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Return Of The Sun

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#31 rebo

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Posted 14 May 2004 - 02:22 AM

Adam wasn't expecting her to swing the sword. He noticed, but only in time to dodge most of it. The last 5 inches of the sword had made a deep gash in his forarm, and it was bleeding freely.

He quickly tore of his robe and wrapped it around his cut as he ran behind a building, hoping he had lost her. He then sat down against the building wall, and was feeling light-headed.

A short time after, he passed out with the robe tied around his arm and the screams of the soldiers swirling around him.

(ooc:wow that last part sounds gay....o well its the best i can think of)

#32 rebo

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Posted 14 May 2004 - 02:23 AM

(ooc:o yea sorry 'bout calling your person Charon.......and double posting...)

#33 Hatrix

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Posted 14 May 2004 - 03:06 AM

Geratu walked to the left, around several houses, and stopped, seeing the boy from the Inn, laying on the ground unconscious.

"..Adam?", Geratu asked, before rushing over to aid him.

Geratu knelt down, and looked at Adam's face, seeing he'd lost quite a bit of blood. Geratu lifted the boy up, seeing it wasn't safe for him to lie in the streets, and put him over his shoulder, then began walking back the way he came.

Geratu entered the house he had left the other young boy in, and gently placed Adam on the ground.

"Watch him, yell if any of those... Creatures comes in here.", Geratu said softly to the young boy.

The young boy simply nodded, and sat close to Adam.

Geratu examined his surroundings, and ran out of the house, and drew his sword once more. He ran towards the city gates, where the knights were fighting a losing battle, and began fighting his way through, slashing creature after creature.

Geratu could see a heavily robed man, only a few feet away, standing still...

((OOC: Now as Decinfimus))

Decinfimus could see Geratu quite well where he was standing... He saw him clearly, because of his lack of armor, and will to fight.

"Come now...", Decinfimus whispered.

He watched as Geratu fought his way through the creatures, coming at Decinfimus.

Decinfimus raised his old, wrinkled hand slowly, and a devastating blast of pure darkness came exploding out of his palm, slamming into Geratu, his own creatures, and the Knights guarding the city, sending them all flying into the city.

The city was now being overflown by even more creatures. The men were outnumbered greatly.

Decinfimus let out a hideous cackle, and began slowly walking forward, into the city.

"Darkness conquers these lands...", Decinfimus whispered to himself, while taking slow, and steady steps deeper into the city.

((OOC: Nice to see you guys back :) ))
You don't know peace 'til you've had suffering.

#34 Charon

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Posted 17 May 2004 - 11:37 PM

"No!" Girya wept in despair as she saw the blood spatter from the sword blade as it connected with Adam's arm "No... no I don't... don't want to... to do this" she forced the words as imaginary tears streamed down her cheeks, tears she could no longer manage to form

"Too strong" she rasped hoarsely as she clung to the tainted red sword tightly, swaying dizzily as she fought the power unsuccessfully.

A hideous cackle infringed on her mind, roared through her ears until she could no longer hear the screams of the panicking people, could no longer hear the hisses of those bought ineptly back to life... bought back for the purpose of being an army, rather than to show Decinifimus' power or his art... power shown as the blast of darkness radiated through the city, sending her stumbling backwards

As she rose the dimness began to take her once again... slowly... slowly

"No" she cried out against the pain, cried out... she couldn't fight him, she knew she couldn't so why did she keep trying?

"Please no" she sobbed as she tried to stop her attack, tried to stop... her blade cut through one of the Welthaine Knights like a hot knife through butter, he simply... melted, doubled over and fell before her, collapsing lifelessly to the ground as her dim grey eyes lit with anguish and desperation... she had to stop this somehow... she had to.

"Please..." she said breathlessly, voicelessly, to anyone who might have heard "I don't want... don't want... to hurt anyone... Please..."

"Darkness conquers these lands..."

"Darkness..." her mind was growing dark. The necromancer's power swept through her mind, stronger with each step he took into the city, stronger over her with each step closer to her that he got

"I stayed away... for... for so long" she screamed to herself "I didn't... didn't want... didn't want this. I wanted away from him"

"But you didn't want to give up your new 'chance'" the dark stranger said softly, approaching her somewhat warily seeing the bloodstained weapon in her grasp "You could have left truly, my dear. You chose not to. You chose to stay near him... to stay near me... for if you had truly left, you knew what would happen... if you truly left"

"You..." Girya's eyes narrowed harshly. Now she had the urge to swing the sword, now as she looked at him, but now she couldn't. Now... she couldn't even ease her grip...

