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Pkers Everywhere!

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#31 Nocturnal

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Posted 06 June 2005 - 10:15 AM

And every single location that's been suggested, I've tried. Oops, PKed there too. Apparently the PKers are reading this topic and watching for me...

Well of course the more you whine about it of course the more people will follow you to pk you just to make you react worse.
Stop complaining already and deal with it, its a PK orientated game and if you can't handle that then just give up because your always going to get pked unless you learn the best tricks of avoiding it, and the only way of learning is experiencing it.
People have lost far more gold than an hours worth of training to pking, try losing an expensive drop at a boss or losing your gold holder that's far worse than being pked after only an hour of training.
By the way calm down, it's only a game for crying out loud, there is no reason at all for you to react like this just because you got pked. Geez.

#32 Charon

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Posted 06 June 2005 - 11:45 AM

I know there are ways to minimise the risk, but I don't have any arches to party up with at present to help keep me from getting sucker-punched. I'll survive, unless I don't.

Its perfectly possible to train without having arches to back you up.
Yes sometimes you will die, but get off the beaten track a bit and the chances of that happening are greatly reduced.
You may find that yes, wherever you go you seem to get struck down, but be patient and keep looking.

The fact is that the chance that they're purposefully targetting you is actually very low. Many pkers just seem to have routes that they check through, or certain areas they prefer. There are also many of them... your chance of finding a pker is very high.

Pking can be annoying yes, but its a part of the game for many people. Just take a step back and try to accept that... accept that sometimes it happens... and chances are you won't get so wound up about it.
When you don't get so wound up about it, you can enjoy exploring a bit more until you find a place to train thats right for you.
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#33 alone

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Posted 06 June 2005 - 11:46 AM

/who squee
Deaths by Players: 109

Leveled almost totally on Black Bears (has been reset, so the number is lower than it used to be). His older mage was done simply on bears, with not that many more deaths.

Now, if one SOLO mage can do it in the Forest, I see no reason why any other crit couldn't. Follow the advice given to you- and make one more rasist reference, and I'll join those who are 'hunting you'.
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#34 Sarven

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Posted 06 June 2005 - 01:45 PM

/who Sarven

Deaths by Players: 11

Trained mainly in Spider Tunnels and Orc Caves.... and to be honest, most of those kills came after I arched.

So pick an area AWAY from town and go there to train.
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#35 Charon

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Posted 06 June 2005 - 01:54 PM

Thankyou for just filling one of my training areas with pkers Sarven ^_^
"Words are, of course, the most powerful drug used by mankind." --Rudyard Kipling

#36 Sarven

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Posted 06 June 2005 - 02:01 PM

Well.... would be nice to actually see the area's used again ^_^
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#37 Roidhun

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Posted 06 June 2005 - 08:04 PM

And every single location that's been suggested, I've tried. Oops, PKed there too. Apparently the PKers are reading this topic and watching for me...

Go to Tombs then, that's a nopk area. (Oh btw you may not survive that experience either ^_^)
Every country has an army... Either its own or somebody else's
No crits ingame atm...

#38 Final Universe

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Posted 06 June 2005 - 09:09 PM

Funny how Bun thinks of himself of a god player and how he quit that means all the good players quit....to be honest more legends have been born then those who have died, because the time of Bun's playing the best players ingame had 10 archs now anyone decent has 10 archs.
Brutus of Compton.
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#39 Raylen


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Posted 06 June 2005 - 09:16 PM

/who Firen

Deaths by Players: *none*

And that was done when i could only log on 4 crits at once, making me ezpk ^_^

Mostly for him i trained in the Gnoll Fort - up on the Parapet, or in the Museum, down on the first floor :)

But yeah, you should stop crying, or even people like me who are too lazy to pk really might come hunting :P
+1 post count ggpwnedkthxbai

it's plausible that the SOB hasn't spawned

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#40 Nox

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Posted 06 June 2005 - 09:31 PM

^_^ You evil pkers r runeing the game for the noobies!!!! lmao thats why i dont pk :P
ßê¥øÑÐ Ñõ £õv€

#41 shigogouhou

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Posted 06 June 2005 - 09:59 PM

Well put Nox. If only there were more like you out there! ^_^

Did well in the ______ until ______ killed me at the end. Am currently trying to find ____ so I can train there but unsure as to how well I'll do against _____s.

Locations and enemies blanked out to keep PKers from hunting me down out of spite.

#42 Trevayne

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Posted 06 June 2005 - 10:00 PM

/t Raylen Try it with a cleric sometime ... /who da_vinci ^_^
Aeryn and Trevayne in game.

