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Yearly Birthday Request!

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#31 Oracle



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Posted 14 July 2004 - 08:19 AM

Will you be posting the donations on any kind of page so that others may see the figure they need to top? Also, when specifically is the cut off date? Also, donations sent before the cut off date, but recieved after it, will they be disqualified?

Now we've cleared that all up, can staff please answer my question? ^^;;

JLH said he will keep posting the top 2 donations.

#32 Cule

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Posted 14 July 2004 - 08:35 AM

yay donate people!! so i can play this game for free ... i would donate myself but i have some finance problems atm :P

edit: i dont see no problem in this as it pays my playing allso.

Edited by Cule, 14 July 2004 - 12:19 PM.

#33 Gaddy

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Posted 14 July 2004 - 08:55 AM

I don't see anything wrong with it. It's no different to a custom pic.

-nod- I think it is brilliant.

I hope you two keep thinking of ways to have more donations sent. I don't see any reason why people have room to call it cheap or unfair. The people donating are not actually getting anything, simply have customization to things that anyone can have. (such as pics and now apperently equip)

I'll get around to sending in some cash when I get a job or have a couple of tournaments to ref....
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#34 Pandilex



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Posted 14 July 2004 - 11:00 AM

I found the lottery comment thing quite humourous. They often give prizes to girl-guides/brownies/schoolkids for who can sell the most cookies.

Damn that gambling corruption.
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#35 Angelus

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Posted 14 July 2004 - 11:37 AM

I found the lottery comment thing quite humourous. They often give prizes to girl-guides/brownies/schoolkids for who can sell the most cookies.

Omg..there's no comparison between the 2 whatsoever. There goes my theory about you having brains...

The girl-guides/brownies/schoolkids send in money how exactly? They are selling REAL items to adults. And they get something for their efforts.
You are luring kids into sending their savings by giving them another shot of addiction (in this case an altered item). You know why it's called donating? Cause you don't get nuts in return...
Angelus ingame.
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#36 Gaddy

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Posted 14 July 2004 - 11:55 AM

Well....you don't get anything in return in this case...how do you?

A different name and desc on an item of your choice that you already have. umm...that doesn't sound like actually getting anything at all.

To get something from nightmist...i think they'd have to send you something in the mail. Cause nothing on nightmist is real, therefore nothing you get is actually your's, it is still JLH and Pandi's because they can take it at anytime they want to and you can't do anything at all about it.

How can people who donated to get pics even complain about this? You did the same thing.
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#37 Cule

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Posted 14 July 2004 - 12:18 PM

How can people who donated to get pics even complain about this? You did the same thing.

/nod gaddy

#38 Angelus

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Posted 14 July 2004 - 12:26 PM

How can people who donated to get pics even complain about this? You did the same thing.

I gave mine to dennis, i didn't donate to get some pic i donated because i spend a lot of time on here. And i complain because kids might send in money expecting things, i myself couldn't care less. What if some kid send in 200Euro thinking he will get it easily, then 2 people top him.

You might say tough luck, well tell that to the parents kid you ripped off. I still say it's not donating, or you wouldn't lure people into giving money.
Angelus ingame.
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#39 Xlithan


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Posted 14 July 2004 - 12:35 PM

Sepherus says:
most of the people get nothing, so they all end up pissed ;p
Sepherus says:
they should have different levels of donations, with different rewards

#40 ice_cold

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Posted 14 July 2004 - 01:20 PM

you guys are such babies. look at me, i have donated over 300$ in the last month, wow, big deal. i wouldnt mind having a custom item so i can finally have a parrot for mr_pirate, but i just payed 400$ for car insurance, 350$ for apartment, and 175$ for child support, i have 10 dollars in my bank account, guess what, im happy for jlh and pandilex, maybe they'll get some money out of it from all the ungrateful little kids out there who have recieved free entertainment for years.

To Maartan and Jurian: maybe you kids should grow up and look at it this way, 1000 pounds are put into this game so you guys can log on 10+ alts (you both have done it) giving you an unfair advantage over the people who can only log 4 crits. everything in this game isnt fair. stop your pathetic whining and get a life if you dont like whats going on in nightmist, wait, thats just to you maartan because hurian already is.
I read somewhere that ostrichs hide their heads under the sand because moles watch porn.

ScarletMuse 03/2/2005 11:20am

#41 Angelus

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Posted 14 July 2004 - 01:28 PM

To Maartan and Jurian: maybe you kids should grow up and look at it this way, 1000 pounds are put into this game so you guys can log on 10+ alts (you both have done it) giving you an unfair advantage over the people who can only log 4 crits. everything in this game isnt fair. stop your pathetic whining and get a life if you dont like whats going on in nightmist, wait, thats just to you maartan because hurian already is.

