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Dhw Vs The Crypt Rp Battle

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#31 Jigsaw

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Posted 22 April 2006 - 01:52 PM

Amongst the mayhem of fleeing the camp, Jigsaw notices a series of distress signals coming from the North-West.

"Snoopy", he thought to himself.

Jigsaw walked over to Stella through a crowd of warriors preparing to leave.

"If we leave now we can kill two birds with one stone, Snoopy is to the North-West, we can set up camp there and join him."

"Then that's what we'll do"
said the beautiful Stella.

Jigsaw also gathered as many mana crystals as he could manage and started leading the party to the signals of The Great Ranger Snoopy.

"We must be quick, I doubt the enemy will be wise enough of our situation to take advantage, but we cannot take the chance."

Edited by Jigsaw, 22 April 2006 - 02:23 PM.

#32 Äññöÿäñcë

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Posted 22 April 2006 - 01:52 PM

Disaster clenched his fists in anger, at being spoken too like a bairen, and not being able to fight. To his suprise blue sparks emitted. He wondered about his mental illness, and how it stops him from fighting... Yet he also remembered being told it was possible for him to conjure a beam mighty enough to destroy anything, but it would destroy himself in the process... Maybe this was the way to win the war? Suddenly, Jigsaw came into his hut.

"My lord, we are moving in the direction of Snoopy, and there is word that the legendry Grandmaster Spectra is with him, he will be able to heal your wounds." Jigsaw exclaimed. "We will have to move with haste though, Dark Gnomes are attacking."

Holding back the immense happiness at being called 'My Lord' Disaster quietly agreed, thanked Jigsaw, picked up his Cobalt staff and moved out of the hut.

"Snoopy, are you there? What is your present location? If you give me enough detail, I may be able to teleport there." Disaster questioned, reaching out with his mind on one of the few secure connections, only interpreted by the rulers of the land.
Disaster waited patiently, he waited patiently for the reply.

((OOC: Before you all start saying "There is no such thing as reaching out with your mind" ect, it is just like paging on the actual game, I just put it a little differently as 'Paging' sounds a little non-mystical-like. ;)))

Edited by Äññöÿäñcë, 22 April 2006 - 02:07 PM.

Disaster ingame.

#33 Snoopy


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Posted 22 April 2006 - 02:31 PM

Staggering back Snoopy felt a seering pain bursting in his mind as though a beetle was burring into his brain, grabbing his long drak hair he roared trying to force the pain from his mind.

A voice spoke, requesting his location "what witchcraft is this" he snarled focusing his instincts to view the source of this intuder upon his mind. Seeing a figer of a dark mage instantly recoginabale as his old friend Disaster he pulled his bow from his back and fired a huge volley of flaming arrows to the sky, the arrows seemed to fly off into the distance like a flock of birds taken by some unholy wind.

"you should know better then to invade my mind my friend, follow the smoke to find my position" He chuckled to himself as the image of a perfect circle of flaiming arrows fell around the hapless mage

Turning to his allies "now we wait"

(OCC: To all you heavy role players - this is the first time most of us have tried this so if its sloppy dont be sinicle, join in have some light hearted fun with it)

Edited by Snoopy, 22 April 2006 - 02:49 PM.

If smoking 1 cig takes 30 seconds from my life, but laughing adds 5 minutes, if I get stoned every night do I live forever?

#34 Sneaky

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Posted 22 April 2006 - 02:57 PM

Lifting his gaze from his Spyglass, Deimos could see that all was going to plan.

"They know of your attack, and are fleeing just as I expected." The powerful gnome Mage said to a fierce looking Dark Gnome warrior. The warrior stood tall, covered almost completely in armor. His shoulders, the only skin that peaked out from the heavy playes, bulged enormously, showing this fighter's strength.

"Joo keeep joor end of deal, ve keep ours." the powerful warrior bellowed.

Satisfied, Deimos took one last look into the Spyglass, and sent the Gnome Leader from his cave in the camp.

Deimos then opened a chest, removed a pair of vibrant blue gauntlents, some exquisite rings, and a powerful Golden Staff. Though he usually didn't enter the actual battle field, the High Mage prepared for combat.

Taking one last look around the cavern, Deimos set his eyes on a wall with white markings. With a flick of his wrists, he created a Vortex Gate. Deimos entered the gate, prepared to tell the combat Lieutenant of his findings.
Chuck Norris wears Jack Bauer pajamas.

deimos the noob said no

#35 Sleeping

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Posted 22 April 2006 - 03:12 PM

(Meanwhile, somewhere in forest between TC and DWH camps)

"So you say they have a camp just outside the forest...". Lieutenant Squall was addressing captive Wives scout. He dismount horse and glared down along old forest road as if attempting to see his hated enemies just beyond dark trees. The High Council issued the order to postpone the assault till the dawn to gain maximum advantage but Wives' last attack was unforgivable. Too many young members had lost their lives, and even more, the man who did it had managed to escape. Squall could not rest till dept will be paid in blood, so he gathered mercenary squad and took away without saying anything to his comrades.

