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Potions In The Colliseum

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#31 deadman

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Posted 19 March 2008 - 05:12 AM

exactly, change the price on multi and leave 1alt alone.
Contact Unforgiven on 1a.

#32 Walt

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Posted 19 March 2008 - 05:56 AM

I dont 'hate' 1a, i used to play it, just i think its been ruined by certain cliques of people that manipulate clan rules to make sure everyone helps but only the highest levels get the drops (ive been in 5 different top-3-at-time clans and its been same every time).

Well, you have never been to a boss with Pande then. We have it set that unless a specific person is paying for the entire cost of a trip, it is a full random to anyone who is there in the party. To bad a few experiences have ruined your idea of 1a.

As for the 'cliquyness' of the nm1a clans, i think the comment i made earlier about how i can log onto nm1a and people who ive known for ages on nm main would refuse to even acknowlege me sums it up.......

Maybe the poeple who you thought of as friends arent as good of friends as you may seem.
I don't see how you can catagorize "your friends ignoring you" as clan cliquyness(spl?).
I would ask myself why, but even I do not know everything.

#33 Autek

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Posted 19 March 2008 - 06:00 PM

I did just fine with advanced healing potions when I grew up on main. . . Even with brews costing 50 gold, thats extremely cheap. If you can't afford to pay 50 gold for an advanced pot on main. . . Well, you've got problems.
Autek in game.

#34 Scripto


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Posted 19 March 2008 - 08:56 PM

Am I the only one that still buy advanced pots on main because im to lazy to change them over?
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Scripto (Staff)
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#35 XxDarkAlliancexX

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Posted 19 March 2008 - 09:29 PM

1. Do away with lame tokens to lvl up in 1a..... (has caused players to quit because of being maxed for weeks at a time)

Problem solved
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#36 speedy

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Posted 19 March 2008 - 11:19 PM

just leave it be plan and simple cant seem to express that since my other 3 posts been deleted but eh

I think all classes appart from pacifists should be removed, then we can all be hippies and play nice together

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#37 ¤ TapouT ¤

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Posted 21 March 2008 - 02:32 PM

For the main players, stockpiling brews is the same way you guys stockpile alts

the only flaw i see in that arguement is; on main, there is a limit to how many alts one person can use. there is no limit to how many pots you can throw.

yes on main there is a limit to how many alts you can use 20, on 1alt.. 1 alt.. there is a limit to how many pots are able to be thrown onto the ground.. which i believe is 500, but that being said sometimes it can take up to half of that amount of pots to kill it thats just how hard it is with 9-10 characters..
TapouT 1alt Hulk & Beast & God

#38 Sublime

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Posted 21 March 2008 - 04:27 PM

how about you just make it so 1 alt can sufficiently do things on it's own? i know most of you think it would be stupid to change the server now, but think about it... how do you ever expect to kill the major bosses in game? it will never happen the way the server is now, and therefor it's pointless, no matter if you throw 500 brew on a square or not, you should be able to do things for yourself, change the hp table on monsters/bosses, and the majority of these stupid arguements will stop.

things such as imhotep, lag monster, resca, blue dragon, and even some things in tirantek, will never be killed as long as the server stays the way it is, because you will never get 20+ people to work together, sorry to be the one to say it, but nightmist has a terrible player base, and people dont like to work together for the most part, and resca and lag monster take around 60+ alts to kill, do any of you honestly think 60 people will ever work together? unfortunately, no, they wont.

lets look at the logic here, it's a 1 alt game, right, but you cant do anything good on 1 alt.... you need more alts to make anything work.

Edited by Sublime, 21 March 2008 - 04:31 PM.

Sublime - 1a.

#39 Autek

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Posted 21 March 2008 - 04:46 PM

Main is for doing things on your own, 1a is for required teamwork.
Autek in game.

#40 HazzA

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Posted 21 March 2008 - 04:47 PM

I feel asthough 1a is good enough already.. it needs to get better, but that could be through getting new players etc.

all this brew throwing up stuff is essential to kill the colliseum bosses on 1alt. without them. as Sublime said.. we couldnt get together massive partys of say 20 - 40 for colliseum, because most of the time theres only 25 people on at the max..

its about the player count, not about getting bitchy about potions.

Edited by HazzA, 21 March 2008 - 04:48 PM.

James on 1a.

#41 Shera

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Posted 21 March 2008 - 04:49 PM

Maybe lower the coll bosses and restrict ammount of players on 1alt. Because you are literally disallowing certain people to level over 30.

Brews were great at 5gp. Now they are like, so so. Only recently starting using them because solo training my thief i just break even, where i was making a loss with Adv. If they were 5gp, i could atleast afford to train to 30 and make abit of gold lol.

- Jase
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#42 joanna

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Posted 23 March 2008 - 01:28 AM

The best thing about 5gp brews was how EVERYONE, not just the ultra rich who could afford to drop gold on 200gp pots, could use parties that did not depend on one class (clerics)

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