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Prisoner In Tears (still Open)

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#31 Bishop

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Posted 09 March 2004 - 05:38 AM

slowly steps back away from the throne & madman
Right... You’ve learned that there is more pleasure in abusing lesser creatures and the like – congratulations...

The measure of a man is what’s left when you strip away everything external; it would appear your measure is beyond my help. Please excuse my interruption, continue your game.

Keeping his eyes on Zanith, he moves over to ‘the Pacifist’ and reaches for the book.
I’ll just partake in a little light reading for a while... he says in a nonchalant manner.
Receiving the book, Bishop strolls over to the chair Zanith had previously created and makes use of it.

#32 Silverwizard

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Posted 09 March 2004 - 08:30 PM

"So to have peace you must have all free will and all that makes a creature a creature gone?" the pacifist says looking sharly at Zanith, "You know how to create a world better than the one that the gods have made? Evil is needed in balance and good is needed in balance or else the world will crumble, the weave you use will snapp killing you and dooming the world," with this he moves to look at the board watching the game progress.
Chairman of The Warriors of The Mist, The Great and Powerful Wizard

Skippy the Peanut Butter Fiend.

#33 Squee



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Posted 10 March 2004 - 02:12 AM

"So be it," Zanith snapped.
"When the weave fails, then my world shall fail!" he finished harshly.
"...It's not like that will be happening anytime soon..."

"As for you, Sir Dragontongue, you are wrong. If you stripped away everything external, you would find sheer, raw power. A power so strong that it roots itself deep within my core - it pulsates inside my veins and beats within my chest," he said, trailing off into a harsh whisper.
"And don't deny it, I know you can feel it, too. You can feel the power streaming off my aura like the light beams from the sun...Magnificent, isn't it?

Oh, but please, take no note of me. Continue with your reading. I shall not interrupt any longer. I trust you will enjoy that book as much as I have...the author has a certain...way with words," he snickered.


As Bishop holds the book, the same voices that tried to corrupt "the pacifist" begin to make themselves known to him. They begin their chants and persuassive tongues - velvet to the ear yet hell to the heart - slowly at first but soon picking up their pace. It seemed the longer Bishop held the book, the louder the voices would get.

The runes themselves, too, were unique. Again, as Bishop held the book, the runes began to shift around. It was strange, there really seemed to be no rhyme nor reason to their shufflings.

However, those skilled in the Arcane language would just be able to make out certain scarce and rare phrases from the texts.

"Rule in hell."

"Surrender yourself, achieve greatness."

"Erase weakness, create power."
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#34 LoKey

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Posted 10 March 2004 - 04:05 AM

Adrian shakes his head, "Yet more rantings of a madman." His eyes fall upon Zanith. "Now calm yourself. Again ye let mortals control ye. They have been dictating your emotions since their arrival. And again ye place so much emphasis on the mana stream. Yes, tis true that it is a power to be admired. The weave will one day withdraw from this realm. But tis nae for countless ages to ye all, even for ye Zanith. Ye claim to virtually be the weave manifest. But ye are not. Tis the weave itself which grants ye the power ye possess. Without the weave, ye are... as mortal and frail as they are." Adrian smirks at Zanith.

Adrian slowly steps to Bishop and closes the book that he's reading, leaving it in his hands. "Ye must proceed with caution sir Dragontongue. Tis nae a trinket ye are holding. Nae even Zanith knows the fullness of that tome. But I know... aye, I know."

Adrian now turns back to Zanith and the chess game. "I believe the next move is mine." He turns to towards the shadows in the corner where two figures remain that have all but been forgotten. "Father, ye know what to do. Follow your instincts."

Lokey emerges from the shadows and nods to Adrian as he supports the small figure at his side. Turning to Squee, Lokey speaks. "Ye hold the key to unlock the knowledge within the tome don't you? I know you're afraid and I know that it may hurt you. But we need your help. Will ye try to help us stop your captor?"

Adrian smirks as the glowing orbs that are his eyes lock with Zanith's gaze. "Innocence... how it protects from the tricks of the book. Ye never realized that he was the key, did ye? Why do ye think his time was never allowed to expire?" Adrian knows that fear has set into this seemingly unbeatable foe might cause him to step out of bounds. Adrian's eyes glow red. "Step nae out of line or I will have to act, so choose your next move carefully and stay within the boudaries of our 'game.'"

Lokey's attention rests on Squee as he waits to see if this small, frail creature will attempt to make a stand.
"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing."
~ Edmund Burke ~

#35 Bishop

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Posted 10 March 2004 - 04:58 AM

Remains in his seat with the book, now closed in his lap. Not very interested in the ramblings of the mad sorcerer, his attention remains on the book. He examines it, ‘closed’, thoroughly; the material, the binding, any markings, etc.

