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~new Thief On The Block~

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#31 Prophet

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Posted 16 February 2006 - 08:25 PM

What did I say about these new kids, see lew im always right...;)
Si Senior!

#32 Shaginator



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Posted 16 February 2006 - 09:34 PM

someone give that man a cookie
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#33 Thunderja


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Posted 17 February 2006 - 03:08 AM

Matter has sorted itself out and the stuff has been returned, and I didn't even do a damn thing about it in the end.

Good on you Alex, I knew you would be fair... A little TOO fair I hear though.

Some people are too quick to judge, my advice play it cool like the Fonz, or alternatly and even better a dynamic fox.

Edited by Thunderja, 17 February 2006 - 03:10 AM.

I wouldn't mind stabbing you in the face, if that's cool with you?

#34 Ryuku


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Posted 17 February 2006 - 04:01 AM

A little too fair? lawl

Why should I get punished, when I can atone?

Later Nightmist, had a nice run for almost 5 and a half years.

#35 Shaginator



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Posted 17 February 2006 - 04:05 AM

alex noob you shouldnt have given him EVERYTHING...should have kept something. Youll get bored one day and want to play nm, and wont have any crits ;p ;p ;p
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#36 Exodia



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Posted 17 February 2006 - 04:44 PM

Bah I have been doing crazy hours at work and haven't got around to sorting this out. Alex is a really good kid, he just makes poor choices. Next time I'm on with him I'll sort this out and see if I can get Cody some of HIS stuff back.

I know a bit about this situation and it isn't as cut-and-dry as one would think. There was always going to be an account split after recent happenings... But one person taking it all was a blindside.

I know I'm an anti-thief nazi, but the situation hasn't had time to be resolved without a good catalyst. Give me a couple of days before you brand Alex a thief, I PERSONALLY think he did this to first protect himself and his stuff. At least wait and see if this retarded sharing gone bad can be solved. TY.

kinda bein a hypocrite huh.. a thief is a thief no matter what, how u gonna say ur a "anti-thief nazi" and flame other thieves..but right here ur tellin everyone they should brand alex a thief cuz he stole for a reason.. like wtf ru smokin man, his reason he said at sgh was cuz " everyone shares to steal and get better ".. now thats a real good reason ainna ...
Primex ingame

#37 Wind


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Posted 17 February 2006 - 05:06 PM


Seriously. You all want JLH to clamp down on theft but theres a large number of people still sharing their accounts with people they've known for probably about a month or more. Help the fight against theft by helping yourself first and taking the easy steps to prevent it from happening (IE. Not sharing). Maybe then JLH would be more willing to help. (Granted there are some trustworthy people on the game but you shouldn't hope for it all the time)

Oh and Alex has stolen before btw so the topic title is inaccurate.

If JLH did a perm ban on the thieves

All the other thieves wouldnt steal because they would think to themself's do i really want a perm ban for theft??

i really think if JLH was giving perm bans out for theft and i mean perm bans no letting them back theft wouldnt be a problem.....

funny you are talking about perm banning thieves on a thread of a person you were involved in theft with. Now i know YOU think your actions were justified because you were allegedly "stealing back". But theft is theft. So plz yes, tell us how you should be perm. banned.

Haha Cliff are you fkin stupid or what???

I said Alex jacked me and then asked me to share again so i said yes and i took one of his crits and give the rest back and my irl got my forum password and started saying alot of nuts on here......about me which wasnt true.

so get your facts right asshole
Cry me a river!

Character Name: Wind on both servers!

#38 Deathwish

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Posted 17 February 2006 - 05:09 PM

5 and a half years, come now Alex... >.> You've not been her remotely that long.
Out, out brief candle. Life's but a walking shadow, a poor player who struts and frets his hour on the stage and then is heard no more.

#39 Shaginator



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Posted 17 February 2006 - 06:14 PM


Seriously. You all want JLH to clamp down on theft but theres a large number of people still sharing their accounts with people they've known for probably about a month or more. Help the fight against theft by helping yourself first and taking the easy steps to prevent it from happening (IE. Not sharing). Maybe then JLH would be more willing to help. (Granted there are some trustworthy people on the game but you shouldn't hope for it all the time)

Oh and Alex has stolen before btw so the topic title is inaccurate.

If JLH did a perm ban on the thieves

All the other thieves wouldnt steal because they would think to themself's do i really want a perm ban for theft??

i really think if JLH was giving perm bans out for theft and i mean perm bans no letting them back theft wouldnt be a problem.....

funny you are talking about perm banning thieves on a thread of a person you were involved in theft with. Now i know YOU think your actions were justified because you were allegedly "stealing back". But theft is theft. So plz yes, tell us how you should be perm. banned.

Haha Cliff are you fkin stupid or what???

I said Alex jacked me and then asked me to share again so i said yes and i took one of his crits and give the rest back and my irl got my forum password and started saying alot of nuts on here......about me which wasnt true.

so get your facts right asshole

down boy, dont get yourself all worked up. all im saying is....that according to your theory about perm banning thieves, you would have been banned to. Even though there was a reason for taking your things back, its still considered stealing. Not an attack on you, but the idea.

Edited by Shaginator, 17 February 2006 - 06:32 PM.

Overthrow/Redemption - 1a

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#40 Shaginator



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Posted 17 February 2006 - 06:26 PM

Bah I have been doing crazy hours at work and haven't got around to sorting this out. Alex is a really good kid, he just makes poor choices. Next time I'm on with him I'll sort this out and see if I can get Cody some of HIS stuff back.

I know a bit about this situation and it isn't as cut-and-dry as one would think. There was always going to be an account split after recent happenings... But one person taking it all was a blindside.

I know I'm an anti-thief nazi, but the situation hasn't had time to be resolved without a good catalyst. Give me a couple of days before you brand Alex a thief, I PERSONALLY think he did this to first protect himself and his stuff. At least wait and see if this retarded sharing gone bad can be solved. TY.

kinda bein a hypocrite huh.. a thief is a thief no matter what, how u gonna say ur a "anti-thief nazi" and flame other thieves..but right here ur tellin everyone they should brand alex a thief cuz he stole for a reason.. like wtf ru smokin man, his reason he said at sgh was cuz " everyone shares to steal and get better ".. now thats a real good reason ainna ...

First off, as far as he knew alex did steal for a reason. He was under the impression that Alex took the crits out of the account to avoid them being stolen. Second off all Alex is somewhat of a a friend of his, so regardless of how many people Jared flames on forums for being thieves....its is human freaking nature to ALWAYS give your friends the benefit of the doubt until you know the whole story. Thirdly, not only have the crits returned but Alex also gave him most of what belonged to him too. Alex has been around for a long while in the game, whether it was 5 1/2 years or not. Anyone who has come to his defense has done so because even though he has made some dumb choices, he does have good intentions 99% of the time. He like everyone else, just makes bad decisions from time to time. But in the end he made the right one so let it go. Its over with.
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#41 Thunderja


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Posted 17 February 2006 - 06:42 PM

I could've actually taken the "angry never talk to him again option". That would've solved nothing and Cody probably wouldn't have got his stuff back. Instead I did the fatherly tactic I learned off the toy car skitt from jackass... "Son if you do this I wont be mad, just disappointed."
I wouldn't mind stabbing you in the face, if that's cool with you?

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