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Public Declaration Regading Past Cheating Accusations.

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#31 PrimeX85

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Posted 14 March 2012 - 03:16 AM

Actually kind of proud of you Chris for finally admitting what was happening. While it isn't like anyone didn't know, at least you have the balls to tell the truth.

no matter what anyone says, that ur only posting all of this because he stole all ur stuff...which wouldnt be true no matter who said it, but regardless of how long u knew about jase cheating and magically making items/gold or stealing items/crits out of banned accts or staff accts, u did the right thing and admited to it, so kudos to u man, u get 1 point in my book... on the other hand, from day 1 of the allegations of him cheating or abusing his staff position/powers, jase denied everything and more then likely is still gonna deny everything cause he still thinks hes above the law even though hes not staff anymore all cause hes best of buds with jlh in real life and tends to sucky sucky the other members of the staff team on the other computer games they play

chris brought this problem to 2 staff members attention when jase originally changed the acct pass and stole his stuff and both of them could careless, 1 said to bring it up to someone who deals with that kind of stuff...uh hello thats every staff members job but hey, i guess if ur only on the staff team to look cool while u sip ur wine coolers, cookies for u.... but that seems to sit a little weird with me cause if it was anyone else on the game that robbed thier sharer(s), they wouldve locked the acct until all sharers were on to settle the dispute, or just banned it completely...but it took a staff member that DONT even play or log on period to get this whole situation in motion ... but hey, we all know how certain staff members work and how most dont work and we all know how jase worked when he was staff from day 1, his intentions had nothing to do with inproving the game to make it better for the playerbase, was for his own benefit as many of us said from the beginning lol, if he wasnt cheating to create gold for clan rooms in his clan, or to buy high lvl crits, or to buy high end items... he was ruining the game for the players that actually enjoyed playing this game as a hobby on a constant basis...

i just hope jase is punished for all the cheating he did, he claimed he wanted to improve the game and help the game better for the players, but what did he even do for the game? not 1 thing, besides benefiting from being on the staff team... everything he claims he "tried" to do for the game, was a complete waste of time or it ruined the game for majority of the playerbase...yeah chris and them should also be punished for not coming forward alot sooner when they knew it was wrong and was against the rules, but they dont deserve to lose everything they had/owned from day 1, all of the crits chris/ste/alex and eric own, are all crits they owned before they shared with jase, yeah some of the items they have are from jase's cheating, but they did have alot of items before hand aswell... so they should atleast lose 1/2 of what they own, not everything cause jase stole it off them or cause they knew bout jase cheating, jase is the one that wanted to be a staff member with bad intentions that cheated and the one that robbed thier stuff, so he should suffer the worst out of it all at the end of the day, the rest of them should still be able to play the game and enjoy it like the rest of us do

this game really needs staff for events/area development and a staff member just for stuff like this, theft/cheating and so on so theres no biased shinanigans goin on like there is now days... but thats my 2 cents lol if u must, but this is how i feel bout this situation and future situations .... toodles

#32 PureMourning

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Posted 14 March 2012 - 03:35 AM

i disagree. the game should have few designers/coders with the job as a goal with a few testers. some of which just tally statistics (and for the best prolly "dont play" for unbias) and a few ingame educated helpers (consisting of a few familiarised players that have background in successfully using ALL classes) to explain certain "OP" aspects and reasoning.

main problem is diversity. nightmist lacks the scale of diversity and balance it had at lvl 30.

edit: its just not worth training 80% of the race/class combinations allowed ingame. they plain out suck post 30. and the racial benefits that seemed to help at 30 nearly seem absent

Hey Piddy, let me start off by saying that I agree with the blatant imbalances that affect the game's livelihood - that goes without saying. However, it is clear that this thread is about the "law" of the game and how it should be monitored and enforced. There are plenty of threads out there about game designing and coding. This isn't it.

Primex pretty much summed up what I was going to say at the end of his post. Staff focus should be broken down into 3 tiers: Programming, game desiign, and community management.

We're never going to acquire another programmer, so that leaves staff for development and community management. And sadly, programming goes hand in hand with development so the game design will always be stunted in terms of limitations.
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#33 Gnarkill



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Posted 14 March 2012 - 03:36 AM

Now I feel like I have herpes because I trained/used some of you guys stuff. Dinks. :lol:

Edited by Gnarkill, 14 March 2012 - 03:46 AM.

Gnarkill- Multi and 1a

#34 IXThunderDomeXI

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Posted 14 March 2012 - 03:40 AM

I don't see what the big deal is, I personally use my staff crit to tp me to Credenza every day.
Angry_Anarch/Matityahu in game.