"I'll make you suffer, Zero" his thoughts were only about revenge. Squall took short glance back at his men; almost sixty battle ready and well armed riders were awaiting his orders, most were carrying heavy lancers and swords but there were enough mounted archers and even few battle mages dressed in fancy golden robes. Unlike him they were professional mercenaries and were fighting only for money and reputation. He thought to himself that even if they won't defeat mighty Wives army, upcoming battle would surely satisfy his blood thirst...For at least for now.

Squall himself was dressed in delicate leather armor finely crafted from skin of juvenile blue dragon and wore white cape over it, which bore insignias of The Crypt and god Talos beside each other. Sometimes he would question himself on where his alignment lies - with the clan or Lord Destroyer - but events would always take him through bloodiest battles so he had nothing to complain about. The weapon he held in his hand, the legendary Ceramic Javelin, hummed quietly and cold blue sparks fell off its tip as unseen electric charges coursed along its length.

Before the long avant-guard group showed up on the road. The warriors showed signs of apparent fight but nobody had serious injures. One knight rode forward and dismount before Squall.
"We had cleared out spies ahead all way till their camp, Sir. They will never know we are coming" - As prove of his words mercenary held out blood strained rag with still visible insignia of Wives and threw it into dust before his commander’s feet. - "Sir, if I may suggest, it seems that something had stirred them and they are moving their camp. It would be better if we will attack them soon while we know their location and they don’t know ours".

"Excellent work, soldier" - These were good news and Squall allowed himself to smile for moment as his boot tramped Wives insignia. Then he turned to chained scout "As for you, my friend. We have no use for prisoners anymore." Scout gasped for air in silence scream as javelin pierced his chest. Even though wound was small, it seemed that something deadly had entered his body as man collapsed forward and was dead.

"We are mov..." Squall was about to order his men but was cut short as familiar brilliant blue light caught his eye and he turned sharply to new threat. "High Mage Deimos, what a surprise!" Lieutenant paused momentary just to wipe blood off javelin with clean cloth and stepped forward looking over his comrade. "What had brought you here? I know High Council won’t approve my actions but I can’t just sit at camp doing nothing."

Edited by Sleeping, 22 April 2006 - 03:14 PM.

Does not play well with others.

#36 Jigsaw

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Posted 22 April 2006 - 03:35 PM

Darting through the forest slightly unnerved by something he couldn't quite put his finger on, Jigsaw felt the presence of Snoopy and now maybe others (he could feel other presences with him, but was not certain) more and more.

"We are close..."

Out the corner of his eye there he was, with the two other individuals he thought he had felt.

"Over here!" he shouted to the clan.

Jigsaw ran to Snoopy, examined the surroundings and the two strangers with him.

"How be your condition, Snoopy?"

Jigsaw held his scepter towards the two strangers.

"And these two, who are they?"

#37 Sneaky

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Posted 22 April 2006 - 03:39 PM

Setting his eyes on Lieutenant Squall, the presense of Deimos's magic took affect on all those surrounding. Flowers seemed to blossom from the grass, the clouds cleared a small patch for a ray of sun to penetrate, and all of the warriors lowered their weapons slightly.

"Don't worry about the Council, Lieutenant. As far as this war is concerned, the council appointed me in charge of all decisions- they wont be a bother as they are busy with the affairs in the Tirantek Mines. Now, I come to you -- an occassion in and of itself -- to bring news. The prize that you seek, the blood of the Housewives, is currently a very unattainable commodoty. For if you leave this camp now, you will not be greeted by their warriors- no, not at all.

"Instead of Housewives, a group of ferocious, blood-thirsty Dark Gnomes reside in that camp. You see, I knew their forces would be too powerful in a camp they have spent so much time building. I heard news of a wise old Seer amongst their ranks, and used this to my advantage. To lure them out of their camp, I contacted a Dark Gnome warrior, and made a little bargain with him. " Deimos turned his head sharply, staring at a few of the other warriors. Shaking his head, he tapped his staff three times on the ground. The tip glowed purple, and a fine, barely visible mist suddenly surrounded the group, and all the men fell silent and quite motionless.

