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Back To The Camp Bows Again...

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#31 Cadabra


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Posted 17 February 2016 - 07:05 PM

Stigs work hasn't directly chased players away. the iron bombs and crate system have done some inderect damage, although the crate system is adequate enough because players will accommodate play-styles to compensate. many people may not agree, including me, but I am thankful its an option.  I can level a ranger to succeed at farming crates for 3 other classes if I must.

The crate system is brilliant.

Whoever came up with the idea and implemented it wants shooting :)

Hi Maarten
Nightmist is like Pringles, once you pop you just cant stop.

#32 Element

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Posted 20 February 2016 - 07:17 AM

Makes me sad Terron doesn't run this game it could be so much better. He actually has an idea of how game design should work rather than set in the ways of nightmist 10 years ago. that obviously isn't working hence the player base keeps shrinking. Go head keep telling yourself the player base keeps getting smaller because of "newer" 3D games haha. You guys killed nightmist and you know it deep down sucks don't it.

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#33 ice_cold

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Posted 21 February 2016 - 06:27 AM

I can easily lay out how the game died, none of which had anything to do with the games design or staff.


We had Boss runs and training parties all day everyday.

We had the highest numbers playing then we had been having in multiple years with 20+ people being logged on towards the end of the night.

We were killing every boss on 1a, including kunal, hornet queen, and the like.

Another long time mud shut down and we got a bunch of people from that game.

I was by myself in my own clan, and was running almost every boss run with every other person in Pandemonium.

One person left pandemonium, and Andy decided to tell his people he would pay them large amount of money to pk that person

That person got pk'd a ton, Andy never paid anyone, but a few people left Pandemonium because of it and started their own clan, as well as more people joined my clan because they didn't like what Andy had done.

Other clan, who is mostly new players, constantly gets pk'd and they leave the game.

Game starts getting back together for boss runs.

Andy gets pissed because he gets left out of a boss run, ran by his own clan, leaves clan and starts pk'ing everyone.

Lots of people quit during this time of pking.

Within a year, 1-4 people are playing at any given time in comparison to the 8-24.


Synopsis: Everything about the game was fine until Andy and his buddies decided to burn the world. Staff are blamed for issues they didn't create.


It had nothing to do with staff, but the mentality of the players. I can name numerous people who left very specifically because of all of the pking and lack of boss runs/group training. However I cannot specifically name a single person who left because of the crate system or specifically due to the updates to the game. And now that 1-alt has been demolished by these incidents, 1-alt players are now moving over to multi, where they're taking their culture of complaints over there. Good Luck :)

I read somewhere that ostrichs hide their heads under the sand because moles watch porn.

ScarletMuse 03/2/2005 11:20am

#34 Terron

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Posted 21 February 2016 - 10:47 AM

lol well put... except it isn't correct.  was me and my friends who left over Bill disbanding, pking, and stating hed rejoin anytime he wished. happened 3x enough was enough. I took 23 players to OD who later went back to pandemonium after a substantial amount of players went inactive, namely playing a different game that offers more.  there was about 12 total pks as a result of that 13 month conflict.


pandemonium did rekindle.  only split verdicts on players were alec and ^ and then again ^ and again ^.  then xmas quest happens and there was problems again with the above who tried to pk beast and drank 14 shades instead.  oops.  6 months pass and we become unified again. hooray bosses die and die and die and die. while this happens players like this "andy" , don't get randoms because they already have all the items.  merely going for the benefit of others and typically being one of 4 people who cleric.  id say you go for exp but bossing is less gd exp.  


a while later there was a small arguement with the insertion of a few main server players trying 1a.  violating a standing rule to offer in clan chat whenever a boss is being done, incase others wished to join.


