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The Crane Temple

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#31 Jimmyjobobbado

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Posted 06 July 2004 - 02:48 AM

Crane, you are a great leader and a great friend. I will have an alt join your clan cause I have heard great thing about your clan. And put -=Demons of Darkness=- On your clan list, Okay?
Your Friend,

#32 Crane


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Posted 29 July 2004 - 08:03 AM

Just completed construction of our "Recreation Lounge" (a.k.a. Games Room) after a donation from Europa, my Pacifist. Now saving up to build next room.
The Crane Temple Chairman

Main crits:

Don't kill the messenger mathematician!

#33 Crane


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Posted 30 July 2004 - 12:55 PM

Whimsy (a.k.a Mistique) is now a Leader.
The Crane Temple Chairman

Main crits:

Don't kill the messenger mathematician!

#34 Crane


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Posted 05 August 2004 - 09:30 PM

It is of some regret that ÄñïMö§íTÝ is now a clan enemy after my lone Paladin received an unprovoked PK in the Mountains of Sentant. I know some of you will be upset by this move, but we are non-PKers / PKKers after all.
The Crane Temple Chairman

Main crits:

Don't kill the messenger mathematician!

#35 Crane


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Posted 06 August 2004 - 01:24 PM

Slight re-organisation... Mistique recently bought an Archmaster Fighter and named her Amulet - Amulet is now with leader status and Whimsy is a regular member. Treat her with the upmost respect, or else!
The Crane Temple Chairman

Main crits:

Don't kill the messenger mathematician!

#36 Crane


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Posted 07 August 2004 - 02:48 AM

Private rooms...

A few members have been requesting private rooms, so I've set up a small policy.

The building of the main part of the temple takes priority; however, I will occasionally announce that there are spaces for private rooms and what type of room they will be (garden etc), unless I make a special arrangement with you personally.

If you want a private room you will have to pay the room cost yourself. Most people tend to want a private vault, which costs 100k. The current price for a private room of this sort is 350k, or 400k if you want an NPC in there too. Please note that this price will increase as the room costs become more expensive.

Amulet (aka Mistique) has a private room, paid for by her Pacifist. Currently, there are no spaces for more private rooms yet, not until our next public room is built.
The Crane Temple Chairman

Main crits:

Don't kill the messenger mathematician!

#37 Crane


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Posted 08 August 2004 - 09:07 PM

Built the... ahem... sex-change shop.

There are also now two spaces for private rooms; one in the form of a garden (outdoors), and one in the form of a bedroom or store room of some kind (indoors).
The Crane Temple Chairman

Main crits:

Don't kill the messenger mathematician!

#38 The Matrix

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Posted 08 August 2004 - 09:14 PM

I would like to be an ambassador crane as i am a founder of eternal chaos. il leave u a memo sorry about punctuation and typos im doing this quick

#39 Charon

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Posted 08 August 2004 - 10:52 PM

Heya Crane, your clan just overtook ours in the clan rankings ^^ Congratulations

Now, and I mean this in the nicest possible way... please fall back down :P

Ah, you know I'm just kidding right?

Edited by Charon, 08 August 2004 - 10:53 PM.

"Words are, of course, the most powerful drug used by mankind." --Rudyard Kipling

#40 The Matrix

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Posted 15 August 2004 - 05:59 PM

because europa is a paci u will have to lock him out of the temple :P

#41 Crane


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Posted 15 August 2004 - 10:24 PM

I would like to give a warm welcome to VampressMisty and her alts. Welcome to The Crane Temple.

I'm going to be starting clan events soon to make the temple a bit more lively!
The Crane Temple Chairman

Main crits:

Don't kill the messenger mathematician!

#42 Crane


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Posted 31 August 2004 - 04:20 PM

Clan Event!

I am organising some one-on-one tournaments this Sunday, 17:00 GMT (Server time). There will be gold prizes. A few clan allies are welcome in this event as well, I am still confirming whether they are interested or not.

These are the criteria...

