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Poll: Do you think pete's should be removed from the game? (98 member(s) have cast votes)

Do you think pete's should be removed from the game?

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#31 Julius

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Posted 02 March 2004 - 08:22 AM

I like the place because it provides me with free mana and potions. And its a nice way to beat the crap out of each other without worrying about wasting hard time training. Once again, for the thousanth time, don't go if you don't want to. Its a game, its meant to be fun, stop whining about free fun...godness, half the time I have to pay for things to have fun, so hey, don't complain about what ya got.
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#32 Epic

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Posted 02 March 2004 - 08:35 AM

Going or not going isnt the point im making....lemme repeat myself and say once again, the exp was lowered in arenas to encourage people to go out of town and train, so i figure why not close that up and encourage people to go back out of town more often.. so stop saying "dont go there dont go there" ... anyway i figured there were more people that disliked petes then there is that enjoy it..my mistake

Edited by Epic, 02 March 2004 - 08:37 AM.

#33 S3it0*

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Posted 02 March 2004 - 09:55 AM

so tell me something Epic, if you are so worried about noobs not going away out of town and not getting pked, rather staying in petes, why dont you go there and kill them there? isnt that what ur bitching about? not getting pks? well go to the places where the pks are are get some :) seems simple. I voted no because Simon made it for a reason, maybe it was meant to be killed to drop something that no one has seen before? or maybe drop something that has been seen before, just as a once off.. but im not going to say anymore =)

bottom line, i dont see whats wrong with having a pkable square thats noxploss, isnt that rather like moshes? i dont know ive been in maybe 10moshes in my 2 years of playing NM /me curses GMT+13 once again

#34 Epic

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Posted 02 March 2004 - 10:45 AM


I dont enjoy going to petes just because "noobs"(how you so loosly use the term)die and run right back up, its a pointless process and is rather annoying(to me)and like i said i figured there were more people that found it as annoying as i do then there seems to be is all. Also im 90% sure that he doesnt drop anything(dont worry about why i know that)so that cancels out that argument.

#35 Xlithan


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Posted 02 March 2004 - 11:56 AM

well seeing as the boars is directly underneath, people just die and come back, which make's it unfair. i reckon that once you enter, u gotta die before u go back :)

#36 Aranious

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Posted 02 March 2004 - 03:32 PM

ermm... Pete?

#37 newb

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Posted 02 March 2004 - 04:34 PM

According to your logic, Epic, they wouldn't go out of town, they would use other arenas.


#38 Zylia

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Posted 02 March 2004 - 06:21 PM

I dislike Petes. You train crits so that they gain XP, then you go to Petes, kill and die a million times, with no XP loss. In essence you never really have to train your crits again once you're content with their level. Die a million times and have no penalty - while gaining pk count?! How quaint!

Might better remove the Nightmist Dueling Arena thing on Raven Street because theres 0 point to it while Pete's exists.

This game is becoming so lazy-user friendly its unbelievable.

#39 Mastah_Fluff

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Posted 02 March 2004 - 06:37 PM

Last time I was in Petes and was doing the killing and dying thing, my kills and death counts never moved, and I don't think they should remove the Dueling Arena, its private for those people who want a duel against themselves and not have it interrupted by other people
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#40 Epic

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Posted 02 March 2004 - 09:17 PM

According to your logic, Epic, they wouldn't go out of town, they would use other arenas.


The point im making is if you change one thing(exp in arenas) to make people do something else(Go out of town and explore)why not change something else(petes)to again make people start going out of town again and "exploring". But nevermind i get a bunch of retarded posts and responses as if nobody uses their brains anymore to put 2 and 2 together. Like i said i figured more people hated petes then appears and i think most everyone has posted so thats that...and i figured sitting on NM all day losing exp was a waste of time, now you can sit here and not lose exp all day..gaining noting losing nothing :) :blink:

#41 Mastah_Fluff

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Posted 02 March 2004 - 10:48 PM

I actually think more people will leave town now that didn't want to before because of all the pkers being out there as well, now they stand a little more of a chance of not being pked so they can see more of whats out there and etc.
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#42 Dc

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Posted 02 March 2004 - 11:17 PM

petes is allright with me
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#43 Drac

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Posted 03 March 2004 - 12:01 AM

Well.. heres the facts how i see it:

-it keeps most of the weaker minded players(which also happen to be most of the die hard pkers) occupied while the people who want to train can in relative peace.

-It attracts way too much activity to southern nightmist. Most people who used to run around and do other things now just sit there at pete's and beat the fool out of each other.
-It greatly reduces the 'game' for the 'sport' of pking. Everyone is there at pete's getting their pk fill when they should be out looking for and earning their pks. Basically anyone who thinks shooting fish in a barrel is fun will think killing ppl at pete's is fun and should, in my humble opinion, be shot themselves.
-It is not a dueling square. Some may think it is, but it is not. There is no dueling when your screen is going a mile an hour and anyone on the square, including pete, can hit you.
-It probably increases lag, and if it doesnt, pete's definetely doesnt help the lag.
-It just makes ppl lazy.

Again, these are just the facts as I see them. Feel free to argue or contradict them. Just be sure that your comments are valid.

#44 Fossae

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Posted 03 March 2004 - 12:37 AM

New forum so its a new topic.. Get rid of Petes.
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#45 Xlithan


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Posted 03 March 2004 - 12:41 AM

I dislike Petes. You train crits so that they gain XP, then you go to Petes, kill and die a million times, with no XP loss. In essence you never really have to train your crits again once you're content with their level. Die a million times and have no penalty - while gaining pk count?! How quaint!