His attention turns to LoKey and the creature with him as they appear from the shadows, but quickly returns to the artifact in his hands. And so he stays engrossed...

#36 Squee



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Posted 10 March 2004 - 09:29 PM

"Innocence? I think you are mistaken...The only key to the book is myself. The book serves me and no other master."

Zanith wrinkled his brow as he looked upon the game. Once or twice, he extended a hand to move a piece but quickly drew it back. Finally, Zanith let loose a sigh and moved his piece. Twas a very valuable piece (one that would most certainly help him in the long game) but the sacrifice was now of the upmost importance. Although, the loss of this piece would be a devestating blow to Zanith's army, he knew that it would take more than a simple lost piece to bring him to his knees.

Squee covered his face with his tiny paws and began to shake his head violently.
"...I-I...I-I sawed the...b-book once... I...understwand wh-what's inside...but..."
"Onii-chan...p-pwomise me that y-you...will..." he said, trailing off into a whisper. His paws were soon removed from his eyes and he looked directly into Lokey's eyes.
"...Y-You will...stop...all...the fwighting...

P-Pwomise me..."
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#37 Silverwizard

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Posted 15 March 2004 - 04:51 AM

Silverwizard looks at the board then the book, then to Squee, "waitaminute" he says in a barely audible tone, he goes over to Squee and kneels before the child, "You know this book, the one in his hands," indicating Bishop, "you know how to stop it, don't you, how do you? Will you tell me?"

((OOC: Can a get an age estimation on Squee please, it is kinda hard to pin him down from the descriptions, I am thinking a two or three year old from speech patterns but I cannot tell. Sorry just need to know how to extract info from him, the strategy is different at different ages.))
Chairman of The Warriors of The Mist, The Great and Powerful Wizard

Skippy the Peanut Butter Fiend.

#38 Squee



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Posted 15 March 2004 - 02:26 PM

((Well, I'm sure you know what he looks like so I won't bother posting that. Short answer: Squee appears to be 6 years old.))

Quickly, Squee dashed behind Lokey and began to tug on his clothes ever so slightly. He hated all these questions. Why did they have to know about the book? Why couldn't they just leave it alone? The problem would solve itself eventually...wouldn't it?
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#39 Silverwizard

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Posted 15 March 2004 - 10:48 PM

((OOC: Thanks, sorry I work with children ever so often in my RL so I have strategies in place, so a 6 yr old...))

Trekkie sends Silverwizard away from Squee and then goes over to him and looks him in the eye, "Squee," he says in a soft voice, "I need you to help me, your the only one who can help us, Zanith is a bad man isn't he, do you wanna help us stop this bad man." Trekkie's voice is soft and gentle, a side he has not shown all the time he has been here, if the thieves who he deals with could see him they would not recognize him if he was wearing a nametag. Since he lack a real childhood he was facinated by children and spent as much time as he could giving some of his money to street children hoping they would get a better life.
Chairman of The Warriors of The Mist, The Great and Powerful Wizard

Skippy the Peanut Butter Fiend.

#40 Bishop

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Posted 20 March 2004 - 05:58 AM

Lets the book rest in his lap, sighing in frustration.

There’s just not enough information...

Squee... the book... Zanith... the book...
Too many unanswered questions...

And, I can’t even use my magic to help; I have to maintain this barrier...

...the barrier! Hmmm... I wonder...

He adjusts himself to be seated comfortably, with the book supported by his hands, resting in his lap. He closes his eyes and concentrates on the barrier; he focuses all of his facilities on the barrier, himself, and the magical energies that pass through them.

The barrier - a net of his own magical energies forming a barrier between his magic and all external magic - impeding all magic directed at him and tapering it to a minute, steady flow.

Concentrating so much that nothing else is known to him, his location, the sounds and activities around him, or even the passage of time. He focuses, now, to include the book; expanding the barrier in tiny increments outward from himself to also encompass the book in his lap.

Beads of sweat form on his temples as Bishop sits in a meditative state.

#41 Squee



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Posted 20 March 2004 - 06:27 PM


As Bishop tried to ecompass the book...the book seemed to push back at Bishop. In Bishop's mind, the pushing seemed familiar. It was something powerful...very poweful...

The book almost let loose a scream as it pushed back at the magic barrier. A scream that rang only in Bishop's mind.