- 5,000 gold entrance fee.
- You are allowed alts, but you have to pay 5,000 gold for each crit, and there is the added risk that your alts may have to face each other.
- Winner gets a gold prize, runners up get smaller gold prizes.
- Left-over gold from the entrance fees goes into the clan bank.
- If you are from a clan other than The Crane Temple, you will have to allow your contending crit(s) to join The Crane Temple temporarily - you will be evicted when the tournament is over (sorry if I am sounding harsh).

If the event is a success, I will start running it on a regular basis.
The Crane Temple Chairman

Main crits:

Don't kill the messenger mathematician!

#43 Crane


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Posted 03 September 2004 - 11:20 PM

Any contenders who want to enter the tournament, meet outside The Crane Temple clanhouse at the specified time. Have the gold for entrance fee ready.

I will call your names one-by-one - you give my crit the entrance fee and I grant you access to The Crane Temple. I am doing it this way so it gives me a chance to write the names down and draw up the first fights.

The directions from the Estate Agents to The Crane Temple is 1 South, 12 East, 6 South, 6 West, 2 South, 1 West

The fights will take place in a one-square no XP-loss sparring arena with its entrance and exit locked with a mumble key - my crit will lead the contenders into the arena and lead the victor out. If you do not like who you are drawn up against in a fight, tough!

The prizes will depend on how many crits join the tourney and how much gold (or items) is donated.

Note that any non-Crane Temple crit will be booted from the clan when the tournament finishes. However, if you want to join The Crane Temple as a proper member as a result of the tourney, you have to go through the entry process as normal.
The Crane Temple Chairman

Main crits:

Don't kill the messenger mathematician!

#44 Sneaky

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Posted 05 September 2004 - 12:29 AM

I'd love to join on a couple alts, Crane. I'll talk to you more in-depth about it, should be a great time!
Chuck Norris wears Jack Bauer pajamas.

deimos the noob said no

#45 Crane


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Posted 05 September 2004 - 01:34 AM

An extra rule... you are not allowed to cloak your crits in the fight (Invisible/Camouflage/Covert) - you will be disqualified if you do... I will have a covert thief in the arena acting as a referee for the fights.

Note, killing the referee means disqualification too!
The Crane Temple Chairman

Main crits:

Don't kill the messenger mathematician!

#46 Crane


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Posted 05 September 2004 - 05:21 PM

Tournament Results

Round 1.1 - (WON) Spike_Spiegel vs. Amulet
Round 1.2 - (WON) Thorazine vs. Deimos
Round 1.3 - (WON) Dax vs. Whimsy
Round 1.4 - (WON) Mumbo vs. Eternity
Round 1.5 - (WON) Warp vs. Shadows - this one was actually a draw, but Shadows retired.

Shadows and Dax retire, leaving 4 contenders left

Semifinal 1 - (WON) Spike_Spiegel vs. Thorazine
Semifinal 2 - (WON) Mumbo vs. Warp

Warp retires, giving Thorazine third place.

Final - (WON) Spike_Spiegel vs. Mumbo

1st Place - Spike_Spiegel - wins 20,000 gold
2nd Place - Mumbo - wins 15,000 gold
3rd Place - Thorazine - wins 10,000 gold
The Crane Temple Chairman

Main crits:

Don't kill the messenger mathematician!

#47 Charon

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Posted 05 September 2004 - 06:16 PM

Hey, glad to see your event went ahead :P

And congratulations to the winners ^^

I'm sorry I couldn't make it... I know I said I'd be there but we ended up having a "family barbeque" and the family kinda took precedence ^^;;

Invite me along next time okay, and I'll try to actually be there... I'm sure someone will enjoy having an 'advance to next round free' card :P
"Words are, of course, the most powerful drug used by mankind." --Rudyard Kipling

#48 Mistique

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Posted 05 September 2004 - 07:01 PM

The majority of my crits are Pacifists, and my inexperience at fighting was obvious. :P

However, I had a lot of fun joking with the Contenders and learning from them how to defend myself... and next time, I'm going to last more than one round!

#49 Crane


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Posted 29 October 2004 - 12:50 AM

After much fundraising, The Crane Temple now has 25 rooms, and I have requested for the temple to be moved to the Barrier Forest, directly North of Nightmist, alongside Draco Honoris and Deus Ex Machina. If JLH approves, be nice to your new neighbours!
The Crane Temple Chairman

Main crits:

Don't kill the messenger mathematician!