"Pardon me. I arranged for this warrior to attack the housewives camp. The Seer would certainly forsee this attack, for these particular foul Dark Gnomes were of little intelligence. They were easy enough for me to manipulate, and I'm sure provided little challenge for the Seer to find during his meditations. While we're on the subject- Pardon me for the mist. I don't doubt my own intelligence, but the same can't be said about some of these men. The Seer would never be able to penetrate into the depths of my mind, but some of these warriors would be less of a challenge. The Mana Shroud serves as a protection, and I can assure you that only you and I will remember this conversation when I lower the mist.

"Now, I'm not sure where they will be going -- my spyglass can only see so far in the present. But hold your attacks for now, enter more training, and I will return with relics to help guard you..My sources tell me of a violent, unreliable mage amongst their ranks. Their camp see's him as a risk to themselves, but I fear he might be a greater risk to you. Though he strikes no fear through my veins, I cannot guaruntee that I will be there to counter his spells. Amulets and Gloves can certainly be attained to increase your men's chances of resisting such attacks, if need be."

With these last words, Deimos bowed his head slightly towards the Lieutenant. He took fourteen paces to a particularly green patch of grass, and turned back to face the men. With a casual flick of the wrist, the Vortex Gate which he stepped through once again reopened. Before stepping through it, he tapped his staff once more-- three times, in fact. The fine mist that surrounded the camp was lifted, and a loud chatter and the clanking sounds of armor began again. Smiling, though only momentarily, Deimos stepped through the gate an vanished in an audible pop.
Chuck Norris wears Jack Bauer pajamas.

deimos the noob said no

#38 Mentos

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Posted 22 April 2006 - 04:06 PM

Mentos stayed lingering cloaked above the party of Jigsaw and Snoopy as they first met again. Awaiting that Snoopy's two new friends would be taken captive, as though Jigsaw did not take likely to strangers. Mentos decided to take his chances, hovered down behind Jigsaw, and began to introduce himself.

"I am Mentos, the great. I come from far, but only to join the best." As all the party of Snoopy and Jigsaw peered onto Mentos, they noticed his combat like jewlrey, Amulets, rings, staff embraced by this great mystical wizard. Mentos met no harm, he was just in search of a party to join forces with to bring down the threat of The Crypt...

#39 Äññöÿäñcë

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Posted 22 April 2006 - 04:27 PM

Disaster heard the familar voice of his greatest friend Snoopy in his head. 'Follow the smoke...' rung in his ears. He looked up and saw 5 flaming arrows soaring towards him! Disaster stopped them with a simple flick of the wrist, then created a Vortex Gate and stepped through to meet his friend.

Disaster stepped through the shimmering blue portal, and immeadiately cast a spell of invisibility upon himself. When he stepped through the portal, he came out infront of not just his friend Snoopy, but three other people, who he did not recognise. Luckily, his magic was at such an extent so that when he stepped through Vortex Gates he did it silently, and could walk so quietly it was un-hearable, this skill came in espiecially handy at this moment, as it gave him time to study the people in front of him.

He immeadiately recognised Snoopy and Jigsaw, but the other three people he did not recognise. It was only until he stared at the larger one in great detail that he realised who he was looking at.

"Grandmaster Spectra, I have been looking for you."

Disaser dropped a gold coin so he became visible again, and was greeted by his friends. Instead of plunging into a conversation, like he would do on any other day, he stared at the priest.

"Good day Grandmaster, I was wondering if you could help me... cure me infact..."

Edited by Äññöÿäñcë, 22 April 2006 - 07:19 PM.

Disaster ingame.

#40 Gaddy

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Posted 22 April 2006 - 04:56 PM

Gaddy, of a long breed of ancient and un-weakend dwarves, is taking a stroll through the forest with his greatest allies and brothers in arms, who are all as pedigreed as himself, though of different races and ideals. They arrogantly tramp about the forest singing tunes in ancient tounges, which they hardly understand.

Rangers and druids track around the party, not appearing to be on the sharpest guard. However, they do seem to have greater agility and sight in the forest than the rest of the group.
A crazed man seems to be running around naked with them. He carries quite a large weapon in his hand, and does not seem awkward or odd to any of his comrades.
They have all grown to accept one another and are entirely trusting, even of a madman.
There are a few men of healing magic wearing long dress-like, half-way see through clothes; they appear to have great command of magic though. Gaddy seems most close knit with these men of magic; with the flick of an eye, a beautiful oasis appears in the middle of the forest, and the group has sat down to eat, drink, and rest.
However, with a group such as this, who knows what may be going on, hidden magically in the background.

Late into the night, the one dark magician of the party is caught for a glimpse out of his invisibility. He appears to be speaking to Gaddy and focusing on creating a teleportation gate.
Deimos strolls through the opened portal.
Gaddy whacks him with his scepter; then giggles and casts a couple of spells upon an old friend.

