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Poll: What do you think of smoking? (71 member(s) have cast votes)

What do you think of smoking?

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#31 Horny

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Posted 16 August 2004 - 12:44 AM

so epic u with it or against it? ;o
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#32 alone

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Posted 16 August 2004 - 12:48 AM

Dognapot, your comparison to a resturant with children is slightly unfair.. I happen to know of several that won't allow children under a certain age, and some that do actually have a special area for families with younger children.
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#33 Epic

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Posted 16 August 2004 - 12:59 AM

Well since i smoke im for it, but i wouldnt say its (whatever the yes option is)

#34 dognapot

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Posted 16 August 2004 - 02:12 AM

Dognapot, your comparison to a resturant with children is slightly unfair.. I happen to know of several that won't allow children under a certain age, and some that do actually have a special area for families with younger children.

i need some of that. haven't seen any place like that in america. nothing aggravates me more than seeing a pile of kids crying and tossing food around while i'm prevented from smoking because it 'bothers people'. however, nothing is worse than planes. air travel is the most horrible way to travel nowadays and i can't explain the feeling i get when i'm seated close to a child who can't sit still without screaming, whining, or kicking incessantly, while just above i see the "no smoking" light mocking me. while i'm on a air-travel kick, you ever seen the smoking section in an airport? they're humiliating and inhumane. like a zoo, mothers walk thier children by and stop just short of saying "look honey, smokers! in thier natural habitat! a dim haze of oppression!", i feel like jumping at the glass.

Edited by dognapot, 16 August 2004 - 02:12 AM.

wouldn't it be funny if rich had registered this name first, and you were bickering with him?

#35 MCM

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Posted 16 August 2004 - 02:50 AM

actually it's hearing women sound like darth vader because of voice box cancer that makes cigs bad

mmm sexy

"I smoke for 4 years, and my voice hasnt changed... or anything... smoking may be bad but think about the people who work 14h a day just to get some money home, and they are always pissed off... so instead of beating their wife/children... they smoke... "

Smoking helps me get through my horrible days of work...SMOKE BREAK

i have an aunt who has that, and has had it sence i can remember
The Smily Pill

#36 deadman

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Posted 16 August 2004 - 04:01 AM

i have no possible idea as to why ppl smoke its so fking stupid you know that it hurts you and others around you but you still do it...

maybe you think it makes you look cool but your sadly mistaken if you think that

and how the hell you think it might taste good it certaintly doesnt smell good

in my opinion its the the most stupid thing to do kill yourself..
Contact Unforgiven on 1a.

#37 dognapot

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Posted 16 August 2004 - 04:52 AM

oh come now, i always thought the stupidest way to kill yourself was through decades of unrewarding and low paying manual labor that leaves you broken, old, penniless, and an unwanted burden to the ones you love in your final days.
wouldn't it be funny if rich had registered this name first, and you were bickering with him?

#38 Vodka

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Posted 16 August 2004 - 05:02 AM

Omg, it irritates me to no extent. My mom, dad and aunt were talking about smoking. My mom says.. "She does it because everyone else is doing it.. she thinks it's cool" referring to me. I can't stand when people say that! I first picked it up.. by the whole peer pressure thing. Friends had asked me to try a cig down by the railroad tracks with them in 6th grade.. I kept telling them no.. until I finally gave in. My sister had cartons of Marlboros lying around.. so I decided to steal hers and puff on em'. She taught me how to inhale.. because I kept nagging her about it. I just can't stand when people say what my mom said.. when directed towards me. Just because they know a lot of people doing the same thing.. doesn't mean that I'm following.

In 6th grade.. I was with the same group of people (who had me sample the cig) at recess. One of my friends was looking through her purse and had noticed a cigarette pack. We thought we'd be smoothe and attempt to get rid of it in the nearest trashcan on the playground.. while the recess watcher people were lurking about. They caught us! All of us were sent to the principals office for a nice little talk. I totally thought I was going to get kicked out of school because of it. This year.. was the year that us.. bigger kids.. were in the D.A.R.E. program. The officer of the program (who was also teaching it) was notified. He talked to us about it. We told him the story.. and he said that he'd allow us to stay.. as long as we agreed not do repeat it. Therefore, I nearly got kicked out of the program.. all because I was with the girl who threw away the pack. I do believe then.. we told him about us smoking too. I can't remember.