#50 Squee



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Posted 29 October 2004 - 12:52 AM

Congratulations! And best of luck! :P
Posted Image

#51 Crane


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Posted 05 November 2004 - 01:31 AM

Upon a few requests - I have made a map for the temple (clanhouse). Sorry if it looks a bit sloppy.

Posted Image
The Crane Temple Chairman

Main crits:

Don't kill the messenger mathematician!

#52 Crane


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Posted 06 November 2004 - 02:05 PM

Just some advice to friends and clannies... do not rise to the bait if someone teases/threatens you and/or challenges you to a duel. Simply walk away - if they keep hassling you over pages, add them to /ignore.

With duels, if you lose, they say how much of a noob you are and that they pwn you and such - if you win, they accuse you of cheating. So it is a lose-lose situation for you.

I won't stop people from duelling if they want to, but I just want to highlight a few risks if you are challenged by someone I would call a bully.
The Crane Temple Chairman

Main crits:

Don't kill the messenger mathematician!

#53 Satterlee

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Posted 06 November 2004 - 03:02 PM

I've always loved your clan Gareth.. the only reason I can't join is because im Pk+++++..

Best of luck!
I've seen more meds in my left nostril than you've seen in your life.

Poker in-game.

#54 Crane


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Posted 16 November 2004 - 11:39 PM

Sorry if the map makes the temple quite confusing! But once you get used to the layout, it is fairly straightforward - it's just that the freezer can confuse things a bit because it overlaps one of the dormitories.

Just to list the current set of clan rules in case anyone is not sure of them:

- You must have a reasonably good understanding of the game itself.

- You should know your way around the major parts of the Nightmist world - that is, the cities, the routes between them and your common training grounds.

- You must not commit yourself to dishonourable acts to obtain gold, items, crits and personal power, such as scams and fraud in trades.

- Do not mock or insult our clan allies.

- We discourage clan-hopping. If you have been booted out of a clan on more than one occasion due to a misdeed that you have committed, we may not let you in.

- If you do join, you require a clan tag.

- You must not be a habitual PK'er. I dislike people who will merrily mow down innocent players just because they can.

- If you want a private room, you have to pay for it yourself and, depending on available locations, it might have to follow a particular theme. Note that as the number of rooms in the clan increases, so does the price - the next room (currently 26 rooms) costs 542k.

And some advice:

- Try not to rise to the bait if someone teases/threatens you and/or challenges you to a duel because of a disagreement or something fairly trivial. Simply walk away - if they keep hassling you over pages, add them to /ignore or inform staff. I won't stop people from duelling if they want to, but I just want to highlight a few risks if you are challenged by someone I would call a bully.

- Be wary of players who appear in blue, but do not assume they will attack you. Be courteous if you can as well. If they do attack you, then you can attack them back. If the same people from the same clan keep attacking you, then inform myself and I will have words with their chairman - note this might mean making a new enemy.

- If you are sharing a training area with other players, try not to kill-steal; and if you do accidentally, give the gold and item drop to whoever was attacking it.

- Red players who are not on your own personal enemy list will almost certainly attack you, as they belong to an enemy clan. You can make a pre-empitive strike upon them (i.e. attack them before they attack you) or run if you feel that you cannot take them on or simply do not wish to.
The Crane Temple Chairman

Main crits:

Don't kill the messenger mathematician!

#55 Crane


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Posted 19 November 2004 - 06:37 PM

Draco Honoris's Founder, Bishop, has opened a forum for a fellowship of honourable clans, and the Crane Temple is honoured to be invited into the fellowship. The forum can be found here: http://rob.sidepocke...t/yabb2/YaBB.pl.

All updates will be posted here - to gain access to The Crane Temple's threads, you must first register on the forum and then drop me a memo specifying your user name so I can confirm to Bishop that you are a member of The Crane Temple.
The Crane Temple Chairman

Main crits:

Don't kill the messenger mathematician!

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