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The Return Of A Demon

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#31 Night_Angel

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Posted 08 March 2007 - 10:11 PM

Tears gently accepted the rose. "Thank you sir. It's beautiful" She could feel herself being drawn to him, seeing the pain he tried to hide so deep. "You called me Tears, thank you for my name, I feel so lost, now very slightly found".
She watched him. his gaze fell back to the rubble "Was this your home? It was once a happy place but now... I feel sorrow and pain here, but I feel death in you"

she couldnt figure out what drew her to this man, or how she knew this place was happy. she felt it, felt his pain and something dancing on the edge of the welcoming warmth of him......

She stared into his eyes, hypnotizing, and being hypnotized herself. It seemed she would fall forever into the depth of his eyes, his soul.... She caught a glimpse of fire and..... demons? She gasped, shivered and jumped, breaking the spell they had on each other.....

Who has a soul as deep as his so warm and has fire and demons in its depths. The eyes she saw... not his...evil... I need to trust him.... I feel it... How does he know me?? I have to trust him...

She knew her thought must be showing, She didnt want him to see her inner struggle. His gaze fell again on the rubble. "I don't feel death in this place, why are you so entranced, it can be rebuilt sir....."

just shut up, you dont know what this place is or what it means to him. just keep quiet and let him talk if he wants to. you've always stuck yourself into where you dont belong. There was somethign unnatural about this place, that caused the fire. It is still alive, Tears felt the creature, waiting....

Edited by Night_Angel, 08 March 2007 - 10:45 PM.

Perhaps one day maybe I will understand PAIN. Why it is and how it has to be. Until then...

#32 Elucid

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Posted 10 March 2007 - 07:53 AM

Her dreams were so vivid...

A beautiful man...walking through the streets of Nightmist...stopping to gaze at the wreckage of the Inn that her captor had burned...A fire dancing in his eyes...she watched as the girl aproched him...they spoke but the dream was muted she heard nothing...only felt...she watched as the girl took the rose from him...how unguarded she was..how could this girl be so wrong...so trusting of this man...stupid girl...can she not see even a glimpse of what he fights inside...attention turned back to the man..he felt somewhat similar to the woman who held her captive now...death and destruction would follow him...the sword hanging at his side...it was not for show...his whole aura tainted with blood intense rage and...something...something else...fire engulfed her vision

She woke an intense burning rushing through her body she gasped for air...her back arching she screamed...her eyes flew open glowing amethyst in the darkness...the burning fading with the dream...this is bad...very bad...she wiggled not being able to move much and frowned trying to lift her arms, she cursed softly to herself..this is what I get for trying to help!...Only trust yourself is what father had said...but no I had to let my guard down..although being held so close by the woman was not bad...even the kiss that had sent me off to those horrid dreams had been somewhat pleasing...she screamed in frustration...pain in her stomach...she needed food and drink...how long had she been here...and where was that woman!..more struggling...AH! this is useless...she stopped as a grin crossed her face...

Her hand right near her waist and the small pouch of throwing daggers...she moved her fingers...touching the cold metal..sliding one out with her fingers she twirled it and sliced through part of the web freeing her hand bringing it out of the web she leans her hand up putting the blade to the web and slightly against the skin beneath it...running it slightly up she frees more of her arm feeling the blade cut slightly into her skin she takes in a sharp breath and cuts more of the web away...freeing her arms the small cut on her skin beginning to bleed....she cuts the web away from her chest and other arm then her legs freeing herself...She falls to the ground landing on her feet and looks around in the darkness

Closeing her eyes trying to feel the presence of the woman...she backs up slowly and comes into contact with the wall...her vision pitch black..feeling the blood flow slowly down her arm and into her hand...starting to drip from her fingertips...she sighed and slide down the wall sitting back against it...she had made up her mind..She would wait for the woman there was no way she could escape blind..and starveing she would die before she came to town...she slid her arm into her lap and leaned her head back against the wall...the only thing to do was wait...
Love is much like a wild rose, beautiful and calm, but willing to draw blood in its defense @)-`-,---

#33 Shapeshifter

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Posted 10 March 2007 - 08:32 AM

Shapeshifter continued throught the outskirts of the forest What the.... he asks himself as he sees the thin strands reflecting in the light.... Damn, that spider thing is wise.... there is now way.... I'll have to chance it he thinks to himself as he stands up his form fading back to that of a human...

