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Change Cobalt Staff Of The Winds Back


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Poll: Change Cobalt Staff of the Winds back on 1-alt.

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Should it be back to .3 Vamp rating?

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#31 ice_cold

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Posted 07 May 2016 - 11:47 PM

andys war on the server lol im sad to say it but the game was already down from 45 daily players to 12 before he even started, sure there was a sparatic day with 25 but pking was already in a massive decline.  im afraid your hatred for andy has blinded you to the fact that andy, me and a select few others have farmed every key and led/clericed nearly every trip ran every clan in a 7 year period.  currently we have the same players that played withing the last 4 years and a few extras.  theres only 1 missing...thats you danny. 


There were 20+ people on everyday when he started his 'little' war. The server quickly lost a bunch of people. You can pretend it didn't but that's you're view. I understand that you lead boss trips, and andy lead boss trips, but i also lead boss trips. I may not have ran a couple trips like kunal, but I ran more then enough bosses. If I'm the only person who's not playing, why are so many people complaining about bosses not being able to get done, or that monsters are too hard or there needs to be ore vamp. Before andys 'little' war, we were killing stuff like hornet queen, imhotep, blue dragon, so on so forth and we were killing stuff such as banshee and red dragon on a regular basis. We weren't coming on the forums complaining that 3 people can't kill red dragon anymore.... because we had more than 3 people to kill red dragon. But you're going to say people get on at different times, well people got on at different times then too. I would also like to point out I was recently asked to come back by one of your lovely people because "we just want people to play again", sounds like you guys are doing great.


But who am I to argue with people who have eyes wide shut.

I read somewhere that ostrichs hide their heads under the sand because moles watch porn.

ScarletMuse 03/2/2005 11:20am

#32 Cadabra


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Posted 08 May 2016 - 12:18 AM

It does need to be changed back. 38 Berserker with Cobalt needs the new Ration Packs or Lifewater to survive in areas that even give decent EXP or Gold.

It's a 10 Million Gold Weapon. 10 Million. Do you buy an expensive Car and expect it to be half assed? No.

As it stands i see 12 votes for yes and 2 for no. The players are the lifeblood of the game, should they not be listened to?

I guess it's ok tho, we have Rapiers.

Edited by Cadabra, 08 May 2016 - 12:27 AM.

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#33 Terron

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Posted 08 May 2016 - 12:34 AM

if i recall it was just me you cole tom alec quinton and wes left behind in pande lol, its the same people. almost the entirity of the players  were back with andy by the end of the week lol  the entire list aside from you/cole and wes is bossing with us now.


I think you are confusing this made up andys war with the war on terrorism. ithis is nightmist not Andyganistan we killed hq imhotep and the like with 20 players for 2 weeks. 2 weeks isnt an era by any means it was a fluke. by the end of our 2 week run we were dieing to imhotep with parties of 7.  the only reason we had players was quest time oct-december. holloween saw 20 players but never more than 14 on at once.  we had an xmas quest players picked back - up. i stayed the fk out of it just like i told you and stig at ngh. with you idiots in clan theres always fkin issues.


red dragon is a different matter entirely its outside of your scope because you were gone, quit. red dragon is easy enough. far too long annoying and hard for the nutsty drops i will say that. blue dragon has less magic attacks, no damage reduction to non magic weapons, and takes nearly no effort whatsoever.  so yay buff it more lol we dont even use that boss now.  if its your goal to eliminate the useage of areas like sdg you're doing an excellent job, but as a gamer it seems like a real waste of effort time and space to make unused sh!t.



edit. matty zerks dont get rapiers...

Edited by Terron, 08 May 2016 - 12:37 AM.

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#34 Cadabra


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Posted 08 May 2016 - 12:41 AM

Well i didnt refer to the Rapiers for Berserkers.

Now im depressed and want to kill myself.

