Best Zerker Ingame
Posted 09 March 2006 - 06:59 PM
Gnarkill- Multi and 1a
Posted 09 March 2006 - 07:53 PM
Posted 10 March 2006 - 12:59 AM
Race/Class: Male Half-Elf Archmaster Berserker. Str: 18, Int: 10, Dex: 19, Con: 19, Wis: 19, Chr: 16, Lev: 30, Exp: 279,530,448, HP: 484, MP: 0, Stm: 6.
CrossFade's stats are:
Race/Class: Male Half-Elf Archmaster Berserker. Str: 18, Int: 12, Dex: 19, Con: 19, Wis: 19, Chr: 12, Lev: 30, Exp: 397,213,190, HP: 480, MP: 0, Stm: 6.
2 highest hp h-elf in game, both have won events, comet sporting scepter of balance and crossfade with blade of time, cry rappy cry blonde is 3rd on the list

Posted 10 March 2006 - 02:21 AM
blonde has won triplex and has about 10 pt wins and has a trinity blade which owns both of thoseComet's stats are:
Race/Class: Male Half-Elf Archmaster Berserker. Str: 18, Int: 10, Dex: 19, Con: 19, Wis: 19, Chr: 16, Lev: 30, Exp: 279,530,448, HP: 484, MP: 0, Stm: 6.
CrossFade's stats are:
Race/Class: Male Half-Elf Archmaster Berserker. Str: 18, Int: 12, Dex: 19, Con: 19, Wis: 19, Chr: 12, Lev: 30, Exp: 397,213,190, HP: 480, MP: 0, Stm: 6.
2 highest hp h-elf in game, both have won events, comet sporting scepter of balance and crossfade with blade of time, cry rappy cry blonde is 3rd on the list
Posted 10 March 2006 - 04:42 PM
Either way Support = The best.
But if were not allowed to vote for our own crits, then I would say Intensity.
Edited by Prophet, 10 March 2006 - 06:11 PM.
Posted 11 March 2006 - 05:35 PM

But I got Seek which is pretty good..
Race/Class: Male Half-Orc Archmaster Slayer. Str: 22, Int: 5, Dex: 16, Con: 22, Wis: 14, Chr: 7, Lev: 30, Exp: 593,903,779, HP: 534, MP: 0, Stm: 6.
This character can still be /reset.
Posted 12 March 2006 - 07:45 AM

ah the intelligence of combusta, the envy of all nightmist players...
o shut up tony
Posted 12 March 2006 - 01:26 PM
Posted 12 March 2006 - 01:40 PM
Posted 12 March 2006 - 01:56 PM
Of course ;pSupport? lol
Posted 14 March 2006 - 01:20 PM

Or actually how many other human zerks r in the 490s? Just curious.
Edited by Kenzaburokamos, 14 March 2006 - 01:24 PM.
Trance_Steel ingame
Posted 14 March 2006 - 01:54 PM

it's plausible that the SOB hasn't spawned
¯¨:·»Gently spamming the forum since 2003«·:¨¯
Posted 14 March 2006 - 07:10 PM
Might be a 491 buts thats as close as it gets atmInferno has 490. Not sure if there's any more

Posted 14 March 2006 - 11:49 PM
Posted 15 March 2006 - 03:15 AM
Posted 25 September 2006 - 06:41 PM
Gambit (Human) - 490
Posted 25 September 2006 - 07:07 PM
Posted 25 September 2006 - 07:16 PM
Apply: You attacked Timeline with your Justice Blade but Timeline's armor absorbed the blow.
gg Timeline
Julius 1 alt
Posted 25 September 2006 - 11:57 PM
hes a classic <3 had top human hp til support came along.
other wise, i'll say intensity or support
Property of Jessica
Posted 26 September 2006 - 07:25 AM
Posted 26 September 2006 - 11:59 AM

weird thing is, some zerks hit better than others.. ive noticed some of my zerks hit insanely without any spells more so than others..even though they are relatively the same stats/weapon etc...guess its all down to personal opininon, and anyone with a zerk will argue that it is the best lol and i dont blame them

Posted 26 September 2006 - 12:14 PM

Posted 26 September 2006 - 05:37 PM
basically i think it comes down to.. best zerk of each race.. human/dwarf/half orc/h-elf.. there is no best overall and it isn't judeable.. so if you want to find the 'best' zerk, then find the best zerk from each class...(best stats/hp)

Posted 26 September 2006 - 10:28 PM
And since I believe franchise and support have 496 and 497 hp, respectively, and let's say franchise kills support 9/10 times they dual with same weapon, no pots, will support still be the best?
But like I said u can't really measure which zerk is the best cuz sometimes crits like to act faglarish.
Posted 27 September 2006 - 05:39 PM
and playerkills/death by players has NOTHING to do with this..obviously older crits will probably have more kills/deaths..so thats a dumb way to judge the best zerk...
Posted 27 September 2006 - 06:01 PM
Posted 27 September 2006 - 06:37 PM
Posted 28 September 2006 - 02:55 PM
Posted 28 September 2006 - 05:20 PM
Posted 28 September 2006 - 08:27 PM
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