"Sir Dragontongue, I'd be careful if I were you. Unless you think your powers exceed that of the Weave, you may just find yourself dead in the next few moments."

((The reason I haven't replied with Squee is because I want Lokey to respond, then, I'll respond both to Silverwizard and Lokey.))
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#42 Bishop

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Posted 22 March 2004 - 06:08 AM

The book slides from Bishop’s hands and down to the floor as he jolts from the trance, breathing heavily and visibly exhausted. After a minute he rises and staggers over to a window, and stays there, head hanging low, taking deep breaths of fresh air...

#43 Squee



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Posted 22 March 2004 - 10:10 PM

Zanith couldn't help but laugh at Bishop's suffering.

"Had enough have ye?" he snickered as he levitated the book back into his grasp.

"Can't you see? My power is infinite. You found my one weak point...but it's still too powerful for you. Are you ready to give up now? No one will blame you if you do. In fact, you will most likely be praised for having on such a level head.

Squee, take this book. Put it back downstairs. Do it quickly...or..." Zanith said as he tossed the book into the air. As it staggered in mid-flight, Zanith waved a hand in front of himself.

Immediatley, Squee's eyes shut and his face scrunched up. He was in pain - undeniable pain. He clawed at his eyes with his hands and pulled on his whiskers in anguish. There was no doubt that Squee was being tortured within...yet...he did not cry.

With another wave of Zanith's hand, Squee's eyes opened and he quickly dashed to grab the book. Panting hard, Squee ran down the trap door and quickly dashed to the alter, his tail between his legs and his tears streaming from his cheeks.
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#44 Bishop

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Posted 23 March 2004 - 06:14 AM

Bishop stands erect at the window and he takes a deep breath. He arches his back, ‘popping’ numerous vertebrae, then twists his neck from side to side, causing more bone-joints to ‘pop’. He turns back to face the room. He looks more vibrant, more physical; not so much the frail, hunched over, aging man.

Your power is infinite, blah, blah. Please, spare us more of you dribble. So you found a way to channel mass amounts of power to your bidding; you still started mortal, and the source of your power is external. You’re not so special, others could choose to do the necessary studying and experimenting to discover how to use other devices to give them power.

He doesn’t look at, or speak directly to, Zanith – he talks as if addressing the others in the room, or just thinking aloud, more-so than talking to Zanith.

I know, I know; but they didn’t, you did – you’re so special... And here we have you, the all powerful Zanith, soul-less and on the brink of destroying the world, or worlds. All powerful and eternally amused by abusing a helpless, innocent creature.

As he talks, he traverses the room to the chess board and examines the scene there as he continues to speak.

But, to answer your question, no, I won’t be giving up. That’s not how we work. Sure, I’m fatigued, hungry, and thirsty, but I could never leave here and sit ideally by while you destroy the lives of innocents. Yes, I am mortal, and I must endure the hardships of it, but I have no fear of them, of my mortality – indeed I treasure my mortality. Something you probably wouldn’t understand.

And, I may be somewhat frustrated with this book of yours, but then, I haven’t spent a decade, or century, or centuries, studying it – only minutes. I do, however, know the weave, somewhat intimately, and I know its power is not yours, nor should it be used by any mortal the way you are using it. I also know that by using the book the way you have isn’t without a price, a price that any wise person would never concede to.

This use of the weave will not be allowed; perhaps not this day, perhaps not by the hand of anyone in this room, but some day, by some hand, you will be called to pay the price for this blasphemy.

He looks at Trekkie, then at the doorway Squee just passed through with the book, and back at Trekkie, wondering if he should pursue the rodent (no malice intended), or if Trekkie will.

But, who cares, right – we’re here only so long as it amuses you, right...

Edited by Bishop, 23 March 2004 - 06:16 AM.

#45 LoKey

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Posted 23 March 2004 - 02:29 PM

Adrian leans against the wall in silence as he watches Zanith ploy, and delude himself as he talks with the mortals present. Then it happens...

Adrian smirks as he sees that Zanith has taken his bait on the chess board. The opening in his defenses was nothing more than a ploy, a trap. And Zanith fell for it, hook line and sinker. Finally, the little one known as Squee was alone, and Adrian could take his move. As Bishop continued to talk and Zanith's attention focuses on the mage, Adrian silently vanishes from the room, unknown to anyone.

His figure reforms in the hallway that leads to the alter, and as soon as Squee enters the hallway, the trap door is locked, unable to be opened by any means. Adrian waits within the hallway, only but a moment as Squee's tiny and frail form scurries towards him and then comes to a halt before him. Adrian gently touches Squee on the shoulder as he speaks with this small one, completely isolated with their conversation unknown to everyone else.