Andy states to founders that he plans to leave if aj sells him DA clan house.  We all knew it and most other players beforehand.  last few founders left 27 days later, not because of andy, but because of the foundation of founder votes being shattered and disallowed players being reinvited back instantly, without votes. I sent a clan memo and left back to my own clan.  leaving pandemonium with alec(tietsu), ^ and his wife , wes and quinton and inactives. mr cold was only alone because of dbaggy remarks and actions and namely all his own doing time and time again.


now for the awesome part, the crates.  a decent option tho flawed.  in a game that had 2 problems exp loss from pks and a balanced leveling system, we get crates.  crates which allow pkers to sit at 15 monsters and pk anyone wishing to level and better yet sit at the ktps to the leveling guilds. with no other options but to endure it.


 I'm not going to say crates chased players away permanately , but i will say that on more than 1 occasion i took long 3-4 month absences because I hated crate farming certain items.  Other players have taken absence just aswell because the system isn't balanced period.  I myself nearly uninstalled after a crate of orcish emblems, being a usual 6 day a week player with a job and making my self devote 1 hour a day for 29 weeks to farm 48 emblems was beyond demoralizing not to mention entirely not worth it. Thank you to Walt who was kind enough to sell me the other 52.


its simple, the 2 major complaints on 1a from 2009-2012 other than jase cheating, were exp loss from pks, and a balanced leveling plan and we got an imbalanced crate system with 2 tiers.


I wont say staff are a problem because they shouldn't be developers, staff, police, testers ,builders, designers, mods and players in one. its too much. they cant be expected to only focus on the major problems without themselves having some fun.  Is what it is, enjoy it while it lasts.





P.S.  the only 1a players who are going to main are these "Andys Goons" for something to do when 1a sits at 3-4 players , likely soon when these 30 year old people get jobbies to support there nm crack habit during the winter.  hooray for unemployment , ebay morons buying junk, and welfare checks.   M eye rite /eyes 

"Wake Up!!" 

#35 Cadabra


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Posted 21 February 2016 - 11:08 AM

The server started to decline back when Thieves were severely changed. Those 10-20 people who had them as a main and spent tonnes of time/gold etc gave up. Wont go into detail of changes because we all know how rubbish they are now.

Then we had a major problem with leveling and people left to try new games. (And stayed)

Then for reasons i don't understand, a 10 million gold weapon goes from .3 vamp to .2 vamp. Why?
You spend months farming gold to waste it on 1 weapon. You want that weapon to return you full HP, blow you, cook your dinner and wipe when you empty the old bowels.
Nightmist is like Pringles, once you pop you just cant stop.

#36 Terron

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Posted 21 February 2016 - 11:34 AM

to make zerks thieves fighters and druids kill way less available monsters split their training monsters by 1/3 , 1/3. 1/10 and 1/4 respectively. barely affected or didn't affect the others.


this is a reason to have double life and mana and half powered non boss-mobs on 1a, wouldn't need cobalt's in the game unless it was just an endgame prize. twilight rapier, dotws and soe and other stuff would be very sufficient items with these 2 changes.  let alone future development, if any, would see more use.  mod weapons could actually be used without potion loss in 7 minutes.  Hit and Run shouldnt be a mandatory survival tool to play the game. people like to sit on mobs and kill them.  so either characters need survivability with weaker monsters and more vitals or weapons need massive vamp.  making training simplified is a better approach as it affects everyone including lvl 1s.  seems like a no brainer to me but I aint Codeman X.

"Wake Up!!" 

#37 Chronic

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Posted 21 February 2016 - 01:02 PM

Ok Danny lets break it down sentence by sentence off what u said.


We had boss partys and training partys all day everyday. - I'm Sure you brought those people around.. no wait it was me, greg, alex, craig doing the impossible on alot of bosses and posting it on forums and people started logging on.. its still something i say to this day if we post it they will come.


We had 20+ a day - Again ^^^ due to a few of us.


We were killing kunal etc and the like - Again ^^^ due to a few of us that made it happen by camping seals. Myself, speedy, piddy, craig, greg and if i missed someone that went a trip im sorry but yes thats about it. Keep in mind it been this way for 8yrs.


