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#31 Simulation

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Posted 22 May 2005 - 05:21 PM

Poop. If someone is going to take time to make an autoroller, let them use it for awhile and then they'll get banned. Current stat system in NM is fine, and who knows what they have planned for NM2.

#32 Julius

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Posted 22 May 2005 - 06:11 PM

Would it be possible to add a back one button? When I get to rolling alot of times I'll be rolling quick and ill miss somethin decent, or the roller will delay and i'll hit roll again and it will move 2, stuff like that, a back one button that would lock after one click and not be available until you roll again. Of course if the roller doesnt actually store the numbers then I don't know if this would be possible. Just a thought since the topic of rollers was here.
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#33 Lady_Maha

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Posted 22 May 2005 - 07:07 PM

It was suggested before, and personally I agree. Don't remember the reason it was shot down.
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#34 Sneaky

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Posted 23 May 2005 - 08:12 PM

http://www.nightmist...ler improvement

I am so smart ^_^
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#35 Julius

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Posted 23 May 2005 - 08:50 PM

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#36 Angelus

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Posted 24 May 2005 - 01:35 PM

Beating up Bruce Lee is hard, making an auto-roller is just time consuming.

But i'm still damn sure none of you people who talk so easily about it here are able to do it. So stop trying to look like a bad ass and go click some pictures.
Angelus ingame.
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#37 Dark


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Posted 24 May 2005 - 02:28 PM

i cood make one if i wanted, but ive been banned b4 for making programs that aid nightmist and i didnt like the punishment, ive learned ma lesson

#38 Steam

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Posted 24 May 2005 - 04:13 PM

Beating up Bruce Lee is hard, making an auto-roller is just time consuming.

But i'm still damn sure none of you people who talk so easily about it here are able to do it. So stop trying to look like a bad ass and go click some pictures.

its not that hard, mainly the sendkeys command would do it, i made some programs for other muds to do extra long macros using sendkeys

And i wouldnt dare do it on NM ^_^
Mckay: I passed out from manly hunger


#39 Sean

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Posted 24 May 2005 - 04:14 PM

If you got banned your obviously not very good. ^_^

EDIT: That was to Dark.

Edited by Sean, 24 May 2005 - 04:14 PM.

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#40 Angelus

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Posted 24 May 2005 - 04:47 PM

I made auto-trainers, auto-rollers (never fully worked, when it finally did they changed the roller again..really frustrating lol) and all i ever got was a ban for 1 day which was uplifted cause he had nothing to back his story up (not like he needed it, cause it's his game but w/e)

I had some crits i lvled in arena's while i was at school. The only reason i was still interested in playing lol

But anyways, as for sendkeys for an autoroller? Yea right...it's graphical you need to make a program that reads colours/shapes.

Auto-trainers are easy, i can make one for an entire party that starts at south gate and ends back in an inn while ythey killed captain Wylsen along the way. This is because the path is set, everything you'll encounter is known before hand. Only thing that can cause trouble is other parties (and lag maybe). But then still this will go faster then any hand driven party. You can make em all simultaniously attack when stam is filled, clerics can use mana when the mana bar gets low and heal every so round. This is all made easier with the graphics and colours (like for instance when mana is low, add a coordination in your prog that checks how far the red (mana) is back and make it use a mana). An easier version of this is used by people in tournaments that i heard of, a simple macro send prog.

But as for autorollers you need to read the shape of a number = not possible. Reading colour on a specific pixel = not possible.
Reading an aray of colours resembling the max stat one between specific coordinates is possible, but they will simply add a pixel with the max stat colour to it and the roller will get useless.

The math questions are easy, they're all set. You can simply get all questions possible and tell the prog to click coordinates on the answer. As for them not noticing that its an autoroller, thats prolly the easiest to do, intervals are learned in the basics of coding.

Oh by the way they tell you they can see when you use one, but they wont tell how. Heh cause they can't...they can guess by how long you roll etc and make a speculation but they can't tell... Seeing as these progs arent sending anything to the server, they just replace actions you do by hand.

Also i never did it to get good, rich or w/e if i wanted to do that i just stole stuff cause that's even allowed. I just found it interesting to do...

Edited by Angelus, 24 May 2005 - 04:52 PM.

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#41 Steam

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Posted 24 May 2005 - 04:52 PM

ive seen a few key recognition programs on planet source code that would chech to see the shap so it didnt matter if it was text or graphical, havnt really looked into it much as im a good little boy ^_^
Mckay: I passed out from manly hunger


#42 Angelus

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Posted 24 May 2005 - 04:59 PM

Sendkeys is erm something like the macro thingy, you give it actions that are readable in a command box. Like /a snake. Then you can tell it to repeat, randomize it etc. Never heard of one that could check a specific colour on a coordinate...