Thanks Piddy :(
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#35 Banishment

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Posted 08 May 2016 - 01:21 AM



There were 20+ people on everyday when he started his 'little' war. The server quickly lost a bunch of people. You can pretend it didn't but that's you're view. I understand that you lead boss trips, and andy lead boss trips, but i also lead boss trips. I may not have ran a couple trips like kunal, but I ran more then enough bosses. If I'm the only person who's not playing, why are so many people complaining about bosses not being able to get done, or that monsters are too hard or there needs to be ore vamp. Before andys 'little' war, we were killing stuff like hornet queen, imhotep, blue dragon, so on so forth and we were killing stuff such as banshee and red dragon on a regular basis. We weren't coming on the forums complaining that 3 people can't kill red dragon anymore.... because we had more than 3 people to kill red dragon. But you're going to say people get on at different times, well people got on at different times then too. I would also like to point out I was recently asked to come back by one of your lovely people because "we just want people to play again", sounds like you guys are doing great.


But who am I to argue with people who have eyes wide shut.



Please tell me who this person was so i can pk him. If you mean me when Cole asked to join up... I never asked, i just said you could join aslong as there was no drama.

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#36 Rodeo

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Posted 08 May 2016 - 06:27 AM

Everyone likes cole. :-)

#37 Sneaky

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Posted 08 May 2016 - 07:50 PM

we need to build a wall and make nightmist great again

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deimos the noob said no

#38 Stig

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Posted 08 May 2016 - 10:32 PM

Give me one good reason why I should even contribute, given I'm Kim Jong-un.  Perhaps I'll make a hard labour camp for 1-alt and teleport everyone there.

#39 Cadabra


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Posted 08 May 2016 - 11:02 PM

Point is the majority disagrees with that change.

Maybe get input off players for future implements, if any. Not just Danny.
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#40 Terron

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Posted 09 May 2016 - 03:05 AM

he doesnt want to do it or jlh wont let him, either way it doesn't matter.  just play it for what it is or don't lol.  




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#41 Gregory67

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Posted 09 May 2016 - 04:13 AM

Hey Stig I feel this topic has gotten OFF TOPIC... why this was a poll only for .3 vamp back on cobalt why are bashing each other here... Anyways this is very he said she said bs that gets no where.. this topic should have locked once someone demanded things or suggested someone was an overlord when we very well know he is not...

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#42 xxx

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Posted 09 May 2016 - 09:37 AM

20 points to greg he wins.

#43 Gregory67

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Posted 09 May 2016 - 04:26 PM

That's why stig implements some or most ideas I tossed his way.. i don't care who you are I will defend stig as he has brought new life into Nightmist since the Jase incident you weren't around for and thus he will be our last staffer ever JLH plans on letting Nightmist die..

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#44 Gregory67

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Posted 09 May 2016 - 04:30 PM

Ps if you wanna keep bashing make a mooseing topic that's relevant instead of justifying your opinion like a mooseing rights activist

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#45 Cadabra


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Posted 09 May 2016 - 06:16 PM

I disagree with you opinion on Stig "Strangling the game to death". He does do things that are relevant and helpful to the game.

I do agree with needing to listen to players as said in a previous post.

Post was made to get opinions on the Cobalt Staff being reverted back to its original form, keep it that way.
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#46 Tietsu

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Posted 10 May 2016 - 01:29 AM

There are a lot of pronouns in this thread.

#47 Stig

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Posted 10 May 2016 - 12:16 PM

You want to save the game, write a petition to JLH - maybe you'll have more luck than I've had so far.

#48 Chronic

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Posted 10 May 2016 - 12:44 PM

Love you Stig. I'm not gonna tell randy how low hes scooping to be you like danny does with me but keep your chin up.. log on.. us ppl that actally play the game and not forums still respect and appriciate everything you do! Do you and fk them haters!


Game goes on....

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#49 Sneaky

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Posted 10 May 2016 - 01:47 PM


That's why stig implements some or most ideas I tossed his way.. i don't care who you are I will defend stig as he has brought new life into Nightmist since the Jase incident you weren't around for and thus he will be our last staffer ever JLH plans on letting Nightmist die..



I understand you have a little Stockholm Syndrome but it makes sense you been under dictator rule for quite a while it happens.