"Little one, this task falls on ye. Ye are the chosen one to aid Sir Dragontongue. Ye must hold the book for him, for within ye, the innocence will hold the tricks of the book at bay and allow the mage called Bishop to read the tome. Zanith will try to harm ye, but ye can let nothing that he will do distract ye. Know that I am with ye and will protect ye from physical harm. Ignore Zanith's trickery, and help the Dragontongue strip him of his connection to the weave. This is your destiny, and why ye have endured him. Now, stand up, and overcome your fears. Stand against this villiany and treachery. The strength and power is within ye. But just to let ye know that ye are nae alone, here is a gift from me to ye."

Adrian gently touches Squee's forhead and the tunnel illuminates with divine light and power as a vision of Squee's parents echos within his mind. They smile affectionately at him and his mother takes him into her arms, echoing words of comfort, "You can do it my precious child. This is what you were meant to do. Now, do as The Watcher says. Help them beat this villlian and know that we live within your heart for always, and watch you from afar with pride." As a tear streaks down Squee's from the vision, an unseen force has wiped it away sending the feeling of a mothers touch through Squee's being.

As the vision continues, Squee's mother steps aside to reveal the figure of The Watcher standing watch over his parents in full manifestation of his unquestioned power and might that seems unmatchable as time itself bends and flows to the very will of The Watcher. The figure speaks soothingly, but commandingly to Squee. "Now go, the others await ye. Your destiny is at hand. I will be with ye."

Suddenly the corridor returns to it's normal state, the lock for the trap door clicks back to the unlocked position and Squee stands in the corridor with a decision to make, to trust in Adrian, The Watcher... or to give into fear.

Adrian one more appears within the room, his departure and meeting with Squee completely unknown to all other presence as it took place outside of time for all but him and Squee. Adrian watches the knight on the chess board to see if the figure that represents Squee, will check the king and force him back into place for Adrian's next move.
"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing."
~ Edmund Burke ~

#46 Silverwizard

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Posted 23 March 2004 - 11:35 PM

((OOC: Dark reaper, if you have a problem with it get you out of this forum and stay out we are just as happy not to have you making negative remarks in the middle of our RP. Also sorry about my late post I lost my internet for a few days))

Silverwizard moves to follow Squeee but Trekkie motions to him to stop and instead goes himself. When he reaches the shut door he simply sits down and tries to pick the lock, unsucessfully.

Silverwizard turns back to Zanith and snarls at him, "You sadistic pervert, you enjoy causing PAIN? What is wrong with you, nothing should have given you this power, wether they were evil or good they should know better than to do THIS," He raises his hands and in sheer anger sends a large bolt of lightning smashing into Zanith's throne severly damaging it.
Chairman of The Warriors of The Mist, The Great and Powerful Wizard

Skippy the Peanut Butter Fiend.

#47 Squee



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Posted 24 March 2004 - 01:33 AM

Zanith sighed as his throne was obliterated. Dust cleared and the chair was gone...yet, Zanith remained standing. A strange sight to say the least. As if he were sitting on something not of this world.

Zanith licked his lips and extended a hand. With a simple flick, he smiled then turned his head around. His grin widened as he began to wait for Trekkie to notice his lips had been removed and the gaping hole in his face was stitched together by some ungodly instrument.

"You, talk too much. You should work on that. It'll get you killed someday...if not today."

Just then, Zanith peered over at his window curiously. Snapping his fingers to reform his throne, Zanith cupped his chin in his hand.

"Mr. Dragontongue...although your words intrigue me...I must ask...who are we?"


Squee clutched the book into his chest tightly as he slowly let his tail move without thought.

What if they can't stop Zanith? He'll hurt me so badly...i-if I don't bring the book up, maybe he'll be easier on them...i-it would be better for everyone.


No! I-I have to bring the book up! They have to succeed! They will destroy Zanith! He will be stopped and then I can go back!

Back where? Back home? Back to the cinders? The ashes?


Do you really want to suffer more? Just let Zanith take care of you. He may hurt you from time to time but it's nothing compared to what he may do if you bring that book up.


These people are lost. They never really cared about you. Nobody really cared about you. You just think they did. When you look back-

NO! They do care! They care about me! And I care about them! I care about everyone and everything! None of them deserve to suffer like me! I'm going to stop him! You can't make me doing anything anymore!

Squee's eyes shot open and he began to run full speed through the corridor and up the stairs. He was panting hard and tears were streaming down his cheeks. What was this feeling? It was as if his mind was cleared. As if his inner demons had been exercised or weeded out.