A conversation extends late into the night. Deimos explains the battle besieging Mono's union of armies.
Deimos knows with a single focused call, he can have Gaddy and his warriors alongside him in a battle. However, Gaddy pledges his alligence to no clans of war in his elder years. His warriors are eager for blood, but they follow any command of their leader.
The oasis has begun to dry out, leaving no traces aside from a magical aura; Gaddy's scouts report no wandering victims within any short term ranges.

The band of brothers continues their stroll of a march through the forest, ever-ready though constantly laughing, except Gaddy, who seems very sorry not to work for everyone of his old clan.
Wisdom is the principle thing. Therefore, get wisdom, and in all your getting, get understanding.
-Proverbs 4:7

#41 Sleeping

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Posted 22 April 2006 - 05:05 PM

Squall clinches fists and stared at ground where High Mage was standing just minute ago. Deep inside he distrusted wizardry but he also had learned to accept Deimos as wise person who was seldom wrong about his predictions so his warning must be taken most seriously.

"Reinforce our new camp." He shouted orders to his men "Get horses together and set up guards along perimeter. Nobody should know about our presence here."

Another delay was painful so he had decided to dedicated some time to studying maps. Unlike mages, he did not required mystic means to predict future. From way it appeared there were not too many chooses for Wives leadership on where to make new camp place. They must be farther into forest some place where it would be easy to set ambush, if only he had had more information.
Does not play well with others.

#42 Spectra

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Posted 22 April 2006 - 06:54 PM

Without hesitation, Spectra quickly chants a few words and casts a circle of healing around the party healing them in full stamina, health and spirit...

"good day to you again, Disaster" he replies in pure delight "it has been a long time since you left the academy...I see you have taken a different path to be a sorcerer instead of the path of clergy...and you have grown astounding..i can see that"

"Sadly, as you can see Disaster, my brother Dracon is not with me. We seperated last night and I fear he might have gotten lost deeper into the woodland or meet with your enemies."

"but good thing i met your friends in these woods: Snoopy, Entropy and Mentos"

"I'm also on a mission to discover a great artifact called Ceramic Javelin. It will brings closer peace between the elven nation and drow nation in the realm" He further explains to the party

Edited by Spectra, 22 April 2006 - 07:07 PM.

"For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Live as children of light-for the fruit of light consists in all Goodness, Righteousness and Truth"

#43 Äññöÿäñcë

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Posted 22 April 2006 - 07:19 PM

"A Ceramic Javelin you say?" Disaster questions. "I'm sure I had one of those in my vault... Anyway. I am deeply in feeling about your brother. After I am regained to full health; both mental and physical; I will search around the forest for his presence. I will do all I can to get him back to you, or at least make sure he is safe. It is not to my knowledge if you know this, or even felt the blast yourself, but I was hit by a blast which was modified.. Modified so greatly that my magic has been corrupted. Only you can heal me, as you are the only Grandmaster Priest in the realm... Will you do this task for me? It will take some more healing than just 'aid', maybe divine restoration even, but I will happily supply the crystals needed for this healing procedure..."

Awaiting the reply, Disaster acquaints himself with Entropy and Snoopy, his old friends, then looks at Mentos.
"Who be you stranger? Is this some Crypt spy?"

Edited by Äññöÿäñcë, 22 April 2006 - 07:24 PM.

Disaster ingame.

#44 Spectra

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Posted 22 April 2006 - 07:31 PM

Spectra Focuses his mind throughly and meditates for a minute...
then he puts his hand on Disaster and uses all his energy to cast a Divine Restoraiton on him

"There, you're all set now" he joyfully smiles. "sorry i didnt see that you were hurt much more than that...I suspect you might have came contact with the spell Devastate or other dark magics. I hope you are well aware that such spells has been forbidden in the academy...due to the power to make a person permanent brain damage... if not handled properly.... hope you would think twice about pursuing such power."

Edited by Spectra, 22 April 2006 - 07:38 PM.

"For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Live as children of light-for the fruit of light consists in all Goodness, Righteousness and Truth"

#45 Äññöÿäñcë

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Posted 22 April 2006 - 07:38 PM

"Yes, yes I would think twice now that I have seen the effects. Now that I am restored, I think it is time to get a little revenge..." Disaster snickers.

((OCC: Have to go catch a flight, i'll finish this later -.-))
Disaster ingame.

#46 Dracon

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Posted 22 April 2006 - 08:15 PM

Meanwhile, back to the lost traveler...

