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The One-alt Ultimatum

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#31 Stotic

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Posted 14 March 2004 - 11:33 PM

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#32 Deval

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Posted 14 March 2004 - 11:41 PM

I think I'm too naive for this one...

EDIT: Back to topic!

Edited by Deval, 14 March 2004 - 11:42 PM.

"PK'ing has just become a battle of superior numbers." ~ Goldfish.

#33 Silverwizard

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Posted 15 March 2004 - 01:36 AM

*throws Deval a cookie* Its ok we understand.

I think that Havanor has good ideas and the word ultimatum = no longer under discussion already thought out. Also you want a healer? Get a clan they help or friend what ever you want, just get one who is not ur own, it encourages more player interaction than *click* *click* *click* YAY their dead.
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#34 Raylen


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Posted 15 March 2004 - 01:56 AM

I agree with both sides of the argument. One the one hand, i love my alts, and i have posted before in the past, saying so. Basically i like them for the same reasons Gaddy does :blink:

However, i can see the potentially high coolness factor of a 1-alt game, especially the citizenship idea, and also the fact that there would be way less lag :blink:

I could probably think of something more constructive than "I agree with everyone" if i wasn't so tired...

Side note: Next big project? Pay to Play! I knew it! There goes all my hard-earned money, spent paying for my army of alts...the irony...lol

Second side note: I get Momba's joke, yay :)
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#35 Flux

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Posted 15 March 2004 - 02:20 AM

Also you want a healer? Get a clan they help or friend what ever you want, just get one who is not ur own, it encourages more player interaction than *click* *click* *click* YAY their dead.

Silverwizard, my heart is swelling with pride.
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#36 Silverwizard

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Posted 15 March 2004 - 03:53 AM

/bow Havanor, Ty, I like the idea and have finally got the healing part, ty for the ultimatum.

Edited by Silverwizard, 15 March 2004 - 03:54 AM.

Chairman of The Warriors of The Mist, The Great and Powerful Wizard

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#37 Element

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Posted 16 March 2004 - 01:35 AM

If this was the way the game was played I would feel bored a lot of the time. Usually people sit on an alt and talk anymore anyway, but when you actually go to a boss or fight and stuff, doing it on one alt is simply boring. A 1v1 fight isn't even interesting half of the time.

Rather than try to flame the post, I guess i should just ask my ?s about the problems with having alts...

Why is it a problem for people to be able to log on as many crits as they can use effectively?

How would 1 alt improve the game? (not like, people wouldn't be able to jump me with 3-5 crits because that just doesn't seem like much of a reason to me since you can also have on a # of crits of your choice)

Wouldn't increasing the level cap cause people who've played longer to have such a huge advantage over new players that the new players would probably quit or become really annoied and start posting things about a reset?

A 1 alt limit would make pacifists, paladins, clerics, and druids (to an extent) far better than other classes due to their healing abilitys making it a lot easier to save gold and gain exp, how would other classes be able to compete?

I see people posting that they like the idea, but in all truth, do you guys even play the game anymore? I see a couple of you on, but usually just on one alt talking and stuff rather than actually doing anything out of town. Why, if you don't play much, do you guys think the game should be changed so much to suit your liking?

I've never seen a problem with having alts, it makes the game more tactical and entertaining than playing 1 alt. I played 1 alt for about a month when i first started. I remember it being very boring, stamina waiting, having higher lvls kill me (with just their 1 alt, mages usually), and just wasn't anything fun really. If nightmist went to a one alt limit i think it would lose most of its appeal to me. I don't really see why it'd be better than the many 1 alt games of big gamming companies and such, such as Diablo and Counter-Strike (not that CS is anything like NM, but i'm trying to make a point)....


i like the idea of a alt limit but you would have to change the whole game for it, ud be better off making a new game. why not just have an alt limit like 3 where u could have a healer and 2 fighters or something so there would be tatic used and also some sort of roleplaying featured

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#38 Wolfgang

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Posted 16 March 2004 - 02:21 AM

<3 Havanor.

This is indeed, a great idea.

But i have one question, and maybe this was already solved, but it kinda blurred together after a certain amount of long long responces.

"Would there need to be new areas created for the level 31+, or would some of the areas and/or boss drops be upgraded slightly?"

What the what?

#39 dognapot

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Posted 16 March 2004 - 02:22 AM

If this was the way the game was played I would feel bored a lot of the time.  Usually people sit on an alt and talk anymore anyway, but when you actually go to a boss or fight and stuff, doing it on one alt is simply boring.  A 1v1 fight isn't even interesting half of the time. 