#35 PrimeX85

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Posted 14 March 2012 - 05:11 AM

shhould suspend his forum admin power aswell, food for thought tho... u kno hes gonnna be immature bout this post and either delete or lock it since he got put on blast lol

#36 PureMourning

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Posted 14 March 2012 - 05:12 AM

shhould suspend his forum admin power aswell, food for thought tho... u kno hes gonnna be immature bout this post and either delete or lock it since he got put on blast lol

Haha, so true. I like how productive threads of mine is the past have "magically disappeared". This has happened multiple times.
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#37 Cruxis

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Posted 14 March 2012 - 05:27 AM

I knew something was up as soon as a 4th iboc seems to have appeared, not that I really cared to press into it.

People should be less concerned about what others have and more so of what they themselves have.

#38 Tietsu

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Posted 14 March 2012 - 05:41 AM


#39 PrimeX85

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Posted 14 March 2012 - 06:38 AM

I knew something was up as soon as a 4th iboc seems to have appeared, not that I really cared to press into it.

People should be less concerned about what others have and more so of what they themselves have.

lol yeah, everyone should mind thier own business and just let everyone cheat and get away with it right? sure alex, if that was the case, everyone would be cheating lol

fact of the matter is this is something the public needs to know bout and needs to be aware of, noone really cares bout what all he had, we just care bout him cheating for so long and nothing bein done bout it till now, of course a friend of his would disagree wit everyone tho right

Edited by PrimeX85, 14 March 2012 - 06:39 AM.

#40 Cadabra


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Posted 14 March 2012 - 06:52 AM

Well done Chris.

On a side note, doent look like me and alec are buying that dam 33 Pally now lols.

Account should be deleted.
Nightmist is like Pringles, once you pop you just cant stop.

#41 ketchup

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Posted 14 March 2012 - 07:31 AM

So whats new?

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#42 Abstract

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Posted 14 March 2012 - 08:13 AM

While i was staff my actions were fully investigated by JLH once before. The only thing that wasnt is Khemere.(Because i wasnt staff) Khemere was originally Trick or Treat (Not sure which one) and i aquired it some time after i left staff. It was on the restorer so i restored it, renamed it and used it.

The reality is chris/jordan were constantly cheating, multipcing, autoclicking and autoleveling. Chris had basically taken over the account, doing what he pleased with stuff that didnt belong to him. He bought and sold items/crits that were not rightfully his, so i took the account. I even emailed Ste his brother, and told him everything in the account would be returned to every other sharer bar chris, and asked him for a list of stuff that was his. (Can provide email convosations)

Chris actually tryed to blackmail me saying he would make this post, but i told him to get stuffed. Just so you all know the type of character he is.

I was going to sell chris's items/characters to rebuild what he had lost.

I didnt abuse my powers while i was staff, but when i quit i didnt really care anymore.

Basically i was butt-hurt when i left staff and took Khemere to make myself feel better. Delete my entire account for one character if you want, but i expect everything that has been lent out/given out of the account to also be deleted.

#43 Dangerous

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Posted 14 March 2012 - 10:01 AM

Your a piece of work Jase i'll give you that, his post is a complete lie, the logs are there if someone takes the time to look, i really didn't know he cared about this little game so much to lie that big, i'm shocked.

And on a side note how did i blackmail you when you wouldn't return any of my emails, i had to get ste to email you and also you had the chance to return anything to ste all weekend yet didn't.

Edited by Dangerous, 14 March 2012 - 10:21 AM.

#44 Ste

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Posted 14 March 2012 - 10:06 AM

I dont play so i have absolutely no reason to lie in anyway watsoever.

Jase cheated. Jase cheated ALOT. kind of reminded me of the time that Aidon went off the rails and messed the game up with tons of cobalts and gold. Except Jase has been doing this since he started the staff role. To fix the game JLH had to system restore the game back a few days, in this case JLH would have to restore it back a couple of years lmao!

Jase told chris about a program virtual box, explained how it worked and advised him not to use it while stig was on. (of course jase knew when stig was on whether he was cloak or not because he was staff). Jase used it on countless occasions.

Chris honestly didnt care whether we got anything out of the account or not, hes pretty much finished with the game. So jase saying chris was blackmailing him is pathetic LOL. Jase blocked all communications with chris :lol:.