There was nothing she could do

"Please..." she pleaded... right now, she wasn't even beyond pleading to him "Please... stop this. He'll listen to you... stop this... you can stop this. Dion, Di... Dion... you can... you can stop this"

"Hmm..." his hand cupped her face, tilting her distressed eyes upwards to look into his own... but his eyes were cold and unwelcoming, his eyes were something to be feared "But why..." he mused cruelly "Would I want to do that? I enjoy this slaughter. It serves them all right" he grinned maliciously "I serve my Lord... as you do, Girya my sweet. You're back with us. You know you belong with us"

"No" she shook her head, but the movement... even a movement that simple ached. Her mind was clouded by the cries and commands, by the growing power,

<By the darkness> she thought as she looked around at the chaos, almost distanced. She felt although her body... her mind... someone had simply disengaged them. The roar of Decinifirimus' power, the roar of his laughter, his words... it clouded her mind until she couldn't focus, could barely focus on Dion's voice as he stood before her, let alone anyone else

"Now go" he murmered in her ear "Attack, like the rest of our forces. Wipe out the denizens of this pathetic town"

"No... please" she wept again as the blood drips to the floor, shaking her head numbly, trying to negate the order, trying to negate the...

Her silvered sword cut through another knight relentlessly as she spun around without warning, attacking the knight as he came at her from behind. Her sword connected with his neck and the head promtply fell to the floor.

Dion smiled cruelly as he knocked the body out of the way and turned back to her, turned back to the one he had asked to be returned to him... it didn't matter if she cried out, didn't matter if she fought... she was part of Decinifimus' army, and she would fight alongside him

"Dion..." she was afraid... she made no pretense of that, nor had she ever made such a pretence. She was afraid

"Shhh, Girya... shhh now" he murmered "Embrace it" but as she stared at the head images flashed past her mind, she felt the razor wire as it tightened around her own neck as she let out a gargled scream...

"No" she rasped, forcing the memories of the past away. The image of Adam came instead... he'd tried to help her... and she'd... "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry"

But no matter how she fought the confusion was overpowering

<I don't want to hurt anyone else!> a silent mental plea was all she could manage <Don't let me hurt anyone else!>

Edited by Charon, 17 May 2004 - 11:44 PM.

"Words are, of course, the most powerful drug used by mankind." --Rudyard Kipling

#35 Hatrix

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Posted 18 May 2004 - 03:19 AM

Geratu jumped to his feet, and lifted his sword, then began slaughtering all the creatures in his way.

"You must be the one they were talking about", Geratu shouted while slaughtering the creatures.

"Can you hear the rain, young man?", Decinfimus calmly shouted.

Geratu continued slicing through the creatures with ease, until he finally reached Decinfimus.

"It is not raining. It hasn't rained in days.", Geratu quickly replied.

"You still don't understand," Decinfimus said softly, while raising his hand, pulling his hood back slightly, reveiling his old, pale face "Your mind... It is so complicated."

Geratu looked at Decinfimus with a confused look on his face, then raised his sword.

"I will defend my people!", Geratu said proudly.

"Then you will die, just like the rest of them!", Decinfimus hissed.

Decinfimus vanished in an explosion of darkness, and then reappeared behind Geratu, and raised his hand, sending a burst of wind crashing into Geratu's back, sending him flying through the air.

"You are weak, just like your people.", Decinfimus hissed.

Geratu pushed himself up, and swung his sword, hitting a nearby creature, splitting it's head in two.

"You don't know my people!", Geratu shouted defensivly.

Decinfimus began walking towards Geratu slowly.

"You could... Join me... You would be a great asset, you show great will, and courage.", Decinfimus whispered slyly.

"I will not side with you, old man.", Geratu said angrily.

Geratu swung his blade fiercly at Decinfimus, only to hit an invisible shield, sending Geratu flying backwards.

"With the shadows, I spend it all. Years of complicated trainings... Years of torment, and torture...", Decinfimus said softly.

Geratu stood up, lifting his sword.

"I don't care about your past!", Geratu shouted.

"Nobody cares anymore. That is why I am here.", Decinfimus whispered, while raising his hand.

