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Old Times

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#31 jurian


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Posted 26 May 2008 - 09:40 AM

i remember when nm 1 existed (the nromal server actually is nm 2 but most ppl don't know that).

was good times killing the ogre for his helmet or going for some lava monsters.

and beeing the only person online for like 6 hours in a row.


Oh i remember beeing good :ph34r: but that really was a long time ago.
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#32 Äññöÿäñcë

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Posted 26 May 2008 - 11:41 AM

i remember getting pwnd over and over by Scream (old rich, i was INTERCOM. at the time hahaha) going from arilin tavern -> sewers, him killing me, then going back to the arilin tavern and him picking me up cause i was in his party, and i didn't know how to leave. he killed me a good 10 times before someone told me who to disband hahaha.

also, a dude called sir_fatty always helped me get to blackthorn to level. i dont know who this guy was, or even if he still plays, but max respect to him <3
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#33 Deval

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Posted 06 June 2008 - 11:08 AM

Oh i remember beeing good ;) but that really was a long time ago.

When was that exactly? :ph34r:

Fun times:

Mr_Pirate and Dirty_John_Flint at the SGH.

Original Nightmist in Pern Valley (I think that's what it was called? Through the Temple of giants): Android_20 + Lionheart vs Odin (who was a paladin not a mage first time round) and me (Deval).

Anything Havanor was involved in.

Harassing Ganja for pix of boobies.

Multiple Ogre Lords in Temple of Giants.

Posting pictures on the forums of a very chubby Enix stripping for Ian on webcam after he tried to rob my mains.

Scream raging because he could never beat me and Odin.

Moshes when alts were frowned upon and your enemies weren't @55holes but fun people to just compete against.

Posting a mock player pic of 'Mad Max & Nostradamus', with Odin having nails and metal items stuck on his face while I looked like I was taking a dump in the background.

Everyone mocking Valentine behind his back because he always used to say 'Lé sigh'.

Running Cult of the Dark Shadow (CotDS)

Edited by Deval, 06 June 2008 - 11:33 AM.

"PK'ing has just become a battle of superior numbers." ~ Goldfish.

#34 Gnarkill



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Posted 06 June 2008 - 05:54 PM

lmao I remember ganging up with Mr_Pirate and chillin at sgh.. good times hahaha belive my main was Bloodspill at the time..not positive though.

Gnarkill- Multi and 1a

#35 Exor

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Posted 06 June 2008 - 08:06 PM

Zomg its Jurian and Deval! :)

Original Nightmist in Pern Valley (I think that's what it was called? Through the Temple of giants): Android_20 + Lionheart vs Odin (who was a paladin not a mage first time round) and me (Deval).

Haha those were some fun times. I miss my Barbarian :wub:
I seriously would still love to be able to play Nightmist on the old pre-reset map. I'd stop playing AoC/WoW for that in a heartbeat. Also Pern Valley was badass. Areas like Pern Valley were so hardcore.

Anything Havanor was involved in.


Harassing Ganja for pix of boobies.

Rofl nice. Back when she was like the only known female on the whole game. I remember everyone followed her wherever she went like puppydogs. She was cool as hell though.

Scream raging because he could never beat me and Odin.

I'll never forget Rich's rants especially pre-reset. I remember he always hung out with that other kid who was just like him, Gunner or something of the like. I remember when him and Rich were always at the Ogre together and I'd never pass any attempt at the chance of dropping them and waiting for them to come back to do it all over again. All the while they'd be trying to give me a stern lecture in pages :ph34r:

Running Cult of the Dark Shadow (CotDS)

Hah CotDS for teh win.

I wonder if JLH or Pandi for that matter even have the old pre-reset map saved still. I wish I could just see a map layout of it again for the hell of it, or even some pics for that matter. Time sure does fly though. Can't believe how long ago it was when I first came to NM. Eh it feels like just yesterday when Ste and I leveled Madness up insanely fast on Harlequin with his godly exp. Same with getting a big group together to try to kill Ssilx! ;) Ahh I miss old NM. Both pre-reset and even the early days of post-reset were great times.

There sure aren't many players left from way back then though. Not very suprising however given how old NM is now I guess. Nice to see some old faces still around the forums though.

~Exor/Illidan/Android_20 :)

Edited by Exor, 06 June 2008 - 08:19 PM.

-Mark aka Exor aka Android_20 aka Illidan

#36 Stotic

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Posted 20 June 2008 - 08:12 AM

Wow Android_20, haven't heard that name in awhile. I think I remember being pissed at you because you kicked me out of the clan because I took Ebony's/Krillick (i think?) picture. For those of you who don't know, back in the day you could tell staff that you wanted a certain picture that was part of the picture directory. Btw I was ZoFo. I recall always camping at the Goblin barracks making tons of gold. I would stay away from that forest near Northkeep because I would always get pked by Krillick's mortal (staff abuse eh?). It was weird. I actually enjoyed playing and looked forward to playing. I guess that feeling soon dissipated. I may have some pre-reset maps sitting around. I'll try and dig them up.
We'll douse ourselves in gasoline and hang our bodies from the lampposts.

#37 Throwback

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Posted 23 June 2008 - 06:57 AM

my nm wife jacked dev and emma and hooked me up ftw........animosity vs creme.........my best friend (Rob aka Puremourning) pking me over and over on my 3 stat fighter when I had no idea how to get from ngh to arilin, when i thought the airship was the most amazing and far off place......rappy and me actually killing all the bosses for the museum *mayor to lyz, what a waste of time*, the hour rappy took to find our way in the time maze, and the day i realized will and gus was actually Will in my 1st period class and i tried to mooch off him [ and blame me for Yosha, I told mike about this game, sorry :ph34r: ]

Edited by Throwback, 23 June 2008 - 06:58 AM.

Vegas 1a....formerly known as Memphis

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