Another long time mud shut down and players came here. - Who can blame pking on the reason why they left. I'm sure you start many games and say this just isnt me and delete it. You have no point.


You ran bosses - Yes, you did.. EVERY boss? no. only time u did a decent boss is when WE provided the keys and u were just merely a cleric and not the leader. ha. Making the weekend clerics look godly at that you sucked so bad. Gareth can out pally you and its been proven.


I ordered a hit on said person - Yes i offered 100k to anyone that could pk jake cuz all he does is log on check IT click and log off.. NEVER TRAINS. Only way to pk him is to be good at pking the pker and well i love doing that. Point being no one ever got him, no one ever got paid. Hell i gave a new player 50k just to fill his mana back up on druid after he stuck around to have a fair fight in LF with me and i even tossed him pots during the duel lol... most fun i had in awhile aside from watching my lvl 20 fail 10x in a row but we both got a laugh out of it and he was in clan shortly after.


People left Pande for stoners - Yeah your stoned or stupid when u wrote that one.


Andy gets left out of a boss run ran by his own clan - 1. I ran pande sure but wasnt my clan.. maybe why i left instead of booting the founder that was at the boss that watched me die. 2. When i say in CC Wraiths in and 1 member says hey ill go and then 5mins later i see the only other 3 members in clan there and pking it without saying anything i knew it wasnt a clan anymore nonetheless they watched me die and i shouldve pked them like i said i should from the start.


Lots of people quit during this time of pking - Umm? is this guy really an advisor or a writer cuz he makes awesome fictional storys.


Within a year we drop drastically on playerbase - Yeah thats what happens when bosses are no longer achieveable bcuz a few ppl stoped playing. Besides 1alt dont need anymore nerfs just because 2 lvl 40 zerks and a lvl 40 ranger rapes face.


Andy leaves clan because he was left out of boss run - I didnt want to go lol.. i just stated in CC it was in and only 1 person replied and somehow the only one that said anything managed to not be invited by the only other ppl online. So yes it was a sure sign that i was done riding a dead horse bcuz of its name or location. Mentioned to wes and others i was making my own clan months before it happened. Everyone cant be a leader and much like stig i get hated on for stuff i dont even do or care about lol. No more hey can i get a vault and me saying no. No more ppl complaining about why this guy is founder and he isnt. No more problems period. No more votes to be invited in and let the player choose his fate. and for me.. no more rambling about bs i shouldnt have to.

Solstice 1a

#38 Chronic

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Posted 21 February 2016 - 01:59 PM

Missed this one! Andy leaves clan and starts pking everyone. - Another great story. I told my own sharers to NOT follow me and stay in pande cuz i have no plans on a clan for a bit till i got a text msg from Scott saying DA is for sale an it took a bit but i followed up on it and im glad i did so. Any other FACTS you need or you gonna keep going about how andy ruined the game? Players cant ruin anything.. more then enough players to put simple minded ppl like yourself to rest. RIP Danny. You gave those bears a good fight. (no one was ever pked in the process as they were my clannies and nothing can change that)

Edited by Chronic, 21 February 2016 - 02:03 PM.

Solstice 1a

#39 Rodeo

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Posted 21 February 2016 - 02:25 PM

And in the chaos wayner was born... :P

#40 Terron

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Posted 21 February 2016 - 07:11 PM




Within a year we drop drastically on playerbase - Yeah thats what happens when bosses are no longer achieveable bcuz a few ppl stoped playing. Besides 1alt dont need anymore nerfs just because 2 lvl 40 zerks and a lvl 40 ranger rapes face.


 aww you forgot my cleric..


but yeah im failing to understanding how buffs were needed on the bosses RD and lady with kitsunes and shtt.  i laugh because like 5 people played for awhile and an entire server of players go and its nerfed.  its a co-op server, everyone included.  just because the only 4 people that log on are level 40  they should be penalized for it?


