still doesn't know about, that's if you believe the 2% applies to the above statements. Fact is Pande has the playerbase, whether it be moving on, bans, or switching clans, Pande is tried and true and has stuck around. That statement is in the 2%. But before I make it seem like it's an accomplishment, being number one clan is like being king of the retards, your still a retard. Touche.

Vegas 1a....formerly known as Memphis

#32 Apocalypto

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Posted 27 May 2009 - 11:48 PM

lmfao.. king of the retards... anyways, that post was funny to me...

#33 Walt

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Posted 30 May 2009 - 12:18 AM

Psh, MD was so much better than Pande. We'd scower the realm, looking for people and bosses to kill endlessly, pande had no chance.

We even forced about everyone from Pande to start using thieves so they could actually be able to hide and train in peace within the Maloks guild.

Pande even got some of our most powerful characters in clan at the time. Hollow, Neph, Menace, a few others. We still continued to rape them endlessly.

Then our chairman and his 2 "first mates" as you could say stopped playing, even then, we still held our own atleast.

Then pande got even more of our members, moral was pretty low within the clan, so it happened.

Only after all these setbacks, did MD fall and pande reign, it sure took alot to take us down. A hell of alot, but it was fun :P

Edit: Of course this is nothing like pande, without their leader, they still manage to stay alive! Of course that wouldn't be possible without great followers who only pk and don't care abit about actually playing the game, thus not needing more than 3 active people. Well done.

Edit2: Let me help you with that Walt

"BTW The Pandemonium, ranked 1, with 29 rooms
Still #1 "

There's your reason ;p

Sorry to say, but Nick was in Pande before he went to MD(he was Bod, then Pande/MD/Pande?MD/Pande/Da...ect). So I am not sure who can actually claim him, but we did not steal him though. James/Cal came over after MD had pretty much run its course though, even though he did cleric a few boss trips as MD was slowly disolving.

We did not recruite anyone at that time, with the exception of Sweet_purity. She was a non PvP player, and we did not feel it right for us to pk her training party and leave her to die. We did not want to pk her as well because she was again, non PvP. So that is the one who we "stole."

As for Neph, he sold his char to me in early Nov 07. This was not us stealing him from you guys, he just decided he wanted to quit and sold his chars. We did not invite him into Pande until late late 08/early 09. He did not stay that long either.

Yes, as time went by, we did incorperate a few of the old MD players here and there, but this was well after MD had fallen and there was an attempt to make a new clan and things did not work out.

As I stated in my first posting, we do not recruite players to our clan, they tend to want to join us. No clan raiding goes on.

As for why MD fell apart, I can only speculate. But it did fall after 9 months of being on top. Maybe when the pkers of MD started to get pked, they did not like it. Maybe the bannings of a key player or two did the damage. Who knows, but it fell. Once Puremourning went inactive, the clan fell though. It was a good enemy and I had alot of fun playing against it. It was nice to have a worthy enemy.

As for Pande only being #1 because of clan rooms, I say this. Why does your most powerful and highest levels train way away in the seclusion and behind many ktp npcs? Even in our more inactive times, you boss around our clan. It seems to me your clan fears our few, yet we do not fear your many. I do not think we ever did.

As for everything Walt says, it's 100% right, except like 98% of it. So he is 100% right 2% of the time. Congrats on the long running reign at number 1, We all know how much MD cheated, it's retarded, all the quests were rigged in our favor, we had countless weapons made just to make our characters better and there was even added teleport squares that Pande still doesn't know about, that's if you believe the 2% applies to the above statements. Fact is Pande has the playerbase, whether it be moving on, bans, or switching clans, Pande is tried and true and has stuck around. That statement is in the 2%. But before I make it seem like it's an accomplishment, being number one clan is like being king of the retards, your still a retard. Touche.

This statement is coming from someone who was a big cheerleader in a posting about a clan that once held the #1 slot. So I have a


calling me retarded then?