Zanith sighed as he looked back down at the chess game. He was growing tired. He wanted to make his move. Adrian was taking much too long with his turn. War was not like this. War was in quick succession. True one had to think wisely of one's moves but...this was ridiculous.

"Adrian, it's your-"


Squee burst forth from the trap door, panting hard, his fur damp with sweat, eyes red with tears. He let out a tiny squeek as he ran forward, book in hand. He quickly scanned the room until he laid eyes upon Bishop. He shut his eyes tightly and opened the book. Kneeling before Sir Dragontongue, he raised the book above his own, letting the pages sit idly.

The runes, of course, began to shift and move. However, as they did, an eerie, purple light began to surround each. In one quick movement, the runes seemed to be forced to the pages, tied down by some divine magic.

"..M-Meester B-Bishop...I-I bwought you the bwook..."


"Squee...what are you doing? P-Put that book down..." Zanith said as he slowly stood. He didn't even notice how a piece on the board began to shift. A seemingly useless piece had positioned itself in such a way that Zanith's king was in dire check.

"Squee...d-don't make me hurt you...you know I will...Just stop it now..."
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#48 Silverwizard

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Posted 24 March 2004 - 03:16 AM

The pacifist moves in between Zanith and Squee, Anturox and Silverwizard simply moved to flank him causing a wall of people defending the group. Silver and Anturox raise their hands readying a spell each, the pacifist readying divine magic to defend the wall and Squee. Anturox cast a spell to cause an earthquake below Zanith, and Silver snaps his fingers and the scroll appears in his hand he says, "I need no book to achieve power, I did not want to resort to this but this is getting desperate."

Trekkie noticeing his tounge could not move out of his mouth as was his custom when picking a lock tries to scream, realises what is wrong by looking at himself in one of his knives, then uses the knife the cut the stitching, screaming in pain.
Chairman of The Warriors of The Mist, The Great and Powerful Wizard

Skippy the Peanut Butter Fiend.

#49 LoKey

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Posted 24 March 2004 - 03:55 AM

Adrian steps forward and moves through the wall of people to stand at the front of the heros in a face to face confrontation with Zanith. Adrian's eyes and collected demeanor remain unchanged as he looks Zanith straight in the eye.

"I tried to warn ye Zanith, but in your arrogance, ye would nae depart from your head strong course. Your hasty toughts and delusions of being in control have crumbled. And ye stand on the bring of utter ruin. Brought to your knees by..." Adrian smirks as he continues... "your 'little pet.' Surely this is nae what ye thought would happen. But ye fell prey to simple misdirection. Look, I have made my move." Adrian stretches a hand towards the board and waits for the look of shock on Zanith's face. "I believe that this is checkmate... You are out of moves."

As attention turns and focuses on the chess board, everyone notices that it is true. Zanith has in fact been beaten. Adrian's eyes flash red as he senses Zanith's anger burning. Adrian prepares for anything that Zanith might do. "Careful Zanith, fate is at hand. Nae even the gods are exempt to the coming of fate. Oh they may try to fight it as I'm sure ye are about to, but tis why I am here. Fate WILL be done." Adrian's tone has shifted from the mild mannered and soft spoken individual to one who means to put another in their place if need be.

Adrian stands ready for Zanith's actions as he speaks... "Sir Dragontongue, I do believe it is time for ye to act."

Forgotten by all in the room, LoKey La`Mace positions himself to strike from the shadows, hidden behind Zanith as he knows the moment of Zanith's vulnerability may be fastly approaching and he wants to be in position. He watches his son carefully as well as Zanith, and silently unsheaths his dagger. Thoughts echo in his mind, silent to all but him... "Wait for it LoKey... patience... You'll know when to strike."
"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing."
~ Edmund Burke ~

#50 Bishop

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Posted 24 March 2004 - 07:00 AM

We..? Why, look around you. Those of us that came here,...
His words come halting, as he skims the runes for the incantation needed to severe Zanith’s link to the weave.
…risking our lives,
...risking some hellish torture you might dish out, to stop you – not for ourselves,
...not for reward, or fame,
...but simply to spare the innocents you’d destroy if allowed to continue...
We... don’t give up...
Adrian... myself... Silverwizard... Anturox... Trekkie... many, many people, ‘we’... and, yes... Squee.

As he speaks the last name, Squee, his lips part in a compassionate, proud smile.

His eyes begin to glow faintly as he locates the necessary runes - he whispers under his breath;

Squee, don’t be afraid...