Dracon stood just below the insignia flag of tC. He can't seem to understand the mark, and gullibly walks into the gate. Unaware of the army of dark gnomes, he continously walks toward a hut from which the delightful smell is coming from. About his two steps into the gate, he was stopped by several warriors of The Crypt, fully equipped with shining armor, swords, that one may see has been bloody in battles, which blocked his path, and asked him
"By the name of who are you? State your purpose in your visit!"
As the leader of the guards swings his deadly sword, Dracon dodged it, and quickly replied "Hey.....hey.... hey....hey..............hey..............hey.....stop it........OK?The guard, with powerful arms ready to attack, replied "OK."
"I go by the name of Dracon. Well I was looking for some rabbits and deers, but have not seen any. While I was searching around, I happen to smell food coming from this direction. When i came, you guys immediately attacked me. But it's OK, since I'm a nice guy," Dracon, trying not to look scared, continues on. "Would you guys be willing to offer me some food?"

OOC: Sorry about that got kinda lost ;)

Edited by Dracon, 23 April 2006 - 12:37 AM.

It's not how hard you punch, but how deep that matters! ¤»IñĞømîñåߣ뫤


#47 Snoopy


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Posted 22 April 2006 - 09:55 PM

Feeling more relaxed in the company of his kinsman, snoopy began to forage around the nearyby forest for food to provide a meal. Searching around the forest he keen eyes picked out edeble plants and roots as though they were flashing eat me in bright letters.

A short time into his trip rustling could be herd in the distance he paused his collections and prepared his bow for posible battle, louder grew the sound, and louder untill fianly a massive Grizzily bear came crashing through the brush. Rearing up on its hind legs the bear looked a powerfull creature, its massive claws flicking and its huge gaping open leaving no question over its motivs

Being a master hunter and woodsman, snoopy had encountered these creatures countles times before, feeling confident hes raised his bow hand and stared into the bears eyes and began to sway rythmicly. The bear with a slight puzzled luck in its large brown eyes began to sway in time with the hunter, as expected the bears eyes began to glase over as he swayed. As the hunter prepared to incapacitate the beast its heavy weight exadurated by its sway snaped a large brach it was standing on, the sound broke it out of the trance and intinctivly took a huge swipe at the hunter catching him of gaurd sending crimson liquid spraying from his chest. Staggering back snoopy grudgingly fired a voley off arrow into the bears midsection sending it crashing to the ground, unsettled at having to kill a fellow beast of the forest snoopy set of back to the clearing ignoring the four large gashes across his chest. "i havnt got time to bleed" he thought

Ariving back at the camp he set about chatting about news of battles and the fates of his other friends within the orginisation.
"Mentos from your dress you seem a powerfull caster, yet i have not herd of you within the plains mortal men walk upon, where do you hail from and why do you wish to fight? for glory riches or some persanal vendetta?"

Awaiting a reply he began to sketch ideas for battle plans on the burnt ground using the end of an arrow.
If smoking 1 cig takes 30 seconds from my life, but laughing adds 5 minutes, if I get stoned every night do I live forever?

#48 Mentos

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Posted 22 April 2006 - 09:58 PM

Disaster is still looking at Mentos awaiting a reply. Mentos looks over at Disaster and say, "A spy? im by from not a spy my fellow magi. I am but only a neutral peace keeper at one time, to now join ends with the Wives clan to bring down the threat of the The Crypt in order to restore peace through out my beloved woods."

Mentos then turns to Snoopy and say, " For me to wish to fight, is always a personal vandetta, i never fight for riches. these woods are my holy grounds, and The Crypt has disobeyed the Gods by entering and terrorising these enchanted woodlands. Now the Gods have sent me to join forces with you and the Wives clan to bring down the monsters of the Crypt."

Mentos then turns to the whole party and announces, "I, Mentos, the great enchanted woodlands magi, am i need of your help, as much as you are in need of mine. I am in search of the great scroll of devestate. word has it, that this spell and Only this spell can bring down the great Deimos. i have searched far and wide, even have heard the great words of the Gods. But i still have not yet be able to find it. I am asking all of you on our journey and mission to bring the crypt down, if you would assist me on finding this scroll so we can once and for all end this war between the crypt and the wives, and by also ending the darkness of the magi called Deimos."

Edited by Mentos, 22 April 2006 - 10:10 PM.

#49 Raylen


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Posted 22 April 2006 - 11:04 PM

Stella felt a small smile creep across her lips. It was entirely typical of Snoopy to go out "scouting and foraging", as he put it, and to then return with three or four more men than he started with. She wondered why people were drawn to such a strange-looking creature...perhaps therein lay the appeal. She wryly shook her head as she noticed the supposedly confined-to-medical-quarters Disaster. The familiar face of the Grandmaster Spectra comforted her unease - he would certainly have been able to heal the mental wounds caused in Disaster's mind, for the two had known each other at the Academy...though very different paths they had since chosen to follow. That the mage was healed was a blessing, for she knew his powers would be greatly needed in the days to come.

