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#31 The Matrix

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Posted 15 August 2004 - 02:32 PM

((I dont think i really made it very clear of my characters background. Like did you know he was an android?well in an attemp to make it clearer i added his biorgraphy to the biorgraphy post. I think you should read it just to know what kind of character he is.))

#32 Opie

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Posted 16 August 2004 - 02:24 AM

"Oh Lord Darksparrow I do grow tired of these pride-filled fools. When WILL they learn?" Opie asks as he stares nonchalantly at the viewing crystal.

With a large sweeping motion his moves his arm back, setting it directly over a torch.

"Do you suppose they will ever learn? Brains over brawn, that's what I always say. OUCH!"
*`~Ø~þ~í~€~`* the ÃÑçíèчÑøøßï€
Any society that would give up a little liberty to gain a little security will deserve neither and lose both. -Ben Franklin

#33 green_mantis

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Posted 17 August 2004 - 04:15 AM

((Opie, why do you not read anything? There are no torches. The Keep is lit magically.))
I am very sorry, if not for something I did, then it is for something I will do.

#34 Crane


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Posted 17 August 2004 - 09:12 AM

As Crane followed the servants, and Vardoth close behind him, he heard a distinct clang with every one of Vardoth's footsteps. He looked back briefly, just long enough for him to look him over, something he did not think of doing earlier. As Vardoth's coat brushed past his legs, he noticed under the magical light that the skin looked strange. It was not pink and organic, but grey and metallic. Metallic? He looked forward and walked on, so has not to make him look suspicious. After a few seconds, he turned his head once again to glance at Vardoth. His legs were indeed metal, and probably other parts of his body too.

"I don't believe it," he thought bitterly. "He's a machine! His body is a machine!" He snapped his head to the front again and pondered deeply, using his knowledge of Physics and the humanoid body to work out a battle plan. He conjured up a possible solution in very little time, but he could not test it out just yet.

As Crane walked on, he noticed his own eye drifting towards Pyri, almost as if she was to play a part in his plan.
The Crane Temple Chairman

Main crits:

Don't kill the messenger mathematician!

#35 Opie

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Posted 17 August 2004 - 04:29 PM

((Mantis, I'm going to spit on you. Jeeze, you know, next time i say something stupid, ignore it! i'm gonna do it alot and you'll just get tired of correcting me. Unless it's something important. ))
*`~Ø~þ~í~€~`* the ÃÑçíèчÑøøßï€
Any society that would give up a little liberty to gain a little security will deserve neither and lose both. -Ben Franklin

#36 Charon

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Posted 17 August 2004 - 10:44 PM

"Your room is ready sir, please follow me." The servant states before walking off in the direction the other servants had taken.

<Puppets> Tlaloc noted with grim curiosity as he watched the man start moving. He made no reference to what Tlaloc had said to him... he just spoke, and walked <Puppets on strings>

Tlaloc pushed himself lazily from the wall, making it clear that he did not intend to rush for this servant who sought to command him. Yes, he would go where he was bidden... but he didn't have to like it, and he didn't have to make it easy for anyone

"Ah dear" Tlaloc said with an exaggerated and sarcastic sigh, sneering at the servants back as he crouched down "Things always happen at the worst time don't they? It seems my boots have become unfastened, you see"

Strange then, that though he fiddled with his boots, it seemed to be taking him so long to fasten the simple clasp. From lower down he cast a sharp glance. The footsteps of the others ahead of them were staggered. It seemed people were walking at different rates. One set seemed... heavier? Strange, but nothing he could draw any conclusions about from here

"Sorry, my friend" yet again he placed his sneer on those words as he turned his head and noticed the other corridoors leading off that the others were being led past. Being escorted past.

"I think you'll have to wait up..." Tlaloc murmered softly, making swift mental note of the corridors and their directions, casting the briefest of glances at the back of his escort as still he tapped idly on the clasps of his boots "You wouldn't want me wondering around this little Keep unescorted now, would you now?"

Edited by Charon, 17 August 2004 - 11:09 PM.

"Words are, of course, the most powerful drug used by mankind." --Rudyard Kipling

#37 Charon

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Posted 17 August 2004 - 11:04 PM

"We are heading to the eastern wing of the castle. That is the wing which contains the guest chambers." The servant states, without turning her head.

<So DarkSparrow Keep... is a castle> Pyri processed what little information she was being given <And if the East Wing is for guests... then perhaps the other wings have other purposes?>

Even as her mind flittered through varied thoughts and options she realised she was being too quiet.