My cousin who isn't that much younger than me.. has MH.. ADHD as well. She came to my house not too long ago.. and I seen her with a pack of cigarettes. I was shocked.. as I figured she would never be the type of person to pick up smoking.. because of how she thought about it herself. I asked her like 20 questions about smoking. One of the questions was.. why she picked up smoking. She gave me this on-going story about how these people would bother (bully) her at school. She doesn't even inhale. Therefore, I DO think she 'started' smoking.. because everyone (family) that is around her smokes. Other than that, I can't put my finger on it.. as to why she'd attempt to smoke without inhaling. I just see it as wasting money.. her family doesn't have.

Smoking does in fact.. smell bad, it stains, it does cost a pretty penny.. and like Tanja said.. I too am short of breath. Awhile back I went to the McKinley Monument (this is a shrine.. in dedication/memory of the president William McKinley.. located in his birth place... which has 100 or so steps going up to the enterence of the museum) I was only walking.. and by the time I made my way back down.. I thought I was never going to catch my breath. I seriously thought I was going to die.

I do think that smoking might've ruined my voice. My singing voice anyways. I can't sing as high/loud as I used to. If there's a song on.. where it takes the singer a good 10 seconds or so.. to sing that one word.. something like.. "Yeahhh" or if the song.. is continuous .. to where they don't pause.. I have to hurry and catch my breath before continuing singing.

It's weird though.. because my older cousin who has been smoking ever since I was born.. is the best singer I know. She doesn't like to think so though. I guess it could differ from person to person, or I just have extremely bad luck.

I definitely noticed an increase of my heart beat as well. I assume that isn't exactly good.

I think I still smoke.. not only because of it being addictive.. but, because of it being a stress reliever. If I didn't have my cigs.. I'd always be snapping at people.. left and right.

I tried quitting once.. went a 1/2 day without them. The next day.. what did I do? I got another pack. It's not as easy to quit.. as it sounds. Although, I'd love to seriously quit.. I just have to have the will power.. something that I hope I soon find.

I do agree with what someone said above. Just because you smoke.. doesn't mean that you're going to die at an early age. You just might not have the best health.. compared to someone who doesn't smoke.

For those who call us fellow smokers stupid for smoking, I disagree. I find you ignorant to do so, if we're not harming you (Leave the room if you don't like it) .. there's no reason for you to judge us on something.. that we 'have' to do. [I'm sure one of you.. will comment on this, but.. eh, I gotta defend myself and others]

For those of you.. that don't smoke.. I find you to be some of the most intelligent people. As said above on this post, the best advice.. a smoker.. like myself could give you .. is to NEVER pick up smoking.

This little posting of just my true life stories.. should make you re-think before picking up a cig. I didn't tell this to make you stop or whatever.. as you should know what's healthy and isn't. Whether you decide to smoke or not.. it's on you.
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#39 Stotic

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Posted 16 August 2004 - 05:33 AM

I have many friends who smoke cigs. It's a totaly inconveinence. Waiting for them to smoke before going somewhere. Smelling it in the car. I mean at least pot's smell has flavor to it.
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#40 Someone

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Posted 16 August 2004 - 06:38 AM

I hate cigs.

Second hand smoke may not give me cancer but it DOES give me horrible migraines that make me want to curl up and die some place nice and dark. Because of this I find it quite annoying/rude/inconsiderate when people smoke at bus stops, right oustide doors, and other places where you need to pass through to do your daily business. It's none of my business if someone wants to smoke, but be considerate about it o.O

#41 two

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Posted 16 August 2004 - 07:02 AM

I have many friends who smoke cigs.  It's a totaly inconveinence.  Waiting for them to smoke before going somewhere.  Smelling it in the car.  I mean at least pot's smell has flavor to it.

i have many friends who don't smoke. it's a total inconveinence. they're always rushing you to do things, they never want to enjoy the scenery or strike up a conversation. you can't smoke in the car. and it's sketchy whenever they want to smoke when we're in public.