Anyways im done here, just wanted to shut some people up that say they can but won't. Offcourse it's do-able but it will take waayy too much work... And saying you can easily do it, then saying they could stop it completely but they are too lazy...lol prove it first cuz to me you're just a little poser../t Dark obvioulsy.
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#43 Steam

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Posted 24 May 2005 - 05:04 PM

Steam Nods his head in agreement with Angelus

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#44 Lifeless Void

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Posted 24 May 2005 - 06:27 PM

How the hell would I know?

#45 Dark


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Posted 25 May 2005 - 11:20 PM

sendkeys function in VB cant be used, thats wot my old auto trainers used and JLH changed it so u need direct key input, theres ways around it but just stateing u cant use that, it got changed right after i was caught and then he made my training spot a pkable square for a day lol

#46 Steam

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Posted 26 May 2005 - 01:40 PM

sendkeys function in VB cant be used, thats wot my old auto trainers used and JLH changed it so u need direct key input, theres ways around it but just stateing u cant use that, it got changed right after i was caught and then he made my training spot a pkable square for a day lol

I Think he was lying then, Not that i tried it out or anything ^_^
Mckay: I passed out from manly hunger


#47 Sean

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Posted 26 May 2005 - 03:53 PM

Sendkeys do work... Believe me...

And how exactly can you change it? lol

It's a replacement for just typing it in manually not like they can know about it because it dosen't connect to the server in any way...

Edited by Sean, 26 May 2005 - 03:53 PM.

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#48 Steam

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Posted 26 May 2005 - 04:00 PM

U just crapped on my post basicly, i tried to let him no with dignity then you come blurtin it out rofl.
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#49 Sean

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Posted 26 May 2005 - 04:00 PM

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#50 JLH



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Posted 26 May 2005 - 09:05 PM

the client can tell the difference because sendkeys does not trigger the system controls that run the keyboard ^_^
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#51 Dark


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Posted 26 May 2005 - 09:17 PM

now who feels stupid u noobs, think b4 u type

Edited by Dark, 26 May 2005 - 09:17 PM.

#52 Sean

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Posted 26 May 2005 - 09:19 PM

Im sure *someone* can get around it. Theres a way around everything including this and JLH knows it.

Don't you JLH? ^_^

Edited by Sean, 26 May 2005 - 09:27 PM.

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#53 Simulation

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Posted 26 May 2005 - 09:36 PM

I've made an auto-trainer. It healed when low on HP, and went back to a non-pkable square when 1 stam was left. I only used it once while I was at school. Right now it still works, and when the exp is red it goes to a level-up place based on your level and where you are. But noone is going to use it, not even me becuase NM isn't on my comp anymore.

#54 Dark


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Posted 27 May 2005 - 12:18 AM

there is a way around it, dont use VB, thats easiest way i know of

#55 Steam

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Posted 27 May 2005 - 05:56 PM

must not effect my programs then
Mckay: I passed out from manly hunger


#56 Dark


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Posted 27 May 2005 - 06:35 PM

is that you openly admiting having programs that aid you in this game?

#57 Angelus

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Posted 27 May 2005 - 09:37 PM

the client can tell the difference because sendkeys does not trigger the system controls that run the keyboard ^_^

Yea duh, seeing /a small snake come across a lot usually lets you know someone is autotraining cause why wouldn't they click otherwise if they weren't.

But mine uses coordinations and lets a mouse_click event out. Trace that...heh. Plus it only does so when it has stam etc. Which is easily made by checking the colour in the stamina bar. So there's no way to distinct it from the real deal :P

Only downside is that you can't do anything else on your comp cause your mouse keeps moving on its own. But i have like 5 comps here... And for the safest method just train in arena. Suer it takes longer, but who cares if you don't have to be there while it's training.

Well used to anyways, obviously i don't play anymore, but the program is still easily made just by doing it like that...
Angelus ingame.
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#58 JLH



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Posted 27 May 2005 - 10:34 PM

again, my quote applies, since setting coordinates does not trigger the system controls that run the mouse.
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#59 Crane


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Posted 27 May 2005 - 10:38 PM

You only defeat yourself by using auto-trainers; you do not gain the skill and experience of playing if you rely on a computer algorithm all the time to do all the work for you. This shows when you come across something that the computer cannot easily take into account, like starting on a different square to normal, the map being modified slightly so the pre-planned route is no longer valid, PKers etc.
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#60 Evergrey

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Posted 28 May 2005 - 10:11 AM

You only defeat yourself by using auto-trainers; you do not gain the skill and experience of playing if you rely on a computer algorithm all the time to do all the work for you. This shows when you come across something that the computer cannot easily take into account, like starting on a different square to normal, the map being modified slightly so the pre-planned route is no longer valid, PKers etc.

And most people would say you defeat the purpose of playing a PVP game with a pacifist as a main, but hey what do people know?
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