Shapeshifter looks up and bayes at the moon and within a minute Fang is at his side. They walk along the outskirts of the forest until they find a place that is more sparcely webbed, he stops gesturing for Fang to do the same... he looks out past the tops of the trees and follows the shimmer of the webs back to their commonpoint. Wise and well overlain, this will definitely test difficult to pass without it informing her of our whereabouts... He settles himself down and thinks for a moment about the half elf that the thing took with her... it was the same one that ran around with the panther... he was sure of it... But then where.... he wondered as he looked around then sat and returned his focus to her... it had been days now that she had been in the creatures clutches, pressumably without food or water..

The more Shapeshifter thought the more he wondered about the webbing... It seems to be layed out in such a way that if even one were hit she would know about it.. But the more he thought about that he wondered... Could he possibly use this to his advantage... could he trip them in such a way to draw the creature out.... after all, he only wanted to talk... he wanted to understand....

Shapeshifter sat there perplexed and lost in thought while Fang circled carefully around him.... watching and waiting to defend if something came by.... Fang stops and takes a drink out of the small rivine that is running nearby, as he looks into the water he sees his gleaming soft grey coat and dark brown eyes, the walks back and circles Shapeshifter once more before lying down beside him and nodding off to sleep as Shapeshifter did himself...

Edited by Shapeshifter, 10 March 2007 - 08:36 AM.


"Slow Your Roll" << Sobe Cap

#34 Night_Angel

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Posted 10 March 2007 - 03:22 PM

For a moment they connected. She felt her fighting, she flet her trying, then she felt despair... she felt her giving up. She screamed inside for the girl to hold on.... but the pain was too much and it just felt so helpless......

"She's alive.... she needs help..."

Her words came out bairly audible, and very painful. the desperation in her voice reflected the hopelessness she could feel from the girl.

"I have to leave now sir.... I have to find her, she needs help..."

She had a moments hesitation, torn between the desire to stay with this man, and this girl's situation.
The moment passed and she turned to leave and, knowing she had to find a weapon, headed toward the house she had woken in.

She searched through the rooms again, this time trying to find the armor and blade she had seen her wear in the pictures. Finding the room belonging to Tears and Beblip, "Two Bodies With One Soul" she found her armoior and inside her was what she saught. Spiked armor, shield and a rose blade.

Pauseing in the kitchen to grab food and drink for herself and, as an after thought, for the man. She ran from the house back to the man....

I'll need help.... maybe he will acompany me to find this girl.... I shoud ask him who he is, if only to get a name.....
Perhaps one day maybe I will understand PAIN. Why it is and how it has to be. Until then...

#35 Elucid

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Posted 10 March 2007 - 06:40 PM

Thinking silent in the darkness...

Her panther...were was she now...going months without seeing the feline was hard at times...but she always returned...the one thing in her life that she trusted...the panther that she called Saphira would return...she understood the cat...they were alike in many ways...She had found the kitten in one of Nightmist's dark allys...blending into the darkness only her amethyst eyes shineing, they were a perfect match to Elucid's..drawn to the small animal she had nursed it back to health and brought it with her for a while until it was strong enough to survive on its own...the fierce panther had visited her often since then..returning to Elucid's side when she walked throughthe forest..but she had not sinced the cats presence in months...she could call to Saphira but she did not want the cat near this...woman..not yet....how would the woman react to Saphira...she had no idea but did not want to find out just yet...

She jumped startled as the woman touched her...fingers to her cheek, Elucid sit still wondering why she was still here if the woman was going to kill her she would be dead by now...she opened her eyes they glowed brightly, she stared into the darkness...focuseing she could make out a few things...the cave wall on the other side of the room rolling her eyes up the cieling covered with something that shined slightly...her attention back to the woman whos fingers were still against her cheek.

Elucid brought her hand up fingers softly against the womans hand...her skin was soft..and cold...were her hands wet? No no that was her blood...her skin was slick but that could have been from the blood that was now there...she pulled her hand back not wanting to get anymore of her blood on the woman...