She glanced over once more at Snoopy, was engaged in the usual banter with his mate Pharlap...after a couple of drinks those two would talk the hind leg off a donkey, then beat the poor animal over the head with its own leg for "lookin at us funny". Greetings could wait. She yelled across:

"Welcome back, dear Snoopy! We are in the middle of an evacuation! Grab what you need and move! Time is of the essence!"

She paused briefly as the Hunter Entropy moved into view from behind Zero. She had not known he would be willing to aid her and her friends in this battle. His northern charm would certainly add an extra spark to the army's morale. Another unexpected figure, the mage Mentos, caught her gaze. She had only heard fleeting reports of this character, but all marked him as an ambitious and clever Gnome, who would seek above all else to gain the knowledge of that most potent of spells: Devastate. For now, she thought to herself "I shall welcome this one, but remain ever watchful."

Shrugging her shoulders, she moved off to hurry those berserkers along. "What's so special about a silly old spell anyway?" she mused. Moving alongside Jigsaw briefly, she asked in passing "How much longer before the Dark Gnomes arrive?"
+1 post count ggpwnedkthxbai

it's plausible that the SOB hasn't spawned

¯¨:·»Gently spamming the forum since 2003«·:¨¯

#50 Snoopy


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Posted 22 April 2006 - 11:44 PM

"Your to eagre for battle my friend" chuckled snoopy gazing over in stellas general direction "for tonight we drink to our reuniun, and the new alience's we have formed" swigging a large gulp of bear he began to sing a strange song in orcish that only his huge friend pharlap seemed to understand. Such a sight must have seemed parculiar even to the aged eyes of Mentos, the two huge figurs thumping round the campsite grunting lyrics that sounded more like the growls of wolferines then song words

"ranta raffra renya raghahaha...." the song had aparently finished as snoopy smashed his pitcher of beer over the head of the huge pharlap, to most creatures this would mean cirtain death but the two of them fell back to the floor laughing before grabbing another tanker of beer each.

Edited by Snoopy, 23 April 2006 - 12:40 AM.

If smoking 1 cig takes 30 seconds from my life, but laughing adds 5 minutes, if I get stoned every night do I live forever?

#51 Jigsaw

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Posted 22 April 2006 - 11:49 PM

Jigsaw waited for the obviously drunk Snoopy to finish interrupting and sofly said to Stella.

"I only saw the destruction they caused, but I did notice that the sky was dark, the birds were asleep, and the badgers were out playing. They will be 2 miles South of here in a few minutes."

Jigsaw began to chuckle.

"They will be very disappointed."

"We are safe enough here. If the rest of the clan have no problem with it, we can rest here till dawn. Although it appears many have decided to take camp here already"

Jigsaw took out his pipe and walked over to a large rock 10-15 metres away from the horde of warriors and the unbearable singing. Jigsaw was a quite, solitary man. He sat down and started smoking, looking through each smoke ring as he shaped them, asif he was trying to see something. He took a long sigh, "not tonight" he said to himself. His energy was very low from the healing and enhancing of his fellow clan and the running through the forest.

Absorbing a mana crystal just incase the enemy attacked early before he had arisen from his sleep, Jigsaw carved a hole in the rock (with the help of his Scepter), took some branches and laid there until he felt safe enough to drift off to sleep.

Edited by Jigsaw, 22 April 2006 - 11:57 PM.

#52 Sneaky

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Posted 23 April 2006 - 12:16 AM

OOC: just read Dracon's post, i'll finish reading in a sec..but please, if you're not in one of these clans and are going to post, at least keep up with what I say, i've only posted 3 times on here, it's not that hard. The dark gnome warriors were never in our camp, their leader was in my cave. They have long since left and are approaching your camp. And is Snoopy's post suggesting that you didn't leave camp?

Edited by Sneaky, 23 April 2006 - 12:21 AM.

Chuck Norris wears Jack Bauer pajamas.

deimos the noob said no

#53 Snoopy


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Posted 23 April 2006 - 12:35 AM

OCC: Just to confrim - the dhw's along with the new allies have made a new camp and are forming battle plans - it has become a bit confusing with people not reading/not understanding other peoples posts so i thought clarity would be good
If smoking 1 cig takes 30 seconds from my life, but laughing adds 5 minutes, if I get stoned every night do I live forever?