"Guest quarters? So we'll all be in an area together?" Pyri looked up, quickstepped to get ahead of the woman, then spun around, walking backwards and flashing her a truly childlike smile, her voice tinged with enthusiasm.

She came close to throwing in an innocent jump of excitement, but she thought that might be overdoing it... sweet innocent child that she was, she certainly wouldn't want to do that. She noticed the left handed warriors gaze as it drifted her way, and for a moment wondered what he was thinking. Yes, there is was again, yet again his eyes met hers...

<Why does he keep looking at me?> her mind hissed at her... then a dawning realisation <What is he planning?>

"So if the Lord has guest quarters, does the Lord have guests over often ma'am?" she smiled at Crane but that smile... there was a sly and knowlegable glint in her eyes for the slightest of moments. That smile was not the smile of a girl her age, but then as quicky as effortlessly as she had stopped, she turned and resumed her excited questioning of the servant leading her "Are there any other guests at the moment? Will I get to meet anyone else?"

Edited by Charon, 17 August 2004 - 11:07 PM.

"Words are, of course, the most powerful drug used by mankind." --Rudyard Kipling

#38 Opie

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Posted 18 August 2004 - 04:11 PM

Opie raises an eyebrow and looks through the viewing crystal.

"Machine? Wha... How... eh? Is that fair Lord Darksparrow?"
*`~Ø~þ~í~€~`* the ÃÑçíèчÑøøßï€
Any society that would give up a little liberty to gain a little security will deserve neither and lose both. -Ben Franklin

#39 green_mantis

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Posted 20 August 2004 - 03:58 PM

((Opie, I just don't want to have some people thinking the wrong things, as torches could have an impact on some tactics people could use. Of course that is just one reason. So just take it in stride and don't worry about it if you mess up accidentally.))


"All of you will be in your own rooms." The female servant stated, with obviously more emotion than the other servants, but still hardly noticable. She actually made eye contact with Pyri as she spoke to her.
"The east wing is entirely for guests, but it has been empty for some time. The only people that have been here recently are Lord Darksparrow; Opie, Archmage of the Keep; and Lord Darksparrow's daughter, Raveena Darksparrow. All of which keep to the royalty sections of the keep."

(The other servants look very pale, and ashen, while Christine here, looks like an average human. Though her hair seem to subtly change colors with her mood.)


"A machine?" Darksparrow exclaims with a raised eyebrow. "I wonder if he was cast out of Mechanus... No matter, he will most likely have more trouble with the rust spitters than those made of flesh. You know, rust spitters eat any kind of metal, not just those that corrode."


The male servant escorting Tlaloc stops and waits for Tlaloc to finish fiddling with his boot.

Edited by green_mantis, 20 August 2004 - 03:59 PM.

I am very sorry, if not for something I did, then it is for something I will do.

#40 Charon

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Posted 20 August 2004 - 07:06 PM

<Xsa!> Tlaloc thought angrily as he glared at the mute waiting docily for him to finish with his boots and continue <What is this guy? Doesn't he have any damned emotions? Noone blanks me! Not unless I intend for them not to see me>

"There, all done" Tlaloc said bitterly in a voice that dripped contempt as he rose swiftly to his feet. His hand ventured dangerously near the inscribed dagger at his waist before he managed to stop himself... what he didn't manage to stop however, was the truly disgusted look he shot the man as he passed him

<I will get a rise out of this man> he thought venomously. It didn't help that he was shorter than the servant, it dimmed his threats somewhat... but that had never stopped him before <I will>


"My own room? That'll be great, it's been a long time since I've had a proper room... but if they've been empty will they be dusty?" she furrowed her brow a little, before grinning "Ah well, 't will be better than most places I've stayed I'm sure. Things seem to run pretty smoothly here"

She continued walking backwards and stumbled a little, but kept her balance and didn't fall, instead doing a swift and agile quickstep before looking back at her escort. She cast a glimpse at the other servants and something bothered her... this woman was different to them somehow.

<Of course it could just be the fact that she's actually talking to me. The others seem somewhat... lifeless. And stoic> Pyri thought wryly with a small private grin

"So he doesn't have guests over often... that's a shame. It must get quite lonely. But then I suppose he has all of you for company right ma'am?" her voice raised in pitch ever so slightly at the question, but she wasn't quite sure where to go from there, so for a few moments she walked in silence.