Clearing her throat...she spoke quietly yet firmly..."Who are you...Why am I here?" suprised that her voice did not waiver...she fell silent again waiting for a response...or anything...the pains in her stomache growing her throat dry...from the days without liquid
Love is much like a wild rose, beautiful and calm, but willing to draw blood in its defense @)-`-,---

#36 Pwenf

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Posted 14 March 2007 - 05:13 AM

As Pwenf lie unconscious on the bed, slowly recovering, his mind led him elsewhere. He stood in front of the gates of his mountain home, looking in awe at the beauty he had been away from for too long. He smiled and walked through the gates leading into the tunnels within the mountains of Resthaven. As he passed through the small town he recieved the unwelcoming glares of his kin with each step.

Ah dinnae 'nderstand...me kin be givin me the look as if Ah be an Elf. This innit right, why do me kin glare at me so?

Pwenf looked at the blacksmith, one he had known since he was a young dwarf, just learning how to mine.
"Klangro! Me friend, it be a great sight ta see ye blacksmithin!" He said merrily to Klangro, who was pounding hot iron into the shape of an axe.

"Get away Pwenf, Ah dinnae want any treble. Jes keep walkin." Klangro said without looking at Pwenf.
"Wha? Ah dinnae 'nderstand! Tis me! Pwenf! Champion o' our people how can ye ignore me?"
"Ah cannae answer yer questionin, ye had best see yer father, tis forbidden fer any o' us ta be talkin ta ye."

Pwenf glared at Klangro for a few seconds, and scoffed, then went on his way.

Ah 'avent been banished 'ave Ah? Wha' in the Nine Hells is wrong with mah people?

As he appraoched The castle gates, he looked in amazement as a crew of demolishers were tearing down the statue of him that had been erected in honor of his becoming Champion of the Dwarves of Resthaven.

"Wha be the meanin o' this!?" Pwenf demanded as he grabbed the shoulder of a worker and spun him to face him.

"Oh my, 'tis the champion 'imself. Ye'll be needin ta talk te yer father. Ah cannae answer any questions."

"Yea, and e'er other damned dwarf in these mountains, get outta mah way." He said as he flung the worker to the ground. Pwenf was mad now and soon the workers darted away from the scene leaving Pwenf walking through as his statue came crashing down behind him.

As he entered the throne room, he glared at his father, a venerable Dwarf, who was nearing his 410th year of life.

"What be the meanin o' this father!? Damned if Ah dinnae get an answer from any of the damned townsfolk. But ye Father will give me an answer." He said angrily as he approached his father.

"Ah, Pwenf...my son. Ah'm afraid tha ye are no longer welcome here in Resthaven. Word has come to me that ye 'avent been upholding our values an befriendin strange company. Ah'm afraid that ye cannae come 'round 'ere anymore."

"What in the Nine Hells Are ye talking about!?"

"Meddling with magicians and elves 'as not done ye a service."
Pwenf's father pointed at the mirror to his side.

Pwenf turned to look, and when he saw his reflection, he was horrified...He was an elf.

Pwenf lurched forward with a loud scream. The caretakers quickly rushed to him and calmed him down. ensuring he did not injure himself further, for he was still very weak.

"Are you alright Master Dwarf?" The priest asked
"Get me an Ale, and make it quick." Pwenf said as he regained his composure. He sat up and leaned heavily on the wall.

"I'm afraid we cannot give you any Ale, for you are in the house of God." The priest replied.
"Ye'll get me an Ale, or Ah'll be tearin through Ye with my Halberd."
"You are in no condition to be doing such activity you need rest."
"Ah'll be damned if Ah cannae get an ale." Pwenf said as he struggled to get to his feet, he managed two steps before falling over, too weak to continue on.

The priests quickly got Pwenf back into the bed, and cast a spell to keep him there, at least for the remainder of the day.

"God's be damned. Ah'm stuck in a church with no Ale. Could this day be gettin any worse" He muttered "at least ah'm not an elf" He sighed a sigh of relief and stared out the window.

#37 Elucid

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Posted 15 March 2007 - 02:40 PM

She sighed quietly as the woman repeated her question ...slight shivers running down her spine feeling its fingers across her skin...soft...gentle...if she had not seen the display of strength at the inn she would say this woman was harmless, but that was un-true there was power in this being...