/nod chris in #1 cig after a big meal (it almost toasts the food that is now in your stomach) #2 cig after "relaitons" (eloquently put sir)

and i can't believe it took a whole page of posts to state the number one reason to smoke -- LOOK HOW mooseING COOL IT IS!!

my pack every 2 1/2 weeks hasn't decreased my quality of life, instead i'd say it has enriched it by meeting the people when you do smoke.

*edit: holy hot damn, these things are bad for you!?!?! why didn't anyone tell me?

Edited by two, 16 August 2004 - 07:03 AM.

#42 Vodka

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Posted 16 August 2004 - 07:17 AM

I hate cigs.

Second hand smoke may not give me cancer but it DOES give me horrible migraines that make me want to curl up and die some place nice and dark. Because of this I find it quite annoying/rude/inconsiderate when people smoke at bus stops, right oustide doors, and other places where you need to pass through to do your daily business. It's none of my business if someone wants to smoke, but be considerate about it o.O

Well, I like to think I am considerate to most. I was afraid to smoke around my dad. Matter of fact I never did.. not where he could inhale it. He saw me light one up.. watching out the window.. as we were leaving.. I think he felt disappointed or something. My dad has a serious heart condition.. so, I couldn't and refuse to smoke around to where he inhales it anyways. I won't smoke around people who don't smoke. I especially hate smoking around the eldery... for some reason. It could be that I'm a weird kid. o.O

I found that chewing gum.. does help with the whole fiening thing. I don't crave it as bad. I need to invest in a whole stock of chewing gum. >.<
When you do something right nobody remembers, but when you do something wrong nobody forgets.

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#43 Someone

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Posted 16 August 2004 - 07:43 AM

@Vodka, yeah I didn't mean for it to sound as if all smokers are that way. I know some aren't and I'm glad to hear you are considerate, I just remember specifically mornings waiting for the city bus was the worst >.< Standing up wind was the best I could do :P

#44 Lady_Maha

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Posted 16 August 2004 - 07:53 AM

and how the hell you think it might taste good it certaintly doesnt smell good

There are certain types of cheese that stink like a 3 month old dirty army boot, yet people swear up and down they taste good.
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#45 dec

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Posted 16 August 2004 - 09:03 AM

/nod maha

I havent smoked in um...2 weeks and day and plan not to smoke unless im in certain situations (you all know them by now).

They give you bad breath, wrinkles, bad teeth, slowly kill you and annoy some people around you...but my goodness you look cool doing it. In the words of Cactus from iccomics.com "I dont smoke because of some myth of an addiction, I smoke because it's cool."

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#46 FrogLuver

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Posted 16 August 2004 - 09:55 AM

tried it hated it....dont do it anymore!
and guys that smoke are just plain icky cause people dont like to kiss ashtrays!
anywhoo....whoever smokes it's alrighty fine with me....
Don't be afraid of death, be afraid of the unlived life. By: Beth, Jen, and Alisha
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#47 Insomnia

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Posted 16 August 2004 - 10:28 AM

"Smoking = paying for death."
"Drinking = paying for death."

I go out every weekend with my friends and we pretty much always drink, and most of the nights you smoke a couple of cigs too.

When I'm out, do I think that the can/bottle/glass or whatever I'm drinking from might, if I'm unlucky, shorten my life with 5 years? No. If I was, would I care? Not really. Would I stop doing whatever I'm doing? Definately not.

My god, we're all going to die. Is life worth living if you don't do anything you enjoy?

If I wanted to be 100% sure of not dieing too early, I'd have to be pretty careful.

- Never do any sports activities
- Never be close to a car (close = < 200 m)
- Go to the hospital every week and take tests to make sure I haven't got cancer or something.
- Think of how the hell I'm supposed to get to the hospital in a safe way.
- Etc etc.
- Bla bla.

Moral of the story: Don't diss everything that's bad for your health. Everything is in some way.

#48 Xlithan


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Posted 16 August 2004 - 10:48 AM

weed :P

#49 Despair

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Posted 16 August 2004 - 01:28 PM

I quit smoking 3 days ago, after 10 years of smoking :P

Edit: typing issues

Edited by Despair, 16 August 2004 - 01:30 PM.