Try actually looking at wahts going on. It might be hard but really try. Clear your mind and step back and really look whats going on.


Facts: Game is dieing and instead of listening to the players on things that might help or make simple changes he instead only wants his ideas going forward.


Questions: The games dead or very close would it really hurt to make some radical changes that have a chance to help? would it hurt to listen to the players that actually play the game and give some ideas a try? whats the worst that could happen?



stockholm syndrome? So, in your mind, we're all prisoners held hostage by this game?


get a mooseing life man, don't play the game if you don't want to play. I don't know why you feel entitled to dictate what should change in a game that you can neither claim ownership to, nor have been deemed as additive enough to the furthering of the game by the person who owns it to warrant a staff or advisory position. Your time invested in this game has been play. You have not paid anything for it. Nightmist, Stig, and JLH owe you nothing. 


If you don't like the game, don't play. 

Chuck Norris wears Jack Bauer pajamas.

deimos the noob said no

#50 ice_cold

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Posted 10 May 2016 - 02:39 PM

Point is the majority disagrees with that change.

Maybe get input off players for future implements, if any. Not just Danny.


This only shows the consistent ignorance the entire player base shows towards me, yet tries to perpetuate. I was never in favor of the cobalt change. In fact, if it wasn't for me, none of you would have cobalts at all.


I was against the removal of the cobalt and its friends, however since stig was going to remove it, I recommended certain changes to help facilitate the change, these recommendations included:

Implementing the 36-40 leveling system, I thought 40 should be included as well

Changing cobalt vamp to .25 or .2 rather then just removing it immediately.

Changing certain monsters in certain areas as without cobalt they would go almost completely unused or would be to hard,

introducing training weapons (Orcbane and their friends are here because of this suggestion)

new weapons with odd stats to help train (i.e. rapiers, although they didn't show up quite as designed).

I read somewhere that ostrichs hide their heads under the sand because moles watch porn.

ScarletMuse 03/2/2005 11:20am

#51 Terron

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Posted 10 May 2016 - 09:16 PM

the only thing I don't understand is what cobalt was guilty of to warrant removal or vamp reduction in the first place.  I mean lowering it still didn't add any usage of other weapons, whatsoever.  pretty much just chased everyone to log on their cleric and/or ranger more lol


training weapons are only looked at if you want exp a little faster and almost none of them are even used, because;


-you need a cleric to benefit

-the weapons aren't magical (alot of the weapons target monsters that partially resist damage from non magical weapons. end result is spells and magic weapon with no mod do more damage) oops guess that wasnt well thought out.

-the weapon's targets' are mixed into blobs of irrelevant monsters(a bonus 50% damage to a monster that is 1 of 4 in an area is less net exp...)

-only the ones able to be used solo even draw interest(i.e orcsbane/apex bow some paladin equips)


cobalt only affects half the classes in-game as it is.

-mages cleric ranger don't benefit

-paladins seldom use it

-druids don't benefit from melee period(dying breed, the low stam , mass absorbs and horrible hit rate(test it if you want they miss more stam than anything at gm levels) 

-fighters absorb absorb absorb absorb gulp gulp gulp, yeah fk this, im going back to vamp bats.........true story!

-thief doesn't need balt they pretty much die to anything tougher than an ettin, clicking bears and small snakes is still better with ED. you will give up and log before you even use potions.

-zerk can kill a small handful of  mobs in the entire game  and that is overkill with .1 vamp, so .3 adding 5-6 new mobs to kill is a joke.


the benefits of .2 vamp;

-more balanced pvp events that don't exist so its irrelevant

-harder bosses that we still don't kill so also irrelevant.



its whatever really, but i think melee classes are shat on in this game and lower vamp on it is like a broken shower...

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#52 Element

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Posted 10 May 2016 - 09:57 PM

Guess my post was too much to handle so it had to be deleted huh?

Not trying to be mean just pointing out what's going and and what's been going on for a while.

If this is what makes you feel good more power to you I guess I just can't comprehend if you actually cared about the game why wouldn't you listen to your players and actually try changing up the game with some "radical" features. What you are doing isn't working we gave it about 6 years it still isn't working prob not going to start working all the sudden.