Omg you dumb moose, i dont mooseing care about an unfair advantage. If you cant read what i say that don't comment on it. Items dont mean crap to me, im talking about all the little kids (like yourself) who will donate a butt load just because they are addicted to it (like yourself).

You just give the perfect example, your life is crap, and you give out more money to this stupid game then you do to your kid...
Angelus ingame.
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#42 jurian


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Posted 14 July 2004 - 01:35 PM

when if irst donated i wouldn't get anything for donating not even a picture! i donated to help nightmist. i came up with the picture idea to have more ppl donate. maybe i screwed up there, but with this ppl don't donate anymore to help nightmist. they donate to help themselves.

this changes the intention of donating and that's what i don't like. this goes from helping the game to helping yourself
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#43 Rappy_Ninja

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Posted 14 July 2004 - 02:04 PM

Diablo II: Free to play online, loads of weirdos and stupid idiots just out there to ruin it.

Nightmist: Pleanty of idiots and foolishness to last you a life time....

uhh... I think me killing some dewd and his whole clan 7v1 on my pally then him scrolling oh how owned I am is worse then people on nm calling eachother newbs

or the guy that whispered me "you have been found guility of hacking to proove your innocence whisper me your acct name and password"

I think its safe to say d2 is alot worse then nm :P
Page/Memo Beatrix

#44 Stigmata

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Posted 14 July 2004 - 02:05 PM

Although i'm all for gaining you guys some more money, I don't like the direction this is heading in.

First pictures and now items - where next?

The reason i'm against this particular idea is because it seems like a progressive path to money. Sure it's an incentive for people to donate, but what about those of us who can't?

Pictures weren't so bad because they didn't really hold much retail value - but a custom item like a cobalt staff with new desc/pic/name definately does, giving the player who donates the most an advantage over everyone else in game.

Ok, so it's not an advantage in traditional senses, but as you know anything in nightmist that is unique sells - for alot. It can be a crap item, it can be a good one, but if it's unique it's going to sell because people like to be different from everyone else. Now this can usually be achieved by saving gold, playing for along time etc - and in the end its possible you will have a unique item to your name - putting your character on the 'map' so to speak.

By giving someone a unique item you are basically giving them something that everyone else in the playerbase strives for, without them having to actually earn it via being good at the game, but by having a big wallet.
Ste - Pengant - Stigmata

#45 Tha_Girl

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Posted 14 July 2004 - 03:12 PM


hehe can't donate, im poor too :P
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#46 trauma

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Posted 14 July 2004 - 03:36 PM

i dont see what all the crying is about, who cares if they rename a weapon to a diff name, it still will do same damage.. like if i sent 400 bucks and won.. i can rename my cobalt.. shannons pimpin ho smackin tool.. it will not alter the game, it will still be 27 base damage, etc.. so i say its ok

#47 Kalypso

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Posted 14 July 2004 - 03:55 PM

Shannon, why is it you don't understand that when someone gets a "unique" item it boosts its value up by quite a bit..let's say that cobalt of yours is worth 10m now, when it's customized (hopefully it won't be a LAME customization) it might be worth maybe 20m!!!! people pay outrageous amounts for items that are really the same as a halberd. why? just to have something noone else does.

Anyway, I don't really see why anyone's bothering to try to convince Pandilex otherwise. it wont work :P

And to those who donated out of the goodness of their hearts - Thank you, you aren't going to be overlooked or forgotten (atleast not by me) :P
"Maybe some women aren't meant to be tamed.
"Maybe they're supposed to run wild until they find someone just as wild to run with."

#48 ice_cold

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Posted 14 July 2004 - 05:24 PM

to maartan: your completely pathetic man. i donated to the game for the same exact reason as you, are you saying your addicted because you donated? and dont bring my son, who i dont even get to see, into this, you dont know me, my son, or my life situation and this forum is no place for you to be taking pokes at what i pay for what. i donated to this game because its fun and i have nothing better to do, why not, because i have nothing better to do with my time and im not paying 10 dollars to go see a movie 1 time when i can log on 24 hours a day every day of the week for free. i dont even have enough crits to put all the custom pics onto, now theyre just rotting in my account because hey, why not get them if theyre available for me donating. and lets say someone does make 20 million gold off a cobalt for donating 400 dollars compared to other people who have never donated anything in thier lives, i personally dont care if these people get ahead. look at it this way, lets say simon and jlh have no way to fund the game and they end up shutting it down, all your bickering got you know where. now lets say 1 person ends up with an extra 1 million gold but helped to keep nightmist running. where's a downfall in that scenerio. last time a newb got ahead by selling an item, all his crits were stolen and his prized cobalt was picked up. newbs will be newbs and wont get ahead by buying their way through the game.
I read somewhere that ostrichs hide their heads under the sand because moles watch porn.