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#50 Epic

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Posted 16 August 2004 - 01:36 PM

i have many friends who don't smoke. it's a total inconveinence. they're always rushing you to do things, they never want to enjoy the scenery or strike up a conversation. you can't smoke in the car. and it's sketchy whenever they want to smoke when we're in public.

/nod chris in #1 cig after a big meal (it almost toasts the food that is now in your stomach) #2 cig after "relaitons" (eloquently put sir)

and i can't believe it took a whole page of posts to state the number one reason to smoke -- LOOK HOW mooseING COOL IT IS!!

my pack every 2 1/2 weeks hasn't decreased my quality of life, instead i'd say it has enriched it by meeting the people when you do smoke.

*edit: holy hot damn, these things are bad for you!?!?! why didn't anyone tell me?

lol :P

Well..i feel sorry for the people that smoke because it "makes you look cool" thats one of the dumbest reasons i've ever heard, and no they do not taste good nor do they smell good, its just something to past the time..smoke into the lungs feels nice and gives you somethin to occupy your hands with :P

#51 Lich

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Posted 16 August 2004 - 03:57 PM

OK i have been watching this thread and at first had decided i would say nothing, now i think i will.

People keep saying smoking will kill you i want to show you what will also kill you slowly.

Laying in the sun to get a tan. Causes Skin cancer's four types of which give you wrinkles, three types of which will kill yo as they spread. and only threetypes that are oprable(sp)

Drinking the water supply to your town or city. Did you know that the chemicals used to "clean" your drinking water can cause 6 kinds of cancer.

Talking onyour cell phone, Can cause 4.

Playing NM causes you to sit infront of your pc and what do you know the immitions from your monitor can cause 3. Oh yea this also goes along with watching to much TV.

Driving in your car to school or work, this can cause 10 different types, because everything in it from the immitions to the radio can cause at east some type of cancer.

For the soldiers out there, This is the cancer i had. If upi are artilery or Infantry Mortarman, the fumes from the rounds when mixed with the fumes from the tracks fuel can cause three rare forms.

Did you know that drinking a coke wont cause cancer but it willcause your teeth to decay and die and that the police and firedepts carry it in cars to remove blood from the street.

there are so many things in fact that will kill you smoking is just one of them. If we out lawed every single thing because it could kill you we would be stuck in a demolishionman kind of world. Show tunes on the radio because the people that go to the concerts destroy pulic places, Taco bell is your only chance to go to eat out because every other type has been deemed bad for you.

That just sounds like a totally boring life.
Grave digger when you dig my grave, make it shallow so I can feel the rain.

#52 Cule

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Posted 16 August 2004 - 04:03 PM

omg demolition man omg omg omg RAWR

#53 Angelus

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Posted 16 August 2004 - 04:11 PM

Can cause? Do you have ratio's with that. Everything can cause something, but the chances it will are usually extremely low. With smoking it's not, compared to some of the things you mentioned.

Besides, it's not all about cancer, even if you don't get it, you still smell like an ashtray. Your teeth will see yellow like your walls. And don't tell me about your grandpa who smoked all his life and is 90 now. Cause there will always be exceptions.
Angelus ingame.
Back into the shadows once again...

#54 Teh_Fluff

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Posted 16 August 2004 - 04:12 PM

I live in a county where in a couple of years smoking in public will be completely banned it seems and I'm ok with that, I have no problem with smokers as there are people in my family who do smoke. However I happen to be one of the people who are actually allergic to it, if I actually have to be around a bunch of people smoking an have no way out the allegic reaction kicks in but that rarely happens.

Occassionally I make comments to people I know that smoke but thats very rare, I guess I don't have much else to say here other then the fact that I like to drink on occassions but that isn't really relevant, I actually haven't seen many smokers around this city, they must all be hiding now....

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#55 Lich

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Posted 16 August 2004 - 04:16 PM

Can cause? Do you have ratio's with that. Everything can cause something, but the chances it will are usually extremely low. With smoking it's not, compared to some of the things you mentioned.

