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#31 Exodia



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Posted 15 September 2006 - 12:20 AM

haha thats great
Primex ingame

#32 Eamon

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Posted 15 September 2006 - 10:39 PM

It does add a pk for the player and a death by player to the pacifist's profile.

./who cherrycheesecake

#33 Crane


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Posted 16 September 2006 - 09:02 PM

It does add a pk for the player and a death by player to the pacifist's profile.

./who cherrycheesecake

Right, okay; now I'm paranoid!
The Crane Temple Chairman

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Don't kill the messenger mathematician!

#34 Ryuku


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Posted 17 September 2006 - 04:05 AM

JLH is scheming, expect a change :)

#35 Elrik

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Posted 17 September 2006 - 05:19 AM

So basically this destroys the point of the class.

Kindly remind me why you hate them so much? (The devoted pacifists, not the idiots who log off thier normal crits to pester thier enemies)

It's unbalanced no matter how you look at it. It's like killing a person whose arms are chained. Does that make you feel good?

I've been around here long enough to know the answer.
"Hell yeah it does!"

Just shows the mindset of online gamers... kill the innocent so we get more points. Tragic...

#36 Ryuku


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Posted 17 September 2006 - 06:20 AM

Innocent? lawl

You're so ignorant, few paci users are innocent in the use of their paci, and getting a pk count doesn't do anything for your score, so you don't get points in anyway really.

Paci's piss people off cause they can't be killed yet they can use many tricks to kill people in return, dragging ktp monsters on their square, having a friend invis you while using JZ, it's about time pacifist got a taste of their own medicene, unfair killing :)

#37 Guest_Simon_*

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Posted 17 September 2006 - 07:06 AM

So basically this destroys the point of the class.

Kindly remind me why you hate them so much? (The devoted pacifists, not the idiots who log off thier normal crits to pester thier enemies)

It's unbalanced no matter how you look at it. It's like killing a person whose arms are chained. Does that make you feel good?

I've been around here long enough to know the answer.
"Hell yeah it does!"

Just shows the mindset of online gamers... kill the innocent so we get more points. Tragic...

Well put.


As a solution to "unfair killing" perhaps make it so that Deity Intervention is eliminated. Instead, if GP is cast on a player, that player cannot be attacked whilst the spell is in effect as well as that player cannot attack anyone. And if JZ is cast No One on the square can attack other players on that square. Return paci's back to thier original intended use to PREVENT pk'ing by PACIFYING instead of Eliminating pk'ing by deity intervention

Heck i'd be willing to support getting rid of these spells all together if you dont like that either, with the new threat at hand for as a full time paci player, and a non believer in PvP altogether. Last thing I want is to worry I might get killed by a player on a class thats not meant to be killed by a player! Thus is also a class thats not meant to kill a player either :)

Edited by Simon, 17 September 2006 - 07:32 AM.

#38 DragonHeart



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Posted 17 September 2006 - 07:38 AM

this is kinda retarded,if its left in,there should be some other changes as well *looks at the druids and mages*

Edited by DragonHeart, 17 September 2006 - 07:38 AM.

Crusader/Raistlin/Spyhunter ingame

#39 Eamon

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Posted 17 September 2006 - 10:47 AM

So basically this destroys the point of the class.

Kindly remind me why you hate them so much? (The devoted pacifists, not the idiots who log off thier normal crits to pester thier enemies)

It's unbalanced no matter how you look at it. It's like killing a person whose arms are chained. Does that make you feel good?

I've been around here long enough to know the answer.
"Hell yeah it does!"

Just shows the mindset of online gamers... kill the innocent so we get more points. Tragic...

Finally being able to kill a class that has been able to harass people at bosses, finally being able to kill a class that has prevented MANY old fashioned boss square clan battles, finally being able to kill a class that has been abused more then any other?

I dont know how you can think that being able to kill a pacifist is unbalanced. If anything, the amount of gold that pacifists have added to game is whats unbalanced.

Whose arms is it that are chained at a boss square when a pacifist casts greater pact on one person's crits, so that a second person can get a kill and hopefully a drop? Whose arms are tied when a pacifist sits training for weeks and months to save up gold to buy other crits for its owner (Pacifist is against violence. Should the gold they make NOT be allowed to buy weapons/crits that would hit other people?)