Darkness wrapped around Geratu's body, constricting him. Squeezing him tightly.

"This is all your fault.", Decinfimus said angrily. "You brought this upon yourself! My creatures will show no pity! I have no pity! Say goodbye to everything you once had. This is the end.", Decinfimus hissed.

Geratu cried in pain, as the darkness ate away at his soul.

Moments passed, and Decinfimus released the spell. Geratu collapsed onto the ground, moaning in pain.

"Cowards die in such a manor. You, are not a coward. You will die fighting.", Decinfimus said proudly, as he began walking away, slaughtering innocent townspeople.

"N..No!", Geratu shouted. "Kill me first...", he continued. "Fight me.. Like a man.", He shouted once more, before pushing himself to his feet, grabbing his sword on the way up.

"You show much courage.", Decinfimus said, before turning around, facing Geratu.

Decinfimus reached down, picking up one of the fallen knights swords. He gave it a few practice swings, then took two steps towards Geratu.

"You will die with honor, soldier." Decinfimus said softly.

Edited by Hatrix, 18 May 2004 - 03:20 AM.

You don't know peace 'til you've had suffering.

#36 Charon

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Posted 23 May 2004 - 07:57 PM

"Come" Dion murmered softly "Come with me... to find our leader"

Somewhere in her mind Girya continued to call out, continued to protest, but she couldn't stop her feet moving. She screamed numbly and silently as her sword cut down one... two... it didn't matter how many came, but the knights Dion missed fell by her sword, fell to the ground lifelessly...

<Why do they get to rest?> part of her was bitter, resentful... but she could have chosen that path herself, she could have chosen... to fall and die. She'd rejected that choice.

Now she wished she hadn't been so hasty, wished she'd had the courage... to take those extra few steps beyond his power. If she'd taken those extra steps... all of it would have ended for her


Her eyes gleamed coldly as she brandished the sword, becoming more and more confident in its use, more and more used to the weight... grimly smiling with the ease with which it cut down those who opposed her

"Thats it my dear" Dion grinned softly "That's it... embrace it. Cut them down"

"No!" Girya choked as she fought his commands, fought... fought...

She thrust the sword fully and brutally through a bystander who had been too foolish to move from between herself and the knight her eyes had focused on... she might as well not have seen him... and for the degree to which he halted her movements, he might as well not have been there

"Dion... don't" by her side, garotte slashed through whoever dared venture near... and before them now... she could see the face off.

"With the shadows, I spend it all. Years of complicated trainings... Years of torment, and torture..."

Torture... was an idea all to familiar to Girya, Dion... Decinifimus... what her 'life' had become was torture...

<You don't know what torture is> she screamed mentally <You don't have a clue... what you have put me through>

It wasn't just the voice anymore... she could actually see him. It had been so long since...
But now she could see Decinifimus, the one who had cursed her to this... and with him she could see the man... whose stories she'd listened to at the inn

"I don't care about your past!", Geratu shouted.

"Nobody cares anymore. That is why I am here.", Decinfimus whispered, while raising his hand

<But you know his past> her mind whispered distantly <Geratu... you know>[/i]

"You will die with honor, soldier."

<No... he can't die> Girya looked to Dion, the sword in her hand shaking as she tried to control it as she wished, rather than as the instrument of slaughter he and his master commanded her to be

Her master cut down the townspeople without a thought... without flinching... with a blade just like the one she carried. That blade of those who protected this city...

"N..No!", Geratu shouted. "Kill me first...", he continued. "Fight me.. Like a man."

"Deci...Decini...De..." Girya couldn't... even bring herself to speak. Couldn't... "Ma-Master... stop" she gasped "Please stop"

Decinifimus... his powers were more than this man could know. But...

<But he told the story... he knows of the Necromancers powers>

"Tell him" she forced the words, shrieked the words as loud as she could muster, forced the words before her throat could close, before her jaw could clamp shut on her "Geratu... tell him your stories Tell him... show him that... that people do care. Geratu..."

"Be quiet my sweet" Dion gently clasped his hand across her mouth from where he now stood behind her

"Mmff" she tried to pull away, but as he spoke the numbness yet again came across her, her body yet again... did what he wanted, rather than what she told it

"Be quiet and watch the end come" he whispered... and she complied

Edited by Charon, 23 May 2004 - 07:58 PM.