Rather than try to flame the post, I guess i should just ask my ?s about the problems with having alts...

Why is it a problem for people to be able to log on as many crits as they can use effectively?

How would 1 alt improve the game?  (not like, people wouldn't be able to jump me with 3-5 crits because that just doesn't seem like much of a reason to me since you can also have on a # of crits of your choice)

Wouldn't increasing the level cap cause people who've played longer to have such a huge advantage over new players that the new players would probably quit or become really annoied and start posting things about a reset?

A 1 alt limit would make pacifists, paladins, clerics, and druids (to an extent) far better than other classes due to their healing abilitys making it a lot easier to save gold and gain exp, how would other classes be able to compete?

I see people posting that they like the idea, but in all truth, do you guys even play the game anymore?  I see a couple of you on, but usually just on one alt talking and stuff rather than actually doing anything out of town.  Why, if you don't play much, do you guys think the game should be changed so much to suit your liking?

I've never seen a problem with having alts, it makes the game more tactical and entertaining than playing 1 alt.  I played 1 alt for about a month when i first started.  I remember it being very boring, stamina waiting, having higher lvls kill me (with just their 1 alt, mages usually), and just wasn't anything fun really.  If nightmist went to a one alt limit i think it would lose most of its appeal to me.  I don't really see why it'd be better than the many 1 alt games of big gamming companies and such, such as Diablo and Counter-Strike (not that CS is anything like NM, but i'm trying to make a point)....


i like the idea of a alt limit but you would have to change the whole game for it, ud be better off making a new game. why not just have an alt limit like 3 where u could have a healer and 2 fighters or something so there would be tatic used and also some sort of roleplaying featured

other than sloth, why would there be any reason to have an alt limit greater than 1?
wouldn't it be funny if rich had registered this name first, and you were bickering with him?

#40 surkillalot

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Posted 16 March 2004 - 03:08 AM

Wow this has to be the most well thought out tread i have ever read /bow to Havanor but not only that but everyone on the thread has very well thought out ideas to /clap to everyone i love the 1-alt idea i think is would be fun as hell it would make the game a true rpg. i really like the nightmist citizen idea to it would make almost every person in the game unique which would make the game more fun. and from what i see almost everyone is in agreement with most of these ideas.

PS: /Bow to Havanor
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#41 Phobos

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Posted 16 March 2004 - 03:38 AM

this is a great idea.. if you want to drive a few players off.

the game is fine as it is. just because people can't handle as many alts as someone else, too bad for them. it's their problem, and not ours.
i use about 6 alts at a time to train, and training 1 at a time (even with the points Havanor suggested) would still make it extremely hard to get any training done, boss drops, or gold for that matter.

keep it how it is, please.
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#42 Deval

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Posted 16 March 2004 - 03:47 AM

i use about 6 alts at a time to train, and training 1 at a time (even with the points Havanor suggested) would still make it extremely hard to get any training done, boss drops, or gold for that matter.

keep it how it is, please.

So what your saying is that your less talented than those of us who used to, or still do, train on our own, or with our friends. Right? Oh stop right there before you say it, no, most of the areas that were ideal for lone training have not been changed. I levelled Deval to 30 in the Rose Gardens, I levelled protac to 30 in the barracks... 3 times, I levelled Atlas to 28 in the Rose Garden and against the spider king, I levelled Lexus to 28 in the barracks, rose garden, and desert with friends. These areas are for the most part the same, as are many of the other training hotspots. The only real modification that has any effect on solo training is Jahanna.

Why don't some of you guys learn how to make some friends you can depend upon? Instead of these hollow pretences of comeradery we see forced upon players simply because they are of the same clan.

Edited by Deval, 16 March 2004 - 03:52 AM.

"PK'ing has just become a battle of superior numbers." ~ Goldfish.