Yes red dragon was killed by 3 players. the party started with 6, one logged before we entered area , 1 logged in the area, 1 got dbl tapped by dragon and treant walkin in on boss.  no chance to drink he dropped 11 fullheal potions there were over 20 ration packs/ 7 elders left from the last dragon aswell.(ironically the same spot) now players complained that 3 players shouldn't kill bosses of that calibre, but maybe they should have logged off main and on 1a and we wouldn't need to triumph crazy feats of bravery with 3 people.



main has bosses that require 3 people.  if a group of 2 managed a triumph  would they log on the next day with the message "boss now takes 6 people"?  very very doubtful.

"Wake Up!!" 

#41 Element

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Posted 23 February 2016 - 12:58 AM

Who cares about the pking? New players don't and shouldn't have to. The game was the most popular when pking was going on the most so that's no excuse. If the game was designed correctly it wouldn't be so harsh on new players there would be locations they could go where pking didn't matter for a while.
You have 10mins to hook new players if somehow by the grace of God you manage to roll a useable character in that time you are faced with dieing over and over until you are about level 10 which takes atleast an hour for new players. What a nice greeting to a new player I wonder why none stick around haha. Well you say ohh players are around to help and give gear. Heads up you play a game to earn things and improve your character not to have people give you stuff.

The fact of the matter is the game is designed for vets and keeps getting made harder and harder. The only slight chance a new player has of staying is if they are already a hardcore mud player that's ready for endless grinding and punishment.

The developers could have made the game more approachable to new players but instead they went the opposite direction to make things harder and harder which didn't work the numbers are smaller and smaller every day.

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#42 Migraine

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Posted 23 February 2016 - 08:39 AM

Hey Andy you also forgot the whole mess with quests and how clan rules were in place about 1 per person, if you got it you were out of following drops.. until someone who was in the clan at the time but we all know who it was tried to change it to 1 per account cause too many of us "shared" lol


1alt: Rot, Zipo, Immortal

#43 Peacemaker

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Posted 24 February 2016 - 04:34 AM

Damn im not active on one alt.in years and I still get love.
Peacemaker both servers.

#44 Migraine

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Posted 24 February 2016 - 09:25 AM



1alt: Rot, Zipo, Immortal

#45 Tietsu

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Posted 28 February 2016 - 09:11 AM

   We'll fix what's broke by being uninvolved, sarcastic and unappreciative.  Very helpful.

#46 Terron

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Posted 28 February 2016 - 10:02 AM

Fix isn't a Nightmist vocabulary word.  its like a used box of crayons.  we have have blue but need green for a long time, so an implement throws us some yellow. works for a bit but the blue was the sole crayon for awhile so it is shorter than the yellow one.  now we are left with yellow and need orange.  the next work around tosses us a red crayon.


We make do, but that's all that happens.

"Wake Up!!" 

#47 Gaddy

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Posted 29 February 2016 - 09:48 AM

You can mix yellow and red to make orange.

But sure, complain instead.

Wisdom is the principle thing. Therefore, get wisdom, and in all your getting, get understanding.
-Proverbs 4:7

#48 Terron

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Posted 29 February 2016 - 10:06 AM

that's exactly the point    that's also how we made green out of blue and yellow :o  


when you skim read you miss stuff.  


its not like you're to blame.  I've never seen you complain at all. 



we make do

"Wake Up!!" 

#49 Rodeo

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Posted 29 February 2016 - 12:24 PM

I still think it's funny that the entire 1a community was punished by making RD more difficult because they took TIME and EFFORT in exping their chars and running pots. This isn't main where you load up your elite party and destroy everything in your path...if it took only 3 people then those 3 people should have been rewarded with a staff comment congrats on being badass instead of saying ruh roh let's moose everyone else and make it harder aswell...1a needs to be balanced and tbh alot of piddy prob has the best ideas but ya know...not a code man x.

#50 Cadabra


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Posted 29 February 2016 - 08:15 PM

Pointless complaining, we don't get nice things.