Did the woman even notice the small dagger that she held, or did she not think of it as a threat? Of course Elucid would not hurt this woman...she had saved it after all....but trusting each other so soon...it would be foolish and this...thing...did not seem foolish..she slid the dagger behind her back and draped her hand in her lap

She brought her other hand up to the woman's cheek caressing softly, then to its lips running her fingers softly along them...looking back into the womans eyes...they were large...unnatural..yet somehow still attracted her...she whispered softly as if to herself "or maybe the better question is what are you"
Love is much like a wild rose, beautiful and calm, but willing to draw blood in its defense @)-`-,---

#38 DemonSkys

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Posted 16 March 2007 - 03:28 AM


Draken was always an idiot. There was no doubt about that. He'd forgotten that in her death through him there was also rebirth. And there was also Day's blood as well. It was part of her and would always keep her going. They were in part vampires. And vampire's spirits were eternal. There was another that held another part of Whisper's soul. So yes as she'd died upon the battlefields of mystic. All to save a pathetic nephew she cared little for. Something happened before the crowd as a mirror shatterd within her grasp. A crystaline staff of time spun a different light.

From this a woman stepped from a mirror in the hallway. She had long blond hair and large lavender eyes. She knelt before the fallen woman with azure eyes and long red hair. "The game isn't over yet mother. Embrace me and begiven the life you once lead. Free of error and folly. I surrender and submit to you." The woman fell silent as the spirit of whisper embraced her daughter. Hodua's daughter. The husband that had abandoned her about as much as Draken did.

She carried on. The girl was gathered close and a press of her lips to hers. Her body went cold and the spirit woman stepped free. She entered Rainea's body and let Rainea's brave spirit have her broken shattered body. "I'm so sorry my darling daughter. I'll have another daughter and name her for you. My golden princess in the sky." Her hand reached out and flames engulfed that flame haired body. Rainea's last words were of love to her mother. Whisper had been given a final chance. Long silvery golden hair swirled about her as she rose up and glanced around.

Night mist realm. So long it had been since she'd ventured to these lands. This place where a wayward husband walked. But how would he greet a wife he'd probably forgotten. And what of thier progeny. What of Delaney the Enemy's child. Where had she run off to. There were so many questions within her mind. But first. Him. She needed to deal with her once husband. Were they still together or not. As the charred redheads body finished burning. She'd lean down and picked up the Malhavoc ring. Walking into the light. She'd whisper into the late morning's sky.

'Come to me..." So soft , a whispered command. But would he hear her calling. Would he care to remember that soft voice. And what's more. How much of a heart attack would he have to see the small whisper back. The tiny little lavender eyed elven woman once again.. Rainea's body shifted. Becoming her own. Her daughter gave her life for her. Now to see if her daughter had made the right choice in this final chance.
.·:*¨¨*:·.ßëttër Ôff Å£öñë.·:*¨¨*:·.
Demonskys on Main, Demonskys/Lilly on 1a

#39 DemonSkys

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Posted 17 March 2007 - 02:34 AM


"Has your heart grown so cold you can not feel, Draken. Does your blood not stir as if one of yours was before you. Or are you so blinded by hurt that is misplaced to recognize what is before you." It was whisper's voice not rainea's that greeted him. Her haunting lavender eyes shifted fully to his face as if taunting him a little bit to deny the words she said. A step forward then another until she stood before the large man that was now so enraged and yet she had no fear. Just a smile, a wing and a dark prayer.

The ring held out to him in the palm of her hand. Daring him to take it from her. Would he feel her if he touched the flesh it rested so precariously upon. Would he still feel Rainea or would he feel his lady wife, Whisper. So fast her mannerisms shifted and yes Rainea truely was gone. There was no essence of her remaining. The redheaded woman lay at Draken's feet. A pile of ash and cinder. Rainea lay there in that pile, given to give her another chance.

He drew a sword and placed it near her throat. Her fingers caressed over his blade unafraid. "Will you wish me cut, To bleed for you again? Would you wish to check and see? Rainea is no more... " Her voice trailed off as she really had nothing more to say. The next step... was his.
.·:*¨¨*:·.ßëttër Ôff Å£öñë.·:*¨¨*:·.
Demonskys on Main, Demonskys/Lilly on 1a

#40 DemonSkys

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Posted 17 March 2007 - 12:19 PM


Death was something that a mistress of time knew all to well. Her eyes went to Malhavoc as he wavered. Her ring was knocked to the ground and she'd kneel down picking it up. It was treasured to her wither he liked it or not. A trap it had been once not so long ago. But those days were done. She'd caress her fingers over his lips and sighed gently. "Draken...." Kneeling down a moment she'd calm those voices in his head with just the touch of her. She'd had that power over him once. Maybe it would happen again at least she'd hoped. When she'd been near madness wasn't so prevailing.