#43 Silverwizard

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Posted 16 March 2004 - 04:01 AM

Today I had a revelation, nightmist does have comardes in it, people will work to help each other, kinda. My paci was south of NM holding a JZ just for fun. Someone killed a friend of a member of an allied clan and the game came after him, sadly for him he could not kill the pker but instead had to solve it verbally. It was an interesting meeting, though there is the person who rounded themselves 2x just because they were mad at someone, sad. If the first example were more common then we may well be able to live, if they are the second, let them die.
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#44 dognapot

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Posted 16 March 2004 - 05:29 AM

this is a great idea.. if you want to drive a few players off.

the game is fine as it is. just because people can't handle as many alts as someone else, too bad for them. it's their problem, and not ours.
i use about 6 alts at a time to train, and training 1 at a time (even with the points Havanor suggested) would still make it extremely hard to get any training done, boss drops, or gold for that matter.

keep it how it is, please.

alts were fun to a certain point and i think nightmist is far beyond that point. you need them to survive now. that's a bad thing really, because it cuts right through the "R" in rpg. still, i was one of the first to make little assassin squads back in the day (nismos beat me to being the first, but my thieves were better anyways). but in the end i sold off the slack because i was playing a character; a character that already had a reputation, gained on it's own merits. eventually i had to start using two but i made sure that they're were seperate characters. they high-fived after they killed you. but that's the point where it becomes not a great thing, when people don't play characters anymore. it's much more akin to playing civilization or warcraft to a certain extent. a person carries a crit for whatever purpose they're needed, mage, cleric, a fighter type, etc. what character are you playing? which is you? you can't ask these questions in nightmist anymore just like you can't ask these questions in warcraft or civilization. which spearman or are you? it's a sure sign you're hardly playing an rpg anymore.

i've been pushing the idea of an no-alts server running alongside the nightmist we have now. i figure it's the only way to be fair to everyone. i mean anyone who didn't go nuts while they could would certainly get the shaft when they realize they can't catch up, ever. anyways, you say that a 1-alt nightmist would drive players away, but i feel very confident that if JLH were to set up a 1-alt server, you would get very lonely after awhile in the alt server.

Edited by dognapot, 16 March 2004 - 05:33 AM.

wouldn't it be funny if rich had registered this name first, and you were bickering with him?

#45 Kalypso

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Posted 16 March 2004 - 01:09 PM

If all this gets implented can someone please tell me what the difference between Nightmist and Revelation is going to be?

Since you guys are so great at explaining things.. please answer that because all I see that would be different is the name.

Nightmist as it is, is unique. It's one of the few...If only??(Not sure) MUDs you can use alts and despite what you PRO-1 Crit supporters may think A LOT of players enjoy the current system as it is..It's only a handful that actually want it changed.
"Maybe some women aren't meant to be tamed.
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#46 gnr and safety hazard

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Posted 16 March 2004 - 01:33 PM

Nightmist is suppose to be role playing correct? How are you roleplaying with more than one person? Funny.

#47 Wolfgang

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Posted 16 March 2004 - 01:53 PM


people seem to have missed my question. This is something i urgently want to know...

Will some of the currently existing areas be altered/edited, and along with other items and/or drops, and/or store items, or are there just going to be a large series of new items/areas?

I am sure that this has been thought of by staff members and players alike, and has probably been brought up. But i didnt see any thing... and yeah. Something... *lost train of thought/being an impulsive typer*

What the what?

#48 Squee



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Posted 16 March 2004 - 05:23 PM

When I think about it, a lot of places on the Nightmist map can be cleared with a small party of individuals...save, of course, their HP and MP are increased to make up for the lack of elevendy-billion alts.
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#49 Element

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Posted 16 March 2004 - 05:39 PM

If all this gets implented can someone please tell me what the difference between Nightmist and Revelation is going to be?

Since you guys are so great at explaining things.. please answer that because all I see that would be different is the name.

Nightmist as it is, is unique. It's one of the few...If only??(Not sure) MUDs you can use alts and despite what you PRO-1 Crit supporters may think A LOT of players enjoy the current system as it is..It's only a handful that actually want it changed.

i agree totaly. its what makes it diffrent and its what most people have come to love. if u wanna make it so giant partys dont come and just round everyone cause they have so many crits then i really think there should be a 3 alt limit. that is because with 3 alts there is still alot of tacit it also calls for more roll play and it would lesser the crits that are getting arch so fast. its been suggested before and i think its the only way to make both sides happy. this way someone who wants to only play one alt and roll play can do that knowin that there arnt partys of 10-20 crits after them and also not that much would have to be changed compared to the 1 alt idea

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#50 Squee



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Posted 16 March 2004 - 06:10 PM

Do you even know what RP'ing is? o_O
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#51 Element

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Posted 16 March 2004 - 06:17 PM

easy its royal playing duh!!!