Edited by Eamon, 17 September 2006 - 10:49 AM.

#40 Redheart

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Posted 17 September 2006 - 01:55 PM

hmm nice reply :)
" For lunch we can have cupcakes until our little fairy tummies are content. We can all stay up to watch the sunset, then go to sleep in our little fairy beds.”

#41 Julius

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Posted 17 September 2006 - 06:12 PM

Grats that you can kill a previously unkillable class. Now they have more to worry about than just i wonder how im gonna get my money out of the museum without losing too much time making millions of gold.

Consider the cost to make the bombs. Leave it. This actually helps keep pacifists in check. If they need to be aware of players now then they arent going to stockpile gold on themselves, they arent going to abuse their abilities at bosses, they arent going to be a free class.

I dont know the last time i got a character from level 1 to 20 in less than 2 hours unless it was a /reset...

Leave it.
Julius/Juls main
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#42 Raylen


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Posted 17 September 2006 - 06:18 PM

+1 post count ggpwnedkthxbai

it's plausible that the SOB hasn't spawned

¯¨:·»Gently spamming the forum since 2003«·:¨¯

#43 DragonHeart



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Posted 17 September 2006 - 06:45 PM

Ok then,if it is left in,Pacis should be able to use bombs as well,its only fair,if they can be killed by them,they should be able to use them. and for people who say "pacifist can't attack" well,they aren't supposed to be killed in the first place,so i think it is only fair that they have the ability to use bombs.
Crusader/Raistlin/Spyhunter ingame

#44 Eamon

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Posted 17 September 2006 - 08:06 PM

Pacifists are against violence....wouldnt that betray a pacifist's very reason for existing? Look the word pacifist up in the dictionary.

On another note, Pacifists can use bombs, they can drop them on a square, they just can not throw them at a specific target, I believe was explianed to me.

And who said Pacifists arent supposed to be killed? People just have not been able to UNTIL now.
Too many pacifists have sat around and just gained experience and gold to finance other things in their account. Leave things as they are plz.

#45 Guava

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Posted 17 September 2006 - 08:27 PM

well im a paci user... and i think its rediculous.. i mean i havent harmed anyone..! im a jolly nice paci :)
*crys like a baby*
You are all bullies!



#46 Crane


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Posted 17 September 2006 - 09:41 PM

Hopefully the bombs are expensive enough so that bombing runs on Pacifists will be rare, especially with the more powerful bombs like Fireburst Potions and Thunderbombs.

Pacifists can neither throw nor drop bombs. If they acquire a bomb, they have to either give it to someone, deposit it in a vault, sell it or destroy it.

Edited by Crane, 17 September 2006 - 09:43 PM.

The Crane Temple Chairman

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Don't kill the messenger mathematician!

#47 Elrik

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Posted 17 September 2006 - 10:07 PM

You guys completely missed my point. I was talking about the pacifist users who DON'T do that stuff. The ones that DON'T screw with you. "One got me upset, so I'm gonna kill 'em all."

What I'm seeing this becoming is Druids going around and dropping bombs on pacifists who are aiding lower level players (Yes, another thing that Pk'ers despise).

Christ... the playerbase has gotten out of hand... now I remember why I never had fun in the first place.

Feel free to flame me for my alternate opinions, as you always do. If something doesn't go someone's way, they flame them. Some things never change. I don't care what you say because I am gone from this game. Hasta La Vista.

#48 Azza

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Posted 17 September 2006 - 10:24 PM

Ok then,if it is left in,Pacis should be able to use bombs as well,its only fair,if they can be killed by them,they should be able to use them. and for people who say "pacifist can't attack" well,they aren't supposed to be killed in the first place,so i think it is only fair that they have the ability to use bombs.

Just coz pacifists cant attack y shudnt they be attackable? just coz sum1 is against violence doesnt mean they wont be attacked. Just means they will run away or die and not fight back :)

#49 Eamon

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Posted 17 September 2006 - 11:07 PM

You guys completely missed my point. I was talking about the pacifist users who DON'T do that stuff. The ones that DON'T screw with you. "One got me upset, so I'm gonna kill 'em all."

What I'm seeing this becoming is Druids going around and dropping bombs on pacifists who are aiding lower level players (Yes, another thing that Pk'ers despise).