#54 Raylen


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Posted 23 April 2006 - 10:56 AM

As she dozed lightly in her makeshift bed under the low branches of a tree, Stella wondered if the two miles they had moved would be enough. Dark Gnomes are not renowned for their intelligence or tracking ability, but some of them might spot a few of the heavy footprints left by the berserkers, or follow the smell of spilled beer - the reunion celebrations had started upon Snoopy's return, and had not finished until they eventually sprawled out, alseep on the floor by the new campfire. Soon they would have to wake, for she needed their input into the battle plans.

She walked over to Mentos, who sat quietly near the fire, awake and alert. "So, what draws you to our side, and more importantly - what services can you offer us?"

OOC ((Just thought I'd put part of the camp-moving into words, rather than having us just magically teleport there. Otherwise you'll be shouting at us faster than you can say "Abuse of staff power!" ;) ))

Edited by Raylen, 23 April 2006 - 10:58 AM.

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#55 Mentos

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Posted 23 April 2006 - 12:29 PM

Mentos offered Stella a seat next to him by the fire so he could explain, "Stella, my services are far greater some may say than others. Others may say my services are nothing. but most importantly the Gods will tell you I am the only Magi that can end the dark practices of the Dark Gnomes.... I was once a Dark Gnome. Then i was well you could say Killed. The Gods said this was not the time for me. Brought my back, and set me as the protector of the woodlands. And the main reason I am joining the side of the Wives, is my brother was killed by the great Deimos, the Gods asured me I would be the only one to defeat Deimos. I just have to find the scroll of devestate."

Mentos sat next to Stella, silence filled the air after the reply from Mentos... Mentos sat staring into the fire awaiting the reply from Stella.

Edited by Mentos, 23 April 2006 - 12:30 PM.

#56 Snoopy


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Posted 23 April 2006 - 01:56 PM

Dozing in and out of a dream state, Snoopy overheard mentos's conversation about his previous dealing with the gnomes. Trying to stand he realised he was still heavily under the influence of the alchohol consumed previously, removing a small vial of yellow liquid from a side pouch he began to position his body so he could pop the cork and let it flow down his throte.

The brew was a potion a great alchmist had once showed him how to brew, it involed a number of diferent toxins blended with a magic healing potion. The effects of the potion removed all traces of poision's from his system including the effects of beer - this trick had saved his neck more then once.

Poping the cork the liquid began to fall , as the brew hit mouth it like a slap in the face it instantly began to take effect, his glased eyes focused and he regained his balance and composure. Rising to his feet in one swift move he looked over to mentos, a plan was forming in his mind.

"the crypt are controling the gnomes some how, they some how know our camps position.. we should get back to the camp and leave a trap.. make it look like they are being double crossed" snoopy looked around as if searching for insperation
"perhaps if we could conjour an image of the mage Deimos and set up a barage of traps when they enter the camp...hmm they are stupid creatures it may be enough"

Edited by Snoopy, 23 April 2006 - 01:59 PM.

If smoking 1 cig takes 30 seconds from my life, but laughing adds 5 minutes, if I get stoned every night do I live forever?

#57 Jigsaw

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Posted 23 April 2006 - 02:27 PM

Jigsaw woke sharpishly. The night was nearly over and no sign of the Dark Gnomes was present.

Staring through the trees at what would seem like thin air, he started to become more and more concerned of the clans safety. He got up and wondered over to the south side of the camp, passing Stella , Mentos and Snoopy who were in conversation in the process.

Staring intensely into the dark forest, he began to hear shouting and the sound of magic blasts.

Jigsaw ran over to the fire by which Mentos, Stella and Snoopy were sitting and asif like an invisible blanket, cast his Scepter over the fire, distinguishing it.

"Be quiet my friends, they have located the old camp. If we are unheard they will not find us."

Jigsaw wondered over to the south side again and stared through the trees. More shouting and more destruction of what could only be guessed at as the huts the clan had made and used could be heard. Finally there was a giant shreek and then... silence.

Jigsaw continued to stare into the darkness.

"They are returning to their caves, we are safe for now" he announced.

Jigsaw joined the group around the not so fire like campfire and looked at a disheartened Snoopy.

"What is wrong Snoopy?"

He told Jigsaw of his just thought of idea to try and frame Diemos for a double-crossing by setting up traps at the old camp. With the recent news of the camp being found and left, Snoopy felt it had all been a waste of time.

"Well my friend, if it is traps you want to lay and gnomes to come our way then I don't see why we can't lure them back after the traps are set, that is, if we act right away. I suggest we go over there now, set some traps, and I think you can guess the rest" he said chuckling to himself oncemore.

"And as for the image of Deimos, I'm sure Mentos can sort something out for us."

