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#31 Prophet

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Posted 13 April 2007 - 10:39 PM

mhm and if you don't like working together change that little drop down box too Main Server :)
Si Senior!

#32 Chelto

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Posted 14 April 2007 - 01:19 AM

KTP just to get into a town... I think they should do that in real life too! Thats a great idea...

#33 Epic

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Posted 14 April 2007 - 03:08 AM

"how are clerics supposed to kill "kill to pass" monsters at gates?"

Thats the problem i just ran into. Looks like theres enough negitive feed back tho to get this changed back to no KTP(in towns atleast)

#34 Freek

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Posted 14 April 2007 - 04:12 AM

Woot!! Ktp ogre are AWSOME!!! I just go to kill 5 TR because they couldnt get to town! First mass death by ktp ty staff!! :)
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#35 ketchup

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Posted 14 April 2007 - 04:41 AM

work together = DIE together..... fresh!!!

/clap freek

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#36 Freek

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Posted 14 April 2007 - 04:52 AM

Lol <3, And since Ktp has came into play I've gotten 10 pk's with no running :), AND have made 40k training so much better I think. :)
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#37 ketchup

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Posted 14 April 2007 - 05:05 AM

hmmm, guess druids dont have to save gold just to buy graspin vines .....

ktp = "Killed" to pass?

/t freek 40k? O.O :) lol, you got 10 slaves workin for you man?

1alt : Titan / Viper / Exellency / Rampage. Main : Predator / Frostie

#38 Freek

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Posted 14 April 2007 - 05:14 AM

Nope just went to next best exp place and making tons of gold :)
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#39 vex

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Posted 14 April 2007 - 11:47 AM

Well i'd just like to thank staff for mooseing up a game that i've enjoyed for the last 6 years cheers your 1 less nm player and im sure that i wont be the only person to leave

You can't pass while the Black Bear is present.
You attacked a Black Bear with a Justice Blade for 27 points of damage, killing it.
You can't pass while the Brown Bear is present.

I can understand a single ktp monster but every monster on that square being ktp is just bull nuts

Edited by vex, 14 April 2007 - 11:59 AM.

Don't argue with an idiot They will bring you down to their level and beat you with experience!!

#40 Hansol

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Posted 14 April 2007 - 12:09 PM

This all seems like a good idea.. but what you really need to do, is promote the game abit more and get some more people playing... then it'll all work out fine :)


#41 Dark


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Posted 14 April 2007 - 01:34 PM

Well i'd just like to thank staff for mooseing up a game that i've enjoyed for the last 6 years cheers your 1 less nm player and im sure that i wont be the only person to leave

You can't pass while the Black Bear is present.
You attacked a Black Bear with a Justice Blade for 27 points of damage, killing it.
You can't pass while the Brown Bear is present.

I can understand a single ktp monster but every monster on that square being ktp is just bull nuts

They didnt moose up the game you played for 6 years, they moosed up the server youve played for a few weeks.

#42 joanna

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Posted 14 April 2007 - 01:58 PM

Joanna is a Lion. She is rather large and covered with a smooth, short, tawny coat. Her long noble mane ranges in color from blonde to red to brown to black. She has large, golden eyes set in proud face, which contains a set of vicious fangs. Her shoulders and forelegs are tremendously muscular. Each of Her large paws is armed with devastatingly long, sharp, retractable claws, which are curved. She looks to be of average speed, but incredibly powerful and she has been moderately wounded.

You seem to have gotten too close for comfort as this bird Whoo's in anger at you before diving in with its claws The Owl is in a healthy condition.

You can't pass while the Owl is present.

A lion being blocked off by an OWL.... c'mon.....

#43 Crane


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Posted 14 April 2007 - 02:12 PM

Another thing just hit me... Cleric training at very low levels is now a lot more difficult because of the loss of the +20 XP bonus, which really makes a difference at those levels, considering mana costs and all. I would like to suggest experimenting with a +10 XP bonus. Just something that came to light.

People generally don't want to team up just to train unless they are going to special places like the desert. When the server is quiet, it is very hard to find teammates, so by making it nearly impossible to train low-levels alone only serves to make the server more unpopular.


People in my experience already team up to take on bosses and, I imagine to help players get to the guilds in Jahanna, where teaming is actively encouraged. In my opinion nothing is broken there.

Edited by Crane, 14 April 2007 - 02:17 PM.

The Crane Temple Chairman

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#44 joanna

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Posted 14 April 2007 - 04:10 PM

Another thing just hit me... Cleric training at very low levels is now a lot more difficult because of the loss of the +20 XP bonus, which really makes a difference at those levels, considering mana costs and all. I would like to suggest experimenting with a +10 XP bonus. Just something that came to light.

People generally don't want to team up just to train unless they are going to special places like the desert. When the server is quiet, it is very hard to find teammates, so by making it nearly impossible to train low-levels alone only serves to make the server more unpopular.


