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Let Me Change Tr's Name!

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#31 Trevayne

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Posted 17 January 2006 - 09:56 PM

I look at it this way... let's say that TR is worth 50mil (roughly). Kalypso could right now boot everyone, put the clan house up for sale, and get back 75% of that value (37.5 mil). She could then build a new clan with a different name but in the same place, with the same rooms, invite the same members back in, and give them the same positions and tags. This would cost her an additional 12.5 million (the remaining 25%).

Other than the hassle of having to do all this, all of the above is completely legal. Let's make the cost of the name change 25% of the value of the clan and only be available to clans over 40 rooms (so that JLH isn't hassled by people wanting to do this all the time.)

/t Kalypso Are you willing to put up 12.5 million for it?
Aeryn and Trevayne in game.

#32 Squee



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Posted 17 January 2006 - 10:36 PM

Let's make the cost of the name change 25% of the value of the clan and only be available to clans over 40 rooms (so that JLH isn't hassled by people wanting to do this all the time.)

Now this, I like.

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#33 Gnarkill



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Posted 17 January 2006 - 10:41 PM

Lots of clans have sold and remade, this is on a bigger scale who cares maybe she shoulda thought about it back when it wasnt so large?

Still not supported and actually the first time i think ive ever agreed with what bill had to say. :(

Gnarkill- Multi and 1a

#34 «¤ºxXl3úÐXxº¤»

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Posted 17 January 2006 - 10:51 PM

Exodia we are thinking of other people. If you don't put a high number of rooms on it, or a high price. Then everyone would start changing thier clan's name just about every day. I like the idea of 25% but also make the rooms like 30-40. Some where in their so more than just TR can do it. Yet 25% of 30 rooms would still be a fairly decent prices.
I don't care if you lick windows, take the special bus, or occasionally pee on yourself. Hang in there you're friggin special!

#35 Perfection

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Posted 17 January 2006 - 10:58 PM

no other clans are allowed to just change there name be it at a cost or not, jlh would simply tell you sell the clan and build another one , has had to be done this way many many times with other clans... so because staff joined tr and they were basically the first clan in the game they should get special treatment eh figures :(

again i support name change for tr (at a large cost) but in general the idea of being able to change clan names is crap... build new clan
Pulsar, Gremlin or Old_Dog in game. (multi alt only)

#36 Roidhun

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Posted 17 January 2006 - 11:08 PM

Not supported, for all the reasons mentioned by Perfection.

Also I do not think T.R. merits special treatment.
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#37 Final Universe

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Posted 17 January 2006 - 11:23 PM

Not supported,

-players who joined the clan might have joined for the reputation of the name

-Players who have quit and returned might think its a different clan

-Other clans have had to remake and lose 25% along with any memeber who is inactive or fail to return to clan

-Its against current clan policy

-Players would complain about favoritism

-Clan enemy list along with ally list is changed

-The tr website would have to be changed

-The word will end

-Its like changing the name of a fallen hero (like changing benadict arnolds name to harry waltrip)
Brutus of Compton.
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#38 Dark


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Posted 17 January 2006 - 11:23 PM

Tr came to rise as TR ...Let it fall as TR.


Not Supported

#39 Tyler

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Posted 17 January 2006 - 11:42 PM

Supported; If it can be a feature to the game.

The 25% change rule seems fair for clans with say 30 rooms.

Ally/Enemy Lists:
The clan ally/enemy list can easily be modified to send to the current clan chairperson.

Changing Ally/Enemy Lists:
-- A memo from (chairperson of renamed clan) on (date) (time) saying (chairperson)'s clan (old clan name) was on your clan's(enemy/ally) list. (chairperson) has renamed their clan to (new clan name). The change has been completed.

Renamed Example:
Say my clan Twisted Inspiration renamed to Life After Death, then the ally/enemy list would just change, with the new clan's name instead of Twisted Inspiration.

Websites don't take that long to make, and if you want to spend gold on renaming your clan, you can sacrifice enough time to make a new website, or not have one.
I think it seems fair, other points can be worked on.

As far as people thinking it's a different clan, or then quiting because they don't like the new name, or whatever might be the case, that is the chances you take. You may have to memo your memos about the change, or tell who is on about the procedure.

CEO & Founder of Twisted Tactics.



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#40 fallen

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Posted 17 January 2006 - 11:50 PM

Not Supported.

Sell and build like everyone else had to.
we will pass judgement on the day of your doom

#41 «¤ºxXl3úÐXxº¤»

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Posted 18 January 2006 - 01:18 AM

"-players who joined the clan might have joined for the reputation of the name"

They can find a new clan to join for the reputation of the name. Jen is chairwoman. Unless she has a binding agreement with some one else it really shouldn't be up to anyone with personal feelings on it. The only replys to this topic should be no bias ones that don't have to deal with personal reasons

"-Players who have quit and returned might think its a different clan"

If you mean they think tr is the same clan, jlh can lock the name. If you mean they might not know where to find tr, well with a little bit of not even hard work they could /who kalypso? Assuming they have enough comon sence.

"-Other clans have had to remake and lose 25% along with any memeber who is inactive or fail to return to clan"

Supporters are saying charger her 25% of the clans cost. As for inactive players, nuts happens.

"-Its against current clan policy"

People Change, Rules Change, Policys Change.

"-Players would complain about favoritism"

Clearly TR deserves it. Since they where numero uno who has been able to knock them off the top and hold the position. If nothing else make it 25% and 35+ rooms to public.

"-Clan enemy list along with ally list is changed"

Don't be lazy. If you want a clan on your enemy/ally list bad enough you'll find out what the new name is.

"-The tr website would have to be changed"

Unless you made and update the website "Cry". If you did make the website and update it, then don't be lazy or don't redo it.

"-The word will end"

Pink Monkeys will reign silly goose.

Edited by «¤ºxXl3úÐXxº¤», 18 January 2006 - 01:18 AM.

I don't care if you lick windows, take the special bus, or occasionally pee on yourself. Hang in there you're friggin special!

#42 Perfection

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Posted 18 January 2006 - 01:38 AM

Clearly TR deserves it. Since they where numero uno who has been able to knock them off the top and hold the position. If nothing else make it 25% and 35+ rooms to public.

Pulsar, Gremlin or Old_Dog in game. (multi alt only)

#43 Kalypso

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Posted 18 January 2006 - 03:22 AM

for like a day...

anyway I've decided to stick with the name, simply because of Gnarkill's comment "letting TR fall" lol, please.

It would be my choice and my choice alone if the clan ever did fall.

I still think players should be able to rename clans at a price (25% of what the clan is worth) as Trey suggested sounds decent.

PS Deimos is right, the majority of us can legally drink now and have active sex lives that prevent us from being on NM 24/7 :(

Edited by Kalypso, 18 January 2006 - 03:26 AM.

"Maybe some women aren't meant to be tamed.
"Maybe they're supposed to run wild until they find someone just as wild to run with."

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