If and when current staff tell me I was wrong about what Azure did to help benifit you and a few others, I will issue a public appology. I highly doubt this will happen though, since the information I have said came directly from a staff player themself. So if I am lying, then you must say that said staff member is lying as well. I have yet to see me being told I was a liar, with the exception of you and Azure. I wonder why this is though.

Edited by Walt, 30 May 2009 - 12:19 AM.

I would ask myself why, but even I do not know everything.

#34 Throwback

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Posted 30 May 2009 - 04:25 PM

you are mistaken on this one, i have never cheated and seems how i made a ticket and "current staff" all responded i.e. elf and oracle saying that your remarks were slander but you have the freedom to post such remarks because you don't know any better, i mean you barely can tie your shoes, can't honestly expect you to know the difference between right and wrong. So believe me, I tried all the terms of service violation routes, and the ticket system route, but it's just a waste of time to go back and prove such a weapon never existed, to review 5 days of gametime to show I never cheated (minus enhances by elf) to gain an edge on the playerbase. In hindsight all i did was hurt my gpa doing that, staying up all night to kill scarabs, waste of life.

Congrats on #1 tho woooooooo gooooooo red team

Vegas 1a....formerly known as Memphis

#35 Walt

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Posted 30 May 2009 - 04:49 PM

you are mistaken on this one, i have never cheated and seems how i made a ticket and "current staff" all responded i.e. elf and oracle saying that your remarks were slander but you have the freedom to post such remarks because you don't know any better,

Funny how the same one who responded to you was the same one who told me all about you and the weapon "emma", and such other things I have posted about. Seems one of the two are playing both sides then.

So you can take that for what you want. But I will not sit here and have someone try to make me out to be a liar when that person was the same one who told me all about these "indiscretions".

You can figure out what I mean I think, as you are a smart lad.

Edited by Walt, 30 May 2009 - 04:50 PM.

I would ask myself why, but even I do not know everything.

#36 Isolated

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Posted 30 May 2009 - 08:11 PM

this clan is horrible
md was horrible

only good ones were crynasty, tr, cdlc, nbm,eh .. all of these old school ones
f uck you I wont do what you tell me

#37 Angelus

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Posted 31 May 2009 - 02:32 AM

you are mistaken on this one, i have never cheated and seems how i made a ticket and "current staff" all responded i.e. elf and oracle saying that your remarks were slander but you have the freedom to post such remarks because you don't know any better,

Funny how the same one who responded to you was the same one who told me all about you and the weapon "emma", and such other things I have posted about. Seems one of the two are playing both sides then.

So you can take that for what you want. But I will not sit here and have someone try to make me out to be a liar when that person was the same one who told me all about these "indiscretions".

You can figure out what I mean I think, as you are a smart lad.

So you have a source. Then someone else calls you upon your source, and you throw your source right in there? So you have the balls to make those accusations, but you don't have the balls to protect your source? Not that I pick either side, or believe either party. But for someone who sees himself as the voice of the ones who are afraid to voice it themselves, you sure are eager to let someone else take the fall.
Angelus ingame.
Back into the shadows once again...

#38 Momba

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Posted 31 May 2009 - 04:44 PM

you are mistaken on this one, i have never cheated and seems how i made a ticket and "current staff" all responded i.e. elf and oracle saying that your remarks were slander but you have the freedom to post such remarks because you don't know any better,

Funny how the same one who responded to you was the same one who told me all about you and the weapon "emma", and such other things I have posted about. Seems one of the two are playing both sides then.

So you can take that for what you want. But I will not sit here and have someone try to make me out to be a liar when that person was the same one who told me all about these "indiscretions".

You can figure out what I mean I think, as you are a smart lad.

So you have a source. Then someone else calls you upon your source, and you throw your source right in there? So you have the balls to make those accusations, but you don't have the balls to protect your source? Not that I pick either side, or believe either party. But for someone who sees himself as the voice of the ones who are afraid to voice it themselves, you sure are eager to let someone else take the fall.