ScarletMuse 03/2/2005 11:20am

#49 Oracle



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Posted 14 July 2004 - 05:40 PM

That was just too low angelus...

People will spend money on what they want and this is a just cause for people who spend so much time on here. I think after all this thread for one; children will be fairly warned against spending their life savings when they most probably will get nothing in return, (Except a lifetime of enjoyment on Nightmist).

#50 Bishop

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Posted 14 July 2004 - 05:41 PM

when someone gets a "unique" item it boosts its value up by quite a bit..let's say that cobalt of yours is worth 10m now, when it's customized (hopefully it won't be a LAME customization) it might be worth maybe 20m

I don't see the need to beat-around-the-bush; why not just sell experience/gold/items/characters for 'donations'; it boils down to the same thing. Why try and hide it behind a smoke screen.

#51 Stigmata

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Posted 14 July 2004 - 06:06 PM

It's a tricky situation for the staff here - they need the money, but don't want nightmist turning into another D2.

I commend you on atleast trying to find away to make everyone happy, and also for trying to find something that would encourage donations as well as keeping to the 'no advantage plea'


I see no reason why you are trying to make it out for something it's not - you claim giving players a custom item would hold no real advantage, and Pandilex said it wouldn't feed your family or hold any material value. However, in the original post the fact that a reward would be received contradicts what you've said - why would people have an EXTRA incentive to donate because of that post, had the customised item not be mentioned? If the item holds no value, why offer it at all?

It seems to me that you offered the reward because you knew people would pay for it, not because you wanted to give back something to those of us who do donate our money/time to the game.

Also, why only the 2 highest donations? If the real reason you posted is just to encourage players to donate, then everyone that donated should get the prize right? This shows me that the items DO hold value, as your asking players to try and outbid each other in order to get them........because lets face it, no one outbids each other on worthless items.
Ste - Pengant - Stigmata

#52 Angelus

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Posted 14 July 2004 - 06:09 PM

to maartan: your completely pathetic man. i donated to the game for the same exact reason as you, are you saying your addicted because you donated? and dont bring my son, who i dont even get to see, into this, you dont know me, my son, or my life situation and this forum is no place for you to be taking pokes at what i pay for what. i donated to this game because its fun and i have nothing better to do, why not, because i have nothing better to do with my time and im not paying 10 dollars to go see a movie 1 time when i can log on 24 hours a day every day of the week for free. i dont even have enough crits to put all the custom pics onto, now theyre just rotting in my account because hey, why not get them if theyre available for me donating. and lets say someone does make 20 million gold off a cobalt for donating 400 dollars compared to other people who have never donated anything in thier lives, i personally dont care if these people get ahead. look at it this way, lets say simon and jlh have no way to fund the game and they end up shutting it down, all your bickering got you know where. now lets say 1 person ends up with an extra 1 million gold but helped to keep nightmist running. where's a downfall in that scenerio. last time a newb got ahead by selling an item, all his crits were stolen and his prized cobalt was picked up. newbs will be newbs and wont get ahead by buying their way through the game.

Yes, i am addicted, im not saying this is what ruins my life but it's part of it. You know of someone who plays NM and comes better out then they went in?

Also, at every post i make i told you, i dont care, give everyone 10 mill except for me..i dont give a f about items. My problem with this is that they're luring people into donating..

/t Oracle how is that low, i simply took a fact from the info Ryan gave me and found it a bit odd so i mentioned it.
Angelus ingame.
Back into the shadows once again...

#53 Payne

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Posted 14 July 2004 - 07:15 PM

ok not directed to anyone BUT

why do people bit ch about people donating to get a unique item unbalances the game, when pandilex drops items all the time andand no one bitches about that right?People sell them and get rich also no one says sht about that.
Didn't that noob get boots of haste and sell for about 30 mill? isnt that unbalancing the game?