Christ... the playerbase has gotten out of hand... now I remember why I never had fun in the first place.

Feel free to flame me for my alternate opinions, as you always do. If something doesn't go someone's way, they flame them. Some things never change. I don't care what you say because I am gone from this game. Hasta La Vista.

I am not flaming you. You may not have seen some of the things that others here have seen. You may have your head stuck so far up your rear, you dont know about pacifists casting gp at bosses, casting jz at bosses, and being annoying in general. You may not have been around when players would sit on a paci until they had saved up ten million gold to buy a cobalt for their mortal crit. Im not flaming you, Im saying that you dont know all of what pacifists are used for. This gives us people that prefer mortal crits over pacifists a way to defend OURSELVES against pacifists. Why should a pacifist be able to cast greater pact without a mortal crit owner being able to do anything about it? Why should a pacifist be able to cast justice zone on a square, without a mortal crit owner being able to do ANYTHING about it?

I think many Nightmist players would say that the abuse of pacifists is what has gotten out of hand.

If pacifists were truely a solo class, meaning that they could do NOTHING to alter Nightmist for people that play on Mortal crits, they wouldnt be so hated in the first place. Im not saying that you are a person that has used your pacifist in this way. But why should the pacifists that do things like this be invincible because you dont wanna be killed on your pacifist?

Player Killing is a part of Nightmist, if you dont like it, pay a little for Final Fantasy 11 plz.

Edited by Eamon, 17 September 2006 - 11:09 PM.

#50 Guest_Simon_*

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Posted 18 September 2006 - 01:04 AM

I want vision, and a reasonable chance to dodge the attack then, or let spells like shield self/subdue/GP/JZ Intervine in thier appropiate ways. Only fair in the PvP aspect, since as it stands pacifist have no way to directly attack any other player, meaning they can't use the attack command, they can only attack others: Indirectly (JZ on a square and not saying anything to anyone about it)/Inadvertantly (GP/JZ on a person/square saying something but the person attacks accidentaly)/Abuse (purposely casting GP or JZ in order to protect your friends or just to blind kill random players trying for some random PvP) Not to mention you have to be a certain level to even have GP or JZ in your spell mantle, you know dang well people will use this to kill low level pacis as well, pacis that will prolly not even have these spells you dispise so much. Also, in the spirit of PvP, the level cap of NM should most definately also apply. Not within 10 levels? Cant throw the potion/bomb at them or harm them with the blast of one thrown at another.

Sorry just my opinion, if its to be allowed, then lets assume pacifist would be smart enough to know it happens and how to maybe counter it, for its a hostile act, and pacis are adept, or at least should be, to all means of hostility.

Edited by Simon, 18 September 2006 - 01:10 AM.

#51 Eamon

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Posted 18 September 2006 - 01:38 AM

you know dang well people will use this to kill low level pacis as well, pacis that will prolly not even have these spells you dispise so much. Also, in the spirit of PvP, the level cap of NM should most definately also apply. Not within 10 levels? Cant throw the potion/bomb at them or harm them with the blast of one thrown at another.

Sorry just my opinion, if its to be allowed, then lets assume pacifist would be smart enough to know it happens and how to maybe counter it, for its a hostile act, and pacis are adept, or at least should be, to all means of hostility.

Bombs are not cheap to make, trust me. I doubt many people will kill low level pacifists with them, as the return on what they paid to make (or buy) the bomb would be much lower.

#52 Julius

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Posted 18 September 2006 - 02:05 AM

Why don't you ask the kids at Tiananmen Square
Julius/Juls main
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#53 Amy

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Posted 18 September 2006 - 02:32 AM

I agree, that just because a pacifist should not kill due to the rp aspect of the class, does not mean that they cannot be killed. They can not be killed by someone just attacking them due to their diety. However, bombs make sense. Is like placing a group of people in the path of a grenade. One isn't going to live just because they are "nice, helpful, against war, pacifying".. they are going to die, because they are in the path of a grenade. Bombs are the same thing.

Good Day,
Amy of Draco

*minor edit due to typo at beginning*
~With each choice comes consequences.. Choose carefully~

#54 Guest_Simon_*

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Posted 18 September 2006 - 03:03 AM

Bombs are not cheap to make, trust me. I doubt many people will kill low level pacifists with them, as the return on what they paid to make (or buy) the bomb would be much lower.