#58 Boys Night Out

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Posted 23 April 2006 - 02:43 PM

Hansol, a fine leader, noticed movement in the darkwoods, and took action as Jigsaw ran to tell the others of the shouting and the sound of magic blasts. Hansol then leads his party from the front of the camp into the forest. Silence is off the essence he whispers to them men, as he can feel the presence of the darks forces.

Hansol, a wise and clever warrior, always thinking two steps ahead of himself leads with such grace, his reputation of being rather dim-witted usually proceeds him. How ironic... A man of the sword he stands for the ways of the old code. Loyal to his masters and friends to his allies, he no is no longer the violent lone soldier he once were. Although his past will only be his undoing if he dwells there to long. Guilt for what he has done to innocent lives keeps him focused on achieving his ambitions to give himself right of way in the eyes of God. As a holy man, He cannot allow God to be angry at his sins and nor can he be angry with God for the path he lays before him. Fate is a strong belief carried.

In his silenced mind Hansol postitions himself the other side of where he believes the gnomes to be, unaware he is closer than he thinks, the snapping of twigs as feet disrupt the ground begins to create weary atmosphere amongst them. Whilst Jigsaw stays with Mentos, Snoopy and Stella, he begins to think he should of joined them.

All of a sudden the forest was silent and only the wind blowing through the leaves could be heard. Not knowing where the Dark Gnomes had gone, he decided to wait for the perfect moment to return.

Edited by Boys Night Out, 23 April 2006 - 03:20 PM.

Tread lightly, as you tread on my dreams...

Hansol ingame

#59 Prophet

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Posted 23 April 2006 - 03:14 PM

Flawless sat peacefully deep in thought with himself in the tavern of Olafmrast Runedar when a small dwarven fellow going by the name of Ragnar walked in apparently determined to cause an arguement by what ever means possible.

Although Flawless and Ragnar and brethrin by race there has been bad blood split between them and so by Ragnar giving his presence there was sure to be trouble.

"You should stop dieing as often" proclaimed Flawless promptly from his bar stool.

"Indeed, I should" said Ragnar "However, it is not by your hands and should I or my band of followers ever find you out of town we will be quick to slaughter you and any that are foolishness enough to travel with you"

"Do not speak of matters that you cannot cause, the day in which you beat my in combat will be the day to which I lay down my arms." replied Flawless cooly.

"Hah! You are too scared to face me out of town for it is this very same pub that you will be ressurected"

"Let us duel right now if you are so sure of this, I can organise my band of followers and warriors to fight by my side to the death, or more likely to yours."

With this challenge and gauntlet set down the two set down the terms of the battle and began to arrange there followers. On the verge of battle as both were abouts to leave town Flawless noticed Tru a dark ugly elven cleric and his band of followers had gathered waiting in the wings surely to defend there clan member. Should he intervene in the battle this would be a breaking of the sacred rules of the duel and in turn a breaking of the ancient laws that The Crypt has claimed to follow regarding honour.

"I see you intend to break the rules of our gauntlet" Flawless said swiftly to Ragnar.

"No, he shall not intervene or some any where near where we plan to fight he is simply going on a journey somewhere" replied Ragnar.

"I shall take this as your word"

Flawless was still dubious but decided to go on for if The Crypt decided to break this ruling it would reflect poorly on there clan and bring into question the reliability and trustworthyness of its members and so with this they approached the Deladarwurn Docks from which they would set out a short distant north for the duel upon the distant edge of the docks.

A brief nod of the heads was exchanged between Flawless and Ragnar before they both set out north and began there duel. However, the docks are rickety and therefore it was much harder to hit your opponent than a normal place on the map. Despite this 4 of Ragnars allies were slaughtered to there locals, and none of Flawless's companions killed when Flawless spotted Zipo and his band of followers move onto the square, with this Flawless signalled for his men to move back to the town as Ragnar has broken the laws of the duel and had shown himself, Zipo and his clan to be untrustworthy. With this Flawless had not only clearly won the duel but exposed The Crypt's lack of ability to stick to there words and reitterated why such a war had broken out in the first place.

Edited by Prophet, 23 April 2006 - 03:14 PM.

Si Senior!

#60 Raylen


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Posted 23 April 2006 - 03:51 PM

Stella listened carefully to the propsed plan. It would work, as long as they had the time. She guessed that the Dark Gnomes would be unlikely to differentiate between the different forms of magic, so she could call down the Wrath of the Gods upon them, and they would believe it was Deimos...in theory anyway. She motioned for the others to keep quiet as they moved quickly off to prepare the ambush. A few well-timed and well-aimed spells would be all they needed. She whispered to Mentos:

"Are you sure you can conjure this illusion? We only need it for a short time, but it needs to convince the gnomes...else our lives will be in serious peril."
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