I think as many times as Walt has stated what is known he is clearly not worried about being viewed as the fall guy.
My inner child is a mean little f*ucker

#39 Dublin

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Posted 31 May 2009 - 05:01 PM

Lol at this whole thread. For anyone who thinks staff always tell the truth or facts should probably just kill a couple more brain cells.

#40 Throwback

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Posted 01 June 2009 - 02:26 AM

well i think i understand your rather clever code walt, the fact is i will say names, and elf told me she never said such things, so if in fact she told you about fantasy weapons and hidden squares in nm im sorry, i am, sorry that you believed it. It is a very good story, even thought it's outrageous, i mean i'm sorry to hear that elf has made a bad impression upon the NM player base, but I played this game for too many hours to be called out on this one. Glad to know Ana plays both sides and im glad she finally got some fun out of the 1a server, this is funny to me too. This is better than giving stat mod things away, she is doing a better job of destroying the server than a bug could ever do.

that's all off topic and i apologize for that, but not for sticking up for myself.

Congrats on being Number 1 clan, keep it up for as long as you can, sounds like soon it's going to be lonely on the top.

Vegas 1a....formerly known as Memphis

#41 Foxie


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Posted 02 June 2009 - 03:52 PM

I wish i saw the funny side. That bs cost me some friends and the enjoyment I got from play the game.

Edited by Foxie, 02 June 2009 - 03:52 PM.

On main Azure/Foxie in game.
On 1a Azure, Melody, Faith, Solstice, Wylow, Hope in game.

#42 Momba

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Posted 02 June 2009 - 09:52 PM

You still have friends and the game hasn`t changed that much. Also we have a nice feature called /ignorepc. Your the only thing holding yourself back.

Oh one other major change is we now let drunks monitor the forums so watch what ya say.
My inner child is a mean little f*ucker

#43 Angelus

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Posted 03 June 2009 - 07:27 AM

C'mon there Jim, if I could monitor this forum would you still think any of your posts stay on longer then a few minutes? Even for your standards this an idiotic assumption.
Angelus ingame.
Back into the shadows once again...

#44 Momba

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Posted 03 June 2009 - 08:19 PM

C'mon there Jim, if I could monitor this forum would you still think any of your posts stay on longer then a few minutes? Even for your standards this an idiotic assumption.

What you talken bout Pickle Bunny?

Posted Image
My inner child is a mean little f*ucker

#45 Walt

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Posted 04 June 2009 - 07:59 PM

this clan is horrible

Funny you did not have this opinion about Pande when you asked to be voted on to join. Sorry we served you sour grapes.

So you have a source. Then someone else calls you upon your source, and you throw your source right in there? So you have the balls to make those accusations, but you don't have the balls to protect your source? Not that I pick either side, or believe either party. But for someone who sees himself as the voice of the ones who are afraid to voice it themselves, you sure are eager to let someone else take the fall.

Well, it seems to me this source is playing both sides of the fence. I am one for always stirring the pot, and questioning things when I see them. But for me to make such blod statements as someone abused thier power, only to have the person saying these things telling the people who are the ones being accused "He has no idea what he speaks of", then I will call it out to see if I can get the correct facts.

Lol at this whole thread. For anyone who thinks staff always tell the truth or facts should probably just kill a couple more brain cells.

I could tell you "I always take things for face value", but I really don't and I guess I was being naive. Shame on me.

So can this "Source" of mine and Corey's please step foward and enlighten us on who is telling the truth, and who is telling stories. Or did you tell stories the whole time, and are afraid to come clean?
I would ask myself why, but even I do not know everything.

#46 Apocalypto

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Posted 05 June 2009 - 12:31 AM

Posted Image

#47 Gnarkill



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Posted 05 June 2009 - 05:15 PM


Gnarkill- Multi and 1a

#48 Jumpsteady

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Posted 23 February 2010 - 03:25 PM

History of how Pande was formed.