"Royalty sections?" she spoke up, a wistful smile on her face"It must be nice to have luxury like royalty... are they(the royalty sections) in another wing?"

<By the Powers, what do I sound like? At this rate they'll disqualify me on the basis that I'm an airhead>
Pyri would normally have hit any child speaking as she was now, and came close to hitting herself. Material possessions meant little or nothing to her, and pretending that she cared... she was sure her voice sounded more hollow than it did

<People that have been here recently> the thoughts rushed through her mind, paying no heed to the contented look on her face. She was long used to concealing what she really thought <Does that mean none of them are here now? But DarkSparrow must be here... he called us to this place, he'll want to oversee his little competition surely. So that might mean the others are here? She did say that they keep to the royalty sections... that suggests that they are here doesn't it?>

"Ma'am- The Lord and his guests... are they there now, or will we get to meet them?" Pyri asked eagerly "And Lady Raveena, what's she like? Is she pretty, or smart, or both? I bet she is..."

She smiled distantly, yet again fighting the desire to hit herself; In all her training she'd had more than enough of nobles and knew the contempt with which they tended to see her. Taunts of 'sewer rat' still rang in her ears. Asking if this girl was 'pretty'... she was the Lady of the household and she was talking to a servant who was likely being watched- regardless of her looks and intelligence, Pyri knew she would recieve the exact same answer.

"How old is the Lady? Is she my sort of age? Do you think I'll get to meet her? Because that could be fun"

((Edit- Just for the record; Pyri both is, and appears, to be 13 or 14))

Edited by Charon, 20 August 2004 - 07:10 PM.

"Words are, of course, the most powerful drug used by mankind." --Rudyard Kipling

#41 green_mantis

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Posted 21 August 2004 - 06:45 AM

Tlaloc's servant seems to only notice that his charge had resumed moving; so, without saying a word, the servant led on.


"You must not address me as ma'am." Christine replied to Pyri. "You could call me Christine instead." She exclaimed almost nervously. (A faint orange flash streaks down her long hair.) "My Lord Darksparrow busies himself in the royalty wing in the northern sections, we do not keep him company, we only fetch what things he needs." Christine adds hurriedly.

"We keep the rooms tidy in case of possible visitors, so do not worry yourself with the comfort of your room." Christine says with a slight smile. (Light pink flashes down her hair.)

"Raveena is only slightly older than yourself, Miss. She- Urrgh." Christine stumbles, and reaches out a hand to steady herself on a door. (Her hair is flashing bright green down its length, and is whipping about behind her like fifty tails; Her face is ashen; and she is breathing heavily.)
"This... is... This is... your room... Miss..." She pants as her hand glows green, and the door opens. "If you... have... need of... anything, Just... call for me... I will... come shortly... Good day." She pants, and is gone in a green aperture of light.


The other servants show the contenders to their respective rooms on each side of the corridor, apparently unaware of anything at all.
I am very sorry, if not for something I did, then it is for something I will do.

#42 Vardoth

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Posted 22 August 2004 - 01:36 PM

Staying in our own personel rooms thinks vardoth like I care he says under his breath. Id rather be training in the scarlet daggers thievs guild he thinks. Keeping his thoughts to himself, he watches the strange departure of Christine then enters his room.

Edited by Vardoth, 22 August 2004 - 01:43 PM.

#43 Vardoth

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Posted 22 August 2004 - 01:42 PM

((Ive changed my posts to RED for talking and YELLOW for thoughts just in case anyone was wondering. Oh and by the way my account is no longer The Matrix. It is now Vardoth))

Edited by Vardoth, 22 August 2004 - 01:45 PM.

#44 Charon

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Posted 22 August 2004 - 02:27 PM

"Christine hm?" Pyri smiled back

<Royalty wing in the Northern sections> she noted distantly, but she couldn't help staring at the woman's hair, almost... entraced by it "Your hair... thats really interesting" she smiled, continuing to step back

"You don't get to keep the Lord company? That's a shame... Oh, I'm Pyri by the way, pleased to meet you" she grinned widely, slipping away from the subject now that she knew even a little about it... but then something changed and her smiled faded rapidly

Christine stopped by one of the doors... in her eagerness and backstepping Pyri had gone too far, but now the woman was pale, terrifyingly pale... Pyri's actions altered in an instant. She'd gone too far but now... the woman's hair flared around her with a neon green glow that would have set Pyri at unease at the best of times

"Ma'a... Christine!" she yelled, darting forwards towards her "Are you okay? Christi-" she reached out towards her, perhaps to try and steady her, perhaps to see if she had a temperature... she wasn't sure, all she knew was that she reached out... and there was a flash

<Green again> she thought rapidly <Wha-?>

"Christine?" she asked spinning around before looking back at the space infront of her. The now empty space. Had she really just... dissapeared?