How can it hurt to make the game a little more exciting a bit easier to level and approachable to new players?

To those asking nope never paid for the game just care about it it's a big reason I'm a game developer by profession? As in I make a living and more off designing video games so maybe I know what I'm talking about here?

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#53 Nerve

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Posted 10 May 2016 - 10:43 PM

Stig is one person, if it wasn't for him we wouldn't have had the updates we do have. I think stig is doing fine and the best one person can do on 2 servers. Complaining isn't really going to get us anywhere though. But then I realize.. We have some ungrateful people. What I don't get is why it even matters to the ones that don't even play.

#54 Tietsu

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Posted 11 May 2016 - 01:26 AM

Mostly, there are simply too many pronouns on 99% of the 1A related threads. I would be hard pressed to appease myself and I love this game.

#55 Element

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Posted 11 May 2016 - 02:39 AM

I guess keep deleting my posts because you are scared that I might be telling truths?

Anyways stigs not a bad person I'm sure and I never said he doesn't do any work. Hell he could put in 100 hours a week into the game but what good is it when your not listening to your community?

All I wanted to be known was the game doesn't have to die like most of you have just accepted. If stig would maybe try some changes here and there instead of his own agenda maybe things could be different.

By the Looks of his selective post deletions he has no intentions of changing his ways and would rather the game completely die than try anyone else's ideas.

Maybe someday things will change but not today it seems. Best of luck all you deserve better. You win stig the game gets to be your way until there are no players left congrats!!

Edited by Element, 11 May 2016 - 02:41 AM.

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#56 Stig

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Posted 11 May 2016 - 01:27 PM

I haven't deleted any posts, and if I'm such a hated dictator, see how you handle an anarchy. Toodles!

And unlike the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, you have every right to leave the country and emigrate somewhere else. Don't let the door hit you in the arse on the way out.

#57 Cadabra


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Posted 11 May 2016 - 03:13 PM

I haven't deleted any posts, and if I'm such a hated dictator, see how you handle an anarchy. Toodles!

And unlike the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, you have every right to leave the country and emigrate somewhere else. Don't let the door hit you in the arse on the way out.


:lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:

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#58 Gregory67

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Posted 11 May 2016 - 04:01 PM

Are we all happy now!

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#59 Gnarkill



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Posted 11 May 2016 - 08:14 PM

Stig- you are the best staff member this game has seen in a long time.. please don't let a few ungrateful people get to you. I appreciate all you do for the game and those of us that have played for a long time realize the limitations/restrictions JLH has always placed on his staff when it comes to changing things within the game.


Those of you trying to blame Stig for the game's downfall are talking through your misinformed asses. The players that have been around know there have been multiple factors over the years that led to people leaving and the game's decline. We also know that players and staff have come up with tons of great ideas to improve or fix certain aspects of NM over the years and all of them hit a dead end when brought to JLH.


I will continue to play NM until JLH pulls the plug.. I'm not on as much as I used to be but this game has given me years of enjoyment and friendships that can't be replaced. No game lasts forever so enjoy it while you all still can.

Edited by Gnarkill, 11 May 2016 - 08:15 PM.

Gnarkill- Multi and 1a

#60 Nerve

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Posted 11 May 2016 - 08:17 PM

Stig- you are the best staff member this game has seen in a long time.. please don't let a few ungrateful people get to you. I appreciate all you do for the game and those of us that have played for a long time realize the limitations/restrictions JLH has always placed on his staff when it comes to changing things within the game.
Those of you trying to blame Stig for the game's downfall are talking through your misinformed asses. The players that have been around know there have been multiple factors over the years that led to people leaving and the game's decline. We also know that players and staff have come up with tons of great ideas to improve or fix certain aspects of NM over the years and all of them hit a dead end when brought to JLH.
I will continue to play NM until JLH pulls the plug.. I'm not on as much as I used to be but this game has given me years of enjoyment and friendships that can't be replaced. No game lasts forever so enjoy it while you all still can.


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