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#31 Lich

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Posted 26 June 2004 - 03:04 PM

oh my gosh newbs stop posting that you like girls if your a guy its kind of a no brainer and its nature :)

Not in this day and age ... you sexy beast you..

(sorry bro you opened yourself up to good for that one to pass.)
Grave digger when you dig my grave, make it shallow so I can feel the rain.

#32 Issy

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Posted 26 June 2004 - 04:06 PM

Name: Isaiah(Issy)/ Syntax
Age: 18
Gender: male
Where yer from: I'm living in Washington DC
Do ya work, go to school or a bum?: I work
Hobbies/Interests: Guitar/computers
A little bit of your personality (how would somone describe you?): i'm weird
Likes/Dislikes: Music/stupid people
Favorite color/number: Red/21
Your favorite movies/music/bands/songs: I'm a big 80's genre music freak, favorite movie is probably Bad Boys
Do you have any future goals? If so, what are they?: Become a programming administrator
If you could move or travel to any place in the world, where would it be? BEACH!
Favorite Nightmist Memories/Moments: The corruption of issy: All i have to say is 'Party, suprise, peanut butter, dog'
And he had in his right hand seven stars: and out of his mouth went a sharp twoedged sword: and his countenance was as the sun shineth in his strength.

#33 Mec

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Posted 26 June 2004 - 07:51 PM

Age: 12
Gender: Neuter
Where yer from: Mine home
Do ya work, go to school or a bum?:School
Hobbies/Interests: I like computers, tennis, soccer, chess.
A little bit of your personality (how would somone describe you?): weird, smart
Likes: Nightmist, good food,
Dislikes: Creepy people, my fat brother
Favorite color/number: Red and 13
Your favorite movies/music/bands/songs: I like the beach boys...
Do you have any future goals? If so, what are they?: I want to be knighted.
If you could move or travel to any place in the world, where would it be?: Probably the UK.
Favorite Nightmist Memories/Moments: I liked it right after the reset, when I pked disjunction and got pwned by his alt, Darious, who seemed to think a crystal knife was better than a boh. Oh, and I always liked the time when I sold a halberd for 30k to Willl. I liked it when I gave away my level 23 fighter with 12 cons, and my level 20 ranger with 15 strength.

#34 Ryuku


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Posted 27 June 2004 - 08:52 AM

Age: 13
Name: Alex
Gender: Male
Likes: Death (I got horny when people talked about it), good food, small amount of people.
Dislikes: Many peoples, peoples ignorance and stupidity.
Music: Metal
Is: Gothic
Favorite thing to do: Sleep
Favorite Color: Black, (perferd, red and black together)
Favorite Band: Dir en Grey

#35 Vër§íðñ 1.0

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Posted 27 June 2004 - 10:31 AM

WOOT I got new stuff

Dislikes: Gothic people, who like death. Who are like why me? I hate this world? I hate living :). Kill me:(. I like to cut myself.


Fav Moment: Checking out this new paci place with Ash,Chris(Tadpole),Deval woot!

Edited by Vër§íðñ 1.0, 27 June 2004 - 10:32 AM.

I only log on to check memos, and rare chat. See you all on the other side.

#36 Angelus

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Posted 27 June 2004 - 10:52 AM

WOOT I got new stuff

Dislikes: Gothic people, who like death. Who are like why me? I hate this world? I hate living :). Kill me:(. I like to cut myself.


Fav Moment: Checking out this new paci place with Ash,Chris(Tadpole),Deval woot!

I got new ones as well..

Dislikes: People who think depression is something a person asks for or wants, and people who think because they feel a certain way, everyone should.

Fav Moment: When VersionOne died trying to explore the new paci area...

Edited by Angelus, 27 June 2004 - 10:52 AM.

Angelus ingame.
Back into the shadows once again...

#37 Vër§íðñ 1.0

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Posted 27 June 2004 - 10:56 AM

WOOT I got new stuff

Dislikes: Gothic people, who like death. Who are like why me? I hate this world? I hate living :). Kill me:(. I like to cut myself.


Fav Moment: Checking out this new paci place with Ash,Chris(Tadpole),Deval woot!

I got new ones as well..

Dislikes: People who think depression is something a person asks for or wants, and people who think because they feel a certain way, everyone should.

Fav Moment: When VersionOne died trying to explore the new paci area...