"Words are, of course, the most powerful drug used by mankind." --Rudyard Kipling

#37 Hatrix

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Posted 23 May 2004 - 11:42 PM

Geratu, though weakened, was prepared to fight. He heard a faint female voice shouting... He could have sworn his name was said. Decinfimus slashed his blood-soaked knights sword at Geratu, while he was distracted by the voice.

Geratu jumped back, and quickly swung his sword at Decinfimus, only to have it blocked. Decinfimus quickly swung his sword down towards Geratu's legs, but Geratu blocked it with his sword. Geratu took a step back, and for a split second, Geratu and Decinfimus' eyes met. Geratu's body filled with pure fear. A fear Geratu had not known. Geratu's soul turned cold, and Geratu went into shock.

Decinfimus hissed loudly, pulling his hood down further, and trying desperatly to cover his eyes. There was something about his eyes which Decinfimus did not like.

Geratu quickly snapped out of his fear-strucken state, and shook his head, trying to get the images he had seen out of his head. Geratu had not only seen things from Decinfimus' past, but he felt them. He felt the heavy chains... He felt it all. Geratu was not scared anymore, but he was... Sad... Geratu felt tears forming in his eyes, and he grasped onto the hilt of his sword even tighter.

Decinfimus was now angered beyond belief. He raised his hand, and a blast of darkness sent Geratu flying backwards.

"You will never understand.", Decinfimus hissed.

Geratu pushed himself up, and picked up his sword.

"I can, though!", Geratu shouted at Decinfimus.

"Look into my eyes, boy.", Decinfimus hissed, while walking closer to Geratu.

Geratu looked deep into Decinfimus' pale eyes, seeing, and feeling the torture that Decinfimus went through.

<Inside Geratu's Mind>

Decinfimus is sitting in a filthy dungeon, wearing nothing more than a ripped robe. He has thick steel chains around his wrists, and ankles. There are two soldiers, wearing weak armor standing next to him, with whips.

"He seems pretty pathetic... All he does is sit here.", One of the soldiers said softly.

The soldier raised his hand into the air, and whipped Decinfimus across the back. Decinfimus screamed in pain as the whip crashed into his back.

"Hard to believe this caused this mess.", The other soldier said quickly, before raising his whip, and whipping Decinfimus across his back.

Decinfimus screamed in pain once more, as the whip met his bear back.

"You're going to regret this day ever happened, gentlemen...", Decinfimus said softly, gasping for air. "Tell me your names...", he continued.

The soldiers laughed, then both began whipping Decinfimus several times across his back... As the soldiers finished, one of them gave Decinfimus one swift punch to the side of his head.

"I'll be there, watching you hang, old man.", the soldier said, while walking away.

Decinfimus smirked as he watched them walk away.


With a loud explosion, Geratu snapped out of the trance he was in, trapped inside a dungeon, similar to the one seen in his thoughts. Geratu was chained to the ground... He blinked several times, trying to see if this was real, or just his imagination.

"He seems pretty pathetic... All he does is sit here.", an unseen soldier said softly.

The soldier stepped into sight, and a whip came crashing down on Geratu's back. Geratu screamed in pain.

The soldier froze for a second, before exploding into a cloud of darkness. - Out of the cloud stepped Decinfimus.

"Days...", Decinfimus said softly. "Days!" he hissed. "This... This is just a taste of what I have been through. This is just a fraction of what YOUR PEOPLE did to me!", he hissed again. "This is what happens behind the scenes...", he said weakly, before the two exploded into a cloud of darkness, appearing back where they were only minutes ago. - Inside the city of Welhathine.

Decinfimus came running towards Geratu, sword raised high into the air, but before Geratu could realize what was happening, the sword slashed Geratu's arm, creating a massive gash in his arm.

((OOC: Long. :) ))

Edited by Hatrix, 23 May 2004 - 11:44 PM.

You don't know peace 'til you've had suffering.

#38 Charon

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Posted 11 August 2004 - 10:31 PM

Girya stared, her message simply not getting through. It hurt so much to fight it, hurt so much to try and speak... and when she did she went unheard.

The two seemed simply to stare at each other, something unsaid passing between them, and then Decinifimus had made his move, sliced into the arm of the one who opposed him, Geratu's arm...

"Dion" she fought, pulled out of his grip, faced him

"Hm?" he arched his eyebrows, looking at her in some sort of grim amusement as she stared him down, sword raised... and he laughed at her "What is it my sweet?"