Why can't we have .3 vamp anymore?
Why can't we have better mod drops?

We don't get Quests anymore so we pretty much get nothing?
Nightmist is like Pringles, once you pop you just cant stop.

#51 Banishment

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Posted 29 February 2016 - 08:28 PM

Pointless complaining, we don't get nice things.

Why can't we have .3 vamp anymore?
Why can't we have better mod drops?

We don't get Quests anymore so we pretty much get nothing?


.3 vamp? thats too OP for a 10mil weapon on 1a.


We do get quests but i prefer the bonus exp ones, already have enough items with negative stats.

Edited by Banishment, 29 February 2016 - 08:34 PM.

"Rules for thee but not for me."

#52 Terron

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Posted 29 February 2016 - 09:25 PM

25 damage rapiers > all those triple mod items main gets.  /eyes


the whole concept of trying to accumulate good stats on 1a is bad. I understand a trade-off theory but...


an example:


-when you want 25 wis on a non-elf cleric you need multiple questies that only 1-3 of the items exist period(so 85% of the players are just straight screwed), and you lose 3 or 4 dex, 47 armor, and 5-6 chr.

-while a fighter can acquire 25-30 str(race depending) with a trade off  of 3 - 28 ac, no crippling stat mods, and NO questies and every item is a boss drop.


-1a has so many examples like this its just sickening each and every time multi-alt players post some godly 2 or 3 stat items with no drawbacks over and over. And mostly boss drops none the less.



the games are nearly exact replicas, so either make them the same or make them completely different with a significant change.


its crazy that 1a has juiced mobs, lower vamp, crappier items abroad and designed around 1 character.


-juiced mobs meaning increased hps on almost every crappy training monster and some with magical attacks that make armor and dex meaningless

I can only assume it was to quell the massive gold players were making by only using 1 character for 5 years, but almost everyone plays all 8 classes because you need to, to help others and to help yourself farm items.


If 1a items are not going to be empowered then change the games parameter by cutting non-boss monster's hps, damage, and gold in half so all classes can survive on the majority of mobs.  Secondly double 1a characters HP and MP so the games are uniquely different and massive mods aren't as much of a necessity.


 Do this so everyone doesn't need a mage or ranger to farm 30% of the leveling items ingame and a cobalt for the rest. And soplayers arent forced to play classes they wouldn't use normally.

"Wake Up!!" 

#53 Element

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Posted 01 March 2016 - 09:18 AM

Staff being "lazy" is just an easy out. They want it like this don't let them fool you. They like nightmist how it is and how it continues it basically be an offline game. Player interaction at 0 seems to be the goal here.

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#54 Peacemaker

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Posted 01 March 2016 - 05:24 PM

There is only one staff member for nightmist basically and its Stig. He isnt like Trevayne and the others who want the game for themselves. He actually does stuff to try and please the player base. Yet with every one person you please there are 10 others who hate it. Thats how the world works due to the majority of people being followers. Even on this stupid game there a bunch of followers. There are people who bully due to what they have because of some lack of whatever in life to get their kicks. The people on here ruined the game. Staff that used to be here may have helped some as corrupt staff members is never a plus. Also main and one alt are played completely different. Yeah you can add stuff to your crits on main and it not effect as much cause bosses have a much higher hp then on one alt. One alt you give someone a couple extra stat mods and they think they are god and can run the thing. On the main server you dont need to spend days upon days to be able to do bosses. One alt you need a friend or two for most things. Stop whining about what you dont have and be happy you got what you got. If you want stuff main has then play main. Otherwise stick to one alt and what it has. There are a variety of different weapons and areas on both servers that dont exist on the other one. Explore them all. If already done any and everything....then why are you still here? Start over or do something useful.

Peacemaker both servers.

#55 Cadabra


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Posted 01 March 2016 - 08:27 PM

Why not please the 10 people rather than the 1 person?

If anything main should be getting Rapiers and we should be getting shiny stat mods. Afterall, we can only use 1 character at a time, main can use 20.