#43 Bun

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Posted 06 June 2005 - 10:20 PM

Funny how Bun thinks of himself of a god player and how he quit that means all the good players quit....to be honest more legends have been born then those who have died, because the time of Bun's playing the best players ingame had 10 archs now anyone decent has 10 archs.

not not anyone decent has 10 archs some people are lucky really lucky ill name one of them and thats yosha

i dont know where he came from as far as i know he stuck in TF and got stupidly rich i dunno why and i dunno how mucta been luck/theif and hes not exactly A great player and not once in that did i say i was a good player i used to be a good player when the game was worth playing and my 2 best friends played because we used to have a laugh now u dont get that the best days of my nm carear where in DC/TF me tom alex kev tony corey ori sam david some guy called snoop yosha that was are clan like 10 people and we where good at what we did weather it be winning events or pking

and when u say all good players quit

they have no andy no ste no disjunction (id garentee he would hand anyone on there there asses just because he is that dam good) ryans gone kevs practically quit i dunno if gaddys still going strong but all he can do is train hes not a good allrounder stotic still about hes fairly good umm i would still say jen she hardly plays (only decent players left are twizted Bill and ed(i geuss there good there theifs and scum bags but there good) Rob and jose (i name the 2 best players in game personally)) theres what ive name 5 players that can compete with the ones above and none of them can evan scrach eather kevs perhaps its just the name if ure name is kev your just the best player in game because to me it seems just like that.

so new question

whos got the name kevin?

I never went to asia this year i fly by and gave them a big wave.

#44 Marko_Polo_Jr

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Posted 06 June 2005 - 11:43 PM

[quote name='Bowlin' date='Jun 6 2005, 01:16 AM'] And always remember: [Quote]: It's just a game. [/QUOTE]
AWWWWW... I wanted to say that...

Oooo and also..

Your profile says th following: Death by Players: 11...

You have benn pked 11 times on that crit, and you whining...

When I played, I was always pked, and I never whined. I just "brushed myself off and tried again" as that d*** annoying song by that r&b girl who died.

Deal with it. ^_^

Edited by Marko_Polo_Jr, 06 June 2005 - 11:48 PM.

#45 Lady_Maha

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Posted 07 June 2005 - 05:44 AM

Another solution would have been to read the FAQ before even installing the game. Doing so would have supplied you with the following info:

Every time I step outside the city, someone kills me!

Oh dear! In this game we believe in 'pk' - player killing. Players can kill other players, but only outside of cities. Sometimes you just have to accept that you will get killed occasionally, or you can use arenas in cities to train safely.
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#46 Gaddy

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Posted 07 June 2005 - 06:13 AM

Effort, arch elf cleric
Deaths by Players: 6
He was arched with 1 death. --got it at level 13-18 (in rax sometime in there)
Ya though, that's a cleric I had at least 5 different people tell me, half of them more than once, I'd never get to train because they were hunting for it...never had any real problems with him.
I trained him in pretty much every area a cleric can heal in...gnomes, zeum, rax, illum tunnels, time mummy, mummy, dungeons, tombs, even a little in orc caves...

PKers don't pop up as often as people make it seem imo...Old Gaddy (now Maximus) trained on the 2nd floor of the museum from level 22 to arch without ever having someone jump me there, not even once.

Doublemint, Resurgam, Navajo, Deval, Verdigris, Gladiator, Magnitude, Prankster, and Platus ALL have less than 20 deaths, most of them have actually been used to fight and have been worked on quite a bit in places people claim to have frequent problems with being jumped...

Edited by Gaddy, 07 June 2005 - 06:15 AM.

Wisdom is the principle thing. Therefore, get wisdom, and in all your getting, get understanding.
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#47 Gèñúíñê Õút£ãw

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Posted 07 June 2005 - 08:48 AM

You jumped me you bugger! On the second floor of the zeum :P, (I need a spy glass). Neways just gotta suck it up and get back out there also, i'll go to rg get pwnt, then maze get pwnt, then by the time i go to zeum i'm good for a hr or 2... just try diffrent spots mix it up. THEY CAN'T BE EVERYWHERE AT ONCE.... well maybe gaddy hes a tricky one.... but maybe i give him to much credit... maybe ^_^
To all the people ive offended, Yeah f*** you to. To all the friends I used to have, Yo! I miss my past, But the rest of you assholes can kiss my a**

#48 Rappy_Ninja

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Posted 08 June 2005 - 02:42 AM

Funny how Bun thinks of himself of a god player and how he quit that means all the good players quit....to be honest more legends have been born then those who have died, because the time of Bun's playing the best players ingame had 10 archs now anyone decent has 10 archs.

not not anyone decent has 10 archs some people are lucky really lucky ill name one of them and thats yosha

i dont know where he came from as far as i know he stuck in TF and got stupidly rich i dunno why and i dunno how mucta been luck/theif and hes not exactly A great player and not once in that did i say i was a good player i used to be a good player when the game was worth playing and my 2 best friends played because we used to have a laugh now u dont get that the best days of my nm carear where in DC/TF me tom alex kev tony corey ori sam david some guy called snoop yosha that was are clan like 10 people and we where good at what we did weather it be winning events or pking

and when u say all good players quit

they have no andy no ste no disjunction (id garentee he would hand anyone on there there asses just because he is that dam good) ryans gone kevs practically quit i dunno if gaddys still going strong but all he can do is train hes not a good allrounder stotic still about hes fairly good umm i would still say jen she hardly plays (only decent players left are twizted Bill and ed(i geuss there good there theifs and scum bags but there good) Rob and jose (i name the 2 best players in game personally)) theres what ive name 5 players that can compete with the ones above and none of them can evan scrach eather kevs perhaps its just the name if ure name is kev your just the best player in game because to me it seems just like that.

so new question

whos got the name kevin?