His eyes become ablaze in a purple-white light, and once again, he enters a trance-like state. The barrier he's been upholding since the day began abruptly dissipates as he begins to speak in an ancient, arcane tongue...

Edited by Bishop, 24 March 2004 - 07:01 AM.

#51 Squee



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Posted 24 March 2004 - 09:41 PM

Zanith bit his bottom lip as he opened and closed his fists. Were blood still flowing through his veins, one would be sure to see his face go red with fury. Gritting his teeth, Zanith stepped forward, glancing at Bishop then to Adrian, staring at him squarely.

Then, out of the blue, Zanith's face cracked into a wide, toothy grin and he laughed. He laughed hard enough that he bent over, holding his sides.

"Do...Do you honestly think that some simple incantations will stop me? True, you will weaken my connection and, maybe, just maybe, you will be able to sever it...

...But do you realize who I am? Before I became Zanith, God of the Arcanes, do you realize the power I had? People trembelled before me, quivering like...children. Go ahead, read to your heart's content. It bothers me not...

...As for you, small Squee, prepare yourself. You are about to witness something horrific. Prepare to watch me rip the beating hearts from these...these infidels."


Squee's hands trembelled as he heard Zanith's sour voice ring in his ears. He closed his almond shaped eyes hard and simply concentrated at the task at hand. He was to hold the book open, no matter what happened. No matter what anyone said, especially the book. He was to ignore it all.

As Bishop spoke his arcane words, close inspection would reveal that small, whisps of smoke were rising from Zanith's robe. The passionate colours from his eyes were even beginning to slowly dwindle into that of a more mortal nature.
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#52 Silverwizard

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Posted 24 March 2004 - 11:29 PM

The three spell users (Silver, Anturox, and the pacifist) stop their respective threats (except the pacifist whom simply finish his spell) and start to join into a clerical/natural/arcane spell to block Zanith's spells, simply to buy Bishop the time he needs. The spell send ripples of power out from them, blocking any and all spells to the point that the weave itself was almost inacessable.
Chairman of The Warriors of The Mist, The Great and Powerful Wizard

Skippy the Peanut Butter Fiend.

#53 Bishop

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Posted 27 March 2004 - 04:59 AM

Bishop finishes the incantation and collapses to the floor, his breathing shallow.

#54 Squee



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Posted 28 March 2004 - 11:20 PM

Zanith snarled as he looked as the events unfolded before his eyes. He raised a hand in front of his face and watched as whisps of smoke left him. He looked at the rest of his body as similar whisps began to slowly drift towards the ceiling, disappearing to, no doubt, the weave.

"...It matters not," he said to himself.

"I'll simply kill you all, take back my book and re-connect myself with the weave. Can't you see? All you've done today is stalled the inevitable."

With that, Zanith shut his eyes and held out both his arms high above his head. He shouted loudly, calling out to some unknown. His body pulsated and veins could be seen, bulging forth. His seemingly mad shoutings became louder and louder; louder than any normal man could ever hope to mimic.

Suddenly, his shouting stopped. He smirked at his oppenents, giving them a slight hand gesture as his body ignited in a horrific light show. Amber-glowing flames lapped off his entire body. His eyes now limpid pools of obsidian. His face was now wrinkled with effort as he gritted his teeth. His long, white, braided hair seemed to blow in an unseen wind.


Squee held his ears flat against his head, trying to drown out Zanith's screams. To his sensitive ears, it was a thousand needles into his skull. However, despite this, Squee remained valient. He closed the book with a mighty clap and set it down upon the floor.

Very gently, he began to nudge at Bishop, calling out his name with his tiny, fright-filled voice.
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#55 Silverwizard

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Posted 29 March 2004 - 01:02 AM

Anturox starts to call up power to summon a blizzard, to weaken the power Zanith is using for the heat of his body.

Silver starts to weaken the power of the spell using ancient dispelling magics, "Zanith your mortal, we have already done more than you said we could, never underestimate us."

The pacifist simply just starts casting spells of defence.
Chairman of The Warriors of The Mist, The Great and Powerful Wizard

Skippy the Peanut Butter Fiend.

#56 LoKey

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Posted 29 March 2004 - 03:58 AM

Adrian looks at the body of Bishop laying lifeless on the floor, with the exception of his shallow breathing that can be heard by this deity's ears. He smiles softly as Squee's eyes meet his for a moment. "He'll be alright small one. And well done. Well done." Adrian's head slowly turns his gaze towards Zanith who's seems to be preparing for to begin an incantation.