Look up Ring of Distraught, I only knew about it yesterday and thought it was a joke until it was confirmed to be a quest drop.

Nightmist is like Pringles, once you pop you just cant stop.

#56 Peacemaker

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Posted 01 March 2016 - 09:47 PM

Ok missing the point on the amount of crits. Yes you get to only play one character. Thats the reason why stat mods matter more. On a party of 20 a few stat mods wont change much. On a character of 1 it will. Ring of Distraught hmmm, 5 ac with minus 1 wisdom and charisma and is the same on both servers. Am i missing something here? So you think that effecting 1 character on one alt is what should happen and not make it where you have to work to equip 20 on main? Look up all these so called awesome shiney stat mods and see how many characters actually have them. They arent just handed out like candy. Also the recent Gothmog drop you people just seen has been there for months on end already. You just now only found out cause its not killed very often cause its a super hard boss. You want all the stuff main has? Lets ask staff to put the hp and stuff on everything back to same as main on one alt then. Lets give all the classes on each server the same stamina gain. See how many bosses you kill on one alt then. One alt has been altered based on the stamina the classes are given and the amount of damage crits can put out. 

Peacemaker both servers.

#57 Terron

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Posted 02 March 2016 - 03:18 AM

1a would kill the same bosses even with lower stamina on 1 clickers. which is beyond the point cuz multi server characters can always have enhance which is like a 9 str mod bonus over 1a already. That is also why multi alts bonus stam table is slower progression than 1a's.  remember main didn't get bonus stam til they made the pkers leave.  regardless  there is very very few moderate range bosses so you either need 1-3 people or 10.  the majority are 100% dependent on the clerics stamina and who's doing it. 


yes stats are less meaningful on multi alt that's understood, but wait unhittable 30+ chr pacifists with epic 3 stat mods are the same thing. since you brought it up, most of the multi players couldn't even kill gothmog so its balanced that 1 player can tap 4 buttons and pay straight gold and kill it solo on 1 character? cuz that is literally all it is.


ftr jake 1a may have some weaker bosses, the majority are the same.  but nearly every reasonable training monster on 1a has significantly more hps.  when u notice orcs die with 250 damage on main and live through 400 on 1a, or that vamp bats die in 145 damage on multi, on 1a they survive 240s.  then wander to better monsters like barrow wights on both servers and notice that the multi versions aren't slinging 40- 50 damage unavoidable attacks at you 2 out of 3 attacks. you will go wtf.  the items are what they are, the monsters are a direct "XXXX you" from development. this is the reason for balanced vamp rate and better stats.  Or they could pick the other path and lower the power of training monsters and boost characters life and mana to set the games apart by altering 1as training setup with a slower paced more survivable version.


  id much rather see the game with no cobalt, less mod items, weaker mobs, stronger bosses, more hps/mps, and the ability to take almost any class anywhere ingame.  But thats me.

"Wake Up!!" 

#58 Peacemaker

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Posted 02 March 2016 - 07:06 PM

You attacked a Vampire Bat with a Pike for 46 points of damage.
You attacked a Vampire Bat with a Pike for 44 points of damage.
You tried to attack the Vampire Bat with your Pike but missed.
You attacked a Vampire Bat with a Pike for 31 points of damage.
You tried to attack the Vampire Bat with your Pike but missed.
You attacked a Vampire Bat with a Pike for 68 points of damage.
You attacked a Vampire Bat with a Pike for 26 points of damage.
You are too exhausted at the moment.
You are too exhausted at the moment.
A Vampire Bat attacked you with its Vamparic Bite for 19 points of damage.
A Vampire Bat attacked you with its Vamparic Bite for 22 points of damage.
You are too exhausted at the moment.
You are too exhausted at the moment.
You are too exhausted at the moment.
You are too exhausted at the moment.
You tried to attack the Vampire Bat with your Pike but missed.
You attacked a Vampire Bat with a Pike for 66 points of damage, killing it.Calculator: 46+44+31+68+26+66 = 281
Now i may not be the best at math but i dont think thats 145. You of all people should know the vampire bats hp isnt constant. I have seen them one shotted and went back and had to hit double that before to kill next time. Here is my crit on one alt hitting a bat. 
An angelic ensemble sings to your melody as your Sword of Light strikes down Vampire Bat for 128 points of damage.
An angelic ensemble sings to your melody as your Sword of Light strikes down Vampire Bat for 134 points of damage., killing it.
262 damage.