I wasn't talking about depressed people. I'm talking about people who like it. People who are depressed arent asking for it. I'm talking about people who think it's cool.
I only log on to check memos, and rare chat. See you all on the other side.

#38 Chewbob

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Posted 27 June 2004 - 12:16 PM

There's a lot of people who will say they are very depressed over the internet, yet when it comes to real life they are not like that at all.

#39 Vodka

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Posted 27 June 2004 - 12:54 PM

Yeah, just trying to draw attention.
When you do something right nobody remembers, but when you do something wrong nobody forgets.

Hump in game.

#40 Ryuku


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Posted 27 June 2004 - 11:35 PM

I'm not depressed nor do I like it.

#41 Dc

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Posted 27 June 2004 - 11:51 PM

Name Jury
ig DC
Age 16
Gender Male
Where yer from san diego, california, but i recently moved to spring valley, california, basically the same thing, but w/e
Do ya work, go to school or a bum? school and work
Hobbies/Interests engineering, evolution, golf
A little bit of your personality (how would somone describe you?) i try not to judge myself, kinda concieted if you think about it
Likes people who think
dislikes ignorance and idiots
Favorite color/number none none
Your favorite movies princes bride
bands dc talk, delirious, kj52,
songs jesus freak, shine, im guilty
Do you have any future goals? If so, what are they? i wanna graduate high school and go to UCSD or Berekley
If you could move or travel to any place in the world, where would it be? i dontknow, i wanna travel everywhere
Favorite Nightmist Memories/Moments runnning Xtreme Christians when it was first started

Edited by Dc, 27 June 2004 - 11:56 PM.

I believe in the Triune God;God the Father, the Son , and the Holy Spirit.I believe that while I was helpless and sinful, Christ died for me. Therefore, I now have the righteousness of God, old things have passed away and I am a child of God. I cannot be separated from the love of God, Christ lives in my heart by faith and therefore, I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. I have been chosen by God and appointed to bear fruit for God. I resist the devil and he flees from me.

#42 newb

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Posted 28 June 2004 - 02:15 AM

Name Jury
ig DC
Age 16
Gender Male
Where yer from san diego, california, but i recently moved to spring valley, california, basically the same thing, but w/e
Do ya work, go to school or a bum? school and work
Hobbies/Interests engineering, evolution, golf
A little bit of your personality (how would somone describe you?) i try not to judge myself, kinda concieted if you think about it
Likes people who think
dislikes ignorance and idiots
Favorite color/number none none
Your favorite movies princes bride
bands dc talk, delirious, kj52,
songs jesus freak, shine, im guilty
Do you have any future goals? If so, what are they? i wanna graduate high school and go to UCSD or Berekley
If you could move or travel to any place in the world, where would it be? i dontknow, i wanna travel everywhere
Favorite Nightmist Memories/Moments runnning Xtreme Christians when it was first started

Wow, Jury(?)! You are in San Diego too? Let's meet up. I think you live near me.

Let's be friends.


#43 Deval

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Posted 28 June 2004 - 02:21 AM

"PK'ing has just become a battle of superior numbers." ~ Goldfish.

#44 FrogLuver

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Posted 28 June 2004 - 02:31 AM

ooooo.......are they gonna hold hands???

i know a lot of people that are *depressed* but they all almost killed one another lol...anywhoo.....depression is just BLAH for me cause I'm out and living my own great life while those around me are trying to kill theirselves or others by so called *depression*....that's what i think about depression....it's just a thing of the mind....

~Beth~ (Gothic_Angel)
Don't be afraid of death, be afraid of the unlived life. By: Beth, Jen, and Alisha
OMG! I'm Gothic_Angel ingame!

#45 Penguin


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Posted 28 June 2004 - 02:51 AM

Age: 13
Name: Alex
Gender: Male
Likes: Death (I got horny when people talked about it), good food, small amount of people.
Dislikes: Many peoples, peoples ignorance and stupidity.
Music: Metal
Is: Gothic
Favorite thing to do: Sleep
Favorite Color: Black, (perferd, red and black together)
Favorite Band: Dir en Grey

such a lame attempt at being cool

#46 Vampyre

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Posted 28 June 2004 - 06:03 AM

that's what i think about depression....it's just a thing of the mind....

