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#31 Quark

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Posted 30 June 2004 - 05:17 PM

the changes are in best interests of the game, pacifists werent created for the sole purpose to buy ONE museum key, sit in the for weeks and months on this single key, being able to generate more and more gold without having to leave for anything...

once a paci gets a key, they re set for immense gold without needing another, which is ridiculous, this change should account for change with them...

/t crane: this may even be in your interest as it may cause a number of pacis over time migrating to your area...

#32 dec

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Posted 30 June 2004 - 08:03 PM

I never am rich as soon as i get money i usualy spend it, lol i guess the main reason im complain is beacuse of money cos this time round i actully need it for 2 name changes and a RB, but hey i guess we will have to live with it.....for now mwahahaha *ahem*
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#33 sephiroth42420

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Posted 16 July 2004 - 07:26 AM

lol agreed Squee.

All you archs, stop complainin cause you only have 500k or such. I have 3K in the bank on my paci atm, and that is the pool of money from all of my crits.

I do think that spendin 25k on a zeum key and another 10 on a staircase key (i can kill the mummy, just to lazy:)) is worth it, if your able to survive.

Lay of the pacis man, all we wanna do is be able to make money (well, most of us) without having to worry about some super rich Archies commin in groups of 10+ and killing us, not only taking away our hard earned gold and adding to the rich *** bank account. And not to mention the xp loss. Crime decked my fighter 3 times and i lost 6 hours of hard work. This is just to **** rediculous.

Soo all you paci haters, get over it. Jlh and pandi made us for a reason. Thank god for them. Archies, you can go kill all those high level monsters and twidle your thumbs over a blade of time, but pacis will always live on!

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#34 Mec

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Posted 16 July 2004 - 10:22 PM

Just get an archie yourself! Or join some big clan.

#35 Momba

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Posted 17 July 2004 - 01:48 AM

You know me. I only read the first post under a thread so if what I am about to say has already been said then listen anyway...lol

The museum is fine as it is. I took my paci there and had no trouble if I used subdue. It is a bit more challenging to remember to save a stam to recast subdue when it runs out but still very easy to make gold.

To bad the area wasn't this way when pacifist were introduced to the game.
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#36 deadman

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Posted 17 July 2004 - 02:35 AM

the museum was made b4 paci's came about and was fine until paci's came about... paci's saw the 2nd floor as an easier spot to train and it was fine.. then they noticed they can make alot of gold sitting up there for weeks and weeks at a time tributing then their deity was changed as to where they rarely even have to tribute up there so they make unbelievable gold... thats not what the museum or the 2nd floor of it was made for.. thats why it was changed in my opinion.. its fine the way it is now bc it makes less gold in the game bc paci's cant sit up there 24/7 no tribute an not using mana and make 10mil+ after about a couple weeks or a month time.. paci's screwed the nightmist economy up royally.. theres to many ppl that wouldnt even have a cobalt if it wasnt for paci's... which gets really annoying.. and theres to many cobalts in the game bc of paci's..

im glad they changed it and made mas's hit for more makes less gold in the game an less nobody's having a cobalt or 5/6 stat arches they dont know how to use..
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#37 sephiroth42420

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Posted 17 July 2004 - 07:41 AM

I really dont understand why there is so much animosity towards paci. We make mass kills and get mass amounts of gold. Don't like it? Pk us.

O wait.

You cant :P

#38 Gaddy

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Posted 27 July 2004 - 10:12 PM

Had some paci follow my party around trying to take kills from me. After his first theft he simply assisted me though. Some people don't know how to simply look over a monster.

Anyway, from now on if a paci isn't my friend, I am highly likely to start dragging mods on top of eachother, or I may do like I did once upon a time and take 12 crits to 3rd floor...then drag sets of arrowheads to 2nd.

I am not against pacis. I am against the way most people use them, and the way they flooded NM with gold.

And as for any person dumb enough to think that having an arch or 13 means that you've got gold out the wazoo...I've got 12 arches (13 with paci counted), they've all got pretty nice stats. Well, my bank usually has 5-30k unless I am saving or just sold some drop. I don't just toss gold away, when you're not ONE crit and you have to buy mana, it drains a bit of gold. Especially when you buy equip for each alt you want to use.

So I have zero remorse for people who are upset that pacis cannot sit on the second floor doing nothing and being indestructable gold farmers. Try actually playing Nightmist rather than just making gold. It's not that it's terrible to want to have some gold, it's that it is terrible to play a game only to make gold. PLAY THE GAME! I mean seriously, why make gold if you won't train a party to go to bosses just because you're worried about dying in a text based GAME.

Why would you want to have a load of gold and never just play. Why have gold and not go around actually playing the game. I've got no problem with simply playing a paci. I've got a problem with people who never train up other crits to find out if they enjoy them. Sure you will be pked and you will die. The hard areas won't be easy for you to find or explore, but surely you'd have more fun dying doing stuff than circling the zeum for hours on end.
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#39 Crane


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Posted 27 July 2004 - 10:30 PM

I have to be honest, I was one to farm on the 2nd floor. But after my Pacifist area opened and the Modern Art Sculpture was modified, I started to get more adventurous. I'm training my regular crits a lot more and I'm now making gold with Europa in very dangerous territory, Harabec Dungeon. Ultimately, modifying the Museum has done a lot of good, I feel.

It shouldn't be impossible for a Pacifist to make gold, as they need to buy their own equipment and donate to clans and such.

At first I didn't support the Modern Art Sculpture being changed, but it has reduced the gold flood, and I'm starting to see the value in it.
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