Might better remove the Nightmist Dueling Arena thing on Raven Street because theres 0 point to it while Pete's exists.

This game is becoming so lazy-user friendly its unbelievable.

I know!

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#46 ice_cold

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Posted 03 March 2004 - 01:30 AM

Well.. heres the facts how i see it:

-it keeps most of the weaker minded players(which also happen to be most of the die hard pkers) occupied while the people who want to train can in relative peace.

-It attracts way too much activity to southern nightmist. Most people who used to run around and do other things now just sit there at pete's and beat the fool out of each other.
-It greatly reduces the 'game' for the 'sport' of pking. Everyone is there at pete's getting their pk fill when they should be out looking for and earning their pks. Basically anyone who thinks shooting fish in a barrel is fun will think killing ppl at pete's is fun and should, in my humble opinion, be shot themselves.
-It is not a dueling square. Some may think it is, but it is not. There is no dueling when your screen is going a mile an hour and anyone on the square, including pete, can hit you.
-It probably increases lag, and if it doesnt, pete's definetely doesnt help the lag.
-It just makes ppl lazy.

Again, these are just the facts as I see them. Feel free to argue or contradict them. Just be sure that your comments are valid.

those arent facts, they're opinions.

and to whoever said the pay dueling arena should be removed, i think otherwise. my and dynanamics used it 3 times yesterday alone. just because some people dont like/use something, doesnt mean it should be removed :-P

Edited by ice_cold, 03 March 2004 - 01:31 AM.

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#47 Xlithan


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Posted 03 March 2004 - 01:52 AM

keep the dueling arena, if you remove it, where will people duel without losing exp? Petes, always somebody there. The duel arena is hardly ever used, so if you ever wanna duel fairly...it's there

#48 Amethena

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Posted 03 March 2004 - 03:13 AM

While personally I don't find much amusement sitting in Crazy Pete's endlessly, I do find every now and then visiting to be harmless. Is it a waste of time? In a sense it is. Should it be removed? I don't think so. Everyone has a choice on how they spend their time on the game. Choice 1: be non-productive and hang out in Crazy Pete's. Choice 2: Be somewhat productive and venture outside town. The choice is up to the individual player. I do question though why they would place Crazy Pete's where it is located. I'm sure there was a hidden reason for it. However, overall if a person doesn't like that place and don't feel it should be in existance, don't go up there. This isn't meant to offend anyone, but you have to admit, does it really matter? :)

#49 Epic

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Posted 03 March 2004 - 05:21 AM

Point taken, but let me follow your 1 and 2 point system really fast for example let me go back to the exp thing..exp was taken lowered from areans..why..

1. Be low productive and sit in arenas gaining low exp

2. Go out of town and gain higher exp

Its basically the same thing just flopped around a lil bit..thats the only part i dont get..no biggie

#50 Tha_Girl

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Posted 03 March 2004 - 07:42 AM

i personally think stupid polls need to be removed from forum

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#51 Amethena

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Posted 03 March 2004 - 07:50 AM

I do agree on the exp thing. At least with the arenas the purpose was to level without PK's. But nonetheless it'll never go back to how it was. Personally I think the exp should be put back to what it was if Crazy Pete's stays because it's a contradiction in itself?

#52 Epic

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Posted 03 March 2004 - 07:59 AM


#53 Xlithan


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Posted 03 March 2004 - 04:33 PM

well, today i was enjoying getting beat up by zerkers, i was just relaxing, chatting, and dying, without losing exp... ahhh, the posibilities

#54 newb

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Posted 03 March 2004 - 05:21 PM

What the hell are you talking about. Experience points and Crazy Pete's are not related in any way. Crazy Pete's is not a monster arena, where you kill things and gain xp.

Arenas were halved in xp to encourage people to train outside town. The trade off is that arenas are nopk. There is a trade-off. Less xp for less death. I don't even know why you are comparing training and pk'ing.

Just drop it. Stop complaining because you are missing out on a few pk's. There is more to the game than pk'ing. If you don't think so, then stop playing.


#55 Raylen


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Posted 03 March 2004 - 06:19 PM

Hmm, i think he's just saying that it's inconsistent - arena exp gets halved to encourage people to leave the towns, (orc exp halved as well to encourage more exploring) but then you have crazy pete's which encourages people not to leave town. I'd like to see it go to be honest, as all the killing messages are annoying when i'm trying to train/kill stuff/talk to people.
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#56 Oracle



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Posted 03 March 2004 - 06:46 PM

But you guys just stood at the sgh anyway or at the arilin sewer entrance so it seems better to have you where you can help out noobs in-between duelling etc. You still are encouraged to leave the town to progress in the game hence train, which is the key point imo.

#57 Mia

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Posted 03 March 2004 - 07:48 PM

get him out of there. why should you get players killed and not get killed by player?? get him out of there, or get people to pay 100 gold there as they do in the normal duel area.
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#58 Epic

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Posted 04 March 2004 - 12:20 AM

Hmm, i think he's just saying that it's inconsistent - arena exp gets halved to encourage people to leave the towns, (orc exp halved as well to encourage more exploring) but then you have crazy pete's which encourages people not to leave town. I'd like to see it go to be honest, as all the killing messages are annoying when i'm trying to train/kill stuff/talk to people.


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#59 Phobos

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Posted 04 March 2004 - 01:39 AM

pete's is basically a place to practise your hit and runs while going up/down.
it's very challenging.
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#60 Rappy_Ninja

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Posted 04 March 2004 - 02:07 AM

pete's = gay it should be removed there never are any good fights anywhere nemore like south of nm/ricks
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