This is just a way for people to donate and not go P2P. If u cant afford to play p2p then u shouldnt complain cuz this helps the game from going p2p
Astinus on 1alt Only

#54 No Mercy

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Posted 14 July 2004 - 07:40 PM

Then you have people who already send in donations, why would i donate now, i'd rather save up and send it all in when their giving away a town or whatever. Because slowly it will come to that.

Still can't stop laughing over that...

#55 Gaddy

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Posted 14 July 2004 - 08:06 PM

ok not directed to anyone BUT

why do people bit ch about people donating to get a unique item unbalances the game, when pandilex drops items all the time andand no one bitches about that right?People sell them and get rich also no one says sht about that.
Didn't that noob get boots of haste and sell for about 30 mill? isnt that unbalancing the game?

This is just a way for people to donate and not go P2P. If u cant afford to play p2p then u shouldnt complain cuz this helps the game from going p2p


Besides, if you send in enough to top everyone else on donations, and you sell the item...just..wow.

I really don't see it as all that likely that anyone would actually pay a TON for a unique item that's the same as another item. How many people in game can really afford a cobalt? If you could, why would you buy a unique one for 5-10m more?

People, they are still not GIVING anyone anything for DONATING. It is changing the desc of an item. That is entirely different from selling items exp or characters. They made it VERY clear that they are not going to sell items or any of that stuff for money....so stop trying to say that's what this is leading to...
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#56 Dan

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Posted 14 July 2004 - 11:43 PM

Screw the cash, What do I get if I send you a laptop?

#57 Pandilex



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Posted 15 July 2004 - 12:15 AM

It's a tricky situation for the staff here - they need the money, but don't want nightmist turning into another D2.

I commend you on atleast trying to find away to make everyone happy, and also for trying to find something that would encourage donations as well as keeping to the 'no advantage plea'


I see no reason why you are trying to make it out for something it's not - you claim giving players a custom item would hold no real advantage, and Pandilex said it wouldn't feed your family or hold any material value. However, in the original post the fact that a reward would be received contradicts what you've said - why would people have an EXTRA incentive to donate because of that post, had the customised item not be mentioned? If the item holds no value, why offer it at all?

It seems to me that you offered the reward because you knew people would pay for it, not because you wanted to give back something to those of us who do donate our money/time to the game.

Also, why only the 2 highest donations? If the real reason you posted is just to encourage players to donate, then everyone that donated should get the prize right? This shows me that the items DO hold value, as your asking players to try and outbid each other in order to get them........because lets face it, no one outbids each other on worthless items.

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#58 Amy

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Posted 15 July 2004 - 12:37 AM

Perhaps to stop people from saying how unfair financial support is in reference to the awards. What if there were other ways to obtain customization in the game? That could actually be used to better the game in ways other than financially for those that can't afford it? Perhaps monthly contests.

Examples.. Original pictures that could be suggested or made for the enjoyment of all? Quests and player interaction ideas taken from either the forum or other means? "Newb" of the month? there are tons of ideas out there. Perhaps staff could set some guidelines and once a month or every other month a contest held. Winners voted on by the staff and certain things could be given as prizes.. A custom item description.. a custom pic.. a custom name.. a street renamed .. etc.

Another thing, this post was made by Pandilex to reward people for ~donating~ to a game that they obviously enjoy because they are still here. Let's not turn it into a flaming contest. There is no reason for it. This is a GAME.. meant to be enjoyed by all. Harassment, slander and outbursts of peoples life situations have no bearing, are immature, and downright rude.

Just my two cents.

Thanks for the game.. thanks to all that support the game in whatever way they can.. and lets have fun!

Game on...

Sincerely, Amy of Draco
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#59 Shane

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Posted 15 July 2004 - 12:41 AM

My goodness, all this bickering over data on a computer .... :P

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#60 Xlithan


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Posted 15 July 2004 - 02:08 AM

look at it this way, lets say simon and jlh have no way to fund the game and they end up shutting it down

that would improve the popularity of my 2D graphical online RPG incredibly. but i already got suspended for talking about that so lets not get into it again.

Perhaps, if JLH and pandi went p2p, they wouldn't need to shut the game down? And the only reason you're defending JLH and Pandi is because you simply want to go against Angelus, just to be awkward.

But hey blame me, i start this riot, but i'm glad i did, because i made most people realise that's it's kind of a scam, to lure people into giving them money. This isn't charity, what's the deal???

Im pretty sure people would find other alternatives if nightmist went down, and i'm sure if it did, RoK would be very laggy again.. rofl

All i'm saying, is that stop with the rewards. If people are saying, they donate because they care for the game, then stop giving people items for donating, and see how many people donate then, yeah?

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