People in my experience already team up to take on bosses and, I imagine to help players get to the guilds in Jahanna, where teaming is actively encouraged. In my opinion nothing is broken there.

Anyone actually know why Cleric heal is lower than Paladin heal to start of with?

#45 MessiahX

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Posted 14 April 2007 - 04:32 PM

I would guess because all clerics do is heal and paladins are more diverse in battle. Giving them the same amount of healing power would be sort of unfair to a class that devotes it's entire self to the art of healing. Plus they get Divine Restoration. Just a thought. (No Elf Pally's either.)

#46 Epic

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Posted 14 April 2007 - 04:39 PM

It's not that people dont want to train together its just that its a huge hassle to get a few people to help you into town, or if your low lvl you gotta get someone to bring you to bt to lvl up. Hassle is all it is.

#47 Crane


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Posted 14 April 2007 - 04:40 PM

I would guess because all clerics do is heal and paladins are more diverse in battle. Giving them the same amount of healing power would be sort of unfair to a class that devotes it's entire self to the art of healing. Plus they get Divine Restoration. Just a thought. (No Elf Pally's either.)

There is a Dungeons & Dragons reason for why Elves cannot be Paladins. In a way, Paladins are more devoted to the faith than Clerics, since they actively fight for the religion, and such devotion requires the throwing away of traditions and habits that are central to the Elves' history and upbringing. I will have to look up the exact reasoning myself in the AD&D handbook, but while some Elves become Clerics, very few ever become Paladins.

As for Clerics' heal, I guess they make life a little more difficult for them at low levels since they pick up exceptionally powerful heal spells later on, starting with Aid at level 18. Similar thing for Mages... they are notoriously hard to train at low levels, but by the time they reach level 25, they more than deserve Beam!

EDIT: Typo

Edited by Crane, 14 April 2007 - 04:41 PM.

The Crane Temple Chairman

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Don't kill the messenger mathematician!

#48 JLH



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Posted 14 April 2007 - 05:45 PM

hurrah! let common sense prevail, nice post
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#49 deadman

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Posted 14 April 2007 - 06:00 PM

Yeah we did suggest something be done, but not in the manner it was done. There were a lot better ways to change it and make it better.

Kill to pass to enter a town? stupid.. for reasons listed above.. better idea - Weaken the exp that can be gained on the first few squares outside a town or don't let monsters spawn on those first few squares outside a town.

Kill to pass bosses? No, only a few have to be kill to pass. As it stands now unless you are lucky enough to get enough people on to want to do a boss that boss won't be killed by just one clan of people. Hit and run was a good tactic and encouraged teamwork.

Moving the items around in the shops.. bad idea people are used to it as the way it was and not really needed a change to it anyways and i doubt anyone suggested it need be.

And as for clerics yea that +20 might have been a little much.. but being healing is the only way for a cleric to train maybe it should at least be + 10 instead then.
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#50 joanna

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Posted 14 April 2007 - 06:17 PM

Just to let everyone know, the person that made that long post is yet another one who has obtained a high level alt (in this case a druid) mainly by sitting alone at a gatehouse and making hit-and-run attacks, and like the others, would support anything to stop other people obtaining an alt of equal power to his own

#51 eclypse

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Posted 14 April 2007 - 06:34 PM

ive posted on this before... but i wasnt very clear...

if the this new KTP thinngy isnt taken out of the game players will simply stop playing it... end of story
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#52 Prophet

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Posted 14 April 2007 - 06:42 PM

Looks to me like hes only level 28 which means he still has to gain nearly double his current xp to arch via a different means than gate sitting, therefore it'd hardly be beneficial for him to support this simply to stop people leveling up.

There are also people here who don't support the changes who have high level alts so maybe there point of view should be dismissed because they are looking for a means of continuining to gain xp at a rate they are getting currently? Just because he plays the game and puts time in doesn't make his opinion void...

I don't have any high level alts on 1a and support the changes, but let me guess my opinion is void because I don't play it enough?
Si Senior!

#53 Elite

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Posted 14 April 2007 - 07:28 PM

Just to let everyone know, the person that made that long post is yet another one who has obtained a high level alt (in this case a druid) mainly by sitting alone at a gatehouse and making hit-and-run attacks, and like the others, would support anything to stop other people obtaining an alt of equal power to his own

Paul, I would like you to look at my monster kil ratio, Yes I admited, that I did at one time it and train at ogers, however, most will agree. That I spent more time, training with clanies or even as acting as a cleric for them, and my training was no secret. I braved the goblins and traps at a low level and went to faravar, its not hard to level quickly up there, if your smart. Most of my training areas are uneffected by the KTP routes since I regularly discusssed the KTP issue and supported it for gate training and HNR long before it was in effect (the archieves are on my side here) this causes people to adapt to the new situation...However, I dont want to turn this into a bicker so I addres the other post....