Adrian smirks as he stares at Zanith with the very same cool and collected exterior he's held through most of this conflict. "It seems yet again ye have overlooked something Zanith. And yet again, tis a very costly mistake."

Zanith begins his incantation and Adrian knows that it's time to prevent this battle, at least for now. Adrian lifts his hand in front of him, as if to hold something and the ancient tome vanishes from the floor and appears in Adrian's hand. The book lets out a blood curteling scream as if in pain upon touching this god of time. All spells casting is broken as the scream is ear peircing and debilitating to everyone within the immediate area. Adrian then addresses the book in a commanding voice, as the very fabric of time quakes with this single spoken word, "ENOUGH!" Suddenly the screaming halts and everyone is able to regain their composure.

Adrian's attention drift back toward Zanith from the book as he calmly continues. "Ye are mortal now, and as such, the rule of my lack of interference nae longer apply. And we have much to discuss, such as how to deal with ye now. But before that, I believe I should put this someplace... away from the grasps of mortals for now." With nothing more than a simple glance, the tome becomes encased within a glow of divine power and vanishes from sight, out of the grasp of any except the one who's placed it within a timeless oblivion for safe keeping.

Adrians gaze turns back to Zanith. "Now, what to do with ye? For ye were foolish to nae realize why I was truely here. Ye thought I was only here to play my part in the game. But ye failed to realize that ye were meant to find that book for a reason. Twas a test of my design to see if ye were truly worthy to claim the domain ye held in your hand." Adrian's eyes flash bright red for a moment, but only a moment. "But as ye may have guessed, ye failed. And the gods had such high hopes for ye. Do ye really believe we would simply just allow such a tome to exist within the mortal realm, free to simply fall into any mortals hands?" Adrian chuckles at Zanith's idiocy. "And ye claimed these to be small and closed minded. Such irony."

"So Zanith, has fear seaped in, now that blood runs through your veins and one misstep on your part could end your existence? Or even now as ye have fallen from your perch of ascension and your hopes of recovering your power has been stripped from ye, do ye still believe ye are in control?" Adrian stands with his arms crossed before Zanith, with a piercing gaze from the blue orbs that are his eyes, waiting for Zanith's reply.


Lokey silently slips ever so close to Zanith, unkown to all. Lokey knows that with Zanith being mortal, one quick dash and stroke of his blade, could cripple this mage, or even snuff out the life that seemed so invincible just moments before. Lokey wonders if he should act, or continue to wait, unseen and forgotten as he lurks with the shadows behind Zanith, poised and ready now for a swift and sure strike.
"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing."
~ Edmund Burke ~

#57 Silverwizard

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Posted 29 March 2004 - 04:15 AM

The three spell casters all jump at the loss of their spells and they each start recasting. Seemingly unoticed by Silverwizard he has lost the scroll he has used in so many ways throughout the excursion, it has slipped out of the sleeve he uses as a pocket for it and it has rolled beside Zanith's foot.

Trekkie Longfingers looks ferally at Zanith, anger boiling in him, his eyes seem to glow with a red fire, despite this rage instead of becoming wild and crazy he goes into a seeming trance, he begins to move with footsteps so soft that they cannot be heard by Adrian. He whips out two daggers which have been specially wieghted for throwing. Both are coated with Sand Scorpion venom. He throws these daggers at the back of the head of the now mortal Zanith.
Chairman of The Warriors of The Mist, The Great and Powerful Wizard

Skippy the Peanut Butter Fiend.

#58 Squee



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Posted 30 March 2004 - 01:13 AM

Zanith raised a hand and immediatley, the daggers stopped in place. With a slight grunt of effort, Zanith pulled both weapons into each of his hands, fingering the blades, his face wrought with thought.

His flames had died down now and his eyes returned to what they should be, a cold steel blue.

For the first time, Zanith was at a loss for words. He opened his mouth several times but only gurgles and stammers escaped. Was this what defeat felt like? Such a sour mistress. As for the book, was it really simply a ploy? A test? Did he fail that as well?

"Well, Adrian..." Zanith mumbled as he wiped disbelief off his brow and unto his roben sleeve.
"...I-It seems that, indeed, you have won...but, I must ask, what now? I played through your test and I have failed...miserably. Do I now start my eternal treck into the depths of the nine hells, boulder on my back and crown of thorns on my brow?

I won't even waste your time asking for a second chance - even gods have their boiling point.

Oh, I am fortune's fool..." he said, flipping the dagger to and fro between fingers.

"Do I fear? No doubt. Have I not be wearing my robes, you could no doubt see my trembling knees."