Jase has absolutely NO legs to stand on. The amount of cheating he did isnt even properly investigatable because its endless, it stretches out soooo far.. I remember jase telling me on MSN he teleported Jase (lvl 35 at the time) to the guild to level up. Small things like that all add up :lol:

#45 Abstract

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Posted 14 March 2012 - 10:12 AM

Current staff have logs of chris threatening to blackmail me, including emails from you/chris.

And really? Why are you just lying lol. Bill helped me get to TTK to level jase, and bill doesnt even like me lol.

And can someone on main trace the IP from these two and put a ban in place, as they are perma banned from main and trying to buy things. Ta :lol:

- Jase

#46 Dangerous

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Posted 14 March 2012 - 10:23 AM

I'd like to see these fictional logs and i'm not suprised on how your acting now, once a liar always a liar, grow the moose up Jase and get a life.

#47 Abstract

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Posted 14 March 2012 - 10:25 AM

I dont even play nightmist anymore. I have a girlfriend, a house, a good job, 2 cars.

Your unemployed living with your mom at 22, and i need to get a life?


#48 Cadabra


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Posted 14 March 2012 - 10:30 AM

I dont even play nightmist anymore. I have a girlfriend, a house, a good job, 2 cars.

Your unemployed living with your mom at 22, and i need to get a life?



Somehow i think the outcome will be Jase having Khemere deleted and having to return stuff to Chris.

i know Jase didnt TP Jase to the guild because i was online when they were going.. I was gonna help.

I think your both trying a bit too hard.

Jase might have done stuff asa Staff member but remember, hes not Staff anymore.
If JLH finds anything unusual then he will deal with it, this topic should be locked.

Edited by Cadabra, 14 March 2012 - 10:34 AM.

Nightmist is like Pringles, once you pop you just cant stop.

#49 Ste

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Posted 14 March 2012 - 10:32 AM

So Jase are you saying you have never cheated? you have never autotrained, multi-pc'd, created items, gave locations of players, and abused the game with your staff crit? LOL The logs are there..

You even went as far as to give chris information about upcoming quests, and mysteriously he knew exactly everything about the area that you created? lol Your a fraud. Just man up and admit it.

( maybe it wasn't 36. but it DEFINITELY happened. i remember chris telling me he made leveling tokens or something. i didnt play so i didnt have any interest in anything jase did.. also know that jase left bane in a staff room with a testing npc that gave a couple mill exp per hit.. hence why bane went from 35 to red for 36 in a matter of seconds :lol:, check logs on bane and you'll see. ) Told yas, theres soo much stuff.

haha jase is gettin personal now with his comments because he cant defend his actions :lol:

Edited by Ste, 14 March 2012 - 10:41 AM.

#50 Cadabra


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Posted 14 March 2012 - 10:47 AM

So Ste your saying you got -Told- he did things and your using that against him? Lol?
Nightmist is like Pringles, once you pop you just cant stop.

#51 Ste

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Posted 14 March 2012 - 10:57 AM

The evidence is in the account and the logs will reflect it :lol:

Your sticking up for a person that lies, cheats & steals. Go you :lol:!!!

#52 Abstract

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Posted 14 March 2012 - 11:25 AM

No im not saying i didnt abuse my position as staff lol

I fully admit i have cheated and made mistakes, but not to the extent you are implying.

I have admitted to what ive done! lol But you guys are just continually making stuff up because i removed you from the account, in an attempt to see it all deleted. (Which seems to have worked).

Im just correcting stuff, so as the playerbase knows my side of what happened.

I have given out locs before, i have multipc'd, i have shown others how to effectively multi pc. I basically gave a step by step guide how to multipc on one computer. But i have my reasons for doing this. I have assisted people with keys etc while on my staff crit if they forgot something.

I havnt autotrained, i havnt created millions of gold/cobalts for my account. I made leveling tokens for two people, Olodak and Milagros. This was because both characters had messed up while leveling. I warned both of them that if they were lying i would reset the character.

JLH already did a full investigation into my actions as staff, so my actions after i quit are what should be looked at now.

#53 .?.

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Posted 14 March 2012 - 11:41 AM

Any staff member abusing power should be permanently banned.

Everything deleted. fair play.
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#54 Tietsu

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Posted 14 March 2012 - 11:53 AM

I just know Chris locked me out of my account after we got the Cobalt. And I got less than 50% of what I put in back. You guys don't enjoy playing the game? Good, Karma is a pregnant dog.