It all started with unhappy players that were in different clans 2 of the biggest on the game. BoD(Brotherhood of Darkness) and MAnifest Destiny. Me, Emma and Walt(Dimmu) and Seth(velius) and Seth's account sharers(Tony and Brad(Destructive)). When I left BoD I left some alot of friends behind. We all wanted to be in a clan together so we came up with the idea of starting a new clan. Noone wanted to go into it until we had others going with us. LEthal_Dose was also in this idea. We wanted a clan without a Chairman. The CHairman would be a crit that only The four main founders would have access to if need be. There was also talks about Not ever letting Walt or Manduh gain founder. We wanted all founders to have equal voice and power hence the no CHairman. We still had not decided on a name. So Emma without wanting to wait jumped the gun and started the clan. Making herself CHarwoman. We all ended up joining but then Seth and Brad and Emma seemed to go inactive. Walt and Manduh ended up with the clan and helped it become as big as it today. Kinda funny if ya think about it.

Who knows if there will be an uprising to take Pande down out of the top rankings. The other Two clans no longer are active on the server. Hopefully DA can rise like it should and prevail. But lol I cant believe all the players that had come and gone throughout 1a's existence. Thought I would post about how Pande came to be. lol

#49 HazzA

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Posted 23 February 2010 - 06:19 PM

I wuz founder when emma made clanz prz Wo0T
James on 1a.

#50 Jumpsteady

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Posted 23 February 2010 - 07:39 PM

Yeah. Nothing was done how it was supposed to be. LOL. All the things that happen(ed) on this game make me laugh anymore. I still like how everyone tried to call Corey out for staff help a member of Pande became staff and used it to help clan. It's funny. <3 James.

#51 Horny

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Posted 15 March 2010 - 07:09 AM

Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens, bright copper kettles and warm woolen mittens

#52 Jumpsteady

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Posted 08 April 2010 - 11:31 AM

Like KungFu Panda? Cuz in that case yes... That was a good movie...

#53 Sausage


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Posted 08 April 2010 - 10:42 PM

Hey Jumpsteady, nice joke.



Retired... Now I know how it feels to quit NM and troll forums.

#54 Horny

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Posted 09 April 2010 - 06:23 PM

Panda as in Pande + Manda = Panda!
Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens, bright copper kettles and warm woolen mittens

#55 Sausage


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Posted 15 April 2010 - 10:00 PM

Me so Horny for Pande.

Retired... Now I know how it feels to quit NM and troll forums.

#56 Horny

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Posted 15 April 2010 - 10:36 PM

Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens, bright copper kettles and warm woolen mittens

#57 Xlithan


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Posted 27 February 2012 - 04:58 PM

I was in DBD, BoD, NBM, DK and TR. This clan is nothing like them. Full of morons who talk nuts but can't back it up on the character they're logged on with, so they log on their highest crit and get all their other clannies to gang up on 1 person.
And if there are no other clannies on they run.


Atleast BoD and TR had the balls to fight back. So don't compare good clans with Pandemonium, it's an insult to everybody who played back then.

#58 Adultery

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Posted 28 February 2012 - 01:07 AM

I was in DBD, BoD, NBM, DK and TR. This clan is nothing like them. Full of morons who talk nuts but can't back it up on the character they're logged on with, so they log on their highest crit and get all their other clannies to gang up on 1 person.
And if there are no other clannies on they run.


Atleast BoD and TR had the balls to fight back. So don't compare good clans with Pandemonium, it's an insult to everybody who played back then.

lol a child crying about the pks they recieve. go back to main. stick to it. your complete trash on this server. youll never be anything but something for pande to drop bombs on. QQ QQ and all that fun stuff.


Adultery - Diabolic-Clorox

#59 Xlithan


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Posted 28 February 2012 - 03:29 AM

Funny, because when MY clan came down, Pande started running off, and one of them even logged before he died!!! Hahaha.

Totally different story when the shoe is on the other foot. At least I stay and fight till the end. Your clan has no pride.

#60 Adultery

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Posted 28 February 2012 - 04:01 AM

yes we are all horrible horrible ppl!

guys wanna run a train on my wife then possibly stab some kittens?

Adultery - Diabolic-Clorox

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