"I loved you then, I love you now. But what darling do you love in your life. A body dies, A spirit is eternal. And mine had no longing to be up quite yet. She gave herself to me for me to return to you. Is that not enough or do you want my blood on your hands as well again, Draken." He'd shatterd her last time. What was another betrayal and death. What was another destructive interlude where she'd dance with the devil and fall hapless by the moon light.

Would his madness die down long enough for him to see her within the lavender eyes. Eyes so alike the ones he'd always known her with. Fire seeped from her finger tip to warm him but not burn him. She often let just her apperance be the painful part of things.
.·:*¨¨*:·.ßëttër Ôff Å£öñë.·:*¨¨*:·.
Demonskys on Main, Demonskys/Lilly on 1a

#41 Night_Angel

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Posted 17 March 2007 - 03:45 PM

Tears returned to the burnt rubble, the beautiful man was gone..

why am i so enthralled with him... im spoken for... Beblip was my husband... before... before what i cant remember. He left me, and then... He was there... my angel.... or demon....

I need to find this girl, it doesnt seem as helpless anymore, she feels safe. There were others here. Perhaps i will search them out, maybe they will know what happened. where would they be....

The church...

Tears ran to the church moving more by instinct then memory. inside she saw a gnome and a dwarf sleeping, both looked beat up.

they certanly look like theyve been in a fight and possibly a burning. well here goes

Whispering so as not to wake them if they are sleeping "hello, is anyone awake?"
Perhaps one day maybe I will understand PAIN. Why it is and how it has to be. Until then...

#42 Pwenf

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Posted 20 March 2007 - 06:40 PM

Dreams of Ale and hot meat ran through Pwenf's mind as he slept by the window. He had fallen asleep soon after the caretakers had cast the binding spells around his bed, to prevent him from hurting himself by trying to get out of the church, and he was awoken by a voice. He shook his head and looked over and saw Tears.

"Wha de ye want?" pwenf asked gruffly

#43 Night_Angel

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Posted 14 April 2007 - 06:41 PM

Tears was taken aback by teh grufness in teh response. She took a rugged breath and shakily replied

"I want to know what happened. And to know why I feel a girl who was in danger. I feel the need to find her and help her, but i dont know where she would be... I thought maybe, you would want to help....."

*Tears inhaled deeply and held her breath awaiting the answer, not sure if it would be calm or yelling. She knew she woke him up even though she wasn't trying to.*

Edited by Night_Angel, 14 April 2007 - 06:43 PM.

Perhaps one day maybe I will understand PAIN. Why it is and how it has to be. Until then...

#44 Shapeshifter

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Posted 18 April 2007 - 02:46 PM

Shapeshifter awoke from his slumber and glanced around, thinking about his dream it had been so real... so painful That voice... who or what was it? and why do I feel the inset of that pain?.... He picks himself up shakily from the ground the leaves that had fallen from the trees cascading from his cloak to the ground, he brushes himself off and surveys the scene, he looks over at Fang and notices that his surroundings seem more aged, even his cloths seem damp and dank. I must have slept for a few days, its a wonder I'm not dead.. I must remember to thank Fang for my safekeeping..

He pats Fang on the head and walks off to a nearby stream and washes his cloths, then jumps in and washes and climbs out and changes into his spares and hanging them on the treebranches. Milling through his thoughts he remembers the webbing that encased the forest near that mountain, and his thoughts of triggering it to draw her out... This could work.... hrm... He makes a rough sketch of the area in the sand and marks the key points that he would have to trigger to make this plan even remotely work. I'm going to need help... there are too many points that need to be triggered too quickly..

His thoughts wandered back to the gnome and the dwarf back in the church probably wondering about what had happened. I could see if they wanted to help... He turned to Fang and gathered his things into his satchel redoning his armor noticing that the oak vest was feeling tighter. I'll have to stop at a shop along the way and get myself some new armor... and maybe a new weapon if i have the gold to afford it... He tosses his satchel over his shoulder and falls forward as he morphs into a bear and growls to Fang and runs back through the forest towards north gate and the church to collect the pair...

Once reaching the gate he stands and his form fades back into his human form and walks down the road towards the church, passing the rubble that was once he Sleeping Fox. His eyes fade to a cold grey as he remembers the chaos that ensued there... So much has happened... I owe Pwenf, I was the one that endangered him... and Paramore.... He continues down the road and stops at the Boar's Tusk Inn and collects a pint of mead and tosses the bartender a few coins and leaves the tavern walking towards the church, he tucks the canteen of mead away and smiles momentarily.