Peacemaker both servers.

#59 Sneaky

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Posted 02 March 2016 - 07:31 PM

since you brought it up, most of the multi players couldn't even kill gothmog so its balanced that 1 player can tap 4 buttons and pay straight gold and kill it solo on 1 character? cuz that is literally all it is.


lets ignore the fact that getting to gothmog requires:

1. Obtaining a rare drop from Marshal of the Inquisition, which is a very difficult fight for a party of grandmasters to solo -- you're likely to lose one, if not multiple alts

2. Obtaining a rare drop from Grande Inquisitor, which is impossible for a single user to solo. 

3. Fighting multiple Balrogs -- culminating in 3x on one square. 

4. You're dead, instantly, if spells drop and fizzle. The last time I fought Gothmog was with 60 grandmasters, and we lost (at least) 4 crits. 


it's probably been killed 10 times, and it's not something that can be camped/farmed - Marshal is hourly and isn't killed all the time because of difficulty, Grande is daily (possibly less than daily) but definitely not checked every day for fear of wasting a key, and it's one of three possible seals that can be dropped (all of which are uncommon to rare, with another Inquisitor's Key being the common drop).    [I really thought if anyone was getting up in arms about the gloves, it would be about how OP they make mages, but, meh, I'm happy, haha].



Serious question, G, how long did that fight against Gothmog, and the entire trip take? Gotta guess at least an hour battling him alone. Very impressive, I wouldn't have the balls to attempt that solo. 

Chuck Norris wears Jack Bauer pajamas.

deimos the noob said no

#60 Terron

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Posted 02 March 2016 - 08:56 PM

sneaky its a nice feat for gareth i dont deny it, but it is hardly balanced that 1 character can kill a boss that's basically 40+ gms

yes its hard, that makes it realistic for 1 crit to crush it in 2.5 hrs? i mean i understand , we do it on 1a alot. i solo everything i can but i can get hit and need to pay attention.  but we arent soloing a boss that kills vs 2-3 whole parties.  the only thing you have to do is carry gold(no risk at all) save 2 stam for pact and carry a couple emergency shades for stamina, but really when will you fizzle 2 or 3 in a row.  the time it takes is ultimately irrelevant, u sit around for half the day waiting for spawns, it isn't that much different killing a boss in 2 hrs rather than 5 minutes and twiddling thumbs waiting for the next spawn.



jake the hps vary you need to kill more than 1 to understand.   the hps on 1a range from 184-282 easy to know when your spelled mod weapon hits a 282 and the bat lives and you have never 1 shot one with 182 damage after killing 322000 bats on your characters.  on multi my arch pally modded was killing them with 2 heals of  low 70s, not all of them but enough to notice.  you will never kill a bat with 145 damage on 1a but it happens on main.  40 hps per monster adds up just enough to tip the gold scale from an average 2.5 stam per kill to 3.  Its just a nerf that's hidden. like countless others.


 also some of the mobs are currently undergoing changes, ive noticed magimox on 1a have been changed back to the multi alt versions and no longer attack with unavoidable 16-20 damage attacks every 2 seconds.  someone from development obviously went down there and got raped by stamming on a 2 or 3 stack.




just for fun:  

1) would anyone accept a server reset on either server?

2) would you accept one if it was both servers

3) would you take a gamble with reset servers and have the most popular server after 1 year doesn't get deleted?


i like number 3

"Wake Up!!" 

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