True Enough, but i bet SOMEONE does it lol not saying it WILL or WONT happen just likely to happen at least once

A agree, that just because a pacifist should not kill due to the rp aspect of the class, does not mean that they cannot be killed. They can not be killed by someone just attacking them due to their diety. However, bombs make sense. Is like placing a group of people in the path of a grenade. One isn't going to live just because they are "nice, helpful, against war, pacifying".. they are going to die, because they are in the path of a grenade. Bombs are the same thing.

Good Day,
Amy of Draco

Well wouldnt that mean that there could be a chance of the bomb also killing its user? Darn those rubber grenades! >:) lol Just a little note on that is all

#55 Eamon

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Posted 18 September 2006 - 03:23 AM

Bombs are not cheap to make, trust me. I doubt many people will kill low level pacifists with them, as the return on what they paid to make (or buy) the bomb would be much lower.

True Enough, but i bet SOMEONE does it lol not saying it WILL or WONT happen just likely to happen at least once

A agree, that just because a pacifist should not kill due to the rp aspect of the class, does not mean that they cannot be killed. They can not be killed by someone just attacking them due to their diety. However, bombs make sense. Is like placing a group of people in the path of a grenade. One isn't going to live just because they are "nice, helpful, against war, pacifying".. they are going to die, because they are in the path of a grenade. Bombs are the same thing.

Good Day,
Amy of Draco

Well wouldnt that mean that there could be a chance of the bomb also killing its user? Darn those rubber grenades! >:) lol Just a little note on that is all


Im sure at least once a pacifist that is not arch will die. Cry more please.


If a person drops a bomb on the ground, it deals damage to every character on the square, including its user. If it is thrown at a specific character, it deals damage to that one character.

#56 Amy

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Posted 18 September 2006 - 05:14 AM

I see your point, and yes, a bomb should have a slight chance of detonating too soon or something and damaging the user as well. However, we will have to assume that if these are crafted items, (and they are) that the one handling them know enough about them to not predetonate them and that they will have the desired effects... upon a target. Just a thought anyway.

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#57 joanna

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Posted 18 September 2006 - 10:15 AM

Who sed pacis were supposed to be invincible? If Pacifists wernt supposed to be able to be killed, how come regular monsters can hit them as normal and the paci has no reply?

#58 Guest_Simon_*

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Posted 18 September 2006 - 04:16 PM


Eamon im not crying if you didnt notice, I didnt really put up much of an arguement there really just saying that we, or at least I, only want a reasonable chance to not get attacked at all in the first place. Meaning, I say leave em in and let them kill paci's, but give pacis a chance to at least maybe prevent such an attack on them in the first place.

Amy-Rubber Grenades? HEHE

Edited by Simon, 18 September 2006 - 04:21 PM.

#59 Eamon

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Posted 18 September 2006 - 04:35 PM

And I was merely saying, if you want a game that you cant be killed by a player, play a different game. Player Killing has been a part of Nightmist since it started. Now there's finally a way to kill a pacifist, which is a class that has been abused by some people repeatedly, and there should be some way to prevent it, because you dont want your pacifist to die?

#60 Guest_Simon_*

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Posted 18 September 2006 - 05:14 PM

TO ANY AND ALL STRONG PACIFIST IN NEED OF PLAYER KILL FREE ZONE: Look to the grave yard within a grassy meadow west of Nightmist...THE TEMPLE OF MOONS IS PACIFIST ONLY

HAHA anyway yeah I guess you got a point. Pacifist should be killable by these bombs.

GG Paul, ohh btw...do tell what Cherrycheesecake was doing to deserve being killed? Just curious.

Extending my personal thanks to any pacifist who has repeatedly purposely abused the system by purposely casting GP on crits to prevent PK'ing or casting JZ on a square to prevent PK'ing...wait thats part of the original purpose of the class =-o to prevent PK'ing. Just try to keep it up if willing to risk being killed, cause now at least we have some reason to not try to prevent PK'ing any more, rather than just using them as a source of gold, which was not a original purpose of the class. FOR THOSE WHO JUST USE THEM FOR GOLD: GET OUT!

Edited by Simon, 18 September 2006 - 06:24 PM.

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