He opens the door to the church and steps in quietly expecting everyone to still be asleep only to see another person standing before Pwenf's bed, as Pwenf lays there wide awake seemingly struggling against the bed himself. He snickers as he approaches the bed and waves his hand over the bed removing the enchantments that have been cast. He sits on the end of Pwenf's bed and smiles at him then looks over to the new person and looks her over quickly.

"Well well, who have we here? Whats your name miss?"

"Slow Your Roll" << Sobe Cap

#45 Night_Angel

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Posted 20 April 2007 - 01:34 PM

I am Tears, or so I have been told.

she felt at peace with this man, he wasnt as gruff as the little man she had just awoken. This man felt friendly, like maybe she had known him in another life.

I am here to get help to find a girl. I don't know who she is, or where really. I just felt her. I thought maybe...

Im talking too much again

Do you know what happend? And if she is ok? And if he is ok.

Tears points to teh other slumbering man who hadnt moved since she arrived at the church.

Edited by Night_Angel, 20 April 2007 - 01:35 PM.

Perhaps one day maybe I will understand PAIN. Why it is and how it has to be. Until then...

#46 Shapeshifter

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Posted 25 April 2007 - 05:18 PM

Shapeshifter looks over at Tears and smiles, "Welcome..." He looks around the room to see that the priest had returned to his chambers, he slips a canteen out from under his cloak and hands it to Pwenf. "A gift my friend, to show that I still care about your safety and well being.... but I'm not as stuck up and smarmy as those priests.. " he winks "bottoms up!" He looks back to Tears and then over to Paramore as he rests on his bed.... "I do not know what will come of that fair little gnome... he was a great friend and a powerful little cleric."

He turns away and lowers his head What would happen of his little friend... of that he didnt know... and of everything else... He looks back at Tears "How did you come to know where these two were?.. and about the other girl?" he gestures to Pwenf and Paramore.. then thinks back to the other half elf girl that was now away with that spider woman "Ah, but that matters little now.." He looks down again and chuckles softly as Fang sniffs at Tears then walks over and sits down by Shapeshifter's side..

Shapeshifter looks down lost in thought.. Why does she haunt my thoughts, why am I so desire driven to find her and find out about her?... is this love?... I dont have time to wonder.... I can sort through emotions later, right now I just have to get her back from that spider woman's lair.. Yes.. that is what needs to be done at the moment, other things can wait... save her first.. ponder emotions later....

He looks back at Tears "Yes, I know what happened... for it was my error in judgement that caused everything you see here.... and what caused that girl to get captured....." he looks back down and speaks softly.. "It's all my fault...."

He looks back up, and quickly wipes away a single tearstreak that ran down his cheek.. "I'll fix things.. but it's going to be an interesting task getting to the girl, most of the forest is laden with webbing that will alert her to our pressence... but I plan to use that to my advantage..." He smirks and winks at Tears, then looks over at Pwenf.. "But I'm going to need both your help."

He stands up and goes to a table to redraw the map he sketched in the sand.

"Slow Your Roll" << Sobe Cap

#47 DemonSkys

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Posted 25 April 2007 - 10:52 PM


A foolish girl her body was but the woman within was far from it. As she watched him and the way he acted. His trance to her apperance was nothing new of her. He acted the same way the last time he met Rainea. However Rainea was now dead and She... WHISPER was the one living. He was being foolish to think for one small instant that she was going to let go of her husband. She'd done that enough in her past. And he was an idiot to turn his back to her. His sword she knew was a weakness.

She rose up then. "Let them try to kill me, Draken. You will be sorry. As you will go with me." She laughed then as with a burst of his own speed and Day's agility and anger. His sword was grasped and she turned it on him. A malicious little grin covering her sinfully dark pink lips. She blurred from him with just a hint of her soft raspberry scent.

Laughter filled the air as suddenly she sat upon a branch like swing. It was her trademark place to be when she was just chilling. His orders to kill her. Calling her a simple #####. Who did he think he was. A laugh burst her soft lips yet agian. Let them try. She'd take the Malhavoc with her. And what's more she'd take more then that with her. She had a little secret for him of her own.