She gritted her teeth in concentration, it didn't matter if she couldn't get the words out against him, didn't matter. All she needed was movement. Movement... she glanced back over her shoulder to Decinifimus and Geratu for the briefest of moments... there was space in between them, space... and if she could just get to it

"Dion" she forced, choking on the words, sword shaking in her grip "You should never... have bought me back. We were never meant... to be together" and she flung her strength into the swing. He never expected it, the sword cutting through his armour and leaving a deep gash across his chest as he collapsed back in shock

"GIRYA" he yelled, somewhere between shock and rage... no. No, he wasn't. He wasn't shocked, he wasn't angry... he was... afraid?

<Upset> Girya corrected herself as she stumbled, recovering from the swing, watching as he clambered to his feet and raised his hand to the wound... that was already healing? Bleeding but slowly healing...
No, it couldn't be... he didn't have that power, didn't have it

"You shouldn't have done that my sweet" he murmered distantly, looking down at the blood staining his hands. She raised the sword again and looked at him...

"I'm not who you want me to be" she hissed "I can... can never be... that person"

"You don't mean that" he shook his head, took a step forwards towards her. And she smiled at him.
For the first time in years, she smiled. It was a painful expression, full of sadness and loss... and she shook her head

"It's going to stop Dion" she said simply and she turned away from him. It didn't matter that he started towards her, that he was yelling his commands again. It didn't matter that her soul was being wrenched this way and that, didn't matter anymore that her body screamed for her to kill.

She hated people dieing. Her sword cut through another soldier on Dion's command, tears flowed down her face, but it didn't matter anymore. None of it mattered.

Just as she'd focused and swung her sword at Dion, now she turned her attention on Geratu and Decinifimus. She had to protect Geratu... he had to be the key to this, or her Master would never have bothered trying to talk to him.

If there weren't something important about him, Decinifimus would have killed him already. A soldier down, again, in the red haze of her mind.
Another, another, as she continued to try and focus, as Dion thought he was winning...

Then she ran, placed herself between Decinifimus and Geratu and she clung to that sword like a safety blanket. It didn't matter anymore. None of it mattered as she stood infront of Geratu giving him time, any time to recover

She was a minion. That was all she was. It didn't matter how she rebelled, she was no longer the Girya who had grown up in Cwevay Village, she was no longer the Girya who had tried to befriend all she came across

No matter how she wanted to be, she couldn't be. She'd lost that version of herself too many years ago, and spent too long as she was to try and regain that self.

So who was she now, but a minion? Who was she?

She wasn't who she wanted to be, she wasn't who Dion wanted her to be... who was she?

<Who am I?> she asked herself as she turned to face the one who had bought her back, as she turned to face the one who had made her what she was. Someone had made him what he was... did he doubt who he was the same way she did, or did he know?

"Please" she whispered to her master, to Decinifimus. Dion may have been able to control her, but Decinifimus was her Master "Stop this. It's not his fault. Please... stop this"

<One way or another... this is going to stop>

Edited by Charon, 11 August 2004 - 10:33 PM.

"Words are, of course, the most powerful drug used by mankind." --Rudyard Kipling

#39 Hatrix

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Posted 12 August 2004 - 04:08 AM

Decinfimus stood still, emotionlessly staring into Girya's face.

"Out of my way!", he shouted while swiftly knocking her to the ground. "Leave now!" he hissed.

Geratu swiftly escaped deep into the shadows. Hiding from the evil... The shadows slowly began dying off, and it had looked like the warriors of Welhathine had won... Everything seemed to be at peace... Geratu felt as if time itself had stopped...

Every civilian, and warrior alike froze, as Decinfimus slowly began walking forward, taking innocent lives with each step.

"You have so much to learn...", Decinfimus whispered softly. "But your ignorance is blocking all knowledge..." he continued.

Decinfimus quickly vanished in a massive explosion of darkness... And finally.. The sun returned. The light tore through the sky, sending bright rays of sun shining down on the remaining civilians, and warriors.

Geratu let out a deep sigh before the civilians and warriors began cheering.

(Yeah, I didn't plan on ending it this way, so I just had to think up some random things. Oh well, this RP went to hell a long time ago. :P Was fun, thanks Charon.)
You don't know peace 'til you've had suffering.

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