I agree, depression is pretty much all in the head. No amount of therapy and medication can suddenly make a person happy. The medication makes things worse in the long run. It just makes people numb so they don't feel anything at all. "Depression" is something completely made up by shrinks to make money. Many diagnos their patients with it even if they don't think there's anythign wrong with them. (I know because I know someone who's relative does it all the time) The only thing that can cure "depression" is the people themselves. They need to stop believing they're sad and believing all the lies they're being fed about "depression."

This isn't reality.
Before you I am not me.
Misconception what you see.
Happiness this cannot be.
Pain, hatred, insanity.

#47 Darklin

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Posted 29 June 2004 - 02:48 PM

My little theory on depression:

"Depression" is actually just constant bordum, thats it people. Most people think they are suffering from "depression" because they dont have any fookin thing to do, and then you get sleepy during the day and start wasting your time knocked out while the sun is up. And then you stay awake nights with still nothing to do... and just goes on and on and on and on.... :) Not leaving the house for weeks at a time and eating nothing but cola and cheetos until your teeth are orange and you have lost 50 pounds 0.0 Until one night you wake up at 10pm in a shirt 5x too big with cheeto residue and hav'nt showered in 3 days, and you look like a sheet white monster from a vampire movie because you hav'nt been awake during the day to go outside. Thats not depression, its uncontrollable bordum. :)

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#48 Penguin


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Posted 29 June 2004 - 03:38 PM


#49 Silver_Dragoness

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Posted 30 June 2004 - 04:58 PM

Name: Trey
In Game: Baby_Trey/Almighty_Paci
Age: 18
Gender: Last time I checked...Female....
Where yer from: America....I'd tell u the state but some of you people scurr me...
Do ya work, go to school or a bum? I go to school and im working on getting a job...
Hobbies/Interests: Horse back riding, Watching tv..whining like a lil baby...O.o...J/k..seriously lol I also like Talking to people.
A little bit of your personality (how would somone describe you?): I'm friendly, sweet, fun loving, Talkative and somewhat annoying.
Likes/Dislikes: Likes: Boys, fast cars, money./Dislikes: Liars, cheaters, people who stab u in the back. I have no friends irl because of this....
Favorite color/number: Fav color: Blue black Silver/Numbers: 69, 7, 13
Your favorite movies/music/bands/songs: Movies: Ghost Ship pwns all./Music, everything but country/oldies/bluegrass./Bands: Blink 182, Evanescence, D-12, Stereogram, Story of the year./Songs: My Immortal, My band, Walky Talky Man, Anthem of Our Dieing Days
Do you have any future goals? If so, what are they? Going to college and owning my own business.
If you could move or travel to any place in the world, where would it be? I would move to the bahamas.
Favorite Nightmist Memories/Moments: I dont really have any because Everyday there's a new Nightmist memory. But I liked NM in the old days.

Edited by Silver_Dragoness, 30 June 2004 - 04:59 PM.

"suddenly i heard a tapping, as of someone gently rapping, rapping at my chamber door"


Naamah - Main

Tyrelline - 1A

#50 Jimmyjobobbado

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Posted 30 June 2004 - 08:19 PM

Name (First/Who ya are ig): Mark, Ingame Marko_Polo
Where yer from:Kentucky
Do ya work, go to school or a bum?:School
Hobbies/Interests:Playing Nightmist and Basketball.
A little bit of your personality (how would somone describe you?):A psycho lol j/k idk
Favorite color/number:black/13
Your favorite movies/music/bands/songs:idk/Rock/AFI/Silver and Cold
Do you have any future goals? If so, what are they?:No.
If you could move or travel to any place in the world, where would it be?:Europe
Favorite Nightmist Memories/Moments:When I made my own clan... -=Demons of Darkness=-

#51 Darklin

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Posted 30 June 2004 - 09:50 PM

Gender: Last time I checked...Female....

Stole my line :)

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#52 Flux

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Posted 01 July 2004 - 06:36 PM

Name: Mark (Flux, Havanor)

Age: 19 (20 shortly)

Gender: M

Location: Los Angeles, CA

Occupation: Waiter, Student at Bennington College (VT)

Hobbies/Interests: Synthesis, sound production, writing vignettes/short stories, rpgs

A little bit of your personality: Born leader. Constantly starting projects/developing concepts.

Likes: Analog synths, hookahs, tacos/faux-mexican food.

Dislikes: Poor grammar, people who leave default or crappy away messages, townies.