#55 Ste

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Posted 14 March 2012 - 12:06 PM

Only one your trying to convince is yourself jase, everyone out there knows your a fraud. Regardless of what happens in the future, everything that we stated is absolutely 100% the truth. You were careful with how you went about creating items ( creating and leaving them in vaults for long periods of time before using them) , but fact remains the evidence is there.. If staff don't see it then they are blind.. but we shall see :lol:

#56 Sarah

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Posted 14 March 2012 - 12:49 PM

That list is too long to be deniable. We all know how much wealth you all loved to flaunt; it had to come from somewhere. Jase, I am thoroughly disappointed in you. I had faith that you would do good things as staff, and I stood behind you all the way, but you've just proven that you are without any integrity.

It's no wonder we can't attract any new players at all to this sinking ship when even our staff endorses cheating.

This whole situation is disgusting. As as player that has worked hard and legitimately for everything I have, and I'm disgusted that cheating had been allowed to go on for so long. Why doesn't the staff team have a system of checks and balances?

There is really no point in acting like children and going on about it anymore, staff has been alerted to the situation and is taking action. I just hope that they'll do the right thing and delete everything in the account.

Corinne in-game.

#57 Apocalypto

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Posted 14 March 2012 - 01:32 PM

Lol @ "people are aware of how i cheated as staff and nothing happened. Only my cheating after that should be looked into"

#58 Gnarkill



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Posted 14 March 2012 - 05:18 PM

Lock and Delete the account, Perm ban everyone involved.

This is bad for P.R.

(there is a point to adding this so bear with me.. but it is a bit off topic): "jase was like Aidon" was a bit off, Aidon might have been a biased banhammer but he didn't cheat beyond the one big incident(aside from banning me or rob to play halo lol). He saw repeated cheating and injustice with another staff member at the time and what he did was to bring awareness to get said person canned or to quit thier staff position(and It worked). I was good friends with Justin(Aidon) at the time.. he was fed up with other staff cheating and noone was listening so he made cobalt, bracelet of speed, RoA, topaz keys, dex ammy ect ect shops right north of sgh to get admins attention(people shop sold cobalts and things for the gold that flooded) and when Stotic ip banned him so he couldn't do more Medora logged onto his staff character and helped. I was online, in clan with them and one of the few who werent banned by him when it happened. (rob and I even tried to 2 man lag monster with only 2 characters and jag pots/cobalts lolol)

Jase was never trying to point out other staff cheating he was cheating when he did for his own entertainment/gain ALONG with account partners who at the very least knew about it and didnt speak up till now.. Justin might have e-raged and made people mad by doing what he did and daybanning/causing a server reset by one day but it was with decent to good intentions when he saw cheating going on within the staff and the admins wouldn't listen. It caused enough uproar that the main point got across and that person was removed/left(depending on which story you believe.. everyone else who was online back then or the person who it was all about).

If it took THAT much back then when the server was busy to get someone to pay ayttention and investigate into staff actions.. I'm not suprised this is all happening now.

Gnarkill- Multi and 1a

#59 Apocalypto

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Posted 14 March 2012 - 05:23 PM

I agree with dj on the most part. Besides, that is one of the funniest things to ever happen on nightmist. This on the other hand, is kinda hard to swallow.

#60 Wozlan

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Posted 14 March 2012 - 06:00 PM

Wow this post is time consuming to read allready.

To summarize a bit we have a player (Chris) Acusing a former Jase for a lot of cheating.

On the other hand we also have a former staff that shared a mortal account with other players that he says cheated alot and he just closed his eyes for that cheating.

I thought staff had to stop people from cheating so if Chris and friends were cheating why was it allowed maybe due to the sharing.

I really hope JLH can figure out what is up and down in this.

Personally i think it will be hard to get out the whole truth.

Even though I have seen a lot of strange things going on from that account i guess solid proof is needed.

In my opinion i experienced a few things.

Bane got 300-400 mil xp in a short period of time despite not really being online.

The account spend 26-27 mil gold in 3 days buying and leveling mainly zerk at a time there were only 2 balts in account. So why did they get that much gold?

Chaos pked Nin a lot of times like 20 sec after logging on and with no other ros chars being online before to scout.

That indicates loc was given out for the fast pk that chris also writes in the beginning of this post.

The story about how the 4th IBOC shoved up almost a year after event.

The incident with the super xp snake.

And the list of strange things happening seems endless.

I'm not the right to say who did this and who did that but something was wrong and i hope it will shows out what really happened.

Staff should simply not share an account of mortal chars with other players also to protect themself.

It cause trouble for both the staffer and the mortal players because no matter what they do people will be suspicious.

If the account is deleted which might be the most fair thing unless things get sorted out in another way the players can always ask me for help if the want to start over playing the game as it is supposed to.

If not i wish them luck and will try to remember the good moments.

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