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#52 Nebetsu

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Posted 16 March 2004 - 08:22 PM

I think it would be really cool if everyone was restricted to one guy at a time. I have two guys which I use, but never two at the same time. A palidin and a pacifist. Now I want to sell my Pali so I will have some gold for my Paci. I want to have one guy only, and I think it would reduce lag and other problems if everyone else did too!

#53 Kalypso

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Posted 16 March 2004 - 11:39 PM

Do you even know what RP'ing is? o_O

Why would you reply with that..I'm sure people know that RPGing is..it doesn't mean they should be FORCED to do it just because a couple want to.

Look at Amy from Draco, she RP's just fine and has tooooooons of alts.

Noones answered my question yet..What would be the difference between Rev and NM?
"Maybe some women aren't meant to be tamed.
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#54 Deval

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Posted 16 March 2004 - 11:43 PM

Who cares about Rev? I don't even know what it is. I imagine alot of players don't know what it is either. Still, I don't even know how that lends weight to your argument.
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#55 newb

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Posted 17 March 2004 - 12:43 AM

It won't be like Revelation. It can't be. It is Nightmist. Two totally different, separate games. Even with a 1-alt system, they would still have many differences. Ok, i'm glad that's out of the way.

Concerning Amy. Yes, she has a lot of alts. But, the difference is that she plays each one in character, whereas the normal player plays none of them in character. Also, Amy is nice. Which I can't say about too many other players on a regular basis.

As far as skills go, it would be pretty awesome to have a system like that. You would get to OMG CUSTOMIZE YOUR CHARACTER :O:O:O


#56 Silverwizard

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Posted 17 March 2004 - 12:45 AM

First, Zephie, she RPs not RPGs, but I am sure that is a typo, also yes she does, but she could live with but one alt. Personally I think that alot of people would be not what they are today if they did not sit at the roller half the time, I mean people do not wanna even d/l nightmist these days, role chars, and do both memo sends and checks from the site, what more do you need from NM? Also, RP is a valid thing, I can RP two chars at once, but it gets confusing and they all take them same traits in a way, but that can be arguded as they have the same ideas so banded together.
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#57 Kalypso

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Posted 17 March 2004 - 12:52 AM

Thanks for correcting my typo :)

Anyway, Deval it seems a lot of the ideas being suggested here are incredibly similiar to the ones already in place in the game Revelation. That's why I'm asking what the difference would be..

It would be nice of JLH and Pandilex to explain why they created the alt system to begin with if NM was so blissful and RP friendly before alts came in.
"Maybe some women aren't meant to be tamed.
"Maybe they're supposed to run wild until they find someone just as wild to run with."

#58 Harky

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Posted 17 March 2004 - 01:05 AM

It's possible the alt limit wasn't even intended at first I guess, but it really was beneficial to the progress of the game. All I remember was some update happening(possibly even one of the regular two hour resets), and afterwards being able to log on multiple characters. Alt support wasn't even mentioned as far as I remember, but even if it was, noone really took advantage of it straight away. It really was a different game back then.

As for revelation, I played it a while back, was fun for a while but I lost interest pretty fast. It's a mud, and from what I saw when I played that's pretty much where the similarity between it and nightmist ends. The reason I imagine people link it to nightmist is because, I'm guessing(I could be wrong), it was made by a bitter ex-player of nightmist. When I played all I saw both ingame and on the forum was a bunch of people talking about how much they hate JLH, which pretty much turned me off the game.

But yeah, go alt limits.

#59 Hatchet Crew

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Posted 17 March 2004 - 01:49 AM

The way i see it is yes it would be total sweetness to have 1 char to customize and make it your own idividual crit that you made and it yours. I also agree that you can't even tell who is what and what not anymore. I think that people who dont want a 1 alt game are 1 or more of a few things.Hiding behind alts. Scared of a change. Or just want to make sum waves

I'm not saying that you cant say i want alts but just think of how great it would make the game.

-It would make it more of a RPG(i dont know her but yea from what i've see amy does play her crits role playing... but name me 10 people not from draco that do that are willing to come on teh forum and say it)
-You would get to customize your character to sum extent and it would just be oh so cool
-There would be a need for team work creating less arguments and such
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#60 Deval

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Posted 17 March 2004 - 02:24 AM

Allow me just to take the chance to reitterate that the alt limit is not just support by people who RP in game. (I myself do not.) It is the redundancy of races, classes and skills and teamwork, brought about by the over use of alts, that makes me, personally, desire an alt limit so.
"PK'ing has just become a battle of superior numbers." ~ Goldfish.

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