Movement of Equipment and training areas, I actualy again support, With KTP in effect low levels are in need of some help, this is one way to do it. They have made a drastic change to the new face of nightmist, it is going to change and adjust and balance. give them time to work on it. So our old maps need revamping, now theirs new goals to be made, new challanges to be had. Sitting at a gate is no longer the in thing. Don't you remember what it was like, to be newb, to be low level. laughing and giggling everytime you die before it got so serious? LEARN! ADAPT! CHANGE AS THE GAME CHANGES! and most of all.... HAVE FUN!

Quit trying to kiss up to the staff, you twit.

No one likes these change, and this game is barely staying together as it is, so why even risk losing anymore players to stupid changes to the game. Therefore they should just be done away with. Plain and Simple.

#54 joanna

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Posted 14 April 2007 - 09:03 PM

Most of my training areas are uneffected by the KTP routes since I regularly discusssed the KTP issue and supported it for gate training and HNR long before it was in effect (the archieves are on my side here) this causes people to adapt to the new situation...

What does this actually mean? You have been activly discussing rule changes with staff members, knew of it before other players did, and made sure the areas you now train in wernt affected? This quote sounds dodgy as hell....

Edited by joanna, 14 April 2007 - 09:05 PM.

#55 Thunderja


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Posted 14 April 2007 - 11:28 PM

I applaud staff for putting deep thought into these changes. Nice work and it's easy to see the reasoning from a perspective of it's not going to affect me at all.

Obviously polishing the brass on the titanic though.... If you get my drift.
I wouldn't mind stabbing you in the face, if that's cool with you?

#56 Throwback

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Posted 15 April 2007 - 09:18 AM


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#57 Foxie


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Posted 15 April 2007 - 09:27 AM

Just to let everyone know, the person that made that long post is yet another one who has obtained a high level alt (in this case a druid) mainly by sitting alone at a gatehouse and making hit-and-run attacks, and like the others, would support anything to stop other people obtaining an alt of equal power to his own

Paul, I would like you to look at my monster kil ratio, Yes I admited, that I did at one time it and train at ogers, however, most will agree. That I spent more time, training with clanies or even as acting as a cleric for them, and my training was no secret. I braved the goblins and traps at a low level and went to faravar, its not hard to level quickly up there, if your smart. Most of my training areas are uneffected by the KTP routes

Malhavoc I was training in the plains of faravar from level 19 and now at level 24 (after ktp was introduced at windia lookout point) i went back accross to faravar to train. With an invent full of rope mana + pots (advanced) by the time i got to the mountain base to /examine i had a few empty spaces so picked up my climbing gear there. I get over the mountain and kill the goblin scouts on the other side of the mountain. My camo fizzled... so i sat for 25minutes to camo again to run to the trading post to buy new mana (which i made hugely expensive when i made the area so it could be used like ss). Getting to the trading post with no mana/pots left I find i cannot enter them without killing a lion&lioness one side and a lion cub on the north side (lion cubs are -ve exp, and spawn 3 lionesses). So after all that effort training in faravar is now useless because it is impossible to get mana etc. I ended up having to delete/restore to get out of there.
On main Azure/Foxie in game.
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#58 Crane


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Posted 15 April 2007 - 12:10 PM

Lion Cubs will leave you alone if you don't attack them... they are the kind of monster that sits idly and watches you curiously, not really considering you a threat until you prove otherwise... are they kill to pass too?

I can confirm with Emma though... mana and potions there are very expensive and if you are repeatedly buying them, you make virtually no gold. Kill-to-pass is unnecessary there. And making Lion Cubs kill to pass (if they are kill to pass) is foolhardy.

Edited by Crane, 15 April 2007 - 12:11 PM.

The Crane Temple Chairman

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Don't kill the messenger mathematician!

#59 Crane


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Posted 15 April 2007 - 12:32 PM

(Sorry for double-posting)

Encouraging team play is good and all, but it should still be comfortable to train and explore by yourself, should the server be quiet that you cannot find team-mates, you are not in a clan or just want to be by yourself (and yes, the multi-alt server is an option, but not everyone wants to use or compete against alts). To deny people the chance of training away from home by themselves is not a good move - not everyone wants to train with other players constantly. The occasional Desert or Faravar trip with your clan is nice to have sometimes, but at other times you might just want to battle Warthogs or Gnolls in peace, not having the panic of getting stuck at 4 Ogres disallowing entry to the city. People could argue that certain Gnolls are kill-to-pass too, but they guard their own fortress... I can't see Ogres besieging Blackthorn (they're not the smartest of creatures, unless you count Shrek), small Owls managing to stop you entering Natura or a Lion Cub watching you innocently from letting you enter the outposts in Faravar.

Edited by Crane, 15 April 2007 - 12:40 PM.

The Crane Temple Chairman

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Don't kill the messenger mathematician!

#60 Ryuku


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Posted 15 April 2007 - 12:32 PM

Hit and running in town?

Uhh, stupid, there are lots of places outside of town where monsters don't drag.

I'm sure hit and running black bears in grassy meadow and wolf from clearing is gone too?

..or not..



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