"Courtesan? kill me? Please do darling, Draken. And you will never see.... the baby." She laughed and with a kick of her foot. She'd swing two and from. A pretty pain to his heart. He wanted to play a game. She could do the same.
.·:*¨¨*:·.ßëttër Ôff Å£öñë.·:*¨¨*:·.
Demonskys on Main, Demonskys/Lilly on 1a

#48 DemonSkys

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Posted 26 April 2007 - 11:51 PM

The sword fell from her grasp but she felt as though she'd been punched. Her body fell to the ground and layed there breathless. And it was only made worse when Draken reclaimed the sword and put it to her throat. She was left with little choice but to stare up him. Her eyes shifted to Azure and her hair shifted red. Yes she could create a glamour to take on another appearance. He now saw her as she'd last been. The night he'd taken the body and made it his. And hers.

Her bottom lip drawn into her mouth in pain. He called her a liar. She'd arch up and the sword cut into her. "Finish it then, Draken. Remember the night we fought and I shattered the mirror. Remember when we'd turned this body ours. Together... The night in your casket as Delaney ran off with Dremoir. " She sighed softly.

Those blue eyes were fastened upon his own. "He will die with me, Draken... Our son will go with me. As I will not tell you unless you are with me and at my side. A body matters not. A heart and soul are eternal. You know this."
.·:*¨¨*:·.ßëttër Ôff Å£öñë.·:*¨¨*:·.
Demonskys on Main, Demonskys/Lilly on 1a

#49 Pwenf

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Posted 29 April 2007 - 05:14 AM

Pwenf looked cautiously at the canteen he had just been handed. "well Ah much appreciate this mr. elfy." He opened the canteen and took a long swig, paying not much attention to Shapeshifter, and trickles of the drink ran down through his unruly beard, which had fallen into poor care during his recovery.
As he finished the swig, Pwenf let out a refreshed "Ahhh." he looked at Shapeshifter, and spoke. "So whats' this crazy elf scheme ye've devised now??? Ah beg yer pardon but Ah weren't payin ye much attention. Fine drink by the way."

#50 Shapeshifter

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Posted 03 May 2007 - 02:51 PM

Shapeshifter finishes a couple details on the map and looks up and smiles at Pwenf. "Tis ok my fine friend.... after everything you've been through I figured that these stiffs wouldnt get you a drink, so I figured I would swing by and get you one myself... a get well gift if you will..." He turns back and looks over the map once more and scratches down a few more rough figures. He sits back in the chair, happy with his work then turns around, leaning on the back of his chair he looks at the pair behind him. He looks down at Fang as he sits infront of him and looks back up, he reaches down and scratches his head and looks out the window at the receading sunlight.

Night is coming.... We should rest for tonight...

Shapeshifter looks up and extends and arm to Tears and Pwenf. "We should take up lodge in the Boar's Tusk for the night... I'll cover room costs."

He turns and heads for the door then holds it open for Tears and Pwenf. He turns back to the priest "Look after Paramore... when he wakes.... help him....." The priest nods and Shapeshifter returns his gaze to Pwenf and Tears. "We shouldn't impose upon the hospitality of this church anymore.."

"Slow Your Roll" << Sobe Cap

#51 Night_Angel

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Posted 03 May 2007 - 05:05 PM

Tears followed the men out of the church, letting them lead her to the Inn.

"I would like to help in anyway I can. I dont know much about the girl. And to answer your question about knowing that Pwenf and Paramore? was it? that Pwenf and Paramore were at the church, well I was taking a chance. I saw the rubble, and felt pain. And there was a man there, I talked to him, he gave me my name. And when I went to get better garments and some food, he left. So I thought I would try to get help finding the girl, it feels like shes in danger, but I cant feel her as strong now, so maybe shes not in so much danger now... or......

Im sorry for rambling on, I'm just not sure about all of this, I feel like I'm dreaming... Maybe sleep will help."

I hope I can help him find her. and I hope that other man is ok.
Perhaps one day maybe I will understand PAIN. Why it is and how it has to be. Until then...

#52 Pwenf

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Posted 18 May 2007 - 11:59 PM

Pwenf sighed. "Ah....Ye might be rigth Mr. Elf. We should be goin." Pwenf got up, grabbed his things and gave a small wave to the priests. "Well elt's be gettin te tha Boar's Tusk. Ah like tha Inn." Pwenf brushed past the priest and was out the door.

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