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#49 Redheart

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Posted 08 June 2005 - 03:27 AM

I guess you learn to live with being pked
The thing I hate is you lose so much experience.
It would be nice if it just sent you back to your pub with no exp. loss.
You lose your gold and inventory and all that exp thats what makes it suck. ^_^
" For lunch we can have cupcakes until our little fairy tummies are content. We can all stay up to watch the sunset, then go to sleep in our little fairy beds.”

#50 draykill

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Posted 08 June 2005 - 08:02 AM

Pking is for losers.

Edited by draykill, 08 June 2005 - 08:03 AM.


#51 Origenes

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Posted 18 June 2005 - 08:28 PM

God thanks we have the pacifists. ^_^
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#52 Roidhun

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Posted 19 June 2005 - 12:10 AM

Pking is for losers.

Those who jump significantly smaller/lower lvl parties with a zerk/thief army, do /who on single crit(s) in order to kill ppl who haven't got a snowball's chance in a very warm place, do hit-and-run, hit-and-log or trap-running, are losers.

I have great respect for those who take on enemies of equal strength - even when they beat the crap out of me, (as they mostly do) ^_^

You lose your gold and inventory and all that exp thats what makes it suck.

That is exactly the nice thing abt pking (and deaths from monsters) - it is an attitude adjustment tool :P

Edited by Roidhun, 19 June 2005 - 12:18 AM.

Every country has an army... Either its own or somebody else's
No crits ingame atm...

#53 draykill

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Posted 19 June 2005 - 01:53 AM

Lol my statement was ment as sarcasm, I love pking.

#54 speedy

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Posted 19 June 2005 - 01:57 AM

word pkin owns ^_^

I think all classes appart from pacifists should be removed, then we can all be hippies and play nice together

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#55 Ryuku


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Posted 19 June 2005 - 04:47 AM

Pking is a myth <.<;;

#56 skullhuter05

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Posted 20 June 2005 - 12:11 AM

if u get out of the city to train there is a small threat fo getting pked
so deal with it

#57 Kakarott

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Posted 20 June 2005 - 01:25 AM

Now I see why people carry around lvl 3 covert thieves. Seriously, is there any way you can make NOT getting PKed a possibility? Like, say /nokill means not only that you can't attack players, but they can't attack you?

Or maybe you can "Hire protection" in any inn; and they will travel with you for 1 gold per square traveled, and as long as you have one with you, you can't be PKed.

Shigogouhou's bodyguard steps in the way, keeping you from attacking!

PKers are ruining the game for me...I can't even train alts without running into invisible mages, druids or thieves, just sitting around waiting...by the time you realize they're there you've been hit with four Beams and half your party's dead. That's no fun....just hoping to get some thoughts on this.

dude, what are you talking about? we have the -10/+10 level cap! you're delusional if you think anything can stop that well concieved patch inspired by whiners just like you. in any case, i'm sure that if you aren't delusional then whining will surely create a better solution that it has in the past! especially your idea of hot and cold running invulnerability! kudos for raising the bar!

You show me ONE level 15 crit killing a level 25 crit; or one level 20 crit defeating a level 30 crit and I'll believe your little "Yay 10-level cap" theory. Until you do, it's pointless to say stuff like that. I prefer the more honest way of killing enemies for gold, instead of the other method of going invisible and waiting for someone to come across your square so you can obliterate them before they know what happened.

You get like, 10 xp for every one HP of damage to a crit. So what's the point of PKing other than "I'm too lazy to make gold, so I'll just cruise around waiting for someone not as strong as me to kill so I can have their gold."? Is there one?

Possessed was just annihilated by Tethys with his awesome Stormwrath! You killed Possessed. ^_^ Tethys = lvl 21

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#58 MysticStorm

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Posted 24 June 2005 - 03:31 AM

Dude, do what I do. Yes, Experience does get lost, but most pk'ers are wanting to see how much guts you have. Bottom line, fight them back. Most will back off eventually because you gain their respect. Sure, I've had crits go -20 in exp because i kept fighting back. Some will back off just mostly because they use up their magic to fight me or they buy pots or mana crystals. I don't have one arch crit, but I have defeted arch crits before and my highest crit is level 25. I can tell you where the best place to train is that no one ever trains at anymore. Just page me in game as MysticStorm and I'll tell ya.

The pk'ers are what make this game and nothing ya can do about it. Just have to learn how to run like I do the majority of the time. ^_^

#59 fo_hizzel

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Posted 24 June 2005 - 07:34 AM

omg PKK for life lmao

#60 Rappy_Ninja

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Posted 25 June 2005 - 03:11 PM

I dont pk anymore but I own everyone who does at pking + in a real duel so I am happy ^_^
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