"Ironic..." he said with a chuckle.
"What a cruel word..."
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#59 Silverwizard

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Posted 30 March 2004 - 02:39 AM

Trekkie snarls at the spell caster, "Zanith you will never sweet talk me, I have no idea what you have planned but you're not getting it, I do not care what the gods want for you, but I know I want," Trekkie's hands dive to his belt and starts throwing them one after the other until of the about 50 daggers he started with only his knife made of rose quartz remained. As he does this instead of raging or something of the sort he simply does breathing exercises he appears perfectly calm and one with his weapons, each motion perfectly fluid enough to make him appear not to have bones in his entire upper body.
Chairman of The Warriors of The Mist, The Great and Powerful Wizard

Skippy the Peanut Butter Fiend.

#60 LoKey

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Posted 30 March 2004 - 03:30 AM

Adrian raises his hands as Trekkie grabs his next dagger. Strangely, as each dagger approaches Zanith, time for the daggers alone seems to slow until coming to a complete halt about 3 feet from Zanith. Adrian addresses Trekkie, "Please accept my apologies sir, but his fate lies in my hands. And I am ready to pass judgement."

"First of all, ye are found guilty of theft of that which was nae yours to take. The first test of the tome was would ye steal that which was nae yours. And in that, ye failed miserably. The second test, was would ye fall prey to the lust for power and become consumed by your own selfishness and desires over what would should be for the sake of those we are keepers, and yes I mean the mortal creation, to include the plants of the field, the animals, the water, air, land, fire, and yes... even those that think themselves to be the most important and center of it all, the different 'races' of human, elves, dwarves, and so forth. Again, ye are found guilty."

"Lastly, ye were tested with stability of character. Need I even say it? Guilty. So what now. Ye have been separated from the weave by the ones ye felt were beneath ye. A bit of punishment ye might think, but tis for your own good. Ye were separated because in destroying this realm, ye would have destroyed a part of the weave and yourself. So that was for your benefit actually. But there is a mark of punishment to be noted here." Adrian's gaze seems to penetrate the very core being of Zanith as his body is racked with pain and agony as if being burned from the inside out. Only once the pain vanishes and Adrian begins to speak again, does anyone know what has just happened.

"For the sake of the realm, and even your own good, I, on the authority of the gods of this realm, have prevented ye from use of the weave in any form beyond that of a simpleton. Forever ye will lust and long for the power which will always be out of your grasp, even though ye know how to use it. The mana stream will nae ever again heed to your call or incantations."

Adrian's eyes flare red as the darker side of his persona now becomes a bit evident and everyone in the room can't help but to feel unnerved by his next words. "Now for the greatest crime of all. For blasphemy and declairing yourself a god when ye were never truly one, and for the cruel and counted acts ye performed under this guise, ye have been found guilty and sentencing stands as thus..."

"For the remainder of your days, ye will wander this land, tirelessly seeking the peace and solitude and solitude of rest, never to find it. For whenever your eyes do close, ye will relive every cruel punishment, every needless death and destruction caused by your hands as if ye were the victims ye laid waist to. Ye will also see the time slipping away from everyone that ye come in contact with, never knowing when they will die, but sensing the hunter of death as he creeps ever so slowly against them, but nae ye. He will nae come for ye for ages to come as ye travel this half existence, half torture until I bore with ye. Ye will know what it is to be your victim. Ye will long for death, but it will nae more than taunt ye as it seems to approach ye, given ye hope of escape, then only to flee ye in glee of your torment. As I have said it, so will it be done until I release ye from this curse inflicted upon ye. Though your body be destroyed, ye will continue to live. Though your mind and sanity vanish, ye will live on in torment. These are the word and sentance enforce by all of the gods of this realm for your infractions."

Adrian turns and looks at the chess table that seems to explode into time itself as the battle between the powers that would be has come to an end, with The Watcher standing as victor. Adrian steps towards the door as Lokey moves from the shadows to stop him.

"Son, what's happened to ye? Ye are nae the same." Adrian's eyes turn and fix on his fathers with a soft smile. "The son ye know father, was lost in the expanse of time. I am who remains. I love ye with all that I am father, but I am the way I am for a reason. Fate and time can nae takes the sides of good or evil, but by very nature must be both to truly remain neutral to all." With a smirk on his face Adrian starts to vanish from sight with nothing more left but his voice, echoing in the air. "Send my love to mother and my sister." His voice sounds more distant as he continues to speak until there is nothing left. "Know that I am ever watchful."

Lokey is left standing dumbfouned by his son as he turns to the others in the room, and then looks at Zanith....
"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing."
~ Edmund Burke ~

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