Favorite color/number: White/11

Your favorite movies: Glengarry Glen Ross, Battle Royale

Music/bands: Underground Hip-Hop (Busdriver, Heiroglyphics, Dizee Rascal) Goa/Psytrance (Infected Mushroom, Hallucinogen, Fractal Glider) Classic Brit-Rock (Kinks, Small Faces, The Hollies)

Songs: Right now, Kings of Metal by Manowar and Superfabulous by BT

Current goals: Currently producing a hip-hop album, working on a three part underground sitcom to be finished by September

Future goals: BA in sound engineering/work in a class A recording studio

If you could move or travel to any place in the world, where would it be?
Always wanted to travel to Goteborg, Sweeden. Or tour the east coast of Australia. If I had to move, it would be to Tel Aviv, Israel

Favorite Nightmist Memories/Moments: Figuring out a very specific monster flaw+class combination in the old server to make 3 million gold in a week, and having every set of eyes in the game on me shortly thereafter. The old Order of Ecstasy, with in-clan weekly contests and probably host to the best cross-section of people that made the game great back when. Living in exile in Jahanna for two months, and coming in regular contact with three players while there.

(and I'm adding a catergory here)
Favorite website(s): www.fark.com, www.brunching.com, http://yellow5.com/pokey/
A good post is like a miniskirt: short enough to pertain interest and long enough to cover the subject.

#53 Bowlin

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Posted 01 July 2004 - 08:05 PM

Name: Paul
Age: 14
Gender: Male
Location: Kentucky, USA
Do ya work, go to school, or a bum?: go to school
Hobbies: Playing Piano, Sneaking around, Not listening, Mingling, Playing Video Games, Tennis, Running, and Procrastinating.
Interests: Everything.
A little bit of your personality: A caring yet somewhat rude welcomer.
Likes: Music, Video Games, Television, Fast Cars, people that are nice to me, long stretching plains of long grass, Europe, Swords, Sniper Rifles, Bows, Fishing, Brak, Space Ghost, Cartoons, Anime, Martial Arts, Dancing, Computers, etc.
Dislikes: Unfair people, unfairness, fear.
Favorite color/number: color:Black number:5
movies:Blue Submarine No. 6, Gladiator, The Scorpion King
music: all kinds.
bands: any rock band, The Thrill
songs: God Bless the USA
Do you have any future goals? If so, what are they?: Yes, Video Game Graphic Designer or Movie Graphic Designer.
If you could move or travel to any place in the world, where would it be?: Europe or Toyko, Japan.
Favorite Nightmist Memories/Moments: When I met Drake_Lord. When Kalypso paged me back. When my ranger reach lvl 25. When I bought a 5 stat Human for 20k.
I'm not the one who's confused, boy. You don't even know who you are! -Rafiki

Ingame: Bowlin_Iii

#54 Satan

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Posted 01 July 2004 - 08:54 PM

Name - Chase, Satan ingame
Age - 16
Gender - Male
Where yer from - Washington (The State) Born in California though
Do ya work, go to school or a bum? Attending Highschool, and have a summer job at the golfing range
Hobbies/Interests - I love all kinds of sports, I like going to the moves, playing golf/tennis/basketball stuff like that =X
A little bit of your personality (how would somone describe you?) - Funny, outgoing, always something to say to make your day better/worse depending if I like you =X, smart.
Likes/Dislikes - Like sports ext / I hate country music!!!!
Favorite color/number - Red/3
Your favorite movies/music/bands/songs - All kinds of rock, favorite band would be All American Rejects
Do you have any future goals? If so, what are they? - Become a dentist/orthadontist, achieve masters degree, have a 3.8+ GPA throughout highschool, and make my family proud. Also maybe a golf professional since I am pretty good. I am young so I will have a lot of opportunities.
If you could move or travel to any place in the world, where would it be? - Havn't really thought about it, I like to go back to California every now and then.
Favorite Nightmist Memories/Moments - Hrm, lot of decisions, probably when Jen was drunk and told us alot of funny stories in clan chat. Never laughed so hard on the computer ever.

Edited by Satan, 01 July 2004 - 09:01 PM.