Besides, it's not all about cancer, even if you don't get it, you still smell like an ashtray. Your teeth will see yellow like your walls. And don't tell me about your grandpa who smoked all his life and is 90 now. Cause there will always be exceptions.

Actually yes its comparitive with everything I posted, Everything i posted in fact have a greater chance to cause some form of cancer than smoking does.

The fact is and the point was made. If we banned everything in life that was bad for you or COULD kill you then we would be left with nothing.

even if i as to die tomorro from a smoking induced cause it would be my choice. Next i have smoked since I was 11 years old, and to this day i still have people tell me im a good kisser and one who untill i moved back to germany said she enjoyed kissing me to much.

as for the grandfather living untill he was 90 its funny I know alot of non smokers who never made it past 60 i guess there are always exceptions huh.

Edited by Lich, 16 August 2004 - 04:20 PM.

Grave digger when you dig my grave, make it shallow so I can feel the rain.

#56 Angelus

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Posted 16 August 2004 - 04:24 PM

Yea go against common knowledge...that'll look good. Now watching tv gives you a bigger chance of getting cancer then smoking. I would explain it, but just read the sentence a couple of times and you'll get how stupid that sounds.

Banned everything in life that was bad for you? You can smoke all you wan't, i see as much point in smoking as i see in putting my mouth over an exhaust pipe of a car.

Most things that are bad for you have some sort of pro that still makes you do it. But i really don't see it when it comes to smoking. Unless you're fond on yellow teeth and a stinky breath...

Edit: And yes there will always be exceptions, and ofcourse someone can still like kissing you. But chances will be lower, the non smokers who dies before they were 60, maybe if they would've smoked they would've died when they were 40? It's different for every person.

Seriously, i couldn't care less about how long i live, i care about the quality, and i don't see how smoking will improve that quality. You can smoke all you wan't i don't care about that. But placing statements that are so untrue my lil 5 year old bro will laugh at your ass is just silly.

Edited by Angelus, 16 August 2004 - 04:29 PM.

Angelus ingame.
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#57 Teh_Fluff

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Posted 16 August 2004 - 04:25 PM

Actually Lich Myth Busters on the Discovery Channel proved that coke actually won't harm your teeth
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#58 Lich

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Posted 16 August 2004 - 04:30 PM

Yea go against common knowledge...that'll look good. Now watching tv gives you a bigger chance of getting cancer then smoking. I would explain it, but just read the sentence a couple of times and you'll get how stupid that sounds.

Banned everything in life that was bad for you? You can smoke all you wan't, i see as much point in smoking as i see in putting my mouth over an exhaust pipe of a car.

Most things that are bad for you have some sort of pro that still makes you do it. But i really don't see it when it comes to smoking. Unless you're fond on yellow teeth and a stinky breath...

Actually yes Watching to much Tv does have more of a chance to cause cancer than Smoking, and if your TV is from the 70s and 80s what do you know the percentage goes up by half.

You think it sounds stupid but it is a fact of life, and if i didnt smoke I would kill alot of annoying people tend to get on my nerves. Because they want the whole world to conform to their way of life because they are just so happy with it they want to comit suicide.

The stinky breath and yellow you know if your brush your teeth more that doesnt happen.. Straight from a dentist.
Grave digger when you dig my grave, make it shallow so I can feel the rain.

#59 Lich

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Posted 16 August 2004 - 04:32 PM

Zell i took that striaght from a dentist hand out packet on tooth decay.
Grave digger when you dig my grave, make it shallow so I can feel the rain.

#60 Angelus

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Posted 16 August 2004 - 04:35 PM

Like i said, i really don't care what anyone does as long as it doesn't affect me. But facts stay facts, you can dress the grey smoke up as pink sugar coated fog but twisting things so it's better to smoke then to not smoke is just ignorant.

Why would you defend yourself, if you keep saying to yourself i get cancer from standing in the rain 10 times as fast as from 12 packs of cigs does it make it easier to smoke? Because unless you're doing this for yourself i see no reason why you feel the need to defend yourself against statistics that arent judging but simply informing you.
Angelus ingame.
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