<Did I do this?> She couldn't believe none of the other servants so much as flinched... these people lived together, worked together... wouldn't they show some sort of concern? They just weren't responding, were acting although nothing had happened... <Did I... by making her speak was I responsible for... >

"What happened to her?" she demanded, turning and clinging to the servant nearest "her" room. Concern flooded from her voice for a reason she didn't really know... her pleas screamed 'child' but her gaze was clouding over by the moment "Is Christine okay? Where did... where did she go?"
"Words are, of course, the most powerful drug used by mankind." --Rudyard Kipling

#45 green_mantis

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Posted 22 August 2004 - 11:47 PM

After showing their charges to their rooms, the servants each hand them a note of parchment reading:

At five chimes the way to the great hall will be open, make your way there for the feast.

Christine's note lies on the floor, waiting to be picked up by Pyri.

In the distance a single chime can be heard.

The servants all begin to walk away; including the one whom Pyri is clinging to, seemingly unnaffected by her pleas.

Edited by green_mantis, 23 August 2004 - 01:47 AM.

I am very sorry, if not for something I did, then it is for something I will do.

#46 Crane


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Posted 23 August 2004 - 06:34 PM

Crane allowed his assigned servant to lead him to his quarters. Looking around, his room seemed quite plain and a little bit unpleasant, but Crane was not one to complain; he had trained himself to take a nap in the most uncomfortable conditions imaginable and any bed was a blessing to him.

"My thanks to you sir," Crane bowed to his servant. "Refer to me as Crane should you require my services." He was a little shocked in that he was speaking to the servant as if Crane himself was the servant and the real servant his master!

After waiting for the servant to close the door and leave the room to himself, Crane drew his justice blade and studied its cutting edge under the magical light - not an imperfection in sight. He felt the edge of the blade with his finger - he could not feel a sharp edge, but that was because the edge was sharper than a surgical scalpel, proven by the fact that there was now a thin slit seeping with blood on Crane's finger.

He heard a distant chime and assumed it meant one o'clock. "Four hours;" he pondered aloud. "I've got nothing better to do..." He held the sword at his side, and started to perform a martial arts sword pattern. After running through it a couple of times, the second time smoother and more fluent than the first, he holstered his blade, unclipped the scabbard from this belt and placed it on the floor; then he proceeded to perform the numerous unarmed Kung Fu patterns that he had been taught over the years under his master. After running through all that he knew, he moved onto his Suang Yang (T'ai Chi) form, stopping and going back several moves if he felt they were not smooth and slow enough. Not once did he get bored or fed up, and it worked off the spare time he had with no problems.
The Crane Temple Chairman

Main crits:

Don't kill the messenger mathematician!

#47 green_mantis

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Posted 24 August 2004 - 08:31 PM

In an aperture of light, Christine appears in the throne room kneeling painfully before Lord Darksparrow, seated on the dais. Her hair still flashing a writhing behind her.
"M...My lord," She stammers. "I...I didn't mean...to speak...of...your daughter, my...lord."

Darksparrow glares at her, seemingly trying to mentally rip her apart.
"You know that I do not want you talking about my daghter." He says coldly, continuing the stare.
"I do not need servants spreading rumors in my own keep!"Darksparrow booms, shaking the very foundation of the keep. Christine falls over, unable to keep back the obvious pain she is in. She lies on the floor, curled into the fetal position.
"Of all the servants, you had to be the one with a free will. I should destroy you for doing such a thing. You know Raveena doesn't like that."

Female voice: "Doesn't like what?" Darksparrow looks up in surprise to see a young female standing in the doorway. She stands about 5'10", has jet black hair, dark eyes, and a sharp featured face. Her body is the very definition of beauty, even wearing the simple riding clothes she currently wears. She looks about 19 years of age.

"Father," She says as she walks into the room. "Why are you torturing one of the servants? I doubt she could have any information that could be of value to you. What did she do?"

"She was just talking about you to one of the guests." Darksparrow confesses, seemingly concerned at his answer.

"What!? That is why you are torturing Christine!?" Raveena yells, making Darksparrow cringe.
"Stop it now, father" Raveena says menacingly.