#55 Notak

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Posted 01 July 2004 - 11:18 PM

Gender:Male and proud
Where yer from:UK, peterborough, hell hole(but i love it)
Do ya work, go to school or a bum:Work in a petrol station serving the most miserable people on the planet
Hobbies/Interests:Motorbikes, computers, excessive drinking, smoking, global domintion...
Personality:ask Stalker_of_death.
Favorite color:Black
Your favorite movies/music/bands/songs:idle hands/any/d12,slipknot/Dragula by rob zombie
Do you have any future goals? If so, what are they: to get Notak to arch, havent thought much past that
If you could move or travel to any place in the world, where would it be:this place is bad enough y would i want to see the rest of it!
Favorite Nightmist Memories/Moments:Prolly when i started my own clan, it all went down the drain but it was good while it lasted

and id just like to say thank you to everyone that has made my NM experance that little bit better

#56 Silver_Dragoness

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Posted 01 July 2004 - 11:51 PM

Gender: Last time I checked...Female....

Stole my line :)

Im sowwy......forgive me?

"suddenly i heard a tapping, as of someone gently rapping, rapping at my chamber door"


Naamah - Main

Tyrelline - 1A

#57 Devotchka

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Posted 02 July 2004 - 01:37 AM

Since my first one was uh... whatever

Name: Manda/Devotchka

Age: 26

Gender: *looks down her pants* oh looky I'm female!

Where yer from: Philadelphia PA

Do ya work, go to school or a bum? I'm a full time Mom and Wife

Hobbies/Interests: writing, reading, playing on my pc, singing, going to concerts, drawling, painting etc...

A little bit of your personality: hmmm I'm nice to you if I like you.. If not forget about it and watch out.. total C otherwise

Likes: nice ppl I guess

Dislikes: Homewreckers..dirty skanks...Backstabbers.. Liars.. Fake ppl ..oh yeah and eggs

Favorite color/number: black/13

Your favorite movies/music/bands/songs: way too many to name... I like my movies violent and bloody but sweet and my music hard and heavy sometimes like the soft stuff.

Do you have any future goals? If so, what are they?Not really.. just to see my children grow and become whatever their lil hearts desire..

If you could move or travel to any place in the world, where would it be?Uk

Favorite Nightmist Memories/Moments: Chilling with Si.. I miss that :)

And... any additional info you'd like to add...
I would love to see world hunger ended and all of the homeless having a better life, place to live and food to eat. See no more sick babies/children etc.. If you have an extra dollar give it up and make someone elses day a better happier one...I do have a heart and ppl in this world need to stop being greedy.. and down with the U.S government and politics.. they all suck and are making poverty grow.. guess that's it.

To hurt is to feel
To feel is to scream
This is what it's like
In my most intimate dream

#58 Thunderja


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Posted 02 July 2004 - 07:04 AM

Bands: Blink 182, Evanescence, D-12, Stereogram, Story of the year./Songs: My Immortal, My band, Walky Talky Man, Anthem of Our Dieing Days

Omg thats a white trash New Zealand band that went to the states to try to make it big, go boys go, steal the American $$$$
I wouldn't mind stabbing you in the face, if that's cool with you?

#59 dec

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Posted 02 July 2004 - 08:07 AM

Name (First/Who ya are ig): Declan, ingame: Declan/wikaii nighting_gale

Age 15
Gender all manly n stuff

Where yer from Ireland, wheeeeee

Do ya work, go to school or a bum? At the min its summer so im a bum this year i will be going into 5th year for ppl in the UK

Hobbies/Interests playing Guitar, band practice, hanging with mates, going out and getting drunk (no im not an aloco i only do that occasionaly)

A little bit of your personality (how would somone describe you?) um Im a pretty laidback guy, funny, a bit odd, always knows what to say in an awkward silence, and sometimes extremely dumb/slow

Likes/Dislikes i like all my friends live would be nutse without them/dislikes emo music and townies

Favorite color/number green/4

Your favorite movies/music/bands/songs Movie: The Crow/anything with good guitar and vocals and lyircs/Green Day, the Clash, foo fighters, thin lizzy people like that/ Green Day When i come around

Do you have any future goals? If so, what are they? Maybe be a wrighter (not with my spelling lol) for something like the BBC because the amount of nuts they are putting out these days angers me!

If you could move or travel to any place in the world, where would it be? um nowhere for all the bad stuff that is said about it Ireland is pretty cool.

Favorite Nightmist Memories/Moments um i dnt think i really have any i guess the day i joined broken after some numours clan hoppings, and when i was promoted to founder. GO BROKEN *ahem*

I guess thats it :)
Roses are red
Violets are blue
In Soviet Russia
Poem write you!

Belzabar in-game

#60 Cule

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Posted 05 July 2004 - 01:24 AM

i am the god of all things COOL :)

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