"O...Of course honey, I think she has learned her lesson." Darksparrow says, regaining his composure.

In an instant Christine stops writhing on the floor and stands shakily to her feet.
"Th...Thank you, my lord." She says, kneeling once more before Darksparrow.

"Come, Chrstine." Raveena says as she leaves the throne room. Christine in tow.
I am very sorry, if not for something I did, then it is for something I will do.

#48 Crane


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Posted 24 August 2004 - 08:51 PM

Crane felt the keep rumble just before he started his sword pattern. His heightened extra-sensory perception picked up someone in pain, but he brushed the thought aside that it was a small tremor and that someone was hit by a falling object or something.
The Crane Temple Chairman

Main crits:

Don't kill the messenger mathematician!

#49 Opie

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Posted 25 August 2004 - 10:05 PM

"Oh my, oh my. That was not very nice now was it Christine? Lets get you out of here. I think the lord and his daughter may want to be alone. It's nice to see you again Raveena. I'll be back shortly Lord Darksparrow." Opie says as he helps Christine up.

He turns to the lord and mutters "I'm sorry, I would have warned you about your daughter being here, but you looked so angry, and well... i thought this may be a bit more interesting." He turns on his heel with a slight smirk and walks away.
*`~Ø~þ~í~€~`* the ÃÑçíèчÑøøßï€
Any society that would give up a little liberty to gain a little security will deserve neither and lose both. -Ben Franklin

#50 Charon

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Posted 26 August 2004 - 12:05 PM

"Don't just ignore me" Pyri yelled at the servant, refusing to let go even as he began to walk away "I just want to know if she's okay? Is Christine Oka-"

"Leave it" Tlaloc hissed as he planted a hand firmly on the young girls shoulder. She met his eyes with a dangerous glare but he merely smirked back "They don't speak or haven't you realised that yet, Jor?"

"Jor?" the anger trembled in her voice "Who are you to call me rat you-"

His eyes hardened as he threw his strength unnoticably into that one hand connecting with her shoulder, giving her a harsh and violent shove that cut off her words, sending her sprawling to the floor

"You don't like Jor? You'd prefer Nyano? Feishk?" he grinned coldly but she forced herself not to respond.
"They don't speak fool. Don't waste your time" he repeated, snatching the piece of paper from his own servant and glancing down at it before murmering "Five" under his breath.
He looked at the door his own servant had led him to, then flashed a feral grin back at Pyri "What luck, Jor my dear... looks like my room is opposite your own"

He opened the door and stepped in, shutting it behind him with a resounding thud.

Pyri from her awkward position on the door merely watched him go, words ringing in her mind. She reached for the piece of paper that had fluttered to the floor from Christine's hand. She recognised the words, even took them in as the chime sounded in the distance somewhat sullenly

<What is going on here?> she thought desperately yet again, and she shook her head and dragged herself to her feet. The servants had been going on their way before, but now she'd lost track of them. She wasn't going to recieve any answers from them... <Unless...> the thought played in her mind as she stepped into her own room. She didn't notice anything about it, wasn't paying attention to such details... until she saw the mirror.

If they wouldn't tell her if the woman was okay, perhaps she could find out on her own. And Pyri could use the mirror.

She closed her eyes and clenched her fist around the piece of paper, trying to picture Christine, then raised her other hand to the mirror... a flash of pain struck her before she could complete the thought. Hand still against the mirror she felt it again, collapsed to the floor at the very moment that the shudder ran through the walls of the keep, ran through her...
She let out a gasp, opened her eyes... and lost whatever she'd been focusing on.

The mirror was still shimmering with her touch but the power was dying now, fading away... but for the merest moment she could see something there. Somewhere past her reflection in the shimmering remains of the powers she'd asked she could see obsidian black, a faint white bird... and then the power was gone. The only reflection was her own

"Did you know, Master?" she asked the reflection softly, knowing that her master couldn't possibly hear her, and knowing she would receive no answer "Did you know what was going on here. Because if you did, I do wish you'd told me"

"Because I wish I knew what was going on here"

Edited by Charon, 26 August 2004 - 12:08 PM.

"Words are, of course, the most powerful drug used by mankind." --Rudyard Kipling

#51 green_mantis

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Posted 26 August 2004 - 04:28 PM

((Opie, I am going to have to hit you. Maybe you should start reading my posts, or pay attention more when you do. Raveena left the room with Christine following behind her. If they confuse you that much you should ask me about them.))

"Opie, get back here! You had nothing better to do, Why did you not tell me of my daughter's return from her trip!?" Darksparrow demands as Opie begins to leave the room.
"And who is this one, who calls himself crane?" He asks no one in particular, looking into his crystal. He motions to a servant.


The servants continue to walk away, until they can no longer be seen.


In an aperture of light, Christine appears in the hallway, outside Crane's room, with another servant. She looks somehow stronger now, less timid. She directs the servant to Crane's door, and he knocks.

((It would be safe to assume that from now on, that when Christine appears, it is in an aperture of light.))
I am very sorry, if not for something I did, then it is for something I will do.

#52 Charon

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Posted 26 August 2004 - 04:39 PM

((Mantis... give Opie a chance, please ^^ I know the two of you are friends, but from here it looks like you're really tearing into him- you find fault with everything he posts. We're doing this to have fun and I beg you to let him have some. Stop pulling apart everything he says. If he makes errors, ignore some of them- the chances are that we won't notice anyway))
"Words are, of course, the most powerful drug used by mankind." --Rudyard Kipling

#53 green_mantis

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Posted 26 August 2004 - 04:51 PM

((*Cries* I'm so sorry...sob...I didn't mean to hurt anybody. I talked to him just as I read you post Charon. I am truly very sorry for being so frank with you all the time. And I will not correct anyone online anymore, or have the assassin take me. And I will try to have long posts to answer long posts. but some characters really don't say much...))
I am very sorry, if not for something I did, then it is for something I will do.

#54 Squee



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Posted 26 August 2004 - 04:55 PM

((I wonder whatever happened to that assassin-ninja guy thingy...

Anyways. XD I was looking over this thread and you only seem to have...5 characters in the Gauntlet? [Minus Mec who seems to have gone down with some fatal disease that has stolen away his ability to post] Vardoth, Pyri and Tlaloc, Crane, and Mec...and Opie if he counts.

Wasn't Darksparrow hoping for 6? Gasp! Does this mean I can join? XD))

Edited by Squee, 26 August 2004 - 04:57 PM.

Posted Image

#55 Opie

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Posted 26 August 2004 - 05:08 PM

((Oh god i did screw up. Thank you though Charon. SCREW YOU MANTIS :P I do have to read the posts more clearly though, lets just assume I followed Raveena and Christine saying that stuff instead, sans the stuff about Raveena staying. If that made any sense then you'll get it, if it didn't, i'll just retype the previous post.
Oh Please do Squee! We really could use the extra Character, plus another experienced Rper.))

"Right, sorry M'Lord. Crane? Well it apears as if he may be a paladin, judging by his sword, but you never know."

Edited by Opie, 26 August 2004 - 05:10 PM.

*`~Ø~þ~í~€~`* the ÃÑçíèчÑøøßï€
Any society that would give up a little liberty to gain a little security will deserve neither and lose both. -Ben Franklin

#56 green_mantis

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Posted 27 August 2004 - 05:22 AM

((Yes squee please do. We could all benefit from you joining this particular thread. PS: I don't know what Mec has, but I sure hope it isn't contagious.))
I am very sorry, if not for something I did, then it is for something I will do.

#57 Vardoth

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Posted 27 August 2004 - 09:14 PM

((Ive changed my posts to RED for talking and YELLOW for thoughts just in case anyone was wondering. Oh and by the way my account is no longer The Matrix. It is now Vardoth))

((Squee u were wondering what happened to the ninja assassin and then the sudden appearence of vardoth. Well you havent read all the posts :P Read the last two sentences of this quote.))

Edited by Vardoth, 27 August 2004 - 09:15 PM.

#58 Vardoth

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Posted 27 August 2004 - 09:25 PM

((Ive changed my posts to RED for talking and YELLOW for thoughts just in case anyone was wondering. Oh and by the way my account is no longer The Matrix. It is now Vardoth))

((IM also going to use GREEN for actions and PURPLE for talking about him in the 3rd person. Just in case anyone was wondering and so i dont confuse myslef.))

#59 Vardoth

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Posted 27 August 2004 - 09:27 PM

Vardoth feels the tremor but sits there motionless thinking I could easily sneak through this castle undetected...but is that really a good idea.....maybe later when everyone is asleep.

Edited by Vardoth, 27 August 2004 - 09:27 PM.

#60 Vardoth

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Posted 27 August 2004 - 09:31 PM

(( This is to Mantis. Am i allowed to sneak through the castle because this is in my characters nature but if you dont want me to i wont.))

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